Capital District Kiwanis History

CLUBS Old-Divisions-New Regions Site Map Leadership People

Organized January 24 1923 Chartered April 11 1923
Key #00942 26th District Club
Sponsor Kiwanis Field Representative George Selig
Divisions 03 16
Region Southwest Virginia
Population (1923) 6,202

Division 03
(Volume 1)
President H B Walbridge, Secretary Ambrose Wilson
Treasurer George T Turner, Trustee W T Baldwin
Directors: Paul JB Murphy, Fred L Foster, William H Gilbert
Heth Wharton, E D Johnson, Dr W H Carter, Anthony Giesen

The Kiwanis Club of Radford, Virginia was organized January 24, 1923, with 35 members, under special permission from International The chartered was presented April 11, 1923 by District Governor Edwin W Lintner

Sent delegations to two inter-city meetings in Roanoke and Pulaski Held an inter-club with Rotary and Young Men's Business Clubs Made recommendations in favor of "Good Roads" bonds Made recommendations for purchase and installation by the city of public weighing scales Sent delegates to International and District conventions at Atlanta and Baltimore Sponsored public playgrounds and prevailed on the city to purchase land for same Cooperated with Rotary Club in raising $3,500 for Boy Scout work Started plans for a Kiwanis club house for public meetings or activities of which the club approves

(Volume 2)
(H B Walbridge)
President Henry T Roberts, Secretary Ambrose Wilson
Membership 49
Trustee J R Wyatt

Donated $70 to benefit crippled children Purchased 100 tickets in aid of the Radford Music Club Sent a delegate to the District Conference at Charlottesville

Placed Kiwanis signs in public places Sent 3 representatives to Richmond to allocate funds for good roads Provided transportation for physicians and surgeons at a Medical Conference 42 members attended the Inter-Club meeting at Marion, providing a speaker and a jazz band Held a joint meeting with Rotary and raised $2500 for Boy Scout work Met with the Kiwanis Club at Pulaski on All-Kiwanis Night with 42 members attending Entertained 50 young ladies at the Radford State Teachers College Provided Thanksgiving baskets for 15 needy widows

(Ambrose Wilson)
President J L Kirkwood, Secretary Ambrose Wilson
Treasurer F E Grayson, Trustee H T Roberts

Participated in every citywide movement for civic development, welfare and charity work Celebrated the tenth anniversary of Kiwanis International with a Ladies Night Participated in the International Attendance Contest with 90% attendance, the highest in the Third Zone

The Inter-Club Relations Committee sponsored an interchange of club speakers with Marion, Pulaski, Salem, Roanoke and Martinsville

Two representatives were sent to Huntington, WV, to induce a window manufacturer to locate in Radford A budget was adopted with monthly dues fixed at $5 This proved to be very satisfactory and brought about an increase in attendance Received the Capital District Loving Cup on March 18 Presented 23 members of the Salem Club with District Governor J Randall Caton, Zone 3 LTG Moncure and other visitors 40 club members delivered the cup to Pulaski Club on April 9

Sent 2 delegates to the District Convention and to the International Convention Honored by the election of William E Gilbert as LG Officers attended the District Conference at Charlottesville

On the recommendation of County Agents, the club provided blue stone to Pulaski and Montgomery County farmers for the treatment of stomach worms in sheep Approximately 10,000 doses were distributed

Radford was host to the Marion and Pulaski Clubs Held regular weekly meetings in Christiansburg, Belsprings and Dublin

In cooperation with the community nurse the club enjoyed working with city underprivileged children Presented a car to the nurse, thereby enabling her to broaden her welfare work for the city Provided milk for 15 undernourished children, gave 6 medical attention, sent$100 to the Crippled Children's Hospital at Richmond, provided clothing, paid travel expenses of 1 cripple to the Richmond Hospital, and sponsored and maintained an orthopedic clinic

Division 03
President C C Cunningham Sr, Secretary Ambrose Wilson
Treasurer W P Gordon, Trustee G R Elder
Membership 34
LG William E Gilbert

The Agricultural Committee arranged a contest for boys under ten years First prize $20 to the boy sending in the best five ears of corn grown by his own efforts Second prize of $10 Left over corn was auctioned for the benefit of our crippled children fund

28 members and their ladies attended the Pulaski Ladies' Night Assisted in the formation of a Chamber of Commerce Active in work for the underprivileged children Attended the District Inter-Club Meeting at Pulaski 114 members and guests were present including members of the Pulaski Club Played a baseball game with Rotary for the benefit of our crippled children work

President Fred N Cole, Secretary W B Gordon
Trustee W R Bowers

A young blind woman presented the club with a beautiful basket woven for help she received to get training The basket was auctioned off for the Underprivileged Child Fund Later in the year we contributed towards the expenses of another blind girl to enable her to learn basket making Furnished the material for weaving so that a blind boy could learn the art

During the school term, furnished milk to undernourished and underprivileged children, school books to three boys Provided a boy with school clothing, books Furnished food and fuel for four widows with large families A comic ball game between teams of the club raised $9000 for our child work

Host to Pulaski and Marion on Inter-Club Day A joint meeting with Rotary was held at Belsprings about eight miles from Radford The Agriculture Committee raised $100 to assist in providing prizes for Sheepman's Day at the Tri-County Fair President Cole and Eugene H Grayson maintained 100% attendance during the year President Cole presented Eugene H Grayson a silver loving cup Sponsored a dental clinic for 50 people During the year we sponsored two orthopedic clinics for crippled children

