Capital District Kiwanis History

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Organized December 16 1938 Chartered February 3 1939
Key #02263 63rd District Club
Sponsor Bluefield WVA Kiwanis
Divisions 03 08
Population (1938) 1,355
KI Charter Revoked January 18 2002

Division 03
(Volume 5)
President Robert Lee Lambert, Secretary Henry G Norman
Membership Dec 16 - 32 Attendance 89%

The club cooperated with the Rotary Club in a Community, Christmas tree with candy and toys for underprivileged children

The club gave a benefit bridge party, netting $200 for the Community Welfare fund, placed 3 orphans in a mountain mission school in Grundy, VA Cooperated with Rotary in setting up a community Christmas tree, and distributing 1,500 bags of candy and nuts at Christmas

After a program on Scouting, the club undertook to sponsor a Boy Scout troop in the community and continued active in this work Entertained the high school football team and their coach at luncheon

From time to time a number of farmers were invited to be guests of members of the club at regular luncheons, and a special farmers day program was held at which quite a number of farmer guests were present

Visited Bluefield, Marion and Narrows and a large delegation attended the Inter Club meeting of the Narrows club at Mountain Lake

The club was the guest of Rotary early in the year Later it entertained Rotary and also the Chamber of Commerce It had three Ladies' Nights, one of which was a Halloween party, and its softball team played teams from other civic clubs

The club having been formed late in 1938 did not receive its charter until the early part of February when the District Governor presented tile Charter at a Ladies, Night The club received its instruction in the objects and objectives of Kiwanis through a large number of programs on Kiwanis Education, one of which was conducted by the LTG The club was represented at the Division Meeting and at the International and the District Conventions

President H Lee Harris, Secretary Henry G Norman
Membership Jan 1 - 29 Attendance 85%

The special work of the club was in furnishing glasses needed by underprivileged children In cooperation with Rotary, community Christmas tree was set up and 1,500 bags of candy andAuts distributed

In cooperation with Rotary, a supervisor of playgrounds was instituted, and the club furnished softball equipment A benefit play was given, netting $200 for the Kiwanis sponsored High School Band In a joint meeting with Rotary, the Football team was entertained

Armistice Day was celebrated and thd club worked continuously at bettering school conditions in the community

Visited Bluefield to hear the International President speak Attended the Charter Night of the Bland club, and later carried the plaque to Bland, went to Clintwood on the occasion of the visit of the District Governor, and joined in the big inter club meeting at Mountain Lake Members of the club made a number of individual visits to other clubs, and a number of visiting Kiwanians were entertained

The club held two Ladies' Nights, had a joint meeting with Rotary, and met with Rotary club and the Chamber of Commerce at Grundy, Virginia, in the hope of interesting the citizens of Grundy in the formation of a Kiwanis club there

The club celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary, its own Charter Night, and held nurnerous meetings on Kiwanis Education It was visited by the LTG, and was represented at the District Convention

President John C Scott, Secretary Henry G Norman
Membership Jan 1 - 25 Attendance 82%

Hot lunches were furnished by the club to undernourished school children, with an average of approximately 400 hot lunches per month Sponsored the NYA Garden Project, and 700 cans of vegetables were put up, which will be used in the hot lunch program for the winter months The club as usual joined with Rotary in the setting up of a community Christmas tree and in the distribution of bags of candy and nuts A fund was set up to furnish glasses for needy boys and girls

Raised $1,400 for the Kiwanis sponsored High School Band, and added to this $600, the net proceeds of a Carnival Thus the club was enabled to purchase uniforms for tile band to secure all instructor to keep the band going during the summer months, and to buy needed iristrdments The club continued sponsorship of the Boy Scouts, sent a boy to Boy State, entertained at luncheon the Honor Students of tile High School and at a joint meeting with Rotary entertained the High School football team Aided in the Red Cross Drive

The club as usual attended the big interclub meeting at Mountain Lake, and made two visits to Narrows

It held two Ladies' Nights, one of which was an old time box supper It sponsored a dance, and a joint meeting with Rotary

Visited by the LTG, had a variety of programs on Kiwanis Education, and was represented at the District Convention

President F W Clarke, Secretary Henry G Norman
Membership Jan 1 - 18 Attendance 90%

Glasses were furnished to several underprivileged children, and the hot lunch program at the school was continued

The Kiwanis sponsored hand, numbered 45, was fully equipped and uniforined The larger instruments are owned, by the club, individual boys owning smaller instruments, some of which were purchased by the club for boys unable to buy them themselves A hand instructor was eiriploved during the Suirimer The usual joint luncheon with Rotary was field to entertain the High School football tearn

Visited Narrows and was host to Bluefield

Two Ladies' Nights, two joint meetings kvith Rotary, and a picnic were held It sponsored an open mecting held in one of the churches, at which the wife of a war correspondent in the Far Fast was the guest speaker

The club held several Kiwanis Education meeting, entertained the LieutenantGovernor, and was represented at the District Convention and the Training School for Officer On December 31 three men were in the armed forces

President Grady W Dalton Secretary Henry G Norman
Membership Jan 1 – 26 Attendance 86%

The club added several hundred dollars to its commur~ty welfare fund, furnished
Jasscs wherever needed, and was able to give hospital treatment to several underprivilegeCl children

It celebrated Boys' Night and continued to sponsor the High School band, the president of the club taking over the work of instructing the band after the instructor was called into the armed service

Sponsored the project for the collection of tin cans, and fostered the planting of victory gardens

