Capital District Kiwanis History

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Organized August 17 1926 Chartered September 24 1926
Key #01577 45th District Club
Sponsor Martinsville Kiwanis
Divisions 02 15
Region Southwest Virginia
Population (1926) 2,000

Division 02
(Volume 2)
President J D Bassett, Vice President E T Ramsey
Secretary Treasurer L B Stone, Trustee T B Stanley

The charter was presented on September 24, 1926, by Governor Merle E Towner at a Ladies' Night meeting.

A number of matters of importance to the city were immediately undertaken The Public Affairs Committee undertook to promote the formation of a golf club. A committee was appointed to confer with the State Highway Commissioner with regard to having better roads near the city.

We organized a Building and Loan Association to enable people to own their own homes.

Kiwanis welcoming signs were erected on all highways leading into Bassett.

A committee on underprivileged child work was appointed.

(Volume 3)
President T B Stanley, Secretary L B Stone
Trustee D H Goode

We made it possible for a new newspaper to locate here by getting a number of subscriptions. Secured the promise of the Norfolk Western Railroad to place danger signals on all railroad crossings. Held a joint meeting with the Martinsville Club.

In May, we had as our guests the faculty and graduates of our High School We sponsored a movement to get a hard surfaced road through Bassett We were successful in getting built a mile and four-tenths of such road.

The Kiwanis Clubs of Bassett and Martinsville and the Boosters Club of Fieldale held an Inter-Club meeting at the clubhouse of Fieldale in August Ex-Governor Trinkle, R H Angel and Congressman Clifton Woodrum were the speakers. The ladies were also present at this meeting In October we held a meeting at Elamsville with the citizens of that town as guests We sponsored the Community Chest and a committee appointed for the purpose assisted in raising the funds A city nurse was hired and paid from this fund In December Jules Brazil entertained us.

President J E Bassett, Secretary C V Stanley
Trustee 0 B Carter

(Note: No data about the work of the club for 1928 appeared in their reports and persistent efforts with various officers and members of the club for over a year have failed to get any response, for which reason this history must fail to report their work Editor).

President E T Ramsey, Secretary W W Gwynn
Trustee W J Yeaman

The organization of the Boy Scout Troop was successfully completed and clean-up week was held in May.

A joint meeting with the Rotary Club of Martinsville was held on the evening of May 24. Road ceremonies were staged on July 20 to properly celebrate the completion of the hard surfaced road from Martinsville to Rocky Mount. Besides the appointment of special committees for this purpose, a joint meeting with Martinsville Kiwanis was held on June 6 Governor Byrd and State Highway Commissioner Shirley were in attendance and later these officials wrote the club promising to have constructed the connecting road from Bassett to this completed road. On September 6, the Lions Club of Rocky Mount was our guest. We undertook the sponsoring of a local basketball league between the local plants and assisted in the Red Cross Campaign.

Other Meetings and Speakers

W R Broadus, of Martinsville gave a report on the Milwaukee Convention. Dr J W Carmack, President of Averett College, Danville, and LTG Charles G Evans talked on Kiwanis, Captain C C Berkley, Col James P Wood, Bill Yeamon and Clyde Stanley were other speakers. Our annual Ladies' Night was held on October 4 November we sponsored the Red Cross Campaign and put it over the top.

(Volume 4)
President C V Stanley, Secretary W W Gwynn
Trustee W J Yeamon

The evening of February 28 was visitors night There was a large number. Of guests, among them Lieutenant-Governor Francis Hume Scott, and Vice-President Sidney Allen, and other officers of tile Roanoke Club. On March 7, our speaker was Past President James T Smith of the Leaksville Spray, NC club. He addressed us on Business Standards and Ethics In March we heard a talk by Past LTG Charles G Evans on Under-privileged Child Work with reference to the ways and means of raising funds. Members attended an inter-club meeting at Danville. In May, we had a visit from Mr F A Wrench of the Virginia Association of Works for the Blind. The club helped him canvass the town to raise money for the Work Shop Building Fund of that institution. Our annual outdoor meeting was held in June on the Bassett Kiwanis Country Club course.

