Capital District Kiwanis History

CLUBS Old-Divisions-New Regions Site Map Leadership People

Organized May 10 1922 Chartered October 10 1922
Key #00770 20th District Club
Sponsor Kiwanis International Field Rep Al Stimers
Divisions 02 05 09
Regions Presidential | Heart of Virginia
Population (1922) 7,232

Division 02
(Volume 1 John W Wayland)

The organization meeting for the Harrisonburg VA Kiwanis Club was held at the Kavanaugh Hotel on May 10, 1922. Ernest B Crawford, George N Conrad and James M Warren had been active in arranging for this meeting and at their request International sent Al Stimers from Chicago made sure that the club was properly organized. The initial membership was 51, as fine a body of men as ever organized a Kiwanis Club anywhere

The charter presentation occurred on October 10, 1922, at which time the club had grown to 60. GovernorJulian Y Williams was there and not only presented the charter but also gave a most interesting address on Kiwanis and its ideals. There was also a fine program of vocal and instrumental music.

President George N Conrad, Secretary Sheffey L Devier
Trustee Raymond C Dingledine

Other officers were: Vice-President James C Johnston, Treasurer Samuel J Prichar, Directors C T Martz, V P Hawse, W L Dechert, Alfred Ney, Dr J M Biedler, Dr C E Nicholas and E R Lineweaver.

Some of the activities of the club have been as follows: All of the white teachers of the public schools and the teachers of the State Normal School were entertained by the club at a dinner. Members of the Kiwanis Club subscribed over $600 towards the erection of a monument to the soldier dead of Rockingham County. The club offered cash prizes aggregating about $75 to students in the public schools for excellence in their studies during the session of 1922-1923. A rest park at the Keister school was established and benches and electric lights installed.

Following a movement initiated by the club, boulevard lights were erected on Court Square Signs greeting travelers have been erected to the north and south of the city. Three joint luncheons of Kiwanis and Rotary have been held City and county officials, the telephone company manager and a number of operators were guests of the club at different times Kiwanis beat Rotary three straight games of volleyball.

(Volume 2)
President James C Johnston, Vice President E R Lineweaver
Secretary Sheffey L Devier, Treasurer S J Pritchard
Trustee R C Dingledine

The year was well filled with appropriate activities. During the previous year the club had adopted as one of its objectives for several years to come, the matter of establishing a public library in Harrisonburg. Several committees labored earnestly to formulate acceptable and effective plans for the establishment of such a library and some progress was made.

The club also subscribed $1000 for Rockingham Memorial Hospital to be used in the aid of indigent persons who needed medical or surgical attention. During this year 20 persons were given aid with the most encouraging results.

President E R Lineweaver, Vice President J M Biedler
Secretary Sheffey L Devier, Treasurer S J Prichard
Trustee Laird L Conrad
Sponsor Waynesboro Club

Early in the year the officers and members of Shenandoah Valley, Inc, were entertained by the club during their annual convention in our city. On this occasion Governor Trinkle was the guest of honor and the speaker of the day.

At our Ladies' Night in April, the club developed unsuspected talent in a Rube Orchestra, which was not only the source of amusement and entertainment on that occasion, but has proved a valuable factor in club meetings at home and on several occasions elsewhere.

Members attended the Inter-Club at Charlottesville, in which Staunton, Charlottesville and our own men got together in a real spirit of fellowship. Members and ladies at the District Convention at Staunton.

The work of the club was continued in behalf of the sick and needy, especially crippled and underprivileged children, in connection with the local hospital and other institutions. Contributed $25 to Red Cross relief work at Timberville during a fever epidemic, and $50 to the Blue Ridge Mission of East Rockingham for the care of tubercular children. Other definite gifts and services, too numerous to mention, might be recorded.

President Johnston was our delegate to the International Convention in Denver in 1924, and in like manner President Lineweaver was the club's representative at the International Convention of 1925, held at St Paul.

The most outstanding projects of the club for the two years were the giving of two big shows In the fall of 1924 we gave Springtime and in the latter part of 1925 Miss Bob White. For both of these operas the aid of talent outside the club was necessary and it was generously forthcoming In Springtime 150 persons took part and the net sum realized for the community welfare fund was $428. Over 200 actors participated in the presentation of Miss Bob White, which netted the sum of $422.

At Christmas time the club provided a huge Christmas tree from which gifts were dispensed to about 200 children of the city. These children were gathered each time in automobiles by the club members and returned to their homes in the same way. These were occasions of joy and profit to the club members and their families as well as to the little guests.

Division 05
(Henry A Converse)
President Laird L Conrad, Vice President V P Hawse
Secretary Sheffey L Devier, Treasurer S J Pritchard
Trustee Conrad Logan

The club began the year with 52 members and closed with 55 having more than made up the deletions by the choice of new members. During the year the club showed a healthy growth, not only in membership, but in the understanding and practice of the true principles of Kiwanis.

The club took an active interest in public affairs in the community, as is evidenced by the following activities:

We endorsed the Harrisonburg Chamber of Commerce and commended its support to our members in all its efforts for civic betterment. We appointed a committee to greet and give aid and information to a party of North Carolina farmers who toured our county during the summer.

We maintained a free bed for underprivileged children at the Rockingham Memorial Hospital. We gave one free scholarship at the Harrisonburg Night School.

In co-operation with Rotary, we sponsored and aided in the organization of the Ro-Ka Club in Harrisonburg, an organization for the boys and young men of the city, which provides a meeting place for them and will, we believe, be a great help to them in many ways.

In June, we arranged for the placing and entertainment of 450 underprivileged children from New York City in the homes of the city of Harrisonburg and Rockingham County for a period of two weeks. These children were sent here from New York by the New York Tribune, and the members of the Harrisonburg Kiwanis Club looked after their entertainment while they were in our community.

We gave our annual Christmas tree celebration on Christmas morning for the underprivileged children of the city and distributed gifts of candy, fruit and toys to more than one hundred and fifty children.

