Capital District Kiwanis History

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Organized March 8 1923 Chartered March 15 1923
Key # 00974 30th District Club
Sponsor Kiwanis Field Representative George Selig
Divisions 03 08 17
Region Southwest Virginia
Population (1923) 784

Division 03
(Volume 1 Dr W A Banner)
President J D Clay Jr, Vice President C O Ramsey
Secretary R M Havens, Treasurer W S Dodd
Trustee J P Lay

In the history of the human race we find there are certain days that mean much to individuals, organizations, towns, cities, states and nations This principle certainly applies to the town of Coeburn nestled in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia.

There are two days that mean much to Coeburn The first one is her birthday, February the 23rd, for on February 23, 1894, her charter was approved and she became a corporation and a real, sure-enough working town with a future.

From that day and date the citizens of Coeburn worked onward and upward toward a high goal, but they always found there was something lacking That something was sought after from various sources, but all in vain, until some persevering and determined business and professional men called a meeting of the citizens to be held in the Masonic hall for the purpose of advising the organization of a Kiwanis club There were three or four meetings of this nature and purpose held (luring the months of December, 1922, and January and February, 1923, when a temporary organization was formed to meet the conditions and work out the pre-requisite to a permanent organization which was to be a Kiwanis club.

The second day that means so much to Coeburn is March the 8th, for March the 8th 1923, was the day of Coeburn's second birth The day Kiwanis Club No 974, of Coeburn Virginia, was chartered A real and living club to create in the mind’s of Coeburn's citizenry a sense of responsibility and a spirit of co-operative effort.

The club started off with a membership of fifty men who believe in and live for community development.

On the evening of March 8,1923, the first club meeting was held at Kiser's Cafe, at which time the first officers and directors of the club were elected and installed At this meeting there were present as guests George A Selig, International Field Representative, and several representative members of the clubs at Norton and Big Stone Gap Virginia The officers and directors elected and installed at this meeting were as follows: J D Clay Jr, President, C 0 Ramsey, Vice-President; R N Havens, Secretary; W S Dodd, Treasurer; J P Lay, District Trustee; Directors, J L Addington, W S Murphy, JC Smith, J C Dawson, B Y Perry, W C Franks, and W M Huffman.

On the night of May 15, 1923, the club's charter was very graciously presented by LTG Charles S Armes and was accepted by J D Clay, Jr, President of the club Mr E Henson, Governor of the West Virginia District, was present as one of the speakers of the evening Hon W E Burns, Judge of Russell County, Virginia, was also present and gave a most interesting history of Coeburn from the time when she was called "Guest's Station" down to the present There were representative club members present from the Norton and Big Stone Gap Clubs Last, but not least, each and every Kiwanian had his wife or sweetheart as his guest All in all, this occasion, charter presentation night, was one long to be remembered by every one present.

The Coeburn Kiwanis Club has done, or has been instrumental in having done, many things for the betterment and uplift of the town and community and has consistently lived up to the Kiwanian motto, 'We Build" The club started out, in its work with its efforts turned toward those things which were most needed in the community So it was, On a lunch day early last spring, that the club met at eight o'clock a m, and marched in a body to the community cemetery, where they worked to beautify the "City of the Dead" until their usual midday lunch time, when they returned to the Winchester dining room for lunch.

Last summer 10 of the community's underprivileged boys were cared for at a camp at Dryden, Virginia, for 10 days The club bas lent substantial and material encouragement to the boys of the community's high school, the members furnishing uniforms for the football team Through (the activity of the club, the N & W Railway Company was persuaded to build a beautiful and substantial concrete bridge across Tom's Creek, which was badly needed for wagon and track traffic to and from their depot The club launched a movement to beautify the town by widening Front Street, planting trees and making grass plots along this street after it is widened to the extent that this would be possible The club brought Christmas cheer to the individuals and families of the community who were in needy circumstances.

This club, working with the two other clubs of the county, is largely responsible for the passage of a $100,000 bond issue for the building of a home for the aged and infirm and a home for delinquent girls Through the activity of the club a volunteer fire department was organized in Coeburn The club has been very active and effective in the matter of good roads leading into our town and community The club now has its efforts turned toward such objects as parks, concrete roads, state highways, etc, which will mean much to the community and county Th: Coeburn Club is a live club operating in the town with a future.

