Capital District Kiwanis History

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Organized May 10 1939 Chartered June 6 1939
Key #02295 66th District Club
Sponsor Seaford Kiwanis
Division 06 07 15
Population (1939) 10,993
KI Revoked Charter January 18 2002

(Volume 5)
Division 06
President Harry L Harcum, Secretary S Lee Englar
Membership May 10 - 44 Attendance 76%

An outing was given to the boys of the Children’s Home with a wiener roast and rides on the merry go round The club at one dinner met at the Children's Home.

After conducting a registration of eligible boys, a Boys Builders Club was organized The boys of this club put on one program and also went to work to raise money for filling the Christmas baskets for less privileged families They filled and delivered 8 Christmas baskets The club entained 90 of these boys at a Cliristmas dinner The club gave prizes to the winners of athletic events at the close of the summer playground.

The club held a successful Farmers’ Night It encouraged the Boys Club in the community and sent a boy and a girl to the University of Maryland Shore Course.

A committee from the club discusses with the Principal of the High School the possibility of arranging a vocational guidance prograin for juniors and seniors in the High School.

The club attended church in a body It discussed the needs of enlarging the hospital It planned and erected 4 road signs on roads leading into the town It worked with other organizations in gathering funds for the construction of a cabin in the manicipal park to be used as headquarters for Scouts and other organizations.

The Charter was presented by the District Governor and later the club entertained an International Field Representative and the LG Was represented at the International and District Conventions.

Division 07
President Carroll Bounds, Secretary S Lee Englar
Membership Jan 1 - 52 Attendance 74%

The club gave a Minstrel Show to pay the expenses of its underprivileged and community welfare work Turned over 125 yards of dress material to the Junior Red Cross for dresses to be distributed among the needy children Send 6 boys to Camp Misty Mount for a period of 10 days The club cooperated with the local Fire Dept in collecting, repairing, and distributing toys at Christmas One program was given on underprivileged child work and one meeting was held at the Children's Home.

The interest of the club was centered around the development of the Young Builders Club A Kite Flying Contest, open only to members of the club, was held and a softball team which went unbeaten through the season was sponsored The club sponsored Scouting in the community Working in connection with the County Agent, the 4 H clubs of Wicomico were sponsored and a boy and girl were sent to the University of Maryland Short Course Farmers' Night honored 35 farmers who were guests of the club.

The Bridgeville club brought the Baby Cup to Salisbury Delegations were sent to all inter club meeting at Baltimore at which 33 clubs were represented The club was host to an inter club meeting at Ocean City with representatives from Rehoboth, Seaford, Wilmington, Bridgeville, and Towson present, and at which the District Governor was the guest speaker This club held another inter club meeting with Rehoboth Beach and Baltimore represented The club carried the plaque to Seaford.

A bowling team was organized which held contests with other local teams A joint meeting was held with Rotary and Lions The club celebrated its own anniversary with a Ladies' Night which was attended by one or more Kiwanians from other clubs A Games Party netted $208 which was appllied to pay off a portion of the pledge of $500 to the Hospital Bulding Fund The annual picnic was held at the beach with fishing parties, launch rides, and Softball games before supper and dancing afterwards An informal Ladies' Night was held.

The club was represented at the International and the District Conventions, and celebrated its own first anniversary with a Ladies' Night.

President A B Boulden, Secretary J Collins Lank
Menibership Jan 1 - 54 Attendance 73%

The club supplied milk to undernourished school children, sent 15 boys and girls to Camp Misty Mount, provided toys and candy for the Children's Home at Christmas time, bought dolls which were given to the Salvation Army for distribution, contributed $20 to the college fund of a boy who was the victim of infantile paralysis Money for these activities was raised through an amateur Contest held in one of the local theaters.

The club in Cooperation with the other civic clubs purchased and presented to the library a complete set of Scout handbooks and literature A boy and a girl from the club sponsored 4 H club went to the University of Maryland Short Course.

The club cooperated with the Junior Chamber of Commerce and other organizations in instituting what became known as the Eastern Shore Strawberry Festival, made donations to the Community Welfare Fund, the Christmas Lights, and to the Red Cross.

Attended the Ladies' Night at Wilmington Visited Seaford | Wilmington | Rehoboth Beach The club held two inter club meetings, at one of which nine visiting clubs were represented, and at the other seven.

