Capital District Kiwanis History

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Organized January 16 1935 Chartered March 6 1935
Key #02022 55th District Club
Sponsor Wilmington Kiwanis
Divisions 06 07 11 05
Region DelMarVa | Chesapeake Bay
Population (1935) 4,800

Division 06
(Volume 4)
President Harry B King Secretary W Lyle Mowlds
Membership Jan 20 - 20 Attendance 82%

Furnished glasses for 7 under privileged Children. Started a series of benefits for a fund to build a home for tubercular children Raised money for Christmas baskets for the needy. Had a Boy Scout program and gave a benefit movie, netting sufficient money to send two boys to a Scout Camp. Fostered a movement for a swimming pool at Silver Lake. This resulted in the forming of the Dover Swimming Hole Association which built the necessary buildings, roped off a shallow place for small children and kept a Life Guard on duty during the summer months. Programs were given on Patriotism, Community Service, Postal Problems and Indian Relics On Charter Night the club was host to Baltimore, Elkton, Rehoboth, Seaford, Towson and Wilmington. Host to Prince Georges County and received the Loving Cup Carried the cup to Pikesville on its Charter Night. Attended the Charter Night at the Georgetown Club and presented a Canadian flag.

Celebrated Memorial Day Organized a softball team Had a joint meeting with Rotary The club had programs on Kiwanis Education, celebrated All-Kiwanis Night, and sent new officers to the LTG Training Schoo.l

President James J Behen, Secretary W Lyle Mowlds
Membership Jan 1 - 40 Attendance 83%

Last year the club started the 1940 fund, hoping to raise $10,000 to build a Home for Tubercular Children This year we gave a card party raising $21225, a Major Bowes Hour gave $16002, a ladies clam bake $40, a ladies box social $7625, Donkey Baseball game $5825, turkey chancing $100, street bazaar $500 and other things $27 for a total of $1,17377.

Had a program on Childhood Tuberculosis and another on The Prevention of Tuberculosis Bought food and other necessities and paid a month's rent for a family, where the father was ill and out of work and gave $4285 to other charitable work Gave a Christmas Party where toys were given to the members of the club After the meal the toys were made into a Christmas box for a family who otherwise would have had none.

Fostered the building of a new High School Program on Boy Scout work and others on Thrift, Old Age' Security, Business Ethics, Patriotism, Fire Prevention, Telephone Courtesy, The City Manager Form of Government, and the Work of the State Police A joint meeting was held with Rotary at the dedication of the Incinerator.

Sent delegates to Rehoboth to North Baltimore Charter Night, to Georgetown, and to Seaford Host to Rehoboth, Elkton, and Seaford Played baseball, had a fishing trip, Halloween dance and 2 Ladies Nights.

The club entertained the LTG, celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary, and All-Kiwanis Night and sent delegates to the Division Meeting, the International and the District Conventions and to the Training School for Club Officers.

President G Dan Enterline, Secretary W Lyle Mowlds
Membership Jan 1 - 41 Attendance 85%

By means of a dance, a minstrel show and a baseball game, the 1940 Fund was increased to $1,67644 Had a program on Children and Health Furnished 5 pairs of glasses to children Sent a boy and a girl to camp for two weeks Contributed $10 to New Kent Hospital Entertained a crowd of children at a movie at which the admission was a toy These toys and three truckloads of clothing and food were distributed to the needy at Christmas.

The club had several programs on Scouting, aided in tile Scout Fund Drive, one program by a Jamboree Scout and one by -4-H Club boys It had a Farmers Day Meeting with 35 farmers as guests It had two programs on Vocational Guidance.

Two joint meetings were held with the Chamber of Commerce and other civic organizations, one with a program on Potential Murder, and the other in the interest of bringing a new factory to Dover It had programs on Safety, The Red Cross, Salesmanship and Telephone It entertained the Baseball Team, and attended a game after the luncheon, and it took charge of a booth at the Fireman's Carnival.

Sent delegations to Rehoboth, Baltimor, Wilmington (with the Log), to Rehoboth Anniversary and to Georgetown Ladies Night and was host to Elkton and played golf with Wilmington It held two Ladies Nights, a dance and a movie for those taking part in the Minstrel and joined a softball league.

The club held four Kiwanis Education Meetings, celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary and Constitution Week, entertained the Lieutenant-Governor, sent in an Achieve men Report and was represented at the Mid-Winter Conference, the District and International Conventions and the Officers Training School.