An Ali Isaac Walton Club was organized in the interest of game preservation. On June 10, LTG Stephens and L C Groves of Martinsville gave an account of the International Convention at Atlantic City. The merchants of our town were our guests on July 31, the meeting being devoted to a discussion of methods to combat the business depression C W Carroll of the West Palm Beach, FL. Club spoke on the Under-privileged Child.

A delegation from Roanoke visited us in September and Past President Charles D Fox made an address on Kiwanis ideals and fellowship. We heard an interesting talk by B H Serunian of Persia, who spoke of conditions in his native land. We attended a memorable inter-club meeting at Martinsville on October 17. The Kiwanis clubs started a Community Chest. The Martinsville Club met with us in a splendid meeting, LTG Samuel S Stevens was presented with a gift in appreciation of his work.

President J D Bassett Jr, Secretary W W Gwynn
Trustee F R Hundley

Projects for the year: Clean up the town, improve roads, sponsor the removal of a bank which obstructed motorist view, sponsor the clinic, and secure a new cemetery No reports since February.

President W W Sale, Secretary W W Gwvnn
Membership Jan 1 - 15, Attendance 6 months 58%

Aided materially in making a success of the Community Chest drive, the were used to make needed improvements in the town and furnish employment to a number of men who were out of work. The club assisted in the organization of a Bi-State Baseball team for the town. After June 30, the club became inactive.



Reorganized December 6

Reorganized with 38 members Officers for 1936 were elected and committees appointed

President William Bassett, Secretary C R Titus
Membership Jan 1 - 39 Attendance 67%

Spent $40 for milk on under-nourished school children. Two T and A operations were performed and two children furnished with glasses Held 2 picnics in the country in the interest of better understanding between county and town.

The club put up highway signs and used its influence to have road entering the town hard-surfaced. It also had programs on Business Standards. The Importance of the Railroad to the Community, and The Effect on the School System of the Growth of the County.

The club attended inter-club meetings at Martinsville and Danville.

President W M Mitchell, Secretary C R Titus
Membership Jan 1 - 42 Attendance 84%

The club put on a Horse Show and a benefit movie to aid in raising funds for its U P Child Work. Played Donkey Baseball and cleared $165. Took care of 4 TA operations, and furnished 5 pairs of glasses Christmas baskets were given to needy families.

The club had two Scouting programs Surveyed the community for Boy Scout material. Several members attended the Scout Training School for Leaders and by the end of the year one troop was chartered and another was ready to apply. The club entertained the high school Honor Society, and entertained two students having the highest graduating class average.

The club aided in having important roads hard-surfaced and in having needed bridges built. After the worst flood in the history of the town the club gave effective aid in rehabilitation and in feeding and clothing unfortunates. Two members spent three days giving typhoid serum. Programs of interest were on Social Security, Good Roads, Reckless Driving and Highway Safety.

The club carried the Kiwanis Log to Martinsville, a delegation went to Roanoke on the occasion of the visit of the International President and a number of members visited other clubs. Several members and ladies attended the Ladies Night in Martinsville.

Celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary and Constitution Week. Had a program on Kiwanis Education, entertained the LTG and was represented at the Mid-Winter Conference, the International and District Conventions, the Division Meeting and the Training School for Club Officers.

(Volume 5)
President Clifton R Titus Secretary Robert S Jordan
Membership Jan 1 - 36 Attendance 74%

The club raised money with other organizations in a Horse Show Furnished milk to schoolchildren, paid the expenses of two children to Richmond for operations and gave $2500 to the Pythian Christmas tree.

The club organized five Boy Scout troops and followed up the advancement of the Scouts and gave them a "Hot Dog" picnic supper at a park where they took part in, and brought a Scout executive from a distance to talk to the club on Scouting Entertained the high school clubs and the teachers at luncheon.

The club worked for and succeeded in setting a new street through the town. It worked on a project for flood control, urged the county to take over the road to the new elementary school, sponsored a First Aid Course, visited and lunched with the CC Camp and presented the Federal Government with the deed to a lot upon Which to erect a new Post Office building.

The club was represented at inter-club meetings at Lynchburg and Danville and was host to Martinsville.