We had 52 meetings during the year, including our business meetings. Among the more interesting was our annual Farmers' Day, at which each member of the club had as his guest a prominent farmer of the county. We also held an out of town meeting at which representatives of the 4-H clubs of Rockingham County were our guests They gave demonstrations of their work.

We had a joint meeting with the Rotary Club, at a dinner given by the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Rockingham Memorial Hospital, for the benefit of this institution.

During the stay of the children from New York City, 20 of them provided the entertainment at one of our regular meetings We held special-program meetings during Constitution Week and Fire Prevention Week. The programs at four meetings were devoted to Kiwanis Education.

Host to an Inter-Club meeting of Lexington, Staunton, Charlottesville and Waynesboro Clubs, held at Massanutten Caverns. Through the courtesy of one of our members, all Kiwanians were able to visit the caves.

At one meeting we entertained the sisters and daughters of Kiwanians who were attending the Harrisonburg State Teachers' College.

(Volume 3)
President Henry A Converse, Secretary Walter M Zirkle
Trustee George N Conrad

We derived much benefit and enjoyment from our Inter-Club work In February, we had a joint meeting with Rotary and the Business and Professional Club In April, we had two meetings with Rotary, one at the bazaar of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Rockingham Memorial Hospital and the other a Boys' Night of the two clubs when we had 150 boys as guests. On December 1, we again met with Rotary at the Auxiliary of the hospital.

We attended the Waynesboro inter-club meeting with Charlottesville and Winchester present 34 members made the trip. With the Chamber of Commerce we held a meeting devoted to the needs of Harrisonburg and Rockingham County Baseball games with Winchester were played during the summer.

We continued our maintenance of a bed for children at Rockingham Memorial Hospital, assisted in free dental work for underprivileged children, paid the expenses for a number of operations and treatments and provided glasses for a needy child. We made arrangements for the entertain-ment of 200 children for two weeks sent from New York by the New York Tribune.

We held a meeting which was addressed by George P Mayo of Blue Ridge Industrial School, who told of the work being done by that institution for the underprivileged children in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Green County, Virginia. We raised $1,000 to furnish playground equipment on the high school grounds club. On November 15 and 16 we presented a musical comedy which netted $450 for our Welfare Fund. Our annual Christmas tree was provided with gifts of fruit, candy, toys, etc, for 150 underprivileged children.

We held our annual Farmers' Day Luncheon The Fifth Anniversary of the club was observed by a Ladies' Night held at Spotswood Country Club. We were represented at Fredericksburg on the occasion of the opening of the Jefferson Davis Highway. The meeting of September I was held at Timberville, Virginia. The meeting of September 15 was observed as Constitution Day. On October 27, we entertained at luncheon 16 daughters of Kiwanians who were attending State Teachers' College.

George N Conrad, the first president of the club, donated in the name of the club, 1,250 acres toward the Shenandoah National Park. During the year our club brought to Harrisonburg a number of speakers of note from a distance to speak on topics of community interest to our club. Among these speakers, during the month of January, we had N S Edwards of Chicago, member of the American City Bureau, to speak on Building a City.

During the month of May, we had Dr Francis T Short of New York City, speak on Building a Community. His address was published in full in the local city paper.

In June, we had Dr Aubrey B Strause of the Virginia State Board of Health, urging the formation of a health unit for this city and the surrounding county As a guest at that meeting we had the city health officer.

We had Dr Thomas H Reed, of the University of Michigan, who made an address on Municipal Government, at which time the Mayor and the City Council of Harrisonburg were guests of the club.

At our Annual Farmers' Day meeting, we bad as our speaker Peter Chichester of the Frederick, Maryland club, member of the International Committee on Agriculture. Among the other meetings that we held was a special health program during the month of January, at which time addresses were made by the City Health Officer and the Professor of Hygiene at the State Teachers' College located here.

On June 4th we held Kiwanis Night.

On December 8th, we held a real Kiwanis Ladies' Night, where Kiwanian Jules Brazil gave us a royal entertainment. For more than four years our Library Committee has been working on a project for the establishment of a public library in the city During the month of October, this committee engineered the formation of a committee of fifty leading citizens, calling it the City-County Committee of Fifty. A sub-committee of this Committee of Fifty drew up a constitution and by-laws for a City-County Library Association and the Committee of Fifty formed a temporary organization during the month of December and the formation of a library association seemed assured (NOTE: This association has since been formed and incorporated under the laws of the state of Virginia and the library will be opened in temporary quarters November 1, 1928).

President Jacob A Garber, Secretary Walter M Zirkle
Trustee Conrad T Logan

In January we were honored a visit from Lieutenant-Governor William G Hardy.

We continued the maintenance of our charity bed at Rockingham Memorial Hospital, provided hospital expenses for tonsil operations for the number of needy children and lunched with Rotary at a bazaar given by the Ladies' Auxiliary of the hospital with a program devoted to boys' work.

Co-operated with the New York Tribune in providing homes for 125 children from New York City. Each child received a 2 week outing. We started a survey of the underprivileged children of Harrisonburg so that the club's appropriation for this activity might be used more advantageously. Purchased a dozen steel tennis rackets for the city play grounds. Underprivileged children were given a Christmas tree Entertained 200 children by members and each child received a gift.

On April 12, we gave a lunch to county farmers There were thirty farmers present to hear S M Cox, County Agent, address them On November 1, we held our meeting at Broadway Virginia.

We launched a movement to secure the Rockingham Public Library and appropriated $1,000 for a founder's membership as a memorial to Past President James C Johnston We worked to get out the vote at the State Constitutional Election in June and at the National Election in October The program of June 28 was devoted to statistics of Virginia and of Rockingham County so that the members of this club might know their own state and county better We joined with other civic organizations to bring the Virginia State Dairymen's convention to Harrisonburg On October 25, we lunched in the cafeteria of our new $250,000 high school building that the members might inspect one of the most modern school buildings in Virginia.

