Captial District Kiwanis History

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Organized September 30 2004 Chartered November 16 2004
Key #17070 392nd District Club
Sponsor Loch Raven Kiwanis
Division 12
Mason Dixon Region
KI Revoked Charter January 15 2010

2003 - 2004
Division 12
President Robert Aims, Secretary Mary Louise Aims
Membership Oct 1 - 20 Attendance 50%
Meets TU 7:00 PM Perry Inn 9654 Belair Road

(From E-Builder, Oct2004) Special congratulations go to LG Paul Creamer and PLG JR Harris New Club Building Committee Chair and his staff that put considerable time and effort in the formation of this club Loch Raven club is recognized for its support with manpower and financial assistance

Year End Statistics: 35 Projects Completed, 183 Service Hours, $6 Spent, 18 Interclubs

2005 - 2006
Mason Dixon Region
President Sheila Perrone, Secretary Sarah Paul
Membership Oct 1 - 19 Attendance 57%
Meets TU 7:00 PM Perry Inn 9654 Belair Road
Newsletter Award - White Group Winner

(From E-Builder, Oct 2005) Special congratulations go to LG Paul Creamer and PLG JR Harris New Club Building Committee Chair and his staff that put considerable time and effort in the formation of this club Loch Raven club is recognized for its support with manpower and financial assistance

(From E-Builder, Nov 2005) The Kiwanis Club of Upper Chesapeake began a "Terrific Kids" program at St Clare Elementary School in Essex The Principal, Mrs Dorothy Williams, a member of our club, was very receptive to the concepts of the program

Year End Statistics: 62 Projects Completed, 619 Service Hours, $103 Spent, 7 Interclubs

2006 - 2007
President Mary Lou Aims, Secretary Sheila Perrone
Membership Oct 1 - 19 Attendance 55%
Meets 1st 3rd TU 7:00 PM Perry Inn

Year End Statistics: 21 Projects Completed, 236 Service Hours, $50 Spent, 9 Interclubs

2007 - 2008
President Robert Aims, Secretary Roger Dunn
Membership Oct 1 - 17 Attendance 67%
Meets 1st 3rd TU 7:00 PM Perry Inn

Year End Statistics: 49 Projects Completed, 271 Service Hours, $735 Spent, 4 Interclubs

2008 - 2009
President Vincent Murphy, Secretary Roger Dunn
Membership Oct 1 - 12 Attendance 66%
Meet 1st 3rd TU 7:00 PM Double T Diner

Year End Statistics: 102 Projects Completed, 681 Service Hours, $8 Spent, 2 Interclubs

2009 - 2010
President Vincent Murphy, Secretary Roger Dunn
Membership Oct 1 - 14 Attendance %
Meet 1st 3rd TU 7:00 PM Double T Diner
Resign Charter