Entertained the LTG, had a report on International Conventions, and was represented at the Mid-Winter Conference and the District convention.

President Hal C Rich, Secretary Robert S Jordan
Membership Jan 1 - 32 Attendance 80%

The club paid transportation for three children to Richmond and Roanoke for treatment at hospitals. Furnished milk for needy school children throughout the school session, took care of seven T and A operations and bought glasses for three children. Spent $25 for a Christmas tree for needy children. Aided in putting on the Bassett Horse Show and its share of the proceeds $1000 was divided between underprivileged child work and boys and girls work.

Had a program on by the high school band. Gave a prize to the best patrol in the Scout troop, and entertained the members at dinner, the Scouts put on the program. The club became interested in Scouting and worked through the year on the project of building a Scout camp. Bought a campsite for $300 in December and planned to go on with the work in 1940.

Worked diligently on widening a street, improving a road, arid having Smith River dredged for flood control The first two of these projects were completed It also started a campaign for keeping streets and vacant lots cleaner

Host to Martinsville and Danville when it brought the Plaque then carried to Lynchburg.

Sent representatives to the International and District conventions

President G Fred Craig Secretary Robert S Jordan
Membership Jan 1 - 34 Attendance 75%

Held a Dental Clinic at the cost of $10000, spent $11970 for medical treatment, furnished six children with glasses, performed 12 T, and A operations, bought 627 gallons of milk for undernourished children in the schools, and a refrigerator for the school cafeteria. Assisted with the Horse Show and received as its share of the proceeds $500 for welfare work.

Sent two boys to Boy State and had one report his experience to the club, bought books on Scouting for the Scout Master, encouraged the training Course for Scout Leaders, aided in registering the troop and continued the work on the Scout camp for which it purchased the grounds in 1939.

Had one program devoted to Vocational Guidance in the schools and in the CC Camps.

Celebrated Lee's birthday and the CC Camp anniversary, and worked for a paved road to the new school. Programs were on the subject of Food Control, Social Security, Build Our Community, Why France Capitulated, and the Support of Churches.

Martinsville brought the Fellowship Plaque then carried it to Lynchburg.

Entertained the LTG and was represented at the District Convention.

President Robert S Jordan, Secretary G S Park
Membership Jan 1 - 42 Attendance 85%

Spent $4000 for a facial operation for a burned child, $2500 for a T B Bond $11750 for milk for school children, furnished 7 children with glasses, and performed 7 TA operations.

The club met with the three Scout troops at Camp Kiwanis, the club is to build the mess hall assembly room, and the Scouts to build their own shacks under the supervision of the Scout Master. On the Fourth of July 20 club members went to the camp to help build the mess hall.

Spent $40 to buy religious books for the high school. It had a meeting at the high school and the public was invited to hear the speaker on Citizenship Responsibility.

The club had a program on Farming and another on Conservation of the Soil.

Celebrated the CCC Anniversary and had programs on Local Improvements, Preparedness, Defense, Safety, The Golden Rule, and the Bible.

Made visits to Danville, one for the International President visit was and one for the District Governor. Went to Martinsville to the Division meeting, also sent a delegation to Roanoke.

Entertained the LTG, was represented at the International and District conventions, and training school for club officers.

Division 02
President W C Trent, Secretary G S Park
Membership Jan 1 - 42 Attendance 76%
LG Clifton R Titus

Assisted in buying braces for one person, bought four pairs of glasses, took care of four TA operations and spent $1250 a month for seven months for milk for undernourished children.

It had two programs on Boys and Girls work, and spent $140 for books for the school library.

Raised $160,000 in Defense Bonds, aided in the scrap iron collection and bought for the club a $2,00000 Defense Bond Programs were: Wake Up America, Synthetic Rubber. The Principles of Leadership, The Support of Churches and Rationing and Defense.

Attended an inter-club meeting at Danville, and held a Ladies Night.

Furnished the LTG in its Division for the vear, celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary, All-Kiwanis Week and its own Charter Night, held a number of Kiwanis education meetings and was represented at the Mid-Winter Conference and the International and District conventions.

