Capital District Kiwanis History

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Organized August 2 1949 Chartered September 27 1949
Key #03365 106th District Club
Sponsor Grundy | Haysi Kiwanis
Division 08
Charter Revoked 1955

Division 08
(Volume 6)
President Harry T Rutherford, Secretary Charles T Worley
Memberhsip Jan 1 - 32 Attendence 71%

The club observed National Kids' Day by giving a children's movie at te hlocat theater, passing out candy and chewing gum to the children as they entered. Gathered and repaired toys and distributed them to needy children at Christmas Organized Donkey Basket ball game and gave teh proceeds to the March of Dimes Leased a plot of ground for a public playground.

President Harry T Rutherford, Secretary Charles T Worley
Membership Jan 1 - 27 Attendence 65%

The club started a project to have a newspaper for the town Succeeded and took stock in the paper Entertained and furnished luch for 250 children on National Kids' Day Gave $25 towards sending a blind girl to school for the blind at Staunton Donated a electric hot water heater to the Home Economics building at the high school.

(Volume 7)
President Artie P Baldwin, Secretary Kirby D Smith
Membership Jan 1 - 27 Attendence 65%

Seven needy children were fitted with glasses The club sponsored a community Easter Egg Hunt with 200 children participating.


President Paul F Brown, Secretary Rev E Boyd Randolph
Membership Jan 1 - 14 Attendence 79%

Held 1 meeting with perfect attendance during the year Visit to another Kiwanis club A Ladies Night was one of the year's social events The president and secretary were present at teh Divisional Organization Conference 1 member attended the International Convention.

Sponsored and directed Little League Baseball There were 4 teams, about 50 boys in all and our club raised $500 for the project We were active in attempting to secure a doctore for a blind family, was paid by our club Asssistance was given in teh March of Dimes campaign $16 was paid for books for 2 underprivileged children Funds were provided for eye glasses in teh amount of $36.


Charter Revoked