Capital District Kiwanis History

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(A H Robertson)
Organized April 11 1924 Chartered June 6 1922
Key #0122? 35th District Club
Sponsor South Boston Kiwanis
Division 02
Ki Revoked Charter 1937

Division 02
(Volume 2)
Sponsors Crewe Club

For some time previous to the year 1924 a number of the leading men of Chase City had become interested in organizing one of the international service clubs in this town. No active steps were taken, however, until the early part of 1924, when a committee from the South Boston Kiwanis Club came to our town and met a number of our men who, it was thought, would be interested in the project

The result of this visit and of a subsequent visit from Joe Bowles, International Field Representative, was a get together meeting which was presided over by Joe Bowles. Finally, on April 11, 1924 the Chase City Kiwanis Club was organized with a membership of 52 The officers chosen for the first year were: W E Harrop, President; J T Goode, Vice President; Arther H Robertson Secretary; J R Pruden, Treasurer, and C J Faulkner, Trustee.

It did not take us long to get into the true swing of the Kiwanis spirit, and the meetings were regularly held and well attended The membership, also, held up quite well during this first year, although we had been advised that we could hardly expect to keep our membership at its initial number because of the small size of our town. During the year 1924 we lost only five members, four by resignation and one by suspension, thus closing the year 1924 with a membership of 47.

One of the first public activities to which the club addressed itself was the buying and placing in position of a large number of road signs on the roads leading into Chase City Later on in the same year, we had the great satisfaction of restoring the sight to an underprivileged boy who was rapidly becoming totally blind. This took a good deal of time and money but the results fully justified every bit of the effort we put into it. The operations proved successful and the child's eyesight is now very nearly normal. The club also had the privilege of extending financial assistance to a young lady in order that she might complete her high school course.

We had an unusually fine series of ladies' nights with splendid programs. On September 26, 25 of our members attended the charter presentation meeting of the Kiwanis Club at Crewe which club had been sponsored by Chase City. We also sent regular delegates to the District Convention at Norfolk.

From the very beginning of our club the plan of having the directors meet monthly rotating members' homes of the board has been adhered to and we think that this plan has been one of the best and most helpful features of our club life.

President J Thomas Goode, Secretary Arther H Robertson
Trustee Charles F Faulkner Jr

At the regular election at the end of 1924, the same officers were re-elected for 1925 During the early part of 1925 the club began to realize that it must organize more completely for the work for the underprivileged children, and throughout the year this matter was uppermost in our minds and commanded the greater part of the time we devoted to measures of this sort We were a little slow in getting this work started but through our efforts undertaken this year we now have a fully organized clinic in our town for crippled children which is largely supported by the Kiwanis Club

We were represented at the District Conferenees held in Charlottesville, at the InterClub Meeting at Martinsville, at the District Convention held in Staunton, and we sent our President, Walter Harrop, accompanied by his wife, to the International Convention at Saint Paul

On October 21, 1925, we had the great sorrow of losing Walter Harrop as our President, since he had accepted a call and was moving to Graham, North Carolina He had been President of our club since its beginning, and no club could have had a better one Walter was pastor of the Presbyterian Church here, and his influence and spirit of goodfellowship and unselfishness had been of immense benefit to all of us His leaving was a great loss both to the club and the town A short time before he left, we put on a Walter Harrop Night in honor of him and his wife At this meeting we had the best program ever presented before the club Tom Goode, our Vice-President, succeeded Walter.

On December 18 we observed Golden Rule Day On this occasion we paid the regular meal charges for sandwiches and coffee and donated the difference to the Near East Relief

We feel that the Kiwanis spirit has been brought to our town, that a good beginning has been made and that as time goes on, we will do even greater things for the upbuilding of our community, especially for the underprivileged child.

On February 5 we held a Veterans' Night. One-third of the members of the club are veterans. Held a Valentine party, endorsed the Shenandoah Park scheme, conducted a clinic for crippled children and those suffering from adenoids, tonsils and eye diseases. Held a Farmers' Night with twentynine visiting farmers, had a combined anniversary and ladies' night. Held an open air meeting at Skipwith when the ladies of Trinity Church served refreshments and the members mingled with several hundred people of that community in a get together meeting, fostering better acquaintance.