(Volume 2)
President J C Dawson, Secretary J M Quillan Jr
Trustee J P Lay

A delegation from the club appeared before Me State Highway Commission at Richmond regarding a change of the location of the State Highway through Coeburn

President James M Quillen Jr Secretary W A Banner
Trustee J P Lay

20 members visited Big Stone Gap on May 14, which was Inter-Club Day 9 underprivileged boys were sent to camp for ten days

President J F Sergent, Secretary L M Hillman Jr
Trustee J P Lay

A delegation went to Pulaski to meet with the State Highway Commission in the interest of the highway running into Coeburn

The Publicity Committee prepared a booklet to advertise the resources of Coeburn and Toms Creek coal fields

The Public Affairs Committee secured the Highway Commission to along a dangerous stretch and Norton

A committee on taxation was appointed to co-operate with Norton and Big Stone Gap in securing equalization of assessment, economy in expenditures and reduction of taxes in Wise County

This club was host to Norton and Big Stone Gap We organized a large reception on the occasion of the visit of the State Chamber of Commerce

We entertained the entire faculties of the public and high schools

J L Addington, President; L M Hillman, Jr, Secretary, and G W Rose, Trustee

Sponsored a mock faculty and spelling bee with the ladies of the Community League Six women and two men were undefeated and received prizes A delegation of 14 attended the All Southwestern Virginia Night at Marion which was attended by 41 of the 42 service clubs In April, we sponsored a motorcade to Wytheville to attend the annual meeting of Southwest Virginia, Inc Twenty of our members attended We attended the Inter-Club meeting at Norton with Big Stone Gap The District Governor was the speaker on this occasion Our Road Committee assisted in securing the right-of-way for State Road No 114 Jointly with the Civic League, we presented a public debate and program The proceeds were used to plant shade trees along the State Highway leading oat of town All-Kiwanis Night was observed with our ladies present Delegation from the club took part in the good will tour through West Virginia and Kentucky, arranged by Southwestern Virginia, Inc This corporation gave a banquet on August 2, in Kiwanis Hall, to which were invited the members of the Kiwanis Club and many other leading citizens

(Volume 3)
President N S Bond, Secretary H S Little
Trustee James M Quillen Jr

At one of our January meetings, the chairman of our Kiwanis Education Committee conducted a questionnaire on Kiwanis matters We adopted a resolution requesting the General Assembly to pass a law requiring the testing of gasoline sold in the State In February, we held a get-together meeting in the interest of the North to South Highway from Welch, West Virginia, through Coeburn and terminating at Kingsport, Tennessee The speaker was Ex-Senator Roland E Chase and we had as our guests the State Highway Commission and many others who were interested in good roads In April, representatives attended meetings of the Board of Supervisors of Wise and Scott Counties The State authorities approved our highway recommendations We appointed a special committee to establish and equip a park and playground on a plot leased from the Norfolk & Western Railroad The Civic Betterment League co-operated in raising funds for this purpose Our members solicited Red Cross memberships

On May 23, we attended the inter-club meeting with Norton and Big Stone Gap The Civitan Club of St Paul, Virginia, met with us on September 25 and furnished a fine program for the joint meeting A Ladies Night was held on November 27 Our Good Roads Committee was busy trying to have the State Highway Commission allot funds for the Coeburn-Clintwood road

Division 03
President J C Trevorrow, Secretary D R Bolin
Trustee J D Clay Jr
LG James M Quillen Jr

Kiwanian Quesenberry observed anniversary night with a splendid talk

Our Road Committee went to Wytheville in the interest of better roads for our vicinity

Mr J W Ashworth gave an interesting address on the life of George Washington Prof Davis gave a talk on the relationship between chemistry and agriculture We also had an entertainment by the High School Minstrels

The Public Affairs Committee worked on the matter of getting a canning company to locate here Resolutions were adopted In behalf of better law enforcement and a meeting was devoted to that subject

