Capital District Kiwanis History

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Organized May 1 1921 Chartered June 21 1921
Key #00482 16th District Club
Sponsor Kiwanis Field Representative George Selig
Divisions 02 15
Region Southwest Virginia

Division 02
(Volume 1 C T Eldridge)

On January 26, 1921, George Selig, Field Representative of Kiwanis International, visited our city and called on R R Murray and C T Eldridge, Secretary and President of the Young Men's Business Club That noon eight of our prominent business men attended luncheon, heard the story of Kiwanis and that was the birth of the Danville Kiwanis Club.

January the 29th the same body of 8 men invited others to attend the first Kiwanis luncheon and 38 men signed up as members At this meeting we had a number of the Lynchburg boys with us and we feel under obligations to our sponsoring club for the great assistance rendered us while in our infancy.

On May 1st our club of 50 members was completed and our officers for the first year were: Frank Talbott, City Manager, President; W Crews Wooding, Tobacconist, Vice-President; James T Catlin, Insurance, Secretary, and C T Eldridge, Florist, Trustee.

A rather unusual occurrence in Kiwanis was the immediate steps taken by our club to organize a Kiwanis club in Martinsville Several businessmen of Martinsville called on our Trustee during the month of March and a committee of our men visited our neighboring city On March 14, the Kiwanis Club of that city was completed, 6 weeks before our Danville club visited Martinsville on the charter presentation night, May 26, and as our club, although sponsor to Martinsville, did not receive its own charter until June 15th We believe that this is an event in Kiwanis that has not been accomplished by any other club.

Our charter meeting was held in the Leland Hotel on the evening of June 15 and District Governor Joe Hank delivered the charter At this point I want to mention a stunt that was pulled and which we feel is worth letting the other clubs on to First I will mention that we had visitors from the Martinsville and Lynchburg Clubs and that event was a Ladies' Night with a special program During the evening the toastmaster in a very fine talk presented to Vice-President Crews Wooding a handsome cut glass bowl Immediately after the presentation talk, this bowl was brought across the room by one of our members but just before reaching Wooding the member in some way dropped the bowl and it crashed to the floor in many pieces While the member stood dumb founded and apologized to Wooding, the ladies sat amazed while Wooding told the member not to worry over the accident Immediately all doors opened and in rushed little boys calling, "Extra, Extra," and each member was given a copy of an extra edition of the afternoon paper with a full account of the charter meeting and the great accident that happened in breaking the expensive gift The paper had a history of the club with pictures of some of the officers, and it was at this point that all the party with the exception of the three men realized that this was a stunt and that the bowl was only a fifty cent purchase R E James, the newspaper member, received the 0 K of the club for service on his news.

Our club assisted in putting over a very important bond issue for good roads; the club took an active part in raising $75,000 for the erection of the Hilltop Tuberculosis Sanitarium Entertained the graduating classes of the three private schools in our city and the young ladies and men went home praising the Danville Club.

President Frank Talbott Vice President Herbert Martin
Secretary James T Calin, Treasurer H F Day
Trustee C T Eldridge

The club furnished two rooms in the Hilltop Sanitarium and had the Kiwanis emblem placed on the door Entertained the city police force at dinner, purchased and erected 65 road signs boosting our city and stating that Kiwanis welcomes you The club was a large factor in securing a large number of members for the YMCA, and took an active part in Iluising $50,000 for the home of the YMCA.

Donated funds for securing homes in the country for children who were being subjected to tuberculosis due to invalid parents Entertained Rotary Club, pulling radio stunt as a take-off on Rotary meeting Attended our usual church services and heard a fine Kiwanis sermon by our Sky-Pilot.

Assisted in making possible the May music festival for our city and during the fall we gave a concert by Miss Sue Harvard, known to all good Kiwanians as Lady Sue This concert was given for the benefit of the underprivileged child Donated a silver loving cup to the athletic departments of our city schools, the cup to be competed for in events and the school winning same two years in succession was to retain it This has been a great thing for Kiwanis and the competition has been very spirited for the honor of having the cup.

Delegates were sent to the District conference, District Convention, and to the International Convention.

Our Past President Frank Talbott was elected LG at the District Convention held in Washington, and he has made our zone an efficient officer and we are proud of him.

Practically the entire membership assisted in planting these memorial trees on Mt Vernon and Virginia Avenues, while the 'President of the club gave a eulogy on the life of each boy Our chaplain made a fine address, the National Guard was in attendance and a squad fired the usual funeral volleys Services were concluded by the sounding of taps Today each tree bears a bronze marker with the soldier's name and in the corner the Kiwanis emblem.

Division 02
President Herbert M Martin, Vice President James T Catlin Jr
Secretary Hugh J Keeling Treasurer Henry Day
Trustee C Eldridge
Sponsor South Boston Club
LG Frank Talbott

We had a special program for Courtesy Week, gave a prize essay written by high school students, three minute talks the best at theaters and at opening of city schools were made during the we each morning; special posters were placed around the city and the results were exceedingly good Special sermons were preached in the -various churches Entertained city policemen, also college graduates, and attended a meeting of the Rotary Club.

