Capital District Kiwanis History

CLUBS Old-Divisions-New Regions Site Map Leadership People

(Originally Chartered as Arlington County)
Organized June 5 1931 Chartered August 12 1931
Key 01958 50th District Club
Sponsor Alexandria Kiwanis
Divisions 01 20 02
Regions NoVA | National Capital
Population (1931) 1,800

Division 01
(Volume 4)
President Amos C Crouse, Secretary W Thomas French
Trustee Dr Macon Ware

Randall Caton Past District Governor and Past President of Alexandria did the preliminary organization work. Assisted by Franklin Kean International Representative. Charter Night was held on August 12. Delegations were present from Alexandria, Washtington, Manassas and other clubs. Charter presented by District Governor F Berry Plummer Washington Club presented the American flag. Charter membership was 26.

The club received frequent visits from Alexandria, Washington and Manassas, its nearest neighbors, who put on a number of programs. Delegations from the club have visited these clubs and Winchester.

The club cooperated with other clubs in the relief of unemployment.

President Amos C Crouse, Secretary Henry J Klinge
Membership Jan 1 - 26 Attendance 53%

The club entertained the superintendent of Ivokota Farm, a home for girls sponsored by the Florence Crittendon Home Presented the Farm with a typewriter and later held a meeting there Held a picnic for children at St Johns Orphanage Adopted a destitute family, furnished clothing and enabled the family to move into a home Furnished toys and gifts for the family during Christmas.

The club entertained the Volunteer Fire Chiefs with the Chief of the DC, Fire Department; held a meeting with District and Arlington County officials; met with Scout leaders in the area; and had numerous speakers on civic topics.

It held inter-club meetings with Alexandria and with Washington and joined the Washington club in a luncheon on board the U S S Constitution "Old Ironsides".

President John F Webster, Secretary Henry J Klinge
Membership Jan 1 - 21 Attendance 70%

Continued under-privileged child work by holding an orphans' picnic at St Johns Orphanage Furnished food and entertainment; furnishing food and clothing to a family made destitute by the death of the father; aiding County Welfare Board in relieving the unemployment situation by Presenting Scout badges to Scouts at Camp.

In civic affairs, it endorsed and helped put across a sewage bond issue, took interest in county affairs and entertained county and district officials.

The club entertained delegations from clubs at Newport News, Manassas, Alexandria, Washington, Harrisonburg and Towson and sent representatives to inter-club meetings at Washington, Alexandria, Manassas, Towson, Charleston, WV, Annapolis, and the Fifteenth Anniversary of the Capital District at Bay Ridge, Md.

The club held a Ladies Night at which District Governor and Mrs Hill were guests of honor. The club entertained Lieutenant-Governor Park W T Loy on the occasion of his official visit. Held a joint meeting with the local Rotary and Monark clubs.

The club made a 43% increase in membership during the year.

President Frank H Rowe, Secretary Baily P Byers
Membership Jan 1 - 26 Attendance 79%
Multi Sponsor Prince Georges County club

The club discovered by accident that two of its members had been for sometime doing free dental work for under-privileged children. The club gave its annual picnic to the 70 children of St, Johns Orphanage, furnishing supper, prizes and gifts and a moving picture. It also bought a wheel chair for a boy crippled by infantile paralysis and helped him by purchasing wreaths made by him.

The club obtained the use for an unlimited time of 100 acres to be used as a camp for Boy and Girl Scouts. It first brought a 19 ft square tent and 50 pup tents. Later it started a fund for the erection of a log cabin and carried the work to completion and had a big ceremony on dedicating Camp Arki and the cabin. The club also gave awards and prizes to the Boy Scouts and had one program entirely devoted to "Boys".

The club had a joint meeting with Monark, Rotary, and Lions celebrating the President's Birthday to raise funds for the Warm Springs Foundation. It endorsed a project for building a large apartment house in Arlington County. It recommended an increase in the police force and police equipment for Arlington County. The club had a program devoted to the C C Camps, and celebrated Lincoln's Birthday, Washington's Birthday, Flag Day, Fourth of July and National Music Week.

The club sent delegations to visit clubs at Prince George, Alexandria, Washington, Fredericksburg, Manassas and Berkeley Springs, WVA.

The club held two Ladies Nights, a joint meeting with Rotary and was host to Rotary and Lions at a Thanksgiving meeting.

