Capital District Kiwanis History

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Organized October 27 1924 Chartered December 9 1924
Key #01293 39th District Club
Sponsor Field Representative Joseph Bowles
Divisions 02 04 18 10
Region Heart of Virginia
Population (1924) 2,152

The charter was presented December 9, 1924 by District Secretary Robert E Turner The affair was a Ladies' Night with about 40 ladies present, 12 members from Chase City and 4 from Petersburg, LTG Russell S Perkinson, and International Field Representative Joseph Bowles

1924 and 1925
Division 02
(Volume 2)
President W W Bain, Vice President H E Lee
Secretary Percy H Farley, Treasurer H E Freeman
Trustee T E Wilson Trustee
Sponsor Victoria Club 1925

We agreed to aid the Farm and Home Demonstration work and had their representative at one of our meetings We also had the faculty of the High School at one of our meetings and the parsons of the town at another.

We sponsored the new Kiwanis Club at Victoria, Virginia, which was chartered on July 24, 1925 Sixteen of our members attended this meeting.

In order to develop and improve a park in Crewe, the club members turned out one morning at five o'clock in overalls It was the most enthusiastic bunch of men ever assembled Our Public Affairs Committee was engaged in highway promotion in cooperation with the State Commission We held two out-of-town meetings, one at Burkeville and one at Blackstone.

The Kiwanis Santa Claus was busy and saw that every child was provided a Christmas gift.

President J A B Lowry, Secretary J H Flippen
Trustee J E Winslow

We held an Inter-Club meeting with Victoria on March 11 and played basketball with them Without saying who won, we will say that Victoria lost.

Raised funds for an eye clinic, gave surgical attention to six children who had not been able to attend school because of eye trouble Held a meeting with the Lions of Farniville at Crewe Our club in conjunction with the Town Council secured from the Highway Department an allocation of $89,000 for a section of concrete highway through the town.

On October 21 we were the guests of the Rotary Club at Blackstone, Virginia The two clubs formed plans to hold clinics to care for all underprivileged children in the county.

President T Edward Wilson, Secretary R H Owen
Trustee J E Winslow

We started the year by holding our second clinic, which treated fifteen patients Thereafter the clinic was held monthly Besides fostering our clinic and raising funds for the crippled child fund, we had many other activities The club made possible the establishment of a golf course We worked with the town council to secure a landing field These efforts were finally successful We also used our influence for good roads and to secure a new depot Arranged a program for Fire Prevention Week Were active in the Red Cross Drive We were hosts to Chase City and Victoria on Inter-Club Day In June we held a meeting at Crystal Lake and in October we held our annual Ladies' Night.

(Volume 3)
President J H Flippen, Secretary R H Owen
Trustee W A Oliver

The club decided at the beginning of the year that its public affairs work should be done along the following lines: The improvement of Highway No 10, a new depot, enlarging the municipal golf course and making Crewe a better town We had a number of very interesting meetings during the year both in our own city and at inter-club meetings with other clubs During March, Mr H E Freeman spoke on "Co-operation and Industry for our' Town"; F C Verses talked on the work of the State Legislature, and George Seay and Dr Irby of Rotary reported on the clinic which the two clubs support jointly They reported that during the past year there were eight hundred underprivileged child visits to the clinic Our annual Ladies' Night was held on April 3 There was a fine inter-club meeting with the Kiwanians of Victoria and the Lions of Farniville.

In May, there was a joint meeting with Victoria, the Division Meeting at Lynchburg on May 11, at which we were represented, while on May 22, we acted as hosts to Chase City and Victoria.

On June 27, the Chase City golfers came to Crewe for a tournament After winning the match, we entertained the visitors at luncheon We also defeated the golfers from Blackstone We acted as sponsors on the appearance of the News Leader in Crewe Chase City and Crewe had two baseball games for the benefit of the crippled children of Nottoway and Mecklenburg Counties.

In connection with the Rotary Club of Blackstone we sponsored a booth at the county fair The proceeds of this went for the benefit of crippled children Victoria presented the District Loving Cup to us on October 30.

