Capital District Kiwanis History

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Volume 3
January 1, 1927 to December 31, 1929
Harry G. Kimball, District Historian


At the annual convention of the Capital Kiwanis District, held in Washington, DC, on October 13 and 14, 1922, there was created the position of District Historian. Harry G. Kimball, had been District Secretary and had just refused re-election to that office, was elected Historian, a position he has held ever since.

During 1924, there was published Volume 1 of the History of the Capital Kiwanis District and its Constituent Clubs, covering the period from February, 1917, when the Washington club was organized, through August 29, 1918, when the District was organized by Washington and Baltimore, to the end of 1923.

This was the first Kiwanis history of any kind to be published, but was followed by histories of New Jersey and California, while later a committee was appointed to prepare a history of International. That Committee, however, has not yet presented such a work.

Volume II was published in 1928, and covered the three years 1924 – 1926.

Volume III covers the activities of the District and its constituent clubs from 1927 – 1929.

While the history of some of the clubs is not as complete as the activities of those clubs might warrant, it is because the officers of such clubs did not supply the data.

The work of the historian for the past eight years has been a labor of love for Kiwanis and our District, but it has compensated him by a knowledge of Kiwanis activities and Kiwanians which could have been obtained in no other way.

HARRY G. KIMBAL, Historian



Governor Russell S. Perkinson Petersburg
Imm. Past Gov Merle E. Towner Baltimore
Secretary-Trea. Robert E. Turne, Norfolk
LG D1 Harry G. Kimball, Washington
LG D2 John W. Hardy, South Boston
LG D3 Robert W. Kime, Salem
LG D4 Melville T. Blassingham, Norfolk
LG D5 Maj. Charles S. Roller, Staunton

Meeting of Trustees

The Semi-Annual Meeting of the District Trustees, and Conferences of Presidents and Secretaries were held in Washington, DC, January 17, 1927. J. Randall Caton, Past Governor and International Trustee, represented International. 41 of the 46 clubs were represented by 24 Trustees and 17 substitute Trustees. There was a total attendance of 94.

The selection of Wilmington as the Convention City was approved. Profitable discussions were held on extension work, attendance, club by-laws, District history, expenses of trustees, a purposed change in the method of financing International Conventions, crippled children's work, and the creation of better relations between country and city folk. A budget was adopted showing estimated receipts of $4,402.70 and expenses of $4,325.00. These amounts did not include convention and trustees expenses. The District attendance for 1926 was reported to be 74%.

Inter-Club Week

Inter-Club Week was observed May 9-14. Under the direction of the District Committee on Inter-Club Relations, of which William G. Hardy, of Winchester, was chairman, the clubs were divided into fourteen groups and the meeting of each group was held on the regular meeting day of the host club. Many interesting and educational programs were provided for these group meetings.

Mississippi Flood Relief

All of the District -Clubs responded to the call for relief of the Mississippi flood sufferers.

International Convention

The Eleventh Annual Convention of Kiwanis International was held at Memphis, Tennessee, June 6-9.

Governor Russell S. Perkinson availed himself of the opportunity offered by this convention to hold a conference of the representatives of the Capital District at the Convention City. While no set program was arranged a general discussion was held on Inter-Club Meetings and Inter-Club Week, attendance, publicity, and Kiwanis education. Those in attendance voted the meeting a success. The District was well represented on the convention committee.

District Dinner

The District Bulletin reported the District Dinner at Memphis, as follows:

The Capital District dinner at Memphis was a real Kiwanis event, including all the delightful features of a Kiwanis meeting fellowship, Kiwanis education, and abundance of high-class entertainment.We had the pleasure of uniting with the Southwest District and the members of the two Districts blended together as one in Kiwanis, creating an atmosphere of fellowship that was truly delightful.District Governor Russell S. Perkinson presided, with District Governor H. F. Robinson as his right bower. The attendance was 121-92 from the Capital and 29 from Southwest. With two District Governors and our own oratorical stars, Roe Fulkerson, Randall Caton and Harry Karr, you can be assured we had all the Kiwanis education the time limits of a dinner would permit. We had the Convention City boosters and a visit from George Ross and other distinguished Kiwanians and Jules Brazil to assist in the flow of pep. The International Music Committee also sent a splendid assortment of musical and other entertainment features to fill all the gaps.

