Capital District Kiwanis History

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Organized September 9 1946 Chartered October 10 1946
Key # 02811 85th District Club
Sponsor Radford Kiwanis
Division 03
Population (1946) 2,133 (KI Club Card)
Merge 1996 with Montgomery County forms Montgomery County-Blacksburg

Division 03
President George L Guilette, Secretary Everett Lott
Membership Oct 1 - 26 Attendance 70%

The club just being organized, did little except to educate its members in the objects of Kiwanis but it did distribute Christmas baskets to thirty needy families.

President George L Guilette, C R Woolwine
Secretary Everette P Lott Jr, C Hugh Duncan
Membership Jan I - 29 Attendance 79%

The club sponsored an ameteur show, netting $200 for the underprivileged child work; showed the need for cooperation in the raising of food and the way to have successful victory gardens; carried on its Christmas basket program for indigent families.

President Lou Runchey, Secretary C Hugh Duncan
Membership Jan 1 - 29 Attendance 98%

The club set up 60 gum selling machines to raise funds for its community work; sponsored three troops of Brownies, took them to the movies twice and entertained them at a picnic; sent a boy to Boy State; gave $25 to the Boy Scouts, $10 as a prize in the Clean-up Campaign; organized a Key Club at the High School; sponsored and conducted a Tri-County Golf Tournament for boys under 17 providing a trophy which must be won three different years to acquire and other prizes, no entrance fee was charged and the Greens Fees were paid by the club; sent the winner to the Youth Golf Tournament at Pinehurst, NC; worked with the Key Club in establishing a Safety Patrol for school children; started a sinking fund for the establishment of a boys' and girls' camp on Craig's Creek; co-sponsored a Halloween Party for boys and girls; worked with other civic organizations in planning a High School athletic field on new site; instituted a permanent organization procedure for the collection and distribution of used clothing which is graded as to size, cleaned and put on display in a room furnished by St Mary's Church, the needy child being brought in is allowed to chose what he needs, (if nothing suitable is found his wants are supplied by the club); donated $25 to the Empire Clinic for treatment of underprivileged children; sponsored a movie for children, a can of food suggested but not required for admission, the canned goods thus received is placed in baskets along with candy, nuts and toys, and delivered to needy families at Christmas; started an activity described in the Achievement Report. Thus the greatest single activity undertaken by this (Agriculture) committee was a plant growing project. For many years the garden specialists of the Virginia Extension Division have advised home gardeners to plant a curtain type of vegetable to get the best results. The trouble was no one could provide the type of plants specified in sufficient number. The committee undertook a "plant Growing Project", to provide the necessary plants to the people of this community A contract was made with a nurseryman to start seedlings in his greenhouse. Seed flats were constructed, filled with soil and planted with the right seed All of this work was done under the direction of specialists for the Extension Division. The labor was done by the members of the committee.

When the plant seedlings were ready they were transplanted to the cold frames previously constructed and prepared. Over 20,000 were transplanted, one by one, from the flats into the cold frames. All work was done by club members. Lights were installed over the plant beds so the members could work at night Cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, lettuce, pepper, and tomato plants were furnished to the townspeople at cost. This was the first time that gardeners of this community were able to get the type of plants recommended; worked for the installation of parking meters; sponsored a Spring Trade Festival lasting for three days to encourage residents to buy at home, realizing some $600 for its community fund; gave a banquet to the local baseball team; joined with the Chamber of Commerce in a Clean-Up Campaign; and put on two successful "Get Out The Vote" campaigns.

