Capital District Kiwanis History

Clubs Old-Divisions-New Regions Site Map Leadership People

Volume 6
1944 - 1950
Historian Henry A. Converse

Highlights of District History

Capital District, Kiwanis International, comprised of Kiwanis Clubs
situated in the District of Columbia, the Sovereign State of Maryland,
the Commonwealth of Virginia, and the Free State of Delaware.

While groups of clubs in the same geographic area, notably Michigan, Illinois, Eastern Iowa, had formed district organizations, and the clubs in New England had discussed the matter, the plan of district organization was not officially adopted until the Providence Convention in June 1918.

The Capital District (formed August 29, 1918) was the first to formally organize under the Providence provision. At that time there were but two clubs Washington, DC, and Baltimore, MD.

The Washington Club was organized on May 2, 1917, with Roe Fulkerson as president. He was sent as a delegate to the Detroit Convention, May 17-19, 1917, and was elected an International Trustee. The Baltimore Club was organized on November 22, 1917, with Alfred G. Goodrich, president, and Harry E. Karr, vice president. These two were delegates to the Providence Convention in 1918. In 1919, Harry Karr became president of the club, and was sent as a delegate to the Birmingham Convention.

The three men named above had a great effect in formulating the policies of the District and of International, Alfred Goodrich as first Governor of the District, Roe Fulkerson as International Trustee and Editor of the Kiwanis Magazine, and Harry Karr as International Vice-President and later as International President.

It was Harry Karr, who, at the Birmingham Convention, outlined the plan, adopted by the Convention, which resulted in the purchase for cash, of Kiwanis from the organizer Browne.

This is about what happened, according to the author's recollection of an address made by Harry Karr at the Roanoke District Convention in 1947:

He said in substance that the contract that had been made with organizer Allen S. Browne by Kiwanis had not proven satisfactory. In fact, it had made Browne practically the owner of Kiwanis International. Therefore, Browne, after consultation with the Board of Trustees had submitted a statement of the conditions under which lie would be willing to release Kiwanis International from its agreement with him.

The Board of Trustees then drew up a resolution that was presented to the International Convention at Birmingham on May 21, 1919, and asked the Convention to ratify this action. The resolution nullified the agreement with Browne, in which he gave up all connections with Kiwanis upon receipt of $17,500.00 in cash payable on or before the 22 day of May. (Browne would not agree to any extension of the time for payment beyond May 22.)

Speaking on the resolution, Harry Karr made the statement that there are two things to be considered, we must raise $17,500 between now and tomorrow and we will find a way to pay back that $17,500. If the amendments to the constitution, raising the per capita tax, which will be presented for ratification at this convention, be passed there will be sufficient funds in hand to repay whatever it is necessary to advance; and I believe we can raise the $17,500 right here on the floor, and the money will be repaid to everyone who underwrites this sum. "On behalf of the Baltimore club I subscribe $500.00."

The resolution was passed, the money was raised, and Kiwanis owned itself.

A more detailed account showing the original contract with Browne, the final resolution by which the contract was nullified, and the full proceeding will be found in "We Build, The Story of Kiwanis", by John H. Moss and Merton S. Heiss, pages 35-44,

It was during his term as International President, and at his suggestion, that Underprivileged Child Work became one of the outstanding activities of Kiwanis. It was at the meeting of the International officers in January 1920, that on a motion made by International Trustee Roe Fulkerson and seconded by International Vice-President Harry Karr, "We Build" was adopted as the motto of Kiwanis.

The Capital District has furnished:
2 International Presidents Harry E. Karr and Claude B. Hellmann of Baltimore;
2 International Vice-Presidents Harry E. Karr and Claude B. Hellmann of Baltimore;
6 International Trustees Roe Fulkerson of Washington, J, Randall Caton of Alexandria, Russell S. Perkinson of Petersburg, Edwin F. Hill of Washington, George G. Peery, Salem, and Claude B. Hellmann of Baltimore;
and several Chairmen and many members of International Committees.
With the exception of Roe Fulkerson, who was made International Trustee before he had a chance to become Governor, the remaining 5 Trustees had served the District in this capacity before being chosen as Trustees.

Of the remaining 33 Past-Governors 8 have passed to their reward, one has severed his connection with Kiwanis, and 24 are still active business and professional men, leading citizens in their community. At a recent District Convention 13 Past-Governors were in attendance and took part in the proceedings.

Following the Providence Convention, 55 members of the Baltimore Club and 33 of the Washington Club met at the Hotel Emerson in Baltimore on August 29, 1918, decided to form a district organization, and elected Alfred Goodrich "Regional Director." However, he did not use this title but was called District Governor.

