Capital District Kiwanis History

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Organized March 22 1934 Chartered April 5 1934
Key #01996 54th District Club
Sponsor Washington | Arlington | Alexandria Kiwanis
Divisions 01 14 04 03
Regions Potomac | Chesapeake Bay

Division 01
(Volume 4)
President Arthur C Keefer Secretary Harold P Cotterman
Membership Mar 22 - 29 Attendance 75%

Arranged for an outing at Bay Shore Camps for a number of Under-privileged children Raised $212 and 116 baskets were delivered at Christmas

Program devoted to the work of the CCC Camps Had a dinner meeting at one of the camps and later presented the camp with a complete 5-gallon ice cream freezer

Programs on Vocational Guidance, Law Enforcement, Fire Prevention and the Local School Situation

Sent representatives to inter-clubs at Washington and Berkley Springs, West Virginia Host to Annapolis Christmas Party in which the ladies and children were included

Entertained the LTG, sent representatives to the District and International Conventions, and celebrated Constitution Week with a big inter-club meeting at which 16 clubs were represented and the International President was the chief speaker

President Mark Welsh, Secretary H P Cotterman
Membership Jan 1 - 32 Attendance 69%

Program on Welfare Work in Prince Georges County It gave a subscription dance to raise money for its U P Child Work It distributed 171 Christmas baskets of food and clothing and toys, and the Christmas Party for Kiwanians and their children, and those who had no children borrowed some U P Children

The club has been working to obtain a permanent site for a Summer Camp It has tried to promote music in the public schools It had a program on Nursery Schools, and a delegation attended the 4-H Club Banquet at the University of Maryland

Had a Citizenship Dinner at which a boy and a girl from each High School in the County were guests and were given awards for outstanding citizenship and leadership An address on Citizenship was given and the County Superintendent and the principals of the High Schools were guests

Entertained at luncheon the Vanesville Farmers Club

Programs on Acts of the Legislature, Conservation in Maryland for the Next Twenty Years, Health Work in Maryland, Physical Education, Patriotism, Criminal Investigation and The Work of the Bureau of Reclamation

Host to Arlington, Washington and Alexandria It sent delegations to Washington at the Unveiling of the Rush-Bogat Memorial, and the Annapolis Dinner Dance It had two Ladies Nights (on the Dude Ranch) a Wives' Night and a Washington Birthday Dance, and celebrated Thanksgiving

Held 5 Kiwanis Education Meetings, entertained the LTG, celebrated the District Anniversary, celebrated its own Charter Night with International Trustee Jim Lynch and six clubs Represented at the International and District Conventions

President John S White Secretary H P Cotterman
Membership Jan 1 - 41 Attendance 69%

The club had a program on the Needs of the Under-privileged Child It determinted to accumulate a fund for a permanent Summer Camp It gave an Ice Cream Social, a Subscription Dance, and put on a Donkey Baseball Game for this purpose, and set aside $500 as a beginning of such a fund The club spent $25 for clothing for an indigent child

Sponsored Girl Scout Work after having a program and sent a girl to a training camp for Scout Leadership, where she was prepared to be a leader of Girl Scouts

Held a citizenship meeting for sons and daughters of Kiwanians A speaker addressed the gathering on Americanism At another such meeting the outstanding boy and girl in each High School were presented with a Citizenship Award

Vocational Guidance Committee asked successful men in various vocations to prepare lists of characteristics desirable in those who undertake to succeed in a given vocation

Programs on Radio Frequency Control, Building Associations, The History of the Telephone, Cost of Operating CCC Camp Activities, Veneral Disease and Treatment, Athletics at the University of Maryland, The U S Shipping Board Acts, The Juvenile Court, The Quality and Uses of Goat's Milk, and The Character of Social Service

Delegation was sent to the Charter Night Celebration of the Annapolis Club

Celebrated its own Charter Night with guests from nine clubs

Organized a Bowling Team it celebrated Mothers Day, held three Ladies Nights, and had a Christmas Party for its members and their families

Celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary and Constitution Week, held five Kiwanis Education Programs, was represented at the International and District Conventions and had one of its members elected as Lieutenant-Governor for 1937

