Capital District Kiwanis History

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Organized August 23 1935 Chartered October 1 1935
Key #02058 57th District Club
Sponsor Pikesville Kiwanis
Divisions 06 12 06
Region Mason Dixon
Population (1935) 4,550

(Volume 4)
Division 06
President George W Seabold, Secretary Carroll E Saumenig
Membership Sept 10 - 41 Attendance 88%

Treated 6 children at a dental clinic Gave a Christmas party to 250 children Offered a prize to the high school student who wrote the best essay on "My Ambition and Why".

Programs on Vocational Guidance, Safety, and Transportation Delegation to the Towson club's Ladies Night.

Three programs on Kiwanis Education Held a Charter Night inter-club with the District Governor and LTG Report of the District Convention by a member of the Pikesville club Officers attended the Training Schoo.l

President G W Seabald, Secretary Carroll E Saumenig
Membership Jan 1 - 56 Attendance 78%

Contributed $25 for school lunches 38 poor children were visited by a physician and three operations were performed A Christmas theatre party was given to over 600 children, each receiving an orange and a box of candy.

The club urged the School Board to give more liberal training to boys and girls so that those not going to college would be better fitted for life The club had a program on Summer Playgrounds, obtained from the School Board the use of the school grounds, and in case of rain the school building, and employed an instructor and put on a worthwhile program of organized play during the summer months The club furnished a speaker at a meeting of the FFA in the county

Sent a questionnaire to the graduating high school class to find out occupations they were interested in, as a result of which the Vocational Guidance Committee met with 25 graduates and discussed their problems with them The club secured vocational guidance literature to be placed in the hands of the students and parents

Set up road signs, contributed $50 to flood relief and $10 to the Health Centre It tried to get bus service to and from Baltimore Started a movement to get sidewalks laid through the town Had programs on The Conservation of National Resources, The Penal Institutions of Maryland, Taxation, The Poultry Industry in Maryland, Pardons and Paroles, Better Health, Public Safety, The Problems of the NYA, The Foreign Situation Today, Modern Communication, and The Constitution

Gave an inter-club (lance with guests from Towson, Pikesville, Westminster and Baltimore It attended the Charter Night of the North Baltimore club It received 157 visits from members of other clubs and its member made 162 visits to other clubs

Had a Charter Anniversary party and a Ladies Night

Had programs on Kiwanis Education, entertained the LG and was represented at the Mid-Winter Conference, International and District Conventions, the Division Meeting and the Officers Training School

President Michael Paul Smith Secretary Carroll E Saumenig
Membership Jan 1 - 55 Attendance 88%

A benefit card party and dance were given to raise funds A boy in the senior class of the high school was given diabetic treatment through the year 190 children were visited by a physician and 24 given chiropractic treatment Orthopedic treatment was given to 4 and health books were distributed Furnished milk and hot lunches and a Christmas party was given to 175

Furnished a trained instructor for the summer playground attended by 119 children between the ages of 2-1/2 and 17 years A junior baseball team was organized and put into a league formed by neighbor Kiwanis clubs The club had a College Night at which students from twelve colleges were present It gave a $50 citizenship award (to be applied on further education) to the best high school citizen

The club had a program on the Farm Credit Administration It cooperated with the school in putting on its fair and gave money prizes for the best exhibits It entertained fifty 4-H and FFA boys at luncheon

The club gathered information from high school students as to what occupations were of interest to them It arranged with people who were familiar with the needs of these occupations to, meet with them in groups according to their interests Forty pupils attended the meeting The club also had a program on The Relation of Parents to Children

Sent $27 to flood relief Had programs on Our Penal Institutions, Fire Prevention, The Supreme Court, The Constitution, Preparedness in Relation to Industrial Mobilization, The juvenile Court of Baltimore County, Safety, Criminal justice, Communism, Milk, The Citizen's Part in Government, Responsibility, Conservation in Maryland, Maryland Roads, and Call Democracy Survive in America

Sent representatives to Westminster, to Rehoboth on the occasion of the visit of the International President Host to Elkton when it brought the Log During the year the club had 236 visitors and made 206 visits

