Capital District Kiwanis History

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Organized December 12 1928 Chartered January 23 1929
Key #01811 49th District Club
Sponsor Baltimore City Kiwanis
Divisions 01 06 12
Merger 2001 to form Towson-Timonium

(Volume 3)
Division 01
President C Walter Cole Secretary Lawrence E Ensor
Trustee John T Hershner

The Towson Club, the 49th in the Capital District, was organized on Decemher 12, 1928, under the sponsoring care of the Baltimore Club The charter was presented by Governor Kimball on January 23, 1927, at a meeting attended by our ladies and by delegations from Baltimore, Washington and Havre de Grace, the total attendance being one hundred and fifteen.

The main address was delivered by Harry E Karr, Past International President The Baltimore Club through Wilbur Van Sant, Trustee, presented us with a table gong and gavel, and the Washington Club, through Vice-President James B Edmunds, presented an American flag.

Some of the more important activities of the club were as follows: We supported a movement for the repairing and widening of the York road from Baltimore to Towson, which fact was broadcast in the local papers A half-page advertisement in the county papers was carried in the name of Kiwanis Also through our initiative the hotel where we met was remodeled.

Congressman William P Cole addressed the club as a Public Affairs program A delegation visited the Washington Club on February 14 We had a 100% attendance on February 20.

We accepted a Rotary Club invitation to participate in the Yard and Garden Contest The purpose of this was to beautify the residences and thereby make our community more attractive There were more than 100 entries and awarded prizes.

Shortly after the inception of our club, we circulated questionnaires requesting, among other things, suggestions as to what work the Committee on Public Affairs should undertake The report indicated considerable desire for a public library at Towson Our committee thereupon undertook to investigate and as a result recommended to the club the establishment of a county library instead of a local one at Towson, as originally planned.

A meeting of representatives from the various civic and improvement organizations throughout the county was called, at which meeting the chairman of our committee presided It was determined to enlarge the group and to appoint sub-committees for the purpose of launching an educational campaign with the idea, finally, of approaching the County Commissioners for an appropriation Edwin B Cromwell of our club was named general chairman The committees have been duly appointed, and at the close of the year were functioning satisfactory.

We financed a number of boys in order that they might attend the University of Maryland Boys and Girls 4-11 Week In connection with Rotary, we sponsored a Boys' Week program in Towson and entertained about four hundred boys, the program consisting of a movie, a talk by the judge of the Juvenile Court, lunch, and a track and field program.

Probably the biggest piece of work accomplished by the Underprivileged Child Committee A campaign was carried on in the primary grades for proper care of teeth The club assumed the expenses where parents were unable to pay 88 children were cared for during the year.

Our first Ladies' Night was held on May 29, at Rodgers Forge Golf Club with an attendance of 130 Delegations visited the Havre de Grace Club, Baltimore, the latter during Inter Club Week, and Washington at the meeting in honor of International President 0 Sam Cummings On November 27, the Havre de Grace Club visited us for a fine meeting of music and speeches.

On April 18, we had a Farmers' Meeting, the speaker Harvey Derrick, County Agent, who spoke on 4-11 Club work Our President, C Walter Cole, addressed the Towson High School Alumni Association, the graduating class of 117 were present His subject was Vocational Guidance and Training All Kiwanis Night was observed

A golf tournament was held at the Rogers Forge Golf Club, Towson, on July 31, between Washington, Baltimore and Towson, which was followed by a dinner at Towson Hotel The Washington Club supplied the program with the Governor in charge At this meeting the District Loving Cup was brought to us from Washington We returned the cup to Washington an November 21, which finished its journeys throughout the clubs of the Capital District

On August 21, we sponsored the first meeting of Kiwanis and Rotary It was held at the home of Kiwanian T Howard Price There was baseball, quoits, tennis, golf, etc, followed by dinner and a program supplied by the two clubs All but two of our members were present On September 18, we went with our ladies and other guests to Randallstown, where a fine dinner was enjoyed as well as a musical program and a bowling contest One hundred and six persons were present

A bowling tournament with Rotary during the fall helped to develop friendly relations between these two clubs They were the victors in this We were represented at both International and District Conventions

We assisted in raising the community fund Harlan Johnson, the state Commander of the American Legion spoke during our Armistice Day recognition of ex-service men For the purpose to revitalize the local American Legion Post.

Speakers during the year were: Dr J Mason Knox, Jr, on Children and Their Care; Dr Milton E Kirkpatrick, on Child Psychology; George B Donaldson, Secretary of the Baltimore Club, on "Attendance"; the Misses C A McCubben and M J Pratt, on the "County Library"; Kiwanian Rev Henry Lee, on Kiwanis Education"; Past Governor Merle E Towner, Rev Dr Powers, of Towson, Col Claude B Sweezey, former Warden of the Maryland Penitentiary and an overseas veterans; Dr Norval McDonald, Dental Surgeon; Dr A E Pattrell, Executive Officer, of the Sheppard and Enock Pratt Hospital; Dr Alex Reid Martin, and Dr Charles E McAllister, of Baltimore.

