Capital District Kiwanis History

CLUBS Old-Divisions-New Regions Site Map Leadership People

(Frank E Ballontyne)
Organized November 19 1918 Chartered December 1918
Key #00131 3rd District Club
Sponsor KI Field Representative Arthur Malkin
Zone 1 Divisions 01 06 07 11 06
Regions DelMarVa | Mason Dixon
Population (1918) 106,597

Division 01
(Volume 1)
Division 1
President William C Taylor, Secretary James E Stein

In August 1918, Kiwanis had its birth in Wilmington through the efforts of the International field rep from Chicago, who worked hard to sell to a group of about 50 businessmen the idea that the Golden Rule was possible of practice in their everyday lives.

It fell to Weaver Eby to accept the temporary chairmanship of the group Weaver Eby was most ably assisted in the earlier organization by James E Stein, who was honored with the position of secretary.

Organized on November 19, 1918 In December 1918, the charter was presented by Roe Fulkerson, of WIDC, and the first officers were elected, with William C Taylor as President Kiwanian Taylor served as President for two years, 1919 and 1920.

During these two years that Taylor was President, three events of interest to this club occurred in connection with District affairs The first was at the First Annual Convention at Baltimore, MD, October 4, 1919, when our fellow member, Edwin W Lintner, was elected LG The second was the holding of the First Semi-Annual Convention, February 21, 1920, as the guests of this club The third, the election at the Second Annual Convention, at Washington DC, October 9, 1920 of William C Corey as LT Governor.

President William C Corey Secretary James E Stein

2nd LG William C Corey

President Joseph C Lawson, Secretary James E Stein

During the period from 1918 through 1923, Kiwanis in Wilmington seemed to be doomed what might be termed attempting to find itself No real worthwhile civic effort, whether it be campaign for funds, providing for a paid Fire Department, improving highways, discussing city government, helping in the work of the Boy Scouts, or whatever the cause might be, found the Kiwanis Club lacking in its desire to make its work felt for good in the community The annual programs during these years of what might truthfully be called the formative period were full of activities of various and, sundry natures Annual picnics, shore dinners, automobile trips for poor and orphaned kiddies, supporting visiting nurse, acting as big brothers to unfortunate boys, and a host of other efforts all leading in the same general direction in an effort to make possible the permanent establishment of the creed that all men everywhere are brothers and that within the heart of every man lies the desire to help his fellowmen.

Division 01
President Guy R Ford, Secretary Frank E Ballantyne
Sponsor Seaford Club
Governor Edwin W Lintner

The Wilmington Kiwanis Club during the years of its existence sent delegates to the International Conventions at Cleveland, Birmingham, and Toronto, as well as Atlanta The delegates who attended the various sessions returned to the club with new ideas and broader vision The educational processes through which they had passed had their effect on the increased activity and the deepening intensity of the constructive program

Suffice to say, however, that through the painstaking labors of the pioneers in Wilmington Kiwanisdom, a roll call of whom would uncover many diversified interests, mercantile and professional, many a heart has been readied and many a man been made to feel the realty of the gospel of the Sermon an the Mount when, through the many ways provided in the club's activities, some one's heart bas been lightened or his road through life made a bit more passable with the unheralded, work of a few of God's children to whom the privilege of service was the only reward thew sought.

The Wilmington Club offers no apology for its mistakes, nor it seek credit for its achievements It is fully content to permit the record of its accomplishments to speak for itself We find solace and comfort in the words of that First True Kiwanian, the man of Galilee, when He said, Well done, thou good and faithful servant, thou has been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many, enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.

The future of Kiwanis in Wilmington rests in the hands of men who have caught the vision of unselfish service to their fellow-men, and one need be no more than a true optimist to Predict that Kiwanis has come to stay Without it men would again be groping in the dark for opportunities for effective service We pledge ourselves to carry on the policies laid down by our International Conventions and we offer the combined energies of nearly two hundred regular fellows who are prompted by no other motive than the reward which comes from unselfish service truly done.

(Volume 2)
President John Wesley Morris, Secretary Frank E Ballantyne
Trustee Vincent C Blackwell

The Kiwanis Club of Wilmington on the Delaware was particularly fortunate in 1924 in having John Wesley Morris elected to its President Kiwanian John having served as chairman of the club's committee on A Square Deal for the Underprivileged Child-A Future Citizen, established a record for intensive building through the activities of that committee and during the club election in 1923 he was the choice of the membership for its leader in 1924.

Entertain International President and Mrs Edmund A Arras at one of our meetings The Easter meeting on April 23 was featured in the ballroom of the Hotel duPont with the tables beautifully decorated with appropriate flowers and set in the form of a huge cross at which were seated 200 Kiwanians and friends and the meeting was addressed by Bishop Phillip Cook of the Episcopal Church The fourth annual pilgrimage to the University of Delaware and the visit to the Philadelphia Inter-City Meeting were high spots in our Inter-Club program Sponsored the publication of Ki-Notes Devoted to the interests of Kiwanis in Wilmington and elsewhere It is a weekly publication.

President Edgar Q Bullock, Secretary Frank E Ballantyne
Trustee Vincent C Blackwell

Fine work was done by the various committees under the chairmen selected by the President, among whom might be mentioned Ralph B McKinney, whose committee provided a wide variety of fine programs; Harry J Harkins, whose committee on the underprivileged child constantly co-operated in caring for every case which came to their attention, and Thomas M Leonard, Director of Publicity, whose keen ear for real news and training as proprietor of Leonard News Agency kept the public informed of the doings of Kiwanis not only in Wilmington, but also throughout the District and International.

During this year the Wilmington Club lost no opportunity to participate in all things for the good of Kiwanis, as was evidenced by the attendance at the Charlottesville conference, the Zone One conference in Baltimore, the International Convention in St Paul, and the District Convention in Staunton.

