Capital District Kiwanis History

CLUBS Old-Divisions-New Regions Site Map Leadership People

Organized July 1 1919 Chartered October 15 1919
Key #00085 5th District Club
Sponsor Kiwanis Field Representative Arthur Malkin
Divisions 04 13 16 14
Regions Hampton Roads | Southeast Virginia
Population (1919) 129,710

Division 04
(Volume 1 R E Turner)
President Richard B Tucker, Vice President David Pender
Treasurer Walter C Rawles Secretary Luther T Ironmonger
Trustee David Pender

The Kiwanis Club of Norfolk was organized May 13, 1919, and held its first meeting and began to function in July 1919 It was chartered October 15, 1919

Division 04
President Richard B Tucker, Vice President David Pender
Treasurer Norman Bell Secretary Luther T Ironmonger

Sponsor Portsmouth Club

Division 04
President David Pender, Vice President Norman Bell
Treasurer Robert W Coates
Secretary Luther T Ironmonger Trustee David Pender
Sponsor Newport News Club

The club was honored by the election of David Pender as Capital Kiwanis District LTG

President Joseph M Fentress, Vice President Theodore S Garnett
Treasurer John J Collins, Secretary Luther T Ironmonger
Trustee David Pender

The appointment of R E Turner as Chairman of the International Committee on Publicity, by Harry E Karr, International President

President James B Dey Jr, Vice President Melvin T Blassingham
Treasurer John J Collins, Secretary Luther T Ironmonger
Trustee Joseph M Fentress
District Secretary Robert E Turner

The appointment of Turner on the International Music Committee

The Norfolk Club has actively participated in every city-wide movement for civic development, welfare and charity work. The committees have effectively and efficiently co-operated with the Chamber of Commerce and other civic organizations in all progressive undertakings, always endorsing and helping to put over any up building measure.

It has added much to the happiness of the underprivileged children and adults on Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, and other occasions. Christmas entertainment and basket distributions have been featured by the club In many of the local drives. it was the Kiwanis Club that carried the campaign over the top The club is now unanimously behind the Community Chest program.

The outstanding accomplishment of the club, since its organization, is the erection of the Kiwanis Clinic House of the King's Daughters Hospital. This building was erected at a cost of $14,000, subscribed entirely by members of the club. The building is a monument to the club and a blessing to the community, being operated as a free clinic for children, thousands of children each year receiving treatment by the very best medical talent in Norfolk without charge. Skillful Kiwanis specialists are greatly interested in the work and devote much time to it.

The Norfolk Club, with the co-operation of the Portsmouth and Newport News Clubs, entertained the Capital District Kiwanis Convention in 1921.

The Norfolk Club is entitled to the credit of originating two features that have become a part of the International program. In 1920 the stressing of the teaching of the Constitution and basic laws in the public schools as a part of the regular curriculum was first proposed in the Norfolk Club by J D Hank Jr. It was first reduced to resolution and presented to the Wilmington Convention by our delegate, and passed, and through the influence of this resolution and active co-operation of Virginia clubs, it was first made effective in the public schools of Virginia. It was presented by the Capital District to the Cleveland Convention and was passed as an International objective.

The establishment of Constitution Day, September 17th, was originated by Robert E Turner of the Norfolk Club. Kiwanian Turner was especially invited to attend a meeting of International officers held at the Washington Hotel DC in April 1922, to present two ideas, which he had proposed as Chairman of the International Committee on publicity. The first was a plan for providing education for underprivileged talent. This idea was adopted as to principle and embodied in the International booklet entitled "Under-privileged Child". The second was a resolution setting aside the week of September 17th as "Constitution Day". This resolution was immediately approved by Thomas E Babb, Chairman of the Public Affairs Committee, who was present, and unanimously adopted We want the Capital District to have the credit for the origination this great National Kiwanis event.

The Norfolk Club has regularly given handsome gold medals to children of selected grades in the grammar and high schools, for the best essay on the "Cardinal Benefits of Living Under the American Constitution".

Division 04
(Volume 2)
President Melvin T Blassingham, Secretary Harry B Vesey
Trustee James B Dey Jr
LG Joseph M Fentress
Governor Replacement Joseph M Fentress
District Secretary Robert E Turner

In 1924 it was found that the capacity of the Kiwanis Clinic House was inadequate The Club therefore added another story at a cost of about $8,000.

We held a Fathers and Sons Day with 60 sons present and raised $8,360 from members in five minutes Funds went to erect a third story on the Kiwanis Clinic House of King's Daughters' Hospital and to pay the balance remaining on the original building which was built by the club three years before at a cost of $14,000 Ten thousand children were treated free at this clinic in 1923.

We acted as host to Portsmouth and Newport News on Inter-Club Day Participated in Boys Week celebration by contributing $150 We had a float in the parade symbolical of our club's work in underprivileged child clinic We donated three medals to public school students for the best essays on The Cardinal Advantages of Living Under the Constitution of the United States.