On October 28 the President, Secretary and three other members visited the Victoria Club. We entertained representatives of the great tobacco industry of our section.

We dispensed with our regular meeting on October 15 and went to the county fair as boosters. We sponsored the ladies' rest room at the fair Held a Ladies' Night on November 19.

A report of our Underprivileged Child Committee for the year 1926 showed that our free clinics gave attention to 255 cases of which fifteen were operative orthopedia, 15 cases of tonsils and adenoids, and 25 were cases where casts and braces were supplied Dr Wheeldon made 11 visits to Chase City during which he examined 125 children. The surgical and medical work cost $264 and casts and braces $88

We also secured an appropriation of $300 from the County Board of Supervisors to help the work for underprivileged children.

1926 1927
President R D Patterson, Secretary Arther H Robertson
Trustee C E Goehegan

On January 28, a delegation attended the Charter Night of the club at Graham, North Carolina.

We held a Farmers Night on March 25, with 35 farmers as our guests Two Ladies Nights were held, one on April Fool Day, and the other in December. A delegation attended an Inter-Club meeting with Victoria In June, we entertained our underprivileged children at a concert given by the hand of the school for the deaf and dumb at Jacksonville, Illinois. On September 2, we had our underprivileged Child's Night Among the guests were Governor Perkinson, Lieutenant Governor John Hardy, Dr Thomas F Wheeldon of Richmond and three of his assistants Miss Norton of the State Rehabilitation Bureau, and members of the County Board of Supervisors Three children who had been treated at our clinic were shown Following the meeting a free motion picture was shown at one of the theatres by Dr Wheeldon, showing the clinics in operation and the methods of treatment.

We observed the various special weeks In October we dispensed with one of our meetings and met at the County Fair, which was then in season. We took a lively interest in an effort to secure the development of a hotel proposition for Chase City Kiwanis busied itself in urging the Mecklenburg County Board of Supervisors to take care of the County Demonstrator who was doing valuable work New members were secured in an effort to build up the morale of the club.

We went into the county for several meetings in an effort to create a better understanding between city and rural people.

(Volume 3)
President Norman H Williams Sr, Secretary Arther H Robertson
Trustee C E Goeghegan
James Sprunt had been elected president
but resigned and Williams fill the vacancy

In February, we enjoyed a visit from LTG John R Adams President Williams died on February 13 He was a highly honored member, a Kiwanian of the first rank and an outstanding man in the community F C Bedinger was elected to succeed him. During the ten weeks of the attendance contest, a member of the Board of Directors was made responsible for the attendance at each meeting. The plan was successful in increasing the attendance.

Inter-Club at Crewe Our golfers played two tournaments with Crewe, one in Chase City and one at Crewe. We gave a prize for the flower show put on by the ladies of Chase City. The farmers of the vicinity were our guests on June 8.

The month of September was full of activities Dr Thomas Wheeldon and Miss Hart, his capable nurse, and 11 of the doctors of Mecklenburg County were our guests Dr Wheeldon made a splendid talk on the work of the clinic and exhibited a number of braces and appliances used in the work.

On September 14, our baseball team played with a Kiwanis team from Crewe. Although we were defeated, the game realized $104 for our underprivileged child work. A week later we played in Crewe for the benefit of their work September 221, we went on a good will tour to Skipwith where we held a meeting. A delegation from Victoria visited us on September 28.

On October 5, we went to Esron to be delightfully entertained by the ladies of New Hope Church One week later, we held our meeting at the county fair grounds On November 23, we again held a meeting with Skipwith and were entertained by the ladies of Trinity Church with a turkey dinner

The reports for the year from our clinic showed:

  • 25 operations, 5 ear cases treated, 10 X-ray pictures taken, 24 plaster casts applied
  • The total number of patients examined was 180

President C E Geoghegan, Secretary Arther H Robertson
Trustee R D Patterson

We held a mock trial when one of the members was charged with being late to the meetings George Washington Night was observed A delegation attended the Crewe Club at the time of the official visit to that club of Lieutenant-Governor Evans. We co-operated with the American Legion in its annual Exposition and Food Show and assisted in the ticket sale.

