Capital District Kiwanis History

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Volume 1
February 1917 to December 31, 1923
Harry G. Kimball

Across the lakes, across the land,
The bells of freedom ring,
And men who build with brain or hand
A pledge of honor bring.
We stand foursquare for common good,
Alert to mend each flaw,
Kiwanis men in brotherhood,
We stand for truth and law.
Across the lakes, across the land,
The flags of glory wave,
And friendship calls our chosen band
To battle with the brave.
For state and home, for justice sure,
For progress in the right,
Kiwanis men must e'er endure
In faith and sturdy might.
Across the lakes, across the land,
A myriad voices swell.
The echoes beat on hill and strand,
They cheer the heart full well,
In fellowship they ever call
Full strong to you and me;
"Kiwanis men, God speed you all,
For brothers all are we."
So be it where the maple blows
Or 'neath the tropic palm,
We'll face our task 'mid sands or snows,
And fear no storm nor calm.
Across the lakes, across the laud,
While bells of freedom ring,
Kiwanis men pledge heart and hand
A word of cheer to bring.

Kiwanian J. W. Wayland, Harrisonburg.


The first steps towards forming what afterwards became the Capital District were taken on August 29, 1918.

At that time there were only 2 clubs in the territory which now comprises the District, Washington completed on August 11, 1917, and Baltimore MD which had been March 5, 1918, and chartered June, 1918.

On August 29, 1918, a joint meeting of these 2 clubs was held at the Hotel Emerson, Baltimore, at which there were present 56 members of the Baltimore Club and 33 members of the Washington Club. After lunch at the hotel, the party motored to the Maryland Country Club. The minutes of the Baltimore Club say that some played golf and some poker and so on.

After dinner served at the club, a business meeting was held and addresses were made by President Alfred G. Goodrich of the Baltimore Club, President Eugene G. Adams of the Washington Club, and Roe Fulkerson, International Trustee.

It was decided to form a district organization from the two clubs and President Goodrich was elected Regional Director, a title that he never used as his correspondence was signed as Governor. No other officers seem to have been elected. No doubt with only two clubs, a Governor could handle all the work without the assistance of secretary or treasurer.

On September 17, 1919, a conference was held at Hotel Emerson, Baltimore to make the necessary plans for the annual convention. Two new clubs were formed:
Wilmington DE completed November 19, 1918, chartered January 8, 1919
Richmond VA chartered April 10, 1919.

There were 4 Baltimore members including President Harry E. Karr and Secretary George C. Young; 2 Wilmington members, one of whom was President William G. Taylor, and 2 Richmond members. Washington does not seem to have been represented.

The minutes of this conference state:

Governor Goodrich directed that a copy of the minutes be mailed to the Secretary of each club in the District. It should he borne in mind in presenting the facts contained in these minutes to the respective clubs that this organization is just entering into a field of activity that is sure to be productive of good results. It should be further borne in mind, and made plain to each club, that this, our first district convention, while being held in Baltimore, is just as much the convention of every club in the district as if it were being held in their city. It is up to the officers of each club to put the necessary pep into the respective organizations.


In accordance with the plans made at the September conference, the first annual convention was held in Baltimore, MD at Hotel Emerson on October 4, 1919.

A club at Norfolk VA had been completed prior to this convention but did not receive its charter until October 15, 1919.

Following luncheon as guests of the Baltimore Club, the convention was called to order by Governor Alfred G. Goodrich.

  • The first business transacted was the appointment of an Organization Committee, of which Harry E. Karr, of Baltimore, afterwards International President, was Chairman.
  • The minutes recite that this committee was appointed to determine whether they would adopt the plan suggested by the International Organization for the Government of this District. The committee recommended its adoption and their recommendation was approved by the Convention.
  • The next question was that of a name for the District. It was apparent to all that the name "Delaware-Maryland-District of Columbia-Virginia" District was too cumbersome and that some briefer title must be used. The Washington representatives suggested the name "Capital District" and this was adopted.
  • It was decided that there should be a Governor, 2 LTGs, a Secretary and a Treasurer. The Convention also voted that no Lieutenant Governor should be elected from the same club to which the Governor belonged.