One of the best things done during this year was the erection and successful operation of a boys' camp This work was done in conjunction with the Rotary and Lions Clubs Each one of the three organizations contributed $600 A dam was built and huts erected, thus furnishing a well located and finely equipped camp for the boys.

Kiwanis Day in Danville during the Piedmont baseball season was a great day Our club had as our guests 1500 boys under fourteen years Of age and it was some day both for the kids and the Kiwanians The soft drink and peanut vendors sold out before the third inning The east side fans had nothing on Our kids and Danville won in the twelfth inning with a home run.

One big event of the year was a, largely attended meeting in this city of the Kiwanis Clubs of Danville, Lynchburg, South Boston, and Reidsville, North Carolina A part of the program was allotted to each club The singing was the best we have ever heard and the address of our good friend, William Mather Lewis, President of George Washington University, and a member of the Washington Club, was an inspiration and help to every member present.

Our LTG and past president is City Manager, and 6 of the 9 council members are Kiwanians.

(Volume 2)
President James T Catlin Jr Secretary Hugh J Keeling
Trustee Charles G Evans

During the year our club was active in a number of ways We continued our appropriations to Camp Roliki, which is a boys' camp sponsored by Kiwanis, Rotary and Lions Our members, on a number of occasions, helped to clothe underprivileged children in conjunction with the Community Welfare Association.

We tried to encourage more friendly relations with our neighbors by entertaining our farmer friends, as well as the clubs from South Boston, Martinsville and Chase City Probably the most interesting meeting held during the year was when we took fifty-three of our members to the Inter-Club Meeting in Lynchburg, presided over by District Governor Fentress We made the trip in a special car attached to one of the Southern fast trains Part of the program was given to each club and the Danville Club had a great deal to do with the success of the meeting.

Our club undertook the sale of Christmas seals in connection with the city tubercular work, the net proceeds of which went to Hilltop Sanatarium, a local tubercular institution The club also appropriated $600 for a children's pavilion at this sanatarium and made the care of tubercular children a special objective for the year Steps were taken toward the purchase of a hundred foot lot adjoining this institution to permit the erection of a building to be devoted exclusively to the care and treatment of tubercular children Meanwhile we kept up the children's pavilion which we had erected.

One of the most important works which the club undertook was the creation of an Educational Fund to help deserving boys and girls obtain an education This money, in practically every instance, was loaned with the understanding that it would be repaid after the education was completed We helped several during 1924 and had more applications for 1925 than our funds could assist.

The club endorsed the bond issue for schools and streets arid a number of our members did excellent work during the campaign which was successful The members of the club have shown a willingness to work in every good community project We have been asked on a number of occasions to co-operate with other civic clubs and organizations in some worthwhile object and have always responded Our boys did excellent work in putting over the Community Chest Drive.

President J O Boatwright, Vice President J T Hamlin Jr
Secretary Hugh J Keeling Treasurer Charles L Booth
Trustee Charles G Evans

We sent full delegations to the District Conference and District and International Conventions.

The Revolving Educational Fund established in the previous year, was put on a permanent basis through money amounting to $2,800, contributed by the members This inopey is loaned without interest to deserving students to enable them to complete their education.

We purchased the lot adjoining Hilltop Sanatorium at a cost of $2,500 and planned during the next year to secure the funds to erect a children's ward thereon In conjunction with the Welfare Association of our city our members contributed to provide for over twenty underprivileged children at Christmas They were supplied with clothing, toys, etc, at a cost of from $10 to $35 according to the individual needs of the ebildren We also took more than fifty children to the circus The Community Chest lacked $3,000 to reach its objective In 5 minutes after our President had announced that we were asked to secure one-third of this our boys had subscribed $1,250.

We endorsed the school bond issue which was carried and the citys quota of $5,000 for the benefit of orphans of soldiers and for the rehabilitation of the injured and invalid veterans sponsored by the American Legion.

We entertained the graduating classes of the three private colleges of the city Also the city officials Sold $800 of the Christmas seals for the Anti-Tuberculosis Society of Virginia, seventy-five per cent of which went to our own local Hilltop Sanatorium.

We sponsored two paid entertainment, Billy Sunday's lecture and the Welsh Singers Observed all the Weeks, Days and Nights called for by International At tended church in a body And took a prominent part in all civic movements in our city.

Our finances at the close of the year were good and there were no unpaid obligations.

President Charles G Evans Vice President John B Harvie
Secretary Hugh J Keeling Treasurer Charles L Booth
Trustee J O Boatwright

It was deemed wise to concentrate our efforts during 1926 on the completion of our cherished proect, the children's ward at Hilltop The underprivileged children's work in general, however, was not neglected, as was evidenced by our members underwriting the milk fund at over $8000 a month for undernourished children threatened with tuberculosis, and there have been other similar activities A canvas of the members resulted in subscriptions of approximately $15,00000 A special financing and building committee was appointed and preliminary drawings made When the children's building is completed at Hilltop, the club will be able to point with pardonable pride to a worthy monument to the club.

