Capital District Kiwanis History

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Organized September 4 1923 Chartered November 30 1923
Key #01092 34th District Club
Sponsor Field Representative Joseph W Bowles
Divisions 02 05
Changed 1997 to Allegany Highlands

Division 02
(Volume 1, R B Stephenson)
President Roscoe B Stephenson, Secretary R C Littleton
Trustee Dr E Reinhold Rorers

Organized on the night of September 4, 1923 at a meeting held in the dining hall of the Southern Textile Company, Covington VA.. A committee composed of J P Flippo, R C Littleton, W M Parker, E R Rogers, and W 0 Woore, with Field Representative Joseph W Bowles did the ground work for the organizational meeting.

Kiwanian W H Hall of the Staunton club belongs the credit for establishing this club and without his interest and perseverance, the club would probably not have been formed.

The organization meeting was presided by Joseph W Bowles, who explained the purpose and assisted in the organization. The constitution and bylaws were adopted and a committee was appointed to nominate officers for the club. The following officers were nominated and unanimously elected: Vice-President George A Revercomb, Treasurer C R Karnes Directors Olin J Payne, G Q Sites, T J Smith, Dr C Wagner, Harvey N Sanford, L 0 Brightbill, and Dr J V Jordan.

The meeting was presided over by the President from Clifton Forge. Addresses were made by Kiwanians F W King, E A Snead and F W Long of the Clifton Forge Club, and E R Rogers and H N Sanford of the local club. There were 52 charter members. After organization the club met regularly every Friday night at 6:30 PM dinner. These meetings were held at different places, as there was no permanent meeting place.

The charter meeting was held at the Baptist Church banquet room on Friday night, November 30, 1923. This was Ladies' Night and practically all of the charter members were present R B litephenson presided as toastmaster. The charter was delivered by District Governor Edwin W Lintner of Wilmington DE, Claude H Woodward District Governor-elect, responded to the toast. Chairman of the Capital District Inter Club Relationa committee Harry G Kimball presented the loving cup to the club and explained the purpose of the cup. Other addresses were made by E R Rogers, F W King, E A Snead, and George A Revercomb. The Kiwanis quartette of the Clifton Forge Club and a large delgation from the sponsoring club were present. About 125 club members and guests attended.

On the night of December 31, 1923, the club was the guest of the Clifton Forge Club in a watch meeting service, and the loving cup was delivered to the Clifton Forge Club. There was a large attendance of both clubs. At this meeting there were present the President-elect of three clubs Washington DC, Clifton Forge and Covington.

The club has confined its activities principally to the work of assisting the under-privileged child. At each meeting a voluntary silver offering is received for this purpose. Several crippled children have received orthopedic treatment through the efforts of the club and a regular clinic will be conducted in Covington for the treatment of crippled children. At Christmas the club donated and delivered about 45 baskets to poor families and contributed to the Community Christmas tree. Assistance has been pledged to the Home Demonstration work of Alleghany County, whereby the County Agent will be retained in her position for the coming year. There have been a good number of speakers on various public matters at the club meetings for the purpose of keeping the club interested in matters of this kind.

Delegates ER Rogers and E H Archer attended the Capital District convention in Baltimore. We have been represented at the District conference in Charlottesville and in the Zone conference at Lynchburg. 0 J Payne and E K Crowder were sent by the club as representatives to a meeting of the Shenandoah Valley, Inc, at Harrisonburg VA. The club attendance since organization has averaged 81%

(Volume 2)
President H N Sanford, Secretary E C Littleton, Trustee T H Binford
Board of Directors: G C Sites, W M Parker, Jack Rinehart
W O Woore, J A Hippert, D B Landis, and L H Dressler

The club adopted a boy at the Boys' Home at a cost of $200 a year. Also assisted in a clinic for crippled children held under the auspices of the Alleghany Medical Society. We played a baseball game with Clifton Forge for the benefit of the underprivileged child work.

We held a Ladies' Night at Old Sweet Springs, West Virginia. Played ball with Rotary and realized $175 for each club. Our share was devoted to our child work. After the game, Rotary and Kiwanis met in a joint luncheon. We helped needy families at Christmas

President W M Parker, Secretary D J Gallagher Jr
Trustee Dr E R Rogers

A charity bazaar and beauty contest was held on Labor Day. The many interesting features included a parade Governor Trinkle, his staff and military escort, honored the event with their presence. A banquet closed the day's celebration with 125 present. Five hundred dollars were realized.

Division 5
President R B Stephenson, Secretrary D J Gallaghan Jr
Trustee H N Sanford

We held a joint meeting with Rotary on January 15. It was well attended by the members of both organizations. The club co-operated with other organizations in raising funds for the Shenandoah National Park. On Inter-Club Day, May 7, we had a joint meeting with Clifton Forge.