When a review was made at the close of the year we found that the following accomplishments stood to the credit of the club The club shared in the work of obtaining a concrete road It shared in the program of building in Crewe, in the civic pride of the town, in putting aside petty jealousy, in the fair which was a great success It worked with the Blackstone Rotary Club in doing a wonderful piece of work for underprivileged children.

President J E Winslow, Secretary R H Owen
Trustee W W Carson

A committee from the club met with the Town Council in an endeavor to have a bed endowed in Farmville Hospital, but we were not successful The Kiwanis Club of Crewe and Victoria played a game of basketball for the benefit of underprivileged children Contests were also held among the members of our own club and also with neighboring clubs For some time, we had committees at work to improve conditions in our town, among them street signs, grade crossings, reduction of fire insurance rates, a better newspaper, and the erection of aviation lights.

We gave a minstrel show, which was so successful that it was repeated in the neighboring community of Amelia The proceeds from this entertainment were for the benefit of our child clinic We arranged for a golf tournament for communities in our section of the State We gave material aid to the Nottaway County Fair, which was held at Blackstone Our Underprivileged Child report showed approximately 300 treatments at a cost to the club of $500.

(Volume 4)
President Warren Oliver, Secretary R H Owen
Trustee C H Wilson

The club not only successfully worked for tile establishment of the Boy Scouts in Our city, but also furnished Scout masters A 901f tournament was arranged and we also Played with a delegation from Richmond, headed by Governor Jesse H Binford The visitors also attended our meeting where the Governor was speaker.

No reports were submitted after May The club became inactive in August, when they ceased to hold meetings, and in December 1930, surrendered its charter.

Reorganized January 14, 1936

President, J H Flippen, Secretary Kermit Wheary
Membership Jan 14 - 29 Attendance 70%

The club put on an Amateur Night and also a Bazaar, netting a total of $440 for its u 13 Child Work It had a program on Rehabilitation It made a survey of the needs of U p Children, bought braces for a cripple, furnished glasses for six and contributed $24 to the P T A The club planned and completed the organization of a Boy Scout Troop, furnishing the financial aid necessary, and sponsored the Troop The club helped with the expenses of a 4-H Boy at the short course at V P 1 and it entertained the football team of the high school The club arranged a series of Vocational Guidance talks at the high school

The club joined with other civic organizations in working for a north and south highway between Crewe and Victoria and in trying to bring new industries to Crewe It aided the Red Cross and the P, T A Worked for a Municipal Playground, and supported the Five County Fair Had programs on Better Schools, The Supreme Court, Public Safety and Community Welfare It attended a number of inter-club meetings at Victoria, received the Golden Rule from Victoria-Kenbridge and carried it to Chase City The club held two successful Ladies Nights

The club had three Kiwanis Education programs, celebrated Constitution Week and sent representatives to the Mid-Winter Conference, the District and International Conventions and the Training School for Club Officers

President Lynwood Wilson Secretary Kermit Wheary
Membership Jan 1 - 31 Attendance 69%

Held a Bingo Party, supported the President's Ball and held a Carnival Bazaar netting more than $500 for its U P Child Work Aided in the Children's Home Society drive for funds Furnished 1 child glasses and spent $16 for school books It had a program on Child Welfare

Two programs on Boy Scout Work, when one troop was complete in membership, formed a second troop Spent $40 for camping equipment for scouts Presented plans for a Municipal Playground to the Civic Forum that were adopted, donated $50, and the playground was opened from June 15 to August 31, with an average attendance of 125 children Sent 2 Boy Scouts to the Horse Show Tournament and donated $15 to 4-H Club

The club joined with the Chamber of Commerce in entertaining the farmers with a program on Kiwanis and the Farmer and Soil Conservation, It aided in making Crewe a Live Stock Shipping Point and in planning the Farmers Jubilee

The club worked for bringing new industries to the town and contributed $25 towards the Christmas lighting It had programs on Syphilis, Better Telephone Service, Modern Banking, juvenile Delinquency, Efficiency, and Peace, and celebrated the Fourth of July

Delegations were sent by the club to visit the clubs at Victoria-Kenbridge and Danville

The officers attended the LTG Training School and the President trained his Committee Chairmen The club celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary, had four programs on Kiwanis Education, entertained the LTG sent in an Achievement Report, and was represented at the Mid-Winter Conference and the District Convention