(Volume 3)
President Arthur Roberts, Secretary William B Gordon
Trustee Fred N Cole

Endorsed a bill sponsored by the Bassett Club to have the State Legislature appropriate funds to maintain a hospital for crippled children

Cooperated with city and school authorities in the care of undernourished children Furnished 2760 half-pints of milk Members contributed $145 to the boys work of the YMCA A new auto was given to the school nurse to supplant a car which we had given her several years ago

Our Public Affairs Committee appeared before the City Council requesting that the city take action to eliminate garbage and rubbish scattered over the town

There was no outlet to Radford except in most favorable weather By sending delegations to every State Highway Commission hearing, we were successful in having two roads constructed by the State highway system These roads total 15 miles and will make Radford the trading center for 15,000 people

Worked on a project of getting a swimming pool for the children of the city Had 22 meetings with a perfect attendance, 18 of them consecutive Our attendance for the year was 9363%, and it would have been better but for the epidemic of flu the last of the year We held two inter-club meetings with Pulaski Meetings were held at New River, Belsprings, and Dublin

President John B Spiers, Secretary William B Gordon
Trustee Fred W Hurt

The big objective of our club for the year was the construction of a municipal swimming pool This project was handled so successfully and expeditiously that it was opened with a celebration on July 4, at which time it was estimated that ten thousand people were present This pool is 200 feet long, 60 feet wide, and at the deepest end is 81 feet A pavilion was built over the showers and lockers which is available for dancing and other amusements We are now completing the building of a boating lake just below the pool, about a quarter of a mile in length, which can be stocked with fish

All Kiwanis Night was celebrated with appropriate exercises On June 6, we went to Pulaski, nearly 10001o strong, to attend the Inter-Club meeting at which Governor Kimball and Eugene Woodson, of Washington, were the speakers On July 10, we entertained a number of our farmer friends A musical comedy with Kiwanis talent raised funds for underprivileged child work

On Christmas eve, the club had as its guests 30 underprivileged children They were given a turkey dinner and each child received a present Each member during the coming year is to exercise some oversight over the child whom he brought to this Christmas party

(Volume 4)
President Thomas M Jones, Secretary William B Gordon
Trustee J L Early

Sponsored the Old Time Fiddlers and Banjo Pickers for the benefit of the Under-privileged Child Fund Had an interclub with Pulaski visited Salem

An address was presented by State Senator Robert J Noel, Rev Paul Maring of Pulaski, and Mrs Charles E Wood who spoke on Boy Scout work Entertained 24 boys Christmas eve at lunch and a Ladies Night was held Dec 30 We played baseball with Rotary to a tie score

President Francis B Fitzpatrick, Secretary William B Gordon
Trustee W R Bowers

Host to Lynchburg, Roanoke, Salem, and Marion Visited Salem club Held a meeting at Dublin, VA with the Business Men's club

Furnished hot lunches to under-nourshed children during the school year Purchased an automobile for the Community Nurse Had 20 under privileged boys for lunch Heard addresses on Vocational Guidance, Good Citizenship and Business standards Members contributed to the community chest

Division 03
President Frank Y Caldwell, Secretary William B Gordon
Attendence 83%
LG F B Fitzpatrick

Gave a Christmas Party for under-privileged boys Attended meetings at Salem, Division Meeting with the District Governor, and hosted Roanoke and Salem Joint meeting with the newly formed Lions Club.

Sent delegates to the Mid-Winter Conference, and the District Convention with LTG Fitzpatrick, a member of this club Entertained the Past Governor of the Tennessee-Kentucky District and was host to the LTG's Club officer training.

President Wilson R Bowers, Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz
Attendence 78%

Club continued its Christmas program for Under-privileged boys Discussed pans for building a playground for under privileged children Promgrams on the NRA and Fire Prevention week.

Attended interclub meetings at Salem Roanoke Celebrated our 10th Anniversary, Entertained the Distrcit Governor and the LTG Celebrated Constitution week and sent delegates to the District Convention.

Celebrated the 10th Anniversary, entertained the District Governor Sent delegates to the District Convention.

President E H Grayson, Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz
Attendence 89%

The membership dwindled to 12 members Members on small budgets devoted themselves to UP Children and met at members' homesSpent more than $50 for milk for under nourished school children Mended braces for crippled children Collected old clothes and books for a mountain mission and gave a Christmas Party for 24 boys with toys and candy.

Club had one joint meeting with Rotary Programs on CWA, Acts of the Legislature, Local School Situation, and Thanksgiving Attended 100% interclubs.

Had a meeting on Kiwanis Education, entertained the LTG, and in the last four months increased its membership by 10 new members.

President Fred W Hurt, Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz

Programs on farm conditions and Vocational Guidance Meetings devoted to Kiwanis Education, Kiwanis Anniversay, All Kiwanis Night and Constitution week Entertained the District Governor and LTG Represented at the Division meeting an the District Convention.

Furnished milk for under-nourished children and at Christmas each member invited an Under-privileged boy to the luncheon and had a present for him 28 boys were present.

Due to the efforts of the club a small Public parking lot (capacity 30 cars) was obtained and is known as Kiwanis Park Host to Salem, Roanoke and Marion Entertained the District Governor and LTG Represented at the Division Meeting and District Convention.

