Capital District Kiwanis History

CLUBS Old-Divisions-New Regions Site Map Leadership People

Organized September 15 1942 Chartered October 27 1942
Key #02490 70th District Club
Sponsor Bristol TN
Divisions 03 08 16
Region Southwest Virginia
Population (1942) 2,877

Division 03
(Volume 5)
President Fewell Legard, Secretary Milton Elliott
Membership Sept - 42 Attendence 84%

The club spent most of the three months remaining in the year in learning the objectives of Kiwanis and in preparing to put them into effect through activities during the coming year.

The Charter Night was an inter-club meeting at which 8 clubs were represented.

Besides the programs on Kiwanis Education, other interesting programs were on The Part of the Schools are Taking in the War effort, The Activities of the Business and Professional Women's Clubs, Democracies Going to Ware, The Work of the couny Agent and the Home Demonstation Agent.

President E Fewell Legard, Secretary H Milton Elliott
Membership Jan 1 - 44 Attendence 85%

The club had a number of meetings devoted to the discussion of underprivileged children It omitted its meeting during Christmas week, and put the price of the meal into its welfare fund. The question of the possibility of a day nursery was discussed It worked with the local Department of Welfare, furnishings milk to undernourished school children.

The Club discussed the problem of Juvenile Delinquency. Through an essay contest on Good Citizenship in time of War, open to high school seniors. Aided in combating delinquency. Prizes were given for the best essays, and the winners were entertained at a lucheon.

The club had joint meetings with the Business and Professional Women's Club, and with the Rotary Club.

At the end of the year the club had seven men in miltiary service.

(Volume 6)
President S J Latture, Secretary Joseph A Johnson
Membership Jan 1 - 49 Attendence 86%

The club held Essay Contests in all the High Schools in the county with cash prizes for the winners; entertained the senior Class and also the basketball and the football teams of the High School; provided playground equipment and paid the slary of a playground instructor for the summer, raising $34759 for this purpose; contributed $82 to Boy Scout work and spent $51 for underprivileged child work.

President Thomas C Phillips, Secretary Joseph A Johnson
Memberhsip Jan 1 - 53 Attendence 81%

The club sponsored the gathering and shipping of a car load of clothing for foreigh relief. Held a supper meeting to foster better relations between farmers and city people with 40 farmers present for a program on soil conservation. Had a county-wide essay contest awarding 3 cas prizes to the winners. Sponsored a recreational program for the summer months. Opened the swimming pool with free tickets for children unable to purchase them. Supervised the playgrounds and play rooms. Sponsored the High School football team raising $450 to outfit it. Raised $75 for Christmas presents for underprivileged children.

President Walter H Robertson, Secretary Joseph A Johnson
Membership Jan 1 - 58 Attendence 79%

The club sponsored an dcarried out successfully a finance and reoganization campaign for Boy Scouts, resulting in the formation of a new Scout District, a new Scout troop, and a Club Pack Organized a Key Club in the High School. Sponsored a project to light the athletic field and construct a field house. Put on an essay contest, subject Citizenship in teh local High Schools, giving 3 cash prizes. Made a $10 award to teh best all-round high school boy In a joint meeting with Rotary entertained 100 farmers with a program by specialists from VPI and University of Tennessee on the care of tobacco from the seed bed until it is marketed. Entertained the Washington County 4-H Baby Beef Club Cooperated in sponsoring a Hybrid Corn Show and donated one of the prizes. Furished glasses for a number of children. Contributed to the Welfare Depart Fund of Christmas gifts to underprivileged children.

Division 08
President Norvell O Akers, Secretary Joseph A Johnson
Membership Jan 1 - 57 Attendence 80%

The club examined 530 school children for defective eye, ear, and throat conditions. The results recorded and aid given to a number of children whose finacncial condition was not such as to enable them to havae these corrections made. Formed a purpose of developing the athletic field of the local High School, Installing lights through popular subscription and by gate receipts the sum of $14000 the completed field to be turned over to the high school. Sponsored a Key Club in the high school and finacned two delgates to the Key Club Convention in Macon, GA. Assisted in the finance campaign and the camping activities of the Boy Scounts. Gave a medal to the most outstanding boy of the senior class of the high school Sponsored an essage contest open to all high school students.

