Capital District Kiwanis History

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Organized September 30 1935 Chartered October 29 1935
Key #02064 58th District Club
Sponsor Seaford Kiwanis
Divisions 06 11 05
Regions DelMarVA | Chesapeake Bay

(Volume 4)
Division 06
President Richard K White, Secretary Harold D Hatfield
Membership Oct 8 - 26 Attendance 92%

Two programs: the Under-privileged Child as Seen by the Physician, and the Under-privileged Child as Seen by the Teacher The sum of $100 was appropriated for under-nourished children 55 under-privileged children were given a party with Christmas gifts then taken for carol singing Charter Night was Ladies Night.

Sent officers to the Training School for Club Officers

President Richard K White, Secretary Harold Hatfield
Membership Jan 1 - 26 Attendance 81%

The club gave a benefit movie that netted $70 for the U P Child Work Fund The club furnished school lunches to a number of under-nourished children Bought glasses for four, appropriated $1,50 for correcting physical defects, contributed $5 towards the expenses of a Mountain Bible School and at Christmas gave a turkey dinner to 40 children and gave them toys and candy.

Guaranteed the expense of the undertaking of an FFA Class to raise 600 baby chicks It took 37 boys, including members of the Scout Troop for a day's visit to the Boy Scout Camp, had a program on Scouting and decided to sponsor the Scout Troop It also had a program put on by rural school children.

Entertained 27 farmers as guests at a Farmers Night meeting, had one program on Vocational Education and one on the Recreational Problems of the CCC Camps.

Worked on a project to bring business to Georgetown Had programs on Needs of the Delaware Colony for Mental Cases and the Need for Revision of Delaware's Statutes, Local Welfare Work, County Revenues, Aviation and two on Safety.

Visited Seaford and Rehoboth Host to Seaford, Dover, and Rehoboth at a meeting in honor of the District Governor's visit.

The President held a school for instruction of Committee Chairman and the club held five Kiwanis Education Meetings Celebrated its own Charter Night Sent representatives to the Mid Winter Conference, Division Meetings, District convention and the Training School for Officers.

President A C Smoot, Secretary Albert Early
Membership Jan 1 - 31 Attendance 73%

Spent $75 for lunches and milk for indigent school children in the town and county It furnished gas to carry children back and forth to the nursery school It furnished books and magazines to the Hospital and carried children to tile Clinic and it delivered 22 Christmas boxes.

Organized a Scout Troop, obtained a Scoutmaster, raised $110 more for the work, had several programs on Scouting, including a Scout report of the Jamboree The club promoted the FFA organization and loaned $25 to start a project Entertained High School Seniors.

Donated $25 for Flood Relief and $5 to the Vacation Bible School Worked for a new town charter, aided in the removal of a building on Main Street Joined Rotary to bring a lecture on Social Diseases to the town.

Attended meetings at Seaford and Rehoboth Sent a delegation to Baltimore Host to Seaford, Dover, and Rehoboth, Dover presented the Log to Seaford It had a program on Kiwanis Education, celebrated All-Kiwanis Night and was represented at the School for Club Officers.

(Volume 5)
President J Franklin Butts, Secretary Albert Early
Membership Jan 1 - 25 Attendance 75%

The club put on a carnival from which it cleared $275 for its community work It took care of a dozen T and A operations, furnished transportation for a boy to a clinic, gave about $25 to furnish gas to carry children to and from the nursery school, and gave two Christmas parties, one to white and one to colored children, on successive days.

The club had a program on Scouting, put (in the Scout drive for funds, donated $500 to the Girl Scouts, $5 to the Vacation Bible School and furnished lunches for the children attending Boy State.

A program was given on the Problems of the Farmer with two bus loads of farmers attending the Pennsylvania Agricultural Fair at Harrisburg.

Attended two inter-club meetings at Rehoboth Beach, one at Milford and held an inter-club Ladies Night on its own anniversary with five other clubs represented.

It entertained the local Rotary club and had a stag party of its own.