The club celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary, Constitution Week and its own Charter Anniversary, entertained the District Governor and the LG, sent delegates to the District Convention and sent the new officers to LG Training School.

President Charles W Smith, Secretary John A Cummings
Membership Jan 1 - 29 Attendance 74%

The club made the reconditioning and improving of Camp Arki It persuaded the County authorities to make a new road to the camp and to make water available. It raised $150 by Donkey Baseball and $35420 by other activities.

The club had one program on Boy Scout Work It also showed Industrial movies at the High School. The club celebrated Navy Day and Thanksgiving Day and had interesting programs on Safety, juvenile Delinquency and the FHA.

The club had a bowling contest with Alexandria, sent delegations to Prince George County and to Washington, sponsored an inter-club meeting at the George Washington Masonic Memorial and entertained Washington, Manassas, and Prince Georges County at a picnic at Camp Arki.

Had a joint meeting with Rotary and a bowling match with Rotary It had three programs devoted to Kiwanis Education, entertained the LTG and had representatives at the Mid-Winter Conference and the District Convention.

President Lamar Harri, Secretary Frank H Rowe
Membeiship Jan 1 - 36 Attendance 74%

The club sponsored a Boys and Girls Band. Took children from St Johns Orphanage to a movie. Gave them a picnic dinner with refreshments afterwards and the Boys and Girls Band played. The Boys and Girls Band was taken to the International Convention in Washington and played in the lobbies of a number of hotels which house the delegates 324 children were taken by club members to a movie and giving fruits, nuts, toys and clothing and taken home The band played at the movie and Christmas party.

A well worthwhile program on Americanism was given with a large number of children as guests. A program was given on Crop Agriculture. A meeting was arranged at the Washington and Lee High School Forty citizens talked on 40 different occupations and 1000 children were present. Each speaker was introduced, his subject was announced from the stage of the auditorium then the group of children interested in that subject followed him to a classroom where lie talked to them.

The club had interesting programs on Agriculture, the Acts of the Legislature, the Social Security Act and the Profession of Nursing The club put on a program for Prince George County and sent delegations to visit clubs at Alexandria, Annapolis, Manassas and Winchester. The club entertained the newly organized Lions Club It celebrated its own 5th anniversary with a big Ladies Night.

The club entertained the LTG had a program on Kiwanis Education and was represented at the Mid-Winter Conference, the International and District Conventions and the Lieutenant-Governor's Training School for Club Officers.

President Lyman M Kelley, Secretary Frank H Rowe
Membership Jan 1 - 38 Attendance 81%

The club gave a Christmas Party for 400 children, which included movies, magicians, clowns and a band 300 toys were collected, repaired and distributed. The club had a program on Boys Clubs, program on Citizenship and celebrated Flag Day. The club put on a Vocational Guidance program at the Washington-Lee High School at which there were 30 speakers and 1500 students.

The club had a float in the parade and attended in a body the laying of the cornerstone of the new Post Office It had programs on Safety, Public Speaking, Religion in Life, Public Health, Crime Detection, Fire Prevention, the Importance of Radio and in celebration of Mothers Day.

It attended an inter-club meeting at Baltimore, had two joint meetings with Rotary and one with Lions.

Celebrated Constitution Week and was represented at the District Convention.

(Volume 5)
President Harold A Whittle, Arthur C Stickle, Secretary Frank A Rowe
Membership Jan 1 - 45 Attendance 88%

The club took 355 underprivileged children on a boat trip with music by the Boys and Girls Band, a picnic lunch Gave 500 of them a Christmas movie with gifts.

The annual vocational guidance meeting was held at the George Washington High School with 30 speakers and more than a thousand children.

Had programs on Radio Broadcasting, Health Conditions, Americanization, Plastic Surgery Acts of the Legislature, Our National Relations with Canada, The Motion Picture Industry, Child Delinquency, Newspapers and their Importance, CC Camps, Conditions in Europe, and X-Rays.

Attended with a band the opening of the Chain Bridge to Washington.

The club entertained the LTG and the District Governor, held two Kiwanis Education meetings, celebrated All-Kiwanis Night, was represented at the Mid-Winter Conference and the District Convention and officer training school and furnished the LTG for 1939.