President A L Calfee, Secretary Hobart L Stallard
Membership Jan 1 - 64 Attendence 85%

Entertained the leaders of the Washington County 4-H Club. Donated $50 to pig growing project and $25 to the Fair Pledged $1200 to the building fund of the Johnston Memorial Hospital. Raised $650 of that amount by sponsoring a play. Donated $40 to the nurses home for recreational purposes. Gave $25 to the Red Cross Aided in getting employment for physically handicapped persons. Coorperated in a Get out the Vote campaign Donated $65 to the Wlefare Department to buy toys for underprivileged children. Bought glasses for five such children. Held a July 4th celebration with games and prizes for the children taking part. Ovserved Boy Scout Anniversary with an appropriate program. Gave a prize of $10 to the outstanding member of the graduating class of the high school. Continued to sponsor at the Key Club and to aid financially in sending its delgates to teh Key Club Convention at Memphis Raised $100 for the Boy Scout Financeial drive.

Division 08
President Victor S Armbrister, Secretary Hobart L Stallard
Memberhsip Jan 1 - 62 Attendence 89%
LG Norvell O Akers

The club continued to sponsor the Key club, Abingdon Boys Club, local Boys Softball League, and contributed $100 to fund glasses for underprivileged children Donated $50 to Welfare Board for Christmas toys.

President Eldridge H Moore, Secretary Hobart L Stallard
Membership Jan 1 - 58 Attendance 90%

The club carried out a "Get out the votes Campaign" by having this notice published monthly bulleting which goes into 20,000 home.

(Volume 7)
Division 08
President W Fred Callahan, Secretary Hobart L Stallard
Membership Jan 1 - 56 Attendence 87%
LG Victor S Armbrister

President E M Collier, Secretary Hobart L Stallard
Membership Jan 1 - 56, Attenance 87%

Inducted 11 new members Donated $25 to send a high school FFA Judging Team to a National Stock Judging Contest Spent $225 in organizing and sponsoring a Kiwanis team in the Little League Baseball league. Assisted Boy Scout activities and marched in the Abingdon Christmas parade. Donated $150 to the Washington County Life Saving Crew and $100 ot the football team. Donated $10 to the outstanding HS senior student Held its annual KIiwanis Halloween Carnival and raised $350.

President Joseph E Collins, Secretary Hobart L Stallard
Membership Jan 1 - 60 Attendance 88%
LG Haskel B Arrington

Inducted 7 new members. Sponsored a 4-H Dress Revue and Fashon Show. Sponsored a Kiwanis team in the Abingdon Little League Raised $55 to sponsor a basketball game. Raised over $100 during the year for youth work by passing milk bottles at club meetings. Club members donated over $200 to the Salvation Army Day. Purchased 4000 buttons for National Kids Day.

Division 08
President Joe A Johnson, Secretary Hobart L Stallard
Membership Jan 1 - 64 Attendance 87%
LG W Fred Callahan

Inducted 1 new member Sponsored a high school football game and entered a Kiwanis float in the Festival Parade. Sponsored a Kiwanis team in the Abingdon Little League at a cost of $125. Sponsored a Hi-Y club in the local high school. Donated $20 to an outstanding member of the senior class and sent 2 students to the annual Boys State at a cost of $25.

Key Club members attend our meeting, as we attended theirs. Purchased 50 tickets to a Key Club sponsored dance and donated $50 towards sending delegates to the National Key Club Convention.

Sponsered a Christmas party for 500 needy children. Gave $100 for educational assistance to a student in a local nursin school.

Division 08
President Dr Harrison C Spencer, Secretary Hobart L Stallard
Membership Jan 1 - 65 Attendance 89%
LG W Fred Callahan

Inducted 12 new members. Visited by Marion club A tractor school was held for 4-H clubs. Trained the Washington County 4-H Live stock judging Team Assembled and paraded a Kiwanis float in the Washington County Tobacco Festival. Sold $650 of tickets to a football game.

Donated $225 to the Milk Bottle Fund. Sponsored a Little League team and donated $50 to the Babe Ruth League. Donated $100 to the Washington County Life Saving Crew. Donated $50 to the Virginia Highlands Arts and Crafts Festival. Furnished a special tricycle for physical therapy for 2 town tots having cerebral palsy. Provided 10 children eye examinations and treatment. Netted $1000 to Kiwanis Auction Sale of donated articles. Sold 393 - $1 bricks for the Mentally Retarded Childrens School and the club donated $500 to the school. Provided 400 hot lunches for needy children. Contributed $125 towards the hopitalization bill of osteomyelitis patient.