A joint meeting of the service clubs and the Chamber of Commerce was held and three joint meetings with Lions and Rotary Organized a bowling team Held a picnic, and on New Year's Eve the club attended an open house at the home of a past president.

Several Kiwanis Education meetings were held Sent a representative to Baltimore on the occasion of the visit of the International President It celebrated its own anniversary with a Ladies' Night and the LG as guest speaker Was represented at the International and District Conventions and the Training School for Club Officers At the end of the year two members were in military service.

President Everett E Hearn, Secretary Thomas J Frutchey
Membership Jan 1 - 53 Attendance 87%

The club made cash contributions to the Children's Home Auxiliary It repaired swings and other playground equipment, purchased bathing suits, milk, and candy for the children The money needed for these activities was received from a show which netted $600

An Essay Contest was put on and 3 prizes given: namely, a $25 Defense Bond, $10 in cash, and $5 in cash, and the winner of the first prize read the essay over the local broadcasting station

Held 2 Farmers' Nights, one program on the Farm Labor Situation, the other on the Preservation of Foods by Canning or Dehydrating The club aided in financing the 4 H club dinner

Host to the Service Men's Recreation Center on the 14th of each month, fostered the Scrap Drive, the Victory Book Campaign, in which 415 books were collected, and made donations to the Salvation Army, the Cancer Control Group, Service Men's Center, and the March of Dimes These contributions were made jointly with the Chamber of Commerce

The club had two Ladies' Nights, a Family Picnic in the Municipal Park, a meal on the Silorn Camp Ground and a joint meeting with Rotary

Delegations visited Seaford, Bridgeville, Wilmington, Norfolk, and Baltimore The club was host to an inter club meeting, Baltimore, Rehoboth, Wilmington, Bridgeville, and Milford being represented Represented at the International and District Conventions and the Training School for Club Officers, and entertained the LG

President Robert R Jefferson, Clisby M Grunnelly Jr
Secretary Carlos C Crawford
Membership Jan 1 - 47 Attendance 80%

Furnished milk to underprivileged school children, and glasses were needed It Interested itself in activities for teenage boys and girls as a counter attack to juvenile delinquency

The club put on two Farmers' Nights, with 40 or more farmers present at the two meetings and financed a 4 H club banquet

Had a Poverty Dinner at which each member brought his own dinner The money saved was put into War Stamps In cooperation with the Lions Club, the two Service Men's Huts were built on the main highway The club put on a War Loan Bond Sale

Entertained the LG, was represented at the District Convention, and at the end of the year had 9 members in military service

(Volume 6)
President John A Trader, Secretary Carolos C Crawford
Membership Jan 1 - 59 Attendance 89%
LG Clisby M Jennelle Jr

President Arthur R Miller, Secretary Carlos C Crawford
Membership Jan 1 - 68 Attendance 94%

President Clarke Gardner Secretary R Hall Grier Jr
Membership Jan 1 - 71 Attendance 89%
Sponsor Crisfield | Chincoteague Clubs

President Arkley L Fleming Secretary R Hall Grier Jr
Membership Jan 1 - 71 Attendance 90%

District Chair Sponsored Youth Clarke Gardner

President Hilary M Taylor, Secretary R Hall Grier Jr
Membership Jan 1 - 71 Attendance 90%

District Chair Kiwanis Youth Organization Clarke Gardner

Division 07
President W Newton Jackson Secretary R Hall Grier Jr
Membership Jan 1 - 68 Attendance 93%
LG Arkley L Fleming

President S Lee Englar, Secretary Frederick M Carrick
Membership Jan 1 - 77 Attendance 89%
Sponsor Delmar Club

Division 07
(Volume 7)
President Arthur A Ahrens, Secretary Frederick M Carrick
Membership Jan 1 - 76 Attendance 89%
Sponsor Easton Club
Governor Arkley L Fleming

Division 11
President Hamilton P Fox Jr, Secretary William C Rasmusson
Membership Jan 1 - 75 Attendance 88%

President Elliott T Cato, Secretary Willima C Rassmussen
Membership Jan 1 - 72 Attendance 89%

President Robert W Dallas, Secretary Dr Robert B Shillinger
Membership Jan 1 - 71 Attendance 91%

Division 11
President Hans C Schilling Secretary Edward B Coulston
Membership Jan 1 - 71 Attendance 87%
LG W Newton Jackson

Division 15
President ?, Secretary ?