(Volume 5)
President G Wallace Mayerberg, Secretary W Lyle Mowlds
Membership Jan 1 - 44 Attendance 86%
Sponsor Milford Club

The club gave a show to raise funds for its welfare work It undertook to do dental work for underprivileged children, bought tooth brushes, gave $20 to the milk fund and ten dollars to the hospital Eighty children were given a Christmas party.

The club gave $20000 for uniforms for the High school band, advocated military training for boys and studied sex problems in the schools.

Donated $20000 to the hospital for a surgical pump Programs were given on Dairying, Mental Hygiene, Relief Work in the County, Wild Life, Soil Conservation, Workman Compensation Laws, the CC Camps, Sewage Disposal.

Inter-clubs to Wilmington, Rehoboth, Georgetown and Seaford, visited Elkton and Georgetown, sponsored the founding of the Milford club and attended the organization meeting.

The club had several programs on Kiwanis education, celebrated Kiwanis anniversary, entertained the District Governor and the LG and was represented at Mid-Winter Conference, International and the District Conventions and the Training School for Club Officers.

Division 06
President Melvin Hopkins, Secretary W Lyle Mowlds
Membership Jan 1 - 46 Attendance 85%
LG Harry B King

Fresh Air children to the country for a two weeks stay The club also contributed to a fund for a Christmas party for underprivileged children and aided in the distribution of Christmas baskets to poor families.

It had a program on School Activities, aided the Boy Scout drive for funds, sent two Scouts to camp, donated $10 to the Girl Reserves, and raised $30 for books for the ' school library.

Gave $10 to the Red Cross and $10 to the American Legion's Safe and Sane Fourth of July program Programs were the State Income Tax, the History of Dover, Home for Crippled Children, Transportation, State and County Courts, Life Insurance and the Airplane Industry.

Attended Charter Nights of Milford and Salisbury, sent delegations to Bridgeville and Taneytown, carried the plaque to Westminster, put on a program for Milford and was host to Salisbury.

The club furnished the LG for its Division, held an attendance contest, had three Kiwanis Education meetings, entertained the District Governor and was represented at the Mid-Winter Conference.

Division 06
President H R Baker Secretary W Lyle Mowlds, George E Ayers
Membership Jan 1 - 45 Attendance 83%
Governor Dr Harry B King

In August W Lyle Mowlds was called to the colors and was succeeded by George E Ayers as secretary.

The club gave a successful Better Homes show and raised a goodly sum for its welfare work, took care of several T and A operations Furnished 16 pair of glasses, treated 12 dental cases and contributed generously to the Police fund for poor families at Christmas.

Aided in the drive to raise funds for Scouting, sent one Boy Scout and one Girl Scout to camp, held one meeting at the school and put on a drive for books for the school library which netted 1,000 books, some shelves and $50 in cash.

The club put on several programs on Vocational Guidance and under its auspices the pupils of the High school conducted the J C Penny store.

Contributed $10 to the Red Cross, $10 to the Safe and Sane Fourth of July program, and attended church in a body on one Sunday Especially interesting programs were on the Why of the Census, the Value of Publicity, Blue Laws, the Oil Industry, Safety, Child Welfare, Transportation and two on Education.

Inter-club went to Elkton, Bridgeville, Westminster, Baltimore and Milford.

Had Ladies Nights and joint meetings with Rotary.

Entertained the District Governor and LG, held several Kiwanis Education meetings, was represented at the Mid-Winter conference, the International and the District Conventions and the training school for club officers and sent in an Achievement Report won the District trophy in its division.

President John H Miller, Secretary George E Ayers
Membership Jan 1 - 40 Attendance 80%

The club continued work looking after defective eyes and teeth Some Fresh Air childrenwere brought to the community by members of the club and the club made a cash contribution to a picnic for these children.

The Problems of Youth was the title of one program The school Glee club sang at one meeting and a contribution of $300 was made to the Recreation Center.

The club had a program on Citizenship, fostered 4-H club work and had a meeting with forty guest farmers in attendance.

The club contributed $2500 to a send-off party for draftees, honored in a special way local firms of fifty or more years of service to the community, celebrated Newspaper Week and Armistice Day and attended church in a body once Among other programs were those on Modern Education, the Broiler Industry, Soil Conservation, Local Housing Conditions, the Functions of the Postal Service, the Production and Processing of Milk, Army Service, National Defense, the Fresh Air fund, the Recreation Center, Wild Life, Freedom of the Press, International Relations, the NYA, the Air Warning Service and the Chicken Industry.

Inter-clubs with Wilmington Ladies Night, Baltimore, North Baltimore, Milford, Bridgeville, Seaford, Rehoboth, and West Point.

