Capital District Kiwanis History

CLUBS Old-Divisions-New Regions Site Map Leadership People

Organized May 8 1924 Chartered June 5 1924
Key #01238 36th District Club
Sponsor Hagerstown Kiwanis
Divisions 01 09 09 West 19 07
Region Mason Dixon
KI Revoked Charter January 1 2017

1924 - 1925
Division 01
(Volume 2)

The formation of a Kiwanis Club in Cumberland Maryland was the result of a meeting of fifteen of the present members which was held at the Fort Cumberland Club on the afternoon of April 10 1924 at the invitation of J Thurston Boyd At this meeting Boyd was made temporary chairman and Charles D Clark acting secretary The secretary was instructed to communicate with the Kiwanis Club of Hagerstown to ascertain the procedure necessary to form such a club.

A meeting was held a week later when a temporary Board of Directors and a Classification and Membership Committee was appointed Meetings were regularly held each week and on May I a delegation from Hagerstown was entertained One week later Lieutenant-Governor Merle E Towner and International Field Representative Joseph E Bowles Jr were present and addressed us.

On June 5 1924 we were presented with our charter by Lieutenant-Governor Towner Hagerstown the sponsoring club had a delegation present who presented us with a gavel Representatives of the Martinsburg West Virginia Club and Winchester and Frederick Clubs were also present as was Joe Bowles The temporary officers were then elected as the permanent ones They were: D Lindley Sloan President; J Thurston Boyd Vice-President; Charles D Clark Secretary; Zeb M Hewitt Treasurer and Finley C Hendrickson Trustee These officers were re-elected for 1925.

The club started with a membership of 44 which by the end of the year bad increased to 77 and by the end of 1926 had become 101.

The club has met regularly each week and delegates have attended all of the District and International Conventions We have also been present at all Inter-Club meetings in which we were expected to have a part.

We have been active in many civic undertakings It was at the suggestion of this club that a community chest fund was so successfully put through in 1926 Assistance was also given to the new Y M C A building campaign in 1924 and to the Salvation Army Drive in 1925 Assistance was also given to th3 Tuberculosis Hospital Associated Charities Civic Club and the Boy Scout Troops of South Cumberland and Barrelsville

We have been fortunate in having for the Chairman of our Welfare Committee which also comprises the Underprivileged Child Work Alex Adams who with Doctors E B Claybrook and C L Owens have been instrumental in our helping a great many crippled and underprivileged children Arrangements have been made for an orthopedic clinic when eminent surgeons from Pittsburgh and Baltimore can be with us

President A Taylor Smith Vice President Harold W Smith
Secretary Charles D Clark Treasurer Z M Hewitt
Trustee Finley C Hendrickson

Our average attendance was 77% which was quite creditable in view of the fact that the nearest club where our members could attend to make up lost meetings was ninety miles away We have considered seriously the p6ssibility of organizing Kiwanis clubs in nearby towns but have thought it inadvisable as some of them already had service clubs and we were of the opinion that these towns could not support a Kiwanis Club.

Our committees have all worked well particularly the Program and Welfare Committees The latter committee also has charge of our underprivileged child work We have been able to help numerous children in various ways such as by operations to correct deformaties helping finance boy8 and girls through business schools and colleges fostering the community chest and assisting in successfully establishing it We have helped in hospitals the Y M C A the Free Library and charitable institutions both financially and with moral support During the year we advertised in the newspapers for cases of crippled children whom we might help.

We were represented at both District and International Conventions and ha d the largest delegation at the International Convention of any club in this District.

We were entered in the Attendance and Efficiency Contests In the Attendance Contest we were second in our division (silver) of the District and in the Efficiency Contest we were first.

President Harold W Smith Secretary Charles D Clark
Tresurer Z M Hewitt Trustee F C Hendrickson

The club had a very successful and interesting year The average attendance for the year was 811/c four points higher than any previous year Our net membership increased by nine members so that we had one hundred and eight members Ten of our members maintained one hundred per cent in attendance.

The President Secretary and Trustee attended the meeting at Washington in January Two members attended the International Convention at Memphis and twelve members and friends attended the District Convention at Wilmington Delaware Fifteen of us attended the charter presentation on April 23 of the new club at Bedford Pennsylvania On October 13 we had as our guests thirty Kiwanians who had been attending the Pennsylvania District Convention and were on their way home.

