Capital District Kiwanis History

Clubs Old-Divisions-New Regions Site Map Leadership People

Volume 2
1924 - 1926
Harry G. Kimball Historian

Resume of Volume 1 1917 - 1923

The Capital District was organized on August 29, 1918, by the two then existing clubs in its territory, namely, Washington and Balitmore, with Alfred G. Goodrich, of Baltimore, Governor.

The first annual convention was held in Baltimore, October 4, 1919. At that time there were four chartered clubs Washington, Baltimore, Wilmington and Richmond, while Norfolk had been completed but not chartered. Governor Goodrich was re-elected and Maxime Ducharme of Richmond, was elected District Secretary. The LGs were Edwin W. Lintner of Wilmington DE and J. D. Hank Jr of Richmond Virginia.

The first semi-annual convention was held in Wilmington, Delaware, on February 21, 1920. Roanoke, Lynchburg and Portsmouth had clubs by this time.

On August 14, 1920, at a meeting of the District Trustees, the District Secretary resigned and was succeeded by Harry G. Kimball, of Washington, who held that office until January 1, 1923.

On August 14, 1920, at a meeting of the District Trustees, the District Secretary resigned and was succeeded by Harry G. Kimball, of Washington, who held that office until January 1, 1923.

The second annual convention was held Washington, DC on October 9, 1920. Elected Governor J. D. Hank Jr., of Richmond. Lt.-Governors John J. Boobar of Washington, DC, and William C. Corey of Wilmington, DE. Treasurer John N. Dimling, Baltimore, MD.

The second and last semi-annual convention was held in Richmond, VA on April 9, 1921. The new clubs were Newport News, Norton, Pulaski, Martinsville, Salem, Hagerstown, and Clifton Forge, making 15 clubs.

The third annual convention was held in Norfolk VA Sept. 30 and Oct. 1, 1921. One new club Alexandria VA had been formed. Elected Governor John J. Boobar of Washington DC. LTGs Julian Y. Williams of Alexandria VA and David Pender of Norfolk VA. Governor Boobar resigned on March 1, 1922, and was succeeded by Julian Y. Williams and C. Walter Baker of Hagerstown MD was elected LG.

The fourth annual convention was held in Washington DC on Oct. 13 and 14, 1922. This was the first convention financed by the District itself instead of the host club. The District was divided into four zones with a Lieutenant-Governor for each. Elected for 1923: Governor Edwin W. Lintner of Wilmington DE. Secretary-Treasurer Robert E. Turner of Norfolk, VA. LtGs C. Walter Baker of Hagerstown, MD; Frank Talbott Danville, VA; Charles M. Armes Roanoke, VA, and Allan D. Jones Newport News, VA.

New clubs were formed in 1922: Petersburg VA, Charlottesville VA, Harrisonburg VA, Frederick MD, Staunton VA, Winchester VA, West Point VA, and Marion VA.

The fifth annual convention was held in Baltimore, Maryland, on October 19 and 20, 1923. Claude H.Woodward, of Washington, D. C., was elected Governor. The LTGs were Merle E. Towner, of Baltimore, Maryland; Charles G. Mathis, of Charlottesville, Virginia; Thomas G. Burch, of Martinsville, Virginia, and Joseph M. Fentress, of Norfolk, Virginia. Robert E. Turner, of Norfolk, Virginia, was re-elected District Secretary-Treasurer.

The new clubs formed in 1923 were Radford, Virginia; Big Stone Gap, Virginia; Ashland, Virginia; Fredericksburg, Virginia; Seaford, Delaware; Emporia, Virginia; Coeburn, Virginia; South Boston, Virginia, and Covington, Virginia.