(Volume 5)
President J Frank Wilkinson Secretary Kermit Wheary
Membership Jan 1 - 25 Attendance 69%

The club put on a benefit dance and a "Karnival" Bazaar to raise money for its Community Fund It furnished glasses to two children, contributed $10000 to a fund for hot lunches for indigent school children and contributed to the county work for underprivileged children

It had two programs on Scouting and contributed $50 to the Scout organization, sponsored the Girl Scouts and contributed $25 to that organization, sponsored a girl basketball team at the high school, and contributed $100 to the community playgrounds which were used by an average of 140 daily

The club fostered the 4-H club, contributed $25 to its work, sent two 4-H boys to a special course at VPI, had a Farmers Night and contributed to the farmers picnic put on by the Chamber of Commerce

Inter-clubs with Lynchburg and Victoria-Kenbridge

Had joint meetings with Farmville Lions, three Ladies Nights, one stag party and one Christmas gift party, played golf and softball, being in the local league in the last instance

Filed an Achievement Report, entertained the LG and was represented at the Mid-Winter Conference and the District Convention

Division 02
President J W Shepherd, Secretary Kermit Wheary
Membership Jan 1 - 23 Attendance 71%
LG Lynwood Wilson

Raised $310 at a dance and "Karnival" Bazaar for welfare work Spent on U P child work in part as follows: $5000 for school lunches, $2500 for dental, $2166 for hospital expenses, $750 for county welfare work and seven pairs of glasses

Opened the municipal playground attended by an average of 150 children daily, worked on a club house for young people, and joined with the Chamber of Commerce in giving a banquet to the high school football team

The club had a program put on by members of the 4-H Club and donated $1500 to this work

The club was host to Lynchburg and to Victoria-Kenbridge and made return visits to these clubs, putting on the program at the latter

The club entertained the Eastern Star, entered a team in the softball leagues and had two Ladies Nights and two picnics with ladies present

The club furnished the LTG for this Division, sent in an Achievement Report and was represented at the Mid-Winter Conference, the District Convention and the training school for club officers

President W T Flippen, Secretary Kermit Wheary
Membership Jan 1 - 22 Attendance 82%

The club gave a benefit dance, a bingo party, a night game and a "Karnival" Bazaar, raising $30000 for its work This was spent in part: $7000 for school lunclies, $5000 for Christmas baskets, $1000 to 4-H Club, $500 to the Scout program, $2500 to to the Community hospital and $5000 to the playground work

It sponsored both Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts and had programs on the work of these organizations

It joined the Chamber of Commerce in putting on the farnier's picnic and worked for the introduction of vocational training in the high school

The club raised funds for the airport and put on a Christmas tree Among its most interesting programs were its forums on Public Affairs, on Soil Conservation, Kiwams and the Church and Experiences in a German Concentration Camp

Interclub with Victoria-Kenbridge

Entertained the Eastern Star, held two Ladies Nights, a stag party and a Christmas party at which each member brought presents for each other

Presented an Achievement Report, entertained the District Governor and LG and was represented at the Division meeting and the training school for club officers

President T D Hardwood, Secretary Kermit Wheary
Membership Jan 1 - 25 Attendance 80%

Raised $400 from the "Karnival" Bazaar Glasses were given where needed, $5000 contributed to the school lunch fund, Christmas baskets were furnished, and a sum was contributed to the underprivileged child work of the Ruritans in the county

Contributed $60 to the Scout work, $80 to the summer playgrounds, $15 to religious education in the schools

Citizenship Responsibility was accented as perhaps the most important objective of Kiwanis

Contributed $1300 to the 4-H Club work

Inter-club meetings with Victoria-Kenbridge, Danville, and Martinsville

The club had two Ladies Nights and the usual Christmas party

Submitted an Achievement Report, held two Kiwanis education meetings, entertained the LG and the District Governor and was represented at the Mid-Winter Conference

President John A Proffitt, S R Davis, SecretaryKermit Wheary, J Frank Wilkinson
Membership Jan 1 - 29 Attendance 77%