We observed several occasions and weeks recommended by International Jesse Binford, of the Richmond Club, was the speaker at our celebration of anniversary week and on that occasion the city officials as well as the officers of the Rotary and Lions Clubs were our guests

We held a Find Yourself Week, when members of the club visited Whitmell and Turbeville Industrial Schools to make addresses Other special occasions were Ladies' Night in February and November, a farmers' night on March 18, in charge of the agricultural committee, when seventy farmers were present as our guests District Governor Merle E Towner and Lieutenant-Governor Carter Glass, Jr, were also present at this farmers' night

Two inter-club meetings were held, one near Reidsville and one in South Boston At the latter meeting Chase City and Martinsville Clubs were also present We also had an open-air meeting in the country with our farmer friends from Whitmell Contributed $100 to the Red Cross for the Florida storm sufferers.

Christmas was provided as usual for our children at Hilltop The results were well worth the effort and cost, for it would be difficult if not impossible to find a happier group of children anywhere than were our children when they joyously opened Santa Claus' offerings.

The club suffered its first death during 1926, that of Kiwanian George P Geogbegan.

President James T Catlin Jr, Secretary Hugh J Keeling
Trustee Charles G Evans

In January a delegation attended the South Boston Club meeting at which the newly organized Lions Club of South Boston were guests Our club has assisted several worthy students to complete their education On March 24, we held Fathers' and Daughters' Night, entertaining the daughters of our club as well as the daughters and sisters of Kiwanians attending our two colleges We had a meeting in charge of our doctors and dentists and another in charge of our bankers and building and loan association men On May 19, we entertained 65 farmers at a night meeting On July 14, we met with the farmers and their families in the high school of Caswell County, North Carolina, which is only fifteen miles from Danville 48 members, over 60% made the trip There were about 400 people in attendance.

At our first meeting we had as guests 18 of the 20 confederates of our city The youngest of these men was 79 and the oldest 92 years of age.

From the first year of this club we have been interested in Hill Top Sanatorium In 1921 we assisted in raising $75,000 for its erection In 1924, we made the care of tubercular children at this sanitarium our special objective We erected a children's pavilion at a cost of $600 and purchased a hundred foot lot adjoining the sanatorium at a cost of $3,000 In 1926, we raised $15,000 among our own members towards building a children's ward on this lot We have each year also actively engaged in the sale of the T B Christmas seals, 75% of which went to this ward In the summer of 1927, we broke ground for this children's ward, by September it was under roof and early in 1928 it was completed, being turned over to the institution completely furnished at a cost of about $25,000 It will care for 20 patients We donated $100 for clothing for the children at the sanatorium.

We donated $150 to the Danville Night School This school is operated free of charge to day workers without educational advantages Our members assumed the responsibility for seeing that the girls of Hughes Memorial School for Orphan Children saw Santa Claus and furnished Christmas for the children at Hill Top Our two preachers, moving to other communities were presented with parting gifts A silver service was given to President James T Catlin in appreciation of his faithful services.

(Volume 3)
President John C Simpson, Treasurer James M Lea
Secretary Hugh J Keeling Trustee Charles G Evans

In January, a delegation visited the South Boston Club We observed Anniversary Week and voted to take an active part with the Chamber of Commerce in a movement to get an aviation field The club participated in a campaign in February to raise $6,000 to build a science and music hall at Averett College in our city.

At a meeting in March, the program was furnished by a troop of Boy Scouts On March 11, the club dedicated and turned over to the directors of Hill Top Sanitarium the Children's Ward which we had built District Governor "Bob" Kime graced the occasion with his presence In his remarks he stated that he considered the building of the Preventorium for children threatened with tuberculosis one of the outstanding accomplishments of the Capital District and one of the great works of the whole of Kiwanis International.

There are accommodations for 12 boys and 12 girls The building is modern and complete in every particular and not only our members but the community at large is very proud of the achievement A banquet was tendered in May to the delegates attending the convention of the Virginia Federation of Music Clubs A special car was chartered to take representatives of our club to the Inter-Club Meeting at Lynchburg.

The notable events in October were a visit from LTG Adams, the Richmond Convention which was attended by a good delegation Our own Charles G Evans was elected Lieutenant-Governor of this division for 1929 Santa Claus was furnished for thirty girls of Hughes Memorial School (orphanage) and for fifteen children at Hill Top Sanitarium The children and nurses from the Preventorium were the guests of the club on December 13 Perhaps the greatest good to individual members of the club came in the fuller realization of the ideals of Kiwanis International.

Division 02
President James M Lea Secretary Charles G Evans
Trustee James T Catlin Jr
LG Charles G Evans

It was reported that the sale conducted by the club of Christmas T B seals amounted to $1,100 As a part of the program of the vocational Guidance Committee, we provided speakers for the Whitnell School in Pittsylvania County, for their annual "Find Yourself Week" We co-operated successfully for the establishment of a landing field A Ladies' Night was held on April 18, with fifty-seven guests present On July 11, a special meeting was held in the country, at Spring Garden, with forty-nine visitors On August 22, a meeting was held at Milton, North Carolina, which is a part of Danville's trade area Plans were adopted to raise money to reduce the debt on Hilltop Preventorium.