Division 01
President John A Cummings, Secretary Frank A Rowe
Membership Jan 11 - 48 Attendance 85%
LG Lyman M Kelley

The club furnished transportation for numerous children to and from the Kiwanis Crippled Children’s Clinic in Washington In one case, a nurse provided care to a mother who was bringing up other children. The Boys and Girls Band furnish music and a lunch furnished by the Kiwanis Ladles Gave a picnic to St Johns Orphanage. Provided a college scholarship for a crippled boy who had graduated from the high school and $250 for other college expenses. Gave the usual Christmas theatre party for underprivileged children with stockings filled with candy and fruit and toys.

Ten members of the committee attended the organization meeting of the Boys Republic at the Community Center It gave a Pageant in which the Boys and Girls Band took part for the benefit of the Youth's Stadium. It continued to sponsor the Boys and Girls Band, donating $50 for new music and purchasing new uniforms. This band won a $25 prize for the best out of town band in the Washington Halloween parade, and later gave a program of music at a regular luncheon of the club.

The club put on the annual Vocational Guidance program at the Washington-Lee High School, where 35 speakers, expert in their vocations talked to groups of students interested in their special vocations, and gave to the Library of the school 56 booklets on Vocational Guidance.

Had programs on Sports, Reclamation and Irrigation, a Hospital for Arlington, The Red Cross, Aviation, Post Office Inspection, File Community Chest.

A club delegation and the LG (making official visits) visited other Division clubs. Received the Kiwanis plague from the LG, and carried it to Manassas. When it had been around the division, it returned to the LG.

Celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary, sent in all Achievement Report, entertained the LG and the District Governor. Was represented at the club officer training school, the Mid-Winter Conference, the International and District Conventions.

Division 01
President Eric R Kerby, Secretary Carol F Winchester
Membership Jan 1 - 55 Attendance 91%
LG Arthur C Stickley

The club had 100% attendance for three consecutive months.

The club provided children transportation to and from clinics in Richmond, Washington and Philadelphia. Took one young man to Baltimore and had a brace fitted and looked after his hospitalization. Continued the 3rd annual boat ride for underprivileged children with a clown and lunch prepared by the ladies of the club. Gave its 5th Christmas party to the kiddies.

Sent delegations to visit other clubs, making fourteen visits.

We celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary our own Charter Night Anniversary Entertained the LG and was represented at the training school for club officers, the Mid-Winter Conference, the International and District Conventions.

President William E Robey, Secretary Lyman M Kelley
Membership Jan 1 - 52 Attendance 91%

The club has in its care the case of one boy for spinal correction the cost of which will be approximately $600. The cure is slow and the club takes care of expenses as they occur. It continued to furnish braces and shoes when needed by other children. It cooperated in the Presidents Ball, took 700 underprivileged children for a boat ride and Supper Gave a Christmas party to 450.

The band rehearsed through the year and played at Virginia Day at Colonial Beach.

Had a program on Civic responsibility and cooperated with the local Defense Council.

It held its annual Vocational Guidance meeting at the high school at which 40 representatives of different vocations were on hand to meet in small groups and advise the 800 boys and girls who were in attendance.

The club had a Lincoln Birthday meeting and it gave a farewell party to the selected who were called into service. The programs on National Defense, City Plumbing, Escape from Norway, Greece, Sports, Foreign Affairs, Current Events, and Community Planning.

Sent delegations to Washington, Alexandria and Westminster. Won the inter-club trophy. Held a Ladies Night in celebration of its tenth anniversary.

Had an attendance contest with one club in each Division of the Capital District Entertained the LTG and was represented at the Mid-Winter Conference, the International, and the District conventions and the training school for club officers.

President William R Lewis Secretary Lyman M Kelley
Membership Jan 1 - 53 Attendance 93%

The club gave a Christmas party for 275 children.

Continued its interest in Scout work and gave Merit Badges to those who earned them It had the playgrounds opened for the summer and furnished supervision for play and arranged a schedule for the boy baseball league.

The club aided in the formation of a Home Guard and an Air Raid Warden Service, assisted in registration for rationing and furnished a number of speakers on Preparedness.

Work to guide high school students in choosing vocations and get jobs.

Made a study of forms of City or County government, aided in the sale of Defense Bonds Notable programs were on The War News, The Arlington School System, Civilian Defense, Support of Churches, Britain and the War Effort, The Virginia Protective Force, Norway Eights On, Medicine, Morale Building, Wild Life in Virginia and the Community War Fund.

