Capital District Kiwanis History

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Organized January 5 1938 Chartered March 17 1938
Key #02193 61st District Club
Sponsor Radford Kiwanis
Division 03
Population (1938) 1,345
KI Charter Revoked January 18 2002

Division 03
(Volume 5)
President Rev Ernest E Northern Jr, Secretary James L Warren
Membership Jan 5 - 28 Attendance 79%

The Club gave a Halloween Carnival to raise funds for Welfare work It had a program on Underprivileged Child Work and on Social Work It outfitted one child completely, furnished 5 with glasses, and gave a Christmas party for 40.

The club had a program on Youth and one on Scouting, sent a speaker to talk at the High School oil Boy Scout Work, organized a Scout Troop, had a program put on by Scouts, and got the Scouts to make toys for the Christmas party for underprivileged children The club interested itself in 4H Club work, and took 4 boys on a Vocational Guidance trip to Washington.

It was host to all the clubs of the Division and to Princeton and Bluefield, West Va, on its charter light, and was host to Princeton at another meeting It visited Radford twice and Bluefield once.

The club was host to the Lions Club, and held a joint Ladies' Night with Lions.

Entertained the LG twice and was represented at the Division Meeting and District Convention.

President L E Turner, Secretary James L Warren
Membership Jan 1 – 34 Attendance 84%

The club had informative programs on Underprivileged Child work, furnished hot lunches to school children, furnished trail sport and clothing for boy to hospital, took care of eye and tooth trouble where needed, and each member delivered a Christmas package of toys and other Christmas gifts to a needy family Many of the toys were old toys collected and reconditioned by boys of the Scout Troop.

A field executive was secured to organize Scouting and Cubbing, and did a good job The club contributed $150 to the Scout organization, and paid $21 for transportation of Scouts to camp Obtained a lifeguard for the pool A program was given by the Governor of Boy State.

There were several programs on agricultural subjects, one on "Help the Fariner Market His Crops," and another put oil by several outstanding F F A boys.

A scheme to be used in the High School was worked out for vocational guidance to the pupils, and members of the club were urged to give employment to pupils whenever possible.

The club made a strong effort to have a newspaper locate in the town, helped get housing facilities for people coming into the community to work in a new industrial plant.

Sent a delegation to the Charter Night of the Richlands Club, a delegation to Radford for the District Governor visit, and Salem.

Held the Division interclub meeting that included delegations from two West Virginia clubs This was a big meeting with 250 Kiwanians and ladies present.

Held a Ladies' Night, a joint meeting with the Athletic Club and Lions, and other joint meetings with the Lions and with the Bluefield Chamber of Commerce.

There were five Kiwanis Education Meetings, two visits from the Lieutenant Governor, and delegates were sent to the Mid Winter and the District Conventions.

Division 03
President Robert C Friend, Secretary George K Shands
Membership Jan 1 – 42 Attendance 83%
LG Charles R Adair

Furnished 5 underprivileged children with glasses Treatment was given a badly burned child Furnished hot lunches to school children Each club member was Santa Claus to one child delivering presents personally Sent 5 boys to Scout Camp A Christmas dinner was given to 100 children with club members acting as waiters

Sponsored Boys' Week and sent a boy to Boy State Held an election with High School students as registered voters, in which the students held the election and elected a Mayor and City Councilmen, who then served one day as officials of the town, being instructed in their duties by the town officials These officials were then entertained at a banquet by the club The club helped defray the expense of a lifeguard at the local swimming beach, and gave a $5 prize for the best essay by a High School pupils on Citizenship Responsibility, the Price of Liberty The club sponsored the local Boy Scout Troop, secured a Scoutmaster, furnished transportation to the Scout Camp, and met with the Scouts and the American Legion in a Flag Ceremony

Helped repair the flood damage caused by a local flood condition and aided a group of the younger men to organize a Junior Chamber of Commerce