We were also entertained by a boys' orchestra, led by the son of a Kiwanian, and a ten-piece 4-H Club boys' orchestra.

On December 27, our Christmas program consisted of the singing of Christmas carols, a moving picture of club members and outings during the year, a song written by President Walter, and the arrival of Santa Claus, who distributed gifts to all.

One of the inspirations of the club was the support of the Board of Directors which never failed to hold its regular meetings These meetings were held at t he homes of the directors, on which occasions dinner was served followed by the meeting Most of the meetings were attended 100%.

(Volume 4)
President C Walter Cole Secretary Lawrence E Ensor
Trustee John T Hershner

During 1929 the club started a movement to obtain a county-wide public library This continued through 1930 and speakers from the club addressed many organizations A member of our club was chairman of the General Citizens' Library Committee.

We cooperated with other organizations to obtain an adequate water supply for Towson and to secure an armory The merchants and businessmen were urged to assist in keeping our streets clean We assisted the American Legion in the formation of a boys baseball team which participated in the American Legion series We presented a Scout troop Witt, their troop flag We visited the Scout camp Three boys were sent to Boys' Week at the University of Maryland at our expense, and one of them was sent to the national contest of the Dairymen's Association, We helped finance the national team.

Held a Farmers' Night with 60 farmers present Interesting addresses were made by Past International President Harry E Karr, and Theodore McKeldin, secretary to the Mayor of Baltimore, A 4-H Club boys' orchestra added to the enjoyment of the occasion Sponsored a team of 4-H Club boys who won the national dairy contest at St Louis and went to England in the summer of 1931 to participate in the international contest On their return from St Louis we entertained them at our club.

We were quite active in inter-club work At our installation meeting, LG Linhardt, Past Governor Towner, Past President Harry Price, and Lamont Hackett, all of tile Baltimore club, were present and addressed us Twenty members of the Baltimore club and four from Havre de Grace attended our United States-Canada celebration when Roy Rouse of the Baltimore club spoke on our relations with Canada A large number of our members, with their wives, joined with the Baltimore club in celebrating the closing of the bowling season A delegation visited Wilmington during Inter-Club Week On December 10, we were host to an interclub meeting to Baltimore, Washington, and Havre de Grace Rev Cliesteen Smith, of Washington, made a splendid address on "Margins of Life," and Miss Helen Knowles rendered a number of solos.

The second annual Kiwanis-Rotary Day was held on August 14, with 300 present.

Talks were given to the high schools from time to time on vocational guidance A written plan to educate the public along these lines is in progress.

Miss Tall, principal of the Maryland State Norman School, addressed the club on the under-privileged child This was followed by five-minute talks by students of the high school We provided transportation to thirty-five girl, of tile Kelso Home for an outing Donations of food, clothing, and money enabled us to care for 20 needy families on Thanksgiving Day At Christmas, we gave a treat to the 45 tubercular children of Endowood Hospital, transported more than fifty children, from all parts of Baltimore County, to Mrs Evans' Christmas party, planned a movie party for the wards of Kelso Home and St Vincent Male Orphan Asylum, and supplied food, clothing, etc, to a number of poor families.

Among the speakers who appeared before the club were: Judge Thomas S Waxter, judge of the Juvenile Court of Baltimore; Mr J H K Shannahan, of the Bethlehem Steel Company, who spoke on "Old Iron Works of Baltimore County"; Captain Richard H Stevenson, on "Good Citizenship"; LTG Arthur Wilkinson; Dr Gordon E Davis, who spoke of his experience in West Africa while investigating yellow fever; Edward M Hicok, of the Western Electric Company; Dr Louis B Hull; Captain George Marshall, of the Salvation Army; judge T Scott Offutt, on "The Citizen and His Relation to the Law"; George R Clautice, Secretary of tile Baltimore Association of Commerce, on "Advertise Our State"; Charles R Roloson, on "Fire Prevention"; Harvey Derrick, County Agent, and Professor Brodis Mitchell, of Johns Hopkins University.

The club visited the Children's Department of the Tuberculosis Hospital .

Our annual Ladies Night was celebrated at the Rodgers Forge Golf Club.

All of our meetings were opened with the singing of "America," and closed with the 11 Star-Spangled Banner" We celebrated George Washington's Birthday, Fourth of July and Armistice Day.

The interest and cooperation of our Board of Directors has been the inspiration, guiding hand, and what-have-you of our club Regular monthly meetings were held at the homes of the directors, with dinner followed by the meeting Ten of these were attended 100%.