The club had four Kiwanis Education programs, entertained the LTG, was represented at the International and the District Conventions, and had two articles in the International Magazine and two short articles in the District Bulletin.

President H D Hatfield, Secretary Albert Early
Membership Jan 1 - 19 Attendance 75%

The club continued support of the Nursery School by furnishing gas to transport the children, took care of several T and A operations, furnished glasses where needed and inaugurated a movement for a Community Christmas party for all children and secured the cooperation of Rotary and the Chamber of Commerce in this undertaking.

Had a program on Scouting, and put on the Scout drive for funds, raising $200 more than the quota for that area Made plans to build a Scout cabin and secured the material One program was taken up with a description of Boy State.

Worked for an armory to determine a site Instituted a library at the jail, proposed a new charter for Georgetown, tried to locate the CC Camp in the community, put on a Holly conservation campaign, contributed $5 to the Red Cross and $1 to the T B Campaign.

The club visited Milford, Rehoboth Beach and Dover, carried the plaque to Pikesville and presented Canadian flags to Bridgeville and to Salisbury on their Charter Nights.

For entertainment there were two stag Parties on the river and an inter-club Ladies Night.

Entertained the LTG and there were several programs devoted to Kiwanis Education.

President Joseph D Thomas, Secretary Albert Early
Membership Jan 1 - 21 Attendance 75%

The club continued to Sponsor the Nursery School, contributing $5 a month to it's Support, and gave a Christmas part, to 800 children.

Paid club member registration fees on the Scout Committee, finished paying for the Scout cabin, secured an assistant Scout Master, and got satisfactory Scout publicity in the papers.

The club was host to Bridgeville, brought the plaque, and visited Milford, Rehoboth Beach and Bridgeville, put on the program, and took the plaque to Rehoboth Beach.

The club held a successful Ladies Night, a box social, at which $50 was cleared, a card Party and a stag party at the shore.

Entertained the LTG, was represented at the District Convention and had two articles in the Kiwanis Magazine.

President A E Braunfeld, Secretary Albert Early
Membership Jan 1 - 20 Attendance 66%

Aided the Scouts in the collection of waste paper, secured an assistant Scout Master, gave the Harvard Classics to the Scout Library and $5 in money to the Scouts It presented a flag to the Girl Scouts, and furnished transportation to Boy State.

The donation of books and magazines to the jail library was continued.

The club gave a kit to each of its members who was called into military service, donated $5 to the Vacation Bible School, sponsored the reopening of the local theatre, attended church services in a body and presented illustrated book plates to each of the local churches.

The club was represented at inter-club meetings at Rehoboth Beach, Bridgeville, Salisbury and Seaford and Dover.

A box social arid two stag parties furnished entertainment and relaxation.

Sent in an Achievement Report, entertained the District Governor and the LTG, was represented at the District Convention and the School for Club Officers, and had 2 articles in the Kiwanis Magazine.

President Chester R Stroup, Secretary Albert Early
Membership Jan 1 - 21 Attendance 72%

A benefit card party netted the club $60 for its welfare work Three pairs of glasses were fitted, and a Christmas party was given to 300 children at a cost of $51 for candy and nuts.

The club aided the Scouts in the collection of waste paper which netted them $110 rehabilitated the Cub Pack and gave a set of books to the National Scout Training institute..

The club cooperated with the FFA and 4-H clubs, distributed hybrid seed corn in three schools and joined with Rotary to give a big farmer's meeting.

An Honor Roll plaque, containing the names of all the members of the community in the Armed Service, was prepared and erected on the Court House lawn A supply of match books, a half bushel of apples and other useful articles were given to the US0.

The president had a training school for officers and committee chairmen The club held Kiwanis Education meetings and was represented at the District Convention.

President J Frank Gordy Secretary William Henderson
Membership Jan 1 - 26 Attendance 81%

The club was responsible for having the eyes of 4 children examined and fitted with glasses An entertainment was put on by the club arid other citizens of the town for the benefit of the Underprivileged Children's Fund Raised $625, which should prove a real opportunity for continuing this work in 1944 Talking books were given to 3 blind children and one adult.

