Capital District Kiwanis History

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(Harry E Dyer)
Organized December 7 1926
Key #0166? 46th District Club
Sponsor Baltimore City Kiwanis
Division 01
Charter Revoked 1937

Division 01
(Volume 2)
President Dr Charles J Foley, Secreatry Harry E Dyer
Trustee Michael W Fahey

The Kiwanis Club at Havre de Grace, Maryland, was sponsored by the Baltimore Club It received its charter on December 7, 1926.

At that meeting addresses were made by District Governor Merle E Towner, C Parker McPherson, President of the Baltimore Club, and J Thomas Lyon, Past President of that club.

The charter was presented by LieutenantGovernor Dr Chas H Conley and accepted by Dr Charles J Foley, President of the new club.

Greetings were also brought by members of the Wilmington Club The meeting was followed by dancin.g

Besides Dr Foley, the officers were: Dr George A Willis, Jr, Vice-President; Harry E Dyer, Secretary; Louis L Good, Treasurer, and Michael W Fahey, Trustee.

(Volume 3)
President Dr Charles J Foley, Secretary Harry E Dyer
Trustee Michael W Fahey

This was the first year of the club and, of course, we had it all to learn, and yet, with the assistance of our sponsoring club, Baltimore, and the District officers, we got away to a good start Our Underprivileged Child Committee started the year by conferences with committees from other local civic bodies relative to establishing a recreation center for boys and girls We observed Anniversary Week with a program in charge of the Education Committee Claude W Owen, Past President of the Washington Club, was the speaker on this occasion A delegation visited the Baltimore Club We held Ladies Night on February 22 and June 14.

A special committee met with committees from Rotary and the City Council to discuss the light and power question in Havre de Grace On March 8, Rotary was our guest We entertained the graduating class and members of the faculty of the high school at our regular meeting on May 24 All-Kiwanis Night was suitably observed.

A delegation from our club visited Wilmington on May 11 and in October the visit was returned by Wilmington In June we entertained, in connection with Rotary, the Maryland General Assembly by a dinner given at Hotel Bayou We received a visit from our sponsor in June, bringing a gift, a fine Kiwanis gong President Price, of Baltimore, presided at this meeting and Past Governor Merle E Towner gave an address We played baseball with Rotary for the benefit of the local athletic club, netting $18500 Arrangements were made to supply milk to undernourished children.

Our Public Affairs Committee secured the support of the local press in favor of a complete sewerage system for our city On August 2, a delegation from Cumberland presented us with the District Loving Cup A large delegation from Washington was also present at this meeting We returned it to the Washington Club at the Wilmington Convention in October We entertained Col Frank E Leslie and the heads of the departments of the Veterans' Hospital of Perry Point, Maryland Kiwanian Lemont Hacket of Baltimore gave us a fine illustrated lecture on work for the blind in Maryland.

President George Taylor Lyon, Secretary Harry E Dyer
Trustee Stanley M Barrett

In February, we received a visit from twenty-five members of the Wilmington Club headed by their President It was a Ladies' Night and a most interesting meeting We returned this visit in March In December, a bus load of the Wilmington men again visited us Five of our members, including President elect Willis, attended the organization meeting of the Towson Club.

We undertook the work of getting a public playground for our city We also united with Rotary, the mayor and members of the City Council to form a Chamber of Commerce The members of the graduating class of the high school were our guests at which time Miss M Caroline Coe, President of the Vocational Guidance Association of Maryland was the speaker.

Other speakers were Kiwanian Statiley Barrett, our representative to Seattle, whose subject was "Kiwanis as I saw it from Atlantic to Pacific," Kiwanian G Frank Young of Baltimore on "Inter-Club and Kiwanis, Hon Madison Mitchell on Vocational Guidance, and Congressman Cole of Maryland on Public Affairs.

We financed a boy for a complete course in a business college.

President Dr George A Willis Jr, Secretary Harry E Dyer
Trustee Stanley M Barrett

Complaints having been received about the heating of our public schools, the matter was investigated and brought to the attention of the proper authorities, resulting in rectifying the trouble A delegation from our club attended the Charter Night of the Towson Club Special efforts were made to improve attendance These efforts were temporarily successful, but the attendance varied badly from a high water mark of 87% in February to a low mark of 48% in July A mock trial was held A joint meeting with Rotary was held at which motion pictures were shown of the hydro electric plant at Conowingo, Maryland At a Father and Son banquet, a Kiwanian's son spoke on "What a Boy Thinks of His Father," and a Kiwanian on "What a Father Thinks of His Son" The club entertained in the auditorium of the high school by a dinner served by a domestic science class, after which several Kiwanians made vocational guidance talks A talk, illustrated by movies, was given by the President of the Ladies' Civic Club, of Baltimore L S Weber freight agent for the Pennsylvania Railroad, spoke on the subject of railroad transportation The B&O Railroad presented for our club and its friends the entire movie of the "Fair of the Iron Horse"