Several hundred children were entertained at a nearby farm at a strawberry feast The members furnished transportation and refreshments Mother's Day was observed with women speakers Members of our club attended a joint meeting with Newport News and Richmond at Williamsburg

Held Presidents Day when every president of the club, past and present, spoke Endorsed and actively supported the formation of a Junior Chamber of Commerce composed of men between the ages of eighteen and 33 years

The Norfolk Club, both as a body and individually, supported the Community Fund Drive to raised $3000 for the 1925 requirements of the city's welfare organizations

President John C Nelms Jr, Secretary Harry B Vesey
Trustee M T Blassingham
District Secretary Robert E Turner

We prepared slides of the work at the Clinic House for exhibition at the St Paul Convention They were exhibited by Burton D Myers, International Chairman of the Committee on Underprivileged Children, in his report to the convention

About 40 members gave their time for a week in the new resort hotel at adjacent to Norfolk

At the meeting of April 9, we had 64 sons and daughters present Each son received a league baseball and ench daughter a silver compact At the meeting of April 16, our members received a surprise The wives were invited without the husbands' knowledge When the doors were opened 74 wives, who had selling stock of Virginia Beach, come early, were seated at the tables to greet their surprised husbands

We actively supported Boys Week with an appropriation 81 members attended the Inter-Club meeting at Portsmouth We actively supported the Chamber of Commerce in the raising of an advertising fund of three hundred thousand dollars for our city We also participated in the Defense Day parade

President W W Bennett, Secretary Harry B Vesey
Trustee M T Blassingham
District Secretary Robert E Turner

Our Educational Committee put on a splendid program on Anniversary Week, calculated to instill Kiwanis principles in old and new members alike

A series of golf tournaments was held during the year These contests foster fellowship among the members On February 4, nine members went to Newport News to present the District Loving Cup There was a very attractive program and a good Inter-Club meeting We assisted in a supplemental drive for the community fund

The Norfolk Club concentrated its efforts in behalf of the Kiwanis Clinic work for underprivileged children This work was rapidly growing and becoming more efficient Up to this time it represented an expenditure on the part of our club of over twenty-five thousand dollars, all raised within its membership

We appropriated the necessary funds to send ten poor boys on a ten days' outing in July The club presented medals to winners of Kiwanis Essay Contests on the Constitution The contest was held in both white and colored high schools

Our meeting of August 19 was held on a specially chartered steamer to view the Norfolk Wat~r Carnival A balance of seven hundred dollars due on the Kiwanis Clinic was subscribed and paid at our meeting of September 30 in less than five minutes We sent a check for fifty dollars to the Red Cross for the relief of Florida sufferers

We made every effort to stimulate voting Participated in the Inter-Club meeting of the fourth division held at Williamsburg

On October 21, the club held its regular meeting at the King's Daughters' Home, which organization operates the Kiwanis Clinic On this occasion, David Pender, a Past President of our club and a past Lieutenant Governor, presented to the King's Daughters the building adjoining their building which he had completely renovated and fitted up at a cost of twenty-five thousand dollars It was under his administration as President that the original clinic building was built by the Kiwanis Club and presented to the King's Daughters This new building enabled this fine organization greatly to enlarge the scope of their free treatments to the underprivileged children of Norfolk District Governor Towner was present when this newest gift was made and delivered a fine address on the work of the Norfolk Club

According to our custom, the Thanksgiving meeting was called off, but each member paid the usual price, the money going to the Union Mission to enable that charitable organization to give a dinner to the poor

We adopted as the objective of the club for 1927 the raising of a fund of $12,500 each year for a period of two years, for the University of Virginia, to increase its facilities for providing higher education for worthy students

Kiddie bags were filled by members for distribution at the annual Union Mission Christmas tree

Division 04
(Volume 3)
President J J Collins, Secretary Harry B Vesey
Trustee John C Nelms Jr
LG Melville T Blassingham
Co Sponsor South Norfolk Club
District Secretary Robert E Turner

We sent 10 underprivileged boys to Camp Sherwood for a 2 week outing Our members subscribed $255 to outfit and send to camp 25 underprivileged girls The naval authorities furnished a tug to take the girls to and from camp.

We donated the price of one lunch to the Union Mission for the poor at Thanksgiving in lieu of our meeting on that day We contributed $6000 to a fund for needy families at Christmas.

We entertained the Civic Golf League of Norfolk, composed of teams from Kiwanis, Rotary, Cosmos, Civitan, Lions and American Businessmen A good delegation attended the Inter-Club Meeting at Hampton on May 12 The Portsmouth Club helped us celebrate All Kiwanis Night.

On July 28, 15 from Portsmouth visited us and put on the program 24 members were present at the Division Meeting at Williamsburg We sponsored the new club at South Norfolk and 25 of us attended the Charter Night A delegation attended a meeting of the club at Ahoskic, North Carolina We had an attendance contest with Richmond lasting six weeks.

We endorsed a fund drive for the Norfolk Symphony Orchestra Urged better street lighting Protested successfully against the government purchasing unsuitable property for a post office annex Made a liberal contribution to the Red Cross, and our members contributed over $10000 to the Naval Relief Auxiliary We had a large part in raising the Community Chest Fund of $350,000 The Directors and a majority of the heads of the drive were from the Kiwanis Club.

At the inauguration of new officers on January 6, the program was presented by the Kiwanis Education Committee, which was followed by a theater party attended by two hundred Kiwanians and their wives International President Ralph A Amerman visited us and addressed the club, followed two weeks later by International Vice-President Wm C Alexander

We observed U S Canada Week, Constitution Day and Fire Prevention Week.

Admiral Coontz invited us to the Naval Operating Base in celebration of Naval Day Lunch was served in the mess hall and the program was by naval officers The Education Committee was active both in conducting meetings and in distributing literature to acquaint new members with Kiwanis principles prior to inducting them into the club We held one 100th meeting.