President J Louis Early, Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz
Attendence 94%

Secured employment for 12 UP boys in a factory Paid $15 for brace repairs Gave Christmas luncheon to 26 underprivileged boys

Celebrated Youth Week with a program on Relation of the Child to the Parent Programs on Boy Problems and Youth Problems Held Farmers Night Visited Salem Held joint meeting with Rotary and a Ladies Night Entertained the District Governor, and LTG Host to the Division Meeting and was represented at the District Convention

President W Southall Jordan Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz
Attendance 87%

Paid part expenses for a young girl, bought glasses for another, furnished 6 pairs of shoes and spent $25 for milk for under nourished and had the Christmass luncheon with 33 boys Club played softball to raise money for its UP Child Fund.

Celebrated Youth Week with a program on Challenge of Youth, entertained the high school football team, coach with a program on football Held 3 Farmers Meetings in different communities.

Programs: Cancer, Syphilis, The Air Service, The Work of the Radford Retail Merchants Association, Automobile Accidents, Citizenship, The State Health Clinics, The Work and Needs of the Welfare Work, The Duties of the State Police ' and Both Sides of the Supreme Court Controversy.

Went to Roanoke for the International President It was host to Salem when it brought the Log and it carried the Log to Roanoke It sponsored the formation of a new club at Narrows and visited it in a body.

Entertained the LTG and the Governor Host to Division Meeting at Salem club brought the Golden Rule to Radford, and was represented at the District Convention.

(Volume 5)
President H Pat Horton, Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz
Membership Jan 1 - 30 Attendance 90%
Sponsor Narrows Club

The club contributed $5000 for food an(I milk for undernourished school children for tile current session and later decided to set aside $60 for the school year 1938-39 It had a series of auctions for the benefit of its U P Child work Gave a Christmas dinner to 50 children with a present for each child, and it sent 75 Christmas baskets.

It had a program on Girl Scout activities and another on Boy Scout work, and it entertained the Football Squad.

Had 4 meetings in nearby counties with officials and farmer's as guests with appropriate programs, two of which were on Practical Gardening and Government.

National Youth Week was celebrated, and two programs related to Vocational Guidance.

The club advocated a Public Park for the city.

Attended the Charter Nights in Clintwood and Narrows presenting Narrows with an American Flag.

Celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary, held Kiwains Education, Represented at the Mid-Winter Conference, Division, and District meetings Had a member chosen as Lt Gov for 1939.

Created a special committee to instruct inventive talent to obtain patents.

Division 03
President Macon P Miller, Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz
Membership Jan 1 - 42 Attendance 91%
LG W Southall Jordan

Sent 25 boys to summer camp Five Christmas baskets sent to indigent families at a cost of $2500 One boy sent to Boy State Program on Vocational guidance.

Attended Richlands Charter Night, received the plaque from Salem and delivered to Marion, and was host to the Third Division meeting.

Furnished the Lieutenant Governor for the wear, held meetings on Kiwanis Education, represented at the Mid-Winter, District Convention, Club officer training.

President Charles R Newcomb Jr, Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz
Membership Jan 1 - 45 Attendance 91%

Sponsor Bland County club

Put on a Horse Show for the Community Welfare Fund Sent 43 boys to camp They were our guests at a Christmas dinner Contributed $50 to the Milk and Hot Luncheon Fund for indigent school children Fifty pounds of candy were donated to the Welfare Department to be distributed in Christmas baskets for needy families.

A program on the value of of community Boy Scout work Had students speak on the need of recreational facilities for boys and girls in order to bring these matters to the attention of 'tile public A boy was sent to Boy State.

The Committee on Agriculture arranged for several out-of-town meetings where the club would have as its guests prominent business men and farmers and their ladies iti order that problems of community interest could be discussed The most effective of these meetings were held in Christiansburg and Dublin.

Two high school students talked to the club at one meeting on vocational guidance program in the local high school.

Donated $25 to Community Chest Joint meeting with Rotary.

President Donald Foster, Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz
Membership Jan 1 - 41 Attendance 87%

Spent $275 to send 32 boys to a summer camp and gained an average of five pounds in weigh A Christmas party was given for these boys with gifts Sent a boy to Boy State.

A Farmers' Meeting was held at Bethel at which time the wives of members of the club were guests along with the farmers and their wives.

The club had a program on vocational guidance The public spirited of the club is evidenced by the fact that it contributed $20 to the Public Library, $30 for decorations on the occasion of the opening of new post office building, $30 for decoration of the community Christmas tree, and purchased $201 worth of stock in the proposed new hotel.

Visited Roanoke and attended an inter-club at Narrows club at Mountain Lake Held two joint meetings with Rotary and Lions.

Had a 25% increase in membership during the year Visited by the District Governor and the LTG Sent delegates to Mid-Winter Conference, the International and the District Conventions, and club officer Training Officers On December 31 had 3 members in the armed forces.

President Charles K Howe Jr, Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz
Membership Jan 1 - 49 Attendance 90%

Sent 30 boys to Camp Kiwanee at a cost of $300 The meeting and program was at the camp Spent $50 for T and A operations on 5 boys.

Farmer meetings held in Bethel and Riner Members' wives were present Agriculture Committee sponsored the planting of Victory Gardens.

Entertained 18 enlistees Gave $25 to the American Legion for the purchase of gifts to draftees Programs included What We Can Do in the National Defense Program, Vocational Trade and Industrial Schools, The Relation of the Church and Civic Organizations, The Spiritual Side of National Defense, The Telephone and Defense, Hotel Management, and The Rent Control Act.

The club had programs on Kiwanis Education, celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary Visited by the LTG and by all International Trustee, and was represented at the International and District Conventions and the Training School for Club Officers.

President William E Gilbert Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz
Membership Jan 1 - 58 Attendance 96%

The club had one meeting at the camp Placed 30 boys for 2 weeks at a cost of $400 The boys showed an average gain of 6 pounds each They furnished the program for the meeting at the camp.