The District Governor a member of this club, was entertained by the LG The club held one 100% meeting, sent in an Achievement Report and was represented at the training school for club officers, the Mid-Winter Conference, International and District Conventions.

President William J Storey, Secretary Bertram H Blum
Membership Jan 1 - 46 Attendance 84%

A program was given on Farm Security work.

The club entertained the soldiers from the Air Base, field a War Bond Rally, bought two $500 War Bonds, collected 200 tons of scrap and put up road signs on the highways entering the town Programs were given on the Income Tax, Prisoners Aid Association, the World Today, Group Hospitalization, Rationing, Social Security, the Selective Service and Fire Prevention.

The club sent delegations to visit Milford, Wilmington, Elkton, Baltimore Bridgeville and Salisbury, making a total of 58 man visits, traveling a total of 3,130 miles.

The club had a magician perform, held two Ladies Nights, a fishing trip and a joint meeting with Rotary.

Entertained the LG and was represented at the Mid-Winter Conference, International, District Conventions and the training school for club officers.

President William A Burrell, Secretary Bertram H Blum
Membership Jan 1 - 47 Attendance 94%

The club provided dental work for 25 children and made a two-week visit possible for a group of fresh air children from New York

It had several programs devoted to boys and girls, 4-H Clubs, Scouts, and Student activities The one on Scout Anniversary week was put on by a group of Scouts, and the Student Council of the Dover schools gave a program on Citizenship

The club conducted a campaign resulted in the sale of $250,000 worth of War Bonds A committee visiting adjacent farms collected 25 tons of scrap iron $10 was donated to the Red Cross

(Volume 6)
President Floyd H P Moore, Secretary Bertram H Blum
Membership Jan 1 - 49 Attendance 93%

The club instituted in cooperation with the Judge of the Juvenile Court, a 'big brother" project Held a successful Jamoree with 77 Scouts Inaugurated a "pig project" in which 3 gifts were purchased and given, one each to three boys selected by the FFA, two from white schools and one from a colored school Gifts from the first litters were to be selected and distributed to other eligible boys in other clubs Made contributions to teh Boy Scouts, the US Red Cross, and the school band Assested in all War Loan drives and saved paper by mailing the weekly letter without envelopes Cooperated in the enlistment of WACS Entertained numerous service men at teh regular lucheons Presented a state flag at teh dedication of the Hickam Memorial Gymnasium in memory of Delaware boys who gave their lives in the service of their country

President W Daniel McKee, Secretary Joseph Bringhurst Jr
Membership Jan 1 - 52 Attendance 93%

The club sent a large delegation to attend the Scout Jamboree Had a program put on by Scouts Cooprated in a city wide recreational survey Entertained at armed forces Pledged $1,500 to the Kent General Hospital Building fund to equip a nur's station and semp $100 in relief o needy children Arranged a Farmer's night wich each memberbrought a farmer as his guest Sponsored a sil conservation program Sponsored the Gay 90's Revue, the Westminster Choir and the Wilmington Symphony Orchestra to raise funds for the Hopsital pledge Attended church in a body on two occasions

President William B Simpson, Secretary Joseph Bringhurst Jr
Membership Jan 1 - 53 Attendance 88%


Division 06
President George M Brignhurst Secretary Joseph Bringhurst Jr
Membership Jan 1 - 58 Attendance 82%
LG H R Baker

President Bertram H Blum, Secretary W Calvin Wood
Membership Jan 1 - 58 Attendance 84%

President W Lyle Mowlds, Secretary W Calvin Wood
Membership Jan 1 - 52 Attendance 89%

President George W Ayars, Secretary W Calvin Wood
Membership Jan 1 - 52 Attendance 88%

(Volume 7)
President Benjamin Johnson, Secretary Henry Roscoe
Membership Jan 1 - 44 Attendance 83%

President John Burger, Secretary Henry Roscoe Jr
Membership Jan 1 - 48 Attendance 91%

President Ernest F Smith Jr, Secretary Charles H Smith
Membership Jan 1 - 48 Attendance 94%

President Henry B Appleford Jr, Secretary Claude Gibson
Membership Jan 1 - 47 Attendance 81%

President Richard W MacFaddin, Secretary George F Wiltshire
Membership Jan 1 - 48 Attendance 84%

President ?, Secretary George F Wiltshire

President O B Williams, Secretary George F Wiltshire

Division 06
President Charles C Marker, Secretary Edward R Gloyd
LG George M Brignhurst