President Theodore S Garnett, Secretary Harry B Vesey
Trustee John C Nelms Jr
District Secretary Robert E Turner

Our installation meeting was a dinner dance The anniversary meeting was in charge of the Kiwanis Education Committee Club members gave a radio program in January The speakers told of Kiwanis and its wonderful achievements We undertook the formation and sponsoring of a sea unit of the Boy Scouts These units are composed of boys who have attained high rank in scouting and they function in connection with the Boy Scout Council

A delegation of 125 attended an inter-club meeting at Old Point on April 19 We were also well represented at the meeting of the Fourth Division at Williamsburg A joint meeting of the Chamber of Commerce and all the civic clubs of Norfolk held on April 26 Kiwanis had one hundred and seven present and Governor Kime had a prominent part on the program

For some years the principal work of our club had been in connection with the King's Daughters' Clinic, for which we had raised many thousand dollars This year it was decided that the club should adopt an additional objective A committee was appointed and questionnaires sent to the members from whom many suggestions were secured The committee decided on the installation of kindergarten equipment in the Norfolk Day Nursery, where a large number of children are left each day while their mothers are at work The sum of $400 was raised for this purpose by subscription, no member being allowed to give more than $5

We took an active part as usual in the Norfolk Community Fund Drive The usual custom was also followed of presenting two gold medals to students of white and colored high schools for the best essay on the subject The Advantages of Living Under the Constitution of the United States

We had speakers on transportation and on the question of a bridge or a tunnel as the best means of communication between Norfolk and Portsmouth Constitution Week was duly observed

Navy Day is always a great occasion in Norfolk, due to the numerous navy activities here The club this year had as its guests the heads of the various naval branches of this section and the program was provided entirely by them Rear Admiral G H Burrage was the principal speaker

Through the Red Cross, we contributed $100 to the hurricane sufferers On Thanksgiving Day each members donated the price of a luncheon to the Union Mission which annually gives a Kiwanis dinner for the poor of the city This year one hundred and seventy-six people were served with turkey and all the trimmings and in addition twelve baskets were sent to poor families who were unable to attend

Golf tournaments were held during the year Father's Day and All-Kiwanis Night were observed Our December 20 meeting was given over to a Christmas entertainment The dining room was elaborately decorated There was a tree, Santa Claus, and each man received a present of the ten cent store kind

President David Pender, Secretary Harry B Vesey
Trustee John C Nelms Jr
District Secretary Robert E Turner

Presented 2 medals to school children for essays on "The Benefits to Be Derived from Living Under the Constitution of the United States"

Installed new officers at a dinner dance held at the Norfolk Country Club 14 members maintained 100% attendance for 1928 were presented with ribbons

The Fourteenth Anniversary of Kiwanis was celebrated by an experience meeting on "What Kiwanis Has Done for Me" We subscribed fifty dollars to the Norfolk Community Fund The Secretary of the Navy was petitioned to send a battleship to the Norfolk Navy Yard for modernization A committee was appointed to co-operate in a movement to secure employment for high school and college boys during vacation Ninety dollars was appropriated for the Girl Scout Camp

We co-operated with the State Conservation and Development Commission in the matter of the establishment of a State Park to be known as "Tidewater Park" Resolutions favoring a city auditorium were adopted A large delegation attended the Fourth Division meeting at Williamsburg and the District Convention at Hagerstown We were also represented at the Ashland meeting on November 18 Our members took an active part in the Community Fund Drive

Independence Day and Armistice Day were observed Kiwanian J C Aspinwall showed movies he had taken of the Milwaukee Convention

A program honoring Edison's Jubilee and one by the Electric and Radio Show were very instructive An appropriation of $100 was made to provide a radio for the home of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children

(Volume 4)
President Robert T Hasler, Secretary Harry B Vesey
Trustee John C Nelms Jr
District Secretary Robert E Turner

Had two major objectives for the year: improvements and addition to the building of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, and the other the annual Convention of the Capital Kiwanis District The former project included building several new rooms, completely equipping them with beds and cots, refurnish the nurses' room and provide quarantine wards Changes increased the capacity of the home by 50 children

We had experience in the arrangement and management of conventions, as we had been host to the convention in 1921 and 1924 Because of this experience and of the whole-hearted way in which the 19 committees functioned, we had the pleasure of receiving many compliments on the success of the convention held at the Cavalier Hotel, Virginia Beach

Installation meeting on January 9 was a dinner dance given at the Norfolk Country Club, with Governor Binford as the principal speaker

Observed 15th Kiwanis Anniversary with an address by chairman, Rev Roland Wagner

Gave over a meeting to the colored Vocational Committee of Norfolk, who furnished a speaker, P B Young, editor of the Norfolk journal and Guide, a colored paper

Sent 5 Under-privileged boys to the YMCA summer camp for 10 days A series of golf tournaments was held with prizes

President B Theodore Griffin, Secretary Harry B Vesey
Trustee Robert E Turner
District Secretary John S Aspinwall

The work at the Clinic at the King’s Daughters showed a number of children were treated for tonsils, teeth, orthopedic work endowed a bed in Tidewater Hospital at a cost of $1500 Auto rides were given to 300 children and their mothers $50 was donated to the Red Cross and $50 to the Norfolk Community Fund