The club held a successful Ladies Night.

Visited Washington and Baltimore, and host to Washington, Alexandria and Manassas.

Several programs on Kiwarlis Education, entertained the LTG, celebrated our Charter Night and attended the Training School for Club Officers and Mid-Winter Conference.

President Russell A Stevens, Secretary Lyman M Kelley
Membership Jan 1 - 55 Attendance 88%

The club had a Christmas party for 75 children, with packages of toys and clothing for each child at a cost of about $250.

The club co-operated with other organizations in furnishing a summer playground, and it entertained the High School Glee Club at a luncheon.

The club celebrated Holy Week with an appropriate program, put on a "Get out the Vote" campaign, organized a Blood Donors' Club, and aided in promoting Civil Defense Work, Victory Gardens, and Bond Sales Programs were given on Selective Service, Medicine, County Government, Guadalcanal Landing, Home Economics, Taxation, The Philippines, Communications News Reporting, Kentucky, Arlington Hospital, Post War Police Work, Rationing, The OPA, and Bombing over Europe

The club sent representatives to three inter-club meetings, one of which was in celebration of US-Canada Week.

The LTG was entertained Twelve members were in the armed forces at the end of the year.

(From Volume 6)
President Arthur Keene, Secretary Lyman M Kelley
Membership Jan 1 - 61 Attendance 83%

The club gave a Christmas party to 312 children at a cost of approximately $1,000 distributing clothing and toys; set 111 a Blood Bank at the Arlington Hospital, furnishing containers and a refrigerator; each month during the school year one boy selected by the school authorities attended the weekly meeting in order that the voting generation might learn something about Kiwanis; aided in War Loan Drives.

President Howard B Bloomer, Secretary Lyman M Kelley
Membership Jan 1 - 61 Attendance 89%

The club financed 18 T&A operations for needy children at a cost of $360, members of the club doing the operations gratis and the hospital charging its fees at cost; furnished books and toys for children in the Arlington Crippled Children's aside $1,200 for the establish general Children's Clinic, gave a party for 146 children at a cost of outstanding boy $474 chose an from the high school each month, made him an honorary member of the club for that month in order to acquaint the students with the objects of Kiwanis; provided badges for Boy Scouts as they reach the higher ranks and had these presented to the Scout, earning them at the Court of Honor; made a collection of books to be donated to the Hospital for the use of convalescent patient and paid $4500 for subscriptions to magazines and periodicals for the same use: held War Bond auctions within the club at each drive, setting a goal of $25,000 and over subscribing it each time; sponsored the collection of used clothing for overseas relief, bearing the expense of the drive which resulted in the collection of 40 tons; spent $15000 for phonographs and records to be used in the Veteran's wards of a local military post hospital; and carried out an intensive "Get Out the Vote campaign.

Division 01
President William K MacMahon, Secretary Lyman M Kelley
Membership Jan 1 - 68 Attendance 86%
LG William R Lewis

The club set aside $40000 for a camping program for needy boys, and from this fund, with the cooperation of the Washington YMCA in giving reduced rates at its camp, sent eleven boys to this camp for periods of from four to six weeks, and made three visits to these boys in camp; laid the foundations for the founding of a Key Club at the W & L High School; continued the project of furnishing Life, Star, and Eagle Scout Badges and conferred these awards at a Scout Jamboree; made a study of the proposed $3,250,000 school bond issue, and on the basis of this study made a nonpartisan recommendation to the Arlington School Board; through a clinic by physicians in the club, and the cooperation of the Arlington Hospital, performed nine tonsilectomies on underprivileged children at a cost of $17050; by means of the Christmas Jar collections of $40965, and an appropriation from the club funds, raised $60416 with which it bought Christmas presents for 166 children referred by the Department of Public Welfare; spon1;ored a play given by the Little Theatre Group for three nights, dividing the profits on a 60-40 basis and realizing thereby $400 for the underpriviledged child fund; realized also $3,000 for this fund for the sale of a car; carried on a vocational guidance program for the boys and girls of the W & L High School with a general meeting followed by sectional meeting on Engineering Nursing, Law, Insurance and Sales, conducted by specialists in these lines, and arranging for individual conferences with community leaders on any vocation in which the pupil might be interested.

