Capital District Kiwanis History

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(was Victoria VA)
Organized July 24 1925 Chartered September 3 1925
Key #01408 42nd District Club
Sponsor Crewe Kiwanis
Divisions 02 04 18
KI Revoked Charter May 3 1988

Division 02
(Volume 5)
President A Carter Whitehead, Secretary Joseph E Hardy
Membership Jan 1 - 14 Attendance 85%

The club promoted the sectiring of a County Nurse, furnished glasses to 12 children, sent 1 child to the Infantile Paralysis Clinic in Washington, and 3 to the clinic at Boydton, and had 1 program devoted to Infantile Paralysis.

Sponsor Boy Scouts and organized a second troop in the cominunity, and 2 programs on Scouting, one put on by 3 Scouts, and another working toward a Scout camping trip, Gave a prize of $20 to a High School boy in connection with the Highway Safety Campaign in the schools.

Host to a delegation from Crew, bringing the log, to be delivered to Petersburg later.

It had a fine Ladies' Night and a joint ineeting with the Blackstone Rotary club Entertained the Lieutenant Governor, and was represented at the Mid-Winter Conference and at the District Convention.

President A R Kyle, Secretary Joseph E Hardy
Membership Jan 11 - 19 Attendance 81%

The club held an auction sale which netted $248 for community work It made arrangements to carry crippled children to and from the hospital Had a program on Scouting, and later a group of Scouts put on a program

At one meeting they entertained the County Agent, and had several programs on agricultural problems

Visited Crewe on 2 occasions, on one of which the club put on the prograin It received the plaque from Lynchburg and delivered it to Crewe Host to Crewe at one meeting

There were no Ladies Nights or other forms of entertainment except those gotten out of a number of Quiz and Entertainment programs which were put on from time to time

The morale of the club was excellent as is evidenced by the consistency with which it was putting on programs on Kiwanis Edtication The club was visited bv the Lieutenant Governor and was represented at the District Convention, and its attendance record was excellent

President R Maclin Smith, Secretary Richard E Williams Jr
Membership Jan 1 - 18 Attendance 79%

The club interested the three County Ruritail clubs, Victoria Rotary club, and various garden clubs in joining it in an effort toward the control of tuberculosis in Lunenburg County Gave $50 toward this cause, making a total of $200 raised by all the clubs put together This group of clubs then made an effort to induce the Board of Supervisors to appropriate $300 More was accomplished in this line during this year than in any previous year

The club had a joint meeting with the Ruritan club in the county with a program devoted to agricultural problems The club had two inter club meetings with Crewe, one at home, and the other when it visited Crewe

It had a very satisfactory Ladies Night with a fine program

The club waevisited by the Lieutenant Governor who presented the club with the plaque which was afterwards delivered to Crewe It had several meetings on Kiwanis Education, and was represented at the District Convention At the close of the year it had one member in the military service, and to this member, who had previously served in World War I, the club gave a testimonial dinner

President W E Neblett, Secretary O P McCauley
Membership Jan 1 - 14 Attendance 81%

The club gave a Show, netting $65 for use in its underprivileged child work Through its efforts sufficient money was obtained from the county officials to employ a nurse for tubercular children In the same manner a Home Economics teacher of Nutrition was obtained Under the leadership of the club, various agencies have contributed towards this work, as well as that of furnisfiiii, underprivileged children with needed glasses

Largely through its efforts a community center has been set up for the boys and girls of the whole county where they may meet for recreatioti and seek advice on their problems

A very fine relationship has been set up between the town and the county by means of the fellowship between the Kiwanis club and the Ruritan clubs in the neighborhood The club made a contribution of $100

The club sent delegation to Danville on the occasion of the visit of the International President, to Crewe to meet the Iicutenant Governor, and again to Crewe to hear the District Governor Host to Crewe on two occasions, one of which was the annual Ladies Night which was very much enjoyed by both clubs Joint ineetings were held with each of the three Ruritan clubs in the county

The club had a number of meetings on Kiwanis Education and was represented at the District Convention and at the Training School for Club Officers

President W Marshal Geoghegan Secretary Frederick A Sapp
Membership Jan 1 - 12 Attendance 92%

Due to less uneniploxinent in the neighborhood, few cases needing a",,sistance were brought to the atteilti(Il of the club However, it did furnidi pjasses to three childreii

The club took interest in all civic affairs, sponsored the Scrap Drive, entertained at luncheon the Selective Service Board, bought War Bonds to the amount of $150

