Capital District Kiwanis History

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Organized February 7 1921 Chartered March 21 1921
Key # ? 11th District Club
Sponsor Kiwanis Field Representative George Selig
Spring 1923 club was reorganized by International
Division 03
Charter Revoked 1930

Division 03
(B C Taylor)
(Volume 1)
President K E Harmon, Secreatry E W Calfee

The Kiwanis Club of Pulaski, Virginia has had a history in the Capital District different from other clubs,

It was organized in 1921 the club being completed on February 7, and the charter presented March 21 Elected officers: President K E Harmon, Vice president R G, Fitaugh, Secretary Treasurer E W Calfee, District Trustee H G ZhImer The charter was presented by Governor J D Hank

For some months we had good meetings, then business depression struck this city in aggravated form We lost members

1922 elected officers were: President Robert Bunts, Jr, Vice President F W Morton, Secretary Treasurer B C Taylor, and District Trustee H C Gilmore

The District officers to assist those in the club who wanted to make it a success and in the sprit of 1923 International sent a representative here to re-organize our club In 1923 with 30 members on the roll and no regular meetings

We erected a fountain in the Courthouse yard and presented it to the County; helped raise the Boy Scout quota; financed a six months' advertising campaign in the Manufacturers Record to endeavor to bring something new in the way of industries to Pulaski This year, working in connection with other civic agencies, we have brought here a large furniture factory which is partially built and will be a big asset to the city

Representatives went to the International Convention in Atlanta in May We attended an inter-club meeting with Bristol, Marion, Roanoke, and Radford

President Robert Bunts Jr, Secretary B C Taylor

President Rev W E Balderson, Vice President B C Taylor
Trustee Col K E Harmon

(Volume 2)
President E L Dars, Secretary D E Seagle
Trustee K E Harmon

One of the biggest things we did in 1924 was to secure a new ball park, which was dedicated to the American Legion This was done by the combined efforts of Kiwanis and Rotary and we now have one of the best athletic fields in the State The cost of this enterprise was more than had been anticipated and it left us quite a troublesome problem for future adjustment

We had a joint meeting with Rotary in the interest of the Southwestern Virginia, Inc, a new organization for the development and advertisement of the Southwestern part of Virginia, and all of that portion of the State entered into it most heartily as it promised to be of material benefit to this section

We also had a joint meeting with Rotary in the interest of the Crippled Children's Home of Richmond and action was taken towards forming a local chapter for this work We had a Boys' Night, each member bringing a boy as his guest

Presidnet R Lee Lindsay, Secretary B C Taylor
Trustee K E Harmon

The club was fairly active during the first half of the year 1925 We met regularly and as a rule had a good attendance We did very little during the second a of the year and had no meetings in July, August or September At the end of the year the club was again re-organized with a number of new members and with the promise of more successful operation in the future

The following is a list of the activities of the club during the year:

We participated with the Marion and Radford clubs in receiving and delivering the District Loving Cup Held a Ladies' Night at Maple Shade Inn, also a Boys' Night with a good attendance and fine program

We had a joint meeting with Rotary and attended the Inter-Club Meeting at Radford We co-operated with the Rotary Club in forming plans to pay off the indebtedness on the ball park

President Herman E Kirchner, Secretary B C Taylor
Trustee K E Harmon

We offered medals at the end of the session of the High School for a student in each class having the best record for the session

Entertained at the first meeting each month four students, one from each class, having the best record for the month Held a Ladies' Night at Maple Shade Inn with fifty-eight from Radford as our guests, also a Ladies' Night at Dublin Several of the prominent citizens of Dublin were our guests This town, by the way, is in Virginia, not Ireland

We acted as host club to Marion and Radford on Inter-Club Day On All-Kiwanis Night we and our ladies were entertained by Radford It was the best inter-club meeting we have ever attended We also had an Inter-Club meeting with Radford

We played baseball with Rotary for the benefit of the Pulaski High School Athletic Association Helped entertain the members of the Virginia Press Association at their annual meeting Gave them a banquet and drove them to Norton to inspect the Davis Clinic Entertained thirty-five members of the State Geological Association

Distributed 1500 get-out-the-vote tags on election day Adopted the "buddy" plan, which resulted in splendid attendance

1926 was the best year the Pulaski Club ever had and our members were encouraged over the outlook

President J N Bosang, Secretary B C Taylor
Trustee H E Kirchner

Our committees were more enthusiastic and more responsive to the requests of the President and the Chairmen than ever before In February, we entertained four high school pupils who had carried off the honors for the preceding month This custom was observed every month of the school year In May, the four who were honor students for the entire term were presented medals