The club sponsored a Boy Scout organization of 23 Five members served on the Board of Representatives, and one served as district chairman of this area Father and Son Night had 20 boys present Approximately 75 boys from the Victory Farm Volunteer Camps were entertained with a movie and given ice cream following the picture A Christmas entertainment was arranged arid presented it both the white and the colored school in the town Two pure bred pigs were presented to an outstanding 4-H club member and an outstanding FFA member Approximately 50 books were presented to the Boy Scout library for the Delmarva Peninsula.

Sponsored a Farmers Night with 20 farmers present distributing 325 farm safety booklets.

A garbage disposal project for the town has been discussed, and much effort has been devoted toward getting a garbage disposal system into operation The project will be continued for another year A rat campaign was sponsored, and much interest was shown throughout the town and county in this project A Go-to-Church project was sponsored, and the club, as a body, attended four times during the year; once each quarter The ministers of the town were invited in to discuss the various ways in which our club could best serve the work of the Church A Christmas pageant was sponsored with all the Churches of the town participating Talking books for the blind have been presented to two people, and six others have been interviewed with a possibility of being supplied with a book Two Latin American Exhibits have been set up in the town, consisting of charts and pictures showing things of interest in the Latin American countries An old cemetery has been cleaned up, and grass seed will be planted on this in the spring The club also raised $11,500 to pay off an old debt on a Church.

Sent delegations to visit Bridgeville, Milford, Rehoboth and Seaford Host to visitors from three of these clubs Furnished a speaker at six meetings to other clubs.

Was represented at the Mid Winter Conference, The District Convention, and the Training School for Club Officers; held two Kiwanis Education Meetings; entertained the LTG, and two representatives of Kiwanis International; and had two articles in the Kiwanis Magazine On December 31 six members were in military service.

A program was given over to Boy Scout work and $25 was contributed to the Scout Organization.

The club was host to the Mid-Winter Conference, had meetings on Kiwanis Education, and was represented at the District Convention.

(Volume 6)
President Joseph D Thomas, Secretary Karl Seeker
Membership Jan 1 - 37 Attendance 75%

Division 06
President William Henderson Secretary Edwin L Smith
Membership Jan 1 - 34 Attendance 93%
LG J Frank Gordy

Division 06
President Norman C Pratt, Secretary Julius C Green
Membership Jan 1 - 45 Attendance 88%
Co Sponsor Greenwood Club

President James B Owens, Secretary Julius C Green
Membership Jan 1 - 45 Attendance 87%

President Harry S Smith, Secretary Julius C Green
Membership Jan 1 - 44 Attendance 92%

President Earl Rust, Secretary Julius C Green
Membership Jan 1 - 45 Attendance 92%

President Walter T Smith Jr, Secretary Julius C Green
Membership Jan 1 - 35 Attendance 94%

(Volume 7)
President Dallas A Dennis Secretary Julius C Green
Membership Jan 1 - 33 Attendance 94%
Sponsor Millsboro Club

Division 11
President George P Tidwell, Secretary Julius C Green
Membership Jan 1 - 43 Attendance 96%
Co Sponsor Laurel Club

President Linwood C Penuel, Secretary Julius C Green
Membership Jan 1 - 43 Attendance 94%

President F Glen Crain, Secretary Julius C Green
Membership Jan 1 - 40 Attendance 91%

Sponsor Frankford Club

President N Eugene Campbell, Secretary Julius C Green
Membership Jan 1 - 36 Attendance 95%

President ?, Secretary
Julius C Green

Division 11
President Houston Wilson, Secretary Julius C Green
LG Dallas A Dennis