Division 01
President Jake Metzger, Secretary Pee Bee Helfer
Membership Jan 1 - 47 Attendance 79%
LG Arthur C Keefer

Gave a Minstrel Show, a Karnival and Ice Cream Party, and a Lawn Fete for the benefit of the Camp Fund which has now become $1,900 It had a program on The U P Child in Camp, It contributed $90 for toys for the Christmas Party for the children of Prince Georges County at The Arcade Theatre at Hyattsville The admission was a toy or an article of food, all of which was turned over to the Welfare Board for distribution to the needy The club contributed $100 to the Red Cross for flood relief

Program on the Activities of Boys' Clubs, and one on Boys' Bands It made plans for the organization of a Boys' Band It supported the Scout Movement and played Softball with Rotary realizing $12225 for the Girl Scouts An Easter Egg Hunt was given by the club for 2700 boys and girls

Held its third annual Citizenship Night, as described before It had programs on 4-H Club Work and Farm Conditions in the United States

Accomplished the improvement of the grade crossing at Beltville It placed a wreath on the Peace Cross Programs of especial interest were on the Red Cross and Kiwanis, The Church and Kiwanis, The Work of the Board of Public Welfare, Traffic Safety, State Roads, Philanthrophy, and the Education of the CCC Boys

Charter Night Celebration guests were present from Fredericksburg, Annapolis, Arlington, Washington, Manassas and Alexandria Sent delegations to Baltimore, Fredericksburg, Reisterstown, and Washington Had a Bowling Match with Annapolis

Sent delegates to the International and District Conventions

(Volume 5)
President Edward G Duncan, Secretary Svend C Helfer
Membership Jan 1 - 53 Attendance 82%

The club put on a Lawn Fete netting $892, and a benefit dance to raise funds for Under Privileged Child work It gave an Easter Egg Hunt Two thousand eggs were hidden and $20 was spent for prizes Five thousand children took part The club had a Christmas party for needy children to which the ladies were also invited

The club played a softball game with Rotary and Lions clubs of Hyattsville for the benefit of Girl Scout work, and had two programs on 4 H Club work

Host to Arlington, Pikesville and Annapolis Visited Pikesville, and carried the "log" to North Baltimore

It had a Bowling Team, gave a Ladies' Night, and had a Beach Outing with ladies and children

It celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary, All Kiwanis Night, and its own Charter Night, held six Kiwanis Education meetings, entertained the Lieutenant Governor and was represented at the Mid Winter Conference, and the District Convention

Fifteen members went to Prince Frederick to look into the possibility of organization club there

President Harold F Cotterman, Secretary Cecil W Wilson
Membership Jan 1 - 57 Attendance 73%

The Kiwanis Exposition netted $600 for community welfare work A Physical Education class for children from eight to twelve met twice weekly The club decided to build a Kiwanis camp, and gave a testimonial dinner to the donors of the ground for this camp $75 was spent on the Easter Egg Hunt at which between 8,000 and 10,000 children were present Good publicity in regard to this activity was given in the Washington papers $25 was donate d to the Police Boys Club

Citizenship awards were made to two honor students of the High School The club co operated with county officials in sponsoring a playground and discussing needed improvements A ball game netted $125 for carrying on Scout work

After a joint meeting with Rotary and Lions the three clubs adopted a resolution favoring a central bureau for information with regard to needed assistance A special dinner was given to county delegates from Prince Georges and Howard counties at Annapolis A large delegation visited and took luncheon at a CC camp in the neighborhood, and the proceeds of this luncheon were used by the camp for the purchase of athletic equipment The club also at one meeting was host to the mayors of 19 municipalities

Visited Washington, Pikesville, Baltimore, Atlantic City, and Alexandria clubs Washington brought the plaque The club was also host to North Baltimore. The club had a joint meeting with Rotary and Lions, bowled with Arlington, and had two Ladies' Nights,, one of which was a Valentine Party, and the other was entertained by the Westminster Glee Club A fine Christmas Party was given.

The club had 5 Kiwanis Education meetings, celebrated its own Charter Night, and was represented at the Mid-Winter Conference, the International and the District Conventions, and at the Training School for Club Officers.