President H Russ Barnes
Secretary Clifton R Titus and R L Jordan
Membership Jan 1 - 46 Attendance 85%

Furnished milk to school children during the session, at a cost of $15 a month, donated $5 to the Crippled Children's Home, and took care of 5 T and A operations.

Reorganization of the Boy Scout Troop was undertaken. The Kiwanis trained High School Glee Club put on one program, and High School Seniors.

Sponsored a war bond sale raising $46,000. Joined with Rotary in sponsoring a movement for founding a Community Chest Fine programs were given, at one of which a number of laymen spoke on "What My Church Means to Me" Others were on: What our school is doing for the War, The Pacific Situation, Post War Plans, Flood Control, Self Reliance, and Youth and the YMCA.

The club had two Ladies' Nights, and a joint meeting with Rotary.

There were four Kiwanis Education meetings, US-Canada Week was celebrated, and the club was represented at the MidWinter Conference and the District Convention. On December 31, the club had 11 members in the armed forces.

(Volume 6)
President Nick Prillaman, Secretary L W Wells
Membership Jan 1 - 42 Attendance 83%

The club sponsored the Boy Scout Troop and aided in raising funds for the local Council; sponsored the high school glee club; furnished a child with glasses and took care of two tonsil operations; gave $5 to the Children's Home Society; donated a War Bond as a prize for the 4-H Club's Calf Show; entertained farmer guests at one meeting; assisted students in selecting training service in preparation for the armed forces; had the ministers of the town as guests to hear an outstanding churchman as speaker; entertained the high school Seniors and their teachers at one meeting with a specially prepared program; and purchased, and donated to the local library, books on Scouting.

President Joe R Johnson, Secretary L W WeIls
Membership Jan 1 - 40 Attendance 79%

The club organized a Junior BasebaIl League, with over a hundred boys ages 10 to 17, raised funds for uniforms and supplies and secured the assistance of other organizations in backing the league; sponsored the Boy Scout troop, furnished leader, and books on Scouting for the Library, and aided the drive for funds; assisted eight boys and two girls in deciding what col¬lege to attend; paid $60 for four tonsil operations, $12 for glasses for a boy, $50 for the Support of a Dental Clinic, and donated $5 to the Children's Home Society and $10 to the T B Drive; raised $407 for the County Calf Show; had two programs at which farmers of the com¬munity were guests of the club.

President Lloyd W WeIls, Secretary Marion C Windley
Membership Jan 1 - 33 Attendance 78%

The club coIlected approximately $400 toward the fund for operating a boy's Junior BasebaIl League, aided in organizing a campaign to fully equip the local high school footbaIl team, raised in cash $1,000 for this purpose and sponsored a show which raised an additional $120 for this purpose; on three different Sundays attended local churches in a body; took charge of the Red Cross Drive securing $2,750; in conjunction with the Martinsville Club sponsored the Henry County Calf Show securing $325 for the expenses of the show; entertained as dinner guest the faculty and Senior Class of the high school; spent the following named sums; $5 to the March of Dimes, $5 to the Children's Home Society, $13 for school books, for an indigent family, $27 for glasses for two children, $29 for two tonsil opera¬tions and $50 for five dental clinics.

President Leonard O Carter, Secretary George R Hart
Membership Jan 1 - 31 Attendance 91%

The club sponsored a calf show in the county jointly with the Martinsville club; sponsored the first high school football game of the season and entertained the entire squad at a regular luncheon; was active in support of Boy Scout work furnishing merit badge examiners and officials for the Board of Review and Court of Honor; did some additional work on the Scout Cabin which is owned and kept up by the club, attempted the establishment of a Key Club which has not yet been completed; furnished glasses for 4 children and contributed to the purchase of a wheel chair for com¬munity use; and gave vocational guidance to numerous Boy Scouts and high school students.

