Capital District Kiwanis History

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Organized January 26 1939 Chartered March 3 1939
Key # 02269 64th District Club
Sponsor Seaford Kiwanis
Divisions 06 07 11 05
Regions DelMarVa | Chesapeake Bay

Division 06
(From Volume 05)
President Edwin Laws Layton, Secretary Charles Kinder Noble
Membership Feb 6 - 29 Attendance 75%

Charter was presented March 16 by the District Governor and LTG.

The club investigated the needs of 36 children referred by the Community Welfare organization and $2500 was used for the purchase of glasses. The club collected discarded toys and had them mended and distributed to needy children. Gave a benefit card party to raise money for Christmas baskets to indigent families by members of the club.

Had programs on Child Delinquency, and Scouting, sponsor the Scout troop, helped one boy to get a job to help him get his equipment for scouting and gave a benefit picture, proceeds of which were donated to the athletic funds of the high school.

Had a program on Citizenship and one on Vocational Guidance.

Raised funds for the boy Scout Camp It put six road signs on the roads leading into the town. Started to raise funds to light one of the streets for Christmas and contributed $2300. Programs were given on Public Affairs, Autobiography, Safety in the Air, Business Standards and Ethics, Cancer, Nylon, Canada, Rural Delivery and Fire Prevention.

Host to Seaford | Reisterstown | Milford | Dover Sent delegations to Elkton | Dover | Milford | Rehoboth | Salisbury and donated a secretary’s book to Salisbury on its Charter Night.

Had four Kiwanis education meetings and entertained the District Governor and the LTG.

Division 07
President Harry C Davis, Secretary George Tuck
Membership Jan 1 - 27 Attendance 81%

Club purchased glasses for 10 children, collected old toys and had them mended. Spent $40 for new toys and distributed the lot anion 50 children at Christmas.

A sum of $1000 was raised and matched by the children to purchase games for the church social room. $1000 was given to the school band for the purchase of a horn, and a Christmas treat was given the children in the lower grades.

The club sponsored with the University of Delaware Extension Service, an apple and peach grower's meeting.

Members made 44 visits to other clubs The club received the Plaque from Milford and delivered it to Georgetown, and carried the Baby Cup" to Salisbury Delegations visited Baltimore and Seaford and were received from Seaford, Milford, and Georgetown.

The club held five Kiwanis education meetings, entertained the LTG and was represented at the International and District conventions.

President Martin I Doordan, Secretary George Tuck
Membership Jan 1 - 22 Attendance 84%

Raised $31650 for welfare work Survey school children for dental work Furnished 5 children with glasses and 2 tonsilectomies. Collected and reconditioned 300 toys and distributed to indigent children at Christmas and delivered 43 Christmas baskets at a cost of $139.

It gave a prize to a boy who made the best grades in agriculture and to the girl making the best grades in home economics. Furnished the prizes for the May Day, Field Day It sponsored the Scout Troop, entertained the Scouts at a regional meeting and got them to collect aluminum and deposit. it in a place prepared by the club.

The club planned and with the aid of the University of Delaware, carried to successful completion meetings for the Farmers, as follows: a fruit growers meeting, a strawberry and vegetable growers meeting and a poultry raiser's meeting.

Sponsored and helped raise the money for Christmas lights on the streets, aided in the Civil Defense work, contributed to the entertainment of the National Guard Unit, helped the WPA sewing project, and instituted a course in salesmanship in the high school, and a training school for mechanics, in a local machine shop. Programs on the Problems of South America, Sanitation, the Future of America, Rural Electrification, the Poultry Industry, the Delaware Trade Association and Fire Prevention It also raised among the merchants a fund to put on free movies out of doors (the theatre having burned down) to bring people to town

The club carried to successful completion a plan by which it sent delegations to every club in the Division, and every man in the club attended at least one meeting of another club. It was estimated that over 21,000 mail miles were required to accomplish this. The club also held one big inter-club meeting of its own, and had an inter-club Ladies Night at which nine clubs were represented It also celebrated its own Charter Night as a Ladies Night, and had a stunt night.