Twelve members attended the Inter-Club Meeting at Hagerstown on May 12 A delegation from Washington headed by LTG Kimball presented the district loving cup to us on June 23 and on August 2 our President Harold W Smith with a delegation of other members proceeded to Havre de Grace and presented the cup to that club Being so far removed from other clubs it is difficult to plan and attend inter-club meetings We have however been very fortunate in being on friendly terms with the local Rotary and Monarch Clubs and on different occasions during the year we held joint meetings In August we held a joint picnic with the Rotary Club During the winter months we have an inter club bowling league and bowling matches with the members of the Rotary and Monarch Clubs.

The club was active in assisting other agencies in looking after underprivileged children 17 memberships were taken out in the Y M C A Members assisted in transporting and entertaining 600 children at the annual Salvation Army picnic The club entertained the workers of the Community Chest Drive.

Members have been interested in the Boy Scouts work We donated $300 to help form a Scout organization and to have a Scout executive in the city Donated $50 to equip Southminster Boy Scout Troop and presented a banner to the Cresaptown Troop We entertained at luncheon the workers of the Cumberland Welfare Federation at the time of their drive.

Members donated about 100 music records to the tuberculosis hospital and the same number of children's books to the public library Donated $200 to the Red Cross relief for the Mississippi flood sufferers and $200 to help equip the Kiwanis hut of the Miracle House at Claiborne Maryland.

We had very few cases of orthopedic work this year The city and county were fortunate in not having many cases of crippled children needing attention We kept in touch with the county nurses and the Associated Charities and even advertised for cases in the papers but received few responses The following cases were handlel by us: The club supplied additional braces and shoes for a young girl at Kernan Hospital We supplied additional orthopedic shoes for another case The club obligated itself to loan a young man sufficient money to defray his expenses at college The boy's father was in a tuberculosis sanitarium A child born with a club foot was operated on by our surgeon the foot was kept in casts for two months and complete recovery followed.

A child with badly bowed leg was operated on A boy with ankylosed knee as the result of an accident was operated upon and the deformity corrected An artificial limb was supplied to a boy who had lost a leg A baby born with a clubfoot received an operation which cured him Two boys sons of a needy widow were placed in Miracle House for training and treatment Another case of ankylosed knee and foot received a successful operation A baby with a hair lip was taken under our care but not operated on until the following year.

One of our most interesting meetings was that held during the Christmas week when we had as our guests about fifteen children whom we had helped at different times during the past two or three years The county nurses were also present Santa Claus presented each child with a present and also presented to Alexander Adams Dr Claybrook and Dr Owens gold watch charms in appreciation of their services on the Welfare Committee Checks of $25 each were given to the matrons of the Alleghany and Western Maryland Hospitals to be used as they deemed advisable in supplying Christmas presents or necessities for children in the hospitals.

(Volume 3)
President J Thurston Boyd Secretary Charles D Clark
Trustee and Alex Adams

The Educational Committee had charge of a meeting in January and five members made short addresses We donated two memberships in the Chamber of Commerce and gave $250 to insure the establishment of a Boy Scout executive in Cumberland In February we had an interesting address by Maj Tein Lai Huang on Chinese political and economic affairs That month we were the guests of Rotary Eighty workers on the Community Chest were entertained by us at a luncheon A delegation from the Altoona Pennsylvania Club paid us a visit and one of them gave us an instructive talk Ladies' Night was held on April 12 with Jules Brazil as the entertainer There was a joint meeting with Rotary and Monarchs We sponsored one of the boys' baseball teams in the Legion League.

The members of the newly formed Monarchs Club were our guests on May 24 when former Governor John J Cornwell of West Virginia General Counsel of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad gave an interesting address.

Our Fourth Anniversary was observed on June 7 when each of our Past Presidents gave a short talk At this meeting the members of the bowling team presented the club with a handsome bronze -table gong and gavel We donated $200 to the Miracle House Tuberculosis Preventorium at Claiborne Maryland On July 10 fifty of our members attended a meeting with the Bedford Pennsylvania Club The meeting was preceded by a golf game between the members of the two clubs A joint picnic was held with Rotary on August 8 on the grounds of the Country Club There were golf baseball and horseshoe pitching contests as well as stunt races and swimming.