1924 - 1926

At the very beginning of the year 1924, the District was plunged into sadness by the death of Immediate Past* Governor Edwin W. Lintner, which occurred on January 5, 1924. The' following resolutions were adopted at the January conference:

  • The announcement to the conference of District Officers and of the officers of the clubs of the Capital Kiwanis District of the sudden death of Immediate Past Governor Edwin W. Lintner, which occurred on January 5, 1924, was received in silence, followed by expressions of deep sorrow and'of sympathy for his family and the Wilmington Club.
  • He was a distinguished Kiwanian who had proved faithful in meeting all -demands as a club member and as a District official.
  • Be it therefore resolved that Kiwanis has sustained a great loss in the death of our friend and co-worker; that this expression of sympathy be entered on the records of this meeting and that copies be sent to the family-and to his club.

District Conference

A conference of the District- officers, trustees, presidents, secretaries and chairmen of District committees was held at Charlottesville, Virginia, on January 7th, more thoroughly to organize the District for effective work and to discuss and adopt plans for the ensuing year.

There were in attendance from the thirtyfour clubs and twenty-nine hundred active members, six District officers, twenty-two trustees, thirteen presidents, fifteen - secretaries, International Trustee John H. Moss, and International Field Representative Joe Bowles.

Among the topics of discussion at the conference were the functioning of committees, extension work, trustees' duties, and the organization of the zones.

The Treasurer's report for the year 1923, presented at this meeting, showed receipts of $11,598.51 and disbursements of $11,364.45. There was due the District $417.50 and, unpaid liabilities of $602.83.

Addresses were made to the conference by International Trustee Moss, International Field Representative Joe Bowles, and by President Edwin A. Alderman of the University of Virginia.

The Trustees approved the selection of Norfolk, Virginia, for the annual convention to be held October 24th and 26th.

Zone conferences were held of the zone officers, committeemen, presidents, and trustees: Zone 1 at Baltimore, Maryland, on February 22; Zone 2 at Lynchburg, Virginia, February 19; Zone 3 at Marion, Virginia, February 19, and Zone 4 at Richmond, Virginia, April 28. The Baltimore Club held its Ladies' Night on the same date as the zone meeting and all of those in attendance were invited to be present.

International President Edmund F. Arras, accompanied by his wife, visited the Capital District, meeting with the Wilmington Club on March 24, and with the Washington Club on March 27.

Inter-Club Day

The Capital District Inter-Club Day was held on April 24, the clubs being divided into eleven groups which met in Alexandria, Baltimore, Clifton Forge, Danville, Hagerstown, Marion, Norton, Norfolk, Petersburg, Salem, and Staunton. At each group there was a representative of the Governor. Messages were exchanged between the various groups and were received from the International President and the International Secretary. At the Zero Hour all joined in reciting The American Creed, written by Hon. William Tyler Page, Clerk of the House of Representatives.

The Capital District Inter-Club Day was held on April 24, the clubs being divided into eleven groups which met in Alexandria, Baltimore, Clifton Forge, Danville, Hagerstown, Marion, Norton, Norfolk, Petersburg, Salem, and Staunton. At each group there was a representative of the Governor. Messages were exchanged between the various groups and were received from the International President and the International Secretary. At the Zero Hour all joined in reciting The American Creed, written by Hon. William Tyler Page, Clerk of the House of Representatives.

Governor Woodward Resigns

A called meeting of the District Board of Trustees was held at Washington, D. C., on May 26, 1924. At this meeting Governor Claude H. Woodward presented his resignation, which was caused by his acceptance of a new business connection which would take him to New York City to live. To succeed him, Lieutenant- Governor Joseph M. Fentress, of Norfolk, Virginia, was elected Governor. The new Governor then appointed Russell S. Perkinson, of Petersburg, Virginia, Lieutenant-Governor, which appointment was duly approved by the Board of Trustees.

Death of Past Governor Hank

On July 29, 1924, Past Governor J. D. Hank, Jr., died suddenly in Richmond, Virginia, and was buried in Norfolk. He was the second Governor of this District, having served in this capacity in 1921, and the third of the Past Governors to die. It is significant to note that during the existence of the District from 1918 to 1924, there had been only three Governors who served their entire year, and the death of,Joe Hank took from us the last of those three, the other two, Goodrich and Lintner, having predeceased him.