President Frank W Proctor, Secretary Lawrence E Ensor
Trustee John T Hershner
Sponsor Westminster Club

Continued the dental work for under-privileged children in the Towson The teeth of a number of children were cleaned; 33 fillings and 5 extractions were provided for Glasses were provided for a girl, which permitted her to continue her schoolwork Another girl was furnished with shoes to enable her to go to school Two more girls and two more boys were provided with clothing and shoes A fund was provided to buy new shoes and repair old shoes for school children A victim of infantile paralysis was placed in a hospital for the necessary operations to straighten his legs and arms A boy was sent to the hospital for treatment for curvature of the spine, resulting from paralysis.

The father of two of our under-privileged children was provided with part-time work, and clothing and shoes were provided for the children Transportation was provided for a boy whose condition from infantile paralysis made school attendance otherwise impossible Arrangements were made to provide transportation or provide teachers to take care of the education of seven children who would not otherwise receive instruction The mother of five children was provided transportation for a number of visits to Johns Hopkins Hospital for treatment The Under-privileged Child Committee visited the homes of physically handicapped children in an endeavor to be of help We provided a Christmas party for the boys of St Vincent's Home and the girls of Kelso Home, and also provided transportation for the wards of the Children's Aid Society for their annual Christmas party.

The Fourth of July and Armistice Day were observed The Committee on Public Affairs and other members of the club were successful in a large degree in their efforts to get out the voters of the community.

Through our Agricultural Committee, we continued our work with the 4-H Club boys and two interesting meetings were held in connection with this work Forty farmers from Baltimore County were guests of the club The Agricultural Committee distributed high-grade seed corn to the high school agricultural students of Baltimore County A number of the boys who participated in this project prepared exhibits for the county fairs, and three boys from each community prepared exhibits for the State Corn Show The county agent advised that the Kiwanis activity on this project is responsible for 30 Baltimore County farm boys becoming intensely interested in corn growing, and have pledged themselves to continue their corn work in the future, with the intention each year of improving the quality of their grain.

The Committee on Vocational Guidance conducted a campaign which stimulated a great deal of interest among the high school principals in our county and also among the principals of a number of the state public high schools A definite program was presented and discussed with the principals of these schools, which created a widespread interest in the subject The Committee arranged for a number of Kiwanians to talk before the students of the high school.

A number of public improvements were started or completed during the year One of these was the improvement of the water supply and pressure for Towson resulted in the securing of a stand-pipe and an enlarged water main Improvements resulted from our Committee's activities in the matter of the condition of the sidewalks in the business section of the town, eliminating the use of sidewalks for the display of merchandise and the accumulation of rubbish Our Committee secured the placing of a sidewalk in front of the Normal School, and guard rails were placed at several dangerous places on the highway We continued our work in the matter of securing a state armory at Towson A Yard and Garden Contest was held and prizes offered by the Kiwanis club and Rotary club A suitable program was arranged for a Thanksgiving meeting, at which time the members brought provisions, clothing, etc, for distribution to needy families.

Two Ladies Nights were held Kiwanis and Rotary united in holding a Field Day and a Bowling Tournament was held bv these two clubs.

The principal work along the line of inter-club relations was the sponsoring of a new Kiwanis club at Westminster, Maryland Delegations from our club visited nearby clubs and we received visits from representatives of those clubs.

Division 06
President Thomas Hughes, Secretary J Franklin Diggs
Membership Jan 1 - 50 Attendance 90%

Just three years old, the Towson club started its fourth year with a bang

In under-privileged child work the club furnished shoes 18 pairs, I pair of boots, and several pairs of overshoes for children to attend school, furnished one family with food and clothing, and two other families with clothing Financed an operation for a lame girl and paid $20 for a brace for a crippled child Outfitted and provided for one family of 8 children, paid for dental work for one child and bought glasses for three Sent 50 Thanksgiving baskets and gave a Christmas party to 100 children from St Vincent's Hospital and the Kelso Home.

Donated seed corn in the spring and seed wheat in the fall to the 4-H Club boys and sent three of these boys to the University of Maryland for 4-H Club work in the summer.

In public affairs the club got solidly behind an effort to have a Towson armory built, endeavored to have the Philadelphia Washington Boulevard routed through Towson, gave material assistance to the Unemployment Bureau, and put on a program in celebration of the Washington Bicentennial.

The club took an active part in the Charter Night program of the Westminster club, attended an inter-club meeting at Havre de Grace, and was host to Baltimore, Havre de Grace, Westminster, Wilmington and Rehoboth clubs at an inter-club meeting at Towson Many club members also visited a number of other clubs.

Division 06
President Lawrence Ensor, Secretary J Franklin Diggs
Membership Jan 1 - 44 Attendance 93%
Sponsor Annapolis Club
LG C Walter Cole

Continued to furnish food and clothing to under-privileged children, bought glasses for two children, held an Old Clothes Night, collecting used clothing, sent out Thanksgiving baskets and gave a Christmas treat to the orphans at St Vincents and the Kelso Home.