The first annual District Convention was held at Hotel Emerson, Baltimore, Md., on October 4, 1919. By this time three other clubs had been formed, Wilmington, Del., Richmond, Va., and Norfolk, Virginia. Officers elected were Governor, Alfred Goodrich; Lieutenant-Governors, Edwin W. Lintner, Wilmington, and J. D. Hank, Jr., Richmond; Secretary, Maxine Ducharme, Richmond, and Treasurer, John J. Boobar, Washington.

From these small beginnings, the District has increased from the original two clubs to the grand total of 108 clubs, divided into nine divisions with a Lieutenant Governor for each division and a membership of nearly 7,000. Of these clubs 61 are in Virginia, 31 in Maryland, 13 in Delaware, and 3 in the District of Columbia.

The total number of clubs chartered in the District is 114. Of these five have surrendered their charters and one by mutual agreement has been transferred to the Kentucky - Tennessee District. Of the remainder five have been inactive at times but are now on the active list. The average annual increase in number of clubs is three.

At the first District Convention the number in attendance was 88. At the 30th the attendance was 922.

The outstanding activities of the Capital District are Underprivileged Child work, Boys and Girls work, and Agriculture, with many activities in Public Affairs, and Citizenship Responsibility, and the like. Among the clubs in the larger communities much money and effort has been put into such activities.

Washington, DC has carried on an Orthopedic Clinic for 25 years, spending on the average around $4,000 a year besides furnishing transportation to and from the clinic. This club started a movement that resulted in the establishment of special schools for crippled children.

Baltimore, MD starting with an Infants' Ward at a children's hospital, 25 years ago, has within the last 12 years set up and equipped the South Baltimore General Hospital, a baby's ward, a baby's clinic, a formula room and a play room, all completely furnished, at a cost of more than $13,000, this besides doing a large amount of work with Boys' Clubs in the city.

Petersburg, VA started its Crippled Children's work in 1925 and has carried it on to the present, employing a nurse, who in her follow up work makes more than a thousand visits a year, at a cost in the neighborhood of $4,000 a year.

Danville, VA in 1924 erected at a cost of $600 a children's pavilion at the Hilltop Sanatorium and took steps toward the purchase of a hundred foot lot adjoining the Sanatorium to permit the erection of a building to be used exclusively for the cure and treatment of tubercular children. In 1925 the lot was purchased for $2,500. In 1926 $15,000 towards the erection of the building called the Preventorium was raised. In 1927 work was started and in 1928 the Preventorium to accommodate 12 boys and 12 girls was finished and turned over to the institution completely furnished, at a cost of $25,000. By 1933 the Preventorium was paid for in full and since that time it has been kept in repair, playground equipment has been furnished and a weekly Tuberculosis clinic has been established. The club considers the children at the Preventorium as its wards, and periodically gives them parties at Christmas and outings in the summer.

Norfolk, VA in 1934 planned, built and operated Camp Kiwanis for four two-weeks periods, taking care of 22 underprivileged children each period, two periods for boys and two for girls. The camp was operated annually (although it was completely destroyed by fire one winter and had to be rebuilt) until 1942, when it was turned over to the Navy for war use. It has since been returned to the club and is again in operation for underprivileged children now taking care of 25 each period.

Portsmouth, VA has operated for underprivileged children a Fresh Air Farm (10 acres with proper buildings) for four 2-week periods each summer, accommodating 20 children each period.

Lynchburg, VA started in 1921 an Educational and Benevolent Fund, from which during one 10-year period had loaned to worthy students for continuing their education a total of $20,359, of which $8,751.00 had been repaid. From this fund numbers of children have been sent to summer camps.

Roanoke, VA in 1932 began the organization of a group of underprivileged boys into Kiwanis Kampers, sending 30 - 40 of them to Camp Roanoke for ten days each summer, paying their membership fees in the YMCA and entertaining them at a Christmas dinner. It has continued the activity to the present. In 1940 this club bought 225 acres of land and turned it over to a board of trustees to be used as a Girls' Camp. In continuing these activities the club has built a recreation hall and infirmary at Camp Roanoke and a swimming pool, dining and recreation building, and two cottages at the Girls' Camp.

Wilmington, DE recently completed the construction of a new Boys' Club House. Kiwanians made initial contributions to the project. The completed building is of solid construction and contains 121,500 cubic feet, of which the Gymnasium of 84,000 cubic feet is the club's financial contribution. Club members secured the necessary funds, $107,600. Another contribution was the fine cooperation of the contractors who with one exception were Kiwanians.

Among the clubs in smaller communities, with less money at their disposal, some outstanding activities are listed below:

West Point, VA in 1931 took a census of the town to locate all children between the ages of 6 months and 14 years who had not received toxin antitoxin treatment. The treatment was given to practically all these children. This was extended to include the whole county until in three years time 99% of all children in the city and county had been immunized and there were no cases of diphtheria in that area.