Underprivileged child cases: A three-year-old girl was operated for hare lip A child with nervous disorder since birth was given special treatment A three-year-old boy with bow legs was operated A young girl that we supplied orthopedic shoes and braces for the past three years received an operation and expect she will now need them in the future A seven year old boy was given an artificial leg A boy suffering with curvature of the spine was given treatments and another with synovitis of the right knee received attention We held a Ladies' Night on November 22 We were the guests of the Monarch Club on December 12 A joint meeting of Rotary Monarchs and Kiwanis proved a very enjoyable event On December 20 we had at our meeting twenty children whom we had helped this year There was a Santa Claus and toys and clothing for each child $50 was presented to the Salvation Army for needy children.

Division 01
President Isaac Hirsch Secretary Charles D Clark
Trustee Alex Adams
LG Findlay C Hendrickson

A joint meeting of Kiwanis Rotary and Monarchs Clubs was held on January 31 The club purchased fifteen memberships in the Y M C A for boys recommended by our Welfare Committee We also followed our usual custom of taking two memberships in the Chamber of Commerce The workers of the Community Chest Drive were entertained at luncheon Dr George E Bennett of Baltimore spoke at one of our meetings on the American League for Crippled Children The Rotary Club was our guest Many of our members assisted in entertaining and transporting those in attendance at the Rotary District Convention We formed a bowling league of four teams from among our members and games were rolled once a week Our howlers also played a series of games with Rotary.

$300 was donated to equip a room at the new Memorial Hospital here and $200 was given for the care of six additional children at the Clairborne Preventorium Our Fifth Anniversary was observed on June 5 Fifteen of our members attended a meeting at Keyser West Virginia where they were organizing a new Kiwanis Club We were represented at the International Convention and at an Inter-Club Meeting at Frederick Maryland Fifty of our members attended a similar meeting at Bedford Pennsylvania with the Holidaysburg Club of that State also participating We furnished the program on this occasion.

We assisted in transporting 700 children to and from a Salvation Army picnic A joint picnic with Rotary was held at the Country Club This was the fifth annual occasion There was golf baseball swimming horseshoe pitching tennis singing and dancing This year we again won the golf match which gave us permanent possession of a handsome trophy.

Rev Bill Hess President of the Hagerstown Club addressed us relative to the District Convention to be held in his city One of the best meetings we had was a Father and Son Day when Fred T Small one of our members related his experience in Galipoli during the World War The Ladies' Night was held on September 26 We celebrated Edison Week with a joint meeting with Rotary and Monarch Our delegation to the Hagerstown Convention consisted of twenty-seven Kiwanians and ladies' and was said to be the second largest in attendance We assisted in a Y M C A drive for new members Kiwanis Rotary and Monarch were the guests of local community builders on November 26 when an address given by Congressman Clyde Kelly.

In December two children with defective sight were supplied with glasses We were also able to secure occupational training for a man who was stricken last year with infantile paralysis Braces and other help were supplied and we expect that he will shortly be able to earn a livelihood Our Christmas party was the most interesting and enjoyable of the year Our ladies were present and also twenty children whom we had helped during the year Santa Claus was present "in person" with gifts for all the children.

Our most interesting case:

    A worker at the Kelly Springfield Tire Company 35 years old became stricken with spinal meningitis He was entirely bedfast with a wife and three children owned a home and his entire income ceased We sent our surgeon Doctor Claybrook to give him medical attention Finally we enlisted the services of Doctors Bennett and Weinberg of Johns Hopkins University They came several times and in a few months we were able to send him to Baltimore so that he could have braces fitted at a cost of $185 We saw to it that his family was supported properly that the mortgage on his home was paid and then he wanted to make him self supporting The State of Maryland has a fund for this purpose-and in conference with the authorities they agreed to pay $3000 per month if he could be taught a trade which in his condition would be suitable We finally succeeded in getting him placed with a large optical company where he is to be taught the mechanics of lens grinding The optical company was magnanimous enough to return the $3000 per month to our protege The next thing 'was the greatest difficulty yet: to get him to and from his work We solved this by getting him an automobile and having his wife who can drive take him to work in the morning and from work in the evening He is promised a good position as lens grinder after he thoroughly. understands the work

(Volume 4)
President Dr E B Claybrook Secretary Charles D Clark
Trustee Alex Adams