The Committee on Reception, under the chairmanship of Harry H Prettyman, distinguished themselves with one hundred per cent service and attendance throughout the year and with their Bell-wop Kiwanis emblem hats which they wore, they made a splendid impression on both member and visitor alike.

Participation in the International Attendance Contest, the organization of a Kiwanis Bridge Club meeting every three weeks, the issuing of the periodic letters as suggested by the International Committee on Kiwanis Education, participation in Inter-Club meetings at Philadelphia, the U of Delaware pilgrimage, Annual District Inter-Club Day, the attempt to sponsor a club at Milford, and the unusually fine Armistice Day celebration staged under the auspices of the Kiwanis Club with approximately 600 members of other Wilmington service clubs and guests present, all added to the program of diversified interests and features which make an interesting history of the Wilmington Kiwanis Club for 1925.

President William M Mask Jr, Secretary Frank E Ballantyne
Trustee Edgar Q Bullock

We escorted the District Governor and LTG to Seaford for their installation meeting on January 6 It was a splendid Inter-Club meeting with 100 present.

A special meeting of the club was held in connection with the Wholesale Section, Chamber of Commerce, to hear International President John H Moss There were 89 Kiwanians present A record for one month showed that our members had visited 17 other Kiwanis Clubs and that we had entertained Kiwanilans from 8 clubs.

At each meeting of the club there is a mite-box on each table These, and a birthday gift from each member, provides a working fund for our underprivileged child work The weekly average in the boxes is over twenty dollars and the May offerings totaled $150.

Host to Baltimore and Seaford for Inter-Club Day On May 12, the members of other service clubs of Wilmington, namely, Rotary, Lions, Exchange, Quota, Round Table, Y's Men's, and American Business Club, were our guests to hear Dr Chevalier Jackson talk on Safeguarding the Child.

We participated in Delaware Night of Lulu Temple, when 5000 Shriners from Philadelphia and other cities were in Wilmington to stage a ceremonial in honor of William J Highfield, Potentate of Lulu Temple, a native of Wilmington 6 members and 5 ladies attended the Montreal Convention.

Wilmington was successful in securing the District Convention for 1927 The club co-operated with the American Legion in a campaign to get out the vote We joined with the American Legion and other clubs and organizations in observing Armistice Day Promoted Service Club Bowling Tournament among Rotary, Lions, Exchange and Kiwanis The Underprivileged Child Committee reported $2,767 spent for that work with a balance of $2,627.

President George F Cornell, Secretary Shermer H Stradley
Trustee Win M Mack Jr

Brought Capt Ronald Amundsen to Wilmington for two lectures on his Arctic explorations In the afternoon there was a lecture for the school children and in the evening for adults Raised over $2600 and the net $742 for our underprivileged child fund We had several inter-club meetings, at Seaford, Harrisburg, PA, and Philadelphia, and were host to Baltimore, Havre-de-Grace and Seaford on Inter-Club Day.

Our Public Affairs Committee met with committees of the other local service clubs to endorse responsible persons for membership on the Board of Public Education Held a Farmers' Day, assisted in a musicale to raise funds for the Mississippi Flood sufferers and had International Vice President William C Alexander as speaker at one of our meetings.

On August 10, we were host to all of the service clubs to hear Dr Royal S Copeland, Senator from New York, speak on the "Value of Quarantine in Contagious Diseases" Many of our members took part in a YMCA campaign to raise $750,000 for a new building At Christmas we entertained underprivileged children.

District Convention

The big event of the year was the District Convention held here October 20-22 A full account is included in the District part of this history Committees working under the General Chairman William A Staving and President George F Cornell produced universal praise from District officers and the International Representatives A large part of this success was due to the ladies of the Wilmington Kiwanis who were untiring in their entertainment of the visiting ladies.

Division 01
(Volume 3)
President Arthur G Wilkinson Secretary Sherman H Stradley
Trustee George P Cornell
LG William A Staving

Our officers and several other members attended a meeting of the Chester, Pennsylvania, Club 21 members under the leadership of the Inter-Club Relations Committee, paid a visit to Havre de Grace We also held a meeting with the Wilmington Development Campaign team of the Chamber of Commerce Many of our members helped raise thirty thousand dollars a year for two years to establish an airport, lighting equipment and also a traffic bureau.

We worked with the State officials and other organizations to secure better observance of traffic laws A Farmers' Day was held in March Forty-seven farmers from Delaware and several from Pennsylvania were our guests We were also honored by the presence of Governor Robert P Robinson of Delaware, Hon Robert Houston, Congressman, ex Governor Simon S Penneville, and Kiwanians from Seaford, Baltimore, Rutherford, N J, and Vineland, N J.

Our annual visit to the University of Delaware was made on April 25, at which time United States-Canada Week was celebrated Sir Frederick Magill gave a most interesting and amusing talk Our President Arthur Wilkinson is the Business Administrator of the University.

LTG Staving and other members of the Wilmington Club visited Seaford on May 11, and on May 23 we were host to Seaford, Havre de Grace and Baltimore.

Beginning in July, our Public Affairs Committee undertook a "Get Out the Vote" campaign Posters were placed on all the street cars and prominent places of business urging registration Kiwanians and voting members of their families registered 100,'/,, At our meeting on October 21, the committee exhibited a large fac simile of the ballot and Chairman Charles H Ten Weeges explained in detail the proper way to mark a ballot "Vote Election Day" buttons were generally distributed.

The work of the committee was so unique that requests were received to furnish other clubs with the printed matter Members visited Havre de Grace on December 11 On December 26, we gave a party to fiftyeight underprivileged boys and girls.