A Sons and Daughters Night was held with a program of entertainment for the youngsters The club assisted the Girl Scouts of the Kelso Home, selected and purchased pure blooded boars for the 4-H Clubs to improve their breed of swine, sent several 4-H boys to the short course at the University of Maryland during the summer and promoted the organization of a boys' harmonica band.

The Vocational Guidance Committee continued its program in three high schools In one school 100 students were given advice and in another 250 were helped.

In public affairs the club joined in a campaign for cleaning up vacant lots in the city, passed resolutions looking to the lowering of local telephone rates, gave publicity to methods of bartering, urged the observance of traffic regulations and highway safety and endorsed and aided in launching the NRA.

Delegates attended meetings: Elkton | Westminster Ladies Night | Annapolis Charter Night | Rehoboth Beach | Seaford Wilmington and Havre de Grace. Put on programs at five of these clubs. The Wilmington, Westminster, and Baltimore clubs, on invitation, put on programs at Towson, every member of the club visiting at least one other club during the year.

It celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary and Constitution Week and it entertained International President Endicott, Past International President Harry Kerr, the District Governor and the LTG at an inter-club meeting attended by representatives of seven other clubs It sent delegates to International and District Conventions and to the Mid-Winter Conference and had a number of representatives at the Capital District Anniversary Party at Bay Ridge.

President T Howard Price Secretary J Franklin Diggs
Membership Jan 1 - 50 Attendance 94%

A survey of the under-privileged in the community was made Food and clothing were furnished to keep children in school Three needy families were outfitted A dental and optical clinic was organized A meeting was held at Kernans Hospital for Crippled Children and an X-ray machine for the dental clinic there was furnished One hundred children were carried to St David's Christmas Entertainment and 45 boys from St Vincent's Orphanage were taken to a movie, and given a treat The members of the club contributed quantities of old clothing and shoes to be distributed to the needy The crippled children put on a play to help raise funds for this work

The club had a Fathers and Sons Night Worked with the 4-H boys Sent 3 to the University of Maryland short course, instituted a potato project and gave prizes, bought 5 gilts, and 3 purebred ewes, furnished seed corn and put on a seed corn show with prizes, and entertained the 4-H boys at a shore resort with swimming, baseball and refreshments It also bought maps, magazines and musical instruments for some of the schools and furnished and installed basketball equipment for the Kelso Home for girls

It arranged for Vocational Guidance talks in the high schools

The club visited Annapolis, Baltimore, Havre de Grace, Prince Georges County, and was host at a big inter-club meeting to Annapolis, Baltimore, Elkton, Rehoboth Beach, Westminster, Wilmington and three clubs from Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West VA

The club held Kiwanis Education meetings, celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary, entertained the Lieutenant-Governor and was represented at the International Convention and the District Convention where one of its members was chosen District Governor for 1935

Division 06
President John T Hershner, Secretary J Franklin Diggs
Membership Jan 1 - 47 Attendance 96%
Sponsor Pikesville Club
Governor C Walter Cole

The club gave a benefit card party for its under-privileged child work It furnished braces for a crippled child, put glasses on nine children, and continued through the year its relief work, furnishing food, clothing and medicine to needy families At Thanksgiving 35 baskets were sent to these families The club furnished a movie camera for Kernans Hospital for crippled children At Christmas a party was given to 100 boys at St Vincent's Orphanage and 50 girls from the Kelso Home The club held one meeting at the Kelso Home and put on a program for the children and it entertained the boys from the Orphanage and they put on the program

The club held a Fathers, Sons and Daughters Night Had a meeting at a CCC Camp, and put on a program for the boys It cooperated with the American Legion in arranging a series of dances for the young people It had a program on child training and aided the high school ]across team; it furnished a trophy for the junior rifle team

The club contributed to the expenses of the 4-H judging teams, entertained the 4-H boys of the county at a shore picnic, interested high school students in small vegetables for the summer, contributed books on vocational subjects to high school libraries, gave eleven talks at as many high schools, and held a Farmers Night and Ladies Night.

The club worked for the location of a CCC Camp in the county It also worked for having stop signs at dangerous road intersections in the county, and it studied traffic hazards It had programs on The Work of Congress, Local Government, Efficiency in Government, The Work of the AAA, The County Road System, The County Schools, Athletics and Living, The Coordination of Work and Leisure, and Fascism.

Installed the officers of the Elkton club, put on sample programs for Pikesville and Reisterstown and attended the Charter Nights of these two clubs and of Georgetown, Del, and Dover, Del, and sent flying squadrons to Annapolis, Baltimore, Reisterstown, Washington, a n d Westminster It was host to the Division Meeting and (luring the year every member of the club visited at least two other clubs.

Had bowling matches with Rotary, held its annual Kiwanis-Rotary Field Day, followed by supper and a joint luncheon with Rotary, and held a Ladies Night.

Furnished the District Governor for the year, had three Kiwanis Education meetings, fostered the formation of the Reisterstown club, celebrated All-Kiwanis Night, and Constitution Week, and was represented at the Mid-Winter Conference, the District and International Conventions, the Division Meeting and the Training School for Club Officers.