Our President headed a delegation to the anniversary celebration of Charlottesville on May 28 We observed our own sixth anniversary on May 10 Ladies' Nights were held at Spotswood Country Club on May 24 and November 15. On the latter occasion we had as our guests the daughters and sisters of Kiwanians who were attending the State Teachers' College All-Kiwanis Night was observed, the meeting being held at Massanutten Caverns six miles from here. The club had an exhibit on display at the Richmond Convention showing the work of the club since its organization This exhibit elicited many favorable comments from those who saw it.

Our own Past President Henry A Converse was elected LTG for 1929.

Division 05
President Samuel J Prichard, Secretary Walter M Zirkle
Trustee Rev Walter Williams
LG Henry A Converse

We continued our maintenance of a charity bed for children at Rockingham Memorial Hospital, for which we subscribed $500, also arranged for follow-up work by members of the club after the children left the hospital The following projects received our assistance and support; the formation of a County Boy Scout Council, Community Welfare organization work, the Public Library, and an airport project We again assisted in the care of a large party of Fresh Air children sent from New York by the New York Tribune The Community Welfare Fund was increased by $300 by a play we presented in one of the theaters At the annual Farmers' Day, 30 farmers were our guests to hear an address by Mr George F Holsinger, President of the Virginia Farm Bureau Federation A meeting was held at Timberville, Virginia, in order that the influence of the club might be extended to Rockingham County outside of our city.

An Inter-Club Golf Tournament was held with the Staunton Club A representative of the Children's Home Society of' Virginia spoke at our meeting We found in our following-up work of patients who had been treated in the Hospital Charity Bed, that it was necessary for us to establish a Milk and Ice Fund, which proved to be of great value to those children recuperating We also held our annual Christmas Tree celebration, which three hundred underprivileged children attended We donated to the city, and set up, approximately, twelve hundred dollars worth of playground equipment The club had its full quota of delegates and representatives at all conferences of officers, district trustees meetings, divisional conferences, district conventions, and International conventions The club also had the honor of furnishing the LTG from this division in the Capital District.

President Conrad T Logan, Secretary Peyton Beery
Trustee Walter M Zirkle

District Historian Henry A Converse

Continued support of the Kiwanis beds at Rockingham Memorial Hospital Beds were occupied by 14 children, and hospital expenses of a child were paid for special treatment at the University of Virginia Hospital Funds were obtained by voluntary contributions Contributions of clothing, etc, many of them children's clothing, were donated for the relief of families suffering from the effect of drought and unemployment The Under-privileged Child Committee with Miss Covington, the community nurse reviewed the work done at the hospital from Kiwanis funds We assisted the Ladies hospital Auxiliary with a semi-annual dinner and sale The annual Christmas Party for Under-privileged Children was held Gifts were distributed to 322 children.

Our flying squadron visited Waynesboro, Staunton, Lexington, and Martinsburg, W Va clubs At the meeting at Staunton during Inter-Club Week Members attended the Fifth Division meeting at Lexington A delegation from Staunton club visited us Under the direction of the Inter-Club Relations Committee, we entertained the young ladies of the State Teachers' College.

A committee worked on the matter of securing for our city the establishment of a Liberal Arts College for Women The club contributed $250 to the Rockingham Library Aided through joint committees in the formation of a Board of Public Welfare and assisted in financing it , supported work of City Nurse, cooperated with the Chamber of Commerce.

The club received good newspaper publicity during the year The Kiwanis Anniversary was observed at which time Past LTG Henry A Converse spoke on the history and objectives of Kiwanis A joint meeting was held with Rotary to hear Col Benchoff, President of Shenandoah Valley, Inc Telephone officers gave a demonstration on automatic switchboard.

Entertained International President Horace W McDavid, Governor Jesse H Binford and members of other clubs of our Division The Capital District Executive Committee met Present were Governor Binford, Governor-elect Plummer, the 6 LTGs, and the Secretary-Treasurer.

Presidnet B L Stanlen, Secretary Peyton Beery
Trustee Laird L Conrad

District Historian Henry A Converse

We again supported the free bed at Rockingham Memorial Hospital When the County Board of Supervisors were to dispense the services of the County Agricultural Agent, individual club members vigorously protested Thereby, he was retained for another year We entertained 22 State Teachers' College students who were sisters or daughters of Kiwanians Staunton club members visited us A delegation from our club visited Charlottesville A joint meeting was held with Rotary All-Kiwanis Night was observed; our Flying Squadron visited Lexington Flying Squadrons from Lexington, Charlottesville, and Clifton Forge visited us We supported the local veterans organization to secure a hospital for disabled soldiers The meeting Factor pointed to cooperate with Rotary and the Chamber of Commerce in securing funds for good roads, Over 250 children, selected by the City Nurse and Board of Welfare, were entertained bv a Theatre Party and then given food, clothing and toys at Christmas

Division 05
President S L Devier, Secretary Peyton Beery
Membership Jan 1 - 47, Attendance 76%
District Historian Henry A Converse
Governor Henry A Converse

This year the club extended the use of the Kiwanis bed in tile local hospital to include children from the county as well as from the city This bed was formerly financed by voluntary contributions A new policy was adopted: the hospital agreed to serve Kiwanis children at cost, and the club agreed to eat cheaper meals and give 10% of the food bill to the Community Welfare Fund to be used for this purpose as needed The club entertained 400 children at a Christmas Party with toys, candy and fruit for each

The club had a program by the local Girl Scout Troop Gave a prize for the best essay on the Travels of Washington in the Shenandoah Valley The local 4-H Club put on a program explaining their objectives and activities

The club had 2 meetings with Rotary at dinners served for the benefit of the local Hospital Appointed members to serve with the Chamber of Commerce in working out a plan for lessening unemployment Argued strongly for the retention of the County Agent and the County Nurse

Sent representatives to the Mid Winter Conference, the District and International Conventions, the LTG Training School for Club Officers and to the Division Meeting During this year the club furnished the District Governor

President C A Mason, Secretary Peyton Beery and Henry A Converse
Membership Jan 1 - 39 Attendance 77%

