Capital District Kiwanis History

CLUBS Old-Divisions-New Regions Site Map Leadership People

Organized December 26 1922 Charter February 27 1923
Key #00922 25th District Club
Sponsor Bristol VA-TN Kiwanis
Divisions 03 08 16
Region Southwest Virginia
Population (1922) 2,326

Division 03
(Volume 1 C C Lincoln)
President C C Lincoln Sr, Secretary F M Greer

The question of forming a Kiwanis Club in Marion was first presented to the citizens here by several members from the Bristol club who with George Selig, International Field Representative, came to our city about December 15, 1922. The organization of the club was completed on December 26 with about 30 members of the Britol Club and International Representative Selig present. We started out with a membership of 44 and now have 59 members on the roll.

The charter presentation was held on Feb 27, 1923 Governor Edwin W Lintner made the presentation and International Trustee Elwood J Turner also addressed the new club.

Although the life of our club has been short, we have been busy in the kind of work for which Kiwanis stands We have raised money to help the school children, paide $50 to the Children's Home Society, have been working for good roads, helped Marion College for girls by providing entertainment, and appointed committess to look into new industries and improvements for Marion.

A survey of our city showed that one of its needs was a good restaurant and tea room Through our members the sum of $25,000 was raised for this purpose and when completed, it will not only be as good as any place of the kind in the State but will also furnish the necessary meeting place for the Kiwanis Club.

Officers were President CC Lincoln Sr, Vice Presient BF Buchanan, Secretary F M Greer, District Trustee C Brown Cox Directors A T Lincoln, GA Collins, W R D Moncure, James D Tate, James R Shanklin, R B Peery, and JA Thompson.

(Volume 2)
President B E Copenhaver, Secretary F M Greer
Trustee W R D Moncure

The club took an active part in the road program for Smythe County We secured a campsite for a summer camp for girls Entertained the Presidents, Secretaries and Trustees of Zone 3 with a Ladies' Night The entertainment was furnished by ladies from Stonewall Jackson Institute of Abingdon, Virginia.

Hosted the Pulaski and Radford Clubs on Inter-Club Day Held a clinic for crippled children Examined 23 and put 5 children through the hospital at a cost of $358.

Worked with other organizations to get the National Park located in the Appalachian region.

Assisted the newly organized Marion Band to get uniforms A committee worked on the project of securing a playground for baseball, football and basketball.

Contribute to the Children's Home Society of Virginia Appropriated $60 towards the employment of a Christian work among the inmates and employees of the Southwestern State Hospital.

President W W Hawkins, Secretary H Frank Perry
Trustee W R D Moncure
LG W R D Moncure

Secured a long time lease on a children's playground and athletic field Entertained the sons of Kiwanians Attended a banquet at Pulaski given by several clubs interested in promoting the completion of the Lee Highway in Southwest Virginia Entertained the faculty of Marion College at luncheon, also the faculties of the schools of Marion

President Henry B Staley, Secretary H Frank Perry
Trustee C C Lincoln, Jr

Held a joint luncheon with the Y M C A organizers Assisted in promoting a minstrel show for the benefit of the Marion Band The Underprivileged Child Committee worked on some crippled children to be taken to the hospital for treatment Entertained the boys and girls at a regular luncheon

President W R D Moncure Secretary H Frank Perry
Trustee Robert G Goolsby

Had two meetings with the Chilhowie Board of Trade Hosted a joint meeting of 38 service clubs of Southwest Virginia with 489 in attendance Entertained the teachers of the public schools, Marion College, and Junior College On Dec 30, you held a Ladies’ Night and installed new officers

(Volume 3)
President George F Cook, Secretary H Frank Perry
Trustee L Preston Collin

Held a successful farmers meeting on February 14, with 75 farmers present Another meeting was held in November with the Rotary Club The latter meeting was for dairy farmers under the direction of the County Agent About 75 farmers attended Entertained 15 members of Virginia Shorthorn Breeders Association

Inter-Clubs 20 members from Bristol, TN club visited and put on a program Host club to Pulaski and Radford on May 22

A special committee worked on the proposition of a cross-country road to secure proper location in Smythe County

One child was sent to the hospital and another to a private school The latter child had received treatment at the hospital with assistance from the club You sponsored a play to benefit underprivileged children

Entertained teachers at high school, grammar school, and faculty at the Junior College