President Carl J Fox, Secretary Elbert C Golder

President Wilbert C Richards, Secretary Elbert C Golder

President Ralph E Hevalow Secretary James B Messick

President George F Witshire, Secretary Eugene A Puckett

President Elbert C Golder, Secretary Eugene A Puckett

President James H Gentry, Secretary Eugene A Puckett

President Albert W Homes, Secretary Willard E Locker

Division 06
President Alexander P Trubin, Secretary Charles C Breme
LG Ralph E Hevalow

President Alvin T Hoffman, Secretary Albert W Homes

President J Leon Tarburton, Secretary Robert S Bricker

President Charles C Breme, Secretary Frank L Baylis Jr

1969 - 1970
President Samuel G Forester, Secretay Ralph E Hevalow

1970 - 1971
President Arthur S Lewis, Secretary David J Kihn

1971 - 1972
President Odell B Matthews, Secretary Charles C Breme

1972 - 1973
Division 06
President William H Smith Jr Secretary Charles C Breme
LG James G Maloney

1973 - 1974
President Thomas J Wahlen, Secretary Charles C Breme

1974 - 1975
President Raymond C Montsch Secretary Charles C Breme

1975 - 1976
President Clyde A Simmons, Secretary Charles C Breme

1976 - 1977
President James L Wiederkehr, Secretary William H Smith Jr

1977 - 1978
Division 06
President George Nemith, Secretary William H Smith Jr
LG Raymond C Montsch

1978 - 1979
President William H Flayhart, Secretary William H Smith Jr

1979 - 1980
President Daniel J Wooley, Secretary George Hynson

1980 - 1981
President Julian E Cooper, Secretary George M Hynson

1981 - 1982
President Bernhard A Greenfield, Geroge M Hynson

1982 - 1983
President Myron T Steele, Secretary George M Hynson

1983 - 1984
Division 06
President Charles N Hall Jr, Secretary George F Wiltshire
LG William H Smith Jr

1984 - 1985
President Douglas A Moore, Secretary George F Wiltshire

1985 - 1986
President William L Witham Jr, Secretary George F Wiltshire

1986 - 1987
President Carl Allen, Secretary ?

1987 - 1988
President John R Bolig, Secretary Bernard A Greenfield

1988 - 1989
President Ronald D Smith, Secretary Bernard A Greenfield

1989 - 1990
President Roger Haughey, Secretary Douglas A Moore

1990 - 1991
President Rodger Haughey, Secretary ?

1991 - 1992
President Larry J Novellino, Secretary Robert J Taylor

1992 - 1993
President Chester L Arneoot Jr, Secretary Bernard A Greenfield
Membershipt Oct 1 - 22

1993 - 1994
President Raymond C Montsch, Secretary Bernard A Greenfield
Membershipt Oct 1 - 24

1994 - 1995
President Daniel J Wooley, Secretary George F Wiltshire
Membershipt Oct 1 - 21

1995 - 1996
President George Nemith, Secretary George F Wiltshire
Membershipt Oct 1 - 22

1996 - 1997
President Charles A Marks
Secretary George F Wiltshire
Membershipt Oct 1 - 22

1997 - 1998
President C Andrew Hastings, Secretary George F Wiltshire
Membershipt Oct 1 - 23

1998 - 1999
President C Andrew Hastings, Secretary George F Wiltshire
Membershipt Oct 1 - 24

1999 - 2000
President Thomas J Leary, Secretary Bernard A Greenfield
Membershipt Oct 1 - 22

2000 - 2001
President Ronald D Smith, Secretary Bernard A Greenfield
Membershipt Oct 1 - 20

2001 - 2002
President Douglas A Moore, Secretary Bernard A Greenfield
Membership Oct 1 - 23 Attendance 68%

Year End: 44 Projects Completed, 257 Service Hours, $3,609 Money Spent, 3 Interclubs

2002 - 2003
President George Imburgia, Secretary Bernard A Greenfield
Membership Oct 1 - 27 Attendance 51%
Distinguished Club

Year End: 51 Projects Completed, 468 Service Hours, $7,201 Money Spent, 2 Interclubs

2003 - 2004
President Allon Kujala Secretary Kenneth L Hogan
Membership Oct 1 - 28 Attendance 45%
Meet WE 6:15 PM Sheraton Hotel

Year End: 21 Projects Completed, 292 Service Hours, $4567 Money Spent, 6 Interclubs

2004 - 2005
President Kenneth Ellers, Secretary Kenneth L Hogan
Membership Oct 1 - 28 Attendance 45%
Meet WE 6:15 PM Sheraton Hotel
Website Contest Award

(From E-Builder, April 2005) Delaware National Guard Major John Fisher recently spoke to the Dover Kiwanis Club of his time in Iraq rebuilding public services as part of his engineering unit and delivering school supplies donated by Kiwanis Clubs to Iraqi children The Club also recently made a $500 donation to an Afghanistan orphanage in response to a plea from Delaware Superior Court Judge Richard Gebelein, currently attached to ground forces their as a JAG