Ladies' Night was again held in November, when the ladies furnished a delightful program On this occasion there were present eighty-two guests and visitors Again we supervised the sale of Tuberculosis seals At our meeting of December 12, the club had as guests nineteen children from the Hilltop Preventorium, with the superintendent and three nurses Santa Claus was also present The children delighted the club with songs and recitations appropriate for Christmas The club also provided Christmas cheer for thirty-one girls, from three to fourteen years of age, at Hughes Memorial School.

(Volume 4)
President James T Hamlin Jr, Secretary Charles G Evans
Trustee James M Lea

Plans for securing an enlarged Federal Building, a local armory and a municipal auditorium received our hearty support An inter-club meetings with South Boston, Chase City, Bassett, and Martinsville We went to Martinsville Two meetings were in charge of the committee on Agriculture One of them was held at Spring Garden when 150 residents of that community were our guests Constitution Week was observed.

The Kiwanis bazaar was held in September for the benefit of our work for Underprivileged Children, particularly for the preventorium which our club erected three years ago at Hilltop Sanatorium The receipts were over $8,500, and the net profits were $6,178 Following the bazaar we had an evening meeting when we entertained one hundred and ten visitors who had actively assisted in the work

A joint meeting of the civic clubs of Danville was field on November 17, to entertain a special committee from the State Assembly appointed to choose a site for the proposed woman's college A meeting was devoted to Red Cross work; All-Kiwanis Night was observed and the Public Affairs and Business Methods committees each had a meeting in charge We aided the Whitmell Industrial School by furnishing speakers for their "Find Yourself Week"

President E Paul Crider, Secretary David P Garvin
Trustee James T Hamlin Jr

The Sixteenth Anniversary of Kiwanis International was observed with an interesting program, presented by the Entertainment Committee We celebrated our own tenth anniversary and suitably recognized All-Kiwanis Night We heard addresses from judge C A Hines of Greensboro, North Carolina, on Balanced Living, and J Hurt Whitehead, and W J Keys

We were entertained by tile Danville Military Institute Orchestra

President J Nelson Benton, Secretary David P Garvin
Membership Jan 1 - 41 Attendance 71%

In 1927 this club built a children's Preventorium at the Hilltop Sanatorium at a cost of $28,000, the club having raised money to pay for it year by year by means of bazaars This year the bazaar netted between $2,500 and $3,000 and the debt is now reduced to less than $2,000.

The club aided in the Community Chest Drive The club decided to make a yearly award to the outstanding citizen of Danville to be known as the Danville Kiwanis Club Citizenship Award This year the award was made to Col A B Carrington The club has been sponsoring Vocational Guidance at the Whitmell High School At one City Council meeting was entertained by the club Two Programs were put on, one in the interest of Game Preservation, and one on the importance of Agriculture.

The club sent delegates to the International and the District Conventions

President James W Ray, Secretary David P Garvin
Membership Jan 1 - 48 Attendance 65%
LG James T Catlin Jr

A Minstrel Fashion Plate Review was given and proceeds were sufficient to pay off the remaining debt on the Hilltop Preventorium The Duke University Orchestra and Glee Club put on an entertainment for the benefit of the Underprivileged Child Work A Thanksgiving dinner was given to twenty children from the Preventorium.

The Kiwanis Citizenship Award was made to James T Catlin Two meetings were held in village high schools on Vocational Guidance.

The club held two inter-club meetings, one with Martinsville and Chase City and one with Lynchburg, Martinsville, Victoria and Chase City, and one at Chase City.

The club celebrated All-Kiwanis Night and a big Ladies Night, celebrated Constitutional Week, and entertained the District Governor twice, the LG once, and sent delegates to the Mid-Winter Conference, and the International and District Conventions.

President L R Wyatt, Secretary James T Catlin Jr
Membership Jan 1 - 55 Attendance 61%

The Christmas Seal Sale, the Minstrel Show, and the Donkey Baseball Game netted more than $1,250 for its work at the Hilltop Sanatorium The club decided to make needed repairs and to spend $1,000 on playground equipment Contributed $50 to the Community Chest and had one program on Vocational Guidance

The club had Kiwanis Education programs and celebrated Constitution Week Sent delegates to the District Convention

President F H Bass, Secretary James T Catlin Jr
Membership Jan 1 - 62 Attendance 59%

Two programs devoted to general U P Child Work and one on the Childrens Home Society At the Children's Preventorium spent $100 for a boy in the Sanatorium, $63 for X-rays, $70 for braces, $400 for the repairs Spent $50 for Christmas gifts and toys for the children in the Preventorium Organized an Under-privileged Boys Baseball League and gave the boys a watermelon feast toward the end of the season Held 2 meetings in the County in the interest of cooperation for farmer and city man Fostered the compulsory grading of tobacco Had programs on Infantile Paralysis, Re-employment, Safety and the Ethiopian situation Gave the Citizenship Award Host to Martinsville and Victoria - Kenbridge