Division 03
President Wm G Buchanan, Jr, Secretary C Hugh Duncan
Membership Jan 1 - 35 Attendance 91 %
Sponsor Christiansburg Club
LG Lou Runchey

The club sponsored and furnished supplies for three Brownie Troops; sent a boy to Boy State; contributed to the Boy Scout drive; supervised the Key Club; donated equipment to the colored playground; sponsored for the second year a Golf Tournament for boys under 17; made long range plans towards a boys and girls camp as a National Kids Day project; joined with other organizations in sponsoring a football game, clearing $1,000 for the recreation area; sponsored a Donkey Baseball game clearing $200 for the same purpose; donated $45 to the High School for athletic equipment, and $25 for its general fund; provided funds for 75 needy children to attend school; collected 350 cans of food as admissions to a children's movie, and used these cans to help fill 28 Christmas baskets for indigent families; gave two Christmas parties, one for white and one for colored children; maintained a supply of clothing for distribution to the needy of all ages; carried on the Emergency Polio Drive; staged the second annual three day trade Festival; continued the plant growing project started in 1948; worked with Prices' Fork Grange to improve rural-urban relations; encouraged dairymen to adopt sound breeding programs for dairy cattle.

President Maynard O'Connor, Secretary C Hugh Duncan
Membership Jan 1 – 32 Attendance 89%

The club continued sponsorship of three Brownie Troops and sponsored a fourth; contributed $40 to these troops; worked with other civic clubs on a joint committee on the possibilities of erecting a Scout building and community center; donated $30 to the local FFA chapter; contributed $65 for improvement of facilities and equipment to the local high school athletic association; sponsored a junior golf tournament; celebrated National Kids' Day by successful Kiwanis auction netting the club $200 for Youth Work: continued work with the local Key Club; gave an annual Christmas party with a tree, Santa Claus, toys and refreshments; raised funds for underprivileged child work through the Gum Ball machines and a donkey baseball game; sponsored a special movie the admission charge being a can or package of food at which 40 bushel baskets of food were obtained from which 35 Christmas baskets were delivered to needy families; held Christmas parties for both white and colored children, transportation being furnished to and from the parties where needed, serving 65 underprivileged children with refreshments and toys. Conducted a special "Get Out The Vote", campaign mailing 3,500 postal cards reminding citizens of the duty to vote and tagging each voter with the "I Have Voted, Have You"?; constructed and decorated 35 display booths in the Spring Trade Festival; participated in all fund drives; worked with the local Grange to build up cooperation between rural and town people; and contributed 100 hours of labor in clearing and seeding the high school athletic field which had been graded during the previous year.

(Volume 7)
President Thomas J Pierce, Secretary C Hugh Duncan
Membership Jan 1 - 25 Attendance 90%

The club organized a "Donkey Baseball Game," raising over $100 to help purchase lighting equipment for the high school athletic field; made plans for founding a Kiwanis Camp for boys and girls; held an anition on National Kids Day, raising $250 for its community welfare fund; held its Junior Golf Tournament with 20 participants and gave a trophy to the winner; joined with the Lions Club in organizing a safety patrol for the local school and furnished white belts for the patrolmen; held a movie with canned goods or food packages as admission charges, attended by 2000 people, bringing enough food to fill 45 Christmas baskets which were distributed to the needy at Christmas; sent representatives to visit the Town Council, the Chamber of Commerce, and the Fire Department in order that the club might better understand the needs of the community; held a "Get Out the Vote" campaign; had several religious programs and urged church attendance on Easter; gave two Christmas parties, one for white and one for colored children, with refreshments, gifts and a visit to the movies for each child; furnished school lunches for approximately 20 children a day during the school session; and raised the work among the underprivileged the sum of $400 by the sale of birthday calendars.

President Hoge Woolwine Jr, Secretary C Hugh Duncan
Membership Jan 1 - 31 Attendance 90%

President G W Slusser, Secretary C Hugh Duncan
Membership Jan 1- 35 Attendance 92%

President Robert E Argabrite, Secretary C Hugh Duncan
Membership Jan 1- 32 Attendance 89%

President William L Roass, Secretary Harold W Garst
Membership Jan 1- 42 Attendance 90%

President ?, Secretary ?

