Capital District Kiwanis History

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Organized July 10 1925 Chartered September 22 1925
Key #01407 41st District Club
Sponsor Harrisonburg Kiwanis
Divisions 05 09
Regions Presidential | Heart of Virginia

Divisions 05
(Volume 2)

Our first activity was the erection of two large welcoming signs We entertained Rotary at one meeting and the Board of Directors of the Waynesboro Chamber of Commerce at another We sponsored a move to improve the public school playground equipment.

Division 05
President Major Landon L Davis, Secretary W E Moore
Trustee Frederick L Cooke

We observed Anniversary Week with Governor Towner as the speaker Planted 40 maple and walnut trees around the Wilson High School Helped pay the hospital bills for two underprivileged children Attended Inter-Club Day meeting at Harrisonburg.

We aided and made possible the organization of a baseball team in our town as one of the Augusta County League Contributed to the Waynesboro Welfare Alliance.

Our members provided automobiles to take the Cadet Corps of the Fishburne Military School to the Billy Sunday meetings at Staunton.

Observed All Kiwanis Night Entertained 25 farmers from the surrounding territory at a highly successful banquet Held Boys' Night, entertaining about 40 boys, with the boys taking part in the program Each boy received an appropriate favor.

Kiwanian Dr Ernest Mosby performed tonsil operations on 6 underprivileged children.

Held a joint meeting with the American Legion Had a Ladies Night and observed Thanksgiving Conducted our second Waynesboro Kiwanis Club Christmas Special, carrying food and toys to needy families in and around our city.

President T D Evans, Secretary S G White
Trustee Ernest Mosby

We staged a minstrel show for the benefit of our Crippled Child Fund, realizing a good amount, supplied dental surgery for needy children, entertained thirty-five Boy Scouts, provided surgical operations for two children and supplied two others with glasses We made a donation to the Children's Home Society of Virginia.

On Inter-Club Day, we host Charlottesville, Winchester and Harrisonburg There were 150 Kiwanis guests with Past Governor Merle E Towner was the speaker.

A joint meeting of Kiwanis and Rotary was held.

Staunton and Waynesboro held a joint meeting at Grand Cavern, Grottoes Two Ladies' Nights were held, one being at Blue Ridge Terrace.

Independence Day, Constitutional Week and Fire Prevention Week all had suitable programs. Books were donated to the Public Library, a movement was begun towards the annual observance of Confederate Memorial Day. We made a donation for the relief of the Mississippi Flood sufferers, and route signs were erected at prominent places on the main highways through town. We entertained the public school teachers at a luncheon.

(Volume 3)
President J Frank Harper, Secretary S G White
Trustee Dr Ernest Mosby

On January 3, we received the District Loving Cup from the South Norfolk Club and on February 9, we carried it to Lexington Both were fine inter-club meetings.

A Ladies' Night was held on February 21 An Inter-Club Meeting was held with the Charlottesville Club on May 21 27 of our 28 members made the trip to this meeting while the other man made up his attendance elsewhere 35 boys were present on Boys' Night to enjoy a splendid stunt program All-Kiwanis Night was observed.

Our Ladies' Night in June was in charge of the ladies, who put on the program It was the most successful one we have ever held We worked with the school authorities to develop a course in manual training at Wilson High School

On August 15, 50% of members met with Staunton and Lexington at Augusta Military Academy One August program was in charge of the Underprivileged Child Committee We entertained the public school teachers, had our farmer friends at another meeting, distributed twenty-five baskets of food, clothing and toys, and donated fifty dollars to the Community Welfare Alliance During the year we provided milk for an average of 75 undernourished children.

President Rev H Lee Scott, Secretary Stanley Garber
Trustee Landon L Davis

We continued our work of supplying milk for undernourished children As a result of several months of this, it was reported that out of 80 children, 30 were up to normal and the rest were showing marked improvement.

At a meeting devoted to Kiwanis Education, we heard an interesting and instructive talk by Jake Garber, Past President of the Harrisonburg Club We furnished certain needed apparatus for the high school gymnasium In vocational guidance, we furnished a speaker each week to the high school On February 19 we held a joint meeting with Rotary LTG Henry A Converse paid us an official visit on February 26.

A conference of the officers of the clubs of the Fifth Division was held in our town on March 19, and on the evening of that day we had the entire delegation at our regular meeting.