President Walter Vaughn, Secretary Lyman M Kelley
Membership Jan 1 - 65 Attendance 90%
Sponsor Fairlington Club

The club continued furnishing Life, Star, and Eagle Scout badges, and the Boys and Girls Committee attended the Courts of Honor and awarded badges; sponsored the junior Safety Patrol for Arlington county; tried to form a Key Club in the High School, and though the school authorities are in favor of the project, there is not enough interest among the boys to make it possible; gave three programs over to the three issues in the referendum for the election of members of the School Board, so that the members would be fully informed on the issues at stake; carried on for the third year the free clinic at which the physicians of the club perform tonsil operations gratis; continued for the second year subscribing to magazines for the children's ward at the hospital; investigated children recommended by the Welfare Department, asking them what they would like for Christmas, the answers being mostly for clothing, after which gave presents they desired to 177 underpriviledged children; and held weekly volunteer classes at the High School at which leading business and professional men talked, each on his own occupation, considerable interest being shown by the students.

President Paul R Rupert, Secretary Lyman M Kelley
Membership Jan 1 - 75 Attendance 89%

The club continued sponsoring junior Safety Patrol, buying 10,000 "I-2-3-Go" pins for school children; sponsored two entries in Soap Box Derby; sponsored ten broadcasts on "That Boy of Your" also one on Safety Patrol, and several interviews with prominent in Public Affairs; confirmed the purchase and presentation of Life Star, and Eagle Badge; to Scouts at their Court of Honor; cooperated with the YMCA Youth program, the Teenage Club, the Christmas program for the underprivileged, the juvenile Court, the Recreation Department, and the High School in its program for students; paid a number of hospital bills; took care of all tonsil cases; sent 5 children to summer camp; and spent an average of $40 each of 20 families who needed help at Christmas.

President Frank P, Miller, Secretary Lyman M Kelley
Membership Jan 1 - 74 Attendance 83%
District Chair Key Clubs Everett L Butler

The club conceived the idea of a National Kids' Day rally to be held on the steps of the Capitol at Washington, and called for the cooperation of all the Kiwanis clubs in the neighborhood The other clubs agreed and a giant celebration was the result, with a number of notable speakers, radio stars, baseball, basketball and football stars Approximately 7,500 Kids and parents were present; continued the annual purchase and presentation of Life, Star and Eagle Badges at the Boy Scout Court of Honor; continued sponsoring of the Junior Safety Patrol and the purchase of the "I-2-3-Go" badges for the children; sponsored a bicycle rodeo, spending $100 for prizes; spent an average of $40 per family on eight needy families; Gave 18 bicycles to children who needed them to attend school; and a unique wav to raise funds, bought at wholesale a number of premium turkeys, stored them in a member's food locker, sold tickets at $1 each, entitling the holder to purchase a turkey at the wholesale price.

President Colin F Hamilton, Secretary William Jones
Membership Jan 1 - 83 Attendance 81%

The club organized and carried out a Water Gate Concert on the Potomac River Stage, proceeds to go to the development of a summer camp for boys and girls conducted by the YMCA; aided in the development of a Day Camp for boys and girls; sponsored a Bicycle Rodeo giving twenty prizes to winners in the various contests; sent a number of boys to camp; gave awards to Boy Scouts; sponsored and equipped a junior baseball team in the County League; sponsored an International Folk Festival, clearing $100; had a Turkey Sale, netting $100; held its annual Vocational Clinic at one of the high schools, with 450 students in attendance: held special meetings at Thanksgiving and at Christmas; prepared and distributed 550 coin collection boxes to the various businesses, for donations to a fund to furnish Christmas presents to needy children; furnished ten families with food, clothing and toys; sponsored ten boys and girls at Dav Camp; gave beach trips to groups of boys, and girls; and had weeklv movie- for neighborhood children.

(Volume 7)
President Oren R Lewis, Secretary L H Randall
Membership Jan 1 - 90 Attendance 90%

Kiwanis Administration had 8 visits to and 3 visits from Kiwanis Clubs. Entertained their constituency at a smoker, picnic, and barn dance. Had a net increase in membership of 104% and held a total of 40 meetings throughout the year Boys and Girls Work sponsored, maintained, and equipped a baseball team in County Recreation League. We contributed to Girl Scout Camp; financed part of expenses for eight girls for one week each during summer period. Our club conducted a bicycle rodeo in cooperation with the Arlington Safety Council Prizes were furnished with approximately 250 children participating. We conducted a children's Christmas party and furnished toys and gifts for some 60 children at Christmas time.