A play was staged with most of the cast from the club On May 21, Mr B H Van Oot, of the State Department of Vocational Guidance, spoke on the needs and possibilities of a Trade School for Wise County He spoke especially on the danger of industrialization without training boys and girls for skilled workers

During Inter-Club Week, our club met with Norton, Big Stone Gap being also present Governor Kimball and Eugene R Woodson, of Washington, addressed this meeting We observed All-Kiwanis Night, when we had the ladies present

Through the Public Affairs Committee, we worked on the matter of a road from Welch, West Virginia, to Kingsport, Tennessee Boy Scout and Girl Scout troops were organized Signals were secured for the railroad crossings Work was begun to establish a dental clinic in the schools, and an appropriation was made for that purpose A play was sponsored by Kiwanis to raise community funds Through the help of the Boy Scouts, the streets were decorated with holly and trees at Christmas time, and in return for their help, we invited the scouts to take supper with us

(Volume 4)
President James E Quesenberry, Secretary Daniel R Bolin
Trustee N Redford Medley

The club entertained 12 Boy Scouts at a supper meeting when the program was devoted to their work A meeting early in the year was devoted to the discussion of what the club should undertake during the year A number of fine suggestions were made A delegation went to Wise to urge upon the Board of Supervisors and the Superintendent of Education the urgent need for a gymnasium for the high school As a result we were promised that the gym would be built We also helped in securing the furnishings and equipment for the gym We cooperated in the maintenance of a dental clinic The girls basketball team of the high school was entertained by the club Several farmers were our guests and each one told of his experiences The farm demonstrator spoke at another meeting We again rented from the N&WRR a plot of ground for park purposes

Our men attended an All Wise County Kiwanis Meeting at Norton where the program was inspiring and helpful Other interesting meetings included: A safety first meeting, interest of tobacco raising, Washington and Lincoln, a Better Town program, a Better Roads meeting and a musical program by girls from our high school State Senator Roland E Chase spoke to us about the development of the road system in Wise and Dickerson Counties and our present needs for further building and construction

A Thanksgiving program was presented with special music and a talk by President Quesenberry Several cars journeyed to Bristol to get an allocation for a road from Coeburn to Clintwood A relief committee was organized to relieve the needy Names were secured of those needing help and baskets, clothing, etc, were distributed to them

President Luther M Hillman Jr, Secretary R W Spigle
Trustee James E Quesenberry

Assisted the high school basketball tournament Observed All-Kiwanis Night Attended a Big Stone Gap inter-club

Had a child operated in a hospital at Roanoke Two projects on which we worked during the year were a cold storage plant for our city and a Veterans Hospital Furnished highway markers and sponsored registration for the unemployed

President R C Carico, Secretary J E Quisenberry
Membership Jan 1 - 17 Attendance 91%

Programs of the first six months were given to the discussion of objectives for the club and to such topics of public interest as Tile Farm Outlook, Balancing the County Budget,The Possibility of an Airport, The Relation of Improved Fire Equipment to Insurance, and a visit from the LTG

In May the club held all inter-club meeting with Norton and Big Stone Gap as guests In June it celebrated All-Kiwanis Night with a Ladies Night Meeting

The club suspended meetings from the first of July until September first During September it had as guest speakers, the presidents of the Washington, D C, the Norton, and the Big Stone Gap clubs on the general topic Your Town and County Needs Kiwanis

During December the club secured and delivered 150 baskets to the needy

President J B Roller, Secretary O H Logan


Reorganized December 30, 1937
President James M Quillen, Secretary John M Shepherd
Membership Dec 30 - 25 Attendance 88%

(Volume 5)
President J M Quillan Jr, Secretary J M Shepherd
Membership Jan 1 - 27 Attendance 76%

Held a Spelling Bee and Beauty Contest netted $100 Had a program on underprivileged child work Organized a tonsil clinic and had a number of operations

Had a program for the improvement of roads and was instrumental raising $7,000 for the road over Wise

Entertained the LG, was represented at Mid-Winter and District Conventions

President C J M Kyle, Secretary J M Shepherd
Membership Jan 1 - 21 Attendance 83%

Put on a play and raised $3000 for its underprivileged child work It made seven trips to Norton with a child whose eyes were affected, put on a dental clinic, and a tonsil clinic, five children were treated