Prince George's County, MD has for 10 years held an Easter Egg Hunt participated in by 8 to 10,000 children each year.

Arlington, VA has the annual Vocational Guidance Program carried on since 1936. This program is put on in one of the larger high schools of the county and the upper classes of all the high schools are invited. The club secures speakers thirty or forty men of various vocations. The attendance of students varies from 1000 to 1500. There is first a mass meeting at which the specialists are introduced. Then groups interested in special vocations meet in separate rooms where the specialist for that vocation gives specific information to the group and answers questions of individuals. The club follows up by attempting to secure suitable employment for individual graduates or to give them advice as to where they can receive the necessary education to prepare themselves for what they want to do. A number of other clubs follow somewhat the same plan.

Some clubs feeling that the function of Kiwanis is to arouse public interest in specific needs of a community have started movements that have been taken up by the public and carried to fruition. As an instance of this, one club (Harrisonburg, Va.) carried on a program of newspaper publicity on the need of a public library, for three years. It then called a meeting of a hand-picked group of public-minded citizens and suggested the formation of a Library Association. This committee then called a mass meeting of citizens, at which such an association was organized. A sum of money was raised by means of annual membership fees and contributing membership and life membership fees in a graduated scale. The library was opened in a small room November 19, with 565 books. Later the city and county became interested and now place annual amounts in their budgets for the library. As it expanded, a bookmobile was purchased to serve the outlying parts of the county. A neighboring county became interested and makes an annual contribution and is served by the bookmobile. The State now donates a considerable sum to the support of the library that now has 20,000 books on its shelves with an annual circulation of 6,000. The library is housed in suitable quarters and is properly staffed. It has lately raised sufficient funds to purchase a suitable site upon which a building is to be erected as a permanent home.

Ashland, VA since 1927 has an annual Relay Carnival for school children, with events for all ages, with prizes for the winners. The number of children participating varies from 750 to 1000.

Grundy, VA a number of families with pre-school aged children live in apartments with no place for the children to play in the fresh air. The club decided to remedy this and build a playground in the Court House yard. Members of the club did all the work, raised money for materials, built sand-boxes, playground apparatus, benches and shades for the mothers, and brought the sand for the sand-boxes.

A number of clubs, working through 4-H Clubs and Future Farmers of America, have succeeded in improving the livestock in the surrounding rural areas by donating pure-bred livestock to members of these clubs. Such activities once started arc frequently self-perpetuating. The method used is this. A pure-bred sow is given to some boy, a member of a 4-H Club, with the understanding that out of the first litter two pigs shall be returned to the club. These may either be sold and the money used to buy another pure-bred sow to be given to another boy, on the same conditions, or the pigs may be given to two other boys. Both methods are in use.

Frederick, MD was one of the sponsors of the Maryland Conservation Field Day, at which a 175-acre farm was completely changed from the old method of farming to the method of strip farming. Besides this, repairing, painting, the construction of a new barn and landscaping around the buildings was done, and the whole project was completed in one day. 150 pieces of farm machinery were used, and 500 men did the work while a gallery of 40,000 observed.

Pulaski, VA initiated a Farmers Day in the town. The day was declared a local holiday. Merchants exhibited farm machinery and equipment on the Court House lawn, while specialists in Home Economics demonstrated the latest methods in canning and freezing farm products. A speaker from the Department of Agriculture addressed an audience of approximately 3800.

Georgetown, DE observed that fires throughout the state caused property losses of more than $500,000 each year. So a Fire Prevention program was put on each month to stress the importance of fire prevention. Newspaper publicity was given to these programs, and talks were made before farm groups, 4-H Clubs and business leaders in the community, and plans were made for the elimination of fire hazards in the town.

Norton, VA annuallygives certificates and cash awards to the outstanding boy and girl in the High School Senior and Junior Class, and their runners-up. The awards were based on Scholarship, Extra Curricular Activities, Out of School Activities, and the estimates of teachers and classmates on character and dependability. Awards are made at a club luncheon at which the winners are guests.

Clintwood, VA saw the danger of an unprotected railroad overpass, and sent letters, with accompanying photographs of the danger point, to the State Highway Commission, the Governor of the State, the President of the railroad, and its General Manager, asking that a stone guard rail be erected. The guardrail was built.

Reisterstown, MD after 3 years work, the club presented to the Volunteer Fire Company a fully equipped Cadillac Ambulance at a cost of $6,155, this money being the proceeds of an annual Charity Ball for 3 years.

Bassett, VA owns a plot of ground improved with cabins for the use of the local Boy Scout Troops, and keeps ground and the cabins in repair, from time to time adding improvements.