Sent representatives to the Mid Winter Conference, District and the International conventions, the Division meeting and the training school for officers.

President Linford F Hock, Secretary George Tuck
Membership Jan 1 - 25 Attendance 88%

Raised $275 for welfare work Furnished 8 needy children with complete outfits of clothing and shoes, seven with glasses and did necessary dental work for a number of others It displayed a Christmas picture to 300 elementary school children and sent a Christmas basket of food to each needy family in town (14 in all).

Raised $17150 for the Scout Council, sponsored the local troop and the committee on Boys and Girls Week, met with the Scouts and outlined for them the kind of work they could do to help in defense work. The club aided in the formation of a permanent Scout Committee and subscribed, for the Committee, to the Scout Magazine them in their work and sent 2 boys to the Scout camp. Arranged with the School Board to use the schoolhouse for dances and other social activities for the pupils on alternate Friday nights.

The club secured the names of all local people in the armed forces, made and posted in the post office, a Roll of Honor, placed each of these names and addresses oil a separate card and put the cards in a box. At each meeting of the club each member drew a card and wrote a letter to the person whose name lie drew. Many of the answers to these letters were read at the club. At Christmas the club spent $70 for cigarettes to be sent to these men. The club bought a $1,000 bond and aided in the sale of bonds and stamps and made a collection of scrap iron.

The club attended church in a body four times during the year, in two instance flags were presented, one to the Methodist Church and one to the Episcopal Church It had interesting programs on Blackouts. The Airplane Warning System, The Science of Medicine, Americanism, National Defense, The Cost of War, Dehydrated Foods and others.

The club attended Seaford's Ladies Night and sent delegations to meetings at Salisbury, Milford, Seaford and to Washington and entertained Seaford when that club put on the program, and on its own Charter Night, ladies night; entertained representatives from Dover, Salisbury, Georgetown and Rehoboth.

The club had two Ladies Nights, one on Charter Night and the other a Halloween party.

Sent 5 Kiwanis education meetings, was represented at the training school for club officers, the Mid-Winter Conference and the International and District conventions.

President Luther T Calhoun, Secretary Melford Phillip Cannon
Membership Jan 1 - 25 Attendance 86%

It entertained the Lieutenant Governor and was represented at the District Convention On December 31, one member was in the armed forces.

The club put on a magazine subscription drive and a benefit movie to raise funds.

Helped reorganize and expand the Scout Troop, held a Board of Review for scouts and raised $56 for the local Troop and $206 for the Scout Area Council.

Brought 40 teenage girls from the city to aid farmers pick fruit and vegetables for a series of two-week periods. These girls were quartered in the High School, under the supervision of a teacher, and the club secured an electric iron, water cans to carry water to the fields and a conveyance to take them to Mass on Sundays.

Raised $970 to aid the Fire Company in purchasing needed equipment and $50 for the purchase of cigarettes to be sent to the soldiers over seas. Started a movement to erect a Roll of Honor board in a prominent location. Aid was given the Defense Council and the USO. A service flag was displayed at the luncheons. The club attended church in a body, and put on interesting programs, such as: Broiler Raising, Fishing, Magic, Transportation, Citizenship, and Poultry Nutrition.

Sent delegations to Georgetown, Seaford, Dover and Milford. Attended on inter-club meeting at Seaford, also a joint meeting with Lions and Rotary.

It had a covered dish supper, in connection with a softball game.

Entertained the LTG, was represented at the District convention Had one member in the armed forces.

(Volume 6)
President Byard Carmean, Secretary Robert Jefferson
Membership Jan 1 - 22 Attendance 90%

The club sponsored a Boy Scout Troop; organized a Girl Scout Troop and a Brownie Troop; placed pure bred gilts with boys selected by the 4-H Clubs, (each boy receiving a gilt must furnish one pure bred gilt to another boy, thus improving the quality of the pigs in the community); aided in the collection of waste paper and fats; promoted a blood donors day; erected a service man's shelter; sponsored and erected an Honor Roll; arranged living quarters and set up cots for 85 girl Scouts who came to the community to assist in harvesting, and furnished transportation for them to attend church services; spent $400 on dental clinics for school children and furnished glasses where needed; sponsored the collection of funds for cigarettes to be sent to servicemen; held a Farmers Night, each having a farmer as guest; presented American Flags to each of three rural churches and sent delegations to attend the presentation services; entertained the Senior Class of the high school; and had the town officials as guest at one luncheon.