President ? Secretary Hobart L Stallard

President Albert C Smeltzer Secretary Hobart L Stallard
District Chair Agriculture and Conservation W Fred Callahan

President Paul S Dunn, Secretary Hobart L Stallard

President Volney H Campbell, Secretary Hobart L Stallard

President Luke B Russell, Secretary Hobart L Stallard

President Clifford R Quesenberry, Secretary Hobart L Stallard

President Fillmore McPherson Jr, Secretary Hobart L Stallard

President Harry J Garnand Jr, Secretary Hobart L Stallard

President Dr French H Moore Jr, Secretary Hobart L Stallard

President Jacob H Lowe, Secretary Hobart L Stallard

President Richard D Yager, Secretary Jackson White Jr

President James D Moore, Secretary Woodrow W Williamson

President Robert E Johnson, Secretary Woodrow W Williamson

President Morton L Dudley, Secretary Woodrow W Williamson

1969 - 1970
President Aubrey E Brown, Secretary Woodrow W Williamson

1970 - 1971
President Charles A Pearson Jr, Secretary William F Carne

1971 - 1972
President Sam Guza, Secretary Woodrow W Williamson

1972 - 1973
President Ray Fitzpatrick, Secretary Sammy L Campbell

1973 - 1974
President Eugene Ohlson, Secretary Robert A Vinyard

1974 - 1975
President David S Collins, Secretary Robert A Vinyard

1975 - 1976
President Ray C Minor, Secretary Kenneth Epling

1976 - 1977
President Sammy L Campbell, Secretary Eugene V Redden Jr

1977 - 1978
President Milton C Webber Secretary George H Gumm

1978 - 1979
Division 08
President Donald E Adams, Secretary George H Gumm
LG Glenn F Kiser

1979 - 1980
President William S Phillips, Secretary Aubrey E Brown

1980 - 1981
Division 08
President Robert A Vinyard, Secretary Aubrey E Brown
LG Milton C Webber

1981 - 1982
President Mickey E Tyler, Secretary Aubrey E Brown

1982 - 1983
President Barry E Whitaker, Secretary Aubrey E Brown

District Chair Citizenship Services Milton C Webber

1983 - 1984
Division 08
President John D Lentz, Secretary Aubrey E Brown
LG William S Phillips

1984 - 1985
President James E Mitchell, Secretary Aubrey E Brown

1985 - 1986
Division 08
President H Ramsey White Jr, Secretary Robert L Saunders Jr
District Chair Administration Milton C Webber
LG Mickey E Tyler

1986 - 1987
President Rev William O Gregg, Secretary Robert L Saunders Jr

1987 - 1988
President Samuel L Neese, Secretary Robert L Saunders Jr

1988 - 1989
Division 08
President Joseph L Howard Jr, Secretary Robert L Saunders Jr
LG John D Lentz

1989 - 1990
President David J Hutton, Secretary Robert L Saunders Jr

District Chair Fund Raising Milton C Webber

1990 - 1991
President Jesse L Owens, Secretary Robert L Saunders Jr

District Foundation Director Mickey E Tyler

1991 - 1992
President James T Rifle, Secretary William E Chaffin

District Foundation Director Mickey E Tyler

1992 - 1993
Division 08
President Harry L McKinney Jr, Secretary William E Chaffin
Membership Oct 1 - 84
District Foundation Director Mickey E Tyler
LG Robert A Vinyard

1993 - 1994
President David L Scyphers, Secretary William E Chaffin
Membership Oct 1 - 77

District Foundation Director Mickey E Tyler

1994 - 1995
President Cramer L Boswell, Secretary Thomas E Phillips Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 76

District Foundation Director Mickey E Tyler

1995 - 1996
President Walter M Hite Jr, Secretary Thomas E Phillips Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 77

District Foundation Director Mickey E Tyler

1996 - 1997
President Charles H Brown, Secretary D David Ringley
Membership Oct 1 - 72

District Foundation Director Mickey E Tyler

1997 - 1998
Division 08
President Cornell C Angleman, Secretary D David Ringley
Membership Oct 1 - 82
District Foundation Director Mickey E Tyler
LG Harry L McKinney Jr

1998 - 1999
President Monroe Jamison, Secretary Patricia Gayle Lawson
Membership Oct 1 - 78

District Foundation Director Mickey E Tyler

1999 - 2000
President James H Alexander, Secretary John P Niemann
Membership Oct 1 - 78

2000 - 2001
President Leland B Bassham, Secrtary John P Niemann
Membership Oct 1 - 70

2001 - 2002
President Hugh Ferguson, Secretary John P Niemann
Membership Oct 1 - 76 Attendance 58%

Year End: 54 Projects Completed, 148 Service Hours, $30,264 Spent, 2 Interclubs

2002 - 2003
President Thomas L Phillips, Secretary John P Niemann
Membership Oct 1 - 76 Attendance 60%

Year End: 60 Projects Completed, 294 Service Hours, $36,000 Spent, 4 Interclubs

2003 - 2004
Division 08
President Robert Blevins, Secretary John P Niemann
Membership Oct 1 - 73 Attendance 60%
Meet TU 12:30 PM Green Haven Party House
LG Jackson White Jr