Narrows, VA and the active sponsoring of the plan when adopted, this occurred: The charter was amended, and a Town Manager was appointed, the train service and the mail service were improved, the houses were numbered, the Town Park was further developed, and a surfaced road to Kiwanis Park was built.

Blacksburg, VA for years the garden specialists of the Virginia Extension Division has advised home gardeners to plant certain types of vegetables in order to get the best results, the people in this community were unable to get these types of plants in sufficient number. It therefore undertook a "Plant Growing Project" a contract was made with a nurseryman to start seedlings in his greenhouse. The club prepared seed flats that the nurseryman filled with soil and planted with the right seed, labor being done by members of the club. While the plants were beginning to grow the club prepared cold frames and when the seedling were ready over 20,000 of them were transplanted one by one from the flats into the cold frames by the members of the club, working at night under lights which had been installed over the plant beds. Cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, lettuce, pepper and tomato plants were furnished to the townspeople at cost, this being the first time the people of that community were able to get the type of plants recommended.

Clintwood, Va., which had a clubhouse on a hill, observing the dangers of children crossing in the street, cleared off and marked coasting lanes on this hill for the use of the town children, making separate slides for the smaller children. Members of the club stood by much of the time during coasting season supervising and preventing accidents.

Lynchburg, VA looking for a worthwhile project in underprivileged child work, discovered a run down community center in one of the poorer sections of the city. It took over this house and the members of the club themselves during the afternoons of five days in August and September virtually rebuilt and repainted the house both inside and out making it attractive and comfortable and established there a "Well Child Clinic", consisting of preventive examination of children and instructions of parents in child care under the voluntary supervision of a physician member of the club, This being accomplished, the club obtained the use of a large

Reisterstown, MD seeing the need for information for Possible jobs for Young people decided to make an industrial Survey in the area served by the Franklin High School. To do this 'It secured by the cooperation of the high school faculty tile services of tile 10th grade English-Social Studies class. A map of the area was made and divided into sections these sections were visited by different students in tile class who listed tile various Occupations available in the several districts, listing tile kind of occupation tile number of workers employed, the educational requirements preferred or required with the following results: of the 224 employers interviewed 29% wanted college graduates, 28% high school graduates, and 27% at least some high school education. The type of education most employers want is that which will develop in them the personality needed regardless of their employment, a prime requirement being training in the fundamentals of English, Mathematics, Spelling and Writing. Also teach these students to be inclined to give extra time to their work when needed, to appreciate endeavors of others to help them, to be on time for an appointment or work, to accept responsibility and be reliable and to realize that any kind of work is honorable. The survey also showed the specific training needed for young people to be successful in various fields of employment. the results of this survey were made available to the students and community at large.

A number of clubs foster better relates between urban and rural communities by holding a number of their summer meetings in near by rural centers and inviting the farmers as their guests.

The activities listed above are merely samples of what some of the clubs are doing. The limits of this article prohibit the mention of many other worthwhile projects such as Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Boys’ Clubs; projects for building hotels, opening and improving highways, building swimming pools, furnishing adequate sanitary systems, and the like.

Clubs in the larger communities with their greater membership and larger annual dues have more money at their disposal to carry on their activities, while those in smaller areas with fewer members and smaller dues must raise their money in other ways. This is done with carnival, minstrel shows, home talent plays or operas, baseball and football games, rummage sales, oyster suppers, gum vending machines, auctions, and other moneymaking schemes. One or two clubs kept themselves alive during the depression years by meeting regularly at the homes of members, without lunch, and thus saved the money to carry on their activities.

In the war effort, Kiwanis Clubs of the Capital District had approximately 10% of their membership volunteered with the Armed Forces, and those who remained at home served faithfully many ways, on Draft Boards, Ration Boards, Citizens Committees, as fire wardens, air-plane spotters, home guards, and safety councils.

Clubs fostered the sale of war bonds, frequently put on bond auctions, and active in the Support of Red Cross and Community Chest drives, and other community-wide projects, carrying out the motto, "We Build."

While the Capital District has sometimes stood low among the Districts in reported activities, a number of the clubs feel that no report of an activity should be made unless it was a bona fide activity of the club approved by the Board of Direct charge of the proper committee. For example, if Kiwanian Tom Jones, out of the kindness of his heart gives a dozen under-privileged boys an outing on his farm, that is not an activity of the club, and should not be reported as such. On the other hand, if Tom Jones is chairman of the Under-privileged Child Committee, and his committee raises in the club, or gets from the club treasury, funds to give a group of children an outing, and Tom, as his contribution, says, "Bring them out to my place," then it is a club activity, and should be reported.