This year also the social activities of the club consisted chiefly of the fellowship among inenibers at the meetings and what entertainment programs were presented

There were a number of programs oil Kiwanis Education, and the club was represented at the District Convention and the Training School for Club Officers

President Richard H Hawthorne, Secretary Frederick A Sapp
Membership Jan 1 - 13 Attendance 85%

Division 02
(Volume 6)
President L E Kent, Secretary F A Sapp
Membership Jan 1 - 15 Attendance 85%
LG W Marshal Geoghegan

President Frederick A Sapp, Secretary Thomas A Wooding
Membership Jan 1 - 18 Attendance 91%

President Macon F Fears Secretary French Williams
Membership Jan 1 - 17 Attendance 83%

President Thomas A Wooding, Secretary Macon F Fears
Membership Jan 1 - 19 Attendance 78%

President G French Williams, Secretary T C Fawlkes
Membership Jan 1 - 22 Attendance 76%

PresidentA G Garrett, Secretary T C Fawlkes
Membership Jan 1 - 19 Attendance 80%

President A G Garrett, Secretary Marion L Greigg Jr
Membership Jan 1 - 18 Attendance 82%

(Volume 7)
President Norman Noblett Secretary Marion L Grigg Jr
Membership Jan 1 - 14 Attendance 82%

The club continued improvements at Lunenburg Beach by erecting a large float with diving boards, providing swings and slides for the younger children, getting full time life guards, furnishing life preservers, and putting 10 loads of sand on the beach; sent two girls to Girl State; sponsored two minstrel shows; helped finance a street dance on Halloween; cooperated with the high school in putting on a beauty show; served a picnic lunch to the Boy Scout Troops of Victoria and Kenbridge; furnished clothing and shoes for needy families; furnished transportation to and from the Chest X-ray Clinic; provided Christmas baskets for a number of needy families; attended church in a body on one occasion, and sponsored the "March To Church" program in March

Division 04
President Edward Saunders, Secretary Jack Garrett
Membership Jan 1 - 17 Attendance 80%

President T C Fowlks, Secretary Alfred E Wood
Membership Jan 1 - 12 Attendance 79%

President Woodrow W Osborne, Secretary Alfred E Wood
Membership Jan 1 - 14 Attendance 72%

President Clarence P Wright Jr Secretary Harley C Welch
Membership Jan 1 - 13 Attendance 61%

President ?, Secretary ?

President Macon F Fears Secretary Clarence P Wright Jr

President Macon F Fears Secretary Clarence P Wright Jr

President James P Strickland, Secretary Clarence P Wright Jr

President John W Fox, Secretary Clarence P Wright Jr

President Macon F Fears Secretary Clarence P Wright Jr

President James P Strickland, Secretary Clarence P Wright Jr

President Richard L Kerby, Secretary Harry A Wellons

President Tommy Fawlks, Secretary Macon F Fears

President Harry A Wellons, Secretary Tommy C Fowlkes

President Norman H Neblett, Secretary Tommy C Fowlkes

President Edward H Trice, Secretary Bobby G Overton

Division 04
President John H Hoppe, Secretary John Wells
LG Macon F Fears

1969 - 1970
President John H Wells, Secretary William K Hammack

1970 - 1971
President William O Gills, Secretary William K Hammack

1971 - 1972
President George H Raiford, Secretary Thomas C Wright Jr

1972 - 1973
President Frank W Morris, Secretary Gary A Strange

1973 - 1974
President Richard T Barron, Secretary Gary A Strange

1974 - 1975
President Calvin A Buchanan, Secretary Gary A Strange

1975 - 1976
President James R Thomas, Secretary W Lynn Currin

1976 - 1977
Division 4 B
President John E Fox, Secretary W Lynn Currin

1977 - 1978
President Gary A Strange, Secretary W Lynn Currin

1978 - 1979
Division 18
President Tommy Fowlks, Secretary W Lynn Currin

1979 - 1980
President Brian Winfield, Secretary W Lynn Currin

1980 - 1981
President James Bruce, Secretary W Lynn Currin

1981 - 1982
President Edward R Thompson, Secretary W Lynn Currin

1982 - 1983
President ?

1983 - 1984
President C Bruce Chandler, Secretary W Lynn Currin

1984 - 1985
President ?

1985 - 1986
President ?

1986 - 1987
President John Nelson, Secretary W Lynn Currin

1987 - 1988
President Gordon F Erby, Secretary W Lynn Currin
KI Revokes Charter May 3 1988