Get Together Breakfast

During the International Convention there was also held a get-together breakfast with twenty-seven clubs represented by 40 delegates.

The representation from the Capital District at this convention totaled one hundred and two, seventy-nine men and twenty-three ladies. Forty of the clubs had representatives present.

District Convention

The Ninth Annual Convention of the Capital District was held at Wilmington, Delaware, on October 20, 21, and 22, 1927.

Russell G. Heddleston, International Trustee, and George W. Kimball, Assistant International Secretary represented International. Our own Roe Fulkerson and J. Randall Caton, International Trustee, were also present. All the District officers were in attendance.

On the evening of the twentieth, were held the usual meeting of the Board of Trustees, and conferences of Presidents and Secretaries.

The reports of the officers and of the District Committees were presented in printed form. They indicated that the District as a whole, as well as the individual clubs, were functioning satisfactorily.

In connection with his report on the work for crippled children, John W. Hardy, chairman, presented moving pictures showing important phases of the work being carried on for these little ones. He reported that over $30,000.00 had been spent so far during the year in addition to the contributions of time and professional services by doctors and nurses. His report and remarks were supplemented by a talk from Kiwanian Dr. Thomas Wheeldon of Richmond.


Changes in the by-laws were adopted, making the cost of trustee meetings a per capita expense on the clubs instead of each club, large or small, sharing equally. The list of District Committees was changed to correspond to the International list. The month of August was substituted for May as the time when invitations for a convention must be presented.


Thursday there was golf at various Country Clubs with dancing in the evening. Friday there was a ladies bridge party and luncheon given by the Quota Club, a review of the Lindbergh parade, ladies visit to Longwood, the country estate of P. S. du Pont, with an organ recital in the conservatory. In the evening was the usual banquet. Jules Brazil was the entertainer and Col. Lindbergh attended. Following the banquet there was dancing. On Saturday there were auto rides for the ladies and an afternoon theatre party.

Friendship Flag

The Canadian flag which had been presented to the District by the Vancouver, B. C., Club at Roanoke in 1926, was turned over to the Wilmington Club as its custodian until the convention in 1928.


The Wilmington Kiwanians presented a fine Hamilton watch to William A. Staving, chairman of the convention committee. A silver basket was presented to Mrs. Russell S. Perkinson, wife of the Governor.

Division Meetings

The First Division held its meeting A meeting at Washington on November 18 with 9 clubs and 97 Kiwanians. The Fourth Division held a meeting at Williamsburg in August.

New Club

South Norfolk organized Oct 13, chartered Nov 25, sponsored by Norfolk and Portsmouth.

Special Weeks

The special weeks as recommended by In-ternational were observed by the clubs of The District as follows:

  • Anniversary week-January 16-21 Forestry Week-April 24-29
  • Boys' Week-April 30-May 7 Music Week-May 1-7
  • Constitution Week-September 11-17


Petersburg won the International attendance prize in the Silver Division. The District average for the year was 75.2%, which was 0.7% better than its previous record.


The District was 100% for the year in its reports to International.

Loving Cup

The Capital District Loving Cup made the following visits in 1927:

    West Point to Richmond, January 31 Cumberland, June 23
    Ashland, March 7 Havre de Grace, August 2
    Fredericksburg, April 19 Washington, at Wilmington Convention
    Manassas, May 12 South Norfolk, November 26, Charter Night
    Washington, June 16


Governor Robert W. Kime Salem
Immed. Past Gov Russell S. Perkinson Petersburg
Sec-Treas Robert E. Turner Norfolk
LG D1 William A. Staving Wilmington
LG D2 John R. Adams Victoria-Kenbridge
LG D3 P. Hill Tucke, Roanoke
LG D4 Thomas Newman Newport News
LG D5 Will C. Hardy Winchester

Mid-Winter Meeting

The Mid-Winter Meeting of the Board of Trustees and the Conferences of Presidents and Secretaries was held in Washington, D. C., on Monday, January 16, 1928.