Attended the Charter Night of the Bland County club, and presented the new club with an American Flag Made 2 visits to Radford, 1 to carry the plaque, and the other to visit the Lieutenant Governor Following its annual custom, the club entertained the Division meeting, with 225 Kiwanians and ladies present, 8 clubs from the District and 2 from West Virginia Also entertained Radford and Bluefield on the occasion of the visit of the District Governor, Bland, when that club returned the plaque, and Bluefield when that club furnished the program

The club held a joint meeting with the Chamber of Commerce, which was a Ladies' Night, with an attendaiince of 200, a Ladies' Night, honoring the District Governor, and a joint meeting of all the civic clubs to hear a representative of the FBI

The club furnished the Lieutenant Governor for the year, held 5 Kiwanis Education meetings, helped in the organization of the Bland County club, and was represented at the MidWinter Conference, International and District Conventions

President Hoge Hopkins, Secretary George K Shands
Membership Jan 1 - 46 Attendance 80%

The club held an oldtime "Horse Auction" for its underprivileged child fund (A Horse Auction consists of having a number of people bring articles of small value, wrapped to conceal their identity, and having these packages auctioned off while still wrapped The fun comes in when the purchasers open the packages they have bought) The club cooperated with the PTA in furnishing hot lunches for school children, furnished glasses for six children, and played Santa Claus to 43 children on Christmas Eve

The club held an election of boy officers for the city, who served in their respective capacities and ran the city government for one day Several members attended the Scout Training School, to enable the club to do better work in sponsoring the local Scout Troop Three boys were sent to Boy State, and the Father and Son banquet of the 4H Club was held in connection with a regular meeting of the club

Due to the activities of the club, enough stock was sold to insure the building of a new $60,000 hotel and an election was held authorizing a $50,000 bond issue for a sewage disposal system

The club held two big interclub meetings at which all the clubs in Division 3 were represented as well as 2 clubs from the West Virginia District at one of which the District Governor was the speaker and at the other an International Trustee made the address The club took part in 3 interclub meetings with other clubs, and one week in September the club omitted its regular meeting and the members made their attendance by visiting, in groups of from three to ten, six other clubs The attendance that week was 74%

Besides the Ladies' Nights mentioned above, the club had two other Ladies' Nights, one being a joint meeting with Lions There was a picnic with the Ruritans, a joint meeting with all the civic clubs in the neighborhood, and another meeting with Lions

The club entertained the District Governor and LG and was represented at the Training School for Club Officers, the MidWinter Conference, International and the District Conventions

President Harmon Howorth, Secretary George K Shands
Membership Jan 1 – 44 Attendance 85%

The scrap metal drive put on by the club netted several hundred dollars for the community work, and a Horse Auction, as described previously, added to the money available for this purpose The club took care of all needy cases requiring dental work, eye, car, nose, and throat operations and medical care, and played Santa Clause to about 75 children

The club continued its support of both Boy and Girl Scouts, and sponsored Bovs' Week and conducted elections for town officials, the boys chosen running the town for a day These boys were guests of the club at an evening meeting A minstrel show clearing $1,200 and other funds of $400 was spent on instruments for the newly organized Band and to help pay the salary of the director of the band

The club gave aid to High School students in the choice of vocations, and helped get suitable positions for a number of them

Sponsored the sale of War Bonds and Stamps, the collection of scrap metal, a Recreation Center for local people, especially for members of the armed forces home on leave

Sent delegations to visit the Bland County, Roanoke, and Princeton, West Virginia, clubs, entertained a delegation from Princeton, and held one big interclub meeting, at which there were represented 6 other clubs The club assisted in the formation of clubs at Saltville and at Abingdon, attempted to form a club at Dublin, and to reorganize the club at Pulaski

The club had two Ladies' Nights and picnic, and formed Speed Ball and Bowling teams

Kiwanis Anniversary was celebrated, several Kiwanis Education meetings were held and the club was represented at the International and the District Conventions

Division 03
President Harrell M Russell, Secretary R Finley Thompson
Membership Jan 1 – 47 Attendance 89%
LG Charles R Adair

A children community survey was made at the beginning of the year who needed or might need help A number of cases were found, and investigations made Arrangement was made with the local hospital for tonsil operations at a certain charge to the club.