The annual Ladies Night was held on Dec 8

President WL Lincoln, Secretary H Frank Perry
Trustee W Linden Allen

Continue work with underprivileged children Two girls in industrial school at Foster Falls and a boy in Presbyterian School at Grundy Sixth Anniversary of the club was celebrated on Feb 27, the program on Kiwanis Educaton Inter-club held with Bristol, TN, Marion furnished the program Met with Pulaski and Radford

(Volume 4)
President Zeb V Sherrill, Secretary H Frank Perry
Trustee W Linden Allen

Continue work with underprivileged children girl at Girls Industrial School at Foster Falls, and boy at Grundy Presbyterian School Supported Boy Scout troop with 30 boys

An orphan boy was sent to Grundy Presbyterian School for Boys two or three years ago and he has been kept there Last year our club paid in cash to this school for expenses of this boy $12819 He is reported to be doing well, making progress in his studies and has become a fairly decent boy,

A very poor girl who was a cripple, but who received treatment by an orthopedic surgeon a few years ago at tile expense of this club, has been kept at the Girls Industrial School at Foster Falls, Virginia, for three years and will graduate this year She has cost tile club this year so far, $110 The club has also subscribed and paid for tile Boy Scout Movement, $180 Since this time, (luring 1930 a Boy Scout Organization has been effected, and at last account had a membership of 30 boys Several of these boys are under-privileged boys who have been given this opportunity to become members of this organization The club also paid off an old debt during this year of $150 Ten dollars was also spent for the use of the Opera House, in which a plav was given for tile benefit of our club

President R Tom Greer, President H Frank Perry
Trustee W Linden Allen

President LE Gordon, Secretary H Frank Perry
Membership Jan 1 - 29 Attendance 78%

The club had a program on Crippled Children and Rehabilitation It appropriated money for a clinic The eyes of school children were examined and glasses furnished where needed As the result of the tonsil clinic, 20 children were operated on,

The club had a program on Taxation and another on the Acts of the Legislature It aided in the celebration of the County Centennial and promulgated an effort to have a local Airport established At one meeting all former members of the club were guests On the occasion of the Lieutenant-Governor's official visit the Glee Club of the Radford State Teachers College entertained the club,

On the last meeting of the year the officers for 1933 were installed at a Ladies Night and the entertainment feature of the program was put on by the Girl Scouts

President W M Sclater, Secretary H Frank Perry
Membership Jan 1 - 25 Attendance 69%

Examined eyes of school children and furnished glasses where needed Sponsored both Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts and laid plans for a permanent Scout Camp

Promoted a State Park in the neighborhood Held a meeting at which the deed for 2500 acres was presented to George Peery representing the State Governor Entertained army officers of the C C C Camp, County Board and Town Council, and other guests

Hosted inter-club meeting for Roanoke, Norton, Salem, Radford, Big Stone Gap

President LP Collins, Secretary H Frank Perry
Membership Jan 1 - 24 Attendance 71%

Through the President’s Ball and other features contributed $8500 to the Warm Springs Fund, and $55 to its UP Child Fund From the Community Store raised $46898 and aid of local physicians provided one child an operation for infantile paralysis, 111 T and A operations were performed, 11 children were fitted with glasses, and a children’s convalescent home was arranged for and lunches were furnished to a number of under-nourished children

The club sponsored: a recreation hall for the 1000 CCC boys stationed nearby; the Boy Scout and the Girl Scout organization and a Father and Son meeting at which 30 boys were guests

Continuously through the year conferences were held with high school boys on different types of business

The club had one meeting at a nearby CCC Camp Made plans for entertaining the Virginia Federation of Music Clubs Helped appropriate $66,000 for a new Post Office and used its influence in the interest of a Municipal Hospital, a new school building, a new fire engine and an airport

The club sent representatives to the Roanoke club Held a successful Ladies Night and had three joint meetings with Rotary It also entertained the LT Governor

President, AB Graybeal, Secretary H Frank Perry
Membership Jan 1 - 27 Attendance 75%

The club began the year with a program on U P Child Work Examined children to determine the need of a T and A clinic at a cost of $470 It lasted two days with fifty operations each day A benefit show helped to raise money for this work

Sponsored the Boy Scouts and aided in reorganization of the Troop Worked for a public meeting place for boys and girls and for a playground at the new school

Entertained 50 sons and daughters of Kiwanians at luncheon and later interested them in repairing toys to be used at Christmas Members interviewed high school students and gave them advice in regards to their vocations