President D A Crismond, Secretary Harvey L Wray

President Vernon R Ridinger, Secretary Harvey L Wray
District Chair Circle K C Hugh Duncan

President Harry L Cristmond, Secretary C Hugh Duncan

President Donald Kelsey, Secretary C Hugh Duncan

President Herbert R Alcorn, Secretary C Hugh Duncan

President Seymour L Kalison Secretary C Hugh Duncan

Capital Bulletin, Jan, 1962: Blacksburg completed its Christmas basket project with 122 needy families supplied with a basket. A movie was held for school children, with 2,254 cans of food broght as admission price by the children; this canned food was used in helping to fill the baskets.

President John M Crismond Secretary C Hugh Duncan

Division 03
President William H Graves, Secretary C Hugh Duncan
LG Seymour L Kalison

President Charles N Liskey, Secretary C Hugh Duncan

District Chair CKI Administrator Seymour L Kalison

President Robert S Lecky Secretary C Hugh Duncan

District Chair CKI Administrator Seymour L Kalison

President Thomas M Larner Secretary C Hugh Duncan

Division 03
President Clyde W Duncan, Secretary C Hugh Duncan
LG Thomas M Larner

President Cinton Graves, Secretary C Hugh Duncan

1969 - 1970
President James L Hutton, Secretary C Hugh Duncan

District Chair CKI Administrator Seymour L Kalison

1970 - 1971
President Ralph T Edwards, Secretary C Hugh Duncan

District Chair Circle K Administrator Thomas M Larner
District Chair Vocational Guidance Seymour L Kalison

1971 - 1972
Division 03
President Arthur T Ringrose, Secretary C Hugh Duncan
District Chair Circle K Administrator Thomas M Larner
LG John M Crismond

1972 - 1973
President Harlan B Little Jr, Secretary Elbert H Roberts

District Chair Circle K Administrator Thomas M Larner
District Chair Major Emphasis Programs Seymour L Kalison

1973 - 1974
President Eugene D Grove, Secretary Clyde W Duncan

1974 - 1975
Division 03
President Henry I Sowers, Secretary Clyde W Duncan
LG Robert S Lecky

1975 - 1976
President E H Roberts, Secretary Clyde W Duncan

1976 - 1977
President Patrick D Cupp, Secretary Clyde W Duncan

1977 - 1978
President T Cooper Via, Secretary C Hugh Duncan

1978 - 1979
President Purvis E Blevins, Secretary C Hugh Duncan
Sponsor Montgomery County Club

1979 - 1980
President Don S Hayes, Secretary C Hugh Duncan

1980 - 1981
President Jack W Prater, Secretary C Hugh Duncan

1981 - 1982
President James G Rakes Secretary C Hugh Duncan

1982 - 1983
President James M Schuler, Secretary C Hugh Duncan

1983 - 1984
President J Allen Powell, Secretary C Hugh Duncan

1984 - 1985
Division 03
President W Herbert Buhrow, Secretary C Hugh Duncan
LG Orrin V Orvald

1985 - 1986
Division 03
President Donald C Cary, Secretary C Hugh Duncan
LG James G Rakes

1986 - 1987
President Grover C Jones, Secretary C Hugh Duncan

1987 - 1988
President James M Schuler, Secretary ?

1988 - 1989
President Richard P Sprague, Secretary Richard L Hummel

1989 - 1990
President Don W Linkous Secretary Richard L Hummel

1990 - 1991
President James F Marchman, Secretary Richard L Hummel

1991 - 1992
President Thomas E Heavener, Secretary Albert W Crawford

1992 - 1993
President George R Kuhn, Secretary Albert W Crawford
Membership Oct 1 - 29

1993 - 1994
President William M Sterrett Jr, Secretary Albert W Crawford
Membership Oct 1 - 30

1994 - 1995
President Davis Walker, Secretary Albert W Crawford
Membership Oct 1 - 28

1995 - 1996
President Chas L Boatwright, Secretary Albert W Crawford
Membership Oct 1 - 28

1996 - 1997
President Don W Linkous Secretary Albert W Crawford
Membership Oct 1 - 21
Merged with Montgomery County to form Montgomery County-Blacksburg