A nominating committee was appointed, of which Harry E. Karr was also Chairman. On their nomination the following officers were unanimously elected:

A per capita tax of 25 cents was levied for the benefit of the District Treasury. A. S. Goldsborough of Baltimore delivered an address. International Secretary O. Sam Cummings was present with one of his helpful and forceful addresses and helped the convention get started right.

It was decided to hold conventions semi-annually. Wilmington, DE was selected for the next semi-annual, and Washington for the next annual convention.

While the convention was in session, the visiting ladies were the guests of the ladies of the Baltimore Club. There was a dinner in the evening.


A meeting of the Executive Committee was held at Washington, DC, on January 10, 1920. It was reported that all of the per capita tax had been paid, amounting to $171.25. There was a general discussion as to what form of work should be undertaken by the District, but no definite action was decided on.


Held at the Du Pont Hotel, Wilmington, DE on February 21, 1920, with Lt. Gov. J. D. Hank Jr, presiding in the absence of Governor Goodrich, who was detained by illness in his family.

In addition to the clubs mentioned at Washington, Baltimore, Richmond and Norfolk, new clubs are:

  • Roanoke, VA on November 26, 1919, chartered January 28, 1920.
  • Lynchburg, VA was completed on January 14, 1920, chartered January 29 1920.
  • Portsmouth, VA was completed on January 11, 1920, but did not receive its charter until April 15, 1920. It has always been the practice, in this District where a club has been completed prior to the convention to grant the full privileges of the convention even when the charter had not yet been actually delivered.

It appears from a reference in the convention proceedings that a meeting of the District officers had been held the previous year, but there are no minutes to show what action, if any, they took.

The report of the treasurer showed receipts of $163.75 and disbursements of $73.87.

A proposed set of District by-laws was presented and caused prolonged discussion. This was before International undertook to furnish sample District by-laws so that each District had to formulate its own. The proposed by-laws were finally adopted after numerous changes and amendments had been made. Later it was found that these by-laws with the amendments were inconsistent and faulty and therefore they were never submitted to International for approval, but at the next convention a new and complete set was adopted.

The following resolutions offered by Lt. Gov. Hank were adopted:

  • Various have been the movements launched in the put few years that, in their last analysis, are calculated to undermine the fundamental principles of the Constitution of the United States, and these movements are continually growl more frequent and serious. We the Kiwanians of the, Capital District Organization, realize, however, that in the stability of that Constitution, and only in the stability, rests the liberty of the people of these United States.
  • We further believe that its sanctity and a deep appreciation of the noble principles which it promulgates cannot be better preserved and safeguarded than by a more intimate knowledge of its origin, history, its provisions and the benefits reaped by the American people because thereof.
  • We, the Kiwanians, who have an earnest desire to be of service to our Country, believe we cannot better perform that service than by exerting our energies to that end;
  • THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Kiwanis. Capital District Organization, In convention assembled:

1. That we, the various subordinate Kiwanis Clubs, will devote ourselves to the patriotic duty of effecting among the people living within the Capital District Organization territory, a closer relation to that constitution and a more intimate knowledge of the Declaration of Independence the American Bill of Rights and the Constitution of the United States, and especially a deeper respect for these glorious documents and a more heart it appreciation of the multifold blessings enjoyed because of them.

2. To the accomplishment of this purpose each local Kiwanis Club will effect a local organization, looking to the placing in the hands of every boy and girl in its territory a copy of these documents, and take such action as each club may deem feasible to acuse addresses to be made and essays to be written with relation to these documents.

3. That each state or district represented will use its influence to have placed in the curricula of the public and private schools a study of these documents, and especially familiarize your of our land with the great blessings they enjoy by living under the Constitution of the United States.

It was voted that this movement be known as the Know our Country - Love our Country movement.

The Governor was directed to appoint a committee consisting of one member from each club whose duty it should be to make suggestions and recommendations to the individual clubs as to how this movement could be best promoted.