The club urged the retention of the convict camp until the road should be finished It aided in the formation of a Chamber of Commerce Organized a Good Will Tour of two counties, with 50 cars carrying 160 people Program on City Parks, Children’s Home, The Public Library, Park Beautification, and Local Street Improvement

Sent a delegation to Roanoke, and was host to Salem, and also to the Division Meeting Held a Ladies Night and had two joint meetings with Rotary in the county with county people as guests

Entertained the LTG, celebrated its own anniversary and was represented at the Mid-Winter Conference and the International Convention

President John D Lincoln, Secretary H Frank Perry
Membership Jan 1 - 49 Attendance 70%

The club had a joint meeting with Rotary, The Chamber of Commerce, the Board of Supervisors, the County School Board, the Town Council and the officers of the Woman’s club and the P T A at which plans were formulated to furnish adequate school facilities for the town

A large delegation attended an inter-club meeting at Norton The President attended the Mid-Winter Conference and make a full report to the club Nothing else was reported

President Jess E Baughman, Secretary H Frank Perry
Membership Jan 1 - 48 Attendance 79%

The club held a T and A Clinic at which 133 U P Children were operated Host to Big Stone Gap when it presented the Log to Marion, and met with Roanoke on the occasion of the visit of the International President Held a Ladies Night and entertained both the District and Lt Governors

Division 03
(Volume 5)
President George H Phipps, Secretary H Frank Perry
Membership Jan 1 - 42 Attendance 74%
LG Ralph R Repass

The club held 52 meetings during the year, but reported no activities

President Quincy A Calhoun, Secretary H Frank Perry
Membership Jan 1 - 41 Attendance 72%

The club sponsored a dental clinic at which 460 dental operations were performed for underprivileged children in the schools Organized a basketball league among the small boys of the churches in the town, and aided in the organization of two new Scout troops The Publicity Committee put on a radio program featuring the advantages of the town

Held an inter-club meeting with 6 clubs in Division 3, 80 people were present including the LTG and a Past District Governor who made the main address

President Marvin Copenhaver, Secretary H Frank Perry
Membership Jan 1 - 44 Attendance 70%

At an expenditure of $500, the club bought shoes, furnished hot lunches, treated 100 children at its dental clinic, and bought glasses for 77 children

Held a Father, Son, and Daughter Night, and the students of a local girl’s college were entertained with an automobile tour

All inter-club meetings were attended A large delegation attended the Charter Night of the Bland County club Held a Ladies’ Nights The club represented a Division Training Schools for Club Officers and at the District Convention

President William A Wolfe, Secretary H Frank Perry
Membership Jan 1 - 46 Attendance 70%

The underprivileged child work of the club as reported in the Efficiency Report follows:

Dental Clinic, 1 small school near Marion, $40, Tonsil Clinics 18 operations, $120; Glasses for 3 children $30, Ear treatment one child $4

A delegation attended an inter-club meeting at Narrows

During the summer months, the weekly meetings were held at Hungry Mother State Park

Joint meetings with representatives from the Chamber of Commerce, Board of Supervisors, Town Officials, Rotary and Lions Clubs appeared before the State Highway Commission of the inter-State Highway Commission in the interest of good roads and the opening of a North and South highway from West Virginia to North Carolina

Division 03
President J William McFall, Secretary H Frank Perry
Membership Jan 1 - 42 Attendance 75%
Sponsor Saltville VA

Through the State Department of Health, $100 was spent, which covered 218 dental operations on 59 grammar school children $10 was contributed for Victory Gardens to furnish food for grammar school lunch room Several children were furnished with glasses, at a cost of $10

Held an essay contest on I am an American Received 647 essays written and presented by county school children Organized in three groups: 6th and 7th grades, 8th and 9th grades, and 10th and 11th grades First, second, and third prizes were awarded Kiwanians graded the essays with final selection made by the faulty of Marion College The winning contestants were guest of the club at a regular dinner meeting, where they read their papers, prizes (War Savings Stamps ) were presented

During the month of March, just prior to the general Town-wide "Go-to-Church" movement, the committee furnished a program at one of our regular dinner meetings The program was conducted by one of our members who forcefully stressed the importance of all Kiwanians as well as members of other Civic organizations and citizens in general giving whole-hearted co-operation with the different churches of the Town, regularly attending the church of his choice

We sponsored a new club in Saltville VA 18 miles from Marion, which was organized with 46 charter members More than 50% of the membership of the Marion club attended the Charter Night Our club furnished programs for the first six months Several members attended the Charter Night of the new Abingdon club, located 26 miles from Marion

Our annual meeting with the ladies present was held on the last Tuesday of the old year with the retiring President in charge.