Organized a bowling team Had a joint meeting with Rotary, a Charter Night Party with ladies present and three Ladies Nights, one of which was an inter-club meeting with 8 other clubs attending

Celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary on Kiwanis Education, entertained LTG, and was represented at the Mid-Winter Conference, the District and International Conventions, the Division Meeting and the Training School for Officers

(Volume 5)
President Robert C McKee Secretary Carroll E Saumenig
Membership Jan 1 - 55 Attendance 88%

The club had a program devoted to under privileged child work, raised a fund to furnish hot lunches to needy school children

Donated a large piece of playground apparatus, arranged for a summer playground for weeks in the summer, and held a Boys' Night with 24 boys as guests

The club had one meeting devoted to juvenile delinquency and another to Juvenile Court Problems The Kiwanis Pig Club was formed Four pure bred sows were furnished to interested boys and later a boar was added One meeting was devoted to entertaining the FFA boys and the 4 H Club

A vocational guidance questionnaire was given to High School students, a special prograin was given to them, after which 22 group meetings were held at which the requirements for different occupations were explained Movies of different ocupations were given at the High School

Visits were made to Baltimore (carrying the log), to Towson, and Westminster The club was host to 8 clubs with the District Governor and the LTG

President Christian H Kohl, Secretary Carroll E Saumenig
Membership Jan l - 55 Attendance 85%

A Minstrel money Show was give" to furnish 75folrioctollnulmiculineitv welfare work Sev¬ were served school children, a dental chair was bought and placed in local school to facilitate the work for needy children, and a walking device was purchased for a crippled girl Clothing was furnished a needy family

The club aided in raising the community fund, suggested to the city authorities the advisability of making several needed improvements in streets, bridges, and lighting facilities

Visited Westminster, Pikesville, and attended the Charter Night Taneytown Host to 11 clubs at an inter club Ladies' Night

The District Governor and LTG visited the club, which was represented at the International and the District Conventions A Charter Night Ladies' Night celebration was held

President Fred S Eckhardt, Secretary Paul H Whitmore
Membership Jan 1 - 56 Attendance 86%

A Minstrel Show raised $300 for welfare work Contributed $100 to the Health Center for needed eye, ear, and dental work Furnished hot lunches to undernourished school children, and a Bus Fare Fund was set up to be made to worthy school children

Three Father and Son Nights were held Prizes were given for the best bird houses made A large piece of playground equipment was presented to the school Scouting was encouraged through a fund set up to enable each Scout to have a subscription to Boys Life A soccor team was organized

A successful Farmers' Night was held A Girls' 4 H club was organized, and for the first time pigs were given to girls, and it was shown that the boys received for their pure bred pigs three times the price they formerly received for ordinary pigs Two boys and two girls were sent to the University of Maryland Short Course A Seed Corn Club was organized, and prize money was given for the best exhibit of corn raised,

Organized a Symphony Orchestra, and started a Community Council

Baltimore brought the plaque which was delivered to Taneytown Visited Baltimore's Easter program, North Baltimore, and Ellicott City on the occasion of their charter presentation Host to Westminster and to North Baltimore Held a big interclub meeting with 8 clubs in honor of the Governor and the LTG, which was also a Ladies Night Dance The club also put on a program at Halethorp

Entertained the District Governor and the Lieutenant Governor, and was represented at the Mid Winter Conference and the District Convention

President Carroll E Saumenig Secretary Paul H Whitmore
Membership Jan 1 - 49 Attendance 87%

A Minstrel Show and Baseball garne were given for the community welfare fund The club continued to furnished hot lunches for undernourished school children All cases of defective eyesight and teeth were corrected in both the white and colored schools Two Christmas parties were given, one for white children and the other for colored children

Held a successful Farmers' Night attended by a number of farmer guests Continued to sponsor the Boys and Girls Pig club Sent 2 boys and 2 girls to the University of Maryland Short Course