The entertainment at this convention consisted of an automobile ride, a theater party for the ladies and a banquet at night. There is no record of convention attendants or how many clubs were represented.


A meeting of the officers and trustees (Executive Committee) was held at Norfolk, VA August 14, 1920, with all of the clubs represented except Portsmouth.

At this meeting the resignation of District Secretary Maxime Ducharme was accepted and Harry G. Kimball of Washington, DC was elected to fill the vacancy.

Another meeting of the Executive Committee was held in Washington, DC October 8, 1920, the day before the Convention. At this meeting all the officers and trustees were present. A new set of by-laws was considered and recommended for adoption to the convention.


Held in Washington, DC October 9, 1920, as the guest of the Washington Club.

Following luncheon a business meeting was held, during which addresses were made by Kiwanian George A. Selig representing International, and William Mather Lewis of Washington. The membership of the clubs in this District was reported to be 1117.

The election of officers resulted as follows:

Under the by-laws the Executive Committee had the duty of electing the Secretary. They re-elected Harry G. Kimball of Washington, DC.

At the banquet held in the evening, a loving cup was presented to the club having the largest percentage of its members present, considering also the distance traveled. The cup was awarded to the Portsmouth Club.

Two new clubs were added during 1920,

  • Portsmouth VA completed January 11, chartered April 15
  • Lynchburg VA completed January 14, and chartered January 29.


Meetings of the Executive Committee were held on March 11, 1921, at Baltimore, MD and on April 9, 1920, at Richmond, VA but only routine business was transacted.


The Second Semi-Annual Convention of the Capital District was held at Richmond, VA April 9, 1921. It was preceded by meetings of the Secretaries and Presidents of the clubs.

New clubs reported having been organized since the last convention as follows:

    Newport News VA January 11, 1921, chartered April 6, 1921.
    Norton VA January 18, 1921, chartered March 22, 1921.
    Pulaski VA February 7, 1921, chartered March 21, 1921.
    Martinsville VA March 14, 1921, chartered May 2 1921.
    Salem VA March 15, 1921, but not yet chartered.
    Hagerstown MD March 17, 1921, chartered March al, 1921.
    Clifton Forge VA April 4, 1921, chartered May 24, 1921.
    Danville VA May 1, 1921, chartered June 21, 1921.

There was a total attendance was 338. The District membership was reported to be 1729, an increase of 54.7% Kiwanian Elwood J. Turner was the representative of International.

Most of the business session was occupied by reports of the members of the Public Affairs Committee of the work being done by the various clubs. The banquet was notable for its fine program and for the presentation of a loving cup to Past Governor Alfred G. Goodrich, the presentation being made by Governor Hank. The most notable features of the entertainment were Songs of Old England and Folk Songs by George Harris, illustrated by tableaux by members of the Richmond Club and their ladies, and Lorillard's Colored Chorus of 120 voices, singing the old time melodies.


A meeting of the Board of Trustees, as the Executive Committee is henceforth, to be known, was held on October 30, 1921, at which it was decided thereafter to hold only one convention each year. The first standard set of District by-laws was also adopted.


Held at Norfolk VA September 30 and October 1, 1921. Governor R. A. Mansfield Hobbs of the New York District was the International Representative and International President Harry E. Karr, one of our own members, was also present.

The following officers were elected:

Governor John J. Boobar Washington DC
Secretary-Treasurer Harry G. Kimball Washington DC
Lt. Gov Julian Y. Williams Alexandria VA
Lt. Gov David Pender Norfolk VA

Reported new club:

  • Alexandria, VA completed May 9, 1921, and chartered June 16, 1921. Although it was the baby club, it carried off one of the prizes, one of its members elected one of the new officers of the District.

Total attendance was recorded at 629, as follows:

    Visitors ----------- 4, Kiwanians -------------------- 408, Ladies -------------------------- 217

The 1921 Treasurer's report: receipts of $1,873; expenditures of 41,862; leaving a balance of only $10.