President Alvin B Roberson, Secretary Shermer H Stradley
Trustee Arthur G Wilkinson

Through our Public Affairs Committee, we urged the passage by Congress of a bill providing for a bridge across the Delaware River at Wilmington We also assisted the Delaware Safety Council to raise its budget for the year.

The Tenth Anniversary of the club was celebrated on January 16 The speakers on this occasion were Harry N Holmes, Vice President of the New York Club, and our own Vice President William A Staving Bill Staving gave a brief history of our club A delegation visited the Seaford Club on January 25 Kiwanis Education Day on March 6 was noteworthy an inspiring address by Past Governor Merle E Towner, of Baltimore.

We paid our annual visit to the University of Delaware Two hundred and sixtyseven persons attended this meeting and heard an appeal by Past International President Harry E Karr for law observance.

The expenses of a baseball team in the American Legion Junior Baseball League were paid by us We also paid the expenses of two children, outstanding in agricultural work, to the national camp at Washington A Farmers' Meeting was held at Winterthur Farms with 64 guests Mr E 0 Reed, Chief of the Bureau of Dairy Husbandry, was the speaker We were host to the Seaford and Rehoboth Beach clubs on June 5, and three weeks later entertained the boys and girls of the 4-H club We contributed towards the expenses of sending the orchestra of one of the public schools to attend the U S Marine Band concert at Longwood We also assisted in the Red Cross campaign and registered 100% in membership.

We were host to the Eastern Homeopathic Medical Society during their annual convention A meeting was held in the new Y M C A building Our own Kiwanian Arthur G Wilkinson was elected LTG of the new Sixth Division

The Underprivileged Child Committee gave a Christmas party to children of this community in the gold ball room of the Hotel DuPont Baltimore, Wednesday, December 24, 1929, and 189 persons attended, including 104 children Entertainment was provided after the dinner and presents of clothing and candy and fruit were distributed to each child.

On December 11, the club held an evening meeting at which time ladies attended and the Kiwanis service awards were presented to General and Mrs T Coleman DuPont by Kiwanian Henry Isaacs for the greatest services rendered to the community The awards were bronze medals and it is the intention of the club to give these awards each year to the most outstanding citizen of this State Two hundred and thirteen persons were present at this meeting.

Division 06
(Volume 4)
President William A Staving Secretary Shermer H Stradley
Trustee Alvin B Roberson
LG Arthur G Wilkinson

The Hollywood, Florida, club planted a tree in the "Circle of States" representing each state in the Union When planting the tree for Delaware they suggested we send them a copy of the History of Delaware and write them a letter to be kept permanently in the public library at Hollywood, Florida We sent such literature and letter congratulating the Hollywood club on their "Circle of States" idea

The State of Delaware has a dual highway system beginning near Wilmington will eventually run the entire length of tile state It is planned to have various organizations plant trees between these two highways and the Kiwanis club of Wilmington has the honor of presenting and planting the first tree in the system The tree is a fine specimen of "Coppers River Beech" It has been the habit of the Wilmington club to make an annual pilgrimage to Delaware College, the 10th of which was made in April 1930 Arthur G Wilkinson, LTG, was chairman of that committee.

Having learned that the Havre de Grace club lost its equipment in a hotel fire, the Wilmington club made a pilgrimage to Havre de Grace and presented them with a silk American flag Sunny Brook Cottage is a small farm just outside of Wilmington where children who are likely to become tubercular are sent for treatment, where they remain for six or eight weeks Last year the members of the Wilmington Kiwanis club decided to present a, steel flag pole and an American flag to the cottage in order that these children may have daily contact with American ideals and principles The entire project was made by personal subscription, none of the funds coming from the club treasury.

At a meeting at the Boys' Camp, fostered by the Community Service Association, the Wilmington club contributed $100 to the Community Service to be used to send boys who could not afford to go otherwise to the camp.

$700 was appropriated at Christmas time to be used for eighty needy families.

An inter-club meeting was held in Wilmington, comprising all the clubs in the Sixth Division This meeting was well attended, every club being represented by a number of members.

The Inter-Club Committee used the visits of LTG Wilkinson to the clubs in this division to arrange for inter-club meetings These visits were highly successful and appreciated very much by smaller clubs A charity fund was started consisting of weekly voluntary contributions of the members to supply coal, food and clothing to families destitute because of unemployment.

For the past two years the Wilmington club has followed the plan of presenting a Distinguished Service Medal to an outstanding citizen of Delaware for meritorious community service The committee for this is composed of three Delawareans, who are not members of Kiwanis, and two members of the Goodwill and Grievance Committee of the Wilmington club Last year this committee selected Miss Emily P Bissell because she was the originator of the Christmas Seal idea in the United States, recognized nationally by a letter from President Hoover and telegrams from various officers of the Red Cross This medal was presented at a dinner meeting held the first Wednesday in December, which was attended by 400 people Publicity of this affair appeared in newspapers of thirty states and according to the Anti-Tuberculosis Society aided materially in the sale of Christmas seals.

Our publicity for the year 1930 was under the direction of J Benjamin Rumbf and consisted of much national, as well as local, publicity for Kiwanis and Kiwanis International, the extent of which is shown in a scrap book now in the possession of the president for 1930.

President Leon H Ryan, Secretary J Hendel Wallis
Trustee William A Staving

Contributed $150 to the Mayor's Unemployment Relief Committee and several members of the club were on the committee working actively the entire year to secure employment for as many men as possible, both in local industries and business establishments and in civic work throughout the county Plans were made for many improvements, involving construction, paving and forestry, which gave employment to about 1,800 men during the year.

