Capital District Kiwanis History

CLUBS Old-Divisions-New Regions Site Map Leadership People

Organized May 27 1935 Chartered June 20 1935
Key #02041 56th District Club
Sponsor Towson Kiwanis
Divisions 06 12 06
Region Mason Dixon
Population (1935) 3000
KI Revoked Charter April 16 2016

(Volume 4)
Division 06
President Corbin Cogswell Secretary W J Foley
Membership June 6 - 36 Attendance 80%
Sponsor Reisterstown Club

Sponsored by Towson club The Charter Night was attended by Towson Baltimore Frederick Annapolis Prince Georges County Dover Delaware and Washington.

Entertained 123 under-privileged children at a turkey dinner with a visit from Santa Claus at Christmas.

Held a Father and Son Night and entertained the local Scout troop at a luncheon.

The club's interest was centered on the improvement of local conditions especially in regard to streetcar service and sidewalks Programs on the Supreme Court Safety Our County Schools Business Standards and the Work of the YMCA.

Attended the Charter Night of the Reisterstown club and visited Reisterstown and Elkton.

Organized a bowling league.

Entertained the District Governor and was represented at the Division Meetings the District Convention and the Training School for Club Officers.

President Costen Cogswell Secretary Osborne P Beall
Membership Jan 1 - 42 Attendance 89%

The club gave a pancake supper on Shrove Tuesday a cruise on the Bay in July and a Horse and Pony Show to make money for the under-privileged child work It had programs on Work Among Underprivileged Children and the Big Brother Movement It bought new crutches for a crippled boy and 14 pairs of trousers for the needy It operated a dental clinic at three schools and it gave a "Kiwanis Kiddies Kristmas Party" turkey dinner and all to 164 under-privileged children.

The club aided the Boy Scouts in putting on a Fourth of July programs with fire works and had a program on Our Boys and Girls.

The members of the club were urged to vote in the primary election in the spring and in the fall a special citizenship meeting was field and the members were urged to influence the community by means of the slogan "Vote as You Please".

Conducted an essay contest for high school students in which each told of the vocation of his choice and why he chose it Students were aided in getting information in regard to vocations two boys were placed in summer jobs to aid them in making money to go to school in winter The club suggested that the school put on a more liberal program on Vocational Training.

Continued street-car service and sidewalks in the community Programs on The Reorganization of the Maryland State Police The Proposed Increase in the Gas Tax Tax Legislation in Maryland The Parole and Probation System Community Goodwill The Humane Society of Baltimore and The Supremacy of the Spiritual.

Attended the Charter Night of the North Baltimore club and presented an American Flag Visited Reisterstown and bowled with Baltimore Host to North Baltimore Reisterstown Westminster Towson and Baltimore.

Had Ladies Nights a card party and a dance a summer cruise down the Bay with the District Governor and representatives of seven clubs and had an oyster roast Organized a bowling team Had a joint meeting with Rotary.

Represented at Mid-Winter Conference the District and International Conventions the Division Meeting and the Club Officers Training.

President James D C Downes Secretary Osborne P Beall
Membership Jan 1 - 48 Attendance 87%

A horse show and dance furnished money for the club's under-privileged child work The dental clinic was continued and a portable dental chair was purchased Program was given on The Strawbridge House for Boys The Kiwanis Kiddies Kristmas Party featuring a turkey dinner for 168 children was a great success.

A program was given on Baseball at which Scouts and other boy athletes were guests of the club A baseball team for boys of "teen age" was organized and put into a league composed of like teams sponsored by four Kiwanis clubs $50 was given the Boy Scouts to repair their meeting place A girl outstanding in Girl Scout and 4-H Club work was sent to take a special course in Community Service at the University of Maryland A Kiwanis boys band was organized and trained and played at a number of public functions This band was entertained at a regular luncheon and also played at the Kiwanis Kiddies Kristmas Party.

The club contributed $100 to flood relief It put on an essay contest on "Public Safety on the Highways" and gave prizes to the students writing the best essays Sponsored a community Fourth of July celebration Programs on The 1937 Tax Program The Proposed Diversion of the Gas Tax The State Highway Program The Work of the State's Attorney The Juvenile Court The Supreme Court ' Safety on the Highways The Social Security Act and The Conservation of Marine Life.