The entertainment was both elaborate and pleasing. Miss Sue Harvard of the Metropolitan Opera Company of New York was present during the whole convention with her wonderful singing. The ladies were taken on a trip to the Naval Base. They had luncheon at Kiwanis Clinic House of the King's Daughters, which house was financed by the Norfolk Club. Both Kiwanians and their ladies were taken on a tour of Hampton Roads, to Portsmouth, Old Point Comfort and to Newport News.

At the banquet and carnival a loving cup was presented to Past Governor Hank, the presentation being made by Past Governor Goodrich. An oyster roast was held at Cape Henry, at which time a loving cup was presented to Kiwanian Joseph M. Fentress, Chairman of the Committee of Arrangements of the Norfolk Club.


The whole Capital District, as well as International, was shocked to learn of the death of Past Governor Alfred G. Goodrich, which occurred on November 15, 1921, following an attack of appendicitis.

  • The funeral was held on November 18 from his former home at Roland Park, Baltimore, MD. International was represented by President Harry E. Karr, Capital District was represented by Governor J. D. Hank, Jr., LTG John J. Boobar, Treasurer John M. Dimling and Secretary Harry G. Kimball. The President and 5 members of the Washington Club, one from Richmond, and nearly the whole membership of the Baltimore Club.
  • The District Bulletin in announcing his death said: Governor Goodrich was a young man, only 45 years of age, but these years had been crowded with kind deeds, loving service and efficient work for his fellow men. As was truly stated by one of the ministers at the funeral, his life was one of courage, optimism, the faculty for making friends and faith. What more could any one desire to have said of him after he is gone.


While the body of the unknown soldier was lying in state in the Rotunda of the United States Capitol at Washington, DD on November 10, 1921, President Karr on behalf of Kiwanis deposited a wreath on the bier. Prayer was offered by Reverend William W. Shearer. Governor John J. Boobat, President Claude H. Woodward of the Washington Club, Roe Fulkerson, and a large number of other Kiwanians were present.


On March 1, 1922, Governor John J. Boobar sent in his resignation on account his own business required that he give it all of his time. The resignation was accepted with regret by the Trustees and Julian Y. Williams, First Lt. Gov. was elected Governor to fill the vacancy.

On nomination of the new Governor David Pender, till then Second Lt. Gov. was elected First Lt. Gov. and C. Walter Baker, of Hagerstown, MD as Second Lt. Gov.


Held at Norfolk had been such a great success and the entertainment so elaborate and expensive, that none of the clubs were willing to undertake the task for 1922.

After a careful consideration of the situation, the Board of Trustees decided that the convention should be financed as a District matter and not at the expense of any one club. The Board voted to levy a per capita tax on $1 on all the clubs in the District besides charging a registration fee of $5, and asked the Washington Club to consent that the convention be held in that city. This consent was readily given and the dates were fixed for October 13 and 14, 1922.

Committees were appointed by the Governor with Kiwanian Claude H. Woodward, Parb President of the Washington Club, as Chairman of the General Committee. Each committee was required to prepare and submit a budget of its expenses. This plan worked so well that at the close of the convention a refund of 20% was made to the constituent clubs. The convent-ion fund showed total receipts of $5,493, expenditures of $5,048, and refunds of $445.

The Registration Committee reported a total of 666 attended:

    International officers ---- 4, Kiwanians ----- 374, Ladies ---- 269, Other guests ----- 19

The International officers were President George H. Ross, Secretary Fred C. W. Parker, Trustee Elwood J. Turner and Trustee Thomas Arnold. Past International President Harry Karr and Editor Roe Fulkerson are our own members, and of course were present.

Several important legislative matters were adopted:

  • The District was divided into four zones with a LTG elected from each zone.
  • It was unanimously decided that future conventions should be financed by a per capita tax and registration fees.
  • A plan was adopted whereby the expenses of Trustees attending meetings of the Board of Trustees should be equally divided between all the clubs.
  • Meetings of the Presidents and Secretaries were authorized during the year as well as at the time of the annual convention.

The officers elected for 1923 were:

Lt. Gov C. Walter Baker Hagerstown MD
Lt. Gov Frank Talbott Danville VA
Lt. Gov Charles M. Armes Roanoke VA
Lt. Gov Allan D. Jones Newport News VA

Two events of a patriotic nature were held during the convention.