Trustee J. Randall Caton, Jr represented International. 42 of 47 clubs were represented by 96 Kiwanians. Richmond was selected as the convention city.

Trustees endorsed a proposition by Dr. Thomas Wheeldon, of Richmond, orthopedic surgeon, that a monthly tabulation of the orthopedic work of the District be published.

Voted that the matter of holding group inter-club meetings be placed in the hands of the LGs, who should arrange the grouping, the days and times for the meetings and suggest the programs. The motion as adopted contained the provision that these meetings should be held between May 5 and May 30.

These meetings had been held every year beginning with April 24, 1924, in charge of the District Inter-Club Committee. For the first 3 years they had all been held on the same day, while the 4th year they were held during one week, being on the regular meeting day of the host club, which turned out to he a better scheme. In order to make such meetings successful, much care must be given in working out the details for the group meetings not only by the committee in charge but also by the indi-vidual clubs, all of which must be started long before the date set for the meetings.

The Governor found the Trustee action in taking this matter out of the hands of the committee was a mistake, and urged by the International Committee to hold an Inter-Club Week or Day, he directed the chairman of the District committee to make arrangements for the week of May 21-28. This notice came too late for the April Bulletin and was not published in the Bulletin until May 18, three days before the meetings began. The presidents of the clubs, however, co-operated finely and Good meetings were had.

Two group meetings had just been held, one at Lynchburg for all the clubs of the Second Division, and one held on April 19, at Old Point Comfort, with Hampton and Newport News as hosts to Norfolk, South Norfolk and Portsmouth. It was agreed with the clubs that these two group meetings should stand in lieu of meetings during Inter-Club Week. In spite of this, many members of these clubs attended the various Inter-Club Week meetings.

International Convention

The Twelfth International Convention was held at Seattle, Washington, June 17-21. 23 clubs of the Capital District were represented which, considering the great distance and expense, was a good showing. The representation was as follows: Club delegates 32, Delegates at large 3, Other members 11, Ladies 32, Total 78

Army Day

The Unknown Soldier, representing America's war dead, received honor a bronze plaque from International on April 26, through the Capital District and the Washington Club. The plaque will remain permanently at Arlington National Cemetery. A detailed account of this event is included in the history of the Washington Club.

Tenth Anniversary of Capital District

The Capital District was organized August 29, 1918, by Washington and Baltimore clubs.

These two clubs united in arranging for a celebration of the tenth anniversary, which was held in Washington on August 29, 1928. All District officers and clubs were invited. Attending were William C. Alexander of New York, Past International Vice President, Governor Robert W. Kime, Past Governors Claude H. Woodward, John J. Boobar, Merle E. Towner, J. Randall Caton and Russell S. Perkinson, LTGs John R. Adams, Thomas Newman and William G. Hardy, Secretary Treasurer Robert E. Turner, Presidents Radford Moses of Washington, Owen K. Moore of Rehoboth Beach, Vice President W. F. Kneip of Baltimore, Dr. Custis Lee Hall, and Col. Guy V. Henry, Commandant at Fort Myer, Virginia.

The guests were welcomed by Past Governor Boobar, response was made by Governor Kime.

A roll call of Past Governors showed three died:

  • Alfred G. Goodrich, Baltimore, Governor 1918-1920
  • J. D. Hank, Jr., Richmond, Governor 1921
  • Edwin W. Lintner, Wilmington, Governor 1923

J. Randall Caton spoke for all the Past Governors. His address referred to the two original clubs in this District had produced an outstanding man in Kiwanis: Washington, with Roe Fulkerson, who has contributed more to the literature of Kiwanis than any other one man, and Baltimore, who gave us Harry Karr, Past International President. He said, Harry Karr gave to Kiwanis, more than its constitution. He gave it, beyond any other man, the fine objectives for which we now strive and toward which we are working. It was his work, his ideals, that brought about the recognition and adoption of the fine idealism embodied and expressed in those two fine objectives of aid to the underprivileged child and finer civic relations.