Division 02
President S Andy Lipford, Secretary George R Hart
Membership Jan 1 - 32 Attendance 91%
LG G Fred Craig

The club purchased 5,000 white pine trees and with the aid of the Boy Scouts planted them on farms in or near our community; jointly with the Martinsville Club sponsored the Henry County Dairy. Show to encourage 4-H Clubs, at which approximately 27 calves were shown; sponsored the production of a religious drama, "The Light Eternal," which aside from raising money for underprivileged child fund was instrumental in raising the cultural and religious level of the community; provided glasses for eight children; equipped a 12-year-old deaf boy to enter the Virginia School for the Deaf and Blind; prepared and delivered boxes of food, clothing, tops, candy and fruit to 24 families containing approximately 68 persons at Christmas time; plans to completely remodel the Scout Cabin, putting on a new roof, building a fireplace, and a protection for the water supply of the campers; sponsored a club program to which all county law enforcement officials were guests of the club; and took a large part in the work of organizing a Merchants and Professional and Business Men's association in the community.

President George R Hart, Secretary Albert W Clark
Membership Jan 1 - 33 Attendance 85%

The club prepared a set of Flats for stage of the High School, the Flats being built by the members of the club who donated their time and labor; spent during the year the sum of $300 on the Scout Cabin; sent 2 girls to the Girl Scout Camp; sponsored a musical show, local talent, which netted $219 for the underprivileged child fund; contributed $10 to the March of Dimes, and $5 to the Children's Home Society; fitted three children with glasses; entertained at luncheon a group of farmers with a program on artificial breeding presented by an expert; sponsored jointly with Martinsville, the Henry County Dairy Show; donated $100 to the 4-H club to aid in its One-hundred Bushel Corn Club; and instigated, and with the help of other organizations, organized a recreation centre in the community.

President Garnet E Phibs, Secretary Frank R Vass, Jr
Membership Jan 1 - 36 Attendance 87%

The club continued to operate and maintain its Boy Scout Camp near Fairy Stone park, sponsored several camping trips, and sent a Scout to the National Jamboree at Valley Forge; paid its second installment of $300 toward rebuilding of the District Scout Camp near Pulaski; contributed $50 and raised $150 more for the promotion of a summer recreational program; contributed $25 toward uniforms for the High School Band: gave a Victrola Radio combination to the boys and girls of one of the schools; joined with the Martins¬ ville club in sponsoring the county and district Dairy Show, selling advertising to make this possible, (many of our 4-H clubbers took prizes and went on to win in the state and national competitions); sponsored, with another club the 100 bushel corn club and gave $100 in prizes for the 4 farmers who produced the highest yield; took care of four tonsilectomies, spent $90 for glasses, vaccinated 30 odd children, and distributed baskets of food and clothing to needy families at Christmas; raised $1,500 for welfare work by sponsoring the first football game of the year; entertained the High School seniors at a banquet; put on several radio programs; and organized a Youth Centre at one of the leading churches in the community.

(Volume 7)
President E Carl Hoover, Secretary Frank R Vass Jr
Membership Jan 1 - 35 Attendance 81%

Our club, in conjunction with the Martinsville club, sponsored a County Dairy Calf Show; worked with the 4-H Clubs in the county, with the result that a letter was received from the County Agent, commending the club for its work and ending with "If you continue to cooperate with us as you have in the past, we feel that both 4-H Club work and agriculture will continue to progress in this area;" sponsored and financed a summer recreational program for the youth of the community, featuring a six team league of junior baseball teams, under the direction of a competent leader; undertook, on a 50-50 basis, the sale of the tickets to the first football game of the high school team, raised $1,80000 for our underprivileged child fund; provided portable bleachers with a seating capacity of 1700 These two activities put the high school athletic association on a sound basis Provided medical and dental care and fitted glasses for a number of needy children, and cooperated with various organizations for child care; furnished, on College Day at the high school, a speaker who talked to those students who are not planning to go to college, on the opportunities afforded them in the community in several fields of endeavor; and entertained the senior class of the high school at a banquet.

Presidet tNathan Weinstein, Secretary Wayles Harrison Jr
Membership Jan 1 - 37 Attendance 72%

President A W Clark, Secretary Ray W Hull
Membership Jan 1 - 35 Attendance 86%

President Dr Leslie A Faudree, Secretary Ray W Hull
Membership Jan 1 - 37 Attendance 90%

President Ray W Hull, Secretary N Rees Woody
Membership Jan 1 - 31 Attendance 93%

President ?, Secretary ?