The club celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary Sent a delegate to the International Convention and the District Convention

Division 02
President W E Gardner Jr, Secretary James T Catlin Jr
Membership Jan 1 - 67 Attendance 62%
LG James M Lea

Spent $427 on improvements at Hilltop Sanatorium Spent $628 on for the Under-privileged, including a weekly Tuberculosis Clinic and the children's Christmas Party at Hilltop and a substantial contribution to the Children's Home Society Gave $100 to the YMCA building fund Had a program on Boys Work Organized a four-team Boys Baseball League Had 2 county meetings at one with 125 community residents Program on Safety Contributed $25 to the Safety Council

Attended an inter-club meeting at Martinsville Sent a delegation to deliver the Golden Rule to Martinsville The club took part in a joint meeting with the Danville Tobacco Association, The Chamber of Commerce, The Retail Merchants Association, the Young Men's Business League, Rotary and Lions, to promote the Danville Tobacco Market It held another joint meeting with Rotary and Lions and it held a successful Ladies Night

The club furnished a Division LTG Host a Division meeting Sent representatives at the Mid-Winter Conference, District and International Conventions

President Raymond Hall, Secretary James T Catlin Jr
Membership Jan 1 - 75 Attendance 73%

The club had a program devoted to the work of the Preventoriurn and carried on this work during the year Donated $500 to the Christmas Tree Fund for county children Organized a Baseball League with 60 boys in different clubs Entertained the winning team at lunch Presented team members with lumber jackets bearing the Kiwanis emblem on the front and the word "Champions" on the back

The Citizenship Award was given to Robert H West $25 was given to the Ohio flood sufferers and a float was entered in the American Legion Convention Parade Programs were given on such subjects as The Supreme Court, Communism and Facism, The City Schools and Safety in the Home

Delegations visited Martinsville and Roanoke on the occasion of the International President's visit Took the Log to Lynchburg and the club was, host to Martinsville Bassett and Victoria-Kenbridge A Ladies Night was held and a joint meeting with the other civic clubs

The club was represented at the Mid Winter Conference Entertained the LTG and had programs devoted to Kiwanis Education

(Volume 5)
President R C Clement, Secretary James T Catlin Jr
Membership Jan 1 - 88 Attendance 71%

In addition to the Hilltop Children's Preventorium, the club has now Purchased the Park Springs property a few miles out from Danville, containing 135 acres, a large pavillion, a swimming pool and lake, a fine spring and several small buildings, cost in about $5,500 This property developed and used as a camp for underprivileged boys The club fostered a Boys Baseball league and entertained the winning team at luncheon

Presented the annual Citizenship Award to the outstanding Danville citizen

Inter-clubs to Martinsville, Bassett and Lynchburg which the District Governor was the principal speaker

President George R Norris, Secretary James T Catlin Jr
Membership Jan 1 - 89 Attendance 77%

The club sponsored two concerts by the U S Marine Band, clearing $135 to be used for i in 1) r o v i n g the camp at Park Springs which was bought last year The work here and tile work at the Preventoritim was continued through the year The club made its usual Citizenship Award

The club aided in the sale of Seals Programs of especial interest were on Intensive Farming, Safety, American Citizenship, the Scourge of Tuberculosis and the YMCA in China

Representatives were sent to Roanoke, to Bassett with the Plaque, to Lynchburg and to Martinsville on the occasion of the visit of the District Governor

The club held a Ladies Night, a Family Night at Park Springs, a joint meeting with Rotary at the same place and had several Kiwanis education programs

President J L Coffey, Secretary James T Catlin Jr
Membership Jan 1 - 93 Attendance 68%

In cooperating with the City Department of Health, the club conducted a campaign of education about tuberculosis and its prevention, at a cost of about $1,300 This was financed by the sale of more than $1,800 worth of T B seals last year and a like amount this year for the cost of the work next year Forty children were under care at the Preventorium These children were given regular schoolwork while there The children were brought to town to two shows Fifteen of them were guests of the club at its Thanksgiving meeting and a Christmas party, with the president of the club as Santa Claus, was given to the whole group

The Bazaar netted $1,450, out of which the final mortgage of $1,000 on the camp at Park Springs was paid, many improvements made there Of the work of the camp it may be said that seventeen camping parties and seventeen other group meetings were held there during the year, with a total of 2000 people making use of the camp, exclusive of our own club meetings and the use of the camp by our members and their families 293 boys and girls used the camp

The club visited Lynchburg and presented a plaque to Martinsville

The club entertained the LG, celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary, and was represented at the Division meeting, Mid-Winter Conference, International and District Conventions

Division 02
President A Y Gourley, Secretary James T Catlin Jr
Membership Jan 1 - 95 Attendance 70%
LG George R Norris