We assisted in forming bowling leagues among civic clubs

On Navy Day we had several of the officers of a French man-of-war and the Commander of the U S S Constitution as our guests We were host to Portsmouth, South Norfolk, Hampton and Newport News in a fine inter-club meeting A joint luncheon was held with the Chamber of Commerce and other civic clubs We attended the Division Meeting at Williamsburg Many members took part in the Community Fund drive and the club made a generous donation of money for this purpose

Not only our own club, but also the District and International mourned our loss in the death of Robert E Turner, District Secretary-Treasurer, who died October 2, 1932 No one was ever more interested in Kiwanis, no one ever worked harder and more efficiently for Kiwanis, and no one was better known or more widely beloved than our Bob His memory will always remain with us and be an incentive to better service

At Thanksgiving we supplied a turkey dinner to 348 needy people, beside which a large number of baskets were sent out to deserving families One hundred pairs of shoes and stockings were Christmas presents to as many poor children

Twenty-one of members maintained 100% attendance

President John C Aspinwall, Secretary Harry B Vesey
Membership Jan 1 - 107 Attendance 75%

The club kept up during the year its usual activities in connection with the Kiwanis Clinic, The Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children, the Church Home, and the Tidewater T B Hospital At a program put on by the Under-privileged Child Committee, it was reported that $2,100 had been spent on these objectives The club sent five boys to the Y M C A Camp and several members visited the Camp Furnished transportation for mothers and children to and from the Salvation Army picnic Gave the price of the Thanksgiving Day luncheon to the Union Mission to furnish Thanksgiving dinner to the poor Bought and fitted $100 worth of new shoes and several dozen pairs of socks and stockings for under-privileged children

The Committee on Vocational Guidance put on weekly broadcasts telling of the advantages of and preparation for different professions and kinds of business

Navy Day, Y M C A Founders Day, Girl Scout Week, and the 25th Anniversary of the founding of Norfolk were celebrated with appropriate programs A committee was appointed to join with the American Legion in relieving unemployment

Inter-club visits were made by the committee to South Norfolk, Hampton, Newport News and Emporia, inviting these clubs to an inter-club meeting held at Ocean View on May 19th, with an attendance of more than 160 with Norfolk as host

A delegation headed by the President visited South Norfolk, Emporia and Hampton and put on the program

The installation of officers for the year was made a Ladies Night Dinner Dance The bowling team won the Civic League cup The club sent delegates to the Midwinter Conference, and the International and District Conventions, celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary, U S-Canada Week, and Constitution Week It sent a large delegation to the Division Meeting at Williamsburg Hosted the LTG’s School for Club Officers

Several appropriate programs were put on by the Kiwanis Education Committee <

President John F Small, Secretary Harry B Vesey
Membership Jan 1 - 98 Attendance 77%

Continued work on the Under-privileged Child Projects Furnished transportation for 630 mothers and children to the Salvation Army picnic Besides the cars of the members, chartered 2 trolley cars and 2 busses Gave a Christmas dinner with Christmas tree, Santa Claus and everything at which each member had a child as his individual guest Furnished funds for a Thanksgiving turkey dinner to 250 under-privileged

Carried out a plan for beautifying the Shore Drive for a distance of 40 miles, having the cooperation of twenty Garden Clubs in Norfolk and vicinity, whose Presidents were guests at a regular luncheon The club also celebrated Fire Prevention Week, and had a program on the N R A

Delegates were sent to an inter-club meeting at Newport News at which the District Governor and the LTG explained the Membership Development plan

The club held a Ladies Night Dinner Dance at the installation of officers, a Ladies Day Beauty Show, and a Father and Son Night

Celebrated the Kiwanis Anniversary, All-Kiwanis Night (as a Ladies Night) and Constitution Week with proper programs Sent a delegation to the Division Meeting at Williamsburg, and it entertained the International President at an inter-club meeting Closed the year with one-third of its membership having 100% attendance for the year

President Laurence C McCoy, Secretary Harry B Vesey
Membership Jan 1 - 96 Attendance 66%

The club sponsored a series of Donkey Baseball Games for its U P Child Fund The club planned, built and operated Camp Kiwanis (accommodating 22 children each two-week period), for 8 weeks taking care of 44 boys and 44 girls each for two weeks These children received thorough medical examinations and defects in eyes and teeth were remedied before they entered the camp The club had one meeting at the camp and the children put on the program At Christmas all the children who had been at the Camp were given a party

The club had two meetings at the Community Fund Campaign Headquarters and entertained the workers at luncheon

The club had special programs on Character Education, The Work of the Red Cross and National Education Week It secured jobs for 22 men with families who were out of work, celebrated Navy Day and through its efforts prevailed on the State Highway Commission to set out several thousand plants and shrubs along the Shore Drive

The club was host to Portsmouth and sent delegations to Hampton, to South Norfolk and to a meeting at the Portsmouth Fresh Air Farm It sent a large delegation to the Division Meeting at Williamsburg

President John W Rustin Secretary Harry B Vesey
Membership Jan 1 - 105 Attendance 61%

The main attention of the club this year was on enlarging Camp Kiwanis to take care of a larger number of children A benefit Card Party was given netting the club $450 for this purpose At the first two weeks period, however, the Camp had to be closed on account of infantile paralysis The club arranged for a series of lectures to be given for the benefit of the Camp and its improvement for next year

