Capital District Kiwanis History

Clubs Old-Divisions-New Regions Site Map Leadership People

Trivia - Test your District Knowledge
All answers can be found on the District History web site.

Clubs: Answers
Why did Kiwanis International give Baltimore City a lower Key number than Washington ?
Name the Capital District club that was recognized as the first Breakfast Club?
Name the District club that sponsored a club in the Middle-east?
Name the third organized club in the District?
Name the southern District club that sponsored three Capital District clubs?
Name the international club that the Capital District sponsored?

District: Answers
What year did the District Conventions move to August?
Name the clubs that formed the Capital District.
When did the District develop Zones and how many were there?
When did the District change Zones to Divisions?
When did this History site first appear on the web?

Divisions: Answers
What years were Divisions first split up in East and West, North and South, A and B?
What Division was organized in 1930 and broken up in 1991?
What Division grew from Division 6 in 1940 and was terminated in 2006?

People: Answers
When was past District Secretary Ellis Stroup a Lt. Governor?
Name the Past Governors of the Capital District that were also District Historians?
Who was the District Historian who held the position for 20 years?
Who was a District Secretary and holds the longest time (47 years) as a club secretary?
Who was the first District Chair for Circle K?
What four (4) District Kiwanians have become Kiwanis International Presidents?

K-Family: Answers
When was Capital District Circle K organized?