We sponsored a plan whereby persons in moderate circumstances could secure the services of a trained nurse for an hour or two each day We guaranteed her regular salary for a period of four months We sponsored and equipped a team in the American Legion junior Baseball League Artificial limbs were provided for a boy who had lost his legs in a railroad accident as a result of his own carelessness We have been much interested in a man with a family who was stricken with infantile paralysis We have helped him financially and assisted him in securing a position although lie has not regained the use of his legs

We had inter-club meetings with Hagerstown Kiwanis club and also with the local Rotarians Monarchs and Chamber of Commerce We entertained at luncheon the workers on the Community Chest Drive We also held a joint picnic with the local Rotary club We were represented at the Kiwanis International Convention District Convention Lynchburg Convention and the outing at Braddock Heights given by the Frederick club

Constitution Week was fittingly observed with a special program and our major committees also had charge of different meetings Visited by our LTG Edwin F Hill with a delegation from the Washington club

We helped financially the Keating Memorial Day Nursery Presented 20 memberships in the Y M C A to young boys Supplied braces for three crippled children and supplied hospital treatment to two others In addition a Christmas party was given for the children whom the b had helped during the year and for pupils of a class of backward children the public schools Santa Claus present gifts to all the children

President William A Gunter Secretary Charles D Clark
Trustee Dr C L Owens

We supported the Chamber of Commerce taking out two memberships Robert rns Day was celebrated by having an ellent Scotch program City engineer address on Water City Extensions

Our club suffered a severe loss in the death of Immediate Past President Dr E Claybrook He was also a charter member of the Cumberland Kiwanis club

President W C Honley Secretary Charles D Clark
Membership Jan 1 - 87 Attendance 76%

The club paid ten junior memberships in the Y M C A for Under-privileged boys It surveyed the schools for under-nourished children found only two schools in which such children were present and took care of those children bought orthopedic braces for two boys donated an artificial leg to another The 60 children who had been helped by the club were individually sponsored each by one member of the club who looked out for him personally The club in cooperation with Rotary attempted to establish a local branch of the Maryland League for Crippled Children and gave a Christmas party to 15 children The club made loans of $90 to $100 to two boys to help them finish their college courses

In conjunction with Rotary and Lions it brought Admiral Byrd to Cumberland for a lecture the proceeds of which $300 was turned over to the Unemployment Relief Committee The club helped the other civic clubs and the Chamber of Commerce form a joint committee to educate the citizens in regard to taxes especially in relation to schools

Being so far from other clubs in the District this club had most of its interclub relations with Rotary and Lions especially enjoyable being a picnic with Rotary at the Country Club where golf baseball and horse-shoe pitching was indulged in in the afternoon by both men and ladies and there was dancing in the evening

Alexander (Sandy) Adams read a splendid paper on Club Activities of the District at the District Convention in Washington

President W A Eisenberger Secretary Charles D Clark
Membership Jan 1 - 78 Attendance 70%

The club increased its college loans to students Contributed to the Keating Day Nursery Bought braces and orthopedic slices for three boys Furnished two artificial legs and donated ten Junior memberships in the Y M C A Contributed $40 to the Community Chest and $25 to the Scout Camp At Christmas time a party was given to all the children the club had helped during the year

The club had four joint meetings with Rotary and Lions one of which was a picnic at the Country Club and put on a most successful and enjoyable Ladies Night The club celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary and entertained both the District Governor and the Lieutenant-Governor

President D R Bowie Secretary Robert S Barnes
Membership Jan 1 - 83 Attendance 71%

Furnished 764 quarts of milk for school lunches for U P Children paid dues for 10 at the Y M C A sent five Scouts to camp entertained 16 cri Ppled children at a Christmas dinner gave 150 toys to be distributed by the Salvation Army and started the idea of a summer camp to accommodate 20 needy children The club contributed $25 to a boys' baseball team and $50 to the Boy Scout Camp It furnished books bookracks and toys to backward children and it entertained at luncheon the High School Octette

The club had four joint meetings one picnic and one bowling inatch with Rotary It furnished dinner for 153 workers in the Welfare Federation Drive and had programs on The Work of the CCC Camps and on Business Conditions

It sent representatives to two meetings of the new club at Berkeley Springs West Virginia and to one meeting of the Frederick Maryland club It entertained the Lieutenant-Governor and the District Governor and celebrated its own anniversary with a Ladies Night

President Charles Owens Secretary Robert S Barnes
Membership Jan 1 - 71 Attendance 78%