Purchased 2 calves for 2 boys selected by the 4-H Club A record was kept of the growth of these animals and other details At the end of the year a prize was given to the boy whose animal showed the best results

During the year approximately 15 interclub visits were made by official delegates from the Wilmington club to Havre de Grace, Baltimore, Seaford and Rehoboth Beach Two interclub meetings were held at the Havre de Grace club with Wilmington furnishing the programs In Rehoboth Beach, on August 19th, we held our regular weekly meeting in connection with the Rehoboth Beach club with about 50 members present

Shower baths and drinking fountains, flagpoles and flags were furnished to Sunnybrook Cottage, a tuberculosis sanatorium outside of Wilmington In addition to, this, members of the club made frequent visits to the cottage, giving their help and assistance to the director One regular meeting of the club was held at a boys' summer camp maintained by the People's settlement and practically every member of the club paid the expenses of one or more of the boys for a week's vacation at this summer camp

Several meetings were held by tile Under-privileged Child Committee to enthuse the members in this work A moving picture was shown of the actual operation by our orthopedic surgeon on one of the boys we are supporting At another meeting the boys appeared and gave a resume of tile work that the Kiwanis members were doing to help them One boy who was unable to walk has been rehabilitated and is now able to perform ordinary clerical duties Furnished 60 children with braces in connection with the orthopedic work

The medal is given annually for the most distinguished services to the state and community was presented to Mr Pierre S duPont for his activities in school, hospital and other work Mr duPont has been personally responsible, by gifts of money and by actively taking charge of our school program, in raising Delaware from the thirty-fifth state of the Union in school standards to the third state New schools have been built in every community in the state, equipped with the very best educational facilities, teachers' standards have been raised, new methods of instruction installed, and a number of other improvements made

President M Channing Wagner Secretary J H Wallis
Membership Jan 1 - 152 Attendance 59%

Under-privileged the club replaced the bed springs and the porch benches at Sunnybrook Cottage of the Delaware Anti-Tuberculosis Society Sent 20 boys to a week at the club camp.

Vocational Guidance, a number of members spoke at the local schools and the club put on a Vocational Guidance program at which teachers of guidance in the local schools were guest speakers.

Contributed $25 to the Mayor's Unemployment Relief Fund, had a program on The Importance of Periodic Health Examinations and another on the activities of The Reconstruction Finance Corporation It held a High School Day The high school orchestra and glee club furnished the entertainment Held a meeting at the Lohr Elementary School, so members might be better informed about the local schools.

Number of Kiwanians and ladies attended the charter night of the Elkton, Md, club and presented the club with an American flag, attended an inter-club meeting at Rehoboth Beach Made its annual visit to the University of Delaware, with 156 Kiwanians and guests present, and enjoyed an evening of dancing and cards, and held a Ladies Night Dinner Dance, a most enjoyable affair.

President Vincent C Blackwell, Secretary J H Wallis
Membership Jan 1 - 147 Attendance 54%

For the underprivileged furnished food, clothing and fuel where most needed Seven orphan boys were outfitted and taken care of and 7 Kiwanians each took one of these boys under especial supervision The club furnished free examinations and free glasses to needy school children, and furnished orthopedic braces Spent $100 sending boys to the Boys Camp Provided boys at the People's Settlement Association gymnasium shoes, basketball suits and other equipment enabled the Association to carry on its boys' work activities The club also aided in a Christmas party for 50 children.

Supported bills before the State Legislature asking for increased high school facilities for Wilmington, increased facilities for the care of tubercular cases, to give the State Board of Charities supervision over delinquent children, for the organization of a Game Conservation Department which shall be non-political The club formed an association of sportsmen for game preservation and entered into an agreement with farmers to insure places to hunt The club also had programs explaining the Industrial Recovery Act, the Agricultural Adjustment Act, The Home Loan Corporation, and aided the establishment of the NRA.

Representatives attended the Charter Anniversary for the Chester, Pa club, the inter-club Ladies Night at Rehoboth Beach and meetings at Elkton, Towson, Havre de Grace, Westminster, Seaford, and in a number of instances put on the program.

Sent representatives to Capital District Anniversary at Bay Ridge, Md A delegation from the Baltimore club put on one program.

Celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary with a program on Kiwanis Education put on by the District Governor

Division 06
President Clarence Fraim Secretary M Channing Wagner
Membership Jan 1 - 133 Attendance 61%
LG M Channing Wagner

Furnished braces and shoes for crippled children, food and clothing to 7 under-nourished children It financed major operations for two boys Contributed $100 to the Child Bureau, and $100 to the boys’ camp Entertained 35 children at a Christmas dinner.

Carried 2 bus loads of Scouts to see the field trials of the Pointers and Setters Club for game preservation Furnished a paid woodworking instructor for the boys club (a club for under-privileged boys) and it contributed financial aid to the 4-H clubs Gave vocational talks to the high school students.

Studied the city manager plan of government Gave a $30 cup as a prize in the 26-mile marathon It had programs on The National Housing Act, Social, Economic and Political Changes, Business Conditions Today, Current Topics and Game Conservation.

Installed the officers of the Elkton club and sent delegations to visit Baltimore, Westminster, Elkton, Havre de Grace, Seaford, Rehoboth Beach, Prince Georges County, and Chester, Pa It was host one meeting to Baltimore, Westminster, Elkton and Rehoboth Beach.

Had two Ladies Days, a joint meeting with Lions, a joint meeting with all the service clubs of the city and at one meeting was guest of the University of Delaware The club also organized bowling and golf teams and had a bridge club.

Had two Kiwanis education meetings, celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary, and Constitution Week, and was represented at the Mid-Winter Conference, the International and District Conventions and the Division Meeting.

Division 06
President J Francis Blaine Secretary M Channing Wagner
Membership Jan 1 - 122 Attendance 67%
Sponsor Dover Club

Voluntary contributions of members to the under-privileged child fund have materially increased besides which the club field a benefit trap shoot, adding $517 The club continued its orthopedic work furnishing braces and special shoes Furnished glasses to 18 children, took care of the expenses of 2 major operations, gave money and medical assistance to the Boys Community Camp, and gave a Christmas party to 40 children.