President Darrell M Turner, Secretary D Malcolm Glenn

Division 15
President Charles H Clark, Secretary Marion H Gillis
LG Hans C Schilling

President Ross E Waterman Secretary Arkley L Fleming

President George A Benedict Secretary Arkley L Fleming

Division 15
President J Edwin Hobbs, Secretary Arkley L Fleming
LG Ross E Waterman

President Robert W Menzel, Secretary Arkley L Fleming

President Hilary M Taylor Jr, Secretary Arkley L Fleming

President William A Reid, Secretary Arkley L Fleming

President W Eugene Hines, Secretary Arkley L Fleming

President William O Thomas, Secretary Arkley L Fleming

Division 15
President Lorne C Rickert, Secretary Arkley L Fleming
LG George A Benedict

President Marshall Petlitz, Secretary Arkley L Fleming

President Joseph M Manzer, Secretary Arkley L Fleming

1969 - 1970
President Herschel Marmer, Secretary Arkley L Fleming

1970 - 1971
Division 15
President William T Middleton III, Secretary Arkley L Fleming
LG Charles H Clark

1971 - 1972
President Russelll L Snyder, Secretary Arkley L Fleming

1972 - 1973
Division 15
President William G Carey, Secretary William R Wheatley
Sponsor Greater Ocean City Club

1973 - 1974
President Robert C Kackley, Secretary William R Wheatley

1974 - 1975
Division 15
President James P Gilmore, Secretary Louis A Adkins
LG Marshall Petlitz

1975 - 1976
Division 15
President Gerald C Bounds, Secretary Louis A Adkins
Co Sponsor Midshore Salisbury Club

1976 - 1977
President Benjamin G Smith Secretary Louis A Adkins

1977 - 1978
President Norris Ward, Secretary Louis A Adkins

1978 - 1979
President Robert E Greer, Secretary Louis A Adkins

District Chair Mid-Winter Conference Larry T Whitlock

1979 - 1980
President Richard Hoover, Secretary Louis A Adkins

1980 - 1981
President Louis A Adkins Secretary Philip A Taylor

1981 - 1982
Division 15
President Louis A Adkins Secretary Philip A Taylor
LG Benjamin G Smith

1982 - 1983
President Milton G Price, Secretary Louis A Adkins

1983 - 1984
President Robert Sterling, Secretary Louis A Adkins

District Chair Administration Benjamin G Smith

1984 - 1985
President Richard Hoover, Secretary Louis A Adkins

District Chair Major Emphsis Benjamin G Smith

1985 - 1986
President Robert E Eck, Secretary Louis A Adkins

1986 - 1987
President Merrill J Burchans Jr, Secretary Louis A Adkins

1987 - 1988
President William T Russell, Secretary Louis A Adkins

1988 - 1989
Division 15
President Jay E Mason, Secretary Louis A Adkins
LG Benjamin G Smith

1989 - 1990
President James T Wolfe, Secretary Louis A Adkins

1990 - 1991
President Rapul R Kratzer, Secretary Louis A Adkins

1991 - 1992
President Benjamin G Smith Secretary Louis A Adkins

1992 - 1993
President Benjamin G Smith Secretary Louis A Adkins
Membership Oct 1 - 23

1993 - 1994
President Merrill J Burbans Jr, Secretary Louis A Adkins
Membership Oct 1 - 26

Multi Sponsor Ocean City-Worcester Club

1994 - 1995
President Delmas B Thomas, Secretary Louis A Adkins
Membership Oct 1 - 25

1995 - 1996
Division 15
President James L Howard, Secretary Louis A Adkins
Membership Oct 1 - 29
LG Benjamin G Smith

1996 - 1997
President Warren Edward Owens III, Secretary Louis A Adkins
Membership Oct 1 - 26

1997 - 1998
President William J Latham, Secretary Louis A Adkins
Membership Oct 1 - 27

1998 - 1999
President Warren Edward Owens III, Secretary Louis A Adkins
Membership Oct 1 - 26

1999 - 2000
President Phillip A Lee, Secretary Louis A Adkins
Membership Oct 1 - 16

2000 - 2001
President Phillip A Lee, Secretary Louis A Adkins
Membership Oct 1 - 17

KI Revoked Charter January 18 2002