The club undertook the cases of a five year old cripple operating to straighten legs and shoulders of a five year old operating for a deformed hand and furnishing nourishment and clothing for a seven year old operating for a deformed foot furnishing braces and proper Took care of several other needed operations and furnished hospitalization for three Purchased a wooden leg for a boy and spent $80 on artificial limb equipment It furnished 2162 pints of milk for children's lunches and paid for 10 Y M C A memberships It entertained 59 U P Children at a Christmas party with candy and toys for each and gave a large number of toys to the Salvation Army for distribution It undertook and completed the formation of a permanent summer Kiwanis Camp for Under-privileged Children and put it into operation taking care of 35 One meeting was held at the camp with Kiwanians and their wives in attendance and the program was put on by the children

The club took part in organizing a sports program for the summer The club entertained at luncheon the workers in the Community Chest Drive It renovated the highway signs on the approaches to the city and put on programs of interest on such topics as Government Community Forum Government Loans the Supreme Court Dentistry and the Newspaper

A joint meeting was held with Lions a joint picnic with Rotary and Lions The ladies were guests at one mid-day meeting and one Ladies Night was held The club celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary and Constitution Week the address being broadcast and all children were urged to tune in It entertained the LTG and had representatives at the Mid-Winter Conference and the International and District Conventions

President Phil A Heimlich Secretary Robert S Barnes
Membership Jan 1 - 84 Attendance 80%

The club furnished 2082 pints of milk for lunches for undernourished school children Christmas party was given Fifty-seven children were sent to the Y M C A Camp and a La(lies Night was held at the camp the children putting on the program The club spent $800 in fitting up a six cubicle room at the Memorial Hospital for the use of the doctor members the use of the room to be free for U P Children

The club fostered a movement toward having a City Manager Form of Government and had one program devoted to this subject It had a group from a neighboring CCC Camp put on a program It entertained at luncheon the 196 workers on the Community Chest Fund and had interesting programs on such subjects as Life Insurance Parks and Playgrounds Religious Education and a Century of Progress in Medicine A bowling team was organized and return matches arranged with Hagerstown and Baltimore and the local Rotarians Representatives were sent to Washington to Winchester and to the Division Meeting at Hagerstown The club had four joint meetings and a joint picnic with Rotary It held a successful Ladies Night Dinner Dance

The club entertained the LTG Attended the Mid-Winter Conference and the International and District Conventions

President Frederick W Eiler Secretary Robert S Barnes
Membership Jan 1 - 82 Attendance 77%

The club furnished an average of 330 pints of milk a month to undernourished school children Tile Kiwanis Cubicles at the Hospital were occupied by 19 Children one child being it the hospital for more than a year at a cost of $1039 Thirty T and A operations were performed Sixty children were taken to see the Wizard of Oz and 60 children sent to the Kiwanis A Christmas party was given to kiddies The club entertained a Scout OUP from Oklahoma on its way home in the National Jamboree furnishing meal and lodging

The club carried the Kiwanis Log to Hagerstown and sent delegations to visit Westminister and Reisterstown Had a bowling team which bowled Baltimore and Hagerstown The bowling team also bowled the Rotary club and the Lions club and sponsored smokers were well attended The club had an oyster roast with Rotary a joint meeting and one with Lions a Kiwanis-Rotary Picnic and two Ladies Nights with floor shows and dancing

The club celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary sent in an Achievement Report held a Kiwanis Education Meeting celebrated Constitution Week and was represented at tile District and International Conventions and Training School for Officers

(Volume 5)
President Herbert Platt Secretary Robert S Barnes
Membership Jan 1 - 84 Attendance 82%

Furnished 385 gallons of milk for lunches of undernourished children in the school Contributed $2500 to the Cancer Clinic removed tonsils from 17 children and treated teeth of 22 had a survey Of crippled children made and a report given at a regular meeting of tile club sent 50 boys and girls to Kiwanis Camp for ten day periods gave them physical examinations and corrected minor defects before letting them 90 to the camp furnished each with swim suit and camp clothing gave each a small allowance for spending money and had one meeting at the Camp with the children putting on the program It also bought 20 rain coats for tile boys patrol and paid the membership fees of tell boys in the YMCA and gave a Christmas party to 52 indigent children

The club put on a safety program throughout the county aided the Community Chest drive and entertained the workers at a luncheon and gave $50 to the Red Cross