President Melford P Cannon, Secretary Lester C Newton
Membership Jan 1 - 31 Attendance 89%

The club raised $1,000 for the building of a tennis court, and gave a benefit movie which netted $80 for nets and other equipment for the local school; furnished trucks to aid the Scouts in collecting paper and gave a prize of $5 to the Scout collecting the most clothing in the club spon¬sored clothing collection; and entertained the Scout Troop at a luncheon; spent $25 in transporting the Boy and Girl Scouts to an outing at which Courts of Honor for them were held; spent $68 on a dental clinic at which 17 children received treatment; took charge of the Infantile Paralysis Campaign and raised $75; made up a calendar on which all the business men in the community took advertising space, netting the club $511 for its welfare fund; entertained the senior class of the High School and the girls' undefeated basket ball team; placed several Poland China sows with 4-H and FFA boys and purchased jointly with the Georgetown club, a Poland China boar to serve both communities and thus improve the breed of hogs; aided in forming a permanent Scout Committee to fester Scouting and see that the Troop has proper adult leadership; sponsored the Clothing collection, gathering 4,670 pounds of clothing; finding the typhoid in fowls was becoming a menace to poultry raising in the state, specialists were obtained from the State Agricultural Extension Service, who put on a program in Bridgeville, Seaford and Millsboro, on the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of this disease, attended by a total of 250 poultry men as a result of these meeting the Bureau of Animal Industry held a regional meeting on the same subject; sponsored a "Get Out The Vote", campaign; entertained service men; donated subscriptions to the Kiwanis Magazine to the town and school libraries; placed road signs on the highway entering the town and one at the meeting place of the club; obtained speakers for a series of community meetings at which the Dumbarton Oaks peace proposals were explained; installed Christmas lights on the streets; and attended church in a body four times during the year.

President Warren C Newton, Secretary LeRoy B Truitt
Membership Jan 1 - 25 Attendance 91%
Co Sponsor Greenwood Club

The club sponsored for the eighth year the Boy Scout Troop, took the Scouts in a bus to the Court of Honor at Milford, DE; had two Boy Scouts put on a program at dinner on Scout Week; arranged for 24 Boys Scouts to go to Philadelphia to visit the Franklin Institute; arranged for transportation and admission of 17 Boys Scouts to attend a football game between the University of Delaware and Washington College; sponsored two formal Teenage dances at the high school; sponsored and started a teenage canteen every Saturday night in the fire house; sponsored a contest for the 3 best projects in the manuel training class in the high school and awarded prizes; entertained the senior class at dinner; donated $250 to the school for gymnasium equipment; sponsored for the third year a Girl Scout Troop and for the second year the Brownie Troop; gave a Christmas party for Boy and Girl Scouts; collected, repaired and distributed toys, games and books to the needy children at Christmas; held meeting with the owner of a chain of movie theatres in an effort to get a theatre built, assisted in purchasing a suitable lot for the theatre which will be built next year; raised $250 for overseas relief and aided the collection, packing, and shipping, of over 2500 cans of food for that purpose; paid for the paint to have "Bridgeville" painted in large letters on the roof of the cannery to aid flyers; headed the drive to raise' funds for an addition to the Milford Memorial Hospital, result nearly $11,000; bought and distributed baskets of food to 18 needy families at Christmas; invited doctors clergyman and other citizens to a meeting to hear a speaker from Alcholics Anonymous; attended two church services in a body; sent the Kiwanis magazine to the libraries of the high school and the town; raised $1,100 by several projects for the club's community welfare fund; and took an active part in civic and community organizations.

President LeRoy B Truitt, Secretary John C Hammond
Membership Jan I - 30 Attendance 97%

The club sponsored the Annual Farmer's Night with 22 farmers as guests having a speaker from State Agricultural Exten¬sion; entertained 25 members of the senior class of the high school; entertained 30 lettermen of the high school athletic team.