The Sixth Annual Convention was held at Norfolk, Virginia, on October 24 and 25, 1924. 35 of the 37 clubs were represented with 94 delegates and 7 District officers. J. Walter C. Taylor, of Montreal, International VicePresident, and Fred C. W. Parker, International Secretary, were the official representatives of International. Harry E. Karr, Past International President; Joe Bowles, International Field Representative, and Jules Brazil, the well-known song leader, were also in evidence.

Staunton was selected as the convention city for 1925.


    Governor J. Randall Caton, Alexandria, Virginia.
    LTG Zone 1 Merle E. Towner, Baltimore, Maryland
    LTG Zone 2 Floyd W. King, Clifton Forge, Virginia
    LTG Zone 3 A. T. Lincoln, Marion, Virginia
    LTG Zone 4 Thomas B. Howell, Richmond, Virginia
    Secretary Treaurer R. E. Turner, Norfolk, Virginia.


The ladies were tendered a luncheon the first day at the Country Club, followed by a program at the Naval Base. On the next morning they were given a boat ride around the harbor. The banquet was held at the city auditorium on Friday night, and on Saturday afternoon all went to Cape Henry for an oyster roast.

Underprivileged Child Work

The report of Dr. E. Reinhold Rogers, Chairman of the District Committee on the Underprivileged Child, made a wonderful showing of the work being done in this District. Some of the totals follow:

    Number of ways of helping --------------- 23
    Money used ---------- -------------- ------- $37,178
    Number of cripples helped ----------------- 988
    Number of other children helped -------- 4,221
    Total number of children ------------------ 5,209

Twenty-two clubs provided orthopedic treatment, twenty clubs provided money to pay for medical treatment, eleven clubs provided medical treatment by their own members, and eight clubs helped with the education of underprivileged children.

The Norfolk Club built an additional story on the King's Daughters' Clinic House, supplying $4,350 in money and over four thousand dollars in material.

New Clubs in 1924

Chase City, Virginia, organized April 11, and chartered June 6
Cumberland, Maryland, chartered June 5
Bedford, Virginia, chartered July 17
Manassas, Virginia, organized October 17, and chartered November 28
Crewe, Virginia, organized October 27, and chartered December 9
Hopewell, Virginia, organized but did not receive its charter until January 8, 1925.


The District 1924 percentage of attendance was better than it had ever been before 71%.

Loving Cup

The Washington Kiwanis Club's Capital District Loving Cup, which had been started on its visits to all the clubs of the District in 1923, had visited the following clubs in that year, namely: Washington, Alexandria, Winchester, Hagerstown, Frederick, Baltimore, Wilmington, Seaford, Washington, Covington, and Clifton Forge.

The Loving Cup visited nine clubs during the year 1924:

Staunton, February 25.
Harrisonburg, March 27.
Charlottesville, May 15.
Lynchburg, June 27.
South Boston, July 22.
Chase City, August 22.
Danville, September 25.
Washington, November 13.
Roanoke, December 11.

Financial Statement

The Treasurer's report showed receipts from all sources of $8,697, disbursements $8,376, balance $321.68. There was due the District $193.00 and due by it $7.00.


Within less than one month after beginning the year, the District lost a Lieutenant Governors by the death. Alanson T. Lincoln of Marion, Virginia died on January 28. W. R. D. Moncure, of the same city, was appointed LTG of the Third Zone to succeed him.

District Conference

The midwinter conference and meeting of the officers and trustees was held at Charlottesville, Virginia, on January 19. 35 of the 40 District clubs were represented. There were 4 District officers, 35 trustees, 4 chairmen of District committees, 16 presidents, 12 secretaries, 1 International representative, 9 visiting Kiwanians, and 3 ladies, a total of 85. International Trustee Charles W. Gold and International Field Representative Joe Bowles were in attendance.

The budget adopted for 1925 showed estimated receipts of $4,339.68 and estimated expenditures of $4,225. These estimates did not include the convention assessment nor the pro rata for trustees' expenses.

Zone conferences were held in the First and Third Zones, the former at BaltimorpMaryland, on February 28, and the latt,at Radford, Virginia, on March 25.