  • First, a trip by automobile to Mount Vernon, where a wreath was deposited on the tomb of George Washington and a patriotic address delivered by International Secretary Parker, the wreath being deposited by Mrs. Baker, wife of LtGov Baker.
  • Second, placing of a wreath on the tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington with an address by International President Ross, the wreath being deposited by Mrs. Williams, wife of Governor Williams.


  • On Friday of the convention we were entertained at luncheon by the Alexandria Club at the Chamber of Commerce of that city. We were welcomed to Alexandria by the Mayor, by two bands and by all the school children, who lined the streets waving flags and cheering.
  • Friday night was Stunt Night, the stunts being provided by several of the clubs. Prizes were awarded to Alexandria, Baltimore and Norfolk in the order named. The banquet on Saturday night was a great success, with Roe Fulkerson as "Director" and speeches by many of the notables present.
  • Presents were given to Governor Julian W. Williams, Secretary Harry G. Kimball, and Claude H. Woodward, Chairman of the Convention Committee. Miss Sue Harvard was again present during this convention.

During 1922 new clubs were established as follows:

    Petersburg VA completed February 16, chartered August 29.
    Charlottesville VA completed April 3, chartered May 25.
    Harrisonburg VA completed May 10, chartered October 10.
    Frederick MD completed May 23, chartered May 1, 1923.
    Staunton VA completed June 7, chartered November 16.
    Winchester VA completed June 23, chartered September 5.
    West Point VA completed September 26, chartered October 31.
    Marion VA completed December 26, chartered January 27,1923.

The membership in the District was reported on October 13, 1922, be 2362.


During 1922 the Virginia clubs contributed toward the work of the Virginia Tuberculosis Association the amount of $841


Held at Richmond, VA on Monday, February 126, 1923. In the morning there were separate meetings of the Trustees, Presidents, and Secretaries, and in the afternoon a joint conference.

  • The selection of Baltimore, MD as the place for holding the next annual convention was approved and the dates fixed as October 5th and 6th. International subsequently changed these dates to October 19th and 20th.
  • The District Secretary was directed to mail the District Bulletin monthly to all members in the District. Each club was directed to subscribe for its members at 25 cents per capita.
  • At the afternoon conference a number of subjects were thoroughly discussed such as attendance, budget, weekly, bulletins, dues and luncheon costs, charitable work, inter-club relations, ladies' nights, etc.
  • The plan of the Washington Kiwanis Club's Capital District Loving Cup was presented and approved. The Washington Club through its Inter-Club Relations Committee procured a loving cup on which was engraved: WASHINGTON KIWANIS CLUB'S CAPITAL DISTRICT LOVING CUP
    Washington Club February 15, 1923
  • The plan provided that the Washington Committee should take the cup to one of the other clubs in the same zone. This club should have its name and the date engraved on it -and carry it to another club. When it had visited every club in the first zone it should be returned to the Washington Club, which will carry it to the second zone, where the same course will be followed. Eventually it will be taken to every club in the District.

    The cup so far has traveled as follows:

    March 8, Washington to Alexandria.
    April 10, Alexandria to Winchester.
    May 24, Winchester to Hagerstown.
    July 12, Hagerstown to'Frederick.
    Sept 6, Frederick to Baltimore.
    Sept 26, Baltimore to Wilmington.
    October 19 and 20, Wilmington to the District Convention.
    November 2, Wilmington to Seaford.
    November 8, Seaford to Washington.
    November 3, Washington to Covington.
    December 31, Covington to Clifton Forge.

The International Convention was held at Atlanta, GA from May 28 to May 31, 1923. A special train carried representatives and their ladies from the Capital District. A party of 178, representatives every chartered club in the District except one, which had receive its charter only one week before and which had not had a meeting under the charter at which to elect its delegates. The officers of the District therefore claimed 100% attendance.

The Capital District secured first honor in the Blue Division International Contest.