$1,519 was spent on the Preventorium out of funds raised the previous year by the sale of T B seals Twelve groups with total of 500 children camped at the Par Springs camp, and forty-five other organizations used it for meetings This work was financed from the proceeds of an all-star baseball game netted $816

Had joint meeting with the other civic clubs, a Ladies Night and two Family Nights

Ten other clubs were represented on the occasion of the visit of the International President, and five clubs sent representatives to greet the District Governor when he came The club sent delegations to meetings at Martinsville and at Roanoke The Division LG was a member of the club and was represented at the Mid-Winter Conference and at the International and the District Conventions

At its meeting on Dec 18, members of the club purchased Defense Bonds with a maturity value of $12,000

President Glenn R Updyke, Secretary James T Catlin Jr
Membership Jan 1 - 95 Attendance 71%

The Danville club organized and sponsored the Danville Tuberculosis Board employs a full-time secretary to administer a fund of $3,500 raised by the sale of Christmas seals 1,500 X-Ray pictures were taken in putting on a project for the early diagnosis of tuberculosis and this work was carried on through the year at a cost of $1,416 On two occasions 25 children from the Hill Topanatorium were guests of the club at luncheon These children were each given a playsuit and a Christmas party was given for them at a cost of $65 An all-star baseball game netted $600 most of which was spent on improvements to the camp Bonds to the amount of $1,000 held by members of the club on the camp were retired

The club entertained one hundred young men and boys who were students at the Signal Service School, put on a number of patriotic programs and for the eleventh successive year gave its Citizenship award

Cooperation in the war effort was carried on in every possible way, every member of the club being engaged in at least two war activities The scrap metal drive brought in 85,000 lbs of scrap The club also attended church in a body at least once during the year

Inter-clubs attended Washington club to visit of the International President, Charlottesville, Reidsville, NC, Lynchburg, Roanoke, Bassett, and Martinsville

Celebrated its own 21st anniversary and was represented at the International and District Conventions

President C Dillon Barnett, Secretary James T Catlin Jr
Membership Jan 1 - 102 Attendance 71%

The club gave a minstrel show netting $1,387 for its Camp Kiwanis Fund The war greatly curtailed the camp project, although 25 boys were given a two week outing Sent 1 boy to the Virginia School for the Blind furnishing him with necessary clothing at the cost of $70 The club sold $4,500 worth of T B Seals, the proceeds of which are used for X-Ray and Tuberculin tests in the schools and education in the proper way of combating this disease

Twenty children were taken care of in the Hilltop Preventorium, and the children were taken to a circus in the summer and given a party at Christmas

The club gave its annual citizenship award to the outstanding citizen of the city In the April War Loan drive, $103,878 worth of bonds and stamps were sold The club took an active part in the campaigns for the War Fund and the Community Chest, and the work of the USO Programs worthy of mention were those on: The Place of the Farmer in the War Program, Soil Conservation, Keeping Young, Keep America American, and the Constitution of the United States

A unique feature in inter-club relations was the exchange of greetings with the Martinsville club by means of recordings made at one club and sent to the other Gas rationing prevented other activities

The club had two fine Ladies' Nights and a Family Night at Camp Kiwanis

It entertained the District Governor and the Lieutenant Governor, had programs on Kiwanis Education, and was represented at the Training School for Club officers and the District Convention On December 31, twelve members were in the armed forces

(Volume 6)
President Everette E Carter, Secretary James T Catlin Jr
Membership Jan 1 - 111 Attendance 79 %

President Sam D Kent, Secretary James T Catlin Jr
Membership Jan 1 - 114 Attendance 78%

Presiden Ralph F Hess, Secretary James T Catlin Jr
Membership Jan 1 - 125 Attendance 75%

Division 02
President R Sandord Guyer, Secretary James T Catlin Jr
Membership Jan 1 - 121 Attendance 73%
LG Everette E Carter

President J Bryan Tate, Secretary James T Catlin Jr
Membership Jan 1 - 125 Attendance 78%

President Paul W Hodge, Secretary James T Catlin Jr
Membership Jan 1 - 133 Attendance 73%

President Landon C Horne, Secretary James T Catlin Jr
Membership Jan 1 - 136 Attendance 71%

Division 02
(Volume 7)
President James T Whitehurst Secretary James T Catlin Jr
Membership Jan 1 - 139 Attendance 67%
LG Jessee L Coffee

The club cooperated with the junior Chamber of Commerce in manning the Polio Booth in the March of Dimes drive; raised $16,605 for the Community Chest in the annual drive; aided in sponsoring the Barter Players; arranged for and carried out a "Go to Church in a Body" Sunday; took the children from Faith Home to a picnic at the Park Springs Kiwanis Camp; was largely instrumental in organizing Little League baseball in the city; arranged for an exhibition game between its Little League team and a team from Charlottesville, clearing $1,600; at the end of the season took the Little League team to a football game at Charlottesville; used the money raised by the Little League game with Charlottesville to pay off the last indebtedness on the Park Springs project (In 1938 the club purchased the Park Springs area, consisting of 132 acres, spent since that time $20,000 in improving the site as a Kiwanis Camp, adding this year a large athletic field This camp is made available to various groups of people for recreational purposes when not in use for projects of the club.