Harry Karr made the principal address of the meeting, giving a resume of Kiwanis activities and objectives from its inception to the present time. Relative to the future of Kiwanis said: "If Kiwanis is to do useful and worthy work in the future, it can be done through our public force and by our clubs and individual members awakening to the realization that the future and greatness of this country. The future happiness of ourselves, our children and our children's children, lies in the fact that the individual is the supreme thing and his happiness far exceeds anything else in importance."

Following the meeting, the party went to Fort Myer, Virginia, where cavalry and artillery drills and a dress parade were presented -through the kindness of Colonel Guy V. Henry, Commandant of the Post.

Tenth Annual District Convention

The Tenth Annual District Convention was held at Richmond, Virginia, on October 18-20. On the evening of the eighteenth, a meeting of the Board of Trustees and Conferences of Presidents and Secretaries were held. The Trustees' Meeting was presided over by Governor Kime, the Presidents' Conference by Radford Moses, President of the Washington Club, and the Secretaries' Conference by George B. Donaldson, Secretary of the Baltimore Club.

Governor, LG, Secretary-Treasurer, and most of the committee reports were in print and distributed to the convention.

The Governor's report discussed district committees, the International Convention, club reports, publicity, special events such as the placing of the plaque at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier, the Tenth Anniversary of the District, Zero Hour, the formation of the new club at Rehoboth Beach, and Jamestown Island Park.

The report of the Underprivileged Child Committee, this committee being distinct from the Crippled Child Committee, showed returns from 37 of the 48 clubs. It gave a summary for about nine months as follows: Thirty-five were aided by the clubs in securing an education; over 5,000 children benefited in one way or another, some at Christmas, some by outings, and some through the Boy Scouts. The report showed $40,000.00 expended for the various purposes.

Crippled Child Work

On behalf of the Committee on Crippled Children Dr. Thomas Wheeldon exhibited a number of children who were under the care of the Richmond Club, explained their deformities and the improvement which had been effected in the individual cases. No report was made showing the amount of work done in the entire District.

Inter-Club Relations

The report of the Inter-Club Relations Committee showed that so far in this year there had been eight outstanding events, as follows: A meeting of the third division at Pulaski on March 16. An inter-club meeting at Old Point Comfort on April 19 of five clubs with an attendance of 650. A May 11th meeting in Lynchburg with 8 clubs and 182 in attendance. Inter-club week May 21-28. Army Day at Washington April 26, at which were many prominent representatives of the government, the army, navy and marine corps, also distinguished Kiwanians and representatives of twenty clubs of this District. The occasion was the presentation to the government at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier of a plaque in honor of those who had made the supreme sacrifice. A meeting of the Fourth Division at Williamsburg on August 13, with four hundred in attendance, proceeded by a house party at Old Point Comfort tendered visiting Kiwanians.

Rehoboth Beach, DEL received its charter. The tenth anniversary celebration of the formation of the Capital District. On this occasion Washington and Baltimore, the two clubs which organized the District being hosts to 21 District clubs and representatives of five other clubs. The report of this committee also listed 41 other inter-club meetings and 16 meetings between Kiwanis and other organizations.

District Loving Cup

During this year the District Loving Cup visited several clubs which had been organized since the cup had originally been in that section of the District. South Norfolk carried the cup to Waynesboro on January 3. It then went to Lexington on February 9 and to Bedford on July 5. Bedford sent it back home to Washington and that club carried it to Rehoboth Beach on the charter presentation night, August 17. Rehoboth Beach brought it back to Washington on August 29th, when they took part in the Tenth Anniversary. The Washington committee carried it to Victoria on September 13, and they carried it to Crewe on October 30.


The Publicity Committee reported to the convention that between January 1 and October 1 the clubs had received news stories in the papers published in the District totaling 2285.