Sponsored the planting of Victory Gardens The gardens produced 1,843 quarts of canned food and 250 bushels of fruits and vegetables.

(Volume 6)
President Horace T Foster, Secretary, Walter C Goodykoontz
Membership Jan 1 - 56 Attendance 97%

The club took part in all local fund drives, sent boxes to our men in service; supported a "Go to Church"; continued Camp Kiwanee, running it for a two week period with 25 boys in attendance costing $450 besides the vegetables contributed by members of the club from their Victory Gardens Held regular meeting with the boys at the camp, giving prizes to the best camper, the boy catching the largest fish, etc, and the Christmas party had all the campers as our guests Formulated plans to keep in touch with the boys who go to our camp during the whole year, keeping a file on each boy so that it may be possible to give them vocational guidance when they need it.

President Ambrose Wilson Secretary, Walter C Goodykoontz
Membership Jan 1 - 57 Attendance 96%

Sponsored two week camping for 25 boys at Camp Kiwanee with varied recreational activities, swimming, boating, fishing, softball, and other athletic games; at the end of the boys camp, continued the camp for one week for 25 girls properly chaperoned, the cost of both camps not including equipment was $450 Organized a movement to secure a vocational guidance school and obtain a new building for this as a part of the high school Cooperated in all the local bond and fund drives Participated in the Fire Power Exhibition to recruit war workers for the Radford Ordnance Works, entertained the Hercules-Radford Ordnance Fire Power personnel composed of some ten overseas returned military veterans Sponsored the United Clothing Collection put on by a special committee from the club assisted by the Lions and Rotary clubs Collect and ship approximately 25,000 pounds; raised $40000 from a Bingo Party Contributed $2500 to the Public Library and bought Bibles for the city school at a cost of $20.

Division 03
President Will D Baugh Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz
Membership Jan 1 - 46 Attendance 99%
Sponsor Pulaski | Galax | Blacksburg Clubs
LG Wilson R Bowers

Entertained 17 high school seniors, with the idea of teaching the boys the work of a civic club Entertained the high school football captain, co-captain, and coaches Started plans to organize a key club Collected with the assistance of 48 high school students, 45,000 pounds of clothing for shipment overseas.

Sponsored camp Kiwanee, a camp for high school boys eligible for football and other athletics Furnished equipment, milk and butter, transportation of food, and donated $50 toward financing the camp.

New clubs at Pulaski and Blacksburg for a program on boys and girls work; continued work for securing a Vocational Educational building for the high school; advised senior students concerning colleges and work after graduation.

Operated Camp Kiwanee for 27 boys for two weeks and for 25 girls for two weeks for the second year at a total cost of $1,200 held the 8th annual Christmas prty for boys and girls attending the camp; held a Horse Show and sponsored a softball game raising $900 for community work; cooperated in all the local fund drives; appointed a committee to work with local recruiting officers on the Volunteer Recruiting Plan; advised and assisted returning veterans in registering discharge papers and in filling out mustering out pay blanks; cooperated with the local ministerial association in its "Go to Church and Sunday School Program" sponsored a movement for the city council to purchase and develop a 38 acre tract to contain a football stadium, baseball field, race track and other recreational facilities, as a war memorial; met during food famine drive, without eating and contributed the price of the luncheon to the ood drive.

President Robert L Rose, Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz
Membership Jan 1 - 69 Attendance 95%
District Chair Public Relations Will D Baugh
District Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz

Held a meeting at a rural church with the farmers of that community as guest The county agent and a group of farmers spoke of producing purebred livestock Spent $12500 in purchasing a pure bred Guernsey calf and a pure bred Hampshire boar, presenting them to two 4-H members, in the hope of improving the breed of live stock in the county Sponsored a program on soil conservation.

Organizated a Key club Kiwanians attend Key club meetings and donating $100.

Cooperated in all the local fund drives Held the second annual Horse Show to raise funds for its community work; sponsored a "Get Out the Vote" campaign; continued its efforts for the establishment of a Vocational Educational Building; started plans to conduct a course in public speaking open to the public; spent $100 for medical treatment of several children in a family in the country; spent approximately $250 on T & A operations and dental work; conducted Camp Kiwanee for three weeks for boys and girls at a cost of approximately $1,00000 The camp was extended to churches, Boy Scouts, and other groups for weekend outings, picnics, etc at times when it was not in use by the club Received from the Horse Show for community work was $3,500.

Division 03
President H Douglas Fitzpatrick, Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz
Membership Jan 1 - 70 Attendance 94%
District Chair Inter-Club Relations Saul Simon
Sponsor Fairlawn Community club
LG Will D Baugh
District Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz

Ran Camp Kiwanee 2 weeks for 25 boys and 10 days for 28 girls Sponsored a Sea Scout unit with a special program to present their charter Made Camp Kiwanee available to Scouts, Church and College groups and others when it was not in use by the club Sponsor the Key club, having help from the members in putting on several of our activities Spent $125 for a pure bred heifer and put it in the hands of another 4-H boy, in continuing the program for better live stock started last year; cooperated in all local fund drives; distributed monthly 1,000 pamphlets.