This club had fifteen 100% meetings during the year and 26 of its members had 100% attendance for the yea.r

President Leroy Y Haile, Secretary J Franklin Diggs
Membership Jan 1 - 50 Attendance 96%

Sponsor North Baltimore Club

Gave a card party for the benefit of its under-privileged child work Furnished 14 pairs of glasses, had dental work (lone for 45 orphans, made a survey of the indigent families in the neighborhood and gave aid to them in the form of food, clothing and medical supplies It had one meeting at St Vincent's Orphanage and one at the Kelso Home, putting on programs for the children It gave a Christmas party for the children in each of these institutions It furnished playground equipment and modernized the playground St Vincent's It also gave the St Vincent boys a shore outing Arranged transportation of indigent pupils to high school

The club had a Father, Son and Daughter Night, presented a trophy to the junior rifle team and tents to the Boy Scouts

It had a Farmers' Night, sent 4 boys and a girl to the University of Maryland for 4-H Week and it had a 4-H Club boys' picnic,

The club made a study of the methods of tax collection in the county Urged and worked for more town sidewalks Had programs on Orphans' Court, The Psychology of Safe Driving, Human Communication, The Bootlegging of Coal, The Cost of Education in the County, Americanism, Conservation, Building Business, and International Affairs

Put on a program for the North Baltimore club, and attended its Charter Night Sent delegations to Westminster and to North Baltimore, and all but ten of its members visited at least two other clubs during the year It was host to the Division Meeting

The club had bowling matches with Rotary, held the annual Rotary-Kiwanis Field Day, celebrated Thanksgiving and had two Ladies Nights

It held several Kiwanis Education meetings and was represented at the Mid-Winter Conference and the International and District Conventions The club won the District attendance and achievement trophies in its class

President G Clyde Andrew, Secretary Leroy Y Haile
Membership Jan 1 - 48 Attendance 94%

Gave its annual card party for the benefit of the under-privileged child work Furnished 15 children with glasses, spent approximately $30 for hot lunches for school children, sent a Boy Scout and Girl Scout to camp for two weeks Sent 3 boys and 1 girl to the University of Maryland for 4-H Club Week Held a meeting at St Vincent's Orphanage and had the boys from there put on a program at another meeting Put on Christmas parties for the boys at St Vincent's and the girls at Kelso Home, besides the club carried on relief work for destitute families through the year

The club had a Farmers Night with a program on The Conservation of Land, and arranged a shore outing for the 4-H boys

Several members made vocational guidance talks to the high school students and the club purchased books on various occupations for the high school library

It worked successfully for the removal of telephone poles causing hazards on the highway, and succeeded in having (lead trees on the streets of the town replanted and also got an additional traffic light placed at a dangerous corner Succeeded in having another road widened and sidewalks laid

The club had a Flying Squadron visit Pikesville, Baltimore, North Baltimore, Reisterstown, Elkton and some other clubs The club was host to a big inter-club meeting of all clubs in the Division and some others at which Westminster delivered the Log to Towson Later Towson carried the Log to Elkton The club had its annual Kiwanis-Rotary Field Day, bowled with Rotary, had two Ladies Nights, and celebrated Thanksgiving

Sent representatives to the Mid-Winter Conference, the District and International Conventions, and field a school for club officers

(Volume 5)
President Dr Arthur Pattrell, Secretary Leroy Y Haile
Membership Jan 1 - 53 Attendance 95%

The club had a program on welfare work Gave a benefit card party netting $350 for welfare work Furnished milk, other food, and clothing to a number of indigent families, aided in the support of a public health nurse, with 20 pairs of glasses, entertained 110 children from St Vincents and the Kelso Home, held a luncheon at each of these Homes, gave a Christmas party for 150 of the children, and delivered 17 Christmas baskets.

Gave $25 for research into the detection and cure of deafness in children It fostered the junior baseball league, and it succeeded in persuading the authorities to furnish a place of detention, other than the jail, for juvenile offenders.

Worked with the 4 H club, held a successful Farmers' Night and gave prizes at the 4 H Corn Show Contributed $100 to set up a clinic on venereal disease Worked for the change from trolley cars to buses for transportation from Baltimore.

Seventeen Kiwanians and their wives attended an inter club meeting at Reisterstown, and the club was host to the Division meeting of the Sixth Division.

Was represented at the International and District Conventions, and the LG’s Training School for Club Officers.