Key Club organized and installed a new Key Club at Washington-Lee High School; one member attended regular Kiwanis meeting for a period of one month as guest.

Public Affairs conducted a Radio Forum and 4 meetings with local candidates expressing their views on public affairs Conducted programs in National Housing, Arbor Week, Foreign Relations, Military Services, Newspaper Week and Mental Hygiene A bazaar was held wherein used clothing, furniture, and so forth, were collected by the members and sold to needy families at greatly reduce d prices Raised $3,000 for charitable activities.

Support of Churches in Their Spiritual Aims conducted special religious services Christmas and Thanksgiving and Mother's Day Worked in close cooperation with the Ministerial Association of the County.

Underprivileged Child toys and clothes were provided for needy families Our club took care of 20 needy families at a cost of $5000 each during Christmas season.

Division 10
President Dr L H Blevins, Secretary L H Randall
Membership Jan 1 - 88 Attendance 93%

Inducted 15 new members, 2 members attended International and 8 attended District Conventions. Carried out a program with the FFA of Herndon High School and with the 4-H Club of Fairfax and Loudoun counties. Donated $400 to Arlington Hospital Paid $900 for 2 boys to attend Boys State. Paid convention expenses for Washington-Lee Key Club delegates to Key Club International Convention Presented $350 toward building of colored YMCA. Gave $100 to Arlington Recreation Department for basketball league for boys and girls Invited Key Club officers to regular meeting Key clubbers acted as guides in our Kiwanis "Home ofthe Year" Key Club assisted in peanut sale on National Kids Day Gave $600 to Arlinton Hospital for Childrens ward.

President Dr Robert H Dewiler, Secretary L H Randall
Membership Jan 1 - 93 Attendeance 96%

President Leon H Logan, Secretary LT Goodman
Membership Jan 1 - 103 Attendance 97%

Co Sponsor Annandale Club

President Everett A Demerest Secretary Livingston T Goodman
Membership Jan 1 - 108 Attendance 97%
LG Oren R Lewis

President ?, Secretary ?

President Waldo E Nichols, Secretary Robert J McBride

Sponsor Potomac (The) Club

President Bayard D Evans, Secretary Robert J McBride
LG Grover C Starbuck Jr

President L T Goodman, Secretary Robert J McBride

President Robert D Johnson, Secretary Everett A Demerest

District Chair Membership Grover C Starbuck Jr

President Ralph R Swope, Secretary Everett A Demerest
District Chair Boys and Girls Work Grover C Starbuck Jr
Sponsor McLean Club

President Paul G Herrell, Secretary Livingston T Goodman

President Charles L Thompson, Secretary Livingston T Goodman
LG Everett A Demerest

President Ken McFarlane Smith Secretary Livingston T Goodman

President Dr Carlton E Gregory, Secretary Livingston T Goodman

President Charles H Purcell, Secretary Livingston T Goodman
Governor Everett A Demarest

President Richard A Dove, Secretary Livingston T Goodman
LG Ken McFarlane Smith

President C Talisferro Lindsay, Secretary Livingston T Goodman

President J Lawrence Manning, Secretary Livingston T Goodman

1969 - 1970
President Richard T Ball Secretary Livingston T Goodman

District Chair Laws and Regulations Ken McFarlane Smith

1970 - 1971
President H Ray Anderson, Secretary Charles Kittell

1971 - 1972
President Emanuel Lehman Jr Secretary Livingston T Goodman

1972 - 1973
President Louis J Stocker, Secretary Livingston T Goodman

1973 - 1974
President Dr Thomas A McGavin, Secretary Philp W Kunz

1974 - 1975
President Fred A Burroughs III, Secretary Philip W Kunz

1975 - 1976
President Wesley E McDonald Sr, Secretary R O Graham Guthrie

1976 - 1977
Division 10 North
President Lawrence H Underwood, Secretary R O Graham Guthrie

1977 - 1978
President Stephen H Detwiler, Secretary Edward F Rothman

1978 - 1979
Division 20
President John Robert McAllister III, Secretary Edward F Rothman

1979 - 1980
President John H Finlator, Secretary Edward F Rothman

District Chair Parliamentarian Ken McFarlane Smith

1980 - 1981
Division 20
President William H Knull Jr, Secretary Edward F Rothman
LG Richard T Ball