President Fred M Cox, Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz
Membership Jan 1 - 70 Attendance 93%
District Chair New Club Building Will D Baugh
District Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz

The club entertained loc al high school basketball squad; sent a bov to Boy State and a girl to Girl State; celebrated National Kids Day by entertaining 500 children at a 2 hour movie; continued sponsoring the Key club and donated $30 toward the expenses of two delegates to the International Key Club Convention; carried on two weeks each for boys and girls at the Kiwanis Kamp at a cost of $1,000, and made the camp site available to other groups when it was not in use for this purpose; made a good many improvement,,; at the camp site; sponsored the annual Horse Show and a two-day minstrel to raise funds; gave the annual Christmas party for the campers with a turkey dinner and gifts for all; discussed the possible establishment of a farmers market; gave various farmers nearly two bushels of hybrid seed corn to encourage the cultivation of this type of corn in this area; invited a number of farmers to the clubs picnic held in the country; took an active part in all local fund drives; cooperated with junior Chamber of Commerce in two of their activities; Clean-Up, Fix-Up, and their first Speed Boat Regatta held on Claytor Lake in June; sponsored Floyd Ward Dancing Revue, clearing $120 for community work; cooperated with the Jayvees in their annual Christmas Parade by entering a float; and sponsored three religious programs during the year.

President Saul Simon Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz
Membership Jan 1 - 60 Attendance 94%
District Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz

The club kept in touch with three young farmers that are raising live stock purchased by the club three years ago and had them as guests at a luncheon meeting; had a young 4-H club member address the club on "Opportunities for Youth on Virginia Farms"; celebrated National Boy Scout Anniversary; sent a boy and a girl to Boy State and Girl State respectively at a cost of $37 and had them report to the club on tile activities in which they were engaged at these events; sponsored the Floyd Ward Dancing School again, clearing $140 for the canip project; helped in organizing the Sandlot Football League and donated $100 toward this project; observed National Kids Day, having the local school children take over the city government for a (lay, and entertaining them and 400 other children at a movie during the day; continued the Key club, donating $30 toward the expenses of its delegates to the International Key Club Convention; worked actively in local fund drives; arranged a United Nations Day program with a joint meeting with Rotary and Lions; donated $20 towards the expenses of the annual Christmas Parade by the Jayvees; sponsored an excellent program in celebration of Brotherhood Week; made a number of improvements at Camp Kiwanee and ran the camp for four weeks, two for boys and two for girls, with 30 in each group, at a cost of a little over $1,00000; held the annual Christmas party for all campers; raised $325 from the guni vending machines and $400 by a Minstrel Show to raise money for the community work.

(Volume 7)
President Woodrow W Robinson, Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz
Membership Jan 1 - 57 Attendance 89%
District Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz

The club kept in touch with the 4-H Club members who are raising livestock purchased by the club a few years ago; asked members who have gardens to contribute their surplus to be gathered by the committee to be used at Kamp Kiwanee for the boys and girls camps Furnished transportation to and from the camp Sent a boy to Boy State and a girl to Girl State Joined with Rotary and Lions to contribute to a fund to furnish equipment to the safety patrols of the schools, at a cost of $42 Sponsored National Kids Day by having students take over the city government for one day Provided free movies for 300 children Sponsoring the Key Club Carried on two camps of two weeks each, one for boys and one for girls at Camp Kiwanee, at a cost of $1 000 Raised for community work from a Minstrel Show $867, and from a Dance Review $125 Held annual Christmas dinner party for all the campers and the counselors, with presents for all; had five religious for all the campers and the counselors, with presents for all Cooperated with the Ministerial Union in urging all members to attend the two weeks special services arranged in all the churches in the city.

President Andrew L Ingles, Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz
Attendance 92%
District Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz

Kiwanis Administration - 9 new members were inducted and immediate education begun Sent representation to the lnternational and District Conventions.

Agriculture and Conservation - Followed up work of young farmers who were given livestock several years ago They also purchased 4 pigs from the 4-H Club Montgomery County Pig Chain.

Public and Business Affairs - A Christmas parade float was entered in the Jaycees Christmas parade Provide transportation for voters A "Go to church" Sunday was organized and attendance checked A survey of the activities and attitude of each club member was made in order to prevent club meeting time from conflicting with set church activities Dental care amounting to $250 was given to needy children Raised $650 to complete building a new dormatory at Camp Kiwanee Held 2 weeks camp for 25 girls age 9 to 12 years Donkey ball game with Lions raised funds for youth work Ford gum machines were sponsored to raise funds for needy children.

President John T Dodson, Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz
Attendance 93%
District Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz

Kiwanis Administration - Had 22 visits to other Kiwanis clubs and host to 8 clubs Celebrated 30th club anniversary, visits to boys and girls camps, family picnic Inducted 10 new members - 1 at the International Convention and 5 members were present at the District Convention.

Boys and Girls Work - The committee was responsible for repairs to streets near the school Arranged transportation for campers, counselors and dieticians and others to camp site The committee handled the National Kids Day program by giving about 600 children free movies, candy and other gifts A small parade was staged prior to movie We handled the peanut sale in connection with this Kids Day, netting a profit of $230 We made $15000 by sponsoring the Floyd Ward Revue and raised money for the Youth Fund by staging a Revue Minstrel Sponsored a boy and girl to Girls and Boys State, respectively, at a cost of $50.

Key Clubs - The committee and Key clubbers assisted with a Blood Bank The club has I or more Key clubbers as their guests at regular meetings The Key clubbers have furnished several excellent club programs The club donated $50 toward expenses of sending 6 Key clubbers to Capital District Key Club Convention in Richmond, Va Pete Moore, a Key clubber, was elected Lt Governor.

Public and Business Affairs - The committee furnished 2 members to city-wide committee to study need of new offices for city officials We arranged a special program for United States-Canada Good Will Week We cooperated with the Chamber of Commerce and other organizations in dedication of new beach at nearby Claytor Lake State Park We sent members of our club to Open Forum on School Problems We cooperated with the local Red Cross Fund Drive and the Community Chest Drive We installed a new curtain rod in high school auditorium at a cost of $50.