On May 7, we entertained the local Chamber of Commerce and heard of the needs of the town and plans which had been made for future improvements On May 14, we heard reports of a Social Service Survey while the following week a summary of an industrial survey was given to us.

The Charlottesville Club met with us the last evening in May.

During Inter-Club Week, we dispensed with our regular meeting and attended with the Harrisonburg club.

Ladies' Night on June 18 was in charge of the ladies, who put on a most enjoyable program On All-Kiwanis Night the Rev E F Steck spoke on Kiwanis Education We held a meeting at Mountain Lake with farmers and orchardists A picnic was held at the same place with our ladies present The grammar and high school teachers were our guests This is an annual event $50 was donated to the Welfare Alliance of Waynesboro Another Ladies' Night occurred on November 19 We distributed 26 baskets to the poor of our town and vicinity.

(Volume 4)
President Olaf Oas, Secretary Stanley M Garber
Trustee L B Deputy

We had a talk by Frank Harper, he explained the classification of the various county and state roads Also Charles Gaw an account on various town industrial plants.

A Father and Daughter night was held on February 18 We entertained the basketball team of the Wilson High School Dr E F Steck gave a talk on "Character Building" Mr I G Vass, city manager, gave an address on the operations of his office A Ladies Night was held We agreed to assist the Parent-Teachers Association in adding equipment to the school playgrounds.

We attended the inter-club meeting at Staunton and observed All-Kiwanis Night Governor Binford spoke before the club on August 26th.

Instead of spurring them to an endeavor to function as a real Kiwanis club and to work along the lines of Kiwanis objectives, the club voted in September to surrender its charter and the efforts of the International Representative to get them to reconsider were without avail.

Thus was lost the fourth club of the Capital District, one in 1929 and three in 1930, Bedford, Crewe, Pulaski, and Waynesboro, reducing the number of clubs from 49 to 45.

With the wonderful opportunities for real service in every community, it seems to us that it is regrettable that the men in these various clubs have missed the pleasure which would have been theirs if they could have seized these opportunities for the benefit of their towns and for the enrichment of their own lives.

1931 to 1937

President J Humes Franklin, Secretary W Warren Barnwell
Membership Jan 1 - 32 Attendance 86%

During the latter part of 1936, through the efforts of LTG J M Biedler with the cooperation of the Charlottesville, Harrisonburg and Staunton clubs, the Waynesboro club was reorganized At the first meeting on January 7, 1937, its charter was re-issued

The club played a chariot ball game, and gave a benefit movie and raised $60 for its milk and medicine fund for the underprivileged

The club had a program on Our Responsibility for the Training of Youth, and one on The Work of the Local Scout Troop The club undertook to sponsor a troop of Girl Scouts in the town

The club had one meeting in the county, and one special program accenting the relation of country people to town people

The club had a joint meeting with the Chamber of Commerce It cooperated with the city in its attempt to get a new hotel, which was successful Visited the CCC Camps, had programs on Kiwanis and Church, Patriotism, The Relation of a Town to Its Industries, Town Taxes, Health Insurance, The Work of the CCC Camps, and The Work of the Salvation Army

The club was host to the Lexington club when it delivered the Log

Held three Kiwanis Education Meetings, entertained the LTG and was represented at the Division Meeting an the District Convention

(Volume 5)
President Daley Craig, Secretary W Warren Barnwell
Melubersbip Jan 1 - 39 Attendance 88%

Program on Underprivileged Children in the County Its Baby Clinic, due to over crowding, liad to be linnited to very young children the older cilildren being examined for tonsils only Furnished several pairs of glasses, removed tonsils, and a few children were sent to T B hospitals

Visit was made to Harrisonburg, delivering the log, and a trip made to Cliarlottesville to play softball Entertained a number of visitors from other clubs Had 2 Ladies' Nigbts, a picnic, and a joint meeting with Rotary It held 5 Kiwanis Education meetings, entertained the Division Meeting with the District Governor and the Lieutenant Governor present, and was represented at the District Convention and the Training School for Club Officers

Division 05
President Walter L Kickok, Secretary W Warren Barnwell
Membership Jan 1 - 43 Attendance 87%
LG Humes J Franklin

A number of children were placed under the care of a physician, 16 were given Diphtheria Toxoid A show was put on, and a carnival run for 2 nights to raise money for the clinic, which continued with success through the year An interesting program on this work was given towards the end of the year, and Christmas baskets Were given to needv families

