Capital District Kiwanis History

CLUBS Divisions Regions Site Map Leadership People

Organized April 19 1939 Chartered May 24 1939
Key #02291 65th District Club
Sponsor Westminster Kiwanis
Divisions 06 09
Region Mason Dixon
Population (1939) 938
KI Charter Revoked April 13 2007

(Volume 5)
Division 06
President Georg E Dodrer, Secretary Rev Irvin N Morris
Membership April 19 - 26 Attendance 71%

Joined with other Kiwanis clubs in the neighborhood sponsoring tile Salvation Army Camp It sent a boy to camp for 10 days for needed dental work for underprivileged children Gave a Christmas dinner turkey and everything to 25 underprivileged children, gave each a present, and took them to the movies after that

Contribution cash to the community playground which had been organized to take care of approximatelv 75 children It is the intention of the club to see that the playground is continued through the year

Set up road signs on the highways leading into the town Naturally a large number of the programs were given over to instruction in Kiwanis, chiefly under the sponsorship of nearby clubs

The Westminster club put on several illustrative programs and the club went twice to Westminster to see how that club carried on its own work Received the plaque from Towson and delivered it to Salisbury The Charter Night on May 24 was an inter club Ladies' Night at which the neighboring clubs presented banners, flags, and so on

For entertainment the club had a stunt night and a Ladies' Night It was visited bY the Lieutenant Governor, the District Governor, a Field Representative from the International office, and had representatives at theTraining School for Club Officers

President E Elwood Baunigardner, Secretary Alfred T Sutcliffe
Membership Jan 1 – 23 Attendance 81%

The club aided in locating children who had not been ini'llunized to diplitheria, took care of dental work where needed, gave $12 to the Save a Child Committee for Foreign Children, sent several boys to Camp Misty Mount, and gave a Christmas supper to 50 children with qifts and entertainment

The club gave a program on Scouting and interested the Scouts in gathering and repairing broken toys to be given to underprivileged at Christmas time Contributed $5 to the playground The club took part in organizing 4 H clubs

Sent delegations to Annapolis, Baltimore, Westminster on the celebration of Maryland Day, to the Charter Night of Ellicott City and took the plaque to North Baltimore Host to an interclub meeting at which 8 other clubs were represented on the anniversary of its Charter Night Had a joint meeting with Rotary, and a Ladies' Night with ladies in charge of the program Had several Kiwanis Education meetings Was represented at International or District meetings

President Harry Moliney, Secretary Alfred T Sutcliffe
Membership Jan 1 - 28 Attendance 80%

The club put on a Minstrel Show to make nionev for its coninmuitN, work It invited the other civic clubs to join with it in making the trip to a nearby Orphanage and giving a party to the children It also gave a Christmas partv for underprivileged children at Christmas time

The club was represented at the Charter Night Anniversary inter club meeting of the Westminster club, visited Westminster three times, Reisterstown once, and entertained visiting Kiwanians froin six clubs in the not too distant area

It had two outings with Westminster, a Halloween party, a Valentine party, and two other Ladies' Nights, at one of which the ladies were in charge of the program It also invited the local teachers to one irleeting

The club was represented at the International and District Conventions, and the Training School for Club Officers

President Robert Smith, Secretary Alfred T Sutcliffc
Membership Jan 1 – 29 Attendance 89%

The club arranged a special program at the Orphanage Financed dental work for underprivileged children, gave a Christmas party, and distributed baskets of food to indigent families

Sponsored Boy Scout work, had a program by Scouts illustrating some of their activities, and worked for getting a county supervisor for Scout work

At a Farmers' program a well known speaker was brought to discuss farm problems, and a chicken raising project was started with members of the 4 H club This, however, could not be continued because of Selective Service taking so many 4 H boys

The club visited Westminster, Pikesville, and Baltimore Members of other clubs were ifl attendance at a number of the regular meetings of the club but no record of them was kept

Was not represented at any District or International meetings At the end of the year 3 members of the club were in rmlitary service