Support of Churches in Their Spiritual Aims - We cooperated and worked with Ministerial Association in sponsoring Easter Sunrise Services The club shared the cost of $2000 We furnished special programs on Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Underprivileged Child - At a cost of $250, dental work was done for several boy and girl campers All campers were given a thorough physical check-up with necessary shots before going to camp at a cost of $50000 The club made all necessary arrangements for operation of Kamp Kiwanee We secured camp counselors and assistants, a cook, dietitians, food arrangement, etc We also arranged for transportation of the boys and girls During July, about 25 boys and 25 girls attended this camp The club held its regular meetings at the campsite with the youngsters staging the program The camps cost about $1,20000 to operate Funds for this enterprise were raised by stagiiig our Revue Minstrel, which netted about $1,15000 The club sponsors Ford gum machines to raise funds for youth services.

Vocational Guidance - This committee made an effort to interest a young senior to work for a rural medical scholarship and to study medicine at the University of Virginia Members cooperated with organizations setting tip a Christmas dinner and party for local police department members and families We purchased 250 folders on State and Federal Government Information and presented them to high school juniors and Seniors.

President Ralph W Corn, Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz
Attendance 92%
District Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz

Kiwanis Administration - 13 visitations were made to other Kiwanis clubs and 9 visitations were enjoyed by other Kiwanis clubs visiting us Among the important social events were an annual Ladies Night, a Son and Daughter Night, a meeting honoring Governor Wallace, visitations to Camp Kiwanie, the Divisional Inter-club meeting and a Christmas party 9 new members were inducted into the club The President, Secretary and several Directors were present at the Divisional Organization Conference 1 member registered at the International Convention and 4 were present at the District Convention.

Agriculture and Conservation - Our committee worked with the County Agent in keeping record of a deserving young farmer who had been given a pure-bred heifer and pig A pig from each of 2 litters was given to other boys to carry on a continuous chain A program on "Forest and Game Conservation in the Jefferson National Forest" was presented.

Boys and Girls Work - This committee celebrated National Boy Scout Week $75 was given to sponsor a boy to Boys' State and a like amount to a girl to Girls' State $35 was given to a Boy Scout to attend the training conference in New Jersey We located 10 new places for Ford Gum Ball machines We assisted the Key Club in the sale of peanuts on Kids' day, netting around $200 and also assisted them with the Kids' Day parade, concert, free movies and refreshments for 300 kids The committee sponsored the annual Floyd Ward Revue The free-will offering netted $162 We cooperated with the Minstrel Committee in staging a ]ionic talent show, which netted $1,850 Our club made a Christmas donation to hotel waiters of $6000 for faithful services We sponsored a young man's trip to New York for a try-out on TV Talent Show.

Key Clubs - Donated $100 to 2 Key Clubbers to attend their International Convention $50 given to 5 Key Club members and their faculty advisor to attend the District Convention Arranged for 2 Key Clubbers present at all Kiwanis meetings.

Public and Business Affairs - A report of the International Convention was given by a delegate U S-Canada Relations Week was celebrated We sponsored the March of Dimes campaign and donated $25 to the local Chamber of Commerce 500 "Minute Men Folders" were distributed monthly during the entire year We furnished a chairman for the Community Chest Drive Our club promoted the successful organization of Inter-Club Council who meet monthly and coordinate efforts of all civic clubs in Radford.

Underprivileged Child - $250 was spent for dental work for needy boys and girls We sponsored a clothing collection drive for the needy Checkups amounting to $500 and necessary "shots" were given to children prior to going to canip All necessary arrangements were made for the operation of our Camp Kiwanee (hiring July The camp cost the club over $1,300 A Christmas party for all campers and counselors was given.

President Charles E Fretwell Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz
Membership Jan 1 - 62 Attendance 92%
District Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz

Kiwanis Administration - 12 new members were inducted with pre-induction and post-induction educational meetings All the special days were observed 8 inter-club visitations were made to other Kiwanis clubs and 17 visitations by other Kiwanis clubs were enjoyed The club kept a complete scrapbook of their activities The president, vice president, secretary-elect and 2 other members attended the Divisional Organizational Conference 2 members were present at the International Convention and 2 attended the District Convention.

Agriculture and Conservation - Distributed 10 pigs from litters of hogs furnished by the club Members took an active part in city-wide beautification Celebrate City-Farm week 25 farmers were guests at this program.

Boys and Girls Work - Purchased and furnished lumber for camp repairs A city-wide Marbles Tournament was sponsored A boy was sponsored to Boys State and a girl to Girls State $75 was spent for instruments for the high school band A Christmas party for boys and girls who attended camp, was sponsored $350 was donated to high school music department for a set of stage risers $100 tuition was given to a mentally handicapped student Sponsored a city midget basketball league.

Public and Business Affairs - Our club took membership in the Chamber of Commerce We cooperated with the Chamber of Commerce in sponsoring two day water festivals, at Claytor Lake State Park Members assisted in charity drives.

Underprivileged Child - Furnished $400 for dental services for needy children $100 was given for food and clothing for needy families Shoes and clothing were given to other needy families We held our annual summer camp for 22 boys and girls Total cost of camp was $1400 A minstrel given by the club netted $1050.

Vocational Guidance - Cooperated with future business leaders of America to determine appropriate dress employees should wear in offices Arranged for a tour of the Lynchburg Foundry.