Held a Division Meeting at which all the clubs in tile Division With the Lieutenant Governor carried the plaque to Clifton Forge starting its journey, and received it when Charlottesville Represented at Harrisonburg, Staunton, and Charlottesville Furnished the Lieutenant Governor for the Division, held three Kiwanis Education meetings, was represented at the Mid Winter Conference and the District Convention

President Harry Nash, Secretarv W Warren Barnwell
Membership Jan 1 - 38 Attendance 88%

The Well Baby Clinic was operated this year on a semi-monthly instead of a monthly basis Treated 90 infants and 121 pre-school children Sent 2 children to the Augusta County Nutrition Camp, and money for 1 luncheon was contributed towards the cost of an oxygen Tent

Sponsored a Girl Scout Tea Observed Girl Scout Week and Boy Scout Week with appropriate programs, organized, coached and furnished unifornis for a Midget football tearn It sent a boy to Boy State

Carried the Kiwanis Ideals Plaque to Charlottesville and attended the Division inceting at Fort Defiance

A Iadies' Night, a picnic, a barbeque, and all old time farin supper in the countytiou, as did a series of bowling with Rotary

Represented at the Mid Winter conference, the District and International Conventions, and the Training School for Officers

President Dabney Lipscomb, Secretary W Warren Barnwell
Membership Jan 1 - 38 Attendance 89%

Continued its Well Baby Clinic twice each month throughout the year, reating over 300 cases, and continned the services of the nurse in the community Redecorated, repaired, and refurnished the roof in the City Hall where the clinics are held Performed 10 T and A operations, gave $10 for milk for under iolirished children, and sent two to the Nutrition Camp It gave a Minstrel Show netting $565 and spent $254 of this for all oxvgen tent which was placed in the local hospital for use, although the club kept the to the tent It joined other civic organizations in a movement for an underprivileged child camp

The club showed x motion picture, The Power Behind the Nation, to 300 high school students, en ter ta in e d the High School Basketball and tennis, sponsored, equipped, and furnished a coach for the Midget Football team, and furnished transportation for the team to and from their games It aided in forming a committee from civic and religious organizations to work on the problems of Juvenile Delinquency, gave $40 to the playground program, and sent two boys to Boy State

The club had a program on the work of the local County Agent, and had a joint luncheon with the Ruritan Club of Fishersville

Host to Harrisonburg, and to a most successful Division meeting held at Sherando

Entertained the Lieutenant Governor and the District Governor, and was represented at the Mid Winter Conference, the International and District Conventions, and the School for Club Officers

President A M McLaughlin, Secretary Dabney Lipscomb
Menibership Jan 1 - 36 Attendance 96%

A Minstrel Show was given to furnish funds for the welfare work The net profit was over $500 The 334 patients treated since the opening of the clinic were all given followup visits by the County Health Nurse Immunized 98 children against diphtheria and 41 against whooping cough Performed 17 T and A operations

In order that the boys and girls of the town might enjoy coasting whenever there was sufficient snow, certain streets were roped off and police supervision assisted by several members of the club each right enabled the children to coast in safety Through the efforts of the club in cooperation with Rotary, Lions, and Moose the Teen Age Baseball League was formed, each team of which was provided with a coach by its sponsor The club furnished adequate equipment and uniforms, and at the end of the season entertained the members of their team at a regular luncheon Sponsored a Midget Football team and 6 games were scheduled with midget team from other comunities Transportation to games away from home was furnished by members of the club, and at the end of the season, the team was entertained by the club Contributed $10 to the juvenile Band Held a Father and Son night

The club became a member of the Community Council composed of Kiwanis, Rotary, Lions, and the Business and Professional Women's Clubs The object of this council to co ordinate the efforts of these different clubs for community betterment

Held an inter club meeting at which Staunton, Charlottesville, Lexington, and Harrisonburg were represented A most enjoyable inter club Ladies' Night held at the Engleside Club of outside of Staunton where the Staunton and Wayneshoro Kiwanians and their wives and friends met for fun, frolic, and food The club had a joint meeting and picnic with Rotary and Lions, and bowling contest with Rotary

Celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary and had a number of programs on Kiwanis Education Entertained the Lieutenant Governor, and was represented at the Mid Winter Conference, the International and District Conventions, and the Training School for Club Officers At the end of the year 6 members were in the armed forces