In the first instance, Tom is acting as an individual, doing what any fellow who loved children might (to, while in the second instance there is a club activity.

It appears to the writer that the report of club activities based on such instances as the first mentioned are unfair in competition and give a false picture of the club reporting them.

Capital District History

Since the activities of the Capital District are the activities of the individual clubs, the history of the district itself has been written rather in statistical form.

Clubs 65, Members 4301
International President Donald D. Rice
International Trustee George Peery (until June 1944)
District Governor W. Melville Brown
Secretary - Treasurer, Frank B. Walters, Roanoke

Lt. Governors

Div 1 Martin T. Wiegand Washington
Div 2 W. Marshall Geoghegan Victoria
Div 3 Frank T. Lemmo Marion
Div 4 Ernest P. Mangum Norfolk

Div 5 Frank B. Haynes Charlottesville
Div 6 Claude B. Hellmann Baltimore City
Div 7 Clisby M. Jennelle Jr Salisbury


Mid Winter Charlottesville, VA January 17 Attendance 118
War time conference Chicago, IL June 20-22 Capital District 8
District Baltimore, MD October 5-6 365 attendance

One new club was chartered

  Attendance Achievement
Gold Portsmouth 90.18% Washington
Silver Towson 97.96% Towson
Blue Waynesboro 96% Waynesboro
White Annapolis 99.26% Annapolis

District Governor-Elect Martin T. Weigand held LG training in Washington in November.
The LTG training schools for club officers:
Div 1 Washington, DC Dec. 7 Div 4 Petersburg, Dec 5 Div 7 Milford, Dec 5
Div 2 Lynchburg, Dec 8 Div 5 Harrisonburg, Dec 7
Div 3 Bluefield, Dec 11 Div 6 Baltimore, Dec 7

Clubs 68, Members 4682
International President Ben Dean
District Governor Martin T. Weigand
Secretary - Treasurer, Frank B. Walters, Roanoke

Lt. Governors
Div 1 Charles J. Beck Fredericksburg
Div 2 Willis W. Grist Lynchburg
Div 3 E. P. Litton Coeburn
Div 4 Frank R. Talley Petersburg
Div 5 Paul G. Hook Clifton Forge
Div 6 Michael Paul Smith Reisterstown
Div 7 J. Frank Gordy Georgetown

Mid Winter Conference Charlottesville, VA January 15 Attendance 142
International Council Chicago, IL June 25-30 Capital District 1
District Convention Richmond, VA Oct. 4-5 Attendance 510

New clubs chartered
Bethesda MD D1 K02577, Catonsville MD D6 K02611, Front Royal VA D1 K02634

  Attendance Acheivement
Gold Portsmouth Baltimore City
Silver Westminster Westminster
Blue Annapolis Waynesboro
White Clintwood Annapolis

District Governor-Elect Claude B. Hellmann held LG training on November 15.
Lieutenant Governors held training schools for club officers on the following dates:
Div 1 Washington, D.C. Dec 6 Div 4 Petersburg, Dec 11 Div 7 Milford, Dec 11
Div 2 Danville, Nov 29 Div 5 Clifton Forge, Dec 3
Div 3 Narrows , Dec 6 Div 6 Towson, Dec 28

Clubs 80, Members 5408
International President Hamilton Holt
District Governor Claude B. Hellmann Baltimore City
Secretary - Treasurer, Frank B. Walters, Roanoke

Lt. Governors
Div 1 W. Rodes Lewis Arlington
Div 2 J. F. Wilkinson Crewe
Div 3 Wilson R. Bowers Radford
Div 4 T. B. Coker Portsmouth
Div 5 W. H. Boozer Staunton
Div 6 Robert C. Thompson Towson
Div 7 R. Carlton Moore Rehoboth Beach

Mid-Winter Charlottesville, VA January 14 Attendance 201
International Atlantic City June 9-14 Capital District attend 621
District Washington, DC October 3-5 Attendance 860

12 new clubs chartered this year.

  Attendance Achievement
Gold Portsmouth Washington
Silver Radford Westminster
Blue Annapolis Pikesville
White Clintwood Coeburn

District Governor-Elect M. Channing Wagner held LG training in Washington on Nov 9. Lieutenant-Governors training schools for club officers on the following dates:
Div 1 Washington Dec 6 Div 4 Portsmouth, Nov 22 Div 7 Milford, Nov 26
Div 2 Danville, Nov 26 Div 5 Staunton, Nov 25 Div 8 Abingdon, Nov 19
Div 3 Doanoke, Dec 4 Div 6 Baltimore, Nov 21

Clubs 87, Members 5651
International President Jay N. Emerson
District Governor M. Channing Wagner
Secretary - Treasurer, Frank B. Walters, Roanoke

Lt. Governors
Div 1 O. J. Hale Cumberland
Div 2 Everett E. Carter Danville
Div 3 Robert W. Cutshall Roanoke
Div 4 Walter J. Wilkins Norfolk
Div 5 Ralph W. Query Covington
Div 6 John W. Thomas Shady Side
Div 7 H. R. Baker Dover
Div 8 James D. Kerr

Mid-Winter Richmond, VA January 12-13 Attendance 250
International Chicag, IL June 29 to July 3 Capital District 300
District Roanoke, VA October 9-11 Attendance 704

There were seven new clubs chartered this year.