We sent a crippled child to the hospital for an operation on a badly deformed foot and ankle. The operation was successful and the child can walk normally.

Donated a cup for the championship baseball club of our county We had the teams as our guests at our meeting on Labor Day 47 players were present.

President R J Costen, Secretary C E Hill
Trustee E H Arden

Held the first 100% meeting of the club. We held the following special programs during the year Chamber of Commerce Night, Public Safety Night, Law Enforcement Night with the Sheriff and Chief of Police as guests. Held a joint meeting with the Kiwanis Club of Clifton Forge and the Rotary Clubs of Covington and Hot Springs, and the Chamber of Commerce. The meeting was in the interest of good roads and had various State officials in attendance.

Underprivileged Boys' Night with 37 boys as our guests and Firemen's Night with 45 firemen present were interesting events. A delegation of eleven members attended the inter-club meeting in Staunton on May 9.

We fostered the County Baseball League and gave a silver cup to the winner. Financially aided the Boy Scouts and had two members in their committee Put on a home talent play for two days in May, realizing $17500 for our charity fund and a benefit show in July.

We paid $20,000 a year for expenses keeping a boy at the Boys' Home, Inc. Held our annual Family Picnic. A delegation went to Lexington to join in a regional roads meeting as designated by the Governor of Virginia. We entertained the Covington Baseball Club at a meeting and at another one the Covington school teachers. LTG Charles S Roller and Curry Carter, Secretary of the Staunton Club visited us on October 7.

(Volume 3)
President Dr E Reinhold Rogers, Secretary Charles E Hill
Trustee C C Sites

In the attendance contest between Clifton Forge and Covington the latter won a silver cup, which was presented on February 7. This cup was again contested for in, 1928, when Covington again won it The Covington Club helped to raise money for the Boy Scout work and assisted in the movement, which resulted in the grading of the city school playgrounds. Supported a plan to have the Alleghany County Supervisors appropriate sufficient money to pay the salary of a county and city superintendent of public welfare; and our president became the head of that movement, which resulted in the establishment, in 1929, of this Welfare Department with a paid executive. The club observed underprivileged Child Night on May 11, when 21 little brothers was entertained.

On May 24, at an inter-club meeting, Covington was host to the Kiwanians of Clifton Forge and of Staunton. At this meeting Hon Harry Flood Byrd, Governor of Virginia, was a guest of honor; and other guests included many of our friends from the Covington Rotary Club. This meeting made a definite advancement in community solidarity All-Kiwanis Night was duly observed Ladies' Night was held on September 29, at which time the club entertained all the teachers of the Covington schools, with a total of 65 guests. Throughout the year the club did a piece of definitely constructive welfare work in supporting at Boys' Home a Covington boy who greatly needed that help; and, at Christmas the club provided gifts for all the older boys at that Home.

President C C Collins, Secretary Charles E Hill
Trustee R B Stephenson

A Ladies' Night was held in March. We attened the Fifth Division Conference at Waynesboro. The Public Affairs Committee investigated the possibilities for a new high school.

We entertained the graduating class of the high school, number about 35.

24 of our members attended an Inter-Club meeting at Clifton Forge on June 7. The club had tonsils removed from 8 boys at the Boys' Home. We had a visit from Governor Kimball, who conferred with our board about undertaking certain definite work for our community. We also arranged for an industrial survey of the town to consider the possibilities of new industries here. We furnished Christmas presents to the boys at Boys' Home and also helped many needy families in town and county.

Division 02
(Volume 4)
President Garnett C Sites, Secretary Charles E Hill
Trustee L S Adelson
LG E Reinhold Rogers

The club in cooperation with other civic organizations sponsored a course of lectures on the Study of tile Habits of Children, given by the extension department of the University of Virginia The lectures were well attended.

The Committee on Under-privileged Children secured a list of school children who had eye, ear, nose or throat defects From this list tile club had tonsils and adenoids removed from three children and five others fitted with glasses About $650 was spent during the year on Under-privileged Child Work.

We attended inter-club meetings at Clifton Forge and at Lexington. Entertained the graduating class of the high school. Mrs Vorter A Clark, Public Welfare Superintendent, reported on her work at one of our meetings also heard an address on Boy Scout work. The Kiwanis Educational Committee gave an informative program. We also had the pleasure of hearing LTG E Reinhold Rogers.

President H B Sibley

The membership of our club January 1, 1931, was 30. We added 4 members, but lost 6 members due to a bank failure in our community. We had four honorary members at the end of 1931. Our average attendance throughout the year 1931 was 71.33%.

LTG James L Howe made his official visit We had a splendid meeting and received much good information An inter-club was held at Covington, with Clifton Forge and Lexington. Attendance from Clifton Forge was 16 and 16 from Lexington. Three members of tile Covington Kiwanis club attended the District Meeting at Lynchburg February 13th.