Year End: 61 Projects Completed, 256 Service Hours, $32,617 Spent, 2 Interclubs

2004 - 2005
Division 08
President David Neal, SecretaryJohn P Niemann
Membership Oct 1 - 86 Attendance 57%
Meet TU 12:30 PM Green Haven Party House
LG Jackson White Jr
Sponsor Emory & Henry College Circle K

Contributed $152030 to Tsunami Relief Effort

Year End: 44 Projects Completed, 299 Service Hours, $34,968 Spent, 2 Interclubs

2005 - 2006
Division 08
Southwest Vriginia Region
President Jean F Neal, Secretary John P Niemann
Membership Oct 1 - 80 Attendance 60%
Meet TU 12:30 PM Green Haven Party House
Board Trustee Jackson White Jr
Distinguished Club Award

Year End: 28 Projects Completed, 221Service Hours, $30,450 Spent, 3Interclubs

2006 - 2007
Division 08
President Robert Craig, Secretary John P Niemann
Membership Oct 1 - 85 Attendance 89%
Meet TU 12:30 PM Green Haven Party House
Board Trustee Jackson White Jr

Year End: 20 Projects Completed, 1984 Service Hours, $9417 Spent, 31 Interclubs

2007 - 2008
President Anne Musgrove, Secretary John P Niemann
Membership Oct 1 - 80 Attendance 51%
Meet TU 12:30 PM Green Haven Party House
Board Trustee Jackson White Jr
District Chair International Understanding Robert Craig

Year End: 26 Projects Completed, 190 Service Hours, $26,331 Spent, 1 Interclub

2008 - 2009
Division 08
President Gary Crane, Secretary Carol A Brunty
Membership Oct 1 - 77 Attendance 62%
Meet TU 12:30 PM Green Haven Party House

Year End: 10 Projects Completed, 643 Service Hours, $10,410 Spent,1 Interclubs $0 District Foundation

2009 - 2010
President Jackson White, Secretary Carol A Brunty
Membership Oct 1 - 66 Attendance 41%
Meet TU 12:30 PM Green Haven Party House

Year End: 7 Projects Completed, 443 Service Hours, $5 Spent, 6 Interclubs $0 District Foundation

2010 - 2011
President Fred Keller Secretary Carol A Brunty
Membership Oct 1 - 62
Meet TU 12:30 PM Green Haven Party House

Year End: 14 Projects Completed, 386 Service Hours, $3355 Spent, 5 Interclubs $63 District Foundation

2011 - 2012
Division 08
President Bennett A Hamby, Secretary Carol A Brunty
Membership Oct 1 - 69
Meet TU 12:30 PM Green Haven Party House
District Chair Communication & Public Relations Jackson White Jr
LG Fred Keller

2012 - 2013
President Bennett A Hamby, Secretary Carol A Brunty
Membership Oct 1 - 61
Meet TU 12:30 Noon Greenway Party House
District Chair Communication & Public Relations Jackson White Jr

2013 - 2014
Division 16
President Joe Walers, Secretary Carol A Brunty
Membership Oct 1 - 56
Meet TU 12:00 Noon Greenway Party House

LG Jackson White Jr

2014 - 2015
Division 16
President Robert L Saunders, Secretary Carol A Brunty
Membership Oct 1 - 58
Meet TU 12:00 Noon Greenway Party House

LG Jackson White Jr

2015 - 2016
President David I Jordan, Secretary Carol A Brunty
Membership Oct 1 - 53
Meet TU 12:00 Noon Greenway Party House

2016 - 2017
President Lucy Phillips, Secretary Carol A Brunty
Membership Oct 1 - 47
Meet TU 12:00 Noon Greenway Party House

2017 - 2018
Division 16
President Robert T Copeland, Secretary Carol A Brunty
Membership Oct 1 - 41
Meet TU 12:00 Noon Greenway Party House

Distinguished Member John D Lentz
Co-Sponsor Chilhowie Club
LG John D Lentz

2018 - 2019
President Bennett A Hamby, Secretary Carol A Brunty
Membership Oct 1 - 40
Meet 1at 2nd 3rd TU 12:00 at Glenrochie Country Club

LG John D Lentz

2019 - 2020
President David L Scyphers, Secretary Carol A Brunty
Membership Oct 1 - 40
Meet 1at 2nd 3rd TU 12:00 at Glenrochie Country Club

District Foundation Director John D Lentz

2020 - 2021
President Robert L Saunders III, Secretary Carol A Brunty
Membership Oct 1 - 44
District Foundation Director John D Lentz