1981 - 1982
President Walter D Dragan, Secretary Edward F Rothman

1982 - 1983
President John L Melnick, Secretary Edward F Rothman

District Chair Major Emphasis Richard T Ball

1983 - 1984
President Harry B Adreon Jr, Secretary Edward F Rothman

1984 - 1985
President Rev George H Yount, Secretary Edward F Rothman

1985 - 1986
Division 20
President Girard G Coleman, Secretary Edward F Rothman
LG Emanuel Lehman Jr

1986 - 1987
President Bankhead Thornton Davies, Secretary Edward F Rothman

1987 - 1988
President Robert Louis Gratton, Secretary Edward F Rothman

1988 - 1989
President F Thomas Mullikin Jr, Secretary Edward F Rothman

1989 - 1990
President Peter Larue Hause, Secretary Edward F Rothman

1990 - 1991
President Marvin W Burris Secretary Edward F Rothman

1991 - 1992
President Carl E Doughman Secretary Edward F Rothman

1992 - 1993
President Thomas C Parker Jr, Secretary Edward F Rothman
Membership Oct 1 - 118

1993 - 1994
President E Clifford Johnson, Secretary Edward F Rothman
Membership Oct 1 - 116

1994 - 1995
Division 20
President Darrel D Shinn, Secretary Charles M Otstot
Membership Oct 1 - 111
LG Marvin W Burris

1995 - 1996
President Deborah L Powers, Secretary Charles M Otstot
Membership Oct 1 - 119

1996 - 1997
President Larry L Demarest Secretary Charles M Otstot
Membership Oct 1 - 123

1997 - 1998
Division 20
President Warren W Kane Secretary Charles M Otstot
Membership Oct 1 - 126
LG Carl E Doughman

1998 - 1999
President John T Dickmeyer, Secretary Charles M Otstot
Membership Oct 1 - 114

1999 - 2000
President Edd C Nolen, Secretary Charles M Otstot
Membership Oct 1 - 114

2000 - 2001
Division 20
President Pat Jablonski Secretary Roxana D Burris
Membership Oct 1 - 102
LG Warren W Kane

Headquartered in Old Town Alexandria, VA the Challenger Center is a non profit education organization founded in 1986 by the survivor families of the care of Challenger 511 to promote interest in science and math among 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students. Organized by grade, school children embark in the classroom and at the Challenger Center on "missions" comprised of three scenarios: 1) rendezvous with a comet; 2) a fight to Mars; and 3) landing on the moon Individual students are assigned specific tasks, such as navigation, building a probe, or working on experiments with plant life, a robotic arm, etc "Missions" of 30 students each run through a 2-hour simulated program based on one of the scenarios. Each mission group is divided in two. Each half spends 30 minutes in a mission control simulator and 90 minutes in a spacecraft simulator. Students spend many hours in their classrooms preparing for their missions. This year the Kiwanis Club of Arlington provided $7,700 and about 300 hours of volunteer time helping support the participation of 480 students (16 missions) in Challenger Center educational activities. Not only does the program promote student interest in math and science, but it also builds self-confidence in the use of technolgoy, communication skills, and team work among students.

2001 - 2002
President David B Carlson, Secretary Roxana D Burris
Membership Oct 1 - 100 Attendance 35%

Year End: 93 Projects Completed, 3610 Service Hours, $42,050 Spent, 66 Interclubs

2002 - 2003
President John L Melnick, II, Secretary Roxana D Burris
Membership Oct 1 - 93 Attendance 56%

Year End: 163 Projects Completed, 5083 Service Hours, $55,600 Spent, 92 Interclubs

2003 - 2004
Division 20
President Edwin Verberg Secretary Gloria Rothman
Governor - Elect Warren W Kane
Membership Oct 1 - 94 Attendance 63%
Meet WE 12:15 PM Knights of Columbus
LG Pat Jablonski
Silver Section Interclub Competition Award

E-Builder Feb04: Construction is underway on the award winning Powhatan Springs Park in Arlington County. The 533 acre park will incorporate a Children's Interactive Nature area, a Skate Park and Athletic Field. The park design inspired the Club members, who voted to support the construction of the Children's Rain Garden with a donation to the county of $75,000 over a five year period.