  Attendance Contest Achievemement Contest
Gold Portsmouth Washington
Silver Radford North Baltimore
Blue Clifton Forge Radford
White Clintwood Parkville


District Governor - Elect W. Albie Barksdale held a training school for LGs in Charlottesville, on Nov 15.
LGs training schools for club officers on the following dates:
Div 1 Manassas, Nov 28 Div 4 Richmond, Dec 1 Div 7 Milford, Dec 2
Div 2 Martinsville, Nov 20 Div 5 Waynesboro, Dec 2 Div 8 Norton, Dec 4
Div 3 Radford, Dec 3 Div 6 Baltimore, Dec 4 Div 9 Frederick, Nov 25

Frank Walters resigned as District Secretary-Treasurer as of August 1 and was succeeded by Walter C. Goodykoontz, Radford, Virginia.

Clubs 91, Members 5890
International President Charles W. Armstrong
International Trustee Claude B. Hellmann
District Governor W. Albie Barksdale
Secretary -Treasurer: Walter C. Goodykoontz Radford

Lt Governors
Div 1 Edgar Parrish Manassas
Div 2 G. Fred Craig Bassett
Div 3 Will D. Baugh Radford
Div 4 Harold F. Snead Richmond
Div 5 Harry Nash Waynesboro
Div 6 Lester N. Phillipy Baltimore City
Div 7 Robert G. Wollter Milford
Div 8 Eliner C. Smith Clintwood
Div 9 L. Forrest Free Westminister

Mid-Winter Virginia Beach, VA January 18-19 Attendance 300
International Los Angeles, CA June 6-10 Capital District 224
District Baltimore, MD Sept 30 - Oct 2 Attendance 922

Four new clubs chartered this year.
  Attendance Contest Achievement Contest
Gold Hagerstown Baltimore City
Silver Charlottesville Westminister
Blue Woodbridge Seaford
Orange   Salisbury
White Greenwood Parkville

District Governor-Elect Michael Paul Smith held LG in Baltimore, Nov18.LGs held training schools for club officers on the following dates
Div 1 Washington, D.C., Dec 2 Div 4 Old Point Comfort, Nov. 25 Div 7 Salisbury, Dec 7
Div 2 Danville, December 2 Div 5 Lexington, Dec 2 Div 8 Abingdon, Dec 2
Div 3 Blacksburg, Nov 25 Div 6 Baltimore, Dec 2 Div 9 Frederick

Clubs 98, Members 6213
International President J. Belmont Mosser
International Trustee Claude B. Hellmann
District Governor Michael Paul Smith
Secretary -Treasurer: Walter C. Goodykoontz Radford

Lt. Governors
Div 1 Wilton H. Wallac Washington
Div 2 Charles C. Brown Martinsville
Div 3 Lou Runchey Blacksburg
Div 4 W. Sherwood Hornsby Newport News
Div 5 Paul A. Holstein Lexington
Div 6 Lionel Burgess Ellicott City
Div 7 A. L. Fleming Salisbury
Div 8 Norvell O. Akers Abingdon
Div 9 James A. Payne Front Royal

Mid-Winter Virginia Beach, VA January 9-10 Attendance 336
International Atlantic City June 19-24 Capital District 758
District Richmond, VA October 6-8 Attendance 820

7 new clubs chartered this year.

  Attendance Contest Achievement Contest
Gold Hagerstown Washington
Silver Charlottesville Westminister
Blue Clintwood Parkville
Orange   North Baltimore
White Greenwood Blacksburg

District Governor-Elect D. Hurd Goode heldLG training in Roanoke, Nov 12, 1949. LGs officer training schools on the following dates:
Div 1 Washington, Nov 23 Div 4 Ft. Monroe, Nov 28 Div 7 Melford, Nov 29
Div 2 Lynchburg, Nov 18 Div 5 Staunton, Nov 28 Div 8 Norton, Dec 4
Div 3 Galax, Nov 28 Div 6 Baltimore, Nov 17 Div 9 Frederick, Nov 29

Clubs 104, Members 6396
International President J. Hugh Jackson
District Governor D. Hurd Goode
Secretary -Treasurer: Walter C. Goodykoontz Radford

Lt. Governors

Div 1 John M. Whitmore Annapolis
Div 2 A. H. Hagberg Crewe
Div 3 C. L. Hampton Galax
Div 4 J. Sinclair Seldon Jr Hampton
Div 5 O. L. Miller Harrisonburg

Div 6 J. Henry Frick Baltimore City
Div 7 Herbert F. Weldin Wilmington
Div 8 Charles J. Carlton Grundy
Div 9 Vernon Coblentz Frederick

Mid-Winter Roanoke, VA January 6-7 attendance 302
International Miami, Florida May 7-11 Capital District 422
District Washington, DC October 5-7 Attendance 851

Six new clubs chartered this year.