During the year, the club cared for 5 tonsil operations, fitted 6 children with glasses, and helped 11 other cases Club fines and birthday dollars go to the underprivileged child fund, and special projects were supported to obtain funds for this benefit.

The club sponsors the Boy Scout work in the community, and helps raise funds for the District The club provides funds each year for the securing of a meeting place Boy Scout Night was held, at which the work was presented by Scouts and Scouters Honor students of the High School were guests of the club at luncheons.

The club has functioned to create interest in community and national affairs, and has sponsored a sewage disposal plant, a recreation center, a community meeting emphasizing good citizenship, and agitation for larger water supply A special program was given on the storing and preservation of foods, especially foods raised in Victory Gardens Tile club celebrated Armistice Day, supported the Red Cross, aided Bond drives, sent gifts to men in the armed forces, and put on a strong "Get Out the Vote" campaign.

Members of the club visited Bland, Radford, Abingdon, and Bluefield and Matoka in the West Virginia District, and entertained visitors from Bluefield and Radford, and representatives attended the U S Canada celebration of the Washington club.

Two Ladies' Nights were held, and a joint meeting with Pioneers and Lions with a banquet given to the High School football teams of Narrows and Pearisburg.

The club had five Kiwanis Education programs, furnished the Acting Lieutenant Governor for the Division, and was represented at the District Convention On December 31, six members were in the armed forces.

(Volume 6)
President J Livingston Dillon, Secretary Ralph V Ott
Membership Jan 1 - 48 Attendance 98%

President George K Shands Secretary William H Fitzpatrick
Membership Jan 1 - 47 Attendance 81%

President B F Sperow, Secretary R M Trent
Membership Jan 1 - 42, Attendance 72%

President Harold W Hale Secretary C Knight Thigpen
Membership Jan 1 - 36 Attendance 94%

President James L Warren, Secretary C Knight Thigpen
Membership Jan 1 - 39 Attendance 94%

President Carmen E Wilson, Secretary C Knight Thigpen
Membership Jan 1 - 34 Attendance 94%

President John A Carr, Secretary C Knight Thigpen

(Volume 7)
President Robert L Wheeler, Secretary Calvin D Spangler
Membership Jan 1 - 35 Attendance 96%

The club named delegates to confer with school officials to help promote more instruction in Vocational Agriculture in the high school; helped sponsor the local county "Green Pasture Club" whose goal is to persuade all farmers to produce good pasture, thus adding to the wealth of the area; presented six addresses to the local Institutional On-Farm Training Classes given for World War II veterans studying agriculture in classes held for them in the high school; presented the results of recent experiments in grass and grass land farming to local farmers; prepared a float for the parade at the opening of the new bridge over the New River; will undertake, if approved by the State Forestry Commission, the reforestation of a cut-over area of the watershed which furnishes water for the town; continued to sponsor the Key Club, paying the expenses of four members to the Key Club Convention at Miami, and aided it in planning the election of a basketball queen and a football queen for the year; worked with the Highway Commission for the construction of a much needed highway, now completed; donated $25 to the War Memorial; discussed the possibility of establishing a modern milk processing plant in the community; wrote letters thanking the firemen from other communities who helped save the business district from destruction in a recent fire; assisted in encouraging new industries to come to the county; worked for the improvement of Kiwanis Park, securing a life guard and all attendant for the parking area; raised money for its underprivileged child work by a concert and a "white elephant" sale; furnished free lunches and milk to needy children in the schools during the whole year; donated $100 to the Central Committee for Christmas baskets; furnished clothing and medical and dental care where needed; sponsored the Boy Scout Troop; stressed the importance of church attendance, and put on a special "Go To Church" campaign at Easter; and donated $5 each to the County Council of Churches and the County Week-day Religious Education Committee.