The club put on Scout training programs weekly, supervised play grounds on Saturdays twice monthly, held special church services for children, arranged to carry children to swimming pools in school busses, and raised money to send the debating team to Charlottesville

Sponsored "Clean Up Week," and worked on a club house project in conjunction with the Woman’s Club, and had programs on Game Preservation, The Telephone, Missionary Work in Wise County, Counterfeit Money, World Affairs, Game Laws, Education in a Changing World, The Nation's Politics

Flood conditions and high waters prevented a delegation from attending the charter night of Richland, delegations visited Clintwood and Norton, club host to an inter-club picnic with Clintwood

Joint meetings with the Chamber of Commerce and with the Woman's Club

Was represented at the Mid-Winter Conference, and the District Convention

President A D Bragg, Secretary W H Bowmani Earl Hilton
Membership Jan 1 - 20 Attendance 86%

Sent 1 boy to the University hospital, treated 2 children for eye trouble, sent 2 boys to summer camp, and performed 17 T and A operations Delivered Christmas baskets to the needy

The club had two Boy Scout programs, one on the fine points of football It took one of its meetings to Bristol in order to attend the high school football game with Bristol It sponsored supervised play and encouraged basketball, furnished transportation for seventeen trips for children to and from the Norton swimming pool

A notable activity of the club was a mock election held at the high school ten days before the fall election in order to instruct the students in how to run an election and how to vote

The club had several programs on Agriculture, celebrated 4-H Club week, helped finance two 4-H boys to a meeting at Blacksburg

With the Woman's Club completed a $2,500 club house to serve as a community center It had at least five programs on Christian Education and the work of the Church

Sent delegates to Clintwood and to Richlands on the occasion of the LG visit and to Big Stone Gap and Norton and had its annual Ladies Night picnic with Clintwood

It had three 100% meetings, entertained the Lieutenant-Governor, celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary as a Ladies Night, had programs on Kiwanis education, attended the officers training school and sent in an Achievement Report

President L M Hillman, Secretary Earl Hilton
Membership Jan 1 - 19 Attendance 82%

Raised $ 75 for hot lunches, furnished glasses and paid one-half cost of sending nine boys and girls to a summer camp at a cost of $6000 Arranged for the usual Vocational Guidance speakers at the high school assemblies

After several years work in connection with the Woman's Club, the Club House, a log cabin 25 by 75 ft with cloak rooms and kitchen, $2,500 was completed and the club now has its luncheons there, the meals being furnished by the ladies This club house not only serves as a meeting place for the Kiwanis Club and the Woman's Club but also serves as a Community Center being used at present by the Girl Scouts, the Department of Horne Nursing, the First Aid training course, and for lodge and fraternal organizations The club had programs on Welfare in Wise County, The County Budget, Trends in Education, Road Improvements, The Meaning of Democracy, Air Plane Spotters, and Our Part in Defense

The club held its annual inter-club Ladies Night picnic with Clintwood

President E Pete Litton Secretary Earl Hilton
Membership Jan 1 - 22 Attendance 94%

Furnished hot lunches to a hundred needy school children during the winter months, held a clinic in the summer taking care of eight T and A operations and distributed eighteen baskets at Christmas.

A carnival was held, netting $235 which was applied on the debt on the club house, which was completed last year A number of programs of interest to the community were arranged and given at the club house.

Organized troops of Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts It furnished facilities for tennis and organized a boys and girls softball league, gave a banquet to the high school football team, and organized the children for, scrap drive It Sponsored a Flag Day program and organized a Defense Council of high school Pupils which sold about $20,000 in Defense Bonds and Stamps.

Had all Agricultural program put on by the County Farm Agent to which were invited a number of guests.

Collected 200,000 pounds of scrap metal and 4,000 pounds of rubber Tried to get a State Highway patrolman located in the town, worked on a road project.

The club had two inter-club meetings with Norton It had a Ladies Night and a joint meeting with the Woman’s Club.

The club was represented at the training school for club officers, had several Kiwanis education meetings and entertained the LG.