The Committee for Support of Churches arranged a very fine Easter program, and put on a public Easter program Instituted a movement for town beautification, and got fine publicity in the Baltimore papers, especially the pictures showing young girls planting shrubs Entertained the American Legion at one meeting and the PTA at another

Visited Baltimore, Ellicott City, Westminster, Pikesville, Halethorpe Host to Washington, Dover, Annapolis, Towson, Taneytown, Pikesville, Halethorpe, Baltimore, North Baltimore, and Westminster

Entertained the LTG and the club was represented at the Mid Winter Conference, the District and the International Conventions and at the Training School for Club Officers

President Morris R Baker, Secretary Paul H Whitmore
Membership Jan 1 - 41 Attendance 84%

A card party for the benefit of the community welfare fund netted $80 Hot lunches were furnished school children as formerly, dental work was done for 15 White children, and a dental clinic was held at the colored school The Christmas Children's Party was transferred to China; in other words the money spent for this party was sent to a Chinese Children's Fund This amounted to $100

Funds were furnished boys for building model aircraft to be used in Army training work An American flag was given to th'e Camp Fire Girls

A successful Farmers' Night was held The Kiwanis sponsored Pig Club is now expanded to 25 projects the net profit of $780 All pigs entered by these boys and girls in the State Fair were in the prize money, and every pig which took prize money was either entered by one of these boys or girls or was a pig breed by them and sold to someone else The breed of pigs in the neighborhood is improving The club continued to foster the Girls 4 H club

Donated $256 to the Red Cross Halethorpe brought the chest Delivered to Annapolis was meeting at Ellicott City and Ladies' Night at Taneytown The club entertained Towson, Westminster, and Taneytown at its inter club Ladies' Night

The Board of Directors meetings were dinner meetings at the home of board

The club was represented at the District Convention and Training School for Club Officers One member was in military service on December 31

President W Horace Wheeler Secretary Carroll E Saumenig
Membership Jan 1 - 43 Attendance 91%

Furnished milk to undernourished school children, and the TB clinic was aided financially Some loans were made from the Bus Fare Loan Fund, and a dental clinic was carried on

A number of pamphlets were distributed to high school boys and girls on the sub¬ject of getting ready for induction

A Successful Farmers Night was held The Pig Project was continued, but not expanded, as it appeared to have reached its saturation point Furnished prize money for exhibits at the local Fair The club put strong efforts to aid farmers for harvesting

Contributed $25 to the Community Nurse Scholarship As the result of the efforts of the club among high school graduates, 14 girls are taking training in Home Nursing, at the cost to the club of only one loan of $80, $40 of which has already been repaid

Donated $300 to the Red Cross, $200 to the Health Center, and $250 for the construction of an Honor Roll Board Put on a Bond Drive which sold $30,700 worth of War Bonds, the club itself purchasing one $50,000 Bond

The club attended inter club meetings at North Baltimore, Baltimore, and Roanoke

The Board of Directors continued to meet regularly for dinner at the home of one of its members

Entertained the LTG, was represented at the District Convention and the Training School for Club Officers On December 31 there were 2 members in the armed forces

(Volume 6)
President Albert N Smith, Secretary Carroll E Saumenig
Membership Jan 1 - 49 Attendance 90%

Division 06
President S Edwards Shaw, Secretary Carroll E Saumenig
Membership Jan 1 - 64 Attendance 94%
LG Michael Paul Smith

President J R Hunter, Secretary Carroll E Saumenig
Membership Jan 1 - 58 Attendance 88%

President Charles A Forbes, Secretary Carroll E Saumenig
Membership Jan 1 - 62 Attendance 91%

District Chair Vocational Guidance W Horace Wheeler

President Joseph M Simonds, Secretary Carroll E Saumenig
Membership Jan 1 - 60 Attendance 90%

Division 06
President Arthur F Barstow, Secretary Carroll E Saumenig
Membership Jan 1 - 62 Attendance 90%
District Chair Laws and Regulations Robert C McKee
Governor Michael Paul Smith

President Clarence H Carpenter, Secretary Carroll E Saumenig
Membership Jan 1 - 62 Attendance 85%