District Historian Henry A Converse

This year the club continued its Kiwanis bed in the Hospital Gave a Christmas Party to 300 children Published for three consecutive days in the local paper the statement that if citizens put bundles of discarded clothing on their porches at a designated day and hour, the Kiwanis club would collect them and deliver it to the Welfare Headquarters Where they would be mended and given to the needy families Members were assigned different streets and made a city-wide collection Supported the Red Cross Drive Gave programs on Preventive Medicine, Lawlessness, State Finances, Psychology in Business, The National Forests and the CCC Camp

Attended an inter-club meeting at Staunton Sent representatives to the l5th Anniversary of the Capital District Meeting at Bay Ridge, Md Held a Ladies Night, a picnic in the National Forest and played Volleyball with Lions and Rotary

Entertained the District Governor, LTG Sent delegates to the Mid-Winter Conference, Membership Stabilization Meeting, District Convention and Division Meeting

President J M Biedler, Secretary Henry A Converse
Membership Jan 1 - 35 Attendance 78%

District Historian Henry A Converse

The club continued the use of the Kiwanis bed for T and A operations Furnished glasses for needv children Had a program at which a number of children who had benefit by the bed came to the meeting in care of the nurse who explained how each had been helped Gave a benefit movie that netted $49 for the milk fund Enabled the club to spend $30 for milk for tubercular children and $15 for hot lunches for needy children in the county schools Gave a children's movie at which the admission was an article of clothing or canned goods for those who could pay and free tickets to the needy Seven hundred children saw the picture, and the food and clothing was distributed at Christmas The club furnished transportation for 32 mountain children 3 miles from town, and entertained them at a movie It delivered 50 Christmas baskets to the poor on Christmas morning

Entertained the High School Basketball Team, a Boy Scout program Joined with other civic organizations to foster a Donkey Baseball Game for the benefit of the Scouts, and sent a needy boy to Scout Camp Furnished a series of speakers to go to CC Camps Entertained college students who were daughters or sisters of Kiwanians

Held a Farmers Day with a Corn-Hog program The club advocated a Municipal Swimming Pool Erected road signs at the entrances of the city Held a joint meeting with the Lions, Rotary and the Chamber of Commerce

Attended a Staunton meeting Sent representatives to Charlottesville and Prince Georges County interclubs Represented at the Mid-Winter Conference, the District and International Conventions, and the Training School for Club Officers and entertained the District Governor and 15 members of his club

President 0 L Miller, Secretary Henry A Converse
Membership Jan 1 - 49 Attendance 77%

District Historian Henry A Converse

The club keeps a special Community Welfare Fund augmented each month by 10% of the amount paid for luncheons Donkey, Baseball added $56 and a Thanksgiving offering $20 The Kiwanis bed took care of 12 T and A operations and 8 pairs of glasses were furnished A movie was given to which U P Children were admitted free and others by presenting a toy or a package of food or clothing The toys, etc were distributed with baskets of food at Christmas to 50 indigent families

Supported Scouting and put on a Scout program Entertained the Boys Band (36), and 24 other boys, making a total of 60 Arranged for the Boys Band to go to the District Convention

Gave a benefit Musical with Rotary and Lions, netting $60 for the City Nursing Service Sent representatives to an inter-state Road Meeting and it raised the sum of $1,300 with which it installed a master radio

Sent delegations to visit Lexington, Charlottesville, Covington, Staunton and Winchester One member on a single trip visited 7 clubs in South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida Played in a Softball League with other civic clubs Every member of the club sent postals to two absent members, one recuperating in Florida and another in a hospital in Minnesota

Held four Kiwanis Education on Meetings Entertained the LTG Sent delegates to the Mid Winter Conference, the International and District Conventions, the Division Meeting and LTG's School for Training Club Officers

Division 05
President E L Woolf, Secretary Henry A Converse
Membership Jan 1 - 48 Attendance 76%
District Historian Henry A Converse
LG Dr John M Biedler

Furnished 14 pairs of glasses, dental work for 17 children, sent a boy to Scout Camp, furnished cod liver oil for tubercular children, aided other civic organizations in putting on a picnic for 250 U P Children, and distributed Christmas baskets to 50 needy families

Seven club members attended the annual meeting of Shenandoah Area of the Boy Scouts and contributed $50 to their budget Built and installed in the colored schoolbook cases and magazine racks and besides the books and magazines donated by the members It put on a Kite Day participated in by 45 boys who flew kites made by themselves for prizes Loaned a boy just graduated from college the money to outfit himself for a job This was repaid out of his first salary check Continued to work for a Municipal Swimming Pool

Meetings with Rotary, Lions and the Chamber of Commerce ' made pledges for "Safety Driving," fostered an attempt to put on a "Try Harrisonburg First" program, and presented a Traveling Library or Book Wagon filled with books donated by members to the Hospital Programs were on The National Forest, The Support of Churches, two on The City Manager Form of Government, The Acts of the Legislature, Business Ethics, The F H A, Traffic Problems, and The Conditions in Russia

The club put on programs in Staunton and Clifton Forge, visited Lexington, Charlottesville and Winchester and was host to Staunton and Charlottesville

It had a Bowling Contest with Rotary and Lions Had a Golf Tournament extending over six weeks with Rotary and a picnic supper for players at tile end of the tournament It held two Ladies Nights, a Ladies Day Picnic Entertained District
Governor and Mrs Roper and the 'wives of the Past Presidents of the club

Sent delegations to the Mid-Winter Conference, the International and District Conventions, the Division Meeting and the Training School for Club Officers Furnished a LTG Placed the Kiwanis Magazine for a year in the Rockingham County Library and in the Libraries of the High School and of the State Teachers' College

President R Grimes Heneberger, Secretary Henry A Converse
Membership Jan 1 - 45 Attendance 80%

District Historian Henry A Converse

The Kiwanis bed at the 'Hospital took care of approximately 20 T and A operations 10 children were furnished with glasses Sent 6 children to camp for 10 days and joined with other civic organizations in financing a picnic for 300 U P Children Distributed 51 Christmas baskets to needy families on Christmas morning