President Charles L Saeger, Secretary James T Catlin Jr
Membership Jan 1 - 138 Attendance 72%

President Stamps Flippen, Secretary James T Catlin Jr
Membership Jan 1 - 131 Attendance 80%

President James T Catlin III, Secretary James T Catlin Jr
Membership Jan 1 - 138 Attendance 78%

President Dodson Bennett, Secretary James T Catlin Jr
Membership Jan 1 - 146 Attendance 77%

President ?, Secretary James T Catlin Jr

President R Lathan Mills, Secretary James T Catlin Jr

President Dr C J Schollenberger, Secretary James T Catlin Jr

President Dr John C Simpson Jr, Secretary James T Catlin Jr

Division 02
President William V Rickman, Secretary James T Catlin Jr
LG Charles J Schollenberger

President Dr Walter C Fitzgerald, Secretary James T Catlin Jr

President Kyle T Alfriend Jr, Secretary James T Catlin Jr

President Landon R Wyatt Jr, Secretary James T Catlin Jr

President James C Spangler, Secretary James T Catlin Jr

President William H Jerferson Jr, Secretary James T Catlin Jr

President Dr Fred B Cornett, Secretary James T Catlin Jr

President Everett L Motley, Secretary James T Catlin Jr

President Elwood H Dorman, Secretary James T Catlin Jr

Division 02
President William L Hess, Secretary James T Catlin Jr
LG William V Rickman

1969 - 1970
President Jennings M Agner, Secretary James T Catlin Jr

1970 - 1971
President Fred W Townes III, Secretary James T Catlin Jr

1971 - 1972
President Glenn D Giles, Secretary James T Catlin Jr

1972 - 1973
President E Linwood Wright, Secretary James T Catlin Jr

1973 - 1974
President C Dillon Barnett Jr, Secretary James T Catlin Jr

1974 - 1975
President E Budge Kent Jr, Secretary Everett L Motley

1975 - 1976
President Fred L Evans Jr, Secretary Everett L Motley

1976 - 1977
President R Lee Wayland Jr, Secretary Everett L Motley

1977 - 1978
Division 02
President James A L Daniel, Secretary Everett L Motley
LG Fred L Evans Jr

1978 - 1979
President Robert F Warren, Secretary Everett L Motley

1979 - 1980
President George R Carter Jr, Secretary Everett L Motley

1980 - 1981
President John H Kepchar, Secretary Everett L Motley

1981 - 1982
President Kenneth M Miller, Secretary Everett L Motley

1982 - 1983
President Harry T Kolendrianos, Secretary Everett L Motley

1983 - 1984
Division 02
President Ronald R Sutton, Secretary Everett L Motley
Sponsor Pittsylvania County Club

1984 - 1985
President Whitt W Clement, Secretary Everett L Motley

1985 - 1986
Division 02
President Spiros B Skenderis, Secretary Everett L Motley
LG R Lee Wayland Jr

1986 - 1987
President Dan M Pleasant, Secretary Everett L Motley

1987 - 1988
Division 02
President Bobby N Wiles Secretary Everett L Motley Sr
LG John H Kepchar

1988 - 1989
President John H Laramoore, Secretary Everett L Motley Sr

1989 - 1990
President Dr Jack I Hayes Secretary Everett L Motley Sr

1990 - 1991
Division 02
President W Joe Foster, Secretary Everett L Motley Sr
Sponsor South Hill Club

1991 - 1992
Division 02
President David T Clark, Secretary Secretary James H Livingston
LG Jack I Hayes

1992 - 1993
President ?, Secretary James H Livingston
Membership Oct 1 - 164

1993 - 1994
President Richard D Giles, Secretary James H Livingston
Membership Oct 1 - 156

1994 - 1995
President Gus S Daliamitis, Secretary James H Livingston
Membership Oct 1 - 152

1995 - 1996
President William R Wolford, Secretary James H Livingston
Membership Oct 1 - 160

1996 - 1997
President Vivian W Giles Secretary Dr Jack I Hayes Jr
Membership Oct 1 -148

1997 - 1998
President John G Wales, Secretary Dr Jack I Hayes Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 145

1998 - 1999
Division 02
President Raymond T Beale Jr, Secretary Dr Jack I Hayes Jr
Membership Oct 1 -143
LG Bobby N Wiles

1999 - 2000
Division 02
President Steven F Farriar, Secretary Dr Jack I Hayes Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 139
LG Vivian W Giles

2000 - 2001
President Janet T Laughlin, Secretary Dr Jack I Hayes Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 137

From Club Annual Report Pt 2, Kiwans Service hours 5,000 Kiwanis funds $10,000 Persons benefited 2,500