On April 2, International notified the District officers that the name ZONE for a Part of a District had been abandoned and they were to be known as DIVISION.

InterClub Day

The Capital District Inter-Club Day was held on May 14, the clubs meeting in eleven groups. As heretofore, the Governor was represented at each group by his personal representative. All of the reports showed good meetings, fine fellowship and enthusiasin. The total attendance at these meetings was 56.63clo of the District membership, which was only 16.46% less than the District average for the preceding month.

International Convention

At the International Convention in St. Paul the Capital District was represented with 32 of the 40 clubs sending delegates, with 11 other Kiwanians and 12 ladies in attendance.

New Clubs 1925

Hopewell, Virginia, chartered January 8, 1925
Waynesboro, Virginia, completed July 20, chartered September 22
Victoria, Virginia, completed July 24, chartered September 3rd, 1925.

Code of Ethics

The following article appeared in the September, 1925, number of the District Bulletin:

The Frederick Kiwanis Club has rendered a remarkable service. It has taken the splendid report of the Hagerstown Business Methods Committee, of which E. E. Bradley was Chairman, and which was published in the District Bulletin, and from its vigor and high-minded precepts reduced to living maxims a Code of Ethics with true Kiwanis idealism. The Code adopted by the Frederick Club is as follows:

Believing that through service we build, and that service means putting 'Commerce with a Conscience' actually into practice, I hereby resolve:

    1. To have my business serve rather than control me, and to render courteous, prompt and efficient service.
    2. To better equip myself in order that I may return a value proportionate to the profit or fee received.
    3. To make the Golden Rule a realization and to be honest in my relations with others, thereby creating a habit of mind productive of real fairness.
    4. To be truthful in my opinions and advice, to care for my client's or customer's interests as I would my own, and to treat in confidence business entrusted to me.
    5. Not to attempt to use opportunity to make demands because of circumstances or emergencies.
    6. Not to take advantage of the buyer's ignorance of my commodity.
    7. Not to misrepresent, nor to make statements derogatory to the true merit of goods or services of others.
    8. Not to engage in any movement which is obviously contrary to law or public welfare.
    9. Not to use my religious, political or fraternal affiliations for commercial purposes.
    10. To always conduct myself in a way beyond reproach, and to be a credit to the community in which I live.

The following resolutions adopted by the Baltimore Club and approved by the District, are worthy of notice.

Less Notice to Crime

WHEREAS the Public Press wields a tremendous influence in formulating an directing public thought and action-for good or for ill; and

WHEREAS there is a growing emphasis being given to crime, and moral delinquencies in the Metropolitan Press, especially on the first page thereof; and

WHEREAS the Kiwanis Club of Baltimore, standing strongly for a clean mind, a sound body and everything wholesome that pertains thereto, is of the opinion that such emphasis on the part of the Metropolitan Press is unhealthy and injurious to the public mind in its leading and particularly dangerous to the youth of the land; and

WHEREAS certain of our large dailies, realizing the harmful effects and danger resulting from a continuance of this practice, have publicly announced that hereafter less emphasis will be given to crime, and moral delinquencies in their columns, and further that news items of such character will not be printed on the first page, unless such items are of an extraordinary character; and

WHEREAS the Kiwanis Club of Baltimore looks with favor and enthusiasm upon the action of said large dailies in their said public announcement;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Kiwanis Club of Baltimore:

1. That it commends with unqualified approval the initiative of certain of the Public Press to give less notice to crime and moral delinquencies in their columns and not to use the front page of their paper in this respect, except in cases of exceptional interest.

2. That it respectfully urges the Public Press generally and the Press of Baltimore City particularly, to give less importance in its columns to crimes and moral delinquencies, and further that it refrain from the publication thereof on its front page, except in extraordinary cases.

3. That a copy of this Resolution be forwarded to the Public Press of Baltimore City.

4. That a copy of this Resolution be forwarded to Kiwanis International, respectfully suggesting that action be taken by that body to the end that its commanding influence may be brought to bear upon this problem.