President John Ray Fletcher, Secretary Cecil D Wilson
Membership Jan 1 - 52 Attendance 77%

A carnival netted $1,700 for community work The club co opcrated with the Social Service organizations for needy families received aid at Christnias, and a Christmas Party was given to underprivileged children at a cost of $250.

The club continued to co operate with the Police Boys Club, gave certificates to 24 outstanding high school pupils for citizenship activities Considerable time and thought was spent on raising money for building the Kiwanis Camp.

An outstanding Farmers' Night was given with the program on Agriculture and Defense.

Sent delegations to Washington on the occasion of the visit of the International President It attended the Maryland Day Celebration at Westminster and also delivered the plaque to Washington Delegations from Annapolis, Washington, Arlington, and North Baltimore visited the club.

A bowling team was formed and a joint meeting with Rotary and Lions was held.

The club had several programs on Kiwanis Education, celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary, entertained the District Governor.

President Herbert W Wells, Secretary Lawrence J Hodgins
Membership Jan 1 - 55 Attendance 72%

The carnival netted $50 for underpriveped child work Gave $2750 to an indigent boy for medical treatment, doctor's bills, and so on The annual Easter Egg Hunt, in which 1,500 eggs were decorated and hidden, was attended by approximatelv 10,000 children This activity was self supporting on account of the fact that the wives of members and the Girl Scouts in the community operated hot dog, ice cream, and root beer stands on the grounds Sent 12 boys to camp, and later these boys were entertained at luncheon by the club Priorities prevented the building of the camp this year, raised $3,000 for this purpose were invested in G Bonds.

Programs were given on Girl Scout work, and the Girl Scouts assisted in the Easter Egg Hunt.

Donated $25 to the Red Cross A course in Red Cross First Aid was instituted and 20 members and their wives completed this course The club assisted in War Bond sales, the collection of the Community War Fund At one meeting the mayors of 19 municipalities in the county were entertained, and at another the Legislative Council of Maryland was guest of the club, while the Superintendent of Schools and his 11 principals were invited to another meeting, and County Police officials were guests of the club at a luncheon.

Visited Charlottesville and Washington, and visitors from Westminster, Arlington, Alexandria, Frederick, Washington, Baltimore, and North Baltimore The club had two l,adies' Nights besides the Charter Night celebration.

Several Kiwanis Education meetings were held The club was represented at the Mid Winter Conference, the District Convention, and the Training School for Club Officers On December 31, 5 members were in the armed forces.

President Svend C Hefler, Secretary Lawrence J Hodgins
Membership Jan 1 - 50 Attendance 77%

The club had the usual Carnival for benefit of the carup fund and the annual Easter Egg Hunt attended by approximately 10,000 children, and the annual Christmass party for underprivileged children.

Continued to foster the Police and had a program on the activities of these boys at camp.

Host to Alexandria and sent delegations to Washington Members visited other clubs whenever possible.

Several Ladies Nights were held, usually including dancing.

The club had a number of programs on Kiwanis Education, celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary, and All Kiwanis Week It entertained the LTG, and was represented at the Mid Winter Conference, the District Convention, and the Training School for Club Officers On December 31, 5 members were in the armed forces.

Division 01
President Louis M Jamal, Secretary Lawrence J Hodgins
Membership Jan 1 - 53 Attendance 84%
LG John S White

Sent 19 boys were sent to a summer camp Playground equipment was donated to a colored school The annual Easter Egg Hunt was participated in by 8,000 children, and entertainment and games were furnished by the club as well as prizes for those most successful in the hunt.

Certificates of inerit were awarded to the outstanding bov and girl in the graduating classes of 11 high schools in the county at a special luncheon Approximately 50 safety talks were given to public school children and Boy Safety patrols, and several such talks were given at boys and girls summer canips The club inaugurated a movement for a summer playground, working in connection with county officials.

The club aided in the Bond drive and in the drive to secure contributions for the Community War Fund $400 was given to equip a ward in the new county hospital By contributions sufficient money was raised for the purchase of 2 arnbulances for the American Red Cross One of these was assigned to Prince Georges County Inductees from the two draft boards were given cigarettes when they left for camp One Sunday in each month the club is responsible for serving refreshments at the USO canteen Donated $100 to the Red Cross Collected and sent books to local soldier, interned in enerny prisons.