Supported the Boy Scout organization both morally and financially and had a program put on by Jamboree Scouts A concert by Junior Choirs and elementary school Glee Clubs was arranged and netted $75 for welfare work A Kite Flying Contest was held with prizes given to boys and girls for flying kites made by themselves A program was put on by 4-H boys and girls The championship High School Basketball Team was entertained at a luncheon and a successful Boys Night was held The club held a Farmers Day with a program on Soil Erosion

Speakers were furnished through the Vocational Guidance Committee to aid in the educational program of several nearby CCC Camps

The radio equipment at the Hospital was supplemented by a number of new headphones The club had a joint meeting with Rotary, Lions and the Chamber of Commerce at the annual meeting of the latter A delegation was sent to a Road Meeting in West Virginia the result of which was the formation of the Blue and Grey Highway numbered U S 33

Delegations were sent to Roanoke for International President visit and inter clubs to Waynesboro, Winchester and Staunton

Helped the reorganization of the Waynesboro club Attended its Charter Night and presented a Canadian Flag Trained officers and committee chairmen Sent representatives to Mid Winter Conference, District and International Conventions, and the Training School for Club Officers

(Volume 5)
President C T Mart, Secretary Henry A Converse
Membership Jan 1 - 47 Attendance 82%

District Historian Henry A Converse

The club took care of 25 T and A operations remedied dental defects for 26 children, furnished milk to two indigent families, sent a boy to the Scout camp, and delivered fifty-one Christmas baskets A benefit supper netted $18000 to be used in this work

The club contributed $2500 to the support of the Stonewall Jackson Council of the BSA, aided in the organization of Cubbing in this council, held a Boys Night with the program put on by the first Cub Pack organized in the council It entertained the daughters and sisters of Kiwanians who were students at Madison College, and held its annual Kite Day

The club attended a joint meeting in the county of the Rotary, Lions and the three Ruritan clubs of the county It held an agricultural meeting of its own with the County Agent as speaker

Programs of interest were on the International Situation, Venereal Diseases, the Acts of the Legislature, the History of Air Mail Automobile Safety County Welfare, and the Value of a Library At the latter meeting called Library Day each Kiwanian brought a donation of books for the local Library Armistice Day was celebrated with appropriate ceremonies The club also raised a fund of $300 to expand the radio service installed by club to the new wing of the hospital

The club received the log from Waynesboro and delivered it to Winchester Flying Squadron visited Charlottesville and Waynesboro, and a delegation went to Richmond on the occasion of the visit of the International President

The club had a Ladies Picnic and a big Ladies Night It organized a howling team to compete with teams from the Winchester and the Waynesboro clubs and with the local civic clubs Joint meetings were held with Rotary, Lions and the Chamber of Commerce at the Chamber's annual dinner, and with Rotary and Lions at the Massanetta Bible Conference,

The club entertained the District Governor and the Lieutenant-Governor, sent in an Achievement Report, and erected new road signs on the five main highways entering the city, It had four Kiwanis Education meetings, celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary, All-Kiwanis Night, and Constitution Week and was represented at the Mid-Winter Conference and the International Convention, and sent a delegation of thirty Kiwanians and ladies to the district Convention

President Herbert Huffman, Secretary Henry A Converse
Membership Jan 1 - 51 Attendance 80%
Historian Henry A Converse

Two benefit dinners netted the club $10000 for its welfare work Dental work was done for two children Six T and A operations were performed A truck load, 58 bushels, of apples was driven through the poorer sections of the city and the apples distributed to more than twelve hundred children, whatever containers of a reasonable size the children brought were filled with apples One hundred tickets to the Turkey Festival pageant were bought and distributed to children who could not otherwise have attended Fifty Christmas baskets were delivered to indigent families

The club sponsored a junior Choir concert that gave recognition to the young singers of the community and netted $75 for welfare work Speakers on Americanism were furnished by the club to speak at the assemblies of all the high schools in the county A Kite Day was held at which sixty or more children competed for prizes by flying kites of their own making Young ladies who were attending the college here, who were daughters or sisters of Kiwanians were entertained at a special luncheon

The club was host to an inter-club meeting of all the clubs of the Fifth Division, with the District Governor, the Lieutenant Governor, several Past LGs and a Past Governor present A delegation carried the plaque to Charlottesville and sent Flying Squadrons to visit Waynesboro Lexington and Clifton Forge

A joint meeting with Rotary, Lions, the Business and Professional Woman's Club and the Chamber of Commerce; a joint meeting with Rotary and Lions at the Massanetta Pilde Conference; and a joint meeting with the Ruritan clubs of the county and civic clubs of the city, were outstanding evidences of cooperation both in the city and in the county The club also enjoyed a Ladies Picnic and a formal Ladies Night, to which many guests were invited to take part in the dancing which followed the program

The club celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary, All-Kiwanis Night, Constitution Week and its own Charter Night, and was represented at the Mid-Winter Conference, the International and the District conventions, and the Training School for Club Officers

President George D Conrad, Secretary Henry A Converse
Membership Jan 1 - 50 Attendance 80%

District Historian Henry A Converse

The club spent $87 for T and A operations, donated $69 to a fund to be spent for the two day nurseries, one for white and the other for colored children, $23 for playground equipment for these nurseries $25 for tickets to the Turkey Festival Rodeo and $105 for tickets to the Children's Opera The club delivered 22 Christmas baskets A benefit Little Symphony Concert and a free will offering at Thanksgiving furnished part of the money for these benevolences

The annual dinner to students of the college who were daughters or sisters of Kiwanians was given Eleven clubs were represented A Kite Day was held and the prize winners were guests of honor at a Boys Night $60 was given to the Scout organization and a boy was sent to Boy State Through the generosity of a former member of the club, a nest egg of $50

Talks on Citizenship Responsibility were given in the high schools of the county A series of ten broadcasts on this subject were given, beginning on Washington's Birthday and continuing monthly, on appropriate dates until Thanksgiving

The club celebrated Washington's Birthday, Easter and Thanksgiving, and had outstanding programs on Welfare Work, the Situation in China and Japan, the World Today, the History of the Red Cross, World Conditions and Education for Patriotism