President N Rees Woody Secretary Robert M Wright

President Al F Waleski, Secretary Joseph R Meaders

President R M Wright, Secretary N Rees Woody

President Joe R Meadors, Secretary Herbert Jack Wade

President John H Snead, Secretary Theo R Hill

President John E Bassett, Secretary Thomas G Turner

Division 02
President Herbert J Wade, Secretary Dwight L Dillon
LG N Rees Woody

President Theo R Hill, Secretary Robert G Leonard

President Dwight L Dillon Secretary Joe Philpott

President Martin Bertman, Secretary John A Eggleston

President Robert G Leonard, Secretary Maurice D Ruddle

President Joe C Philpott, Secretary John C Barnes

President John A Eggleston, Secretary Elmer E Dalton

1969 - 1970
President Maurice D Ruddle, Secreary Elbert C Turner

1970 - 1971
President Clyde A Lawson, Secretary William L Craig

1971 - 1972
Division 02
President Elmer E Dalton, Secretary Stanley E Adams
LG Dwight L Dillon

1972 - 1973
President Billy M Brammer, Secretary Ben H Meador Jr

1973 - 1974
President W Lynwood Craig, Secretary Hugh F Stephens

1974 - 1975
President Stanley E Adams, Secretary J Curis Johnson

1975 - 1976
President H Ben Meador Jr, Secretary Ray L Tell

1976 - 1977
President Richard M Anthony, Secretary William B Cooper

1977 - 1978
President Curtis J Johnson, Secretary David Arnold

1978 - 1979
President Harry L Daughtry, Secretary Larry B Wood

1979 - 1980
President Joseph K Hite, Secretary William A Todd

1980 - 1981
President David A Arnold, Secretary Coy D Coaster

1981 - 1982
President William A Todd, SEcretary Paul B Ross

1982 - 1983
President Coy D Foster, Secretary Frank H Frantz

1983 - 1984
President Elvin T Smith, Secretary James A Mallard

1984 - 1985
President Frank H Frantz, Secretary John E Bassett

1985 - 1986
President James A Mallard, Secretary Norris R Woody Jr

1986 - 1987
President John E Bassett, Secretary Barry W France

1987 - 1988
President Ryland H Brooks, Secretary Danny R Arnold

1988 - 1989
President Robert O Petty, Secretary William J Hairfield

1989 - 1990
President Danny R Arnold, SSecretary William J Harfield

1990 - 1991
President Taylor E Clark, Secretary John T Mason

1991 - 1992
President Edwin K Newnam, Secretary (non listed)

1992 - 1993
President Phillip R Dalton, Secretary Howard T Ferguson
Membership Oct 1 - 37

1993 - 1994
President Robert B Burger Jr, Secretary Barry Helmstutler
Membership Oct 1 - 40

1994 - 1995
President Howard T Ferguson, Secretary Todd S Hammock
Membership Oct 1 - 40

1995 - 1996
President Barry Helmstutler, Secretary Jimmie L Adams
Membership Oct 1 - 36

1996 - 1997
President Jimmie Lee Adams, Secretary Edward Scott Jones
Membership Oct 1 - 39

1997 - 1998
President Todd S Hammock, Secretay Alex B Cassady
Membership Oct 1 - 39

1998 - 1999
President Scott Jones, Secretary Ray P Reynolds

1999 - 2000
President Alex B Cassady, Secretary William M Adkins
Membership Oct 1 - 39

2000 - 2001
President Ray P Reynolds, Secretary William M Adkins
Membership Oct 1 - 33

2001 - 2002
President Robert W Haley, Secretary William M Adkins
Membership Oct 1 - 29, Attendence 50%

Year End: 44 Projects completed, 497 Service Hours, $ 9250 Spent, 3 Interclubs

2002 - 2003
President Robert W Haley, Secretary William M Adkins
Membership Oct 1 - 29 , Attendence 59%