(Volume 7)
President Alten O Grimes, Secretary Carroll E Saumenig
Membership Jan 1 - ? Attendance 87%

Division 12
President D D Caples, Secretary Carroll E Saumenig
Membership Jan 1 - 56 Attendance 88%

President Donald G Richardson, Secretary Carroll E Saumenig
Membership Jan 1 - 62 Attendance 87%

President Dr Martin E Strobel, Secretary Carroll E Saumenig
Membership Jan 1 - 61 Attendance 88%

President L Lee Lindley, Secretary Carroll E Saumenig
Membership Jan 1 - 56 Attendance 88%

President ?, Secretary Carroll E Saumenig

President John T Shanklin, Secretary Carroll E Saumenig

President Edward C Lecarpentier, Secretary Carroll E Saumenig

President Dr G William Seabold Secretary Carroll E Saumenig

President Guy S Tregoe Jr, Secretary Carroll E Saumenig

President Rev Edwin G Reter, Secretary Carroll E Saumenig

President Dr Clarence E McWilliams Jr, Secretary Carroll E Saumenig

President James D Laudeman, Jr, Secretary Carroll E Saumenig

President William E Hammond, Secretary Carroll E Saumenig

President A Warren Miller, Secretary Guy S Tegoe Jr

President Lindley H DeGarmo Secretary John R Wright

President Robert E Patterson, Secretary John R Wright

President Lawrence W Refer, Secretary John R Wright

Division 12
President William J Meekins, Secretary John R Wright
LG Lindley H DeGarmo

1969 - 1970
President S Yellott Hammond, Secretary John R Wright

1970 - 1971
President Carroll Y Thomas, Secretary John R Wright

District Chair International Relations Dig DeGarmo

1971 - 1972
President Clarence A Moore, Secretary John R Wright

District Chair International Relations Dig DeGarmo

1972 - 1973
President Rev Dixon A Yaste, Secretary John R Wright

District Chair Administration Dig DeGarmo

1973 - 1974
President John R Wright Secretary Lawrence W Reter

District Chair Administration Dig DeGarmo

1974 - 1975
President Rev Dixon A Yaste, Secretary John R Wright

District Chair Administration Dig DeGarmo

1975 - 1976
President Michael A Di Giacomo, Secretary John R Wright

1976 - 1977
President Henry A Lewis, Secretary John R Wright

District Chair Administration Dig DeGarmo

1977 - 1978
President J Alan Dobbs, Secretary John R Wright

1978 - 1979
Division 12
President George C Grove, Secretary John R Wright
Governor Lindley H DeGarmo

1979 - 1980
President John H Newby, Secretary John R Wright

District Chair Achievement | Finance Dig DeGarmo

1980 - 1981
President Rev Clarence L Roark III, Secretary John R Wright

District Chair Past Governors Dig DeGarmo

1981 - 1982
Division 12
President Kevin C O'Neill, Secretary John R Wright
District Chair Key Club Administrator Dig DeGarmo
LG Michael A Di Giacomo

1982 - 1983
President James J Nau Jr, Secretary John R Wright

1983 - 1984
President Robert H Baker, Secretary Michael A Di Giacomo

District Chair Key Club Administrator Dig DeGarmo

1984 - 1985
President Kenneth D Ramsey, Secretary Michael A Di Giacomo

District Chair Key Club Administrator Dig DeGarmo

1985 - 1986
President C Richard Broderick, Secretary Michael A Di Giacomo

1986 - 1987
President Don L Dudey Secretary Michael A Di Giacomo

1987 - 1988
President Joel M Simonds, Secretary G William Seabold

1988 - 1989
President Charles F Benton, Secretary G William Seabold

1989 - 1990
Division 12
President Charels A Forbes, Secretary G William Seabold
District Chair Club Development & Member Retention Dig DeGarmo
LG Don L Dudey
Sponsor Randallstown MD