Both the club president and secretary moved away from Crewe early in the year, but their successors carried on and kept the club in good condition during the year

The club co-operated with the school authorities in an attempt to increase the number of Five-Point children in the schools It gave financial aid to the PTA in furnishing hot lunches to needy children, and it furnished two children with glasses

It gave $20 to enable several Scouts to attend the Scout camp, and contributed $50 to a fund to operate playgrounds in the summer It held a Father and Son Night and gave a banquet to the high school football team and its coach

It contributed $15 to send a 4-H Club champion to the International 4-H Convention

The club bought defense bonds, maturity value $4,000 It bought a new piano and gave the old one to the USO, contributed $15 toward Bible teaching in the schools, cooperated with the Ministerial Union in an attempt to have better attendance at the union services during the summer, and it attended church services in a body for the four Sundays in March Interesting programs were on Camp Pickett, The Camp's Place in the Community, The Church in Camp Pickett, The USO at Camp Pickett

Getting the Boy over Fool's Hill, Crewe Playground and The Work of the Engineering Corps in the New War

The club sent a delegation to Lynchburg on the occasion of the visit of the District

It had a Ladies Night, a Stunt Night, and a Halloween party

It had a number of programs on Kiwanis education and it entertained the LG

President Frank B Handley, Secretary J Frank Wilkinson
Membership Jan 1 - 25 Attendance 71%

This club had a hard year, but it did furnish one child with glasses, and send Christmas toys and fruit to tile colored children in the Piedmont Sanitarium

It sponsored the BOY Scout Troop, kept the summer playground going, and aided the YMCA in its work for young people, Aid and encouragement was given to outstanding 4-H club members

The chill contributed to a fund for Bible study in the schools, and sponsored the program for Victory Gardens Programs: Payroll Withholding Tax, Point Rationing, Civilian Defense, Christmas Seals, and Education in the County

Inter-club to Victoria-Kenbridge

Kiwanis Anniversary was celebrated, and three members in the armed forces

(Volume 6)
President Virgil S Coleman, Secretary J Frank Wilkinson
Membership Jan 1 - 24 Attendance 72%

President W T Johnson, Secretary J Frank Wilkinson
Membership Jan 1 - 26 Attendance 75%

Division 02
President Charles T Clay, Secretary J Frank Wilkinson
Membership Jan 1 - 27 Attendance 84%
LG J Frank Wilkinson

President Charles W Scott, Secretary J Frank Wilkinson
Membership Jan 1 - 29 Attendance 88%

President Augustus A Hagberg Secretary J Frank Wilkinson
Membership Jan 1 - 31 Attendance 90%

President Charles H Wilson, Secretary J Frank Wilkinson
Membership Jan 1 - 36 Attendance 87%

Division 02
President Robert F Lynch, Secretary J Frank Wilkinson
Membership Jan 1 - 44 Attendance 85%
LG Augustus A Hagberg

(Volume 7)
President Preston M Dupriest, Secretary J Frank Wilkinson
Membership Jan 1 - 49 Attendance 86%

District Chair Boys and Girls Work Augustus A Hagberg

The club held a Scout night; entertained honor students at one luncheon and outstanding athletes at another; gave a $75 scholarship to the best student; celebrated Kids Day with a bicycle parade, a field day, a song fest and a talent show; celebrated 4-H club week, and worked for the better pasture program in the county; presented movies at the Piedmont Sanitarium for the children regularly through the year; sent letters to service men of the community; put on a "Get Out the Vote campaign;" donated $200 to the Community Center carried out a Booster day for baseball, clearing a considerable sum for underprivileged child work; presented two table radios to the hospital at Camp Pickett; helped furnish cars to take aged people to church; had a number of programs on religious subjects; and put on a "March to Church in March" campaign

Division 04
President John B Murphy, Secretary J Frank Wilkinson
Membership Jan 1 - 45 Attendance 97%

President B C Weatherford, Secretary J Frank Wilkinson
Membership Jan 1 - 44 Attendance 91%

President Kermit Whery, Secretary John B Murphy
Membership Jan 1 - 49 Attendance 96%

PresidentJoseph D Bradshaw, Secretary John B Murphy
Membership Jan 1 - 46 Attendance 92%