  Attendance contest Achievement contest
Gold Hagerstown Washington
Silver Westminster North Baltimore
Blue Parkville Ellicott City
Orange   Annapolis
White Greenwood Catonsville

District Governor-Elect A. L. Fleming held LG training in Roanoke, Nov. 12, 1950.
LGs held a training school for club officers on the following dates:

Div 1 Washington, Nov 30 Div 4 Petersburg, Dec 2 Div 7 Milford, Nov 28
Div 2 Danville, Dec 2 Div 5 Staunton, Nov 27 Div 8 Enburg, Dec 1
Div 3 Pulaski, Dec 12 Div 6 Baltimore, Nov 28 Div 9 Hagerstown, Nov 30

Geographical Distribution of District Governors
by Divisions and by Clubs

Division 1 Washington, DC John J. Boobar 1922, resigned March 1, 1922
Claude H. Woodward 1924, resigned August 26, 1924
Harry G. Kimball 1929
Edwin F. Hill 1933
Martin T. Weigand 1945
  Alexandria, VA Julian Y. Williams from March 1, 1922
J. Randall Caton 1925
Irving Diene 1938
Division 2 Lynchburg, VA W. Carey Wheatley 1943
  D. Hurd Goode
Division 3 Salem, VA Robert W. Kime 1928
George G. Peery 1937
Division 4 Norfolk, VA Joseph M. Fentress 1924 from August 26
  Petersburg, VA Russell S. Perkinson 1927
  Portsmouth, VA Lonsdale J. Roper 1936
  Richmond, VA J. D. Hanks 1921
Jesse H. Binford 1930
W. Melville Brown 1944
  West Point, VA David Nelson Sutton 1940
Division 5 Charlottesville, VA E. Carruthers 1934
W. Albie Barksdale 1948
  Harrisonburg, VA Henry A. Converse 1932
Division 6 Baltimore, MD Alfred G. Goodrich 1919-1920
Merle E. Towner 1926
Waitman F. Zinn 1942
Claude B. Hellmann 1946
  Towson, MD C. Walter Cole 1935
  Reisterstown, MD Michael Paul Smith 1949
Division 7 Wilmington, DE Edwin W. Lintner 1923
M. Clianning Wagner 1947
  Dover, DE Harry B. King 1911
  Salisbury, MD A. I. Fleming 1951

Division 9

Hagerstown, MD F. Berry Plummer 1931
  Miles S. Reifsnider 1939

Clubs formerly in Capital District

Bedford, VA
Chartered July 17, 1924
Gave up Charter Dec. 31, 1929
South Boston, VA
Chartered May 8, 1923
Inactive since 1932
Havre De Grace, MD
Chartered Dec. 7, 1926
Inactive since Jan. 1, 1937
Big Stone Gap, VA
Chartered March 23, 1923
Emporia, VA
Chartered June 19, 1923
Inactive after June 1932
Chase City, VA
Organized April 11, 1924
Chartered June 6, 1924
Inactive after Dec. 31, 1936