Cooperated with the Community Fund Drive and entertained the workers at luncheon It also supported the Pilgrimage to Cape Henry It subscribed to the Kiwanis Magazine for two public libraries Besides programs of local interest talks were given on The Causes of War, and City Finances

Visited Portsmouth Held meetings with the other clubs and a joint meeting with Rotary Organized bowling teams and bowled against the Richmond team Entered a Golf Team in the Tournament held in connection with the Division Meeting, and held one Ladies Night Dinner Dance and a Halloween Party

The club celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary and Constitution Week, entertained the District Governor and the LTG and was represented at the International and the District Conventions, the Division Meeting and the Training School for Club Officers

President D Arthur Kelsey, Secretary Harry B Vesey
Membership Jan 1 - 95 Attendance 64%

Continued Camp Kiwanis during the summer, taking care of a total of 90 children, half boys and half girls The children are carefully examined, defects in eyes and teeth remedied, and tonsils removed when necessary, and given two weeks at the Camp, and in all cases showed gain in weight and health The club through "Free Will Offerings" of its members contributed $500 towards the building of a new hospital by the Tidewater Tuberculosis Association It also gave $50 to the local Community Fund It gave a Christmas Party to 250 children included a moving picture and candy and fruit and a brand new quarter of a dollar for each child

Programs of civic interest were given on Tax Limitations, City Government, City Finances, The Norfolk Welfare Center, The Safety Campaign, Our Navy, Our Schools Today, and Syphilis as a World Menace

The club received the Golden Rule brought by a delegation from South Norfolk, and later carried it to Richmond, The club also visited Newport News It was host to a big inter-club Ladies Night at which South Norfolk and Portsmouth each sent more than 40 representatives The ladlies of the club put on a Fashion Show at one luncheon, and the club had a Beach Party with ladies and children, at one time and an Oyster Roast at another time at Camp Kiwanis It had a 6olf Tournament with dinner afterwards at the Country Club It had a joint meeting with Rotary and a joint meeting of all civic clubs in honor of the opening of the U S Court in the city It celebrated St Patrick's Day and Thanksgiving

The club celebrated U S-Canada Week, and Constitution Week, entertained the District Governor and was represented at the International and the District Conventions, the Division Meeting and the Training School for Club Officers

President Gerald T Eaton, Secretary Harry B Vesey
Membership Jan 1 - 93 Attendance 70%

The big work of the club is Camp Kiwanis, The buildings fully insured were destroyed by fire in April, but were rebuilt in time for the opening of Camp only a week late in July Twenty-five children were taken care of during each of the four two-weeks periods The children were examined and necessary dental work done, T and A operations were, performed and glasses were furnished where needed, be-fore the children were taken to camp In all 50 boys and 50 girls had two week 's at camp, and gained an average of four pounds in weight The proceeds of a Card Party furnished part of the necessary funds The club's Thanksgiving Meeting was a dinner for the less fortunate put on by the Salvation Army and paid for by the club

One program was devoted to Good Citizenship

The club entertained at luncheon the Community Fund Workers, urged the City Council to build a gymnasium for negroes, and started a movement for public baths for, negroes It had programs on The Labor Situation, The Other Side of Slum Clearance, The Need for Drivers Training Schools, The Work of the G-Men, Building Better Business, and What's Wrong With the World and Peace

A large delegation visited the Hampton club and so many members made their attendance at other clubs that 30 had 10001o attendance for the year

The club celebrated Washington's and Lincoln's Birthdays, Valentine's Day and had a successful Ladies Night

The club celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary, had a Kiwanis Educational Meeting and was represented at the International and District Conventions and the Division Meeting

(Volume 5)
President Robert W Coates, Secretary Luther T Ironmonger
Membership Jan 1 – 94 Attendance 75%

Carried on Camp Kiwanis for 100 underprivileged boys and girls, two 2-week periods each for boys and for girls A new cabin was added to the camp for the caretaker and his wife Each child was examined, and physical defects were removed or treated before the child was admitted to camp

The club approved the new Sewage Disposal plan It held a joint civic club meeting, had an Indian chief as its speaker at one meeting; and programs of interest on: Health and the Community, Safety, Ancient Mexico, China, Music, and Social Justice, at which time entertained 800 members of the Community Fund Committee

Many members made their attendance by visiting other clubs

The club had a Ladies' Night Dinner Dance, a Ladies' Day Fashion Show, a Christmas program, and a Golf Team, and at one meeting the ladies were present and put on the program

Entertained the LTG and the District Governor, and was represented at the Mid-Winter Conference, international and the District Conventions

President Cullen M McCoy, Secretary Luther T Ironmonger
Membership: Jan 1 – 105 Attendance 74%

The club operated its summer camp as usual for four two-week periods, having 24 children in attendance each period One meeting was held at the camp

Working with other civic clubs Kiwanis attempted to arouse more interest in football and to try to bring major games to Norfolk

Host to Richmond, bringing the plaque, which was shortly carried to Petersburg Attended an inter-club meeting at Portsmouth in honor of the District Governor, and at South Norfolk in honor of the International Secretary The club also interchanged visits with the Ahoskie club of North Carolina, making its visit in a chartered bus

There was a Ladies' Night and a Ladies' Day, with the ladies in charge putting on a fashion show, and a joint meeting with the other civic clubs

Entertained the Lieutenant Governor was represented at the Mid-Winter Conference, International and District Conventions, and the Division meeting at Williamsburg

