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Merger West Virginia District and Capital District
Effective October 1 2021

Capital Kiwanian June 2021: West Virginia Provisional District and Capital District Merger Update
by Governor Dennis Baugh

On Monday, May 3, 2021, each Kiwanis Club President and Secretary in the West Virginia Provisional District and the Capital District received an email with a letter from Jeff Oatess, Chief Operating Officer for Kiwanis International. The letter announced that the Kiwanis International Board of Trustees had approved the consolidation request from both Districts and outlined the next process.

That process is outlined below: When a district's boundaries are changed (such as consolidation), the Kiwanis International Bylaws provide, specifically ARTICLE IX, Section 2:

"Prior to any proposed change becoming effective, not less than ninety (90) days' notice shall be given to the affected federations, districts, and clubs. Within the next thirty (30) days after such notice, a federation, district, or club may submit a written statement of support or protest and/ or may request a hearing be held before the Board of Trustees..."

There was no opposition or request for a hearing received by the June 3rd deadline, so the conslidation will be effective October 1 2021. But there is still plenty of work to be done before then. Some of the areas that we are working on are the consolidations of the District Foundations, Key Club Districts and CKI Districts, to name a few.

Additionally, because the Capital District is divided into regons, one of the priorities has been to realign the new West Virginia Region. At this request, the East Division (less the two Keyser Clubs) has been merged with Division 08 in the Capital District and a new LTG and LTG-Elect have been elected. The remaining divisions will create 3 new divisions as follows:
West Central and North will be merged becoming Division 18.
Central and North East Divisions will be merged and include Keyser's Clubs becoming Division 19.
West and South East will be merged becoming Division 20.
Each of those divisions has now elected a Lieutenant Governor for 2021-2022 and we will work on getting a Lt. Governor-Elect for each as well.

Again, stay tuned as we continue with this process.