Furnished from its membership a speaker on vocational subjects at the high school and conducted round table discussions with the students.

Attended the Charter Night of the Georgetown club and presented it a banner Also sent delegations to visit Elkton, Rehoboth Beach and Atlantic City.

The club had a bridge club, some of the meetings of which were attended by ladies, and both bowling and golf teams It had a big Ladies Night with dancing at the University of Delaware and it had a joint meeting with Rotary.

It had Kiwanis education meetings, entertained the LTG, and was represented at the International and the District Conventions and the Officers Training Schoo.l

President George C Hering Jr, Secretary M Channing Wagner
Membership Jan 1 - 129 Attendance 65%

Donkey baseball yielded $300 and the annual trap shoot $55o for the under-privileged The club continued its orthopedic work, sending patients to Philadelphia for special treatment when necessary It furnished 15 children with glasses, gave $200 to be used by the Boys Club in sending boys to camp, furnished transportation to and from school for a very crippled girl, laid plans for the formation of another Boys Club in the north end of the city and gave a Christmas party to 40 under-privileged children with useful gifts as well as toys, and took the children to a theatre after the party.

The club continued to employ the woodworking instructor for the Boys Club, held a Father and Son Night, had a program put on by a Boy Scout on Scout Anniversary Week, and again sent a boy to the leadership training camp in New Hampshire.

Gave the Red Cross $100 for flood relief and aided it in other ways.

The club installed the officers at Elkton and sent delegations to meetings at Chester, Dover, Westminster, North Baltimore, Georgetown, Rehoboth Beach and Philadelphia and was host to Chester at one meeting and to Dover, Rehoboth Beach, Seaford, Georgetown, Elkton, and Havre de Grace at a big inter-club Ladies Night held at the University of Delaware.

The club entertained the District Governor and the LTG, was represented at the Mid-Winter Conference and the International Convention and the Officers Training School and was a delightful host to the District Convention.

President H Garrett Hanb, Secretary M Channing Wagner
Membership Jan 1 - 138 Attendance 64%

Spent this year in excess of $1,500 on orthopedic and eye examination work.

The entire orthopedic work in the state is to be cared for shortly by an endowment given by a philanthropist, but the club will take care of the work here until the endowment begins to function The club had a program on The Problem of Crippled Children and Nutritional Therapy Gave a Christmas party to 40 children who received treatment.

Started on a project to form a new Boys Club in the north end of the city An interested friend of the club has donated a lot 300 by 200 feet, assessed at $10,000, and the club has started to raise the money necessary ($25,000) to start building Raised $3,500 so far and plans are being made to interest the community at large in raising the money.

The club had a program put on by the high school band, and continued the vocational talks and conferences with high school pupils.

Delegations visited Baltimore, North Baltimore, Elkton and Rehoboth Beach It received the log from Dover and later returned it to Dover.

The club entertained the Lieutenant-Governor, celebrated Constitution Week and was represented at the Mid-Winter Conference, the International and District Conventions and the Officers Training School.

(Volume 5)
President George M Reese Jr, Secretary M Channing Wagner
Membership Jan 1 - 138 Attendance 65%

A benefit trap shoot at the home of one of the members realized for the club $i00 towards its community work It purchased a walker for a boy who lost the use of his leg, and gave the hospital a bicycle to be used as an exerciser for orthopedic patients Continued the Orthopedic Clinic through the year, and furnished transportation to and from school for a crippled child Gave a Christmas party for the children who had been in attendance at the clinic.

The club had a program in the form of a concert by a Boys' Band and $100 was appropriated to send worthy boys to camp Aided in the Community Chest Drive and joined the other service clubs in a Clean Up Campaign It had one luncheon served in the school cafeteria, attended church in a body, and had an appropriate program for the celebration of Armistice Day.

Furnished the speaker at the Charter Night of'the Dover club, sent delegates to Pikeville, to the Elkton Charter Night celebration, and to an inter club meeting at Dover where there was golf in the afternoon and night baseball after the dinner At the Charter Anniversary of Rehoboth, there was a golf contest and the club also visited Towson and Westminster to greet the District Governor.

Members' Bridge Club met during the year, having from 3 to 5 tables playing The club indulged in bowling on Wednesday evenings during the winter, and held golf tournainents in the summer The fifth Wednesday was known as Racing Wednesday when bowling or golf were neglected to attend the races There was an interesting Ladies' Night meeting with dancing and bridge.

The club entertained the District Governor, was represented at the Mid Winter Conference, the International and the District Conventions, and the Training School for Club Officers, and won the Achievement Contest in the Gold Division.

President Joseph H Saville, Secretary M Channing Wagner
Membership Jan 1 - 138 Attendance 71%

Raised $240 for the Crippled Children's Clinic during the year, 25 children attended the clinic at one time and approximatelv $1,300 was spent on this work during the year.

The plaque was received from Westminster and later delivered to Baltimore The club played golf with Baltimore and also with Rehoboth Being prevented by bad weather from attending the charter presentation at the new Milford club, the American flag which was to have been presented at that time was taken to Milford later The club attended an inter club meeting at Dover.

For its own entertainment the club had a Ladies' Night and a Ladies' Day It enjoyed bridge, bowling, and golf with great regularity The golf tournament was held in September with one day known as Ladies' Day on the Links Representatives of the club attended the Ladies' Night Dinner Dance at Elkton.

Entertained the District Governor, attended the Mid Winter Conference, International and District Conventions.