President Crawford S Rogers, Secretary Luther T Ironmonger
Membership Jan 1 - 94 Attendance 81%

The club continued to operate its summer camp, 50 boys and 50 girls were given a two-week outing, 25 at a time This camp has been in operation about 7 years

Through suitable programs and proper publicity, the club kept its members and the general public well informed on the duties and responsibilities of citizenship

Inter-club activities included attending meetings in Newport New and other clubs of Division 4, a trip to Petersburg on the occasion to visit of the International President, and acting as host to Hampton

The club had a Ladies' Night and two joint meetings with the other local civic clubs

Entertained the Lieutenant Governor and was represented at the International and the District Conventions

President Ernest Mangum, Secretary Luther T Ironmonger
Membership Jan 1 - 95 Attendance 68%

The club continued operation of the summer camp with 25 boys and 25 girls a two-week outing Then repeating with another group Raised $2,000 for extension of camp facilities and repair The club furnished transportation to and from the hospital for needy children

The club joined with other clubs of the Fourth Division in a big meeting in Norfolk

The club held Kiwanis education meetings, entertained the Lieutenant Governor, and was represented at the International and the District Conventions

President W W Cox Jr, Secretary Luther T Ironmonger
Membership Jan 1 - 88 Attendance 67%

The grounds and building of the summer camp were turned over to the Government for war purposes, but, by availing itself of the camp facilities of other organizations, 47 boys were enrolled in seven groups with a leader for each group Morning classes were held in Boxing, Horseshoes, Baseball, Archery, Boating, and Swimming, and afternoon classes in Hobbies, Braid work, Leather Belts, and Pioneering, including hiking, fire-building, and cooking

The club entertained the Lieutenant Governor, and was represented at the Mid Winter Conference and the International and the District Conventions

President L E Rawle, Secretary Luther T Ironmonger
Membership Jan 1 - 84 Attendance 72%

As the camp for underprivileged children was taken over by the Navy, the usual program in this work was seriously interrupted Through the co-operation of the YMCA the club placed 14 boys in their camp for a 2 week period at a cost of $325; dental and medical care and eye glasses were furnished gratis by the Club members

No meeting was held on Thanksgiving Day, but the price of the meal, $50 was given to the Salvation Army to use for its Thanksgiving dinner for the less privileged Five "Kiwanis Night" parties were held at the Salvation Army USO for the service men Games were played in which the men could participate Numbers of the wives and daughters of Kiwanians attended and assisted in the entertainment and in serving refreshments On Sunday evening, December 26, the "Kiwanis Kanteen" was the club's Christmas party to the service men The party was held at the new million-dollar Norfolk City-U S 0 Auditorium Entertainment was furnished by the United Service Organizations On the theatre end of the building (seating 2,500) a wonderful Christmas entertainment was presented, and the singing of carols was a feature On the arena end, a continuous program was presented, and on either side the "Kiwanis Kanteen" tables, about 75 feet long, were set up with turkey and all the trainings, attractively arranged by the wives of the members Over 4,000 men and women in services of the United Nations, our men and women, British, French, and Canadians enjoyed the hospitality and friendship of Kiwanis More than 1,400 pounds of turkey, 3,000 bottled soft drinks, five gallons of mayonnaise, eight crates of lettuce and celery, bushels and bushels of apples and oranges, many pounds of peanuts, etc ' were served The whole cost of this party, $1,200, was borne by the members, and the "Kiwanis Kanteen" was a wonderful success Programs of especial interest were those on: The Salvation Army, Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow, Fire-Fighting as a Profession, The Civilian's Duty in the Present Conflict, The Poll Tax, Korean Independence, The Coast Guard, Manning for Norfolk, The Experiences of a War Correspondent on a Battleship, The FBI, The Child in the Modern World, Financing an Education, and Prospects for Permanent Peace

While the club had no regular inter-club meetings, many members visited other clubs, and many visiting Kiwanians were entertained

The ban on pleasure driving made impossible the Ladies' Night which had been planned, but ladies were invited to several regular luncheons, and in one instance put on the program

Entertained the District Governor and the LG, and was represented at the District Convention, a member was chosen LTG for the coming year, and at the Training School for Club Officers December 31, 7 members were in the armed forces

Division 04
(Volume 6)
President Don C Harrison, Secretary Luther T Ironmonger
Membership Jan 1 - 105 Attendance 67%
LG Ernest P Mangum

President F Wirt Waller, Secretary Luther T Ironmonger
Membership Jan 1 - 113 Attendance 74%

President E L Whitehurst, Secretary V S Gornto
Membership Jan 1 - 135 Attendance 77%

Division 04
President James H Weber, Secretary Shelton N Woodward
Membership Jan 1 - 146 Attendance 76%
Sponsor Suffolk Club
LG Walter J Wilkins

President John H Waters, Secretary Shelton N Woodward
Membership Jan 1 - 146 Attendance 77%

District Chair Public Relations John C Aspinwall Jr

President John J Brewbaker, Secretary Shelton N Woodward
Membership Jan 1 - 152 Attendance 79%

District Chair Inter-Club Relations Walter J Wilkins

President Winston H Irwin, Secretary Shelton N Woodward
Membership Jan 1 - 156 Attendance 74%

(Volume 7)
President Thomas C Clark, Secretary Shelton N Woodward
Membership Jan 1 - 159 Attendance 73%