Secretary's Report

The secretary reported the District attendance for nine months as 74.581/o and that twenty-five clubs had maintained over 75%. He reported that the winners of the attendance trophies were:

Gold Division, Wilmington 68 %
Silver Division, Petersburg 94 %
Blue Division, Frederick 91%
White Division, Hopewell 99%

He called attention to the fact that for the fourth consecutive year the Petersburg Club had won the International Attendance Trophy in the Silver Division.

The Treasurer's report showed total receipts of $5,340. total expenditures of $4,131 and a balance of $1,109.

The Secretary called attention in his report to the second volume of the District History that had been ready for publication for some time but had not been printed for lack of funds. On his recommendation, the convention directed him to ask the clubs to subscribe for sufficient copies at fifty cents each to provide the necessary amount.

The convention city for 1929 was the occasion of a lot of friendly competition. Both Hagerstown, Maryland and Hampton, Virginia had extended invitations. Hagerstown brought their municipal band and Hampton a drum and bugle corps. These furnished music at various times and places. After several speeches for each contestant, the convention voted in favor of Hagerstown.


The ladies were given sight-seeing trips and a luncheon at a country club through the kindness of the ladies' committee, Mrs. Dave E. Satterfield, Chairman. There was a dance at the Jefferson Hotel on Thursday evening. The banquet and Governor's Ball was given at the Mosque on Friday evening. During the banquet the Salem Club presented the Governor, who was a member of that club, with a watch. There was a fashion show for the benefit of the ladies in particular. While the room was being arranged for dancing after the banquet, we were the guests of the theater in the building to see a movie.


Governor Harry G. Kimball, Washington
Secretary-Treasurer Robert E. Turner, Norfolk
Imm. Past Governor Robert W. Kime, Salem
LG D1 Finley C. Hendrickson, Cumberland
LG D2 Charles G. Evans, Danville
LG D3 James M. Quillan, Coeburn
LG D4 H. Laurie Smith, Ashland
LG D5 Henry A. Converse, Harrisonburg

The District committees were promptly appointed and these appointments were published in the January istrict Bulletin.

Trustee Meeting and Conferences

A meeting of the Executive Committee was held at the George Mason Hotel, in Alexandria, VA on January 13, preparatory to the meeting of the trustees, presidents, secretaries, and the chairmen of District committees on January 14. This meeting of the Executive Committee, which lasted for four hours, was given up to a full discussion of District operations and of the proposed work for the year.

A general conference of all in attendance was called to order by Immediate Past Gov Robert W. Kime on the morning of the fourteenth. He installed the new Governor and invested him with his Governor's button. The District Secretary then presented the retiring Governor with a Past Governor's button.

J. Randall Caton, International Trustee, represented International.

The Governor announced 1929 slogan "Aggressive and Intelligent Cooperation."

The organization of a new club at Towson, Maryland, was announced, the charter, dated January 12, to be presented on January 23. The officers of this club, namely, C. Walter Cole, President; Lawrence E. Ensor, Secretary, and John T. Hershner, Trustee, were present and were introduced.

Separate meetings were then held as follows: Trustees, the Governor presiding; Presidents, International Trustee J. Randall Caton presiding; Secretaries, George W. Taylor presiding, and Chairmen of District Committees, Past Governor Russell S. Perkinson presiding.

The Trustees took the following action:

  • The selection of Hagerstown as the city for the annual convention was confirmed and the dates set for October 17-19, with the Trustees meeting on the evening of the 17th.
  • The budget prepared by the Budget Committee, Past Governor Robert W. Kime, Chairman, was approved.
Balance on hand 13.10
Net accounts received 3,025
Capital tax 768
Bulletin subscriptions 100

Advertising in bulletin 3,025
Convention assessment 250
From sale of histories 7,631
Total $ 449.30

The estimated disbursements totaled $7,450. Leaving a balance for miscellaneous expenses of $181. To this balance was added $378 which was the balance left from the Richmond Convention and which the Trustees directed should be turned back to the District, making a total in the miscellaneous fund of $ 559. The Secretary-Treasurer's report for 1928 was presented and after discussion was adopted. It showed that the attendance of the District for 1928 was 76%. The club averages ran from 97% for Hopewell to 52% for Baltimore.