President Newton C Coiner, Secretary Dabney Lipscomb
Membership Jan 1 - 40 Attendance 97%

The club continued its work in the Well Baby Clinic, and carrying number of patients as on all the work of treatment, instruction, care with the same efficiency and follow up As individual visits to the clinics are counted as separate cases there were more than 400 treatments given dur¬ing the year and a great any immuniza¬tions Furnished cod liver oil and milk to needy children The club observed Son and Daughter Night, sponsored a marble tournament with prizes, put on an essay contest on the subject of Post War Problems, re organized the Boys Baseball League, sponsored a Cub Fack, put on a rummage sale to purchase equipment for the Girl Scout camp, netting $363, and once more sponsored the Midget Football team During the winter the club arranged for safe coasting for the youngsters The prizes for the various contests which were put on were given in War Bonds and War Stamps There was a prize given for the best model airplane The club gave a farm mobilization program, and secured volunteers to assist the farmers in planting and harvesting their crops It also took an active part in victory garden projects

Civic interests included a Go to Church campaign, an active part in the Red Cross Drive, tickets to the Minstrel Show given to the USO for distribution to service men in the Woodrow Wilson Hospital, a Bond Auction, at which more than $200,000 in Bonds was sold, the gift of $100 to the Waynesboro Community Hospital, the celebration of Easter, aiding the Red Cross, entertaining a number of convalescents from the Woodrow Wilson Hospital, and a most successful Minstrel Show, which cleared over $880 for the community work of the club

The club had two joint meetings with Rotary, Lions, and the Business and Professional Woman's Club, at one of which thirty officers of the new Woodrow Wilson Hospital were guests, the purpose being to introduce these to the people of the community and for the community to offer every assistance within their power to the hospital

A delegation visited Covington to meet the District Governor and Lieutenant Governor

The club was represented at the Mid Winter Conference, the International and District Conventions, Training School for Club Officers, and 8 members in military service

(Volume 6)
President N F H Morrison, Secretary Dabney Lipcomb
Membership Jan 1 - 45 Attendance 97%

President Victor R Grosman, Secretary W Warren Barnwell
Membership Jan 1 - 48 Attendance 100%

President W Paul Barnum, Secretary W Warren Barnwell
Membership Jan 1 - 51 Attendance 96%

President N F H Morrison, Secretary A K Van Scoy
Membership Jan 1 - 51 Attendance 96%

Division 05
President O G Pendergraft, Secretary A K Van Scoy
Membership Jan 1 - 55 Attendance 97%
LG Harry Nash

President John K Blackburn Secretary Joseph G Dinwiddie
Membership Jan 1 - 54 Attendance 91%

President LeRoy P Black, Secretary Joseph G Dinwiddie
Membership Jan 1 - 53 Attendance 89%

(Volume 7)
President John Bell, Secretary Joseph G Dinwiddie
Membership Jan 1 - 55 Attendance 91%

District Chair Programs and Music John K Blackburn

President George L Garrett, Secretary Joseph G Dinwiddie
Membership Jan 1 - 52 Attendance 90%

President C Henry Cantwell, Secretary Joseph G Dinwiddie
Membership Jan 1 - 58 Attendance 87%

President Peter D DeBoer, Secretary Joseph G Dinwiddie
Membership Jan 1 - 56 Attendance 89%

Division 05
President Ross V Hersey Secretary Peter D DeBoer
Membership Jan 1 - 65 Attendance 89%
LG John K Blackburn

President ?, Secretary ?

President Jack R Proffitt, Secretary William C Fauber Jr
District Chair Programs and Music John K Blackburn

President Erwin F Bohmfalk, Secretary William C Fauber Jr

Division 05
President David L Coughtry, Secretary John Wilhelm
LG George L Garrett

President J Gray Dinwiddle, Secretary John K Blackburn

President William W Walker Secretary John K Blackburn

President Guy A Kerby, Secretary John K Blackburn

President George M Hausler, Secretary William W Walker

President James R Goldner, Secretary William W Walker

Division 05
President G Lewis Craig, Secretary William W Walker
LG Guy A Kerby

President Forrest C Arehart, Secretary William W Walker

President Forrest C Arehart, Secretary William W Walker

Division 05
President Charles W Harper, Secretary William W Walker
LG Ross V Hersey