Division 13
President John C Aspinwall Jr, Secretary Shelton N Woodward
Membership Jan 1 - 182 Attendance 78%

President William P Ballard, Secretary Shelton N Woodward
Membership Jan 1 - 182 Attendance 78%

President Chester B Gifford Jr, Secretary Shelton N Woodward
Membership Jan 1 - 183 Attendance 80%

Sponsor Virginia Beach Club

President Eugene H Zabawa, Secretary Shelton N Woodward
Membership Jan 1 - 184 Attendance 81%

President ?, Secretary Shelton N Woodward

Division 13
President C Elmo Thurston Jr, Secretary Shelton N Woodward
Sponsor Suburban Norfolk Club
LG Eugene H Zabawa

President Edward F Power, Secretary Shelton N Woodward
District Chair District Convention Host Clifton E Thurston Jr

President William A Cox Jr, Secretary Shelton N Woodward

Division 13
President Thomas J Humrickhouse, Secretary Shelton N Woodward
LG Clifton E Thurston Jr

President James C Barnes, Secretary Shelton N Woodward
Co Sponsor Norfolk-Princess Anne Club

President Dr Paul F Landis, Secretary Shelton N Woodward

District Chair Circle K Clifton E Thurston Jr

President A Page Ware Jr, Secretary Shelton N Woodward

District Chair Circle K Clifton E Thurston Jr

Division 16
President John F Small Jr, Secretary Shelton N Woodward
District Chair Boys and Girls Work Paul F Landis
Co Sponsor Midtown Norfolk Club
Governor Clifton E Thurston Jr

Division 16
President William T White, Secretary Shelton N Woodward
LG Paul F Landis

President A Carl Schenick, Secretary H Arthur Marshall

President Phillip T Smith Secretary J Gordon Lindsay

President James S Goodwin, Secretary Clement R Slater

President Judson E Hodges, Secretary Clement R Slater

1969 - 1970
Division 16
President LeRoy Shulman Secretary Clement R Slater
LG Phillip T Smith

1970 - 1971
Division 16
President William H Gatling, Secretary Clement R Slater
District Chair Coordinator Operations Drug Alert Phillip T Smith
LG LeRoy Shulman

1971 - 1972
President Robert Friend Boyd, Secretary Clifton O Edwards

District Chair Boys and Girls Work LeRoy Shulman

1972 - 1973
President James H Neal, Secretary Clifton O Edwards

District Chair District Convention LeRoy Shulman

1973 - 1974
Division 16
President Guy R Beale Jr, Secretary Clifton O Edwards
District Chair New Club Building LeRoy Shulman
Sponsor Harbor Front Club

1974 - 1975
President R Forrest Fowler, Secretary Clifton O Edwards

1975 - 1976
Division 16
President Kavanaugh Y Thrift Secretary Clifton O Edwards
Co Sponsor Pioneers Norfolk Club
District Chair Citizenship Services Paul F Landis
District Chair KI Foundation Coordinator Clifton E Thurston Jr
District Chair New Club Building Accredited Rep LeRoy Shulman
Governor LeRoy Shulman

1976 - 1977
President William W Boykin, Secretary Clifton O Edwards

District Chair Achievement LeRoy Shulman

1977 - 1978
President William A Old, Secretary James J McBride

1978 - 1979
President John W Mason, Secretary James J McBride

1979 - 1980
Division 16
President Bailey L Condrey, Secretary James J McBride
LG Kavanaugh Y Thrift

1980 - 1981
President John P Harlow, Secretary James J McBride

District Chair Youth Services Kavanaugh Y Thrift

1981 - 1982
President James S Mathews, Secretary James J McBride

District Chair Interclub Relations Kavanaugh Y Thrift

1982 - 1983
Division 16
President Dr A Rufus Tonelson, Secretary William W McKendree
Co-Sponsor Lynnhaven Virginia Beach Club
LG James S Mathews

1983 - 1984
President James J McBride, Secretary William W McKendee

District Chair Kiwanis Education James S Mathews

1984 - 1985
President David V Cderquist, Secretary William W McKendree

District Chair Children's Miracle Telethon Kavanaugh Y Thrift

1985 - 1986
President Richard C Linehan, Secretary James J McBride

District Chair Major Emphasis Kavanaugh Y Thrift

1986 - 1987
President Herbert J Newton, Secretary James J McBride

1987 - 1988
President Edward O Davis, Secretary James J McBride

District Chair New Club Building Kavanaugh Y Thrift

1988 - 1989
Division 16
President John B Hudson Jr, Secretary James J McBride
LG A Rufus Tonelson

1989 - 1990
Division 16
President John C Aspinwall III, Secretary James J McBride
Governor Kavanaugh Y Thrift

1990 - 1991
President Tazewell G Taylor, Secretary James J McBride

District Chair Budget and Finance Kavanaugh Y Thrift

1991 - 1992
President William P Ballard Jr, Secretary James J McBride

1992 - 1993
President Garland L Page Jr, Secretary James J McBride
Membership Oct 1 - 154

1993 - 1994
President Dr Allen K Clark Secretary James J McBride
Membership Oct 1 - 139

1994 - 1995
Division 16
President Forrest E Williams Jr, Secretary James J McBride
Membership Oct 1 - 130
LG D R Thrush

1995 - 1996
President Julian F Hirst, Secretary James J McBride
Membership Oct 1 - 126

1996 - 1997
President John F Small III, Secretary James J McBride
Membership Oct 1 - 128