1990 - 1991
President Thomas L Caltrider, Secretary G William Seabold

District Chair Strategic Planning Don Dudey

1991 - 1992
President Clyde H Hastings, Secretary G William Seabold

District Chair Strategic Planning Don Dudey

1992 - 1993
President Clifford T Carter, Secretary G William Seabold
Membership Oct 1 - 67

District Chair Project 39 Don Dudey

1993 - 1994
President Edwin B Lockard, Secretary G William Seabold
Membership Oct 1 - 60

1994 - 1995
President Edwin B Lockard, Secretary G G William Seabold
Membership Oct 1 - 56

1995 - 1996
President Richard N Folz III, Secretary G William Seabold
Membership Oct 1 - 59

1996 - 1997
President Kevin B Thomas, Secretary G William Seabold
Membership Oct 1 - 56

1997 - 1998
President Donald Moore Secretary G William Seabold
Membership Oct 1 - 56

1998 - 1999
President William F Piper, Secretary G William Seabold
Membership Oct 1 - 54

1999 - 2000
President Eric C Thomas, Secretary G William Seabold
Membership Oct 1 - 55

2000 - 2001
Division 12
President J Edmond Guy, Secretary G William Seabold
Membership Oct 1 - 51
District Chair Strategic Planning Dig DeGarmo
LG Donald Moore

2001 - 2002
President E Lee Bond Jr, Secretary G William Seabold
Membership Oct 1 - 49 Attendance 96%
District Chair Resolutions | Strategic Planning Dig DeGarmo
District Chair Education Don L Dudey

Year End: 214 Projects Completed, 1,068 Service Hours, $22,575 Spent, 15 Interclubs

2002 - 2003
President Robert F McNeish, Secretary G William Seabold
Memberhsip Oct 1 - 50 Attendance 27%
District Chair Resolutions | Strategic Planning Dig DeGarmo
District Chair Education and Training Don L Dudey

Year End: 216 Projects Completed, 1,195 Service Hours, $74,955 Spent, 18 Interclubs

2003 - 2004
President Gary Bech, Secretary G William Seabold
Membership Oct 1 - 49 Attendance 96%
Meet TU 6:30 PM United Methodist Church
District Chair Strategic Planning Dig DeGarmo
District Chair Education and Training Don L Dudey

Year End: 170 Projects Completed, 778 Service Hours, $19,827 Spent, 25 Interclubs

2004 - 2005
President Amy Pelton, Secretary G William Seabold
Membership Oct 1 - 42 Attendance 93%
Meet TU 6:30 PM United Methodist Church
District Chair Long Range Planning Dig DeGarmo
District Chair Education and Club Development Don L Dudey

Tsunami Relief Contribution $853

Year End: 161 Projects Completed, 945 Service Hours, $16,413 Spent, 25 Interclubs

2005 - 2006
Region Mason Dixon
President Donald Moore, Secretary Clarence L Roark
Membership Oct 1 - 26 Attendance 94%
Meet TU 6:30 PM United Methodist Church
District Chair Long Range Planning Dig DeGarmo
Board Trustee Don L Dudey

(E-Build, Nov 2007) At the induction the officers and Board of Directors for the year 2005 – 2006, we had a surprise for Past Secretary, G William "Bill" Seabold. Having held the office of Secretary for 20 years, the Board bestowed the position of Secretary Emeritus to Bill Pete Roark presented Bill with a plaque.

Year End: 99 Projects Completed, 314 Service Hours, $7,305 Spent, 10 Interclubs

2006 - 2007
President Edmond J Guy, Secretary Carolyn Jackson
Membership Oct 1 - 24 Attendance 88%
Meet 1st 3rd TU 6:30 PM United Methodist Church
District Chair Long Range Planning Dig DeGarmo
Co-Sponsor Bel Air Club
Board Trustee Don L Dudey

Year End: 114 Projects Completed, 413 Service Hours, $15,314 Spent, 17 Interclubs

2007 - 2008
President Stephen Jenkins, Secretary Don L Dudey
Membership Oct 1 - 22 Attendance 90%
Meet 1st 3rd TU 6:30 PM United Methodist Church
District Chair Long Range Planning Dig DeGarmo
Board Trustee Don L Dudey