President Avery H Ellis Secretary Julius C Green

President Edward Marzoa, Secretary Julius C Green

James M Proudfoot, Secretary Julius C Green

President Robert D Snowden, Secretary Avery H Ellis

District Chair Agriculture and Conservation William Henderson

President Julius C Green Secretary Avery H Ellis

President L Philip Hauck Secretary Avery H Ellis

Division 11
President M Martin Issacs, Secretary Richard L Jenkins

LG Avery H Ellis

President Wallace Kopple, Secretary Richard L Jenkins

President Melvin R Hearn, Secretary Robert E Lloyd

President Howard M Slaughter, Secretary Thomas H Jones

President Edwin L Smith, Secretary Melvin R Hearn

President Floyd T Short, Secretary Avery H Ellis

1969 - 1970
President Howard A Clendaniel, Secretary Avery H Ellis

1970 - 1971
Division 11
President Victor R Epolito, Secretary Avery H Ellis
LG L Philip Hauck

1971 - 1972
President Richard Hudson Jr, Secretary Gordon Mariner

1972 - 1973
President James L Marvel, Secretary Avery H Ellis

1973 - 1974
President Samuel E Timmons, Secretary Avery H Ellis

1974 - 1975
President Thomas J Van Sciver, Secretary Avery H Ellis

1975 - 1976
Division 11
President Richard Leflar, Secretary Avery H Ellis
LG J Frank Wainwright

1976 - 1977
President Tony J Schlitter, Secretary Robert E Betts

1977 - 1978
President Richard L Lankford, Secretary Thomas J Van Seiver

1978 - 1979
President James L Marvel Secretary Thomas J Van Seiver

1979 - 1980
President Gary N Rogers, Secretary Thomas J Van Seiver

1980 - 1981
President ?

1981 - 1982
President Curtis W Long, Secretary Thomas J Van Seiver

1982 - 1983
President Joe E Unruh, Secretary L Philip Hauck

1983 - 1984
Division 11
President William L Jones, Secretary L Philip Hauck
LG James L Marvel

1984 - 1985
President Sheldon R Dennis, Secretary L Philip Hauck

1985 - 1986
President Raymond A Rust Secretary L Philip Hauck

1986 - 1987
President Milton J Cathell, Secretary L Philip Hauck

1987 - 1988
Division 11
President G Holland Van Valkenburgh, Secretary L Philip Hauck
LG Raymond A Rust

1988 - 1989
President Benjamin F Shaw III, Secretary L Philip Hauck

1989 - 1990
President William L Jones, Secretary L Philip Hauck

1990 - 1991
President Richard D Comly Jr, Secretary L Philip Hauck

1991 - 1992
President Martin B Donovan, Secretary L Philip Hauck

1992 - 1993
President Gus Croll, Secretary L Philip Hauck
Membership Oct 1 - 27

1993 - 1994
President Thomas E Rust, Secretary L Philip Hauck
Membership Oct 1 - 29

1994 - 1995
President Gary D Tonge, Secretary L Philip Hauck
Membership Oct 1 - 27

1995 - 1996
President Joseph W Booth, Secretary L Philip Hauck
Membership Oct 1 - 33

1996 - 1997
President Judith S Widdowson, Secretary L Philip Hauck
Membership Oct 1 - 32

1997 - 1998
President Richard D Comly Jr, Secretary Linda Reddish
Membership Oct 1 - 30

1998 - 1999
President Gorge A Reddish, Secretary Linda Reddish
Membership Oct 1 - 25

1999 - 2000
President Nelson P Warren, Secretary Linda Reddish
Membership Oct 1 - 22

2000 - 2001
President Holland Vanaucken, Secretary Linda Reddish
Membership Oct 1 - 21

2001 - 2002
President Richard D Cornly, Secretary Linda Reddish
Membership Oct 1 - 22 Attendance 82%

Year End: 58 Projects Completed, 796Service Hours, $6161 Money Spent, 7 Interclubs

2002 - 2003
President Carl F Weber, Secretary Linda Reddish
Membership Oct 1 - 19 Attendance 64%

Year End: 47 Projects Completed, 502 Service Hours, $14,143 Money Spent, 11 Interclubs

2003 - 2004
President Shirley Dennis, Secretary Harry Fletcher
Membership Oct 1 - 20 Attendance 55%
Meet TU 6:30 PM Marvel Museum