Danville Science Center: Approximately 20% of club members serve as volunteers and officers for the Science CenterOver 2,500 service hours were expended during the year with 10% member participation

2001 - 2002
President Janet J Holley, Secretary Dr Jack I Hayes Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 130 Attendence 59%

Year End: 67 Projects completed, 121 Service Hours, $7715 Money Spent, 1 Interclubs

2002 - 2003
President Victoria L Jenkins, Secretary Dr Jack I Hayes Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 131 Attendence 58%

Year End: 116 Projects completed, 739 Service Hours, $28989 Money Spent, 7 Interclubs

2003 - 2004
President David Helton, Secretary Dr Jack I Hayes Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 131 Attendence 58%
Meet 1st 3rd TH 6:30 PM Stratford Inn

Year End: 115 Projects completed, 764 Service Hours, $74,727 Money Spent, 10 Interclubs

2004 - 2005
President Willis Donelson, Secretary Dr Jack I Hayes Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 123 Attendence 56%
Meet 1st 3rd TH 6:30 PM Stratford Inn

Tsuami Relief contribution $250

Year End: 140 Projects completed, 1134 Service Hours, $168,016 Spent, 7 Interclubs

2005 - 2006
Southwest Virginia Region
President Loretta Aron, Secretary Dr Jack I Hayes Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 117 Attendence 58%
Meet 1st 3rd TH 6:30 PM Stratford Inn
Distinguished Club Award

Year End: 90 Projects completed, 945 Service Hours, $35,516 Spent, 10 Interclub

2006 - 2007
President Victoria L Jenkins, Secretary Dr Jack I Hayes Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 122 Attendence 54%
Meet 1st 3rd TH 6:30 PM Stratford Inn

Year End: 59 Projects completed, 604 Service Hours, $10,211 Spent, 3 Interclub

2007 - 2008
President David Cross, Secretary Dr Jack I Hayes Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 123 Attendence 52%
Meet 1st 3rd TH 6:30 PM Stratford Inn

Year End: 74 Projects completed, 823 Service Hours, $11,369 Spent, 4 Interclubs

2007 - 2008
President Lorretta Sampson, Secretary Dr Jack I Hayes Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 117
Meet 1st 3rd TH 6:30 PM Stratford Inn

Year End: Projects completed, Service Hours, $ Spent, Interclubs $ District Foundation

2008 - 2009
President Lorretta Sampson, Secretary Dr Jack I Hayes Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 117 Attendence 55 %
Meet 1st 3rd TH 6:30 PM Stratford Inn

Year End: 67 Projects completed, 539 Service Hours, 10,122$ Spent,3 Interclubs $250 District Foundation

2009 - 2010
President Chris Payne, Secretary Dr Jack I Hayes Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 117 Attendence 43%
Meet 1st 3rd TH 6:30 PM Stratford Inn

Year End: 48 Projects, 650 Service Hours, $324 Spent, 3 Interclubs $250 District Foundation

2010 - 2011
President Donald R Pippin, Secretary Dr Jack I Hayes Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 125
Meet 1st 3rd TH 6:30 PM Stratford Inn

Year End: 36 Projects, 922 Service Hours, $2898 Spent, 3 Interclubs $250 District Foundation

2011 - 2012
President Lorretta J Sampson, Secretary Dr Jack I Hayes Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 124
Meet 1st 3rd TH 6:30 PM Stratford Inn

2012 - 2013
President Melinda G Dalton Secretary Dr Jack I Hayes Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 117
Meet 1st 3rd TH 6:30 PM Stratford Inn

2013 - 2014
Division 15
President Thomas Meadows, Secretary Dr Jack I Hayes Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 109
Meet 1st 3rd TH 6:30 PM Stratford Inn Conference Center

Capital District Foundation Director Melinda G Dalton

2014 - 2015
President Thomas Meadows, Secretary Dr Jack I Hayes Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 101
Meet 1st 3rd TH 6:30 PM Stratford Inn Conference Center

Capital District Foundation Director Melinda G Dalton

2015 - 2016
Division 15
President Jerry E Conners, Secretary Dr Jack I Hayes Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 103
Meet 1st 3rd TH 6:30 PM Stratford Inn Conference Center

Capital District Foundation Director Melinda G Dalton
LG Melinda G Dalton

2016 - 2017
Division 15
President Tommy Pruett, Secretary Dr Jack I Hayes Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 96
Meet 1st 3rd TH 6:30 PM Stratford Inn Conference Center

LG Melinda G Dalton

2017 - 2018
President Stetson D Franklin, Secretary Dr Jack I Hayes Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 96
Meet 1st 3rd TH 6:30 PM Stratford Inn Conference Center

2018 - 2019
President Gordon R Ballard, Secretary Dr Jack I Hayes Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 90
Meet 1st 3rd TH 6:30 PM at Stratford Inn Conference Center

2019 - 2020
President John T Mason, Secretary Dr Jack I Hayes Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 85
Meet 1st 3rd TH 6:30 PM at Stratford Inn Conference Center

2020 - 2021
President John Blaine Wilt, Secretary Dr Jack I Hayes Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 84