President ?, Secretary John B Murphy

President Charles S Hooper Jr Secretary John B Murphy

President Travis T DuPriest, Secretary John B Murphy

Division 04
President David S Slaw, Secretary John B Murphy
LG Charles S Hooper Jr

President Marvin G Harrison, Secretary John B Murphy

District Chair Agriculture and Conservation Charles S Hooper Jr

President W Lewis Shipp, Secretary Augustus A Hagberg

President Dwight A Pfirman, Secretary Kermit Wheary

President Calvin T Lucy Jr, Secretary Kermit Wheary

President Freeman H Stewart, Secretary Kermit Wheary

President J Howard Flippen, Secretary Kermit Wheary

President Wilson C Wertz, Secretary Kermit Wheary

President Grattan M Powell, Secretary Kermit Wheary

President Paul V Williams, Secretary Kermit Wheary

President Thomas L Wilson, Secretary Kermit Wheary

1969 - 1970
President David S Slawk Secretary Kermit Wheary

1970 - 1971
President O Paul Long, Secretary Kermit Wheary

1971 - 1972
President Thomas V Warren, Secretary Kermit Wheary

1972 - 1973
President William T Flipppen, Secretary Kermit Wheary

1973 - 1974
President Robert V Southworth Secretary Grattan M Powell

1974 - 1975
President Re Roy L Miller, Secretary Kermit Wheary

1975 - 1976
President Drury W LaNeave, Secretary Kermit Wheary

1976 - 1977
Division 04 B
President Eugene T Sones, Secretary Kermit Wheary

1977 - 1978
Division 04 B
President Thomas T Traynham Jr, Secretary Kermit Wheary
LG Robert V Southworth
Sponsor Mecklenburg County Club

1978 - 1979
Division 18
President Max F Wingett, Secretary Kermit Wheary

1979 - 1980
President Charles C Olsen, Secretary O Paul Long

1980 - 1981
President D Michael Crafton, Secretary O Paul Long

1981 - 1982
President Howard M Mustain Jr Secretary O Paul Long

1982 - 1983
President James M Jones Jr, Secretary O Paul Long

1983 - 1984
Division 18
President George H Gravitt, Secretary O Paul Long
LG Howard M Mustain Jr

1984 - 1985
President Franklin E Cassada, Secretary O Paul Long

1985 - 1986
President James L Williamson, Secretary O Paul Long

1986 - 1987
President James M Jones III, Secretary O Paul Long

1987 - 1988
President Jack M Robeson, Secretary O Paul Long

1988 - 1989
President Thomas R Robinett, Secretary O Paul Long

1989 - 1990
President John C Anderson, Secretary James E Robertson

1990 - 1991
President L Herbert Martin, Secretary Dan Robertson

1991 - 1992
President Marvin F Graham, Secretary Ronald K Wise

1992 - 1993
President Larry J Parrish, Secretary Ronald K Wise
Membership Oct 1 - 46

1993 - 1994
President Robert K Martin, Secretary Tommie H Jenkins
Membership Oct 1 - 46

1994 - 1995
President Warren D Robertson, Secretary Tommie H Jenkins
Membership Oct 1 - 43

1995 - 1996
President William Thomas Jenkins, Secretary Tommie H Jenkins
Membership Oct 1 - 44

1996 - 1997
President Robert P Scherck, Secretary Tommie H Jenkins
Membership Oct 1 - 45

1997 - 1998
President Robert I Horn, Secretary Tommie H Jenkins
Membership Oct 1 - 42

1998 - 1999
President William C Abel, Secretary ?
Membership Oct 1 - 40

1999 - 2000
(Officers not list in KI Directory)
President ?, Secretary ?
Membership Oct 1 - 39

2000 - 2001
President Robert L Mann, Secretary Richard L Calhoun
Membership Oct 1 - 38

2001 - 2002
President Thomas W Warren, Secretary Kay F Baughan
Membership Oct 1 - 34 Attendance 0%

Year End: 0 Projects Completed, 0 Service Hours, $0 Spent, 0 Interclubs

2002 - 2003
President Bobby Mann, Secretary Richard L Calhoun
Membership Oct 1 - 34 Attendance 33%