Inter club relations consisted only of visits of members to other clubs when in the neighborhood, the bringing of one or two speakers from other clubs and the entertaining of visiting Kiwanians who happened to be in the neighborhood on meeting days Held Ladies' Nights and a picnic

Entertained LTG, celebrated Constitution Week and the anniversary of its own founding, and was represented at the District Convention and at the Training School for Club Officers On December 31 there were 3 members in the club in the armed force

(Volume 6)
President G W Hagy, Secretary Henry G Norman
Membership Jan 1 - 29 Attendance 88%

President Gorden C Farmer, Secretary Henry G Norman
Membership Jan 1 - 31 Attendance 86%

President John G Repass, Secretary Henry G Norman
Membership Jan 1 - 30 Attendance 86%

Division 08
President George W Day, Secretary Henry G Norman
Membership Jan 1 - 31 Attendance 87%

President Walter J Overbay, Secretary Henry G Norman
Membership Jan 1 - 30 Attendance 96%

President Homer E Allen, Secretary Henry G Norman
Membership Jan 1 - 30 Attendance 96%

President Herbert M Chafin, Secretary Henry G Norman
Membership Jan 1 - 31 Attendance 96%

(Volume 7)
President Roy F Reedy, Secretary Henry G Norman
Membership Jan 1 - 27 Attendance 97%

President Joe K McFarlane, Secretary Henry G Norman
Membership Jan 1 - 26 Attendance 97%

President Dr Lewis H Armentrout, Secretary Henry G Norman
Membership Jan 1 - 26 Attendance 95%

President Clell G Bailey, Secretary William M Largen
Membership Jan 1 - 26 Attendance 93%

President Fred Casey, Secretary Jack Zambaca
Membership Jan 1 - 27 Attendance 80%

President ?, Secretary ?

Division 08
President William M Largen Secretary Rufus Dickenson
LG Grady W Dalton

President Joseph S Serreno, Secretary Robert E Howell
District Chair Agriculture and Conservation Gordon C Farmer

President Bahiet J Nassif Secretary Benjamin C Keith

President Dr Robert A Abernath, Secretary Hershal E Boyd

Division 08
President Rufus J Dickenson, Secretary Hershal E Boyd
LG Bahiet J Nassif

President Robert E Howell, Secretary Hershal E Boyd

President Harlan A Walls, Secretary Hershal E Boyd

President Howard C Scott, MD, Secretary Hershal E Boyd

President John G Conley, Secretary James R Whitaker

President Jack B Sykes, Secretary Hershal E Boyd

Division 08
President Walter J Pielocik, Secretary Hershal E Boyd
LG Dr Robert Abernathy

President Richard B Dalton, Secretary Hershal E Boyd

President Donald E VanDyke, Secretary Hershal E Boyd

1969 - 1970
President Charles N Kilgore, Secretary Hershal E Boyd

1970 - 1971
President Woodrow W Mullins Jr, Secretary Hershal E Boyd

1971 - 1972
President Stafford L Compton, Secretary Hershal E Boyd

1972 - 1973
President Tommy R Rorie, Secretary Hershal E Boyd

1973 - 1974
President Robert W Shamblin, Secretary Hershal E Boyd

1974 - 1975
President William R Rosenbaum, Secretary Herold R Boyd

1975 - 1976
President James H Singleton, Secretary Hershal E Boyd

1976 - 1977
President William C Robinson, Secretary Hershal E Boyd

1977 - 1978
President Walter M Short, Secretary Hershal E Boyd

1978 - 1979
President Garnett K Webb, Secretary Thomas J Blair Jr

1979 - 1980
President Richard D Cole, Secretary Palmer B Mitchell

1980 - 1981
President ?

1981 - 1982
President Boyd Beasley, Secretary Kenneth C Jones

1982 - 1983
President Damon Donley, Secretary Kenneth C Jones

1983 - 1984
President Palmer Michell, Secretary Hershal E Boyd

1984 - 1985
President Grat Webb, Secretary Kenneth C Jones

1985 - 1986
President Sven A Eelma Secretary Hershal E Boyd

1986 - 1987
President James D Boggs Secretary Hershal E Boyd

1987 - 1988
Division 08
President Bradley S Robinson, Secretary Hershal E Boyd
LG Sven A Eelma

1988 - 1989
President Ricard B Dalton, Secretary Hershal E Boyd

1989 - 1990
Division 08
President G Kenneth Cole, Secretary Nicolas A Nielsen
LG James D Boggs

1990 - 1991
President Ivan R Webb Jr, Secretary ?

1991 - 1992
President Grat Webb, Secretary James D Boggs

1992 - 1993
President Wanda M Deskins Secretary James D Boggs
Membership Oct 1 - 20

1993 - 1994
President Thomas W Mc Glothin, Secretary James D Boggs
Membership Oct 1 - 19

1994 - 1995
Division 08
President Judith A Boggs, Secretary James D Boggs
Membership Oct 1 - 18
LG James D Boggs

1995 - 1996
President Bradleey S Robinson, Secretary James D Boggs
Membership Oct 1 - 18

1996 - 1997
President Judith A Boggs, Secretary James D Boggs
Membership Oct 1 - 14

1997 - 1998
Membership Oct 1 - 15
Not Listed KI Directory

1998 - 1999
President Gratton Webb, Secretary Wanda M Deskins
Membership Oct 1 - 11

1999 - 2000
Division 08
President Grafton Webb, Secretary Wanda M Deskins
Membership Oct 1 - 16
LG Wanda M Deskins

2000 - 2001
President Wanda M Deskins, Secretary ?
Membership Oct 1 - 15

Charter Revoked January 18 2002