President Don Phillips, Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz
District Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz

President W Lloyd Anfin, Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz
District Chair New Club Building Charles E Fretwell
District Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz

Division 03
President Daniel I DeVilbiss, Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz
LG Charles E Fretwell
District Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz

President John W Overbey, Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz
District Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz

President Eugene V Crockett, Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz
District Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz

President Robert S Irons, Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz
District Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz

President Jesse W Caldwell, Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz
District Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz

President James X Sanders, Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz
District Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz

Monthly club board is moved from Wed to 1st Tuesday Radford Kiwanis Youth foundation, Articles of Incorporation

President Paul W Steele Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz
District Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz

President G Wiliam Hagy, Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz
District Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz

President Richard W Davis Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz
District Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz

Division 03
President Glenn R Whitmer, Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz
LG Paul W Steele
District Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz

President Charles K Martin Jr, Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz
District Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz

Division 03
President George M Harvey, Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz
LG Richard W Davis
District Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz

1969 - 1970
President Edwin C Stone, Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz
District Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz

1970 - 1971
President James W Graham, Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz
District Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz

1971 - 1972
President John A Rutherford, Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz
District Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz

1972 - 1973
President Chester C Boeswetter, Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz
District Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz

1973 - 1974
President Frederick L Phlegar Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz
District Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz

1974 - 1975
President William G Wall II, Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz
District Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz

1975 - 1976
Division 03
President James F Weyer, Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz
LG Dr Frederick L Phlegar

1976 - 1977
President Michael Yuhas, Secretary Glenn R Whitmer

1977 - 1978
President Walter C Goodykoontz Secretary Glenn R Whitmer

1978 - 1979
President Howard M Claflen, Secretary Glenn R Whitmer

1979 - 1980
President James A Morris Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz

1980 - 1981
President Marvin E Lester, Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz

1981 - 1982
President James H Hurt Jr Secretary Walter C Goodykoontz

1982 - 1983
Division 03
President Ralph S Bell Sr, Secretary William F Fry
LG James A Morris

1983 - 1984
President C Barry Anderson, Secretary William F Fry

1984 - 1985
President Robert L Terrel Jr, Secretary Donald Berney

1985 - 1986
President William E Keeney, Secretary Donald Berney

1986 - 1987
President John W Fox Secretary Donald Berney (dies)
Walter C Goodykoontz completes yr

1987 - 1988
President Robert L Nicholson III, Secretary John W Fox

1988 - 1989
President F Robert Cullaty, Secretary John W Fox

1989 - 1990
Division 03
President Randy Ertzberger, Secretary John W Fox
LG John W Fox

1990 - 1991
Dr Micheal Aamodt, Secretary John W Fox

1991 - 1992
President Charles K Whitescarver III, Secretary John W Fox

1992 - 1993
President James H Hurt Jr Secretary John W Fox
Membership Oct 1 - 38
Distinguished Club

1993 - 1994
Division 03
President Sandra T Daniels, Secretary John W Fox
Membership Oct 1 - 35
LG James H Hurt Jr
Distinguished Club

1994 - 1995
President C Barry Anderson, Secretary John W Fox
Membership Oct 1 - 36

1995 - 1996
President Paul W Steele Secretary John W Fox
Membership Oct 1 - 33

1996 - 1997
President Charles K Whitescarver III, Secretary John W Fox
Membership Oct 1 - 32

1997 - 1998
President Ronald J Poulton, Secretary John W Fox
Membership Oct 1 - 33

1998 - 1999
President Robert L Nicholson Jr, Secretary John W Fox
Membership Oct 1 - 29

1999 - 2000
President Robert L Nicholoson III, Secretary John W Fox
Membership Oct 1 - 30

2000 - 2001
President Gary Kinder, Secretary John W Fox
Membership Oct 1 - 28

2001 - 2002
President William Prillaman MD, Secretary John W Fox
Membership Oct 1 - 27 Attendance 82%
District Historian John W Fox

Year End: 66 Projects Completed, 447 Service Hours, $1,846 Spent, 7 Interclubs

2002 - 2003
Division 03
President Douglas Hudson, Secretary John W Fox
Membership Oct 1 - 25 Attendance 80%
LG William Prillaman MD
District Historian John W Fox
Distinguished Club, Service and Education Patch

The first major project of this year continues to be the Radford City Christmas Parade As in previous years, this project is coordinated with the Radford Chamber They provide the mailing list, we organize and manage the parade As it is, it takes everyone's participation This year 75% of the members worked at an estimated 63 man-hours Approximately 4,000 people turned out for the parade Spent $75 on postage, certificates were used instead of trophies (reducing costs), letterhead and envelopes/labels were left over from last year, and $23 for an after the parade gathering for the workers It was a COLD December 1 afternoon.

Continued monthly projects are Adopt-a-spot along Tyler Avenue and reading selected books to the McHarg kindergarden students.

Selling concessions to Area 9 Special Olympics Track and Field Events proved to be another successful year We were able to provide Area 9 Special Olympics a check for $500, due in part by the efforts of President Doug, who was able to secure food and drink donations 50% of the membership attended the 6 hour project, April 19.

Mowing has started at Central Cemetery This cemetery was cleaned of briars in the mid 1980s by club members The club continues to keep the grass under control during the spring and summer designating the 4th Tuesday as mowing day.

Provided two graduating Radford High School students with a Teenager of the Year ($500) award and a 1 year tuition ($1000) scholarship to New River Community College.

Completed the 47th Youth in Government Day luncheon for Radford High School seniors, the City of Radford staff and Council members Attended by 300 people, the luncheon brought all participants together Students are matched with city employees and council members to learn of their job responsibilities The program was started to inform students how a city ticks.