President Thomas H Legg, Secretary Alfred T Sutcliffe
Mernbership Jan 1 – 30 Attendance 78%

The club arranged to have an outstanding student from some high school in the county to attend the rneetings, the club for one month, rotating this feature to include all the schools The club had several programs on Scouting, and entertained Scouts on two occasions On one occasion, two troops were present

Individual members of the clulb on various occasions visited Westminster, Hagerstown, and Baltimore clubs

The club had three Ladies' Nights and one Novelty Night

A number of programs on Kiwanis Education were given, Kiwanis Anniversary was celebrated, and the club was represented at the District Convention At the close of the year five of its members were in the armed forces

(Volume 6)
President Clyde Hesson, Secretary Samuel E Breth
Membership Jan 1 - 33 Attendance 87%

President Raymond K Wright, Secretary Guy P Bready
Membership Jan 1 - 30 Attendance 100%

President E H Essig, Secretary Guy P Bready
Membership Jan 1 - 36 Attendance 89%

President Samuel E Breth, Secretary Guy P Bready
Membership Jan 1 - 38 Attendance 87%

Division 09
President George L Harner, Secretary Robert W Smith
Membership Jan 1 - 36 Attendance 92%

President John H Skiles, Secretary Robert W Smith
Membership Jan 1 - 38 Attendance 95%

Sponsor Mount Airy Club

President L E Crumpacker, Secretary Miles S Reifsnyder
Membership Jan 1 - 38 Attendance 93%

(Volume 7)
President David Smith, Secretary Miles S Reifsnyder
Membership Jan 1 - 36 Attendance 91%
District Historian Miles S Reifsnyder

President Howell B Boyer, Secretary Miles S Reifsnyder
Membership Jan 1 - 40 Attendance 83%

District Historian Miles S Reifsnyder

President J Norman Graham, Secretary Miles S Reifsnyder
Membership Jan 1 - 40 Attendance 90%

District Historian Miles S Reifsnyder<

President Edward Reid, Secretary Miles S Reifsnyder
Membership Jan 1 - 39 Attendance 84%

District Historian Miles S Reifsnyder

President Harman Albaugh, Secretary Miles S Reifsnyder
Membership Jan 1 - 39 Attendance 85%

District Historian Miles S Reifsnyder
Sponsor Thurmont Club

Division 09
President ?, Secretary Rev Miles S Reifsnyder
LG J Norman Graham

President Edward Howarth, Secretary Rev Miles S Reifsnyder

President Ned C Musser, Secretary Rev Miles S Reifsnyder

President Geroge W Crouse, Secretary Rev Miles S Reifsnyder

President Thomas Albaugh, Secretary Rev Miles S Reifsnyder

President Robert C Neal, Secretary J Norman Graham

President Leonard Reifsnider, Secretary J Norman Graham

President Poliver Leakins, Secretary J Norman Graham

President Paul M Morelock, Secretary J Norman Graham

President Edmund J Nusbaum, Secretary Oliver T Leakins

President J Norman Graham, Secretary Oliver T Leakins


President Stuart C Peterson, Secretary Oliver T Leakins

President Paul E Myers, Secretary D Leanoard Reifsnider

1969 - 1970
President Paul E Myers, Secretary D Leonard Reifsnider

1970 - 1971
President Kenneth B Repass, Secretary D Leonard Reifsnider

1971 - 1972
President Robert Peters, Secretary D Leonard Reifsnider

1972 - 1973
President Richard G Feeser Secretary John H Skiles
Sponsor Walkersville Club

1973 - 1974
President Kenneth Fields Jr, Secretary John H Skiles
Sponsor Thurmont Club

1974 - 1975
Division 09
President Ellsworth R Feeser, Secretary John H Skiles
LG Richard G Feeser