His financial statement showed total receipts of $9,787, with net account receivable of $13, and total expenditures of $9,338, with a cash balance of $449. Auditors employed and approved by the District later examined the account. The matter of amendments to the District By Laws was discussed and the Committee on Laws and Regulations was directed to submit to the next convention such amendments as were necessary to make them conform to International requirements.

The Governor was authorized to appoint acting LG as temporary substitutes in case of the disability of officers to perform their duties. Other subjects discussed were: Trustees duties, extension prospects, division meetings, and the lack of information in club bulletins. Luncheon was enjoyed with the Alexandria Club.

At the afternoon session the District Secretary reported the attendance to be 105, with 31 clubs represented. There was a Flu epidemic at the time of this meeting which reduced the attendance.

Eugene G. Woodson of Washington and one on Kiwanis Education made an address on Vocational Guidance, followed by discussion by LTG Charles G. Evans. International Trustee J. Randall Caton spoke on the activities of our District from the viewpoint of International.

Among the resolutions adopted were:

Requiring a club when it changes the place for a meeting, to leave at least a committee at the regular place so that someone would be able to meet visitors. (A 378.01 similar resolution was adopted at the Hagerstown convention.)

A recommendation to club presidents that they call together their officers and chairmen early in January to inform them of their duties.

When any District chairman failed to submit a report for printing at the annual convention, that notation of that fact be made in the reports. Whether this last resolution was responsible or not is uncertain, but every required report except one was fined in time to be printed for the Hagerstown Convention.

A resolution of thanks to the Alexandria Club was unanimously adopted.

Towson Charter

The Governor presented the charter of the new club at Towson MD on January 23. Baltimore the sponsoring club, sent a delegation. Havre de Grace and Washington, and members of the Rotary Club of Towson were guests.

The address was made by Past International President Harry E. Karr.

The Baltimore Club, through its Trustee and Past President Wilbur Van Sant, presented to the new club a table gong and gavel, and the Washington Club, through Vice-President James B. Edmunds, presented an American Flag.

Greetings were received from International President O. Sam Cummings and International Secretary Fred C. W. Parker.

International President O. Sam Cummings met with clubs of the Capital District at Washington on April 29 and at Richmond on May 1. At the Washington meeting, 300 Kiwanians were assembled from the northern part of the District, while at Richmond, four hundred attended from the other clubs.

Both of these meetings were noteworthy for the fine spirit of enthusiasm displayed the excellent music, and the inspiring address of the International President.

On the day following the Washington meeting, there was unveiled on the front of the Treasury Building a tablet commemorating the signing of the Webster-Ashburton treaty on August 9, 1842, between the United States and Canada, settling a dispute between these two countries as to the northeast boundary. The treaty was signed in the old State Department Building, which stood on the spot now occupied by the Treasury.

There were present representatives of the State Department and the Canadian Government. Addresses were made by President Cummings, who presented the tablet, undersecretary of the Treasury Ogden L. Mills, Thomas A. Stone, Assistant Secretary of the Canadian Legation, and John B. Hickerson, of the State Department.

The tablet bears this inscription:

Friendship between the United States and Canada was developed and strengthened by the signing of the Webster-Ashburton Treaty, on August 9, 1842, in the old State Department Building which stood on this site. This treaty established the northeastern boundary between the two countries.

This tablet placed by the Kiwanis Club of Washington in co-operation with the Committee on Marking Points of Historic Interest. April 30, 1929.

Music was furnished for the occasion by the U. S. Navy Band, Lieutenant Charles Benter, leader, and the Victory Post Drum and Bugle Corps, of which Raymond A. Burke was President.

International Convention

The Capital District was well represented at the International Convention in Milwaukee.

The District Secretary prepared the following statement of attendance:

    41 clubs represented.
    8 clubs not represented.
    60 delegates.
    2 delegates at large. 8 members not delegates.
    19 ladies and children.
    89 total attendance.