Year End: 169 Projects Completed, 557 Service Hours, $11,754 Spent, 13 Interclubs

2008 - 2009
President Lindley DeGarmo Secretary Don L Dudey
Membership Oct 1 - 23 Attendance 89%
Meet 1st 3rd TU 6:30 PM United Methodist Church
Governor-Elect Don L Dudey

Year End: 180 Projects Completed, 781 Service Hours, $11,204 Spent, 13 Interclubs

2009 - 2010
Division 12
President James Lichty, Secretary Don L Dudey
Membership Oct 1 - 25 Attendance 69%
Meet 1st 3rd TU 6:30 PM United Methodist Church
Governor Don L Dudey

Year End: 91 Projects Completed, 629 Service Hours, $5,957 Spent, 14 Interclubs, $50 CD Foundation

2010 - 2011
President Jerald DeBar, Secretary Don L Dudey
Membership Oct 1 - 27
Meet 1st 3rd TU 6:30 PM United Methodist Church
District Chair Achievement, Budget & Finance, Education Don L Dudey

Year End: 180 Projects Completed, 743 Service Hours, $2455 Spent, 9 Interclubs, $52 CD Foundation

2011 - 2012
President Janice M Dudey, Secretary Don L Dudey
Membership Oct 1 - 22
Meet 1st 3rd TU 6:30 PM United Methodist Church
District Chair Education, Past Governors Don L Dudey

2012 - 2013
Division 12
President Karen Keyser, Secretary Don L Dudey
Membership Oct 1 - 20
Meet 1st 3rd TU 6:30 PM Reisterstown United Methodist Church
District Chair Kiwanis Education Don L Dudey
LG Don L Dudey

2013 - 2014
Division 06

President Clifford Moore, Secretary Don L Dudey
Membership Oct 1 - 20
Meet 1st 3rd TU 6:30 PM Reisterstown United Methodist Church

District Chair Kiwanis Education Don L Dudey
LG Janice M Dudey

2014 - 2015
Division 06
President Janice M Duey, Secretary Don L Dudey
Membership Oct 1 - 19
Meet 1st 3rd TU 6:30 PM Reisterstown United Methodist Church

District Chair Kiwanis Education Don L Dudey
LG Janice M Dudey

2015 - 2016
Division 06
President Janice M Dudey Secretary Don L Dudey
Membership Oct 1 - 17
Meet 1st 3rd TU 6:30 PM Reisterstown United Methodist Church

District Chair Leadership Development and Education Don L Dudey
LG Don L Dudey

2016 - 2017
Division 06
President Sean Briggs, Secretary Don L Dudey
Membership Oct 1 - 17
Meet 1st 3rd TU 6:30 PM Reisterstown United Methodist Church

District Chair Leadership Development and Education Don L Dudey
LG Janice M Dudey

2017 - 2018
President Sean Briggs, Secretary Don L Dudey
Membership Oct 1 - 15
Meet 1st 3rd TU 6:30 PM Reisterstown United Methodist Church

District Chair Kiwanis Education Don L Dudey
District Chair Youth Protection Jan Dudey
Capital District Foundation Director Don L Dudey

2018 - 2019
Division 06
President Carlton F Thomas, Secretary Don L Dudey
Membership Oct 1 - 14
Meet 1st 3rd TU 6:30 PM Reisterstown United Methodist Church

District Chair Education Don L Dudey
District Chair Youth Protection Jan Dudey
Capital District Foundation Director Don L Dudey
LG Janice M Dudey

2019 - 2020
Division 06
President Carlton F Thomas, Secretary Don L Dudey
Membership Oct 1 - 12
Meet 1st 3rd TU 6:30 PM Reisterstown United Methodist Church

Capital District Foundation Director Don L Dudey
LG Don L Dudey

2020 - 2021
Division 06
President Gary L Beck, Secretary Don L Dudey
Membership Oct 1 - 18

Capital District Foundation Director Don L Dudey
LG Don L Dudey