The club had bowling matches with other Kawanis clubs and with local organizations It entertained Rotary at a Shrimp party and was entertained by Rotary at all Oyster party It had a joint meeting with the Elks club it had a Kiwanis-Rotary picnic and a Ladies Night

It had two Kiwanis education programs celebrated All-Kiwanis Night all([ Constitution Week entertained the District Governor and the LG and was represented at the Mid-Winter Conference the International Convention the District Convention and the club officer training

President H Platt Secretary Robert S Barrie
Membership Jan 1 - 80 Attendance 79%

The club furnished milk and hospital treatment to the underprivileged children when needed It sent 50 boys and girls to camp and furnished needed clothing dental and medical care and gave a Christmas party with presents to 63 children During tile year the club spent a good (lea] of time considering the possibility of changing In unused building to a recreation center

Sponsored the Boy Scouts in this area and had a Vocational Guidance program

The club had a debate on the relation of America to the war in Europe and had the following outstanding programs: Two on Americanism Flood Cost Social Security The Situation in Europe The Income Tax America Today Education for Democracy Socialized Medicine and Propaganda

The club's bowling team took part in a good many contests and it had a big Rotary-Kiwanis picnic with families and friends of members

The club entertained the District Governor and the LG had programs on Kiwanis education celebrated All-Kiwanis Night and was represented at the District and International Conventions celebrated Constitution Week

President M Somerville Secretary William J Edwards
Membership Jan 1 - 84 Attendance 72%

Club acquired a 10 year lease and operated the Sunshine Camp for a two week camp for 60 boys and 60 girls at a cost of $3000 The camp was formerly the Allegany T B Sanatorium

Programs were on Cancer Hunting and Fishing City Government Our National Defense Forces The Railroad Industry The Work of the Salvation Army

Had inter-clubs with Hagerstown Frederick and Baltimore

Entertained the District Governor LG and was represented at International and District conventions

Division 01
President Harvey H Weiss Secretary William J Edwards
Membership Jan 1 - 82 Attendance 72%
LG Harold W Smith

The only other club Petersburg W Va

The club had two Ladies Nights and a picnic various joint meetings with Rotary and Lions and an active bowling team

The club celebrated its own l7th Anniversary and was represented at the District and International conventions

President Forrest Brown Secretary William J Edwards
Membership Jan 1 - 79 Attendance 61%

The big activity of the club is its Stillshine camp for underprivileged children The camp buildings were repaired and needed improvements made before the camp was opened It was run in four 2- week periods two periods for boys and two for girls caring for a total of 161 children Every care was taken for the physical and spiritual welfare of the children from a preliminary physical examination before entry to proper care while in camp- A morning religious exercise was held at breakfast citizenship and respect for the flag were taught and the children were given a chance to learn useful things by helping in the work of the camp Tile average gain in weight was three pounds The club had four luncheons at the camp the last of which was an evening meeting at which 37 girl campers put on a very interesting pageant

Every member of the club took part in one or more Defense activities and the club took an active part in the Community Chest drive Interesting programs were oil England and Her War Problems National Hygiene Civilian Defense Small Industries in War Material Production The Wage Hour Law Rubber Shortage Religion in this Crisis Know Your Money Gasoline Rationing

The club had two joint meetings with Rotary

Entertained the LG and was represented at the training school for club officers the Mid-Winter Conference and the International and the District conventions

President Roy C Lottig Secretary William J Edwards
Membership Jan 1 - 73 Attendance 66%

Owing to food rationing the club was Unable to operate Sunshine Camp this year but the physical condition of the buildings and grounds was kept up and the club was able to entertain a group of forty-one children there for supper on one occasion Sunshine Clinic was operated giving medical and surgical care to a number of children

A series of programs was put on to inculcate in High School students a deeper sense of obligation to and responsibility for the community and a plaque commemorating these programs was placed in the School building

The club supported and encouraged the Red Cross the Community Chest the USO the League for Crippled Children and the YMCA

Programs were: Life in the Army Functions of a Food Broker New Developments in Medicine War and Research India Persia juvenile Delinquency Synthetic Rubber Training of a WAC Newspapers and journalism Foreign Policy and Railroading

The club held joint meeting with Rotary and Lions

The club entertained the Lieutenant Governor held Kiwanis Education meetings celebrated its own 19th anniversary and had four members-in the armed forces on December 31