(Volume 7)
President Ralph Davis, Secretary C Myles Hoffman
Membership Jan 1 - 33 Attendance 94%

The social events of the club included a farmers night, a picnic with the ladies, Halloween party and Christmas party We had a percentage increase in members of 84%.

Held an annual farmers night with 23 farmers attending Promoted the Junior Chicken of Tomorrow contest with 139 participants Offered prizes in various agriculture projects.

Purchased 5 girls and 5 boys gym suits, gave 2 prizes of $10 each to the outstanding boy and girl high school graduate and entertained the school athletic teams to dinner Sent a boy to Boy Scout Camp Transported children to Red Cross swimming lessons.

Our club cooperated with other Kiwanis clubs in preparing a float for the Chicken Festival parade We held a Christmas home decoration contest.

Clothed a very needy child to the extent of $35 Provided dental care for 10 boys and girls, donated $30 to the Maryland School for the Blind, provided eye examination and glasses for colored girl and spent $150 for 75 speech lessons for a needy child at Sharp School of Speech. A free movie was provided for all kids on National Kids Day. We arranged and paid for 2 tonsillectomies and provided eye glasses for two needy girls.

Division 11
President John E Davidson, Secretary C Myles Hoffman
Membership Jan 1 - 33 Attendance 95%

President John C Hammond, Secretary C Myles Hoffman
Membership Jan 1 - 35 Attendance 95%

President Donal Melson, Secretary C Myles Hoffman
Membership Jan 1 - 38 Attendance 94%

President J Sherman Neal, Secretary C Myles Hoffman
Membership Jan 1 - 38 Attendance 90%

President ?, Secretary C Myles Hoffman

President Edwin J Kelly, Secretary C Myles Hoffman

President William R Stephens, Secretary C Myles Hoffman

President Harry C Banning, Secretary C Myles Hoffman

President Albert O Humphreys, Secretary George W Chaloupka

President C Myles Hoffman Secretary George W Chaloupka

President Harry C Davis, III, Secretary George W Chaloupka

President Foster J Flint, Secretary George W Chaloupka

President John C Hopkins, Secretary George W Chaloupka

President George F Hardesty Jr Secretary George W Chaloupka

William M Tull, Secretary George W Chaloupka

President John F Ray, Secretary George W Chaloupka

President George W Chaloupka Secretary John F Ray

President Daniel L Short, Secretary George W Chaloupka

1969 - 1970
President John C Hopkins, Secretary Richard I Lewis

1970 - 1971
President Leonard Chaffinach Secretary George W Chaloupka

1971 - 1972
President Richard I Lewis, Secretary George W Chaloupka

1972 - 1973
President Harley F Records Jr, Secretary George W Chaloupka

1973 - 1974
President James D Lynch, Secretary George W Chaloupka

1974 - 1975
Division 11
President George F Hardesty Jr Secretary George W Chaloupka
LG Leonard Chaffinach

1975 - 1976
President Harry C Banning, Secretary George W Chaloupka

1976 - 1977
Division 11
President Wayne A Dukes, Secretary Albert T Peters
LG George F Hardesty Jr

1977 - 1978
President Albert T Peters Secretary George F Hardesty Jr

1978 - 1979
Division 11
President Daniel Vanderwende, Secretary George F Hardesty Jr
LG Albert T Peters

1979 - 1980
President George W Chaloupka, Secretary George F Hardesty Jr

District Chair Citizenship Services George F Hardesty Jr

1980 - 1981
President Donald W Campbell, Secretary George F Hardesty Jr

1981 - 1982
Division 11
President James W Samans, Secretary George F Hardesty Jr
LG George W Chaloupka

