Capital District Kiwanis History

CLUBS Divisions Regions Site Map Leadership People

Organized August 11 1947 Chartered October 17 1947
Key #03013 93rd District Club
Sponsor Arlington Kiwanis
Divisions 01 10
Population 12,500
Name changed 1954 to Old Dominion

Division 01
(Volume 6)
President Frank H Greer, Secretary Raleigh E Baldwin
Membership Aug 11 - 28 Attendance 82%

President Everett L Butler Secretary Raleigh E Baldwin
Membership Jan 1 - 37 Attendance 87%

President Everett L Butler Secretary Raleigh E Baldwin

President Raleigh E Baldwin Secretary John F Provst
Membership Jan 1 - 51 Attendance 84%

(Volume 7)
President George M McKibbon, Secretary Raleigh E Baldwin
Membership Jan 1 - 32 Attendance 81%

Kiwanis Administration visits to Kiwanis clubs with 52 members present, traveling a distance of 97 miles one way Nine visits by other clubs with 49 members traveling 138 miles one way The following social events were enjoyed: Valentine party, dinner dance, shad bake, family Picnics and a stag barbecue.

Boys and Girls Work spent $1200 for youth activities in the community The funds raised through the annual Christmas sale The club sponsored a basketball league of 6 teams for boys 14 years old and under Club furnished uniforms, basketballs and transportation Sponsored 3 baseball teams in the Arlington County Recreation league, equipped them with uniforms and all necessary equipment The club sponsored 3 Boy Scout units, Scout Troop 117, 120 and Cub Pack 120 A Boy Scout night was held at regular meeting of the club The scout leaders were guests $100 was given to Arlington council Girl Scouts $43 was donated to the junior Recreation club $40 was given to Arlington County American Legion Post to sponsor a boy at the 1951 Virginia Boys State A scholarship key was awarded to the high school graduate ranking highest in scholarship at the Dolly Madison junior high school.

Underprivileged Child $5 contribution to the Arlington County chapter of the society for crippled children and adults The club paid the accident policy premiums for 5 members of the Dolly Madison junior high schoo.l

Public and Business Affairs contributed $40 to the March of Dimes A member served with the Pentagon Polio Campaign raised $25,000 Another member served as chairman of Cancer fund for Pentagon Building raising $15,000.

Support of Churches in Their Spiritual Aims members of clergy in Fairlington community were invited as guests at the regular meeting of the club.

Division 10
President Laurence S Thomas Jr, Secretary Donald H Herzberg
Membership Jan 1 - 35 Attendance 81%
LG Everett L Butler

Inducted 13 new members Sponsored 3 baseball teacms in teh ARlington County Recreation League The club was instrumental in getting the maximum speed on Shirley Highway through Arlington County reduced to 40 MPH Sold tickets for a play given by the Fairlington players from which $42 was donated to Childrens Hospital for a bed Donated $10 to buy glasses for a young girl.

President John Messina, Secretary Raleigh E Baldwin
Membership Jan 1 - 42 Attendance 75%

President John Messina, Secretary Raleigh E Baldwin
Membership Jan 1 - 28 Attendance 82%
Changed to Old Dominion