(Volume 6)
President James W Bishop Secretary William J Edwards
Membership Jan 1 - 78 Attendance 76%

President E Lee Fresh Secretary William J Edwards
Membership Jan 1 - 80 Attendance 76%

President O J Hale Secretary William J Edwards
Membership Jan 1 - 78 Attendance 72%

Division 01
W Earle Cobey Secretary William J Edwards
Membership Jan 1 - 94 Attendance 74%
LG O J Hale

Division 09
President William E Landefeld Secretary William J Edwards

President John J Robinson Secretary William J Edwards
Membership Jan 1 - 94 Attendance 74%

President Albert C Cook Secretary William J Edwards
Membership Jan 1 - 97 Attendance 70%

(Volume 7)
President Thomas B Finan Secretary William J Edwards
Membership Jan 1 - 87 Attendance 68%

President Core F Schartz Secretary William J Edwards
Membership Jan 1 - 85 Attendance 67%

President Thomas N Berry Secretary William J Edwards
Membership Jan 1 - 84 Attendance 67%

PresidentCharles L Herath Secretary William J Edwards
Membership Jan 1 - 82 Attendance 67%

President Bernard G Renz Secretary William J Edwards
Membership Jan 1 - 80 Attendance 72%

President ? Secretary William J Edwards

President William H Johnson Secretary William J Edwards

President Albert D Darby Jr Secretary William J Edwards

President Dr Richard E Bolyard Secretary Albert D Darby Jr

President J Daniel Eisenberger Secretary Albert D Darby Jr

President Lloyd N Fox Secretary Albert D Darby Jr

President Dr John J Robinson Jr Secretary Albert D Darby Jr

President Paul W Barnett Secretary Albert D Darby Jr

President Norman D Messman Secretary Albert D Darby Jr

President John J Long Secretary Albert D Darby Jr

President Guy P Liller SecretaryAlbert D Darby Jr

President William H Macy Sr Secretary Albert D Darby Jr

President Rev Forrest L Farris Secretary Albert D Darby Jr

President Danny B Thomas Secretary Albert D Darby Jr

1969 - 1970
Division 09
President John J McMullen Jr Secretary Albert D Darby Jr
LG William H Macy

1970 - 1971
President David E Kirk Secretary Albert D Darby Jr

1971 - 1972
Division 09
President Paul M Arbogast Secretary Albert D Darby Jr
Sponsor Western Allegany Club

1972 - 1973
President Thomas M Wagner Secretary Albert D Darby Jr

1973 - 1974
President William G Kite Secretary Albert D Darby Jr

1974 - 1975
President Martin Schwartz Secretary Albert D Darby Jr

1975 - 1976
President Edward I Heath Secretary Albert D Darby Jr

1976 - 1977
Division 09 West
President Lynn W DeHart Secretary Albert D Darby Jr

1977 - 1978
Division 09 West
President Robet E Kopsack Secretary Albert D Darby Jr
LG Martin Schwartz

1978 - 1979
Division 19
President Francis C Rohman Jr Secretary Albert D Darby Jr
LG William G Kite

1979 - 1980
President James D Preaskorn SecretaryAlbert D Darby Jr

1980 - 1981
President Lawrence H Hohing Secretary Albert D Darby Jr

1981 - 1982
President Kay O Nelson Secretary Albert D Darby Jr

1982 - 1983
President Tommy R Butler Secretary Albert D Darby Jr

1983 - 1984
President Donald E Paupe Secretary Albert D Darby Jr

1984 - 1985
President William M Rudd Secretary Albert D Darby Jr

1985 - 1986
President Gary I Upchurch Secretary Albert D Darby Jr

1986 - 1987
President John F McCormick Jr Secretary G Raymond Humbertson

1987 - 1988
President Charles Babich Secretary G Raymond Humbertson

1988 - 1989
President David C Mathews Secretary G Raymond Humbertson

1989 - 1990
Division 19
President Dr Hugh F Malamphy Secretary G Raymond Humbertson
LG Francis C Rohman

1990 - 1991
Division 09
President Edward L Castle Secretary Karen Johnson

1991 - 1992
President Joseph P George Secretary Karen S Johnson

1992 - 1993
President Joseph E Williams Secretary Collen Lowman
Membership Oct 1 - 49