President Thomas W Rorrer Jr, Secretary William W Walker

1969 - 1970
President Claude O Skelton Secretary William W Walker

1970 - 1971
President George Makepeace, Secretary Guy A Kerby

1971 - 1972
President Tallie J Crocker, Secretary Guy A Kerby

1972 - 1973
Division 05
President Walter L Flora, Secretary Guy A Kerby
LG Claude O Skelton
Sponsor Waynesboro Hi-Noon Club

1973 - 1974
President Dr Daniel M Woodworth, Secretary V Francis Reynolds

1974 - 1975
President WArren E Kenney, Secretary V Francis Reynolds

1975 - 1976
President Charles E Lanier, Secretary V Francis Reynolds

District Chair Builders Clubs (West) Claude O Skelton

1976 - 1977
President Charles Neer, Secretary Sidney J Lane Jr

1977 - 1978
President Leroy F Beckerle Secretary V Francis Reynolds

1978 - 1979
President Henry C Cantwell, Secretary N Howard Gowing Jr

1979 - 1980
President V Francis Reynolds, Secretary N Howard Gowing Jr

1980 - 1981
Division 05
President W Clark Jordan, Secretary N Howard Gowing Jr
LG Leroy F Beckerle

1981 - 1982
President Samuel F Phillips Secretary N Howard Gowing Jr

1982 - 1983
President Thomas R Givson, Secretary N Howard Gowing Jr

District Chair Permanent Committee on District Meetings Leroy F Beckerle

1983 - 1984
President William L Hausrath, Secretary William K Craft

District Chair Committee on District Meetings Leroy F Beckerle

1984 - 1985
Division 05
President ?
LG Samuel F Phillips
Sponsor Stuarts Draft Club

1985 - 1986
President Charles D Lambert, Secretary Tallie J Crocker

District Chair Builders Club Samuel F Phillips

1986 - 1987
President Thomas C Reider, Secretary Tallie J Crocker

1987 - 1988
President Raif M Smith, Secretary Tallie J Crocker

1988 - 1989
President Arthur Schlappi, Secretary George R Hawke

1989 - 1990
President William L Hausrath, Secretary George R Hawke

1990 - 1991
President Gary D Parker, Secretary Alfred M Byers

1991 - 1992
President Peter D Deboer, Secretary Alfred M Byers

1992 - 1993
President Daniel M Woodworth, Secretary Betty H Lambert

1993 - 1994
Division 05
President Daniel M Woodworth, Secretary M Graham Barley
Waynesboro-Hi Noon merged with us 3-4-94

1994 - 1995
President M Graham Bartley, Secretary Jeffrey Huffer

1995 - 1996
President Jack W Foster, Secretary M Graham Barley

1996 - 1997
President John P Witry Jr Secretary Richard D Tormey

1997 - 1998
President John P Wilry Jr, Secretary Ricard D Tomey

1998 - 1999
President Michael L Moles, Secretary Rudolph L Yobs

1999 - 2000
President John F Knapp, Secretary Rudolph L Yobs

2000 - 2001
Division 05
President Rudolph L Yobs, Secretary Susan C Whitlock
LG Phil Witry

2001 - 2002
President Leonard H Lynch, Secretary John P Witry Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 74 Attendance 63%

Year End: 83 Projects Completed, 163 Service Hours, $21,325 Spent, 23 Interclubs

2002 - 2003
President John L Leeth, Secretary John P Witry Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 75 Attendance 65%

Year End: 69Projects Completed, 160 Service Hours, $30,074 Spent, 23 Interclubs

2003 - 2004
President David Barker, Secretary John P Witry Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 65 Attendance 70%
Meet TU 12 Noon Western Sizzlin Restaurant
LG Robert Pardee

Year End: 85 Projects Completed, 117 Service Hours, $29,524 Spent, 22 Interclubs

2004 - 2005
President Debra Todd, Secretary John P Witry Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 72 Attendance 69%
Meet TU 12 Noon Western Sizzlin Restaurant

Year End: 185 Projects Completed, 709 Service Hours, $34,741 Spent, 18 Interclubs

2005 - 2006
Presidential Region
President William Plost, Secretary John P Witry Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 63 Attendance %
Meet TU 12 Noon Western Sizzlin Restaurant
Distinquished Club Award
Newsletter Award - Orange Group Honorable Mention