The members of the club made 137 visits to other clubs and entertained 46 visitors from other clubs Host to Towson North Baltimore and Frederick Visits to North Baltimore Reisterstown and Westminster. Had bowling contests with Westminster and North Baltimore.

The president trained his officers and committee chairmen the club celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary an d Constitution Week had four Kiwanis Education meetings and was represented at the Mid-Winter Conference the District and International Conventions the Division Meeting and the Officers Training School.

(Volume 5)
President T Newcll Cox Secretary Osborne P Beall
Membership Jan 1 - 49 Attendance 83%

The club had a program on underprivileged child work gave a Bingo party to raise funds furnished milk and shoes to needy school children and gave a Kiwanis; Kiddies Kristmas party to 162 under previlege children at St Marks Parish House.

The club donated $75 to the Boy Scout Troop and $10 to the Associated Big Brother; Movement Furnished uniforms to the Kiwanis Boys Band took part in the State Music Festival and put on the program at a meeting of the Club to which the parents of the boys were invited Gave a picnic to the Band and the Kiwanis Boys Baseball team.

The club co operated with the Police Magistrate in juvenile delinquency cases.

Arrangements were made for special educational advantages for two boys' Work was done toward the possibility of having a night school at Randallstown.

The club aided in solving the street car problem of the town and tried to secure state funds for the restoration of the Old Relic Hall at the Arsenal.

Visited Prince George County Reisterstown Towson Westminster and North Baltimore.

The club celebrated Charter Night held several Kiwanis Education meetings was represented at the Mid Winter Conference the District Convention and Training School for Club Officers.

President G Roland Price Secretary Jesse Hitchcock
Membership Jan 1 - 49 Attendance 81%

The club contributed to a dental clinic sent one boy to camp paid bus fare to high school furnished four pairs of glasses sent apples to the orphan home and gave a Christmas party for 100 children The annual Horse and Ponv Show was given to furnish funds for this work and other communitv projects.

Visits to North Baltimore Westminster Prince Georges County Reisterstown and Taneytown. Received a plaque from Georgetown and later delivered it to Milford.

The club held several Kiwanis Education meetirigs celebrated Kiwanis Aliniversary and its own Charter Night which was also a Ladies' Night entertained the District Governor and the LTG and was represented at the Mid Winter Conference the International and the District Conventions and the Training School for Club Officers.

Division 06
President Osborne P Beall Secretary Jesse A Hitchcock
Membership Jan 1 - 54 Attendance 80%
Sponsor Ellicott City Club

The annual Horse Show netted $1270 In connection with the Public Health Association the needs of underprivileged children for food Clothing or physical treatment have been taken care of bv tile club Cod liver oil ha; been provided for distribution by the licalth nurses and luncheon nlilk money contributed for school lunches 'File portable dental chair foriiierlv provided by the club continued to meet a real need Contribution of $880 was made for the ad(liton to the Public Health Center in Randall;town Held the annual Christinas party distributing toys and other more practical gifts The expenditure for this was $140.

Continued to sponsor the Boys' Band expending $270 making a total of $1400 which has been put into this work The Band gave two concerts for the club during the year The club aided the Boy Scout troop and the Girl Scouts to which an American flag was presented Contributed $35 to Camp Misty Mount Bus fare was provided for boys and girls to attend the High School in Reisterstown.

Visited North Baltimore Westminster Baltimore Taneytown Reisterstown and Ellicott City and took part in the Charter Night of the Halethorpe club The club received the plaque from Westrilhister and delivered it to Annapolis Host to North Baltimore and entertained a number of visitors from other clubs.

The club had a bowling team and organized an inter club league with nearby clubs It celebrated its own Charter Night with a Ladies' Night inecting and later held an inter club Ladies' Night There was also a Ladies' Day and joint meeting with Rotary.

Entertained District Governor and the LTG and was represented at tile Mid Winter Conference International and District Conventions and Training School for Club officers.