1997 - 1998
President George H Roller, Secretary James J McBride
Membership Oct 1 - 126

1998 - 1999
Division 16
President Carol B Fentress, Secretary Noel O Martin
Membership Oct 1 - 120
LG Allen K Clark

1999 - 2000
President David L Harlow, Secretary Sylvia C Stewart
Membership Oct 1 - 107

2000 - 2001
President Kerry C Jordan, Secretary Sylvia C Stewart
Membership Oct 1 - 106

2001 - 2002
President Douglas E Knack, Secretary Sylvia C Stewart
Membership Oct 1 - 96 Attendance 51%

Year End: 62 Projects Completed, 152 Service Hours, $22,500 Money Spent, 52 Interclubs

2002 - 2003
President S Glen Anders III, Secretary Sylvia C Stewart
Membership Oct 1 - 88 Attendance 45%

Year End: 45 Projects Completed, 246 Service Hours, $18,250 Spent, 43 Interclubs

2003 - 2004
President Howard Belvin, Secretary Sylvia C Stewart
Membership Oct 1 - 88
Meet TH 12:15 PM Radisson Hotel

(From E-Builder, July04) The club celebrated its 85th birthday on May 20, with a hundred members and guest in attendance The club is very proud of its many civic accomplishments including Key Clubs, Salvation Army, Edmarc, Holiday House and over 80 years involvement with the King's Daughters Children's Hospital.

Year End: Projects Completed, Service Hours, $ Spent, Interclubs

2004 - 2005
President Linda Jones, Secretary Sylvia C Stewart
Membership Oct 1 - 87 Attendance 50%
Meet TH 12:15 PM Radisson Hotel

Year End: 32 Projects Completed, 68 Service Hours, $4,850 Spent, 25 Interclubs

2005 - 2006
Division 16
Hampton Roads Region
President Neil L Rose, Secretary Sylvia C Stewart
Membership Oct 1 - 82 Attendance 52%
Meet TH 12:15 PM Radisson Hotel
Interclub and Newsletter Awards - Silver Group Honorable Mention

Year End: 18 Projects Completed, 57 Service Hours, $9,500 Spent, 57 Interclubs

2006 - 2007
President George O Sadler, Secretary Sylvia C Stewart
Membership Oct 1 - 81 Attendance 55%
Meet TH 12:15 PM Radisson Hotel

Year End: 14 Projects Completed, 158 Service Hours, $18,751 Spent, 67 Interclubs

2007 - 2008
Division 16
President Thomas Claud, Secretary Sylvia C Stewart
Membership Oct 1 - 86 Attendance 52%
Meet TH 12:15 PM Radisson Hotel
LG Danny Simmons

Year End: 28 Projects Completed, 275 Service Hours, $8,200 Spent, 5 Interclubs

2008 - 2009
President Robert White, Secretary Sylvia C Stewart
Membership Oct 1 - 90 Attendance 45%
Meet TH 12:15 PM Radisson Hotel

Year End: 21 Projects Completed, 130 Service Hours, $31,650 Spent, 24 Interclubs

2009 - 2010
President Deborah Brame, Secretary Sylvia C Stewart
Membership Oct 1 - 93 Attendance 45%
Meet TH 12:15 PM Radisson Hotel

Year End: 12 Projects Completed, 162 Service Hours, $6,076 Spent, 18 Interclubs, $0 CD Foundation

2010 - 2011
President Gary W Mackey, Secretary Sylvia C Stewart
Membership Oct 1 - 85
Meet TH 12:15 PM Radisson Hotel

Year End: 8 Projects Completed, 126 Service Hours, $3004 Spent, 7 Interclubs, $0 CD Foundation

2011 - 2012
President James B Hart, Secretary Sylvia C Stewart
Membership Oct 1 - 86
Meet TH 12:15 PM Radisson Hotel

2012 - 2013
President Steven Kee, Secretary Sylvia C Stewart
Membership Oct 1 - 76
Meet TH 12:15 PM Scope Meeting Room #4

2013 - 2014
Division 14 Southeast Virginia Region

President E Thomas Enright, Secretary Tonya McKinney
Membership Oct 1 - 83
Meet TH 12:15 PM Scope Meeting Room #4

Distinguished Club

2014 - 2015
President Brenda Garrett, Secretary Tifanny R Jans
Membership Oct 1 - 85
Meet TH 12:15 PM Scope Meeting Room #4

2015 - 2016
President S Warren Richard, Secretary Angela Bernard
Membership Oct 1 - 69
Meet TH 12:15 PM Scope Meeting Room #4

2016 - 2017
President Edward Welp, Secretary Angela Bernard
Membership Oct 1 - 64
Meet TH 12:15 PM Scope Meeting Room #4

2017 - 2018
President Patrick C Kelly, Secretary Angela Bernard
Membership Oct 1 - 63
Meet TH 12:15 PM Scope Meeting Room #4

2018 - 2019
President R B Nash Francis, Secretary Angela Bernard
Membership Oct 1 - 67
Meet 1st 2nd 3rd TH 12:15 PM at Town Point Club

2019 - 2020
President Gabriel L Christensen, Secretary Angela Bernard
Membership Oct 1 - 63
Meet 1st 2nd 3rd TH 12:15 PM at Town Point Club

2020 - 2021
President William D Conner, Secretary Angela Bernard
Membership Oct 1 - 64