Capital District Kiwanis History

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Organized October 14 1927 Chartered November 25 1927
Key #01698 47th District Club
Sponsor Norfolk | Portsmouth Kiwanis
Division 04
Name change 1935 to Southside Norfolk

Division 04
(Volume 2)
President Grover C Outland, Secretary W O Sherman
Trustee T C Hollowell

The charter was presented by Governor Russell S Perkinson A delegation from the Washington Club, headed by Lieutenant-Governor Harry G Kimball presented the District Loving Cup District Governor-elect C R Pugh of the Carolinas District was present and spoke Delegations were present from Norfolk, Portsmouth, Newport News and Hampton Of course our ladies were present, to grace the occasion.

During the organization period and on to the end of the year, the baby club heard some fine addresses on matters of public interest and on Kiwanis Among those speaking on the latter subject were: J M Fentress, Past Governor; M T Blassingham, Lieutenant-Governor, and Robert E Turner, District Secretary We sponsored the first community Christmas tree ever held here and provided 18 baskets for poor families.

We also have sponsored a Boy Scout troop known as the Troop of the South Norfolk Kiwanis Club Much interest is being shown The troop meets every Thursday and has now a membership of seventeen boys

A dental clinic is also sponsored by the club Two hours a week being given by two dentists to under-privileged children, otherwise unable to have this work done This has met a need and has proven a success

April the club sponsored a revue and cleared nearly $10000 for use of the underprivileged fund

During the first year the club heard addresses from some -of the leading jurists, ministers, lawyers and businessmen of this section, and also from Admiral W T Cluverius, commandant of the Norfolk navy yard and Fifth Naval District

The club also entertained the senior class of the South Norfolk high school as its guests in May, also Boy Scout troop

(Volume 3)
President Grover C Outland, Secretary W O Sherman
TrusteeT C Hollowell

In January, we took the District Loving Cup to Waynesboro On February 10, we entertained the Senior High School class Several of our members attended an interclub meeting at Old Point

On April 10 we gave a play for the benefit of our underprivileged child work We were represented at a meeting of service clubs at Portsmouth at which Governor Byrd spoke on the proposed amendments to the State constitution

We sponsored a Boy Scout troop and took part in a campaign sponsored by Rotary to advocate good will in Tidewater Virginia We also decided to assist in bringing new industries to South Norfolk

All Kiwanis Night was fittingly celebrated A Ladies' Night was held on July 20

Two dentists, members of the club, agreed to give an hour's work each week to needy children recommended by the club We donated money to the Children's Home Society of Virginia

24 members and their wives attended the division meeting in Williamsburg

The first anniversary of our club was celebrated on November 23 by a Ladies' Night The guests included Governor-Elect Harry G Kimball, District Secretary Robert E Turner, and Lieutenant-Governor Thomas Newman One of the principal results of our first year's existence was the development of friendly feelings in our town and the elimination of suspicion and hard feelings had formerly existed here

We had three large highway signs erected at the entrances to town Approximately seventy dollars were realized from a movie for the benefit of our Christmas charity We sponsored our second Community Christmas tree at which anthems were sung, speeches made, and fruit and candy distributed

President Charles E Johnson, Secretary W O Sherman
Trustee J E White Jr

The Fourteenth Anniversary of Kiwanis was celebrated on January 25 At the very beginning of the year we decided to urge on the city authorities that modern house numbering and street signs be installed We were successful in getting the numbering done but the street signs matter was still pending at the close of the year

We backed the project of securing a new high school building and gave an entertainment for funds to assist in equipping the school grounds Washington and Lincoln's birthdays were jointly celebrated

A delegation from the Hampton Club visited us on March 8 Two more Kiwanis signs were erected on the roads leading into the city We continued our interest in the Boy Scout troop and sent two scouts to camp for two weeks Various Kiwanians spoke to the scouts at their meetings Our members attended the meeting at Norfolk in Inter-Club Week All-Kiwanis Night was observed and our ladies were present on this occasion An outing for underprivileged children was given at Chesapeake Beach 72 children between the ages of six and thirteen were present to enjoy bathing, eats, and games Our scouts assisted us in looking after the childrenFarmers' Night was held on July 19Ladies' Night was held on October 25

Armistice Day was celebrated, and our own anniversary on November 22 was a very interesting occasion A report of the Dental Clinic gave the following figures: Dr R A Gay, of Norfolk, gave forty-five hours, of which twenty-seven hours were used on: <
Cleaning 5 cases
Fillings 12 cases
Extractions 8 cases

Dr J 0 Belcher, of South Norfolk, gave the same time to the clinic, of which 25 hours were used on:

Cleaning 5 cases
Fillings 12 cases
Extractions 8 cases

Speakers during the year: Dean H Dobson Peacock on Mexican geology, Harry M Thompson, Secretary of Norfolk-Portsmouth Maritime Exchange, who spoke on "Ports of Hampton Roads," and Robert E Turner, District Secretary, who paid us an official visit as the representative of the Governor

(Volume 4)
President J James Davis, Secretary W O Sherman
Trustee John E White Jr

During the year we sponsored dances for the benefit of our under-privileged child work

We continued our work with the Boy Scouts and sent one of the boys to the annual encampment at Yorktown, and took lie troop to a beach for an outing

Donated a prize for a typewriting and shorthand contest in the high school, observed All-Kiwanis Night, had an agricultural meeting, and were represented at the District Convention

President William H Darden Secretary Charles E Johnson
Trustee Grover C Outland

Worked with the Boys Scouts and raised money for the school lunch room

A delegation from Hampton paid us a visit 25 Christmas baskets were given to needy families

President J E White, Secretary W O Sherman
Membership Jan 1 - 19 Attendance 81%

The child work of this club consisted in fostering the Boy and Girl Scout troops in the community It organized a meeting of the parents of the Boy Scouts, entertained the Boy Scout troop and the Girl Scout troop and presented a flag to the Girl Scouts

Attended an inter-club meeting at Norfolk and sent a team to the inter-club golf tournament at Yorktown

Held two Ladies Nights and gave a dance for the benefit of its Scout work and cleared $20

The officers for 1933 attended the Lieutenant-Governor's School for Club Officers

President Z V Jones, Secretary W O Sherman
Membership Jan 1 - 18 Attendance 72%

Had programs on Under-privileged Child Work, Business Standards, Public Affairs, Inter-club Relations and Kiwanis Education

Continued its work with Boy and Girl Scouts for 6 months giving a minstrel show to make money for building a club house for Boy and Girl Scouts

No meetings from June to November but in December under the leadership of the District Governor and the LTG began to take up new life

President George W Doughtrey, Secretary Guy W Beale
Membership Jan 1 - 17 Attendance 78%

Held no meetings in January, February or March Reorganized April 6th, and the Norfolk and Portsmouth clubs installed its officers It contributed to the Norfolk club's Camp Kiwanis Each member filled a kiddy bag at Christmas

Sponsored a Boy Scout troop and a Girl Scout troop

Attended an inter-club meeting at Hampton and met with the Norfolk club at Camp Kiwanis It also held two Ladies Nights

President R A Gay, Secretary Guy W Beale
Membership Jan 1 - 21 Attendance 73%

The club held 52 meetings during the year Three of these meetings were Ladies Nights

It gave a play netting $16680 to be used for under-privileged child work It furnished one child with glasses

Had a program on Citizenship

December 1935
Change name to Southside Norfolk