An inter-club meeting was held in connection with the meeting of the District Committee on Agriculture, at which many farmers were invited guests The plaque was received from Staunton and carried to Clifton Forge A visit was made to Lexington, and many members visited other clubs as individuals

The club was awarded a plaque for having the most publicity in the Kiwanis Magazine and the District Bulletin, in the Fifth Division Kiwanis Anniversary, All Kiwanis Week and U S Canada Week were celebrated, the District Governor and the Lieutenant- Governor were entertained and the club was represented at the Mid-Winter Conference, the International and the District Conventions and the School for Club Officers

President Bernard H Arey, Secretary Henry A Converse
Membership Jan 1 - 52 Attendance 80%

District Historian Henry A Converse

The club gave a benefit dance and a Junior Choir Concert, netting a considerable sum for its welfare work Of this sum $218 was spent on various projects listed below; T, and A operations, playground equipment, the Young Americans Camp
Starting with a gift of $50 from a former member of the club, to which was added $50 from the funds of the club, and several smaller gifts from members of lie club, a Kiwanis Student Loan Fund was et up and a perpetual committee, consisting, of the president of the club, the immediate past president and one member of the club to be elected by the current Board, was set up to administer the fund One loan has already been made from this fund

The club celebrated the Fourth of July, Armistice Day and Thanksgiving Interesting programs were given on Dictators Have Their Own Conception of Cooperation, Our Obligation for Training Youth, Organized Youth, National Defense, Audio Visual Education, the Work of the National Forest, the Poultry Industry in the County, the Training of Children and Business Conditions in Harrisonburg

The club attended inter-club meeting at Covington and Waynesboro Made 62 visits by members of the club to thirteen other clubs, and the club entertained visiting Kiwanians from 21 other clubs,

The club had joint meetings with the Chamber of Commerce at its annual dinner, with Rotary and Lions at the Massarietta Bible Conference, and with Rotary and Lions in a program for the support of Churches It gave a kitchen shower to a newly married member and it had a Ladies Night and a Ladies Night Picnic

An achievement Report was sent in The District Governor and the Lieutenant Governor were entertained and the club was represented at the Mid Winter Conference, the International and the District Conventions and the Training School for Club Officers

President Emmanuel Blosser, Secretary Henry A Converse
Membership Jan 1 - 51 Attendance 83%

District Historian Henry A Converse

From its Welfare funds the club was enabled to take care of fifteen T and A operations and to spend $40 on the two Nursery Schools, and $50 on Christmas baskets for needy families

$60 was given to the Scout organization, $25 for repair of flood damage at Camp Shenandoah, the Scout camp for the Stonewall Jackson Council, and $25 to the Young Americans' camp One member of the club was given the Beaver Award for 1942, and two years previously this award was given to another member of the club The Kite Flying contest was carried out for the sixth consecutive year,

A speaker's committee was appointed to cooperate with other groups in the Bond Selling campaign

A Vocational Guidance clinic was held, to which all high school students in the county were invited Thirty special speakers were present to give advice and information to small groups

Through gifts and appropriations from the club treasury, the Student Loan Fund has now a capital of $400, and is being satisfactorily used to aid worthy students finish their education

The club made a direct gift to the US Treasury of $100, to be used for defense and has bought bonds as follows: $150 for Student Loan Fund; $200 for Hospital Radio Equipment; and $300 for Building Fund for Library

The club also gave $50 to the emergency Red Cross drive, fostered a scrap drive, and gave a send-off to seventy draftees, with cigarettes and candy for each

Programs of especial interest were given oil the Nation's War Program, Civilian Defense, Civilian Aviation, the Right to Work, World Affairs, Nursery Schools, War With Japan, Kiwanis and the War Effort, Model Airplanes, and the Churches and Peace

The club sent representatives to the 20th anniversary of the Charlottesville club Twelve members visited other clubs, and the club entertained visiting Kiwanians from 33 clubs

The club had a joint meeting with the other service clubs and the Chamber of Commerce at the annual dinner of the Chamber, a joint meeting with Rotary and Lions at the Massanetta Bible Conference, and a Ladies Night Picnic

A glass front cabinet was placed in the lobby of the hotel meeting place, for the display of trophies, photos, and historical data Sent representatives to the Mid Winter Conference, the International and the District Conventions and the Training School for Club Officers A member of the club was elected Lieutenant Governor for 1943

Division 05
President Lawrence T Hoover, Secretary Henry A Converse
Membership Jan 1 - 51 Attendance 90%
District Historian Henry A Converse
LG C Herbert Huffman

The Kiwanis bed in Rockingham Memorial Hospital continued to take care of underprivileged sick children, especially for T & A operation One child was sent to a school for the correction of speech, a complete outfit of clothes being purchased for him; fiftv dollars was contributed for Christmas baskets to be distributed by the Welfare Board; and thirty -five dollars was given to the Salvation Army for playground equipment The welfare committee cooperated with the Boys' and Girls' committee in the collection of waste fats $25 was given to aid in tile hospitalization of a TB patient The club made its annual contribution of $60 to the Boy Scouts, and this year appropriated one-third of $200 to the building of a new cabin at Camp Shenandoah, the Boy Scout Camp, on condition the Rotary and Lions Clubs each contribute a third Tile Roy Scouts put oil a program for the Club in February

The Harrisonburg Club maintains, a Student Loan Fund to help boys and girls who could not continue their education without financial help $50 was added to this fund, and a $100 war bond was purchased and earmarked for this fund Tile chairman of the Committee on Boys' and Girls' Work, addressed the Mid-Winter Conference held in Baltimore on Boys' and Girls' Work