Division 07
President George Rodgers, William N Cann, Secretary M Channing Wagner
Membership Jan 1 - 142 Attendance 67%

Because the Nemours Foundation took over the work with the crippled children of Delaware sixteen years of age and under, there was no longer the necessity for the club caring for orthopedic work However, it was decided to carry on those cases whic4 the club had already started; therefore, contact was made with the different hospital clinics whereby children needing treatment for diseased tonsils, adenoids, and other defects were referred to the club, and many T and A operations were performed and a number of glasses were furnished for needy school children The money for this work is raised in several ways The Mite Boxes placed on the tables at luncheons average approximately $15 a week On the meeting day nearest a mem ber's birthday, lie contributes anywhere from $1 to $10 for this fund, and the club sponsors an annual trap shoot in which more than $400 was realized the current year The club had more than 50 children under its care, many of whom had been under treatment for two or more years The annual Christmas party was given to these children in the shape of a fine dinner and useful gifts as well as candy and toys.

Donated $25 buying prizes for the best cattle, hogs, and chickens exhibited at the 4 H County Fair The club also cooperated with the 4 H club in sponsoring this Fair.

The club delivered the plaque to Dover Delegations from the club visited Dover, Baltimore, Elkton, Reisterstown, Salisbury, Rehoboth Beach, and Milford.

The club entertained the Lieutenant Governor and the District Governor, held Kiwanis Education meetings, celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary and Constitution Week, and was represented at the Mid Winter Conference, the International and the District Conventions, and the Training School for Club Officers.

Division 07
President William N Cann, Secretary M Channing Wagner
Membership Jan 1 - 148 Attendance 68%
LG J Francis Blaine

The club had approximately 50 underprivileged children under its care (luring the year, looking after eye, ear, and throat defects and a number of orthopedic cases which the club had begun to care for before the Nemours Foundation was completed It gave a successful Christmas party with a delightful program and useful presents as well as candy and toys to the children who were under orthopedic treatment.

The club cooperated with the 4 H club of the county in sponsoring a Fair for the exhibition of cattle, hogs, chickens, and vegetable farm products, and donated $25 to be expended for prizes at this fair.

Members of the club spoke on various professions or business occupation,; before the Senior Class of the High School The different speakers were located in room,labeled with the name of the occupation they would talk about and the students who were interested went to those rooms.

Delegations from the club attended interclub meetings of Baltimore, Salsbury, and Rehoboth Reach, the Charter Night Celebration of the Bridgeville club, the annual union church service with the Chester, Pennsylvania, KiNvanis' club, and held an inter club Ladies' Night of its own.

Resides the Ladies' Night, the social features of the club were confined to frequent get toggethers for bowling, golf, or bridge The District Governor and the Lieutenis art Governor were entertained Kiwa Anniversary and Constitution Week were celebrated, and the club was represented at the Mid Winter Conference, the International and the District Conventions, and the Training School for Club Officers, and at the close of the vear one of its members was in the armed forces.

President Albert Beggs Jr, Secretary M Channing Wagner
Membership Jan 1 - 144 Attendance 66%

The Committee has given specific aid to expectant mothers, wives of service men, in the community, seeing that they received proper medical attention Boys' and girls' work was carried on chiefly through contact with the Director of the Wilmington Boys Club.

A few members of the club visited Baltimore and Elkton.

Few social affairs were scheduled but good fellowship in the club was in evideuce Among those were Ladies' Dav and the Christmas party.

The club was represented at the Mid Winter Conference, the International Convention, and the Training School for Club Officers, and was host to the District Convention End of year 7 members were in military service.

President H Eugene Savery, Secretary M Channing Wagner
Membership Jan 1 - 145 Attendance 69%

Underprivileged child work of this club consisted in the expenditure of $300 for food and clothing for indigent families with continued supervision of the few orthopedic cases Considerable attention was paid during the year to work among boys and girls, especially the movement started by the president of the Wilmington Boys Club to have the city school buildings used as meeting places for neighborhood boys' clubs, the citv furnishing the room and beat, and the club taking care of the cost of supervisionVocational guidance talks were continued for students of the High School and consultations held with such students as wished to make inquiries in regard to specific occupations.

Had 100 service men as guests of the club The club undertook to aid officers and enlisted men to quarters for themselves and their families It spent $25 for a recruiting sign for WACs It secured furniture for the Alert Room of the Ferry Command and athletic equipment at the Air Base Fifty blankets were made available for Stranded soldiers who had no place to sleep Donated $50 to the Salvation Army and large quantities of cigarettes were sent to the hospital, while doughnuts and coffee were made available to soldiers on guard.

Members visited Baltimore, Ckton, and Rehoboth.

No Ladies' Nights were scheduled, but arrangements were made for the presence of ladies at several noon day luncheons, and the club had one Stag party For the 15th year the club had a team in the City Bowling League Members played golf on Wednesdav afternoons, and held one golf tournament The semi monthly bridge game was continued through the year For the past 20 years an ever changing ,group of super Kiwanians The table will seat twenty and frequently members have to wait for their seats Here is discussed, not only the problems of the day, but anv matter that tend, toward the welfare of the club, and many a decision reached here has become a guiding lead toward civic betterment.

The club represented at the Mid Winter Conference, the District Convention, and the Training School for Club Officers At end of the year 7 members in the armed forces.