Year End: 54 Projects Completed, 633 Service Hours, $1,575 Spent, 9 Interclubs

2003 - 2004
Division 03
President C Barry Anderson SecretaryJohn W Fox
Membership Oct 1 - 26, Attendance 83%
Meet 1st 3rd TU 6:30 PM Spinnakers Restaurant
District Historian John W Fox
LG John W Fox

Projects completed during the year - Radford Christmas Parade, Area 9 Special Olympics Track & Field, Youth in Government Day, mow grass Central Cemetery, Adopt-a-Spot along Tyler Avenue Awarded a Teenager of the Year award ($500), and a VA Community College Scholarship ($1000) Continue to sponsor Radford University Circle K.

Year End: 42 Projects Completed, 468 Service Hours, $2,930 Spent, 3 Interclubs

2004 - 2005
President Kevin Heller, Secretary John W Fox
Membership Oct 1 - 24 Attendance 85%
Meet 1st 3rd TU 6:30 PM Spinnakers Restaurant
District Historian John W Fox

Contributed $120 to Tsunami Relief

Year End: 46 Projects Completed, 495 Service Hours, $3,640 Spent, 13 Interclubs

2005 - 2006
Southwest Virginia
President Gary Kinder, Secretary John W Fox
Membership Oct 1 - 23 Attendance 97%
Meet 1st 3rd TU 6:30 PM Fraternal Order of Police
District Historian John W Fox
Distinquished Club Award
Attendance Award - White Group Winner

Year End: 33 Projects Completed, 287 Service Hours, $2,838 Spent, 0 Interclubs

2006 - 2007
President James L Mitchell, Secretary John W Fox
Membership Oct 1 - 23 Attendance 72%
Meet 2nd 4th TU 6:30 PM Radford University, Muse Hall
District Historian John W Fox

Year End: 31 Projects Completed, 132 Service Hours, $2350 Spent, 4 Interclubs

2007 - 2008
Division 03
President C Barry Anderson, Secretary John W Fox
Membership Oct 1 - 23 Attendance 89%
Meet 2nd 4th TU 6:30 PM First Baptist Church Fellowship Hall
District Chair Club Operations and District Historian John W Fox
LG James L Mitchell

Year End: 30 Projects Completed, 311 Service Hours, $2,234 Spent, 3 Interclubs

2008 - 2009
President C Barry Anderson, Secretary John W Fox
Membership Oct 1 - 20 Attendance 90%
Meet 2nd 4th TU 6:30 PM First Baptist Church Fellowship Hall
District Chair Club Operations and District Historian John W Fox

Year End: 29 Projects Completed, 194 Service Hours, $2267 Spent, 0 Interclubs

2009 - 2010
President James H Hurt Jr Secretary John W Fox
Membership Oct 1 - 20 Attendance 62%
Meet 2nd 4th TU 6:30 PM First Baptist Church Fellowship Hall
District Historian John W Fox

Year End: 3 Projects Completed, 160 Service Hours, $1,475 Spent, 3 Interclubs $40 District Foundation

2010 - 2011
President James H Hurt Jr Secretary John W Fox
Membership Oct 1 - 15
Meet 2nd 4th TUy 6:30 PM First Baptist Church Fellowship Hall
District Historian John W Fox

Year End: 3 Projects Completed, 159 Service Hours, $1445 Spent, 2 Interclubs, $30 CD Foundation

2011 - 2012
President James H Hurt Jr Secretary John W Fox
Membership Oct 1 - 15
Meet 2nd 4th TU 6:30 PM First Baptist Church Fellowship Hall
District Historian John W Fox

2012 - 2013
President James H Hurt Jr Secretary John W Fox
Membership Oct 1 - 14
Meet 2nd 4th TU 6:30 PM First Baptist Church Fellowship Hall
District Historian John W Fox

2013 - 2014
Division 16
President James H Hurt Jr Secretary John W Fox
Membership Oct 1 - 13
Meet 2nd 4th TUy 6:30 PM First Baptist Church Fellowship Hall
District Historian John W Fox
Distinguished Club

2014 - 2015
President James H Hurt Jr Secretary John W Fox
Membership Oct 1 - 16
Meet 2nd 4th TU 6:30 PM First Baptist Church Fellowship Hall
District Historian John W Fox

2015 - 2016
President James H Hurt Jr, Secretary John W Fox
Membership Oct 1 - 16
Meet 2nd, 4th TU 6:30 PM First Baptist Church Fellowship Hall
District Historian John W Fox

2016 - 2017
President James H Hurt Jr Secretary John W Fox
Membership Oct 1 - 12
Meet 2nd 4th TU 6:30 PM First Baptist Church Fellowship Hall
District Historian John W Fox

2017 - 2018
President James H Hurt Jr Secretary John W Fox
Membership Oct 1 - 12
Meet 2nd 4th TU 6:30 PM First Baptist Church Fellowship Hall
District Historian John W Fox

2018 - 2019
President James H Hurt Jr Secretary John W Fox
Membership Oct 1 - 13
Meet 2nd 4th TU 6:30 PM First Baptist Church Fellowship Hall
District Historian John W Fox

2019 - 2020
President James H Hurt Jr Secretary John W Fox
Membership Oct 1 - 13
Meet 2nd 4th TU 6:30 PM First Baptist Church Fellowship Hall
District Historian John W Fox

2020 - 2021
President James H Hurt Jr Secretary John W Fox
Membership Oct 1 - 11
District Historian John W Fox