President Lacy E Fuller, Secretary J Earl Hilton
Membership Jan 1 - 18

The club had two girls from Home Economics Department Of the High School to talk on Nutrition Boys of the High School were organized with a Fire Fighting Crew to aid the local Fire Warden Spent $50 for Soft Ball equipment for the High School A Boy Scout Troop was organized, and is functioning nicely Entertained a group of High School boys who were leaving to enter the Army.

Gave $10-75 to the Red Cross Sponsored War Bond sales netting over $60,000 in bond, and the protection of those already planted, worked for an succeeded in getting a city bus for Coeburn.

Several inter-club meetings were planned, but had to be given up on account of gas shortage, but the club did send a delegation to St Paul in the hope of organizing a club there, and reported considerable interest shown.

A Ladies' Night was held, and several Kiwanis Education programs given The club was represented at the District Convention No members were in the armed forces on December 31.

(Volume 6)
President CT Riddle, Secretary J Starr Webber Jr
Membership Jan 1 - 30 Attendance 88%

Sponsored the Boy Scout troop furnished it with a meeting place in the Kiwanis Club House, donated $50 and raisedfunds t oenable it to buy tents and finance a camping trip Raised money to buy an artificial leg for a deserving person Held a Bond Auction and supported other Bond Drives.

Division 03
President A A Johnson, Secretary Hobart L Stallard
Membership Jan 1 - 27 Attendance 96%
LG E Pete Litton

Sponsored Boy Scouts raised $200 for tents, books and other equpment for this camp Secureed a Scout Master Put on a sports program for the hight school and sponsored a softball league.

President B H Body, Secretary Hobart L Stallard
Membership Jan 1 - 28 Attendance 88%

Sonsored a Boy Scout Troop providing a meeting place and puchasing new equipment at a cost of $50Sponsored athletic activities at teh high school Gave a banquet for football players Bought $25 of equipment for the baseball team Allowed the use of its club-house for Friday night dances SPonsored all the bond drives and other local fund drives Persuaded teh Town Council to organiz a volunteer fire comppany and purchase new fire equipment.

Division 08

President John McKilgore, Secretary Hobart L Stallard
Membership Jan 1 - 23 Attendance 89%

Recommended town managership study First step was to enlarge the corporate town limits Urged improvement to roads in the neighborhood Continued sponsoring Boy Scouts Gave prizes to high school students to study and arouse interest in the United Nations Contributed to the support Teenage club and allowed the use of a club house for parties and teenage meetings Held a beauty contest rasing $608 for underprivileged child fund Had similar contest at teh Wise Cunty Fair to choose Miss Wise County raing $100.

President Stanley M Hopkins, Secretary Jack E Still

Membership Jan 1 - 24 Attendance 79%

Sponsored the Teenage club Made progress for the Key Club Reactivated the Boy Scout Troo Set up the community Christmass tree and distributed Christmas baskets of food and toys to 20 needy familites Aided the Clean-Up campaign Sent a committee to a Wise County Board of Supervicors meeting to discuss the possiblity of getting county roads improved Entertained at lucheons the championship Girl's Basketball Team.

President Leslie Mullins, Secretary W L Sutherland
Membership Jan 1 - 20 Attendance 85%

Sponsored the Boy Scout Troop entertained a luncheon, raised money to finance and furnished transportation to Scout Camp Arrowhead in Kentuckey Discussed possiblities of a Key Club in the high School Supplied glasses and had dental work done for a number of children Furnished Christmas baskets to 20 familites Gave financial support to the High School Band Supported teh organization of a County Chamber of Commerce Participated in raising campigns Encourage teh building of better highways.

President J E Hilton, Secretary W L Sutherland
Membership Jan 1 - 19 Attendance 86%
Sponsor Dante Club

Supported teh Boy Scout Troup throughout the year Contributed $75 to one Scout expenses to the National Jamboree at Valley Forge Worked on a project to have a lake and recreation area near teh twon Had two highway projects approve Assisted in putting on Fourth of July and Labor Day programs Furnished glasses to two needy children at the cost of $20.