(Volume 6)
President C A Fulmer, Secretary M Channing Wagner
Membership Jan 1 - 149 Attendance 69%

President J Edward Schell, Secretary M Channing Wagner
Membership Jan 1 - 176 Attendance 66%

President Willard G Purdy, Secretary M Channing Wagner
Membership Jan 1 - 178 Attendance 70%

Division 07
President Lemuel C McGee, Secretary M Channing Wagner
Membership Jan 1 - 180 Attendance 67%
District Chair Interclub Relations J Francis Blaine
Governor M Channing Wagner

President Herbert F Weldin Secretary M Channing Wagner
Membership Jan 1 - 181 Attendance 68%

District Chair Achievement, District Convention, Finance, Past Governors M Channing Wagner

President Donovan O Scott, Secretary M Channing Wagner
Membership Jan 1 - 166 Attendance 71%

Division 07
President James S Dobb, Secretary M Channing Wagner
Membership Jan 1 - 161 Attendance 74%
LG Herbert F Weldin

(Volume 7)
President S Thomas Pippen, Secretary M Channing Wagner
Membership Jan 1 - 164 Attendance 75%

Division 07
President Arthur L Perry, Secretary M Channing Wagner
Sponsor Rodney Square | Brandywine Hundred | North Brandywine | Red Clay Valley Clubs
LG James S Dobb

Division 07
President Harry C West, Secretary M Channing Wagner
Sponsor New Castle Hundred Club
Governor Herbert F Weldin

Not listed in Volume 7

President Joseph I Haggerty, Secretary M Channing Wagner

Division 07
President ?, Secretary M Channing Wagner

Sponsor Wilmington North Club

President Edwin A Fluevog, Secretary M Channing Wagner
District Chair Resolutions Herbert F Weldin

President Elmer F Cunningham, Secretary M Channing Wagner

President Clyde O Miller, Secretary M Channing Wagner

President Joseph Bringhurst Secretary M Channing Wagner

Division 07
President Francis I Ponsell, Secretary M Channing Wagner
District Chair Kiwanis Education and Fellowship Joseph Bringhurst
LG Edwin A Fluevog

President Joseph J Breen, Secretary M Channing Wagner

President Beverly W LaDage, Secretary M Channing Wagner

President Clyde M England Jr, Secretary M Channing Wagner

President Robert L Hagenbach, Secretary M Channing Wagner

President Russell W Peterson, Secretary M Channing Wagner

President Benjamin F Cohen, Secretary M Channing Wagner

President Robert H Hallstad, Secretary M Channing Wagner

President John e Federinko, Secretary M Channing Wagner

1969 - 1970
President John F Kelso, SecretaryM Channing Wagner

1970 - 1971
President Wilmer Bouchelle, Secretary M Channing Wagner
District Chair Programs Henry M Cook

1971 - 1972
Division 07
President Clarence J Claudler, Secretary M Channing Wagner
District Chair Programs Henry M Cook
LG John F Kelso

1972 - 1973
President Henry M Cook Secretary John E Dilks Jr

District Chair Programs Henry M Cook

1973 - 1974
President Alfred J Majeski, Secretary John E Dilks Jr

District Chair Programs Henry M Cook

1974 - 1975
President Peter A Lawson, Secretary John E Dilks Jr

District Chair Programs Henry M Cook

1975 - 1976
President Albert A Poppiti Secretary John E Dilks Jr

District Chair Programs Henry M Cook
District Chair Bicentennial Vernon L Good

1976 - 1977
Division 07
President Stephen A Harris, Secretary John E Dilks Jr
LG Henry M Cook

1977 - 1978
President Donald S Wason, Secretary John E Dilks Jr

1978 - 1979
President L Frank Hayes, Secretary John E Dilks Jr

1979 - 1980
Division 07
President Carl Johnes, Secretary John E Dilks Jr
Sponsor Wilmington West Club
LG Albert A Poppiti

1980 - 1981
President S Pusey Caldwell, Secretary John E Dilks Jr

1981 - 1982
President Matthew Hirshood, Secretary John E Dilks Jr

1982 - 1983
President Joseph C Dilts, Secretary Vernon L Good

District Chair District Convention Vernon L Good

1983 - 1984
President Joseph Cloud Jr, Secretary Vernon L Good

1984 - 1985
Division 07
President James E Kitchen, Secretary Vernon L Good
Sponsor Downtown Wilmington Club

1985 - 1986
President Paul J Miller Sr Secretary
Robert H Hallsted Sr

1986 - 1987
President Steve Hare, Secretary Robert H Hallsted Sr

1987 - 1988
President Van D Olmstead Jr Secretary Robert H Hallsted Sr

1988 - 1989
President Joseph E Salvatore, Secretary Robert H Hallsted Sr

1989 - 1990
Division 07
President Arthur C Eppihimer Jr, Secretary Robert H Hallsted Sr
LG Paul J Miller Sr

1990 - 1991
Division 07
President Peter G Mahanna, Secretary Robert H Hallsted Sr
LG Charles B Emory

1991 - 1992
Division 07
President David G Rash, Secretary Robert H Hallsted Sr
Sponsor Newport Stanton Club
LG Van D Olmstead Jr

1992 - 1993
President Ajit M George, Secretary Robert H Hallsted Sr
Membership Oct 1 - 114

District Chair District Convention Van D Olmstead Jr

1993 - 1994
Division 07
President Gary S?, Secretary Thomas A Haac
Membership Oct 1 - 109
Sponsor Brandywine Valley Club
LG Dennis C Sheer

1994 - 1995
Division 07
President Colleen D McKeown, Secretary Van D Olmstead Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 95

Sponsor Wilmington Village Club

1995 - 1996
Division 07
President Coleman E Bye III, Secretary Paul J Miller Sr
Membership Oct 1 - 81
LG Arthur C Eppihimer

1996 - 1997
President Anthony Gallentta, Secretary Paul J Miller Sr
Membership Oct 1 - 69

1997 - 1998
President Elaine Dimeo, Secretary Paul J Miller Sr
Membership Oct 1 - 68

1998 - 1999
President John R Sheridan, Secretary Paul J Miller Sr
Membership Oct 1 - 56