President E Guy Stapleton, Secretary James H Seeley
Membership Jan 1 - 51 Attendance 93%

Furnislied 23 children with gl asses, financed dental work for a number ot others, furnished 161 articles of clothing, and tested for defective hearing 6,670 children It transported 64 boys of St Vincent's Orphanage and 39 girls of Kelso Home to local theater for the annual Christnias movie party and each child was given a stocking filled with candy, besides which each child in both institution was given a five pound box of candy and an orange on Christmas Day Christmas haskets were delivered to 16 indigent families having a total of 76 children Toys and clothing were included in the basket

Contributed $5 for music for the Halloween Parade and $5 for the most unique costume Gave $25 for prizes at the Cub Pack Handicraft Show, $5 for a medal and trophy for winners of the Junior Rifle Club meet Medal, were also given for the High School Track rueet, and for the, winner of the Bugler Contest at the Scout Jarriboree Two boys and 3 girls were sent to the Scout Canip Held a Son and Daughter Night, and the club gave the paper for and assisted in the publication of the Vacation Religion, School Journal which school was attended bv 73 boys and girls Money was appropriated to assist in the purchase of a 65 acre canip site for Scout camp

A Farmers' Night was lield Representatives of the club attended the 4 H club banquet One girl and two boys were sent to the UniversitY of Maryland Short Course

A number of books on Vocational Guidance donated to the High School Advice was given to 400 students entering high school and to about 100 entering college

The traffic problem of the town was considered Attended the Charter Presentatation Taneytown club The club took the plaque to Dover, received it again frorn Annapolis, and passed it on to Tanevtown

The club had a bowling team, joint Kiwanis Rotary Field Day, which is an annual affair, had a Ladies' Night, and a Wives' Night

Visited by the LG, was represented at the Mid Winter Conference, the International and the District Conventions, and the Training School for Club Officers

Sponsor Halethorpe Club
President G Milton Brooks, Secretary James H Seeley
Membership Jan 1 - 50 Attendance 94%

Sponsor Halethorpe Club

Gave a benefit card party with 95 tables and raised $300 for its community work $250 was given to aid in the purchase of a 150 acre camp site for Scout catup and other camping activities It entertained a group of girls from the Kelso Home at one of its dinners It collected and repaired discarded toys for distribution at Christmas Furnished 24 with glasses, clothing was distributed to a large number of needy families, $10 was contributed to the Milk Fund, and dental work and T and A operations were done.

Contributed $10 to the Girl Scout camp, send 2 boys and a girl to the University of Maryland Short Course, prizes were given to winners at the Hobby Show, and to the best bugler at the Scout jaluboree, three boys and three girls were sent to Scout camp, a successful Father Son and Daugliter Night was held, and $125 each Nvas loaned to two individuals from the Student Loan Fund in order to enable them to complete their education.

Conferences on Vocational Guidance were held with school principal, professional literature in regard to the occupations of members of the club was donated by them to the school library Satisfactory jobs were gotten for two graduates of the high school.

The club fostered a move for putting receptacles for waste paper, etc,, at various places along the streets It put on a Get Out to Vote campaign, contributed to the Fourth of July Parade, sent out 30 baskets to needy families.

The club received the plaque from Ellicott City and carried it to Westminster Attended 100% an inter club meeting in Baltimore In the first 3 months of the year, 106 visits had been made to other clubs The club had its usual Wives Night, Ladies' Night and Dinner Dance, and Kiwanis Rotary Field Day.

It had programs on Kiwanis Education, entertained the District Governor and the LG, celebrated All Kiwanis Week, gave a prize to the member making the most inter club visits, sponsored the formation of a new club at Halethorp, and attended its Charter Presentation on July 30 The club was represented at the International Convention and all district and division meetings.

President 0 Harold Williamson, Secretary Daniel J Bradley
Membership Jan 1 - 50 Attendance 95%

The club spent upwards of $60000 on underprivileged child work, taking care of dental work, fitting of glasses, food and clothing for indigent families, and the like The club had a meeting at the Kelso Home The money for these things was partly raised by means of a benefit card party and by individual contributions from various members of the club The club fostered a camp site on the Gun Powder River and contributed $600 toward building This camp took care of 199 boys during the summer The club aided in the organization of the Boy Scout Council in this area, and gave the local Scout troop an outing

The club held a successful Farmers' Night, gave an outing to the 4 H club boys, including a cruise in the yacht of a member, and gave prize money to the winner in the Corn Show One boy and one girl were sent to the University of Maryland Short Course

A conference of college representatives was sponsored at the high school to discuss the preparation needed for various occupations A subscription to the Vocational Guidance Magazine was given to the Public Library

The club was host at an inter club meeting to Baltimore, North Baltimore, Halethorp, and Pikeville, and had a second inter club meeting Representatives were sent to Baltimore on the occasion of the visit of the International President, and again to the Governor's Ball Other delegations visited North Baltimore, Westminster, Ellicott City, and Reisterstown Aside from these inter club visits, 257 visits were made to 36 other clubs, and 182 visiting Kiwanians were entertained

The club had a bowling team The annual Wives Night and Ladies' Night Dinner Dance were held as usual as well as the Kiwanis Rotary Field Day