The club had a number of Ladies' Nights, had an outdoor chicken harn feast, a Charter Night Banquet and Dance, a Thanksgiving feast, and a Christmas Party for the whole family.

The club had several meetings on Kiwanis Education, was represented at the Mid Winter Conference, the District Convention, and the Training School for Club Officers On December 31 there were 5 members of the club in the armed forces.

(Volume 6)
President Irvine Billhimer, Secretary Lawrence J Hodgins
Membership Jan 1 - 50 Attendance 81%

President Ronald Banford, Secretary Lawrence J Hodgins
Membership Jan 1 - 56 Attendance 77%

President Richard H Mansfield, Secretary Henry R Wells
Membership Jan 1 - 61 Attendance 76%

President William Bowie, Secretary Howard R Walls
Membership Jan 1 - 62 Attendance 73%

President Percel J Wolfe, Secretary C Paul Barnhart
Membership Jan 1 - 64 Attendance 80%

President Emanual F Zalesak, Secretary C Paul Barnhart
Membership Jan 1 - 71 Attendance 80%

President James B Bentley, Secretary Howard F Mooney
Membership Jan 1 - 74 Attendance 80%

Division 01
(Volume 7)
President Millard T Charlton, Secretary Howard F Mooney
Membership Jan 1 - 74 Attendance 82%
LG Percel J Wolfe

Kiwanis Administration made 12 visits to other Kiwanis clubs with 88 members traveling 257 miles one way Seven visits from other Kiwanis clubs with 90 members traveling 97 miles one way The club enjoyed social events such as Charter night, annual picnic, and a Christmas party There were 3 new members inducted.

Boys and Girls Work presented a trophy to Northwestern High School football team, County champions in 1951 Five thousand boys and girls attended the annual Kiwanis easter egg hunt A Kiwanis scholarship to University of Maryland was awarded A school citizenship dinner was held to honor 10 boys and 10 girls for school citizenship Sixteen boys from St James Parish were given a picnic and boat trip on the Chesapeake Bay.

Underprivileged Child furnished 55 pairs of shoes to schoolchildren Installed a furnace in the home of a family with 2 small children and a sick baby Authorized tonsillectomies for 3 children and sent 15 children to Salvation Army summer camp for 10 days 2187 children were given a free movie on Kids' Day Our club paid for an operation on a blind child and entertained 100 children at a Christmas party.

Agriculture and Conservation park areas were graded, rolled, and seeded by members.

Support Churches in Their Spiritual Aims -A motion picture "Christ The King" was shown at Roberts Memorial Church and Grace Reformed Church by our club with 450 persons attending Club members also associated in summer Daily Vacation Bible School We promoted attendance by having a communion breakfast in October.

President L Welsh Jr, Secretary Howard F Mooney
Membership Jan 1 - 75 Attendance 80%

President Leonard H Burch, Secretary Howard F Mooney
Membership Jan 1 - 88 Attendance 81%

President Perry O Wilkinson, Secretary Thomas R Brooks
Membership Jan 1 - 91, Attendance 80%

President H Winship Wheatley Jr, Secretary Thomas R Brooks
Membership Jan 1 - 93 Attendance 77%

President , Secretary

President George W Langhenry Secretary Judson H Bell

Division 01
President Jesse S Baggett, Secretary Judson H Bell
LG George W Langhenry

President York D Hollingsworth, Secretary Judson H Bell

President Richard G Milbourne, Secretary W Stanley Machen

President John T McVearry, Secretary Lawrence M Bowman

President Lawrence J Hadgins, Secretary Lawrence M Bowman

President Walter S Bogley, Secretary Lawrence M Bowman

President Andrew O Mothershead Secretary John S Wynne
Co Sponsor Bowie Club

President Harvey G Machen, Secretary John S Wynne

Division 01
President Lawrence M Bowman, Secretary Thomas W Hayes
LG Andrew O Mothershead