Year End: 144 Projects Completed, 1808 Service Hours, $65,286 Spent, 27 Interclubs

2004 - 2005
Division 20
President James Meehan, Secretary Gloria Rothman
Membership Oct 1 - 95 Attendance 57%
Meet WE 12:15 PM Knights of Columbus
Distinguished Club
Silver Section Interclub Competition Award
Governor Warren W Kane

Contributed $1,725 to Tsunami Relief Effort

Year End: 196 Projects Completed, 2,777 Service Hours, $89,186 Spent, 30 Interclubs,

2005 - 2006
Division 20
President Mary J Anthony, Secretary Richard L Barr
Membership Oct 1 - 98 Attendance 60%
Meet WE 12:15 PM Knights of Columbus
LG Edwin Verberg
District Chair Achievement & Past Governors Warren W Kane
District Chair Club Growth Pat Jablonski
Distinguished Club Award
District Web Page Award
Interclub Award - Silver group Winner

Year End: 203 Projects Completed, 2882 Service Hours, $94,242 Spent, 30 Interclubs

2006 - 2007
President Alan S Tonelson, Secretary Richard L Barr
Membership Oct 1 - 105 Attendance 65%
Meet WE 12:15 PM Knights of Columbus
District Chair Club Growth Warren W Kane

Year End: 11 Projects Completed, 429 Service Hours, $7950 Spent, 141 Interclubs

2007 - 2008
President Theodore Kramer, Secretary Richard L Barr
Membership Oct 1 - 100 Attendance 66%
Meet WE 12:15 PM Knights of Columbus

Sponsor Dulles Area Club

Year End: 143 Projects Completed, 2785 Service Hours, $4,326 Spent, 62 Interclubs

2008 - 2009
President Khalid Siraj, Secretary Richard L Barr
Membership Oct 1 - 85 Attendance 67%
Meet WE 12:15 PM Knights of Columbus

Year End: 159 Projects, 3347 Service Hours, $3,431 Spent, 70 Interclubs $270 District Foundation

2009 - 2010
Division 20
President William Earl Wilson, Secretary Richard L Barr
Membership Oct 1 - 87
Meet WE 12:15 PM Knights of Columbus
LG Larry L Demarest

Year End: 2 Projects, 2859 Service Hours, $1 Spent, 46 Interclubs $200 District Foundation

2010 - 2011
President Charles Vasaly, Secretary Richard L Barr
Membership Oct 1 - 79
Meet WE 12:15 PM Knights of Columbus

Year End: 2 Projects, 2765 Service Hours, $0 Spent, 23 Interclubs $200 District Foundation

2011 - 2012
President Julia L Wright, Secretary Richard L Barr
Membership Oct 1 - 77
Meet WE 12:15 PM Knights of Columbus

2012 - 2013
President Thomas Grantham, Secretary Richard L Barr
Membership Oct 1 - 74
Meet WE 12:15 PM Knights of Columbus

2013 - 2014
Division 02 National Capital Region
President Thomas Grantham, Secretary Richard L Barr
Membership Oct 1 - 69
Meet WE 12:15 PM Knights of Columbus

2014 - 2015
President Jacqueline S Brown, Secretary Richard L Barr
Membership Oct 1 - 70
Meet WE 12:15 PM Knights of Columbus
Distinguished Club Award

2015 - 2016
President Julie M Mangis, Secretary Richard L Barr
Membership Oct 1 - 71
Meet WE 12:15 PM Knights of Columbus

2016 - 2017
President Eugene Thomas, Secretary Richard L Barr
Membership Oct 1 - 73
Meet WE 12:15 PM Knights of Columbus

2017 - 2018
President Charles S Brown, Secretary Richard L Barr
Membership Oct 1 - 66
Meet WE 12:15 PM Knights of Columbus

2018 - 2019
President Linda H Chandler, Secretary Richard L Barr
Membership Oct 1 - 59
Meet 1st 2nd 3rd WE 12:00 PM; 4th 5th WE 7:30 AM Knights of Columbus

2019 - 2020
President Linda H Chandler, Secretary Richard L Barr
Membership Oct 1 - 49
Meet 1st 2nd 3rd WE 12:00 PM; 4th 5th WE 7:30 AM Knights of Columbus

2020 - 2021
President Jason Harrington, Secretary Richard L Barr
Membership Oct 1 - 50