Capital District Kiwanis History

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Trivia - Answers to District People


When was past District Secretary Ellis Stroup a Lt. Governor?
Divison 12, home club Loch Raven.

Name the Past Governors of the Capital District that were also District Historians?
Harry G. Kimbal, Henry A. Converse, Miles S. Reifsnyder
Fredrick L. Terrell Jr is listed on the History home page and under District Governors.

Who was the District Historian who held the position for 20 years?
Fred Terrell Jr, 1982 to 2001 District Historian, 1987-88 District Governor.

Who was a District Secretary and holds the longest time (47 years) as a club secretary?
Walter C. Goodykoontz, home club Radford.

Who was the first District Chair for the Capital District Circle K?
William M. Eagles was also Governor in 1962 and KI President in 1973.

Which 4 District Kiwanians have become Kiwanis International Presidents?
1921 Harry Karr Baltimore City
1951 Claude B Hellman Baltimore City
1973 William M. Eagles Chesterfield
2020 Arthur N Riley Westminster