President Ralph K Killinger, Secretary H Frank Perry
Membership Jan 1 - 49 Attendance 81%

Work was done in treating eyes and ears of school children Information especially for beginners in regard to Victory Gardens was gathered and disseminated.

A special program on the meaning of Easter was arranged Perhaps the most important thing the club did was to aid in procuring a site for the reconstruction of a plant for the manufacture of vital war material to replace the plant destroyed by fire The site was secured, and work started on the plant which when completed will cover 8 acres.

The club visited Saltville on its Charter Night anniversary, and later was host to a small delegation from that club The club celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary was represented at the District Convention and the Training School for Club officers It had 6 members in the armed forces on December 31.

Division 03
(Volume 6)
President Robert F Williams, Secretary H Frank Perry
Membership Jan 1 - 56 Attendance 80%
LG Frank T Lemmon

The club put on an eye clinic where 29 children were fitted with glasses at a cost of $342 Gave $25 to the milk fund of a rural school Raised $3,166 for high school band uniforms and athletic equipment, half was contributed by club members and their business firms

President Leon D BeVille, Secretary H Frank Perry
Membership Jan 1 - 59 Attendance 82%

In cooperation with other civic organizations, the club raised $2,500 to open and operate the Community Council Camp for young people Supplied $212 to the county health fund to finance 103 T and A operations and to fit 18 children with glasses Provided $50 for dental work and transported 2 crippled children and their mothers to the clinic in Bluefield Succeeded in getting two scout troops functioning Aided in the War Bond Drives Sponsored 2 programs on farming and had a number of meetings in the country Secured the approval of the State Highway Commission to construct a needed road, and headed the Red Cross campaign for funds.

President Fred Q Graybeal, Secretary H Frank Perry
Membership Jan 1 - 65 Attendance 80%

The club took care of 39 tonsil operations and provided 6 pairs of glasses; offered cash prizes amounting to $5000 to High school students for the best three essays on "What Marion Needs Most" The essays indicated that the greatest need was for recreation facilities Shortly afterwards two gentlemen offered to provide memorial funds sufficient for a modern recreational layout including a stadium, to cost approximately $100,00000 Donated $300,0000 to purchase high school library books; sponsored a Boy Scout Troop and conducted the annual Scout Drive for funds.

Division 08
Presedent Wyth M Hull Jr, Secretary Lantz P Haywood
Membership Jan 1 - 75 Attendance 73%

The club sponsored the Junior Dairy Calf Show, and Scouting with two local Eagle Scouts for speakers at a luncheon Aided in the establishment and maintenance of Alcoholics Anonymous Furnished medical care of various sorts for 23 children at a cost of $634 including 21 tonsillectomies Built and equipped the Lee Ford Camp at a cost of $5,710 giving 22 underprivileged boys a camping trip of two weeks The cost of supplies and administration being $1,276 Bought 6 instruments for the high schools band Paid expenses for 12 4-H boys and girls at their annual camp Sponsored Red Cross swimming classes at which 200 children learned to swim.

President George F McDonald, Secretary Lantz P Haywood
Membership Jan 1 - 80 Attendance 75%

Two programs by high school students, the first to acquaint the club in the field of Forensics, the second show what was learned in Scouting Financed the removal of infected tonsils of 27 children Treated 55 children in the dental clinic Raised $200 to buy and repair high school band instruments Sponsored a joint dinner meeting of the Directors of neighboring Chambers of Commerce and Kiwanis clubs out of which probably a fine airport for Marion was developed.

President Henry P Gills, Secretary Lantz P Haywood
Membership Jan 1 - 80 Attendance 76%

34 tonsillectomies at a cost of $598, the money was raised by a beauty contest Raised $17,500 in cash and materials for the construction of the Community Youth Center In cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce in an attempt to bring to Marion a University Extension Center.