Salvation Army Major Miller of the Salvation Army is a membe of the committee

The Rotary and Lions joined Kiwanis in the Project An evidence of the result may be seen in the fact that in one month, June, there was an attendance of 2,389 at the various games Probably the outstand-ing achievement work was the collection of waste fats as requested by the Government This involved an educa-tional program consisting of numerous newspaper articles, radio talks, and movie sketches to make the public conscious of had need of saving these fats As a result, during the months from March to Decem-ber, almost 3 tons of fat were collected Through a very happy arrangement with the stores and citizens, the money paid by the Government was turned into the Community Welfare Fund to the amount of $328 The club arranged a luncheon program in which the children of Waterman School put on a program of songs and folk dances

The Boys' and Girls' Committee chairman represented the club at a series of meetings to assist Chief of Police Kean in the forming of a junior Police Club He also gave radio talks on the necessity of night school facilities for boys and girls who have to stop school before completing their high school course, and on the need of the Salvation Armv for funds to carry on it recreational program The club entertained at a luncheon, students of nearby colleges who are sisters or daughters of Kiwanians, and furnished each of them a greeting from the club to send to the father or brother

The club celebrated Columbus Day and Thanksgiving, bought $40 worth of War Stamps to be given as attendance prizes, sent 50 packs of cigarettes to our boys, in service overseas, and gave $50 to the War Relief Fund It sponsored a bond auction at which $120,000 worth of War Bonds was sold

The club was visited during the year by one or more members of other clubs on 40 occasions Several members visited Washington at a meeting in honor of the International President Also several members accompanied the LTG on his visits to each of the clubs in the Division

The club joined with the other civic clubs in attending the annual dinner of the CC

The club held several Kiwanis Education meetings, furnished the Lieutenant Governor, and was represented at the Mid-Winter Conference, the District Convention, and the Training School for Club Officers The club celebrated tile twenty-first anniversary of its Charter Night with a unique program at which the eight charter members remaining on its roster were each presented a key bearing the Kiwanis emblem, the member's name, and a suitable inscription On December 31, six members were in the armed forces

(Volume 6)
President A K Fletcher Jr, Secretary Henry A Converse
Membership Jan 1 - 56 Attendance 89%

District Historian Henry A Converse

President Marshall Miles, Secretary Henry A Converse
Membership Jan 1 - 63 Attendance 90%

District Historian Henry A Converse

President J L Ruebush, Secretary Henry A Converse
Membership Jan 1 - 63 Attendance 82%

District Historian Henry A Converse

President Allan H Fenner, Secretary Henry A Converse
Membership Jan 1 - 67 Attendance 84%

District Chair Music Glenn Gildersleeve
District Historian Henry A Converse

President P Wilmer Coffman, Secretary Henry A Converse
Membership Jan 1 - 74 Attendance 83%

District Historian Henry A Converse

President S J Turille, Secretary Henry A Converse
Membership Jan 1 - 74 Attendance 79%

District Historian Henry A Converse

Division 05
President Walter F Green Jr, Secretary Henry A Converse
Membership Jan 1 - 80 Attendance 79%
District Historian Henry A Converse
LG Dr O L Miller

(Volume 7)
President Roy Erickson, Secretary Henry A Converse
Membership Jan 1 - 83 Attendance 78%

President Robert Duke, Secretary Henry A Converse
Membership Jan 1 - 72 Attendance 85%

President Clayton W Booth, Secretary Henry A Converse
Membership Jan 1 - 71 Attendance 76%

President Dan C Stickley, Secretary Stephen J Turille
Membership Jan 1 - 74 Attendance 84%

President Bland L Stiteler, Secretary Stephen J Turille
Membership Jan 1 - 79 Attendance 85%

Division 05
President ?, Secretary Stephen J Turille
LG Dr Stephen J Turille

President Joseph F Brown Secretary Dr Stephen J Turille

President Harold W Clark, Secretary Raymond C Dingledine

President A Beldier Heltzel, Secretary Raymond C Dingledine

President Hugh r Gantt, Secretary Raymond C Dingledine

President David H Stovall, Secretary Raymond C Dingledine

President Hal A Metcalfe, Secretary Raymond C Dingledine

President R Nelson Hawkins, Secretary Raymond C Dingledine

President Robert C Stivers, Secretary Raymond C Dingledine

President Charles Broaddus, Secretary Raymond C Dingledine

President W Russell Smith, Secretary Raymond C Dingledine

President Emmet C Stroop, Secretary Raymond C Dingledine

President Abram L Garber Secretary Raymond C Dingledine

Division 05
President John P Mundy, Secretary Raymond C Dingledine
LG Abram L Garber

1969 - 1970
President Francis Bell, Secretary Sidney R Bland

District Chair Membership Development Abram L Garber

1970 - 1971
President Raymond C Dlingledine, Secretary Sidney R Bland

District Chair Membership Development Abram L Garber

1971 - 1972
President James H Saker Secretary Sidney R Bland

1972 - 1973
President Z S Dickerson Secretary Sidney R Bland

1973 - 1974
President Lanny W Holsinger, Secretary Sidney R Bland

1974 - 1975
President Harold C Finalayson, Secretary Frank B Hitzheimer

1975 - 1976
President Donald E Phibbs, Secretary Frank B Hitzheimer

1976 - 1977
Division 05
President John C Wells, Secretary Frank B Hitzheimer
Sponsor Rockingham County Club

1977 - 1978
Division 05
President David L Holl, Secretary Frank B Hitzheimer
LG Emmet C Stroop

1978 - 1979
President Thomas G Womble Jr, Secretary Frank B Hitzheimer

1979 - 1980
President C Melvin Williams, Secretary Frank B Hitzheimer

1980 - 1981
President Martin E Bratcher Secretary Frank B Hitzheimer

1981 - 1982
President Lawrence H Hoover Jr, Secretary Reese L Cover III

1982 - 1983
Division 05
President Thomas Spangler, Secretary Reese L Cover III
LG Z S Dickerson

1983 - 1984
Division 05
President Joe Baird Morton Jr, Secretary John David Junkhouser
LG Martin E Bratcher

1984 - 1985
President Donald R Bradway, Secretary Douglas B Williams

1985 - 1986
President William B Pond, Secretary John David Junkhouser

1986 - 1987
President Chong Kun Yoon, Secretary John David Junkhouser

1987 - 1988
President Edward F White, Secretary John David Junkhouser

1988 - 1989
Division 05
President Gary L Shaffer, Secretary John David Junkhouser
LG James H Saker