Year End: 15 Projects Completed, 148 Service Hours, $700 Spent, 2 Interclubs

2003 - 2004
President J Larry Williamson, Secretary Kay F Baughan
Membership Oct 1 - 32 Attendance 0%

Year End: 9 Projects Completed, 10 Service Hours, $1 Spent, 0 Interclubs

2004 - 2005
President Tom Willis, Secretary John Klag
Membership Oct 1 - 32 Attendance 77%
Meet 2nd 4th TU 6:30 PM Crewe Community Center

Contributed $150 to Tsunami Relief Effort

Year End: 30 Projects Completed, 391 Service Hours, $655 Spent, 0 Interclubs

2005 - 2006
Division 18
Heart of Virginia Region
President Rob Bowman, Secretary Carol Alderman
Membership Oct 1 - 30 Attendance 58%
Meet 2nd 4th TU 6:30 PM Crewe Community Center

Year End: 48 Projects Completed, 321 Service Hours, $281 Spent, 5 Interclubs

2006 - 2007
President David Graham, Secretary Hazel V Hill
Membership Oct 1 - 30 Attendance 64%
Meet 2nd 4th TU 6:30 PM Crewe Community Center

Year End: 9 Projects Completed, 21 Service Hours, $237 Spent, 0 Interclub

2007 - 2008
President Gloria Dooley, Secretary Hazel V Hill
Membership Oct 1 - 30 Attendance 74%
Meet 2nd 4th TU 6:30 PM Crewe Community Center

Year End: 22 Projects Completed, 45 Service Hours, $168 Spent, 0 Interclubs

2008 - 2009
President Macio Hill, Secretary Cynthia Wood
Membership Oct 1 - 21 Attendance 79%
Meet 2nd 4th TU 6:30 PM Crewe Community Center

Year End: 17 Projects Completed, 17 Service Hours, $283 Spent, 0 Interclubs $0 District Foundation

2009 - 2010
President Macio Hill, Secretary Cynthia Wood
Membership Oct 1 - 16 Attendance 55%
Meet 2nd 4th TU 6:30 PM Crewe Community Center

Year End: 1 Project Completed, 4 Service Hours, $0 Spent, 0 Interclubs $0 District Foundation

2010 - 2011
President Gloria P Dooley, Secretary Joseph H Mayton Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 15
Meet 2nd 4th TU 6:30 PM Crewe Community Center

Year End: 0 Projects Completed, 0 Service Hours, $0 Spent, 0 Interclubs $0 District Foundation

2011 - 2012
President Gloria P Dooley, Secretary Joseph H Mayton Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 17
Meet 2nd 4th TU 6:30 PM Crewe Community Center

2012 - 2013
President Gloria P Dooley, Secretary Joseph H Mayton Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 17
Meet 2nd 4th TU 6:30 PM DineNCrewe Restauran

2013 - 2014
Division 10

President Henry Crittenden, Secretary Joseph H Mayton Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 16
Meet 2nd 4th TU 6:30 PM DineNCrewe Restaurant

2014 - 2015
President Gloria P Dooley, Secretary Joseph H Mayton Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 15
Meet 2nd 4th TU 6:30 PM DineN Crewe Restaurant

2015 - 2016
President Gloria P Dooley, Secretary Joseph H Mayton Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 15
Meet 2nd 4th TU 6:30 PM DineN Crewe Restaurant

2016 - 2017
President Gloria P Dooley, Secretary Joseph H Mayton Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 15
Meet 2nd 4th TU 6:30 PM DineN Crewe Restaurant

2017 - 2018
President Gloria P Dooley, Secretary Joseph H Mayton Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 13
Meet 2nd 4th TU 6:30 PM DineN Crewe Restaurant

2018 - 2019
President Gloria P Dooley, Secretary Joseph H Mayton Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 10
Meet 2nd 4th TU 6:30 PM DineN Crewe Restaurant

2019 - 2020
President Larry J Williamson, Secretary Joseph H Mayton Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 7
Meet 2nd 4th TU 6:30 PM DineN Crewe Restaurant

2020 - 2021
President Larry J Williamson, Secretary Joseph H Mayton Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 7