1982 - 1983
President William W Vanderwende, Secretary George F Hardesty Jr

1983 - 1984
President Landy Correll, Secretary George F Hardesty Jr

1984 - 1985
President Lawrence R Melson, Secretary George F Hardesty Jr

1985 - 1986
President Dr James S Pressley, Secretary George F Hardesty Jr

1986 - 1987
President Donald Smith, Secretary George F Hardesty Jr

1987 - 1988
President Robert J Bennett Secretary George F Hardesty Jr

1988 - 1989
President Robert Slater, Secretary George F Hardesty Jr

1989 - 1990
Division 11
President Walter J Mars Secretary George F Hardesty Jr
LG Robert J Bennett

1990 - 1991
President Sharon M Chaffinch, Secretary George F Hardesty Jr

1991 - 1992
Division 11
President Kenneth Ellers, Secretary George F Hardesty Jr
LG Walter J Mars

1992 - 1993
Division 11
President Walter N Rudy Secretary George F Hardesty Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 33
LG Walter J Mars

1993 - 1994
President Richard A Beauchamp Secretary George F Hardesty Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 33

1994 - 1995
President Richard A Beauchamp Secretary George F Hardesty Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 28

1995 - 1996
Division 11
President R Glenn Miles, Secretary George F Hardesty Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 36
LG Walter N Rudy

1996 - 1997
President Robert F Rider Jr, Secretary George F Hardesty Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 37

District Chair Key Club Administrator Walter N Rudy

1997 - 1998
President Sandi M Rementer, Secretary George F Hardesty Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 38

District Chair Key Club Administrator Walter N Rudy

1998 - 1999
President Jeff Tull, Secretary George F Hardesty Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 32

District Chair Key Club Administrator Walter N Rudy

1999 - 2000
Division 11
President Robert Hunsberger, Secretary George F Hardesty Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 37

LG Richard A Beauchamp

2000 - 2001
President Raplh L Cott III, Secretary George F Hardesty Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 37

District Foundation Director Walter N Rudy

2001 - 2002
President Carol Gaisor, Secretary George F Hardesty Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 38 Attendance 80%

District Chair Key Club Administrator Walter N Rudy

From Pt 2, Annual Report

1 The Bridgeville Kiwanis club spends about $800 per year on community beautification projects, which includes about $50 - $75 per year for new light bulbs, $500 per year for new flags, poles and hardware, and about $200 per year on awards for home decorations. Five to ten Kiwanians and Key club members volunteer about 4 hours each, six times a year for a total of 180 hours to complete this project. As a result there is improved appearance of the community, ongoing community awareness and pride, and newspaper articles relating to the roll of the Kiwanis Club in the community.

2 Award three $500 scholarships and two $250 scholarships based on a review of over 20 applications Three Kiwanis volunteers spent 12 hours to complete this project. Five seniors (including two Key Club members) were appreciative of the awards and either sent cards or came to a meeting to express thanks.

3 Two Kiwanians volunteer 3 hours each, three times a year to help transform what was once a church-centered activity into a community effort that includes the Town Office, Lions, and local churches. Several dozen baskets are delivered to shutins, handicapped, elderly, and need faimlies With recommendations from Social Services, emergenc funds are porvided to several families through out the year that have a crisis Kiwanis members give a special Christmas to at least one family each year through the adopt-a-family program.

4 Three Kiwanians spent 8 hours each planning and preparing for the breakfast. Several corporations sponsored meals. Two Kiwanians read scripture and spoke about community. Entertainment was provided by a quartet from the Mennonite Church. Over 100 community people attended adn participated in theis unifying experience.

5 Over $15,000 per year is raised by other service organizations for the community, using the Kiwanis BBQ. About 12 Kiwanis members volunteer over 200 hours to help; maintain, inventory, and cook at the BBQ for these other organizations. These organizations include: the local library, senior center, little league baseball, youth soccer league, high school band, 4-H clubs, the Key club, plus others that serve the community.