The club celebrated All Kiwanis Night and Constitutional Week The Directors met regularly at homes of the various members The club entertained the District Governor and was represented at the Mid Winter Conference, the International and District Conventions, and the Training School for Club Officers Twenty four members of the club had 100% attendance, and there were seven 100% meetings At the close of the year, 1 member was in military service

President Robert C Thompson, Secretary Leroy Y Haile
Membership Jan 1 - 51 Attendance 96%

The club arranged for a hearing test at all public schools in this area, the results of which showed that out of 5,332 children, 265 were found to having hearing defects that needed attention The club maintained what is known as a store room to which members contribute clothing and shoes During the year contributions of the inemhers to this store room were valued at more than $400, Out of the store room clothing and shoes are donated to needy families from time to time The club provided glasses where needed, free lunches for ten undernourished children, and supplies for the dental clinic in one of the schools Personal service and ultimate rehabilitation is the kevnote of the club's work among underprivileged children, and it has extended during the year over $500 on this work

Wood and other supplies for model airplanes were secured for boys at the high school The club sent six boys to summer camp, made repairs to athletic equipment of Kelso Home, donated $25 to High School Band, built a Kiwanis Cabin on the camp grounds, and supplied materials and labor for a cold water storage tank This camp, which is partly owned by the club, served during the summer months sixty 4 H club girls, 200 boys from the YMCA in Baltimore, 200 boys from the Salvation Army Boys Club, and several other groups The club held one of its meetings at the camp so that the members might observe the activities of the boys and girls The annual Hobby Show for the Cub Pack was held and prizes given for the best exhibit

The club organized and conducted a Scrap Drive, collecting more than 200 tons of metal All nimibers of the club served in some phase of Civilian Defense or War Work

One big inter club meeting was held in which the club was host to all the clubs in the Sixth Division, and another in which it sirnplv entertained the North Baltimore chib It sent delegations to Baltimore on the occasion of the visit of the International President, a0r! again to the meeting held in lionor of the District Governor Other delegations visited Westminster, Ellicott City, North Baltimore, and Reisterstown Two hundred and five visiting Kiwanians were entertained during the year, and 178 individual visits to other clubs were made

A Wives' Night, and a Ladies' Night Dinner Dance were put on as usual Two joint meetings with Rotary were held besides the Kiwanis Rotary Field Day

A successful Farmers' Night was held and the club continued its interest in 4 H club work, offering prizes for the best exhibit and encouraging these boys and girls in every possible way The club celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary, It was represented at the Mid Winter Conference, the International and the District Conventions, and the Training School for Club Officers It also entertained the District Governor At the close of the year, one member of the club was in militar? service

President Robert F Porter, Secretary Blake B Haniniond
Membershipi Jan 1 - 53 Attendance 98%

A quantity of used clothing, shoes, and other things of value have been contributed by members of the club to the store house in case these articles cannot be distributed, they are sold an(] the money received for them put into the fund for community work The club gave its annual benefit card party and netted $500 for this fund Approximately $7500 was contributed to the Dental Clinic, $118 to the Gun Powder Youth Camp, one meeting was held at St Vincent's Orphan Asylum and the boys there were given new baseball uniforms and caps Glasses, shoes, and clothing were furnished where needed, and Christmas parties given at the St Vincent's Orphan Asylum and the Kelso Home '

The club entertained the Cub Pack, and had a very worthwhile Father Son and Daughter Night Sented a Vocational Guidance Library to the High School

The need of supervised recreation in the community was discussed and after the local Recreation Association was formed, which runs 3 separate playgrounds for the surniner, the club contributed $100 to this work It particularly worked for better fire protcction in the town, and asked the Health Department to provide for better garbage collection Donated $2,000 to the Red Cross Practically the on1v inter club activity was the visit of a large delegation to a ineeting of the Baltimore club

Programs were given on Kiwanis Education, the usual special meetings recommended by International were observed, the club was represented at the Mid Winter Conference and the District Convention, and at the end of the year one member of the club was in the armed forces

(Volume 6)
President Fred H Dollenberg, Secretary William T Zerr
Membership Jan 1 - 58 Attendance 97%
Sponsor Parkville Club

President W Raymond Wilson, Secretary William T Zerr
Membership Jan 1 - 60 Attendance 96%

Division 06
President G Wilton Benson, Secretary William T Zerr
Membership Jan 1 - 59 Attendance 92%

Sponsor Northeast Baltimore Club
LG Robert C Thompson

President Landon M Brooks, Secretary Harold M Shade
Membership Jan 1 - 61 Attendance 97%

President Alvey G Hammond, Secretary Harold M Shade
Membership Jan 1 - 58 Attendance 94%

President Carl G Francis, Secretary James H Seeley
Membership Jan 1 - 69 Attendance 93%

President William T Zerr Secretary James H Seeley
Membership Jan 1 - 69 Attendance 92%
Co Sponsor Loch Raven Club

Division 06
(Volume 7)
President M B Shearman, Secretary James H Seeley
Membership Jan 1 - 66 Attendance 95%
LG William T Zerr

Division 12
President Chester A Troy Sr, Secretary James H Seeley
Membership Jan 1 - 63 Attendance 97%

President Dr Cleo D Stiles, Secretary James H Seeley
Membership Jan 1 - 67 Attendance 98%

President Herbert W Rutherford, Secretary Hayden Lewis
Membership Jan 1 - 68 Attendance 98%

President Theodore G Bunnecke, Secretary Llewellyn S Dando
Membership Jan 1 - 71 Attendance 99%

President ?, Secretary ?