President Ralph L Lincoln, SecretaryLantz P Haywood
Membership Jan 1 - 83 Attendance 80%

Sponsored a Tonsil clinic where 49 children had tonsils removed at a cost of $510 Paid the train fare for a mother to take her child to see a Heart Specialist Donated $50 to the lunch fund at Grammar School Sent a boy to Richmond to attend the model General Assembly Contributed $15 for a Scout to attend the National Scout Jamboree at Valley Forge Contributed $10 towards prizes in the Halloween Window Decorating Contest Realized $88600 by a Beauty Contest Donated $3000 to the School Library for the purchase of books, and gave $50 for entertainment sponsored by the Civic Entertainment Group Joined in all the local fund drives.

(Volume 7)
President N C Peterson, Secretary Lantz P Haywood
Membership Jan 1 - 79 Attendance 82%

Kiwanis Administration: 2 visits to other Kiwanis clubs with 11 members traveling 40 miles one way and 6 visits to other Kiwanis clubs with 29 members traveling 281 miles one way Inducted 14 new members making a percentage increase of 139%.

Boys and Girls Work: Sponsored a National Kids Day program Sold $220 in peanuts and held a children’s parade Sponsored a junior football game and provided free movies for 800 children Sponsored a junior league baseball league, donating $100 for equipment Raised $1,200 for local high school band and donated $125 to this project Conducted water safety program for Red Cross with over 300 participants.

Public and Business Affairs: Sponsored a beauty pageant and raised $569 Entered a float in homecoming parade Entertained city school teachers at a banquet Donated $25 to HS library.

Underprivileged Child: Donated $75 for hearing aid for a child 51 tonsillectomies were performed Paid $36 on children eye operations Donated $50 for medicine.

Division 08
President R C Moore, Secretary Lantz P Haywood
Membership Jan 1 - 91 Attendance 86%
LG J Leonard Maucck

Kiwanis Administration: 5 inter-club meetings were held with Abingdon and Saltville Divisional interclub meeting and Ladies Night Inducted 6 new members 5 members registered at the District Convention

Boys and Girls Work: Bought clothing for deserving children in local schools Assisted the community center and the Red Cross to give swimming instructions Donated $100 to equip 7th and 8th grade football teams National Kids Day was observed A theater party was held and light refreshments were served to 700 children Raised $220 from peanut sails to be used in boys and girls work Held a Father and Son banquet.

Public and Business Affairs: 65 teachers present on Ladies Night Entertained ll the members of Marion Junior College at a regular meeting.

Underprivileged Child: The club sponsored an eye, ear, nose and throat clinic for needy children Had 38 tonsillectomies performed The club sponsored local parade and entered a float in connection with the club pageant and carnival which was held to raise funds for this committee.

Vocational Guidance: The club arranged for a 2-hour panel discussion in the local high school Appointed 25 Kiwanians as counselors to work with high school seniors during the year.

President Emmett V Richardson, Secretary Lantz P Haywood
Membership Jan 1 - 90 Attendance 83%

Kiwanis Administration: 3 visits to other Kiwanis clubs and 3 visits by other Kiwanis clubs were enjoyed Annual Ladies Night banquet and entertained school teachers 10 new members were inducted 2 members attended International Convention and 6 attended the District Convention.
Committees in General: Raised $600 from the Beauty Contest and $180 from the sale of peanuts on National Kids Day Contributed $500 towards recreational facilities for community boys and girls Entertained 1,200 boys and girls on National Kids Day Had a Kiwanis float in the Marion Homecoming Game Parade Assisted 1 child for an eye operation Furnished transportation to Richmond for 1 child and mother for an operation Maintained a children tonsil clinic 25 members served as counselors in the club’s vocational guidance program Public and Business Affairs committee presented the Arts and Crafts exhibit and raised funds for a new stadium and athletic field Entertained the faculties of Marion College, Marion High, Intermediate and Grammar Schools, the Junior Band, the Football Team and several other groups.

President Howard W Williams, Secretary Lantz P Haywood
Membership Jan 1 - 90 Attendance 83%

Kiwanis Administration: 4 inter-clubs to other Kiwanis clubs 5 Kiwanis clubs visited us Inducted 6 new members President, vice president, and secretary attended the Division Organization Conference 2 attended the International Convention 3 attended the District Convention.

Committees in General: Raised $75000 from the sale of drive-in theatre tickets Sponsored a Little League Baseball Team and furnished equipment 4 uniforms costing $26000 were purchased for the Marion high School Band Candy was furnished for the polio vaccine trial clinic Sponsored a girl to Virginia Kids’ Day Raised $8000 on peanuts Purchased $2500 on clothing for a needy boy Sponsored one girl to Music Camp at a cost of $3000 Paid $10000 to send a boy to Warm Springs Foundation Tonsillectomies were performed for 30 children Cooperated with the Chamber of Commerce in a drive for increasing church attendance Donated blood to the Blood Mobile Entered a float in the Christmas Parade Entertained the Marion High School basketball and football teams.