Clubs of the Capital District

Abingdon, VA
Organized Sept 15, 1942
Organized May 9, 1921
Annapolis, MD
Organized Feb. 28, 1933
Arlington, VA
Organized June 5, 1931
Ashland, VA
Organized Feb 2, 1923
Baltimore, MD
Organized Nov. 22, 1917
Bassett, VA
Organized Aug 17, 1926
Bethesda, MD
Organized Jan 23, 1945
Blacksburg, VA
Organized Sept 9, 1946
Bland County, VA
Organized April 5, 1940
Bridgeville, DE
Organized Jan 26, 1939
Catonsville, MD
Organized May 29, 1945
Charlottesville, VA
Organized April 3, 1922
Chesterfield, VA
Organized Oct 2, 1950
Chncoteague, VA
Organized Dec 5, 1946
Christiansburg, VA
Organized May 31, 1949
Clifton Forge, VA
Organized April 4, 1921
Clintwood, VA
Organized Dec 17, 1937
Coeburn, VA
Organized Mar. 8, 1923
Covington, VA
Organized Sept. 4, 1923
Crewe, VA
Organized Oct 27, 1924
Crisfield , MD
Organized May 16, 1946
Cumberland, MD
Organized May 8, 1924
Dante, VA
Organized Dec 15, 1950
Danville, VA
Organized May 1, 1921
Delmar, DE
Organized Jul 6, 1950
Dover, DE
Organized Jan 16, 1935
Dundalk, MD
Organized Jul 1, 1946
Eastern Branch, DC
Organized Jan 27, 1949
Elkton, MD
Organized Apr 31, 1932
Ellicott City, MD
Organized Apr 2, 1940
Essex, MD
Organized Mar 26, 1947
Fairlawn Community, VA
Organized Sept 15, 1948
Fairlington, VA
Organized Aug 11, 1947
Falls Church, VA
Organized Jun 16, 1949
Frederick, MD
Organized May 1, 1923
Fredericksburg, VA
Organized Feb. 9, 1923
Front Royal, VA
Organized Aug 8, 1945
Galax, VA
Organized Jun 1951
Georgetown, DE
Organized Sept 30, 1935
Glen Burnie, MD
Organized Dec 22, 1947
Graham, VA
Organized Jul 22, 1946
Greenwood, DE
Organized May 31, 1946
Grundy, VA
Organized Feb 14, 1947
Hagerstown, MD
Organized Mar 17, 1921
Halethorpe, MD
Organized Jun 4, 1940
Hamilton, MD
Organized Oct 1946
Hampton, VA
Organized Oct 27, 1925
Harrisonburg, VA
Organized May 10, 1922
Highlandtown, MD
Organized Oct 1, 1947
Honaker, VA
Organized Aug 2, 1949
Hopewell, VA
Organized Nov. 11, 1924
Haysi, VA
Organized Feb 17, 1949


Lexington, VA
Organized Nov. 23, 1925
Lock Raven, MD
Organized Dec 14, 1950
Lynchburg, VA
Organized Jan. 14, 1920
Manassass, VA
Organized Oct. 17, 1924
Marion, VA
Organized Dec. 26, 1922
Martinsbille, VA
Organized Mar 14, 1921
Milford, DE
Organized Oct 24, 1038
Mount Ary, MD
Organized Apr 4, 1949
Narrows, VA
Organized Jan 5, 1938
Newark, DE
Organized Nav 30, 1949
Newport News, VA
Organized Jan 11, 1921
Norfolk, VA
Organized May 13, 1919
North Baltimore, MD
Organized Feb 6, 1936
Norton, VA
Organized Jan. 18, 1921
Parkville, MD
Organized Dec 18, 1944
Petersburg, VA
Organized Feb. 16, 1922
Pikesville, MD
Organized May 27, 1935
Portsmouth, VA
Organized in Jan. 11, 1920
Pound, VA
Organized Jun 1946
Non Meeting 1949
Prince Georges Co, MD
Organized Mar 22, 1934
Pulaski, VA
Organized Apr 5, 1946
Radford, VA
Organized Jan 24, 1923
Rehoboth Beach, DE
Organized Jul 16, 1928
Reisterstown, MD
Organized Aug 23, 1935
Richlands, VA
Organized Dec 16, 1938
Richmond, VA
Organized Mar. 6, 1919
Roanoke, VA
Organized Nov. 26, 1919
Rockville, MD
Organized May 17, 1950
Salem, VA
Organized Mar 15, 1921
Salisbury , MD
Organized May 10, 1939
Saltville, VA
Organized Oct 29, 1942
Seaford, DE
Organized April 1923
Shady Side, MD
Organized Apr 15, 1946
Silver Spring, MD
Organized Mar 13, 1948
Southside Norfolk, VA
Organized Oct 14, 1927
Staunton, VA
Organized June 15, 1922
Suffolk, VA
Organized May 19, 1947
Suburban Annapolis, MD
Organized Sept 1950
Taneytown, MD
Organized Apr 19, 1939
Towson, MD
Organized Dec 12, 1928
Victoria-Kenbridge, VA
Organized July 24, 1925
Warwick County , VA
Organized Mar 28, 1949
Washington, DC
Organized Feb. 19, 1917
Waynesboro, VA
Chartered Sept. 22, 1925
Westminster, MD
Organized Dec 9, 1931
Wwest Point, VA
Organized Sept 26, 1922
Williamson Road , VA
Organized Mar 4, 1948
Wilmington, DE
Organized Nov 19, 1918
Winchester, VA
Organized June 25, 1922
Wise, VA
Organized Sept 3, 1946
Woodbridge, VA
Organized Mar 20, 1947
Wythe County, VA
Organized Apr 7, 1948