Capital District Kiwanis History

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1918 (Volume 1)
Preliminary Organization

The first steps towards forming what afterwards became the Capital District were taken on August 29,1918. At that time, there were only two clubs in the territory which now comprises the District, namely Washington, D C., completed on August 11, 1917, and Baltimore, MD, completed March 5, 1918, and chartered June, 1918.

On August 29, 1918 a joint meeting of these two clubs was held at the Hotel Emerson, Baltimore at which there were present 56 members of the Baltimore Club and 33 members of the Washington Club. After lunch at the hotel, the party motored to the Maryland Country Club. The minutes of the Baltimore Club say that some played golf and some poker and so on.

After dinner served at the club, a business meeting was held and addresses were made by President Alfred G. Goodrich of the Baltimore Club, President Eugene G. Adams of the Washington Club, and Roe Fulkerson, International Trustee.

It was decided to form a district organization from the two clubs and President Goodrich was elected Regional Director, a title which he seems never to have used as his correspondence was signed as Governor. No other officers seem to have been elected. No doubt with only two clubs, a Governor could handle all the work without the assistance of secretary or treasurer.

District Clubs