President Lantz P Haywood Secretary M Curtis Hamm
Membership Jan 1 - 95 Attendance 85%

Kiwanis Administration: 15 new members were inducted 3 visits to other Kiwanis clubs and the 8th Division inter-club meeting was held at our club The president, vice president, vice president and secretary elect attended the Organization Conference 2 members attended the International Convention and 2 attended the District Convention.

Agriculture and Conservation: Club members helped the County Agriculture Agent set up a farmers market in Marion We also helped with the Soil and Conservation Planning conference.

Boys and Girls Work: Swimming fees were paid for Boy Scouts and Emory and Henry College Donated $50 to the March of Dimes Bus fare was paid for a boy from Marion, Virginia to Boys Town, Nebraska One boy was sponsored to Boys State Sponsored National Kids Day with a free movie for 700 children Entered a float in the Christmas parade won the 1st prize of $5000.

Public and Business Affairs: Purchased "Safe Driving" Day stickers Bought doughnuts for Red Cross Blood Mobile.

Underprivileged Child: Secured clothing for 3 children Paid for 9 tonsillectomies Dental care was provided for 1 adult and 3 children with the total cost being $13500.

Vocational Guidance: Provided a $15000 scholarship for a graduate of Marion HS.

Division 08
President ?, Secretary M Curtis Hamm
LG Lantz P Haywood

President Robert S Garnett, Secretary Lantz P Haywood

Builder V35, No9, September - A number of club members make a good will tour to rural communities in Smyth County last month.

President Robert C Wolfenden, Secretary Lantz P Haywood

President M Curis Hamm, Secretary Lantz P Haywood

Builder Vol 37, No9 September - Through its Boys and Girls Committee paid $7500 on expenses of a local swimming program.

President John R Nelson, Secretary Lantz P Haywood

President John D Killinger, Secretary Lantz P Haywood

Builder Vol 39 No 4 April - Donated $200,00 to the Marion College Library Building Fund.

President J B McCarty Jr , Secretary Lantz P Haywood

Builder V40 No 4 April - Donated $3500 to the Marion HS band to pay expenses of one member to the Azalea Festival in Wilmington, NC.

President John D Neely, Secretary Lantz P Haywood

no officers mentioned

Builder V 42 No 12, Dec - Distributed 1,000 copies of the pamphlet "You and the Law" to junior and senior high school students.

President J Richard Campbell, Secretary Lantz P Haywood

President Kent P Graybeal, Secretary Lantz P Haywood

Builder V44 No 11 Nov – Donation of $1000 to the Marion PTA and $1500 to the Red Cross program.

President Carl F Vaught, Secretary Lantz P Haywood

President W H Jones, Secretary Lantz P Haywood

President Angus R Shaw III, Secretary Lantz P Haywood

Builder V47 No2 Feb Continues its Tonsil Clinic and contributed towards one tonsillectomy in January.

1969 - 1970
President G C Jennings, Secretary Lantz P Haywood

1970 - 1971
President Charles W Homes, Secretary Lantz P Haywood

Builder V49 No4 April Provides church directories to hotels and motels in their town and the surrounding area.

1971 - 1972
President Wilmer B Robbins, Secretary Lantz P Haywood

1972 - 1973
President Francis J Copenhaver, Secretary Lantz P Haywood

Builder V51, No5, May YMCA program is a major goal.

President MF Page, Secretary Lantz P Haywood

1974 - 1975
President J Penn Rutherford, Secretary Lantz P Haywood

1975 - 1976
Division 08
President E R Thompson, Secretary Lantz P Haywood
LG G C Jennings