Year End: 53 Projects completed, 447 Service Hours, $1,0643 Spent, 1 Interclubs

2003 - 2004
President Jimmie Adams, Secretary William M Adkins
Membership Oct 1 - 29
Meet 1st 3rd TH 6:30 PM Bassett Community Center

Year End: 0 Projects completed, 0 Service Hours, $0 Spent, 0 Interclubs

2004 - 2005
President Barry Helmstutler, Secretary William M Adkins
Membership Oct 1 - 28, Attendence 58%
Meet 1st 3rd TH 6:30 PM Bassett Community Center

Year End: 9 Projects completed, 78 Service Hours, $560 Spent, 0 Interclubs

2005 - 2006
Southwest Virginia Region
President Henry Koger, Secretary William M Adkins
Membership Oct 1 - 29, Attendance 72%
Meet 1st 3rd TH 6:30 PM Bassett Community Center

Year End: 174 Projects completed, 413 Service Hours, $9,801 Spent, 2 Interclubs

2006 - 2007
President Robert O Petty, Secretary William M Adkins
Membership Oct 1 - 29, Attendance 70%
Meet 1st 3rd TH 6:30 PM Bassett Community Center

Year End: 38 Projects completed, 376 Service Hours, $10,195 Spent, 3 Interclubs

2007 - 2008
President Barry Helmstutler, Secretary William M Adkins
Membership Oct 1 - 27, Attendance 69%
Meet 1st 3rd TH 6:30 PM Bassett Community Center

Year End: 52 Projects completed, 472 Service Hours, $5,404 Spent, 1 Interclub

2008 - 2009
President Scott Jones, Secretary William M Adkins
Membership Oct 1 - 25, Attendance 69%
Meet 1st 3rd TH 6:30 PM Bassett Community Center

Year End: 50 Projects completed, 494 Service Hours, $3,655 Spent,1 Interclubs $0 District Foundation

2009 - 2010
President Ricky Love, Secretary William M Adkins
Membership Oct 1 - 23, Attendance 41%
Meet 1st 3rd TH 6:30 PM Bassett Community Center

Year End: 0 Projects completed, 0 Service Hours, $ Spent, 2 Interclubs $0 District Foundation

2010 - 2011
President Henry Koger, Secretary William M Adkins
Membership Oct 1 - 19
Meet 1st 3rd TH 6:30 PM Bassett Community Cente

Year End: 0 Projects completed, 0 Service Hours, $0 Spent, 1 Interclubs $0 District Foundation

2011 - 2012
President Jimmie Lee Adams, Secretary William M Adkins
Membership Oct 1 - 16
Meet 1st 3rd TH 6:30 PM Bassett Community Center

2012 - 2013
President Daniel Caills, Secretary William M Adkins
Membership Oct 1 - 16
Meet 1st 3rd TH 6:30 PM Bassett Country Club

2013 - 2014
Division 15
President Robert Petty, Secretary William M Adkins
Membership Oct 1 - 17
Meet 1st 3rd TH 6:30 PM Bassett Country Club

2014 - 2015
President Robert Petty, Secretary William M Adkins
Membership Oct 1 - 20
Meet 1st 3rd TH 6:30 PM Bassett Country Club

2015 - 2016
President Michael S Amos, Secretary William M Adkins
Membership Oct 1 - 20
Meet 1st 3rd TH 6:30 PM Bassett Country Club

2016 - 2017
President Daniel Cahill, Secretary William M Adkins
Membership Oct 1 - 19
Meet 1st 3rd TH 6:30 PM Bassett Country Club

2017 - 2018
President Alvis Eugene Barrow, Secretary William M Adkins
Membership Oct 1 - 22
Meet 1st 3rd TH 6:30 PM Bassett Country Club

2018 - 2019
President Lynn Dillon Jr, Secretary William M Adkins
Membership Oct 1 - 20
Meet 1st 3rd TH 6:30 PM at EMI

2019 - 2020
President Henry Lee Koger, Secretary Barry Gene Helmstutler
Membership Oct 1 - 18
Meet 1st 3rd TH 6:30 PM at EMI

2020 - 2021
President Jimmie Lee Adams, Secretary Alvis Eugene Barrow
Membership Oct 1 - 19