In the delegation were the Lieutenant Governor Henry A. Converse, Past Governors Merle E. Towner, Russell S. Perkinson, Robert W. Kime and J. Randall Caton, the last named also being an International Trustee, and Editor Roe Fulkerson.

Fourth Division Meeting

A meeting of the whole Fourth Division at the historic town of Williamsburg has become an annual event. This started in 1924 when Richmond, Newport News and Ashland met there. In 1925, the Newport News Club attempted to arrange for a division meeting there, but had to abandon the idea for the lack of response on the part of the other clubs. Beginning in 1926, however, such meetings have been held each year.

The meeting for 1929 was held on September 5, in the dining room of William and Mary College. There was a large attendance from the clubs of the Fourth Division. Lt Governor Smith presided. There were talks by President Chandler of the College, International Trustee J. Randall Caton, the Governor and others. Prizes were given for the largest attendance and for the best stunt presented.

District Convention

The 11th Capital District Annual Convention was held in Hagerstown, Maryland, on October 17, 18, and 19.

For a full year the Kiwanians of Hagerstown and their ladies had been planning and working under the direction of F. Berry Plummer, General Chairman, and William S. Hess, President. The quality of their work may be judged by the many compliments which they and their club received on the results and the oft heard statement that 'it was the best convention we had ever had.

Executive Committee and Trustees

A meeting of the Executive Committee was held on the afternoon of the seventeenth, followed in the evening by meetings of the Trustees, Presidents, and Secretaries.

The Trustees Meeting was presided over by the Governor, the Presidents' Conference by Past Governor Merle E. Towner, who acted in the absence, because of illness, of the President who was scheduled to preside, and the Secretaries' Conference by Secretary Andrew Bell, of Winchester.

International President Horace McDavid, International Secretary Fred C. W. Parker, International Trustee J. Randall Caton, and Editor Roe Fulkerson were in attendance. The District officers present were the Governor, LTGs Hendrickson, Converse and Quillan, Secretary-Treasurer Turner, and Past Governors Perkinson, Towner and Kime. All but three of the forty-nine clubs were represented, these three being Crewe, Emporia and Pulaski. The Pulaski Club sent its excuses.

The report of the Credentials Committee showed 46 trustees, 62 delegates, 6 delegates-at-large, and a total registration of 612. While this was not as large a registration as the preceding year, yet considering the location of the convention city, it was unusually good.

Amendments to the District by-laws were adopted providing for a nominating committee in accordance with the request of International, and creating a new Sixth Division and describing the division by metes and bounds. The reports of every officer and of every committee except one were in print for the attention of the delegates.

Three programs were: a paper prepared by Past Governor Merle E. Towner, and in his absence, read by Past President Claude W. Owen, of Washington, on High Lights in Kiwanis Accomplishment in the Capital District. An open forum conducted by LTG Converse, when such topics, among others, as classification, vocational guidance, attendance, extension, and programs, were discussed. An open forum on underprivileged child work, conducted by Dr. Thomas Wheeldon, of Richmond. These discussions were all practical, interesting and informative.


Resolutions were adopted as follows:

  • Thanks to all those who had made the convention a success.
  • Sympathy to a Hagerstown Kiwanian who lost his business by fire during the convention.
  • Directions to each outgoing club officer and committee chairman to furnish his successor with a written memorandum of matters accomplished and those unfinished. Attention is given to planning club programs sufficiently in advance. Put the responsibility for monthly reports equally on the secretary, the president, and the Board of Directors. Cases of delinquency on the part of the secretary in this respect be brought to the attention of the president and by him to the Board. Resolved that whenever a club intends not to hold a meeting at its regular time and place, that it shall designate some person or persons to be present at the regular time and place to receive and record the attendance of visiting Kiwanians.
  • The 1932 convention, by resolution, endorsed Washington, D. C., for the International Convention.
  • Resolutions endorsed the establishment of a park at Jamestown. Request International to place May 13 the anniversary of the founding of the first permanent English settlement in America, on the Kiwanis calendar.
  • Resolutions relative to the celebration at Yorktown, Virginia, of the Sequa-centennial of the surrender of the British in 1781, were also adopted. The appreciation of the convention was extended to the International representatives for their presence at the convention, their wise counsel and the gracious manner in which they had met and mingled with the Kiwanians at the meetings.