President Jesse A Hitchcock Secretary Eugene A Bond
Membership Jan 1 – 50 Attendance 82%

Donated $57 to the Baby Clinic $25 to St Vincent's Orphanage for playground equipment $15 for medical treatment for an indigent child Sent 2 children to Camp Misty Mount at Christmas time sent two crates of oranges to Augsburg Home and had a Christmas Party at St Vincent's Orphan with the Boys Band as its guests Gifts were distributed and the Whirl by the club was dedicated

Continued to sponsor the Boys Band entertained it at several meetings at which it furnished the program took it to the District Convention at Washington and in connection with it began the organization of the Young Builders Club

Donated $25 to the Volunteer Fire Company for the purchase of apparatus had guard rails placed at dangerous locations and urged better street lighting and safer traffic regulations

The club went to Baltimore to visit the International President to North Baltimore twice once honoring the District Governor Bowling match was host to Reisterstown

Furnished the LTG for the year entertained the District Governor celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary and its own Charter Night Anniversary as an inter club Ladies' Night and was represented at the Mid Winter Conference and District Convention

President Melvin J Marnhain Secretary George L Byerly
Membership Jan 1 - 47 Attendance 81%

The reports for this year are rather meager However the club had several programs on underprivileged child work and entertained the Boy Scout troop at lunch

The chairman of the Inter Club Relations Committee made visits to a number of clubs Delegations visited Ellicott City Taneytown and Halethorpe Ladies' Night and carried the Lieutenant Governor's flag to Annapolis One meeting was held at which seven other clubs were represented Each individual member was urged to visit at least one other club during the year

The club joined with Rotary the Fire Company the Red Cross and the Women's Club to give a Christmas Party to approximately 300 soldiers During the year there was also a joint meeting with Rotary a Ladies' Night and a Country Dinner at which members appeared in rural costume

The club held several Kiwanis Education meetings gave attendance prizes of War Stamps was represented at the Mid Winter Conference and the District Convention and at the end of the year had two members in military service

President William K Cogswell Secretary George L Byerly
Membership Jan 1 - 45 Attendance 81%

The club put on its usual Horse and Pom~ Show to furnish funds for its community and welfare work Through contact with local phYsicians the club kept in touch with underprivileged children to whorn it could render service of practical value The portable dental chair was used to good advantage $12000 was appropriated for this purpose A party with entertainment and refreshments has been provided on three occasions at the Holidav Home for Shut Ins The club appropriated funds for the instruction of Bovs and Girls in the Band

Continued to sponsor the Boys Band or 42 members with a further group of 28 receiving instruction in music Furnished band uniforms are in Kiwanis colors and bear the Kiwanis insignia Expenses for the Band this year amounted to approximately $300 Recognizing the need for trained home nurses the girls graduating from the Franklin High School were urged to give consideration to entering this field Funds necessary for training were guaranteed by this club co operating with the club at Reisterstown Keeping in close touch with the Boy Scouts one Scout program was put on at which the boys of the local troops were entertained at luncheon The Band was entertained at luncheon twice during the year and a Father and Son Night was held

After some consideration of the plausibility of sponsoring a 4 H club it was deerned unwise to attempt it at this time

Candy and cigarettes were sent to the men in the armed forces The club joined with other civic organizations to restore the grounds and buildings of the Confederate Soldiers' Home in Pikesville to be used as headquarters for the Red Cross the Boy Scouts and as a Public Health Center

The club organized a softball team and had bowling matches with Reisterstown and North Baltimore

(Volume 6)
President Thomas W Hobbs Secretary George L Byerly
Membership Jan 1 - 44 Attendance 83%

President Joseph OC McCasker Secretary Charles R Stallings
Membership Jan 1 - 46 Attendance 90%

President Clarence W Sharp Secretary Charles R Stallings
Membership Jan 1 - 51 Attendance 88%

President R Ellsworth Jones Secretary Wilfred G Keir
Membership Jan 1 - 54 Attendance 89%

President Corbin C Cogswell Jr Secretary D Lloyd Stoker
Membership Jan 1 - 58 Attendance 91%

President Roland B Smith Secretary D Lloyd Stoker
Membership Jan 1 - 64 Attendance 51%

President George L Byerly Secretary Jarvis Spindler
Membership Jan 1 - 71 Attendance 90%