The Seventh Annual Convention was held at Staunton, Virginia, on October 22, 23, and 24, 1925. 41 of the 42 clubs in the District were represented, the exception being Bedford.

Immediate Past President Victor M. Johnson and Assistant Secretary George W. Kimball were the International representatives.


The Credentials Committee reported the attendance to be:

    Members -----------503
    Ladies ------------- 127
    Total --------------- 630

There were in readiness for those in attendance printed reports from the Governor, the Lieutenant- Governors, the Secretary Treasurer, and the various District committees, making a document of great value not only for the convention itself but historically.


The usual conferences of Trustees, Presidents and Secretaries were held.

Among the resolutions adopted was one requesting International to restore the practice of having a Secretaries' Conference on the program for future International Conventions.

Convention City

There was a spirited contest over the place for the next District convention between Roanoke and Lynchburg, with the former winning, whereupon on motion of Lynchburg, the vote was made unanimous for Roanoke.


The new officers elected for 1926 were:

    Governor Merle E. Towner, Baltimore
    LTG Division 1 Dr. Charles Conley, Frederick
    LTG Division 2 Carter Glass, Jr., Lynchburg
    LTG Division 3 William E. Gilbert, Radford
    LTG Division 4 Frank D. Lawrence, Portsmouth

Underprivileged Children

The report presented to the Convention and printed in full in the November, 1925, District Bulletin, can only be summarized here.

    Number of ways of helping ----------------- 40
    Number of crippled children helped ------ 950
    Total number of children helped --------- 6193
    Money used ------------------------ $33,416.89


On Friday afternoon the members of the convention with their ladies were taken to Augusta Military Academy for a review of the cadet corps and then to Staunton Military Academy for dress parade. That evening the banquet and ball were held. General E. W. Nichols, Superintendent-Emeritus of Virginia Military Institute, was the speaker at the banquet.

A silver service was presented to Governor and Mrs. J. Randall Caton, a wedding present from the Capital District.

Talent from many of the clubs furnished entertainment during the evening, some of it being very good.

Loving Cup

The Capital District Loving Cup made ten visits during 1925. January 22, Roanoke to Martinsville. February 19, Salem. March 18, Radford. April 9, Pulaski. May 19, Marion. June 30, Coeburn. July 29, Norton. August 26, Big Stone Gap. September 24, Washington. October 8, Norfolk.

District Conference

A conference of the District Officers, Trustees, Club Presidents and Secretaries and the Chairmen of the District Committees was held at Charlottesville, Virginia, on January 18 and 19, 1926. On the evening of the 18th there were separate meetings of the District Officers, Trustees and Committeemen and of the Secretaries. On the following day a joint session was held. Formal addresses were made by Governor Towner and International Secretary Fred C. W. Parker, who was in attendance. The various topics assigned on the program covered very thoroughly the entire range of District and Club activities and the discussions were participated in by many of those present. Among these subjects were: The Relation of the Farmer and the City Man, Business Standards, Inter-club Relations, Kiwanis Education, The International Convention to be Held in Montreal, Official Visitation of Clubs, Interchange of Speakers, Public Affairs, Attendance, Budget, District Convention, Club Notices, District History, District Bulletin, and Membership Turnover.

37 of the 44 clubs were represented with all of the District Officers. The total attendance was one hundred. The budget adopted for 1926, exclusive of the convention per capita and the Trustees' expense account, was over $4,300.

District Interclub Day

The clubs of the Capital District met in twelve groups on May 7, which had been designated as Interclub Day. These meetings were well attended by both host and guest clubs and splendid programs of an -educational character were presented.

International Convention

There was a large representation of this District at the International Convention in Montreal, there being 165 present at the Capital District dinner.

All Kiwanis Night

Practically all of the clubs observed All Kiwanis Night on June 7, 1928.

Eighth Annual Convention

The eighth annual convention was held in Roanoke, Virginia, on October 14, 15 and 16, with the largest attendance of any convention in this District.