1993 - 1994
President Loren Mooney Secretary Collen Lowman
Membership Oct 1 - 49

1994 - 1995
President Karen Johnson Secretary Collen Lowman
Membership Oct 1 - 50

1995 - 1996
President John S Slider Secretary Collen Lowman
Membership Oct 1 - 46

1996 - 1997
President Robin R Turner Secretary Collen Lowman
Membership Oct 1 - 45

1997 - 1998
President Kevin Pat McCormick Secretary Sherry L Alt
Membership Oct 1 - 35

1998 - 1999
President William G Knight Secretary Karen Johnson
Membership Oct 1 - 31

1999 - 2000
President Joseph E Williams Secretary Karen S Johnson
Membership Oct 1 - 27

2000 - 2001
President Ray A Bitner Secretary Christine L Campbell
Membership Oct 1 - 32

2001 - 2002
President David R Jones Secretary Christine L Campbell
Membership Oct 1 - 26 Attendance 69%

Year End: 59 Projects Completed 934 Service Hours $11365 Spent 1 Interclubs

2002 - 2003
President John R Wheeler Secretary Christine L Campbell
Membership Oct 1 - 25 Attendance 50%

Year End: 23 Projects Completed 289 Service Hours $0 Spent 1 Interclubs

2003 - 2004
President John Wheeler Secretary Kris Craig
Membership Oct 1 - 26 Attendance 51%
Meet TH 12:15 PM Holiday Inn

Year End: 14 Projects Completed 21 Service Hours $50 Spent 2 Interclubs

2004 - 2005
President Frank Breitfeller Secretary Kris Craig
Membership Oct 1 - 26 Attendance %
Meet TH 12:15 PM Holiday Inn

Year End: Projects Completed Service Hours $ Money Spent Interclubs

2005 - 2006
Division 09
Mason Dixon Region
President Melanie McDonald Secretary Kevin P McCormick
Membership Oct 1 - 27 Attendance 56%
Meet TH 12:15 PM Holiday Inn

Year End: 19 Projects Completed 24 Service Hours $7978 Money Spent 0 Interclubs

2006 - 2007
President Melanie McDonald Secretary Richard D Stewart
Membership Oct 1 - 26 Attendance 55%
Meet TH 12:15 PM Holiday Inn

Year End: 42 Projects Completed 79 Service Hours $6527 Money Spent 0 Interclubs

2007 - 2008
President Wesley Mckee Secretary Richard D Stewart
Membership Oct 1 - 25 Attendance 43%
Meet TH 12:15 PM Holiday Inn

Year End: 15 Projects Completed 12 Service Hours $75 Money Spent 0 Interclub

2008 - 2009
President ? Secretary Richard D Stewart
Membership Oct 1 - 26 Attendance 42%
Meet TH 12:15 PM Holiday Inn

Year End: 11 Projects Completed0 Service Hours $0 Money Spent0 Interclubs $30 District Foundation

2009 - 2010
President Richard D Stewart Secretary Mary Aaa Moen
Membership Oct 1 - 26 Attendance 31%
Meet TH 12:15 PM Holiday Inn

Year End: 0 Projects 0 Service Hours $0 Money Spent 0 Interclubs $0 District Foundation

2010 - 2011
President Richard D Stewart Secretary Jennifer Krampf
Membership Oct 1 - 29
Meet TH 12:15 PM Holiday Inn

Year End: 0 Projects 16 Service Hours $0 Money Spent 0 Interclubs $0 District Foundation

2011 - 2012
President Richard D Stewart Secretary Jennifer N Voitek
Membership Oct 1 - 26
Meet TH 12:15 PM Holiday Inn

2012 - 2013
President Robert Lewis Secretary Jennifer N Voitek
Membership Oct 1 - 25
Meet TH 12:15 PM Holiday Inn

2013 - 2014
Division 07
President Robert Lewis Secretary Jennifer N Voitek
Membership Oct 1 - 24
Meet TH 12:15 PM Holiday Inn

2014 - 2015
President Jennifer N Voitek Secretary Zach Hattenfield
Membership Oct 1 - 23
Meet TH 12:15 PM Holiday Inn

2015 - 2016
President Jennifer N Voitek Secretary Zach Hattenfield
Membership Oct 1 - 19
Meet TH 12:15 PM Holiday Inn

2016 - 2017
President Jennifer N Voitek Secretary Zach Hattenfield
Membership Oct 1 - 19
KI Revoked Charter January 1 2017