(Volume 7)
President D Lloyd Stoker Secretary Jarvis Spindler
Membership Jan 1 - 71 Attendance 95%

Division 12
President Joshua A Eaton Secretary William D Beall
Membership Jan 1 - 71 Attendance 93%

President John C Bondurant Secretary William D Beall
Membership Jan 1 - 74 Attendance 93%

President James G Wray Secretary William D Beall
Membership Jan 1 - 74 Attendance 92%

Sponsor Lochearn Club

Division 12
President Thomas N MacDermitt Secretary William D Beall
Membership Jan 1 - 70 Attendance 93%
LG Joshua S Eaton

President ? Secretary William D Beall

President Albert P Peckworth Secretary William D Beall

President John L Koenig Secretary Dr Robert P Wagers

President Anthony B Buck Secretary Dr Robert P Wagers

President Raymond I Murray Secretary Dr Robert P Wagers

President T Newell Cox Jr Secretary Dr Robert P Wagers

President Harry E Kelbaugh Secretary Dr Robert P Wagers

Division 12
President Jervis B Spindler Secretary Dr Robert P Wagers
LG Harry E Kelbaugh

President Robert Y Dubel Secretary Dr Robert P Wagers

President William T Cox Secretary Dr Robert P Wagers

President Herbert T Brown Jr Secretary Dr Robert P Wagers

President Clarence L Barnes Secretary Dr Robert P Wagers

President Charles W Boller Secretary Dr Robert P Wagers

President George W Slade Secretary Dr Robert P Wagers

1969 - 1970
President Guy Neil Lewis Secretary Dr Robert P Wagers

1970 - 1971
President Melvin J Burnham Jr Secretary Dr Robert P Wagers

1971 - 1972
Division 12
President James S Stoker Secretary Dr Robert P Wagers
Sponsor Woodlawn Club

1972 - 1973
President Thomas Elton Beam Secretary Dr Robert P Wagers

1973 - 1974
President John B Grayh Secretary Dr Robert P Wagers

1974 - 1975
President Robert A Curtney Secretary Dr Robert P Wagers

1975 - 1976
President Rev Buddy R Pipes Secretary Dr Robert P Wagers

1976 - 1977
President Glen Y Shipley Secretary Dr Robert P Wagers

1977 - 1978
President LeRoy B Merriken Jr Secretary Dr Robert P Wagers

1978 - 1979
Division 12
President Stuart R Blatt Secretary Dr Robert P Wagers
LG William G Nicodemus

1979 - 1980
President Edgar F Faulkner Secretary Dr Robert P Wagers

1980 - 1981
President Edward R Johnston Secretary Dr Robert P Wagers

1981 - 1982
President John R Cerame Secretary Dr Robert P Wagers

1982 - 1983
President Glen Y Shipley Secretary Dr Robert P Wagers

1983 - 1984
President V P Muffoletto Secretary Dr Robert P Wagers

1984 - 1985
President Robert A Courtney Secretary Dr Robert P Wagers

1985 - 1986
President Raymond M N Mullen Secretary Dr Robert P Wagers

1986 - 1987
President John K Aymold Secretary Dr Robert P Wagers

1987 - 1988
President Matthew K Glenn Secretary Dr Robert P Wagers

1988 - 1989
President W Cullen George Secretary Dr Robert P Wagers

1989 - 1990
President W Cullen George Secretary Dr Robert P Wagers

1990 - 1991
President Harry E Kelbaugh Secretary Dr Robert P Wagers

1991 - 1992
President James F Leavitt Secretary Dr Robert P Wagers

1992 - 1993
President John K Aymold Jr Secretary Dr Robert P Wagers
Membership Oct 1 - 29

1993 - 1994
President Rev Ramon F Reno Secretary Dr Robert P Wagers
Membership Oct 1 - 29

1994 - 1995
President S James English III Secretary Dr Robert P Wagers
Membership Oct 1 - 28

1995 - 1996
President James Boller Secretary Dr Robert P Wagers
Membership Oct 1 - 27

1996 - 1997
President Robert Lee Clark Secretary Dr Robert P Wagers
Membership Oct 1 - 26