(E-Builder Nov 2005) Children in Waynesboro’s Head Start program now have a garden to tend, thanks to the Waynesboro Kiwanis Club More than 50 children - ages 3, 4 and 5 - gathered outside their classrooms at Berkeley Glenn Elementary School to witness the rooting of the first bulbs Kiwanians spearheaded the project with the help of donated lumber from Lowe’s and flower bulbs from Waynesboro Landscape & Garden Center

Head Start teacher Cindy Reynolds called the garden “a great learning experience” for the children “They will have to water and weed the garden themselves,’’ Reynolds said The Kiwanis Club, she said, long has reached out to Head Start It also participates in a reading buddies program with the Head Start children Dick Tomey, Kiwanis president-elect, said Head Start teachers place a high priority on books and reading

But the teachers also asked for a garden, he said “The kids are putting in the bulbs And they won’t see them for three months,’’ Tomey said Pansies adorn the top of the Head Start garden In a few months, daffodils will spring from the soil

Year End: 54 Projects Completed, 280 Service Hours, $7,842 Spent, 13 Interclubs

2006 - 2007
President Richard O Tomey, Secretary John P Witry Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 66 Attendance 52%
Meet TU 12 Noon Lynns Pancake Steak House

Year End: 34 Projects Completed, 306 Service Hours, $2515 Spent, 12 Interclubs

2007 - 2008
President Kathryn Johnson Secretary Sarah Hash-Rodgers
Membership Oct 1 - 66 Attendance 48%
Meet TU 12 Noon Waynesboro Country Club

Year End: 62 Projects Completed, 464 Service Hours, $16,449 Spent, 6 Interclubs

2008 - 2009
President Dewayne Moore, Secretary Whitney Wagner
Membership Oct 1 - 60 Attendance 50%
Meet TU 12 Noon Waynesboro Country Club

Year End: 74 Projects Completed, 1069 Service Hours, $4151 Spent, 4 Interclubs

2009 - 2010
Division 05
President Pamela Doshier, Secretary Whitney Wagner
Membership Oct 1 - 62 Attendance 34%
Meet TU 12 Noon Waynesboro Country Club
LG Kathryn Johnson

Year End: 22 Projects, 498Service Hours, $510 Spent, 12 Interclubs, $290 CD Foundation

2010 - 2011
President Jennifer Apesa, Secretary Whitney Wagner
Membership Oct 1 - 51
Meet TU 12 Noon Waynesboro Country Club

Year End: 24 Projects, 658 Service Hours, $695 Spent, 7 Interclubs, $102 CD Foundation

2011 - 2012
President Robert M Barrette, Secretary Kathryn B Johnson
Membership Oct 1 - 55
Meet TU 12 Noon Waynesboro Country Club

2012 - 2013
President Allison Fink, Secretary Jody Beelendorf
Membership Oct 1 - 54
Meet 1st 3rd TU 12:00 Noon Waynesboro Country Club
District Trustee Kathryn Johnson

2013 - 2014
Division 09 Heart of Virginia Region
President Richard Kane, Secretary Joan Byrne
Membership Oct 1 - 43
Distinguished Club

2014 - 2015
President Josh Deaver, Secretary Allison Fink
Membership Oct 1 - 47
Meet 1st 3rd TU 12 noon Waynesboro Country Club

2015 - 2016
President Piper Groves, Secretary Allison Fink
Membership Oct 1 - 47
Meet 1st 3rd TU 12 noon Waynesboro Country Club

2016 - 2017
President Samantha Bosserman, Secretary Allison Fink
Membership Oct 1 - 46
Meet 1st 3rd TU 12 noon Waynesboro Country Club

2017 - 2018
President John Rorrer, Secretary Robert M Barrette
Membership Oct 1 - 45
Meet 1st 3rd TU 12 noon Waynesboro Country Club

2018 - 2019
President Kathryn B Johnson, Secretary Robert M Barrette
Membership Oct 1 - 49
Meet 1st 3rd TU 12:00 PM at Panera Bread

2019 - 2020
President Richard M Kane, Secretary Robert M Barrette
Membership Oct 1 - 48
Meet 1st 3rd TU 12:00 PM at Panera Bread

2020 - 2021
President Amanda Argenbright, Secretary Robert M Barrette
Membership Oct 1 - 48

District Chair Young Children Sam Bosserman