Elections for 1930

This was the eighth time Bob Turner was elected Secretary Treasurer, the first being in October 1922. It was decided that the LTG elected for the new Sixth Division should take office at once and hold through 1930 in order that that Division might not be without a head for the balance of the year 1929.


An informal reception was tendered to the ladies on Thursday afternoon, October 17, by the Ladies' Committee of the Hagerstown Club under the efficient chairmanship of Mrs. William S. Hess. On the same evening an entertainment was given the ladies in the auditorium of the hotel consisting of several plays and dancing. On the afternoon of Thursday a golf tournament for men was held at the Fountain Head Country Club.

On Friday, a luncheon was tendered the ladies at the Country Club where they were delightfully entertained with the ladies of Hagerstown as hostesses. On that afternoon there was a sightseeing trip for the ladies through Hagerstown and the surrounding country. On Saturday morning the ladies were entertained at the Mohler Organ Factory by an organ recital and an inspection of its works. The banquet was held at the State Armory on Friday night. After a delightful dinner, a program of music was presented, consisting of solos, choruses by the Masonic Choir of Hagerstown, an instrumental trio from Hood College, Frederick, Maryland, and the Washington Kiwanis Trio, tenor, baritone and piano. Roe Fulkerson made a humorous talk and there was an Irish humorist imported from the East Side. A beautiful chest of silver was presented to the Governor much to his surprise and delight. Following this program, there was the grand march led by the Governor and his daughter, Miss Anna F. Kimball. Besides the general dancing, there were special professional numbers.

Extension Work

No new clubs were organized during the year, although surveys were made of a number of communities.The Pulaski Club seriously considered surrendering its charter. International sent a representative who went over in detail their situation, with the result that when a vote was taken, all but one of them voted to continue. The Bedford Club, started 1928 with 30 members, dropped to 14 by the middle of 1929, in spite of help given them by the Lynchburg Club and a personal visit by the Governor and the work of the LTG, had been able to add only one man. The attendance for the last two months prior to December had averaged only nine per meeting. The natural result followed. Nine men cannot function as a club; only as a committee. They, therefore, voted to surrender their charter.

Clubs of the Capital District

Note, because of the volume of information on each club,
this document has become too large to manage on a single web page.
Therefore, clubs are linked to their respective club directories

Organized May 9, 1921
Organized Feb 2, 1923
Organized Nov. 22, 1917
Organized Aug 17, 1926
Organized July 17, 1924
Organized Jan. 24, 1923
Organized April 3, 1922
Organized April 11, 1924
Organized April 4, 1921
Organized March 8, 1923
Organized Sept. 4, 1923
Organized Oct. 27, 1924
Organized May 8, 1924

Organized May 1, 1921
Organized June 11, 1923
Organized May 23, 1922
Organized Feb. 9, 1923
Organized March 17, 1921
Organized Oct. 28, 1925
Organized May 10, 1922
Organized Dec. 7, 1926
Organized Nov 20, 1924
Organized Nov. 23, 1925
Organized Jan. 14, 1920
Organized October 24, 1924
Organized Dec. 26, 1922
Organized March 14, 1921
Organized January 11, 1921
Organized May 13, 1919.
Organized January 18, 1921.
Organized Feb. 16, 1922
Organized Jan., 1920
Organized Feb. 7, 1921
Organized Jan 24, 1923
Organized August 17, 1928
Organized March 14, 1919.
Organized Nov. 26, 1919.
Organized March, 1921
Organized April, 1923.
Organized April 6, 1923
Organized Oct. 16, 1927
Organized June 15, 1922.
Organized Dec. 12, 1928
Organized July 24, 1925
Organized February, 1917
Organized July 10, 1925
Organized Sept 26, 1922
Organized Nov. 19, 1918
Organized, June 25, 1922
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