President James A Griffin Jr, Secretary Llewellyn S Dando

President Carroll M Radebaugh, Secretary Llewellyn S Dando

President Douglas J Wishart, Secretary Llewellyn S Dando

Division 12
President A Robus Carey Secretary Llewellyn S Dando
Sponsor Timonium-Cockeysville Club
LG Chester A Troy

President L Scott Brooks, Secretary Llewellyn S Dando

District Chair New Club Building Chester A Troy

President Austin W Brizendine, Secretary Llewellyn S Dando

District Chair New Club Building Chester A Troy

Division 12
President Dr Donald L Somerville, Secretary Llewellyn S Dando
District Chair Public and Business Affairs A Robus Carey
Governor Chester A Troy Sr

Division 12
President William T Robinson, Secretary Edward C White
District Chair Achievements, Convention Programs, Finance Chester A Troy
LG A Robus Carey

President Llewellyn S Dando Secreetary Edward C White

President Louis A Manza, Secreetary Edward C White


President E Lynch Ewell, Secretary Llewellyn S Dando

President Ralph E Ensor, Secretary Llewellyn S Dando

1969 - 1970
President Edward C White Secretary Llewellyn S Dando

1970 - 1971
President Robert B Barnhill, Secretary Llewellyn S Dando

District Chair Coordinator-Quality of Environment A Robus Carey

1971 - 1972
President Richard J Frazier, Secretary Edward C White

1972 - 1973
President George R Clark Secretary Edward C White

1973 - 1974
President Frank B Procter, Secretary John Y Crow

1974 - 1975
President Donald S Carter, Secretary John Y Crow

1975 - 1976
President Alexander Mac Nutt, Secretary John Y Crow

1976 - 1977
Division 12
President Leroy Y Haile Jr, Secretary John Y Crow
LG George R Clark

1977 - 1978
President Donald W Clem, Secretary Robert M Stauffer

1978 - 1979
President Robert H Bisvert, Secretary Robert M Stauffer

1979 - 1980
President John M Seney Jr, Secretary Robert M Stauffer

1980 - 1981
Division 12
President John Y Crow, Secretary Robert M Stauffer
LG Donald W Clem

1981 - 1982
President Edmond G Otton, Secretary Alexander Mac Nutt Jr

1982 - 1983
President Allen F Schwender Secretary Alexander Mac Nutt Jr

1983 - 1984
President ? Secretary William E Kircher

1984 - 1985
President James C Manfuso, Secretary William E Kircher

1985 - 1986
Division 12
President Robert J Weiss Secretary John F Kassout
LG Allen F Schwender

1986 - 1987
President J Howard Settle, Secretary Allen F Schwender

1987 - 1988
President Timonthy G Weidman, Secretary Allen F Schwender

1988 - 1989
President Eugene W Cuningham, Secretary Allen F Schwender

1989 - 1990
President Keith Curtis, Secretary Allen F Schwender

1990 - 1991
President Thomas D Ferrara, Secretary Allen F Schwender

District Chair Circle K Administrator Robert J Weiss

1991 - 1992
President Aimee F Waltz, Secretary Patricia A Goebel

District Chair Circle K Administrator Robert J Weiss

1992 - 1993
President Thomas M Esposito, Secretary Thomas M Esposito
Membership Oct 1 - 40

1993 - 1994
President Remigio J Alcaraz, Secretary William H Engel III
Membership Oct 1 - 36

1994 - 1995
President Remigio J Alcaraz, Secretary William H Engel III
Membership Oct 1 - 30

1995 - 1996
President Michael L Hayden, Secretary William H Engel III
Membership Oct 1 - 26

1996 - 1997
President M Hunt Cunningham, Secretary William H Engel III
Membership Oct 1 - 24

1997 - 1998
President M Hunt Cunningam Jr, Secretary William H Engel III
Membership Oct 1 - 21

1998 - 1999
President Remingio J Alcaraz, Secretary William H Engel III
Membership Oct 1 - 17

1999 - 2000
President Remigio J Alcaraz, Secretary William H Engel III
Membership Oct 1 - 18

2000 - 2001
President Remigio J Alcaraz, Secretary William H Engel III
Membership Oct 1 - 19, Attendance 86%
August 2001
Merged with Timonium Hunt Valley MD
to form Towson-Timonium

Year End: 93 Projects Completed, 666 Service Hours, $5,025 Spent, 20 Interclubs