President P H Hale, Secretary Calvin D Spangler
Membership Jan 1 - 52 Attendance 93%

President G R Hall, Secretary Calvin D Spangler
Membership Jan 1 - 27 Attendance 94%

President J Frank Heslep Jr, Secretary Calvin D Spangler
Membership Jan 1 - 34 Attendance 92%

Sponsor Pearisburg Club

Division 03
President Clarence E Archer, Secretary Robert W Hygon Jr
Membership Jan 1 - 28 Attendance 89%
LG George K Shands

President ?, Secretary ?

President Calvin D Spangler, Secretary Ralph V Ott
District Chair Interclub Relations George K Shands

President H W Dominick Jr, Secretary C C McLivaine Jr

President John Holland, Secretary Neil G McLivane Jr

President Ralph V Ott Secretary Harold W Hale

President Ted W Abolin, Secretary Harold W Hale

President Arthur H Brennison, Secretary Harold W Hale

President Harrell M Barnes, Secretary Harold W Hale

President Wilson Donald Trout, Secretary Harold W Hale

President David R Whitaker, Secretary Harold W Hale

President David G Lloyd, Secretary Harold W Hale

President Augustus W Cummings, Secretary Harold W Hale

President Donald L Neal, Secretary Donald W Trout

President Steve Balarza, Secretary Donald W Trout

1969 - 1970
President Joe M Muncy, Secretary Ralph V Ott

1970 - 1971
President James G McLouglin, Secretary Ralph V Ott

1971 - 1972
President Kenneth L Rakes, Secretary Ralph V Ott

1972 - 1973
President Lacy G Sanford, Secretary C Tom Spangler

1973 - 1974
President D Eugene Altizer, Secretary James W Heatwole

1974 - 1975
President Rev Sterling D Turner, Secretary James W Heatwole

1975 - 1976
President David M Davis, Secretary James W Heatwole

1976 - 1977
President James W Heatwole, Secretary Ralph V Ott

1977 - 1978
President Carl J Neely, Secretary Ralph V Ott

1978 - 1979
President Rev John A, Gess, Secretary Ralph V Ott

1979 - 1980
President Robert L Lacy, Secretary Ralph V Ott

1980 - 1981
President Calvin D Spangler, Secretary Ralph V Ott

1981 - 1982
President John T Hale, Secretary Ralph V Ott

1982 - 1983
President Samuel R Rader, Secretary Ralph V Ott

1983 - 1984
President Harold Absher Jr, Secretary Sam A Johnson

1984 - 1985
President William c Rolfe, Secretary James W Heatwole

1985 - 1986
President Donald E Richardson, Secretary Dennis Hamric

1986 - 1987
President Dennis E Hamric, Secretary Roger D Wood

1987 - 1988
President James A Jenkins, Secretary Stephen B Corcran
Meet MO 6:30 PM
Narrows High School

1988 - 1989
President Donald E Richardson, Secretary Dennis Hamric

1989 - 1990
President Thomas S Garrett, Secretary Dennis Hamric

1990 - 1991
President Thomas S Garrett, Secretary Ralph Kidd
Meet MO 6:30 PM
Anna's Resturant

1991 - 1992
President Donald E Richardson, Secretary Ralph Kidd

1992 - 1993
President Roger D Wood, Secretary Ralph Kidd
Membership Oct 1 - 24

1993 - 1994
President Ralph M Kidd, Secretary W B Patterson Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 20

1994 - 1995
President Roger D Wood, Secretary W B Patterson Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 17

1995 - 1996
President Roger D Wood, Secretary W B Patterson Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 26

1996 - 1997
President ?, Secretary W B Patterson Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 21

1997 - 1998
President Larry R Williams, Secretary W B Patterson Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 21

1998 - 1999
Voluntary Suspension
President George A Thwaltes, Secretary ?

1999 - 2000
No listed officers in KI Directory

2000 - 2001
Membership Oct 1 - 20
President Donald E Richardson, Secretary Brian Spangler

2001 - 2002
KI Revoked Charter 1/18/02