Year End Statistics: 213 Projects Completed, 1811 Service Hours, $21075 Spent, 17 Interclubs

2002 - 2003
President Kenneth P Hinckley Secretary George F Hardesty Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 35 Attendance 87%

District Chair Key Club Administrator Walter N Rudy

Year End: 187 Projects Completed, 1427 Service Hours, $25,074 Spent, 22 Interclubs

2003 - 2004
President Thomas Carey, Secretary George F Hardesty Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 32 Attendance 86%
Meet MO 6:30 PM United Methodist Church hall

District Chair Key Club Administrator Walter N Rudy

Year End: 215 Projects Completed, 2692 Service Hours, $26,079 Spent, 24 Interclubs

2004 - 2005
Division 11
President Roger Hovermale, Secretary George F Hardesty Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 30 Attendance 84%
Meet MO 6:30 PM United Methodist Church hall
LG Jeffrey Tull (also D11)

Year End: 236 Projects Completed, 2528 Service Hours, $56,364 Spent, 33 Interclubs

2005 - 2006
DelMarVa Region
President Frank Williams Jr, Secretary George F Hardesty Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 35 Attendance 79%
Meet MO 6:30 PM United Methodist Church hall
Board Trustee Walter N Rudy
Distinguished Club Award

Year End: 221 Projects Completed, 2236 Service Hours, $40,090 Spent, 30 Interclubs

2006 - 2007
President Ralph L Scott, Secretary George F Hardesty Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 36 Attendance 70%
Meet MO 6:30 PM United Methodist Church hall
Board Trustee Walter N Rudy

Year End: 211 Projects Completed, 1749 Service Hours, $8908 Spent, 21 Interclubs

2007 - 2008
President Kevin Carson, Secretary George F Hardesty Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 34 Attendance 76%
Meet MO 6:30 PM United Methodist Church hall
Board Trustee Walter N Rudy

Year End: 184 Projects Completed, 1796 Service Hours, $12,858 Spent, 7 Interclubs

2008 - 2009
President Glenn Bailey, Secretary George F Hardesty Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 37 Attendance 73%
Meet MO 6:30 PM United Methodist Church hall

Year End: 206 Projects Completed, 2549 Service Hours, $66,649 Spent, 10 Interclubs $0 District Foundation

2009 - 2010
President John M Hassman Jr Secretary George F Hardesty Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 39 Attendance 34%
Meet MO 6:30 PM United Methodist Church hall

Year End: 158 Projects, 2,015 Service Hours, $16,925 Spent, 11 Interclubs $395 District Foundation

2010 - 2011
President Gerald Wiliams, Secretary George F Hardesty Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 37
Meet MO 6:30 PM United Methodist Church hall

Year End: 121 Projects, 1408 Service Hours, $35411 Spent, 13 Interclubs $456 District Foundation

2011 - 2012
President Dale L Brown, Secretary George F Hardesty Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 38
Meet MO 6:30 PM United Methodist Church hall

2012 - 2013
President Paul Breeding, Secretary John M Hassman Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 38
Meet MO 6:30 PM Union United Methodist Church hall

2013 - 2014
Division 05 Chesapeake Bay Region

President Jesse Vanderwende, Secretary John M Hassman Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 43
Meet 1st 3rd MO 6:30 PM Union United Methodist Church Hall

Distinguished Club

2014 - 2015
President Kenneth C Madden, Secretary John M Hassman Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 42
Meet 1st 3rd MO 6:30 PM Union United Methodist Church Hall

2015 - 2016
Division 05
President Rita K Webb, Secretary John M Hassman Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 40
Meet 1st 3rd MO 6:30 PM Union United Methodist Church Hall

LG John M Hassman Jr

2016 - 2017
Division 05
President Garry Killmon, Secretary John M Hassman Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 39
Meet 1st 3rd MO 6:30 PM Union United Methodist Church Hall

LG John M Hassman Jr

2017 - 2018
Division 05
President Gary C Warfield, Secretary John M Hassman Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 36
Meet 1st 3rd MO 6:30 PM Union United Methodist Church Hall

Trustee John M Hassman Jr

2018 - 2019
President Louie F Altizer, Secretary John M Hassman Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 37
Meet 1st 3rd MO 6:30 PM Union United Methodist Church Hall

Trustee John M Hassman Jr

2019 - 2020
President Jeff Tull, Secretary John M Hassman Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 37
Meet 1st 3rd MO 6:30 PM Union United Methodist Church Hall

Trustee John M Hassman Jr

2020 - 2021
President Mark Daniel Chisenhall, Secretary John M Hassman Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 43