1976 - 1977
President Fred R Poe, Secretary Lantz P Haywood

1977 - 1978
President R Jefferson Coker, Secretary Lantz P Haywood

1978 - 1979
President Corrie L Forrest, Secretary Lantz P Haywood

1979 - 1980
President Jerry M Hicks, Secretary Lantz P Haywood

1980 - 1981
President Dr William R Armentrout, Secretary Edward M Duke

1981 - 1982
President Lantz C Haywood, Secretary Edward M Duke

1982 - 1983
President Ernst S Aker, Secretary Lantz C Haywood

1983 - 1984
President Benjamin G Barker, Secretary Lantz C Haywood

1984 - 1985
President W T Grissom, Secretary Lantz C Haywood

1985 - 1986
President Donald D Jones, Secretary Lantz C Haywood

1986 - 1987
Division 03
President W W Scott Jr, Secretary Lantz C Haywood

1987 - 1988
President William D Smith, Secretary Lantz C Haywood

1988 - 1989
President Cameron L Wolfe Jr, Secretary
Lantz C Haywood

1989 - 1990
President Harry M Francis Jr, Secretary Lantz C Haywood

1990 - 1991
President Rex L O Greer, Secretary Lantz C Haywood

1991 - 1992
President Thomas W Voglewede, Secretary Lantz C Haywood

1992 - 1993
President Charles E Harkins, Secretary Lantz C Haywood
Membership Oct 1 - 76

1993 - 1994
President Melvin R Adams, Secretary Marvin E Leslie Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 60

1994 - 1995
President W Eugene Hendrick Jr Secretary Marvin E Leslie Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 59

1995 - 1996
President Charles W Cox, Secretary Robert G Veselik
Membership Oct 1 - 61

1996 - 1997
President Steven E O'Dell, Secretary Robert G Veselik
Membership Oct 1 -65

1997 - 1998
Division 03
President Dan H Surface, Secretary William A Vesselik
Membership Oct 1 - 61
LG W Eugene Hendrick Jr

1998 - 1999
President Charles B Dickson, Secretary Marvin E Leslie Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 60

1999 - 2000
President Noel V Collins Secretary Marvin E Leslie Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 59

2000 - 2001
President Brian K Reynolds, Secretary Marvin E Leslie Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 64

2001 - 2002
Division 03
President William T Wing III, Secretary Marvin E Leslie Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 66 Attendance 63%
LG Noel V Collins

Year End: 55 Projects Completed, 218 Service Hours, $8,920 Spent, 10 Interclubs

2002 - 2003
President Emma L Brabson, Secretary Marvin E Leslie Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 55 Attendance 60%

Capital District Foundation Director Noel V Collins

Other club officers were President-elect Joe Copenhaver, VP Charles W DeHart, Treasurer Kennith A Osborne, IPP William T Wing III Directors Paul Morlock, John E B Clark Jr, Cameron L Wolfe, Preston L Brockman, Chester F Haerlin, Clayborne B Gwyn, and Jennifer S Daniel Charles DeHart resigned his position when he moved from the area.

Membership remained unchanged at 54, reporting 4 deletions and 4 additions LG Bill Prillaman present certificates and pins January 28 for Legion of Honor members: William D Smith 25 years, Frank Spiker 35 years, and Harold Johnson 40 years PLG Noel Collins served as Capital District Kiwanis Foundation Trustee for Division 3.

During the summer months, Club meeting locations alternated between the Best Western Marion and community venues Conducted 5 Inter-clubs by our club Celebrated the 80th Anniversary at the Yuletide Holiday Social in December, the end-of-summer social was held in August at Hungry Mother State Park Marvin Leslie was named "Kiwanian of the Year" in recognition of his service as "Distringuished Club Secretary" Honorary members named were: Rex Greer, Jack McCarty, Marshall Guy, and Charles Holmes At the Mid-Winter Conference, Club was recognized with an award for its web page, http://wwwmarionkiwanisorg Club delegates represented the local organization at the Kiwanis International Convention in Indianapolis, as well as at the Capital District Convention in Rockville, Maryland Each quarter a Club newsletter (Kiwanis Quarterly Review) was printed and distributed electronically and via USPS to the membership.

Fund-raising projects included a Pancake Breakfast ($1,009) and a Flea Market/Bake Sale ($5,500) Service project expenditures exceeded $7,800 on Community Services, Youth Services, Young Children, and Human & Spiritual Values grants The Club also contributed $370 to Kiwanis International Foundation during the year An on-going project of the club was the sponsorship of the Marion Senior High School Key Club.