Our Ladies' Night occurred on May 24 The Boy Scout Troop of Chase City was our guests at a meeting and they furnished the program We entertained 14 Kiwanians from Victoria and seven from South Boston.

We went on record as willing to co-operate in sponsoring a playground for the children of the town. Our club co-operated with other business interests in a Stew given the farmers just prior to the opening of our tobacco market. Approximately 2000 were served.

On October 11, we entertained representatives of the tobacco interests of the town. We also entertained the faculty of the high school. Our crippled child clinic was held regularly on the first Friday of each month at the Chase City Hospital. A report for the year showed examinations made:

    Dr Wheeldon 150 Dr Finch 20 Dr Tood 4
    Plaster applied 40
    Cripples by Dr Wheeldon 4 Tonsils and adenoids by Drs Finch, Yancy and Dodd 10
    Xray examinations 15 Total 242

(Volume 4)
President Rev R A Dodd, Secretary Arther H Robertson
Trustee T W Wilson

16 members attended an inter-club meeting at Victoria on May 20. On October 10, the club held its meeting at the Mecklenburg County Fair.

President, James D Bryson Secretary Arther H Robertson
Trustee C E Geohegan

We had our first 100% meeting in January 21 of 25 members of the Victoria club visited us in May. Took part in an inter-club meeting at Lynchburg. Made an inspection of the armory of Mecklenburg Guards. Were entertained by the Coca Bottling Company, and enjoyed a musical program at Thyne Institute.

President W M Geoliegan, Secretary A H Robertson
Membership Jan 1 - 16 Attendance 61%

This club had a hard time living through 1932 but did so with a 20% increase in membership. The main interest in the club was first to clear up its past indebtedness and second to stay alive It succeeded.

Worked with local organizations to get a Cooperative Delivery Point for Chase City. Took 3/4 of its membership to an inter-club meeting at Danville Sent delegates to the Mid-Winter.

Adopted an under-privileged school child and furnished him hot lunches for a month.

President David C George, Secretary Arther H Robertson
Membership Jan 1 - 19 Attendance 66%

The club continued the hot lunches for its adopted child. It planned a dental clinic for the local school and Kiwanis Kapers to raise funds for it. It helped the local P T A raise a deficit incurred by furnishing hot lunches for under-privileged children. Gave a Beauty Pageant to raise money for the Under-privileged Child Work and worked a project for getting a wading pool for small children.

In Public Affairs it undertook to have a connecting road improved which would materially shorten the distance for north and south bound tourists and raised a fund of $220 to secure new road maps directing tourists through the city.

The club had the Superintendent of Schools give an address on the problems of the local schools and fostered a worthwhile and informative address on Taxation in Virginia, and it took charge of the sale of T B Christmas Seals Held a Farmers Night.

Attended inter-club meetings at Danville and Victoria and held an inter-club meeting at which Danville, Victoria and Lynchburg were guests. Entertained District Governor and Division LTG.

President W K Ruffin, Secretary Arther H Robertson
Membership Jan 1 - 16 Attendance 66%

Raised $5150 for U P Child Work Aided the Community Welfare. Work by furnishing bread for luncheons for needy school children Furnished transportation to and from the hospital to those who needed it.

Instituted Clean Up Week, and cooperated with other organizations in beautifying the highways and aided in every way possible the County Fair Officials, to help make the Fair a success.

Attended Lynchburg and hosted Victoria and Lynchburg. Sent delegates to the Mid-Winter Conference.

President J D Reynolds, Secretary W J Gregory
Membership Jan 1 - 18 Attendance 67%

Financed the hospitalization of one boy and operation on another.

It had one program on County Government Met with the Victoria-Kenbridge club Had a program on Kiwanis Education No report after September 30.

President F W Wilson, Secretary Arther H Robertson
Membership Jan 1 - 25 Attendance 59%

The club held regular meetings during J936 It had two programs on the County Clinic and promised to support it It held two meetings devoted to Safety on the Highways and organized Safety Patrols in the high schools of Chase City and Boydton.

Host to Victoria-Kenbridge and Crewe Visited Victoria-Kenbridge and Danville.