Year End: 41 Projects Completed, 387 Service Hours, $623 Spent, 10 Interclubs

2004 - 2005
President Richard Lankford Sr, Secretary Mary Legg
Membership Oct 1 - 21 Attendance 61%
Meet TU 6:30 PM Marvel Museum

Year End: 26 Projects Completed, 198 Service Hours, $825 Spent, 0 Interclubs

2005 - 2006
DelMarVa Region
President Richard Lankford Sr, Secretary Mary Legg
Membership Oct 1 - 17 Attendance 52%
Meet TU 6:30 PM Marvel Museum

Year End: 62 Projects Completed, 716 Service Hours, $3,469 Spent, 7 Interclubs

2006 - 2007
President Richard Lankford Sr, Secretary Mary Lou Rollison
Membership Oct 1 - 17 Attendance 69%
Meet TU 6:30 PM Marvel Museum

Year End: 35 Projects Completed, 297 Service Hours, $1726 Spent, 3 Interclubs

2007 - 2008
President Shirley Dennis, Secretary G Holland Van Valkenburg
Membership Oct 1 - 19 Attendance 75%
Meet TU 6:30 PM Marvel Museum

Year End: 72 Projects Completed, 307 Service Hours, $2,079 Spent, 5 Interclubs

2008 - 2009
President Wayne Wilson, Secretary G Holland Van Valkenburg
Membership Oct 1 - 19 Attendance 68%
Meet TU 6:30 PM Marvel Museum

Year End: 103 Projects Completed, 901 Service Hours, $55 Spent, 7 Interclubs

2009 - 2010
President Shirley Dennis, Secretary Ivan D Neal
Membership Oct 1 - 17 Attendance 56%
Meet TU 2nd 4th 6:30 PM Marvel Museum

Year End: 36 Projects, 462 Service Hours, $1 Spent, 6 Interclubs, $86 CD Foundation

2010 - 2011
President Shirley Dennis, Secretary Ivan D Neal
Membership Oct 1 - 20
Meet TU 2nd 4th 6:30 PM Marvel Museum

Year End: 18 Projects, 24 Service Hours, $2 Spent, 2 Interclubs, $105 CD Foundation

2011 - 2012
President Richard W Shaw, Secretary Ivan D Neal
Membership Oct 1 - 23
Meet TU 2nd 4th 6:30 PM Marvel Museum

2012 - 2013
President Richard W Shaw, Secretary Ivan D Neal
Membership Oct 1 - 18
Meet TU 2nd 4th 6:30 PM Marvel Museum

2013 - 2014
Division 05 Chesapeake Bay Region

President Richard W Shaw, Secretary Ivan D Neal
Membership Oct 1 - 18
Meet 2nd 4th TU 6:00 PM Marvel Museum

2014 - 2015
President Marvin L Morris, Secretary Ivan D Neal
Membership Oct 1 - 14
Meet 2nd 4th TU 6:00 PM Marvel Museum

2015 - 2016
President ?, Secretary Shirley O Dennis
Membership Oct 1 - 15
Meet 2nd 4th TU 6:00 PM Marvel Museum

2016 - 2017
President ?, Secretary Shirley O Dennis
Membership Oct 1 - 15
Meet 2nd 4th TU 6:00 PM Marvel Museum

2017 - 2018
President ?, Secretary Shirley O Dennis
Membership Oct 1 - 15
Meet 2nd 4th TU 6:00 PM Marvel Museum

2018 - 2019
President Ivan D Neal Secretary Nieca Colbeth
Membership Oct 1 - 17
Meet 2nd 4th TU 6:00 PM Marvel Museum

2019 - 2020
President Ivan D Neal Secretary G Holland Van Valkenburg
Membership Oct 1 - 15
Meet 2nd 4th TU 6:00 PM Marvel Museum

2020 - 2021
President Ivan D Neal Secretary G Holland Van Valkenburg
Membership Oct 1 - 10