Year End: 66 Projects Completed, 437 Service Hours, $8600 Money Spent, 5 Interclubs

2003 - 2004
President Joe Copenhaver, Secretary Marvin E Leslie Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 54 Attendance 58%
Meet TU 6:30 PM Best Western

Year End: 62 Projects Completed, ? Service Hours, $7,222 Spent, 4 Interclubs

2004 - 2005
President Dallas Brown, Secretary Marvin E Leslie Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 47 Attendance 63%
Meet TU 6:30 PM Best Western

Contributed $500 to Tsunami Relief Effort

Year End: 69 Projects Completed, 582 Service Hours, $10,181 Spent, 2 Interclubs

2005 - 2006
Division 03
Southwest Virginia Region
President John Clark Jr, Secretary Marvin E Leslie Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 43
Meet TU 6:30 PM Best Western
Distinquished Club Award

Year End: 76 Projects Completed, 348 Service Hours, $6,594 Spent, Interclubs

2006 - 2007
President Mark L Bellamy, Secretary Marvin E Leslie Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 46 Attendance 66%
Meet TU 6:30 PM The New Pioneer

Year End: 61 Projects Completed, 398 Service Hours, $12,145 Spent, 2 Interclubs

2007 - 2008
President Chet Haerlin Secretary Marvin E Leslie Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 39 Attendance 75%
Meet TU 6:30 PM Holston Hills Country Club

Year End: 68 Projects Completed, 350 Service Hours, $9,037 Spent, 3 Interclubs

2008 - 2009
Division 03
President Jeffrey Richardson Secretary Meredith Frank
Membership Oct 1 - 40 Attendance 68%
Meet TU 6:30 PM Holston Hills Country Club
LG Chet Haerlin

Year End: 56 Projects Completed, 586 Service Hours, $5,787 Spent, 1Interclubs

2009 - 2010
President Robert Whisman, Secretary Meredith Frank
Membership Oct 1 - 41 Attendance 51%
Meet TU 6:30 PM Holston Hills Country Club

Year End: 30 Projects Completed, 384 Service Hours, $5,540 Spent, 5 Interclubs

2010 - 2011
President Marvin E Leslie Jr Secretary Meredith Frank
Membership Oct 1 - 50
Meet Tuesday 6:30 PM Hungry Mother State Park Resturant

E-Biulder, April 2011: The Kiwanis Club of Marion, Virginia just finished a program intended to introduce our newest members to the Club Each new member was asked to provide three interesting facts about themselves that most people would not generally know A sheet listing the new members with facts about each member, but presented in a random order, was presented to each member at a recent meeting Members then were challanged to match the new member with the fact about them The correct answers were then presented and the member who got the greatest number right was presented with a prize

We have since decided to expand this concept to all our members, asking each one to fill out a card with three interesting facts about themselves At each meeting one card will be drawn and the membership will have an opportunity to guess which member the facts represent As a thank you the member whose card is drawn each week will receive a prize

Year End: 30 Projects Completed, 515 Service Hours, $5938 Spent, 2 Interclubs, $200 CD Foundation

2011 - 2012
Division 03
President John D Overbey, Secretary Meredith Frank
Membership Oct 1 - 49
Meet TU 6:30 PM Hungry Mother State Park Resturant

LG Joe Copenhaver

2012 - 2013
President James Owens, Secretary Meredith Frank
Membership Oct 1 - 42
Meet TU 6:30 PM Barker's Resturant
(Holston Golf Course)

2013 - 2014
Division 16
President Brenda Gwyn, Secretary Meredith Frank
Membership Oct 1 - 32
Meet TU 6:30 PM Senior Citizens Center

2014 - 2015
President Robert Powell, Secretary Meredith Frank
Membership Oct 1 - 27
Meet TU 6:30 PM Senior Citizens Center

2015 - 2016
Division 16
President David Slough, Secretary Delter Eugene Cullop
Membership Oct 1 - 31
Meet TU 6:30 PM Senior Citizens Center

LG Jeffrey Richardson

2016 - 2017
Division 16
President David Thomas, Secretary Delter Eugene Cullop
Membership Oct 1 - 29
Meet TU 6:30 PM Senior Citizens Center

LG Jeffrey Richardson

2017 - 2018
President Alvin E Crowder, Secretary Delter Eugene Cullop
Membership Oct 1 - 30
Meet TU 6:30 PM Senior Citizens Center

Co Sponsor Chilhowie

2018 - 2019
President Ralph S Price, Secretary Delter Eugene Cullop
Membership Oct 1 - 28
Meet TU 6:00 PM at VFW Post #4667

2019 - 2020
President David A Thomas, Secretary Delter Eugene Cullop
Membership Oct 1 - 26
Meet TU 6:00 PM at VFW Post #4667

2020 - 2021
President Tim Joines, Secretary Delter Eugene Cullop
Membership Oct 1 - 25