1999 - 2000
Division 07
President Paul J Miller Sr Secretary David F O' Connell III
Membership Oct 1 - 58
LG Susanna Jessup

2000 - 2001
President Coleman E Bye Jr, Secretary David F O' Connell III

2001 - 2002
President David L Wilson Secretary David F O' Connell III
Membership Oct 1 - 53 Attendance 94%

Year End: 139 Projects Completed, 1760 Service Hours, $5950 Spent, 12 Interclubs

2002 - 2003
Division 07
President Ellen McLean, Secretary David F O' Connell III
Membership Oct 1 - 60 Attendance 83%
LG David L Wilson
Service and Education Patches

Year End: 140 Projects Completed, 1826 Service Hours, $20,162 Spent, 17 Interclubs

2003 - 2004
Division 07 and 11
President Don Hamilton Secretary David F O' Connell III
Membership Oct 1 - 61 Attendance 96%
Meeting WE 12 Noon Hotel DuPont Gold Ballroom
LG David Wilson

(From E-Builder, Sept 2004) The 5th annual Pete Mahanna Golf Classic with this year's goal of $25,000 The chief beneficiary is the H Fletcher Brown Boys and Girls Club

Year End: 130 Projects Completed, 2693 Service Hours, $20,260 Spent, 23 Interclubs

2004 - 2005
President Phillip Arendall, Secretary David F O' Connell III
Membership Oct 1 - 49 Attendance 94%
Meeting WE 12 Noon Hotel DuPont Gold Ballroom

Year End: 250 Projects Completed, 3917 Service Hours, $19,503 Spent, 13 Interclubs

2005 - 2006
Division 07 and 11
DelMarVa Region
President Phillip Arendall, Secretary David F O' Connell III
Membership Oct 1 - 52 Attendance 93%
Meeting WE 12 Noon Hotel DuPont Gold Ballroom
LG Don Hamilton
Distinquished Club Award
Attendance Award - Orange Group Honorable Mention
Newsletter Award - Orange Group Winner

Year End: 167 Projects Completed, 4343 Service Hours, $14,085 Spent, 16 Interclubs

2006 - 2007
Division 11
President John E Watson, Secretary David F O' Connell III
Membership Oct 1 - 49 Attendance 100%
Meeting WE 12 Noon Hotel DuPont Gold Ballroom

Year End: 259 Projects Completed, 4401 Service Hours, $16,208 Spent, 11 Interclubs

2007 - 2008
President Anthony Sutherland, Secretary David F O' Connell III
Membership Oct 1 - 53 Attendance 96%
Meeting WE 12 Noon Hotel DuPont Gold Ballroom

Year End: 182 Projects Completed, 3364 Service Hours, $5,205 Spent, 8 Interclubs

2008 - 2009
President Charma Bell Secretary David F O' Connell III
Membership Oct 1 - 49 Attendance 95%
Meeting WE 12 Noon Hotel DuPont Gold Ballroom

Year End: 216 Projects Completed, 5271 Service Hours, $6802 Spent, 17 Interclubs

2009 - 2010
President Leroy Derr, Secretary David F O' Connell III
Membership Oct 1 - 37 Attendance 43%
Meeting 1st 3rd 5th WE 12 Noon Hotel DuPont Gold Ballroom

Year End: 84 Projects, 1591Service Hours, $4,140 Spent, 44 Interclubs, $561 CD Foundation

2010 - 2011
President David Wilson, Secretary David F O' Connell III
Membership Oct 1 - 40
Meeting 1st 3rd 5th WE 12 Noon Hotel DuPont Gold Ballroom

Year End: 67 Projects, 928 Service Hours, $3660 Spent, 45 Interclubs, $200 CD Foundation

2011 - 2012
President John R Sheridan, Secretary David F O' Connell III
Membership Oct 1 - 35
Meeting 1st 3rd 5th WE 12 Noon Hotel DuPont Gold Ballroom

2012 - 2013
President Van D Olmstead Jr Secretary David F O' Connell III
Membership Oct 1 - 38
Meeting 1st 3rd 5th WE 12 Noon Hotel DuPont Gold Ballroom

2013 - 2014
Division 06
Mason Dixon Region
President Van D Olmstead Jr Secretary David F O' Connell III
Membership Oct 1 - 39
Meeting 1st 3rd 5th WE 12 Noon Hotel DuPont Gold Ballroom

Distinguished Club

2014 - 2015
President Patricia A Bartoshesky, Secretary David F O' Connell III
Membership Oct 1 - 40
Meeting 1st 3rd 5th WE 12 Noon Hotel DuPont Gold Ballroom

2015 - 2016
President Antoinette Capri, Secretary David F O' Connell III
Membership Oct 1 - 37
Meeting 1st 3rd 5th WE 12 Noon Hotel DuPont Gold Ballroom

2016 - 2017
President Betty Olmstead, Secretary David F O' Connell III
Membership Oct 1 - 34
Meeting 1st 3rd 5th WE 12 Noon Hotel DuPont Gold Ballroom

Distinguished Kiwanis Club

2017 - 2018
President Carl Colantuono, Secretary David F O' Connell III
Membership Oct 1 - 37
Meeting 1st 3rd 5th WE 12 Noon Hotel DuPont Gold Ballroom

2018 - 2019
President Ruth A Bartholomew, Secretary David F O' Connell III
Membership Oct 1 - 34
Meeting 1st 3rd WE 12 Noon Hotel DuPont

Distinguished Member Charma Bell, Van D Olmstead Jr
Distinguished Club

2019 - 2020
President Ruth A Bartholomew, Secretary David F O' Connell III
Membership Oct 1 - 34
Meeting 1st 3rd WE 12 Noon Hotel DuPont

2020 - 2021
President Van D Olmstead Jr Secretary David F O' Connell III
Membership Oct 1 - 29