The county agricultural agent spoke on the work his department is doing for the farmers in this vicinity Inter-club meeting with Towson The senior class of Baltimore City College presented a play for our underprivileged and vocational work An address by the President of the Chamber of Commerce, an official visit by Governor Kimball, and a memorial program when the speakers were two veterans of the Civil War, one a Union man and the other a 'Confederate

A Ladies' Night was held We were represented at an inter-club meeting in Baltimore Lieutenant Springer spoke on how the government trains its aviators We took part in an American Legion parade and started a movement to re-organize the Boy Scout troop An outing was held at Holloway Beach Constitution Day was suitably observed On November 8 the Hotel Baylou where we hold our meetings was destroyed by fire, compelling a move to the Colonial Hotel We met with the Towson Club on November 27, and enjoyed a splendid program

President Mitchell Osborn, Secretary Rev R Allen Brown
Trustee Stanley M Barrett

Dr Leslie, Commanding Officer of the US Veterans' Hospital at Perry Point, Maryland, was our speaker

Undertook projects to establish a community playground, and a regatta at the Havre de Grace Yacht Club

Professor Wright, Superintendent of Schools for Harford County, addressed us on The History of Education in Maryland A joint meeting with Rotary to discuss plans for the betterment of our community The Wilmington club visited us We visited that club during Inter Club Week and had the largest delegation of any of the visiting clubs

International Representative Franklin Kean paid us a visit Past Governor Merle E Towner gave a fine address and Walter Cole, President of the Towson club, spoke to the club Mr, J A Shriver addressed the club on The History of Harford County

President Howard Wright, Secretary Rev R Allen Brown
Trustee Fred A Hoffman

A delegation from the Towson club accompanied LTG Linhardt, who installed the officers for 1931 Sponsored a new Girl Scout troop An inter-club meeting was held with the Wilmington club Entertained the Rotary club A joint meeting of Kiwanis, Rotary and the Chamber of Commerce was held with Senator Tydings as the speaker to discuss plans for beautifying the city

The public playgrounds sponsored by our club were completed and opened with a competent instructor in charge

Host to Kiwanians from Washington, Towson, Baltimore and Seaford Edwin F Hill and other members of the Washington club put on a program of Kiwanis Education Received a visit from 12 Wilmington club members Assumed the obligation of paying rent for the Girl Scouts Hall for another year

President G A Pfaffenbach, Secretary B A Brown
Membership Jan 1 - 19 Attendance 74%

Sponsor Elkton Club

The club made plans for a playground, got it ready by the time the schools were closed for the summer and employed a supervisor to have charge of it during the Summer Made plans for the reorganization of the Boy Scout Troop

Had a program on the Work of the Salvation Army Visited the Perry Point Hospital

Host to Baltimore, Towson, Westminster, Seaford, and Rehoboth Entertained a delegation from Wilmington at another Sent representatives to the Mid-Winter Conference,

President Lawrence Hecht, Secretary B A Brown and L E Carpenter
Membership Jan 1 - 20 Attendance 67%

Gave a turkev dinner to 40 children, took them to and from the dinner, they played games and were furnished with toys Carrying out the plans of the year before, the Boy Scout Troop was reorganized and put on a sound basis A committee in conference with the principal of the High School worked out a plan for aiding boys and girls in choosing their life work

Donated a trophy for the Havre de Grace regatta Visited the Perry Point Hospital Sent large delegations to the Charter Night of the Annapolis and Towson clubs on the occasion of the visit of the International President Host to Seaford, Rehoboth, Elkton and Wilmington

Members of the Baltimore club installed club officers and this club sent a delegation to install the officers at Elkton Attended a Division Meeting at Elkton Entertained the District Governor and sent delegates to the District Convention

President G Hoffman, Secretary John N Clarke
Membership Jan 1 - 19 Attendance 59%

Had 3 joint meetings with the other service clubs and the Chamber of Commerce Host to Elkton, Baltimore, Towson, and Westminster Host separately to Westminster and to Elkton and also visited the Elkton club At one meeting it entertained the LTG No other activities were reported

President A T Baynes, Secretary Laurence W Hecht
Membership Jan 1 - 16 Attendance 66%

Arranged for an operation on a boy crippled by infantile paralysis Sent 3 to the Bel Air Clinic

Had a program on Scouting and planned a Marble Tournament Had a joint meeting with all the service clubs in Harford and Cecil Counties and had one program on The Federal Reserve System Sent delegations to visit Baltimore and Westminster and was host to Baltimore on the occasion of a visit from the Governor and the LTG

President G A Willis, Secretary Arthur M Reeves
Membership Jan 1 - 12 Attendance 63%

The club gave a benefit Picture It had a program on Railroad Problems It organized a Bowling Team Entertained the LTG, was represented at the Mid-Winter Conference, the Division Meeting and the District Convention

No officers elected
Gives up Charter