(Volume 7)
President William A Carico, Secretary W L Sutherland
Membership Jan 1 - 19 Attendance 89%

District Chair Laws and Regulations E Pete Litton

PresidentRhex A Edwards, SecretaryW L Sutherland
Membership Jan 1 - 22 Attendance 84%

President Rev George E Naff Jr, Secretary W Leon Sutherland
Membership Jan 1 - 17 Attendance 85%

President Wallace Reed, Secretary W Leon Sutherland
Membership Jan 1 - 22 Attendance 77%

President Charles F Eberly, Secretary W Leon Sutherland
Membership Jan 1 - 23 Attendance 83%

President ?, Secretary?

President Carl McConnel, Secretary Harlis B Adams

President Gordaan Bright, Secretary Joseph H Porter

Division 08
President W C Lambert, Secretary Edward Nicholson
LG John McKilgore

President William H Horton, Secretary Gene W Sands

President William B Pate, Secretary Gene W Sands

President Russell O Large, Secretary Gene W Sands

President Harold C Addington, Secretary Raymond A Cook

President C L Kilgore, Secretary Dr Harold L Ringley

President Raymond A Cook, Secreatary Harold Addington

President Burley Couch, Secretary Harold Addington

President Harold L Ringley, Secretary Harold Addington

President Gilbert Bailey, Secretary Harold Addington

President Adolphus W Addington, Secretary Herbert D Jones

1969 - 1970
President Adoplhus W Addington, Secretary Herbert D Jones

1970 - 1971
President A W Addington, Secretary Herbert D Jones

1971 - 1972
President Herbert D Jones Secretary ?

1972 - 1973
President Thomas O Williams, Secretary Gene W Sands

1973 - 1974
President Viril G Kilgore, Secretary Herbert D Jones

1974 - 1975
Division 08
President C Michael Dean, Secretary Herbert D Jones
LG Herbert D Jones

1975 - 1976
President James W Price, Secretary Herbert D Jones

1976 - 1977
Division 08
President Paul D Carico, Secretary Herbert D Jones
LG Herbert D Jones

1977 - 1978
President Ben Pate, Secretary Herbert D Jones

1978 - 1979
President William H Hunsaker, Secretary Herbert D Jones

1979 - 1980
President Charles E Mutter, Secretary Herbert D Jones

1980 - 1981
President Gary O Adkins, Secretary Herbert D Jones

1981 - 1982
President Mark E Miller, Secretary Herbert D Jones

1982 - 1983
President Johnny H Wright, Secretary Herbert D Jones

1983 - 1984
President Jim Hincher, Secretary Herbert D Jones

1984 - 1985
President Buford Sturgill, Secretary Herbert D Jones

1985 - 1986
President Wayne C Perry, Secretary Herbert D Jones

1986 - 1987
President Joe M Tate, Secretary Herbert D Jones

1987 - 1988
President Richard Sturgill, Secretary Herbert D Jones

1988 - 1989
President Delmar Broyles, Secretary Herbert D Jones

1989 - 1990
President Jack Kennedy, Secretary Herbert D Jones

1990 - 1991
President Jack Kennedy, Secretary Richard Sturgill

1991 - 1992
President Cecil Porter, Secretary Richard Sturgill

1992 - 1993
President Sol Miller, Secretary Richard Sturgill
Membership Oct 1 - 21

1993 - 1994
President Sue Bentley, Secretary Joe Bright
Membership Oct 1 - 17

1994 - 1995
President James J Kilgore, Secretary Joe Bright
Membership Oct 1 - 18

1995 - 1996
President Joe R Kilgore, Secretary Joe Bright
Membership Oct 1 - 18

1996 - 1997
President Charles C McConnell, Secretary Willie R Stout Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 21

1997 - 1998
President ?
Membership Oct 1 - 24

1998 - 1999
President Michael E Holbrook, Secretary Richard L Griffith
Membership Oct 1 - 26

1999 - 2000
President Detta J Davis, Secretary Herbert D Jones
Membership Oct 1 - 26

2000 - 2001
President James Jefferson Kilgore Jr, Secretar Richard L Griffith
Membership Oct 1 - 23

2001 - 2002
President Robert Collins, Secretary John H Wright
Membership Oct 1 - 25 Attendance 60%

Year End Statistics: 39 Projects Completed, 539 Service Hours, $4,365 Spent, 8 Interclubs