President Thomas R Brooks, Secretary Thomas W Hayes

President Leo J Naughton, Secretary Thomas W Hayes

President Henry F Long Jr, Secretary Kenneth E Neil

1969 - 1970
President Stanley W Machen, Secretary Kenneth E Neil

1970 - 1971
President Thomas W Hayes, Secretary Albert Phillips

1971 - 1972
President H Alton Swiger, Secretary Albert Phillips

1972 - 1973
President Edwin M Short, Secretary W Dickerson Charlton

1973 - 1974
President Lloyd W Hughes, Secretary Richard N Reed Jr

1974 - 1975
President Albert Phillips, Secretary Benjamin M Bolinger Jr

1975 - 1976
President Robert J Smith, Secretayr Benjamin M Bolinger Jr

1976 - 1977
Division 1 East
President William F Thomas, Secretary Alfred R Keir Jr

1977 - 1978
Division 01
President Kenneth E Neil, Secreary Alfred R Keir Jr

1978 - 1979
President W Dickerson Charlton, Secretary Alfred R Keir Jr

1979 - 1980
President Robert J McLeod, Secretary Alfred R Keir Jr

1980 - 1981
President Gordon T Wells II, Secretary Alfred R Keir Jr

1981 - 1982
President Harvey G Machen III, Secretary James R Novak

1982 - 1983
Division 01
President Benjamin M Bolinger Jr, Secretary John P Davey
LG Albert Phillips

1983 - 1984
President Paul L Fowler, Secretary John C Sisson

1984 - 1985
President Alfred R Keir Jr Secretary John C Sisson

1985 - 1986
President Warren W Matzen Secretary John C Sisson

1986 - 1987
President James R Novak, Secretary William R Banwrath

1987 - 1988
President David B Mitchell, Secretary William R Banwrath

1988 - 1989
President Joseph F Meadow, Secretary Paul R Bolig Jr

1989 - 1990
President Daniel C Callow, Secretary Paul R Bolig Jr

1990 - 1991
Division 01
President James A Policicchio, Secretary Paul R Bolig Jr
LG Warren W Matzen

1991 - 1992
President Walter T Charlton, Secretary Henry A Jones

1992 - 1993
President John C Sisson, Secretary Henry A Jones
Membership Oct 1 - 96

1993 - 1994
President William R Banwarth, Secretary Henry A Jones
Membership Oct 1 - 93

1994 - 1995
President William L Matzen Secretary Vernon Cunnigham
Membership Oct 1 - 81

1995 - 1996
President Andrew O Mothershead Secretary William R Barnwarth
Membership Oct 1 - 76

1996 - 1997
President Robert E Turner, Secretary Marcia Porterfield
Membership Oct 1 - 79

1997 - 1998
Division 14
President Richard K Hampson, Secretary Marcia Porterfield
Membership Oct 1 - 80

1998 - 1999
President Robert C Newland, Secretary Saundra Thurman Custis
Membership Oct 1 - 78

1999 - 2000
Division 14
President Marcia Ellen Porterfield, Secretary ?
Membership Oct 1 - 73
LG William L Machem

2000 - 2001
President Donna M Landis, Secretary Dorothy Carroll
Membership Oct 1 - 70

2001 - 2002
President John C Sisson, Secretary Dorothy Carroll
Membership Oct 1 - 70 Attendance 53%

Year End: 81 Projects Completed, 2409 Service Hours, $4,250 Spent, 8 Interclubs

2002 - 2003
President W Dickerson Charlton, Secretary Dorothy Carroll
Membership Oct 1 - 62 Attendance 59%

Year End: 87 Projects Completed, 2661 Service Hours, $6,590 Spent, 9 Interclubs

2003 - 2004
Division 14
President Constance Gasch, Secretary Dorothy Carroll
Membership Oct 1 - 63 Attendance %
Meet TH 7:00 PM Calvert House Inn
LG Donna M Landis

(From E-Builder, July04) Several projects were completed: The club hosted students, family and teachers for 36th Citizenship Night on May 13 The club collected $50,000 for the Salvation Army Members answered telephones at Channel 2 in Baltimore on June 6 for the Children's Miracle Network