1997 - 1998
President Clarence L Barnes Secretary Dr Robert P Wagers
Membership Oct 1 - 26

1998 - 1999
President Robert Lee Clark Secretary Dr Robert P Wagers
Membership Oct 1 - 23

1999 - 2000
President Robert Lee Clark Secretary Dr Robert P Wagers
Membership Oct 1 - 23

2000 - 2001
President Norton I Gettes Secretary Harry E Kelbaugh
Membership Oct 1 - 21

2001 - 2002
President John V Carter Secretary Harry E Kelbaugh
Membership Oct 1 - 21 Attendance 97%

Year End: 137 Projects Completed 429 Service Hours $7417 Spent 18 Interclubs

2002 - 2003
President Guy N Lewis Secretary W Cullen George
Membership Oct 1 - 21 Attendance 94%

Year End: 87 Projects Completed 537 Service Hours $9825 Spent 15 Interclubs

2003 - 2004
President Norton Gettes Secretary W Cullen George
Membership Oct 1 - 17 Attendance 75%
Meet TH 6:15 PM Youth Services Building

Year End: 115 Projects Completed 752 Service Hours $11138 Spent 33 Interclubs

2004 - 2005
President John Carter Secretary W Cullen George
Membership Oct 1 - 17 Attendance 81%
Meet TH 6:15 PM Youth Services Building

Year End: 164 Projects Completed 675 Service Hours $5758 Spent 29 Interclubs

2005 - 2006
Division 12
Mason Dixon Region
President Stanley Goldstein Secretary W Cullen George
Membership Oct 1 - 17 Attendance 63%
Meet TH 6:15 PM Youth Services Building

(E-Builder Nov 2005) The Pikesville Kiwanis Club gave President John Carter a special achievement award for his outstanding community work spending 3 weekends helping to get Annie's Playground in Harford County in operating condition John is in the construction business and his skills were greatly appreciated.

The club recently spent about $10000 to upgrade their meeting hall and on October 7 the Children of Chad used the building for a successful fund raising event The Pikesville Club is now meeting at 1 PM on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month instead of their normal evening time The club will go back to their regular evening meeting time in April 2006.

Year End: 132 Projects Completed 130 Service Hours $459 Spent 24 Interclubs

2006 - 2007
President Stanley Goldstein Secretary W Cullen George
Membership Oct 1 - 17 Attendance 58%
Meet TH 1st 3rd 1:00 PM Youth Services Building
LG Norton Gettes

Year End: 29 Projects Completed 392 Service Hours $1958 Spent 8 Interclubs

2007 - 2008
President Stanley Goldstein Secretary W Cullen George
Membership Oct 1 - 18 Attendance 60%
Meet TH 1st 3rd 1:00 PM Youth Services Building

Year End: 60 Projects Completed 124 Service Hours $4873 Spent 5 Interclubs

2008 - 2009
President John Carter Secretary W Cullen George
Membership Oct 1 - 16 Attendance 44%
Meet TH 1st 3rd 1:00 PM Youth Services Building

Year End: 35 Projects Completed 52 Service Hours $824 Spent 5 Interclubs

2009 - 2010
President John Carter Secretary W Cullen George
Membership Oct 1 - 15 Attendance 39%
Meet 1st 3rd TH 6:15 PM Youth Services Building

Year End: 14 Projects Completed 122 Service Hours $470 Spent 3 Interclubs $40 CD Foundation

2010 - 2011
President Norton I Gettes Secretary W Cullen George
Membership Oct 1 - 16
Meet 1st 3rd TH 6:15 PM Youth Services Building

Year End: 42 Projects Completed 514 Service Hours $206 Spent 3 Interclubs $0 CD Foundation

2011 - 2012
President Norton I Gettes Secretary Janet A Blount
Membership Oct 1 - 16
Meet 1st 3rd TH 6:15 PM Youth Services Building

2012 - 2013
President John Carter Secretary Janet A Blount
Membership Oct 1 - 15
Meet 1st 3rd TH 6:15 PM Youth Services Building

2013 - 2014
President John Carter Secretary Janet A Blount
Membership Oct 1 - 5
Meet 1st 3rd TH 6:15 PM Youth Services Building

KI Revoked Charter April 16 2016