There were two interesting events in March: a joint meeting with Rotary, which was addressed by Mr Junius Fishburn President of the State Chamber of Commerce, and a fine Ladies' Night In the same month we entertained the County Health Officer and the State Health Commissioner

We attended the Inter-Club meeting at Radford in May In July, we contributed $5000 to a booster advertisement fostered by Southwestern Virginia, Inc This was in conjunction with Rotary We united with Rotary the following month in entertaining the Virginia Pilots Association

For one full week in September, we had the services of Mr Fred High of Chicago the well known community booster Two main objectives were featured, the organization of a Retail Merchant Association in Pulaski, and the interest of our people in milk Meetings were held both in the city and in the country

We had a 9-year old boy examined by our two Kiwanian doctors and they reported him hopeless with muscular paralysis To satisfy his mother, we sent both him and the mother to Richmond for an examination by Dr Graham, who confirmed the diagnosis The club then agreed to adopt the boy and do all in its power to make him as comfortable and happy as possible under the circumstances

25 members of the Radford Club were our guests on November 3 It was one of the best meetings we have ever had On December 2, we put on a play with local talent for the benefit of our underprivileged child work

(Volume 3)
President James E Bunts, Secretary B C Taylor Trustee J N Bosang Jr
Membership Jan - 30

We continued our work for underprivileged children On February 24, we had three such children at our meeting when the speakers were the County Health Nurse and the principal of the high school

During the summer we adopted a playground project for the children of Pulaski $225 was collected to purchase playground equipment We prepared the grounds and installed the equipment

The matter of public roads received our attention, particularly the North and South Highway through Ashland, Kentucky; Norton, Virginia; Johnson City, Tennessee, and Asheville, North Carolina

Each month we entertained the 4 honor high school students for that month We entertained at a banquet the entire graduating class of that school and presented four medals A joint meeting with Rotary was held for the purpose of getting our people interested in dairy Prof Holdaman of Virginia Polytechnic Institute was the speaker The Kraft-Phoenix Cheese Company has recently built an up-to-date cheese plant in Pulaski which can consume 50,000 pounds of milk a day and would give the farmers a revenue of a half million dollars a year

We entertained those in attendance at a meeting of the Third Division and had an inter-club meeting with Radford One of our meetings was held in the a low price, while for those who could not Presbyterian Church at Belspring Two of our meeting in December had to furnished the money be omitted by order of the Mayor on account of the flu epidemic

President A Blair Antrim, Secretary B C Taylor
Trustee J E Bunts

Our first two meetings of the year had to be called off because of the flu epidemic We had a special noon meeting, at which twenty-four of our twenty-five members were present and twenty-six guests, to hear a talk by the Mayor on business conditions in our town

The Committee on Kiwanis Education was given one minute at each meeting to present some facts of Kiwanis interest We had a delightful Ladies' Night on May 9, when we were entertained by the Pulaski band and orchestra On May 30, we entertained the entire graduating class of the high school, forty-f our in number, and presented medals to the four honor students

The Inter-Club Meeting of June 6, at which Governor Kimball and Eugene Woodson, of Washington, were present and spoke, was the best meeting of the kind we have ever had The clubs of Marion and Radford were our guests and as a result of visits of committees to these two clubs to urge their presence, we had nineteen from Marion, twenty-eight from Radford, and twenty-six of our own members, which made an attendance of over 80% of the three clubs

Our representative to the International Convention, Rev Paul Martin, made a fine report of the meetings We continued our interest in playgrounds for which we were active the previous year A joint meeting with Rotary and the Women's Club was held to make plans and arouse enthusiasm for the Community Chest The campaign was very successful, and as the fund included about $800 for playground equipment, we felt sure that the children of the community would have this much needed facility for their happiness and development

We also took up the matter of furnishing milk to undernourished school children Arrangements were made where the children who could pay, received their milk at a low price, while for those who could not afford even this small expense, our club furnished the money

Division 03
(Volume 4)
President N C Carlton Secretary B C Taylor
Trustee A Blair Antrim

The Radford Club visited us bringing a Ladies' quartette with them We had another meeting with the Radford boys during Inter-Club Week Visited Radford club for an All-Kiwanis Night meeting,

Joint meeting with Rotary to entertain 102 West Virginia business men who were on a good-will tour

Medals were given to four honor students of the high school

Played baseball with Rotary for The benefit of the firemen's band

Heard addresses from LTG Francis H Scott, S D Stone of Salem, Fitzpatrick, of Radford; and Rev Ernest F Warren, President of the Bristol club

In December the club decided to surrender its charter Since its original organization this club had twice before this reached such a low ebb that it had to be entirely reorganized by International This time it seems to be three strikes and out