1989 - 1990
President K Gary Anderson, Secretary John David Junkhouser

1990 - 1991
Division 05
President J D Glick, Secretary John David Junkhouser
LG James W Parker Jr

1991 - 1992
President MMcNeill Hutson, Secretary Kenneth M Klamut

1992 - 1993
President Kenneth A Surber, Secretary Kenneth M Klamut

1993 - 1994
President D Kent Zimmerman, Secretary Jhon T Duling

1994 - 1995
President John Daniel Funkhouser, Secretary Gary L Shaffer

1995 - 1996
President Garth A Mills Sr, Secretary Donald W Krech

1996 - 1997
Division 05
President John J Rouse, Secretary Donald W Krech
LG John G Buchanan

1997 - 1998
President John J Traber, Secretary Donald W Krech

1998 - 1999
President Wayne A Wright, Secretary Donald W Krech

1999 - 2000
President Stephen G Alvis Secretary Donald W Krech

2000 - 2001
President William C Loomis III, Secretary Donald W Krech

2001 - 2002
President J Lyle Huffman, Secretary Donald W Krech
Membership Oct 1 - 75 Attendance 68%

Year End: 64 Projects Completed, 879 Service Hours, $15,556 Spent, 16 Interclubs

2002 - 2003
President William M Sanders, Secretary James A Gilchrist
Membership Oct 1 - 75 Attendance 68%

Year End: 53 Projects Completed, 642 Service Hours, $9,500 Spent, 22 Interclubs

2003 - 2004
President Sandra McIntyre, Secretary James A Gilchrist
Membership Oct 1 - 66 Attendance 68%
Meet TU 12 Noon Elks Lodge

Year End: 74 Projects Completed, 849 Service Hours, $11,185 Spent, 27 Interclubs

2004 - 2005
President Mary Sullivan, Secretary James A Gilchrist
Membership Oct 1 - 65 Attendance 71%
Meet TU 12 Noon Elks Lodge
Distinguished Club

Year End: 76 Projects Completed, 973 Service Hours, $12,472 Spent, 24 Interclubs

2005 - 2006
Presidential Region
President V Alexander Banks, Secretary James A Gilchrist
Membership Oct 1 - 74 Attendance 77%
Meet TU 12 Noon Elks Lodge
Distinquished Club Award

Year End: 98 Projects Completed, 996 Service Hours, $13,596 Spent, 25 Interclubs

2006 - 2007
President Gerald R Taylor, Secretary James A Gilchrist
Membership Oct 1 - 70 Attendance 67%
Meet TU 12 Noon Elks Lodge

Year End: 131 Projects Completed, 1163 Service Hours, $22,852 Spent, 28 Interclubs

2007 - 2008
President Matthew Light, Secretary Sandra Miller
Membership Oct 1 - 69 Attendance 76%
Meet TU 12 Noon Traditions Restaurant

Year End: 118 Projects Completed, 655 Service Hours, $13,236 Spent, 14 Interclubs

2008 - 2009
President James Barnes, Secretary James L Johnson
Membership Oct 1 - 69 Attendance 65%
Meet TU 12 Noon Traditions Restaurant

LG James A Gilchrist

Year End: 130 Projects Completed, 793 Service Hours, $598 Spent,17 Interclubs

2009 - 2010
President Debra Frank, Secretary James L Johnson
Membership Oct 1 - 71 Attendance 42%
Meet TU 12 Noon Traditions Restaurant

Year End: 33 Projects Completed, 663 Service Hours, $406 Spent, 11 Interclubs, $0 CD Foundation

2010 - 2011
President John B Reeves, Secretary James A Gilchrist
Membership Oct 1 - 71
Meet TU 12 Noon Traditions Restaurant

Year End: 39 Projects Completed, 581 Service Hours, $8858 Spent, 4 Interclubs, $330 CD Foundation

2011 - 2012
President Dawn-Marie Singleton then Todd Glenn, Secretary James A Gilchrist
Membership Oct 1 - 52
Meet TU 12 Noon Traditions Restaurant

2012 - 2013
President Todd Glenn, Secretary James A Gilchrist
Membership Oct 1 - 46
Meet TU 12 Noon Traditions Restaurant

2013 - 2014
Division 09 Heart of Virginia Region

President F Mercer, Secretary James A Gilchrist
Membership Oct 1 - 40
Meet TU 12 Noon Traditions Restaurant

Distinguished Club

2014 - 2015
President Ressa Baugher, Secretary James A Gilchrist
Membership Oct 1 - 41
Meet TU 12 Noon Traditions Restaurant

2015 - 2016
President James A Gilchrist, Secretary Danielle Dean
Membership Oct 1 - 40
Meet TU 12 Noon Traditions Restaurant

2016 - 2017
Division 09
President John Glick, Secretary Danielle Dean
Membership Oct 1 - 38
Meet TU 12 Noon Traditions Restaurant

Heart of Virginia Trustee Dennis Baugh

2017 - 2018
Division 09
President Stephen G Alvis Secretary Danielle Dean
Membership Oct 1 - 37
Meet TU 12 Noon Traditions Restaurant

Co-Sponsor Orange County Club
Heart of Virginia Trustee Dennis Baugh

2018 - 2019
Division 09
President Marianne F Halterman Secretary Ronald G King
Membership Oct 1 - 35
Meet TU 12:00 PM at Golden Corral
Distinguished Club

Distinguished Members Stephen Alvis, Dennis Baugh, Marianne Halterman, Pamela Miller
Heart of Virginia Trustee Dennis Baugh

2019 - 2020
President Jackson Blair, Secretary Ronald G King
Membership Oct 1 - 29
Meet TU 12:00 PM at Golden Corral

Governor Elect Dennis Baugh

2020 - 2021
President Jackson Blair, Secretary Ronald G King
Membership Oct 1 - 33

Governor Dennis Baugh