There were 512 Kiwanians and 308 ladies, making a total of 820. Forty-three of the forty-five clubs were represented, Big Stone Gap and Norton not being represented. International was represented by Secretary Fred C. W. Parker, Vice-President William C. Alexander, and International Trustee J. Randall Caton.

On the evening of October 14 the usual conferences were held. There were business sessions both morning and afternoon of the 15th and the morning of the 16th. The banquet was held on the evening of the 15tb with fine musical talent and club stunts in the city auditorium. Claude W. Owen, of Washington, was the toastmaster. It was followed by the Governor's Ball at Hotel Roanoke.

A silver service consisting of a tray, pitcher and four goblets was presented to Governor Towner and gold mounted Fairy Stones were presented to the District and International officers.

Among the legislative acts adopted was the dividing of the District into five divisions instead of four, and the provision for the election of five Lieutenant-Governors.

An Executive Committee was created consisting of the Governor, Immediate Past Governor, the Lieutenant-Governors and the District Secretary.

New District by-laws were adopted to conform to the Standard Form issued by International.

A Canadian flag, the gift of the Vancouver, British Columbia, Club, was presented by Secretary Parker. The host club each year is to be the custodian of the flag until the next District convention.

A cup was presented to the Petersburg Club for the best attendance record for the year.

The Salem Club assisted Roanoke in acting as hosts.

New Clubs 1926


The following officers the year 1927:

    Governor Russell S. Perkinson, Petersburg, Virginia
    LTG Div. 1 Harry G. Kimball, Washington, D. C.
    LTG Div. 2 John W. Hardy, South Boston, Virginia
    LTG Div. 3 Robert W. Kime, Salem, Virginia
    LTG Div. 4 Melville T. Blassingham, Norfolk, Virginia
    LTG Div. 5 Maj. Charles S. Roller, Jr., Staunton, Virginia
    Secretaru Treasurer Robert E. Turner, Norfolk, Virginia

Wilmington, Delaware was designated as the next convention city.

District Attendance

The average attendance for the whole District for 1926 was 74.5%. The following will show how the attendance has improved:

    1923 -------------- 68.6%
    1924 -------------- 70.4%
    1925 -------------- 74.3%
    1926 -------------- 74.5%

Meeting of Executive Committee

A meeting of the Executive Committee for 1927 was held in Washington, D. C., on November 30, to make plans for the ensuing year.

Loving Cup visits

    Newport News, February 4. Petersburg, July 6.
    Hampton, February 25. Hopewell, September
    Portsmouth, March 31. West Point, November 16
    Emporia, June 15.


Organized May 9, 1921
Organized Feb. 2, 1923
Organized Nov. 22, 1917
Organized Summer 1926
Chartered July 17, 1924
Organized Jan. 23, 1923
Organized April 3, 1922
Organized April 11, 1924
Organized April 4, 1921
Organized Mar. 8, 1923
Organized Sept. 4, 1923
Organized Oct 27, 1924
Organized May 8, 1924
Organized May 1, 1921
Organized June 11, 1923
Organized May 1, 1923
Organized Feb. 9, 1923
Organized March 17, 1921
Organized Oct. 27, 1925
Organized May 10, 1922
Organized Dec. 7, 1926
Organized Nov. 11, 1924
Organized Nov. 23, 1925
Organized Jan. 14, 1920
Organized Oct. 17, 1924
Organized Dec. 26, 1922
Organized March 14, 1921
Organized January 11, 1921
Organized May 13, 1919
Organized Jan. 18, 1921
Organized Feb. 16, 1922
Organized in Jan. 11, 1920
Organized Feb. 7, 1921
Organized Jan 24, 1923
Organized Mar. 6, 1919
Organized Nov. 26, 1919
Organized March 15, 1921
Organized April 1923
Organized April 6, 1923
Organized June 15, 1922
Organized July 24, 1925
Organized Feb. 19, 1917
Chartered Sept. 22, 1925
Organized Sept 26, 1922
Organized Nov 19, 1918
Organized June 25, 1922
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