1975 - 1976
President Robert M Peters, Secretary John H Skiles

1976 - 1977
Division 9 East
President Richard G Feeser Secretary John H Skiles

1977 - 1978
President William T Boyd, Secretary John H Skiles

1978 - 1979
Division 09
President Wayne G Gracey, Secretary John H Skiles

1979 - 1980
President William Archibald, Secretary John H Skiles

1980 - 1981
President David B Reasner III, Secretary John H Skiles

1981 - 1982
President David B Reasner III, Secretary Richard G Feeser

1982 - 1983
Division 09
President Thomas W Harford, Secretary Richard G Feeser
LG William T Boyd

1983 - 1984
President Edward M Brown, Secretary Thomas W Harford

1984 - 1985
President Ellsworth R Feeser, Secretary Thomas W Harford

1985 - 1986
President John G Olyarnik, Secretary Thomas W Harford

1986 - 1987
Division 09
President Henry H Alexander, Secretary Thomas W Harford
Governor Richard G Feeser

1987 - 1988
President John Kirk, Secretary Thomas W Harford

1988 - 1989
President Richard G Feeser, Secretary Thomas W Harford

1989 - 1990
President Roger A Diehl Secretary Thomas W Harford

1990 - 1991
President Gary S Ehlers, Secretary Richard G Feeser

1991 - 1992
President Robert M Peters, Secretary Tina M Waldridge

1992 - 1993
President Joseph Everly, Secretary Pat A Feeser
Membership Oct 1 - 20

1993 - 1994
Division 09
President Gary C Smith, Secretary Pat A Feeser
Membership Oct 1 - 18
LG Roger A Diehl

1994 - 1995
President Gary C Smith, Secretary Pat A Feeser
Membership Oct 1 - 22

1995 - 1996
President Norman J Graham, Secretary Reda Smith
Membership Oct 1 - 22

1996 - 1997
President David E Wantz, Secretary Reda L Smith
Membership Oct 1 - 24

1997 - 1998
President M Virginia Fair Secretary Russel Henry Lockerbill Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 21

1998 - 1999
President Donald Shantz, Secretary ?
Membership Oct 1 - 26

1999 - 2000
President Roger A Diehl Secretary Joe Everly
Membership Oct 1 - 23

2000 - 2001
President Roger A Diehl Secretary M Virginia Fair
Membership Oct 1 - 26

2001 - 2002
President Marty Fair, Secretary M Virginia Fair
Membership Oct 1 - 20 Attendance 61%

Capital District Foundation President Roger A Diehl
District Chair Teenager of the Year Roger A Diehl

Year End: 82 Projects Completed, 289 Service Hours, $3161 Spent, 13 Interclubs

2002 - 2003
Division 09
President Charles S Diehl Jr, Secretary M Virginia Fair
Membership Oct 1 - 19 Attendance 18%
District Chair Teenager of the Year Roger A Diehl
Capital District Foundation President Roger A Diehl
LG M Virginia Fair

Year End: 30 Projects Completed, 90 Service Hours, $2100 Spent, 4 Interclubs

2003 - 2004
President Joe Everly, Secretary M Virginia Fair
Membership Oct 1 - 19 Attendance 60%
Meet TH 6:30 PM Thunderhead Bowling Alley

District Chair Teenager of the Year Roger A Diehl

Year End: 16 Projects Completed, 179 Service Hours, $3,819 Spent, 10 Interclubs

2004 - 2005
President Joe Everly, Secretary M Virginia Fair
Membership Oct 1 - 13 Attendance 73%
Meet TH 6:30 PM Thunderhead Bowling Alley

District Chair Teenager of the Year Roger A Diehl

Contributed $300 to Tsunami Relief Effort

Year End: 10 Projects Completed, 903 Service Hours, $1,540 Spent, 7 Interclubs

2005 - 2006
Mason Dixon Region
President Donna Ohler, Secretary M Virginia Fair
Membership Oct 1 - 12 Attendance 54%
Meet TH 6:30 PM Taneytown Senior Center
Distinquished Club Award

Year End: 16 Projects Completed, 275 Service Hours, $3,415 Spent, 13 Interclubs

2006 - 2007
President Donna Ohler, Secretary Joe Everly
Membership Oct 1 - 18
Meet TH 6:30 PM Taneytown Senior Center
KI Charter Revoked April 13 2007