The following new clubs were formed in 1923:

    Radford VA completed January 24, chartered April 11.
    Big Stone Gap VA completed January 25, chartered March 23.
    Ashland VA completed February 2 chartered March 26.
    Fredericksburg VA completed February 16, chartered March 27.
    Seaford DE completed April 16 chartered May 23.
    Emporia VA completed May 1, chartered May 23.
    Coeburn VA completed February, chartered May 15.
    South Boston VA completed April 6, chartered May 8.
    Covington VA completed September 4, chartered November 30.


Held at Baltimore, MD October 19 and 20, 1923. The convention was presided over by Governor Edwin W. Lintner and Jules Brazil was present to lead the singing and to give to the convention that touch of good fellowship. RL Rev. John G. Murray, Bishol of MD pronounced the invocation and Mayor Howard W. Jackson of Baltimore, welcomed the visitors.

The convention was marked by an unusual number of interesting and educational addresses. Among those who addressed the convention were International President Edmund F. Arras, Past International President Harry E. Karr, International Vice President Henry C. Heintz, International Secretary Fred C. W. Parker, Roe Fulkerson, editorial writer for the Kiwanis, Magazine; International Trustee H. Walter Gill, Past International Trustee Elwood J. Tinmer, Lt. Gov Allan D. Jones, Alva Lumpkin, Governor of the Carolinas District, and International Field Representative Joe Bowles, Jr.

Conferences of Trustees, Presidents and Secretaries were held and the results of these conferences were reported to the convention.

The entire convention was educational and inspirational and no legislation of importance was adopted.

Election of officers of the District for 1924 resulted as follows:

Governor Claude H. Woodward Washington
Secretary-Tressurer Robert E. Turner Norfolk
Lt. Gov. Zone 1, Merle E. Towner Baltimore
Lt. Gov. Zone 2 Charles G. Mathis Charlottesville
Lt. Gov. Zone 3 Thomas G. Burch Martinsville
Lt. Gov. Zone 4 Joseph M. Fentress Norfolk

Subject to the approval of the District Board of Trustees, an invitation was accepted from the Norfolk Club to hold the Sixth Annual Convention in that city.

The entertainment features of the convention were very fine. There were auto rides and luncheons, with a roof garden banquet and vaudeville.

The treasurer's report for 1923: showed receipts of 01,598.51 and expenditures of $11,364.45.


Thus has the Capital District grown from 2 clubs when the first steps taken to organize a district organization on August 29, 1918, with a couple of hundred members, to 34 clubs by the end of 1923, with 3,000 members.

Clubs had no real objective. Now with work for the under-privileged child and other features of civic and municipal work, there are real and definite goals. When clubs accomplished little or nothing, except to enjoy the fellowship of each other at their meetings; now it takes many pages to sum up the tremendous good Kiwanis is doing in the thirty-four cities of this Capital District. We knew few leading business and professional men in other cities than our own; now, we know scores of men who are imbued with the high ideals of Kiwanis and who are giving their time and best efforts for the betterment of the communities in which they live.

Clubs of the Capital District

Organized May 9, 1921
Organized Feb 2, 1923
Organized Nov. 22, 1917
Organized Jan. 23, 1923
Organized April 3, 1922
Organized April 4, 1921
Organized Mar. 8, 1923
Organized Sept. 4, 1923
Organized May 1, 1921
Organized June 11, 1923
Organized May 1, 1923
Organized Feb. 9, 1923
Organized March 17, 1921
Organized May 10, 1922
Organized Jan. 14, 1920
Organized Dec. 26, 1922
Organized March 14, 1921
Organized January 11, 1921
Organized May 13, 1919
Organized Jan. 18, 1921
Organized Feb. 16, 1922
Organized in Jan. 11, 1920
Organized Feb. 7, 1921
Organized Jan 24, 1923
Organized Mar. 6, 1919
Organized Nov. 26, 1919
Organized March 15, 1921
Organized April 1923
Organized April 6, 1923
Organized June 15, 1922
Organized Feb. 19, 1917
Organized Sept 26, 1922
Organized Nov 19, 1918
Organized June 25, 1922
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