Year End: 37 Projects Completed, 2414 Service Hours, $6,950 Spent, 11 Interclubs

2004 - 2005
Division 14
President John Gianetti, Secretary Dorothy Carroll
Membership Oct 1 - 65 Attendance 30%
Meet TH 7:00 PM Calvert House Inn
LG Donna M Landis

Year End: 20 Projects Completed, 2426 Service Hours, $14,852 Spent, 5 Interclubs

2005 - 2006
Division 14
Potomac Region
President Renee Mackey Secretary Dorothy Carroll
Membership Oct 1 - 65 Attendance 31%
Meet TH 7:00 PM Calvert House Inn
LG William L Machem

Year End: 18 Projects Completed, 2122 Service Hours, $11,896 Spent, 13 Interclubs

2006 - 2007
President Michael B Wilson, Secretary Dorothy Carroll
Membership Oct 1 - 60 Attendance 12%
Meet TH 7:00 PM Sir Walter Raleigh Restaurant

Year End: 6 Projects Completed, 200 Service Hours, $1905 Spent, 10 Interclubs

2007 - 2008
President Susan Newland, Secretary Dorothy Carroll
Membership Oct 1 - 63 Attendance 29%
Meet TH 7:00 PM Sir Walter Raleigh Restaurant

Year End: 196 Projects Completed, 2626 Service Hours, $53,456 Spent, 21 Interclubs

2008 - 2009
President William L Machem Secretary Dorothy Carroll
Membership Oct 1 - 67 Attendance 24%
Meet TH 7:00 PM Sir Walter Raleigh Restaurant

Year End: 317 Projects Completed, 3575 Service Hours, $15,213 Spent, 21 Interclubs

2009 - 2010
President Edith Perry, Secretary Dorothy Carroll
Membership Oct 1 - 69 Attendance 17%
Meet TH 7:00 PM Sir Walter Raleigh Restaurant

Year End: 8 Projects Completed, 903 Service Hours, $5,052 Spent, 14 Interclubs, $300 CD Foundation

2010 - 2011
President Edith Perry, Secretary Dorothy Carroll
Membership Oct 1 - 62
Meet TH 7:00 PM Sir Walter Raleigh Restaurant
LG Renee Mackey

Year End: 2 Projects Completed, 138 Service Hours, $1700 Spent, 16 Interclubs, $400 CD Foundation

2011 - 2012
President George L Purcell Secretary Dorothy Carroll
Membership Oct 1 - 53
Meet TH 7:00 PM Sir Walter Raleigh Restaurant

2012 - 2013
President George L Purcell Secretary Dorothy Carroll
Membership Oct 1 - 44
Meet TH 7:00 PM Sir Walter Raleigh Restaurant

2013 - 2014
Division 04 Chesapeake Bay Region

President George L Purcell Secretary Dorothy Carroll
Membership Oct 1 - 37
Meet TH 7:00 PM Sir Walter Raleigh Restaurant

2014 - 2015
President W Dickerson Charlton, Secretary Dorothy Carroll
Membership Oct 1 - 32
Meet TH 7:00 PM Sir Walter Raleigh Restaurant

2015 - 2016
Division 04
President W Dickerson Charlton, Secretary Dorothy Carroll
Membership Oct 1 - 28
Meet TH 7:00 PM Sir Walter Raleigh Restaurant

LG George L Purcell

2016 - 2017
Division 04
President Dickerson "Dick" Charlton, Secretary Dorothy Carroll
Membership Oct 1 - 28
Meet TH 7:00 PM Sir Walter Raleigh Restaurant

LG George L Purcell

2017 - 2018
President Dickerson "Dick" Charlton, Secretary Dorothy Carroll
Membership Oct 1 - 30
Meet TH 7:00 PM Sir Walter Raleigh Restaurant

2018 - 2019
President ?, Secretary ?
Membership Oct 1 - 30
Meet TH 7:00 PM Sir Walter Raleigh Restaurant

2019 - 2020
President Robert C Newland, Secretary Patricia Ann Davis
Membership Oct 1 - 17
Meet TH 7:00 PM Sir Walter Raleigh Restaurant

2020 - 2021
President ?, Secretary ?
Membership Oct 1 - 18

2021 - 2022
Division 03