Year End: 39 Projects Completed, 77 Service Hours, $4,270 Money Spent, 4 Interclubs

2005 - 2006
DelMarVa Region
President Joyce Thompson, Secretary Kenneth M Ellers
Membership Oct 1 - 28 Attendance 49%
Meet WE 6:15 PM Sheraton Hotel
Newsletter Award - Blue Group Winner

Year End: 34 Projects Completed, 512 Service Hours, $6,093 Money Spent, 13 Interclubs

2006 - 2007
Division 11
President Charles A Marks
Secretary Kenneth M Ellers
Membership Oct 1 - 32 Attendance 48%
Meet WE 6:15 PM Sheraton Hotel

Year End: 8 Projects Completed, 42 Service Hours, $1232 Money Spent, 15 Interclubs

2007 - 2008
Division 11
President Ronald Smith, Secretary Kenneth M Ellers
Membership Oct 1 - 36 Attendance 48%
Meet WE 6:15 PM Sheraton Hotel
LG Allon Kujala

Year End: 63 Projects Completed, 478 Service Hours, $2,428 Money Spent, 8 Interclubs

2008 - 2009
Division 11
President Kenneth Hogan, Secretary Stacy Orona
Membership Oct 1 - 50 Attendance 45%
Meet WE 6:15 PM Sheraton Hotel
LG Allon Kujala

Year End: 45 Projects Completed, 884 Service Hours, $3,868 Spent, 6 Interclubs $0 District Foundation

2009 - 2010
President Jos, Secretary Stacy Orona
Membership Oct 1 - 51 Attendance 35%
Meet WE 6:15 PM Sheraton Hotel

Year End: 16 Projects, 379 Service Hours, $2,397 Spent, 6 Interclubs $102 District Foundation

2010 - 2011
President Neil A McLean, Secretary Kenneth M Ellers
Membership Oct 1 - 40
Meet WE 6:15 PM Sheraton Hotel

Year End: 14 Projects, 337 Service Hours, $5872 Spent, 7 Interclubs $82 District Foundation

2011 - 2012
President Kenneth L Hogan Secretary Kenneth M Ellers
Membership Oct 1 - 38
Meet WE 6:15 PM Sheraton Hotel

Capital District Foundation Director Kenneth L Hogan

2012 - 2013
President Stuart Knapp, Secretary Kenneth M Ellers
Membership Oct 1 - 33
Meet WE 6:15 PM Sheraton Hotel

Capital District Foundation Director Kenneth L Hogan

2013 - 2014
Division 05 Chesapeake Bay Region

President Alan Kujala, Secretary Kenneth M Ellers
Membership Oct 1 - 32
Meet WE 6:15 PM Maple Dale Country Club

Capital District Foundation Director Kenneth L Hogan
LG Charles A Marks

2014 - 2015
Division 05
President Thomas J Leary, Secretary John R Bolig
Membership Oct 1 - 29
Meet WE 6:15 PM Maple Dale Country Club

Capital District Foundation Director Kenneth L Hogan
LG Charles A Marks

2015 - 2016
President Darrell E Tingle, Secretary John R Bolig
Membership Oct 1 - 33
Meet WE 6:15 PM Maple Dale Country Club

Capital District Foundation Director Kenneth L Hogan

2016 - 2017
President Douglas Storck, Secretary John R Bolig
Membership Oct 1 - 20
Meet WE 6:15 PM Maple Dale Country Club

Capital District Foundation Director Charles A Marks

2017 - 2018
President Robin P Marks Secretary John R Bolig
Membership Oct 1 - 16
Meet WE 6:15 PM Maple Dale Country Club

Capital District Foundation Director Charles A Marks

2018 - 2019
Division 05
President Robin P Marks Secretary Charles A Marks
Membership Oct 1 - 17
Meet 1st 3rd WE 6:15 PM Maple Dale Country Club

Capital District Foundation Director Charles A Marks
District Chair K Leader Charles A Marks
LG Robin P Marks

2019 - 2020
Division 05
President Ronald D Smith, Secretary Charles A Marks
Membership Oct 1 - 12
Meet 1st 3rd WE 6:15 PM Maple Dale Country Club

Capital District Foundation Director Charles A Marks
District Chair K Leader Charles A Marks
LG Robin P Marks

2020 - 2021
President Ronald D Smith, Secretary Charles A Marks
Membership Oct 1 - 15

Capital District Foundation Director Charles A Marks