2002 - 2003
President Shane D Adkins, Secretary John H Wright
Membership Oct 1 - 24 Attendance 56%

Year End Statistics: 23 Projects Completed, 69 Service Hours, $1,295 Spent, 10 Interclubs

2003 - 2004
President Robert Robbins, Secretary John H Wright
Membership Oct 1 - 24 Attendance 64%
Meet TH 6:30 PM Community Center

Year End: 51 Projects Completed, 100 Service Hours, $3,875 Spent, 8 Interclubs, Average

2004 - 2005
President Shirley Robbins, Secretary John H Wright
Membership Oct 1 - 21 Attendance 56%
Meet TH 6:30 PM Celebrate

Contributed $300 to Tsunami Relief Effort

Year End: 22 Projects Completed, 8 Service Hours, $5,550 Spent, 5 Interclubs

2005 - 2006
Division 08
Southwest Virginia Region
President Detta J Davis, Secretary John H Wright
Membership Oct 1 - 21 Attendance 91%
Meet TH 6:30 PM Celebrate

Year End: 8 Projects Completed, 12 Service Hours, $150 Spent, 5 Interclubs

2006 - 2007
President Joseph Hilton, Secretary John H Wright
Membership Oct 1 - 19 Attendance 80%
Meet TH 6:30 PM Celebrate

Year End: 13 Projects Completed, 65 Service Hours, $840 Spent, 15 Interclubs

2007 - 2008
President Joseph Hilton, Secretary John H Wright
Membership Oct 1 - 20 Attendance 63%
Meet TH 6:30 PM Celebrate

Year End: 15 Projects Completed, 22 Service Hours, $1,175 Spent, 2 Interclubs

2008 - 2009
President Michael Holbrook, Secretary John H Wright
Membership Oct 1 - 20 Attendance 56%
Meet TH 6:30 PM Celebrate

Year End: 14 Projects Completed, 56 Service Hours, $1,000 Spent, 1 Interclubs $0 District Foundation

2009 - 2010
President Dr Bill Dotten Secretary John H Wright
Membership Oct 1 - 21 Attendance 52%
Meet TH 6:30 PM Celebrate

Year End: 2 Projects, 12 Service Hours, $3,200 Spent, 1 Interclubs $0 District Foundation

2010 - 2011
President Dr Bill Dotten Secretary John H Wright
Membership Oct 1 - 20
Meet TH 6:30 PM Celebrate

Year End: 1 Projects, 12 Service Hours, $25 Spent, 1 Interclubs $300 District Foundation

2011 - 2012
President Dr Bill Dotten Secretary John H Wright
Membership Oct 1 - 20
Meet TH 6:30 PM Celebrate

2012 - 2013
President Jess Powers, Secretary John H Wright
Membership Oct 1 - 19
Meet TH 6:30 PM Celebrate

2013 - 2014
Division 17

President Jess Powers, Secretary John H Wright
Membership Oct 1 - 18
Meet TH 6:30 PM Celebrate

2014 - 2015
President Jess Powers, Secretary John H Wright
Membership Oct 1 - 11
Meet TH 6:30 PM Celebrate

2015 - 2016
President Jess Powers, Secretary John H Wright
Membership Oct 1 - 11
Meet TH 6:30 PM Celebrate

2016 - 2017
President Jess Powers, Secretary John H Wright
Membership Oct 1 - 11
Meet TH 6:30 PM Celebrate

2017 - 2018
Division 17
President Jess Powers, Secretary John H Wright
Membership Oct 1 - 11
Meet TH 6:30 PM Celebrate
Distinguished Member Dr Bill Dotten
Co-Sponsor St Paul-Castlewood

2018 - 2019
President Dr Bill Dotten Secretary Michael E Holbrook
Membership Oct 1 - 16
Meet 3rd TH 6:30 PM at MEOC Building

2019 - 2020
President Bill Hunsaker, Secretary Robert Ledford
Membership Oct 1 - 9
Meet 3rd TH 6:30 PM at MEOC Building

2020 - 2021
President Bill Hunsaker, Secretary Robert Ledford
Membership Oct 1 - 11