Our club entertained the graduating class of 1931, with 24 graduates present, which was also Ladies Night.

We spent for the year $216 on Under-privileged Child Work, which included removing of tonsils, glasses and other work to eight different children.

Four delegates of the club attended the Baltimore Convention.

During the year 1931, we entertained 178 visitors, including 21 Kiwanians from other clubs. Entertained the Governors and LTGs at Hot Springs, and at a club meeting at Covington the fall of 1931. Each visiting Kiwanian expressed his appreciation of the meeting held at Hot Springs on this occasion.

We carried out our usual program of distributing Christmas baskets to poor families, each family being looked after by a committee appointed for that purpose.

Very shortly after the organization of the Business and Professional Women's Club, of Covington, Va, the Covington Kiwanis club entertained same with an attendance of 35) business women of Covington.

President J C Wagner, Secretary E L Turner
Membership Jan 1 - 25 Attendance 78%

This club had a hard time during 1932 Its chief objective was to keep alive, and did so, holding regular meetings and keeping up a good average attendance.

It held one successful Ladies Night and was represented at inter-club Ladies Night at Natural Bridge Interesting meetings were held upon the occasions of the visits of the District Governor and LTG.

President L S Adelson, Secretary E L Turner
Membership Jan 1 - 21 Attendance 80%

This year began to pick up again It held regular meetings all through the vear with good attendance It entertained the District Governor on two occasions and the LTG once It held a successful Ladies Night and a delightful oyster roast. Two of its meetings were held in the county with good results

In Under-privileged Child Work the club defrayed the cost of 20 operations for the removal of tonsils. It also held an Old Clothes Night, at which members contributed used articles of wearing apparel to be given to needy families.

President D B Landis, Secretary E Lee Turner
Membership Jan 1 - 28 Attendance 75%

The club had one U P Child program Spent $595 on 22 operations for tonsils, adnoids and eye trouble on U P Children and held a Christmas party for 70 children, the party including dinner, candy, fruits and tints. The club entertained the visiting speakers of the Red Cross Drive, and had one visit from the District Governor.

No further activities were reported.

Division 02
President J J Cook, Secretary E Lee Turner
Membership Jan 1 - 34 Attendance 79%
LG Garnett C Sites

During the year the club took care of 18 T and A operations and furnished a number of children with glasses. The club gave two dances, a bridge party and a benefit theatre party in celebration of the President's Birthday Part of the proceeds went to the Warm Springs Foundation Fund. A flying squadron visited Lexington and the club joined Lexington and Clifton Forge at an inter-club meeting at Natural Bridge. The club held a Ladies Night and a picnic with the ladies and children prescut Delegates were sent to the International and District Conventions and the LTG and the District Governor were entertained.

President E M Stull, Secretary, T Renner
Membership Jan 1 - 39 Attendance 76%

The club again put on a dance and bridge party to celebrate the President's Birthday, 10 T and A operations were performed and two pairs of glasses furnished The suni of $170 was raised to furnish 40 Christmas baskets which were delivered by the Salvation Army Books were bought for an indigent high school student The club entertained 15 boys and girls at one meeting and at another meeting had a program on high school athletics.

The Vocational Guidance Committee met with the director of recreation and worked on a plan by which the high school graduates interested in medicine and dentistry had a chance to talk things over with physicians and dentists in the club The club also had a program on Vocational Guidance and Football.

The club assisted in Putting over the Municipal Park and Swimming Pool and had charge of the opening day ceremonies. The club was entertained by tile B and P W club on their fifth anniversar.y Programs on Better Schools, Safety, Farms and Business, Public Health, Fire Prevention, The Town Manager Form of Government and The Support of Churches. The club was host to Salem and Clifton Forge. Sent a large group to Clifton Forge and had a Flying Squadron from Harrisonburg put on a program.

It celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary, held two meetings devoted to Kiwanis Education, entertained the LTG sent its officers to the LTGs. Training School and sent delegates to the International and District Conventions.

One member of the club took a boy in his teens under his care, made friends with him and had conferences with him at least once a month with the result that his behavior and his school work showed great improvement.

President James E Steger, Secretary T Renner
Membership Jan 1 - 43 Attendance 82%

The club realized $50 from a night baseball game, for its U P Child Fund it financed an operation On a crippled child and also nine T and A operations.

It had programs on Industrial Arts for children, The Problem Child and Boy Scout Work in Covington, It furnished lemonade to 900 children at tile Union Bible School picnic, donated $15 to the Boy Scout Work, and entertained the High School Football Squad at luncheon It had one program on Vocational Guidance.

The club put up road signs, sponsored the local baseball team and had programs of interest on Business Ethics and Standards, The Support of the Churches, The Virginia State Parks, The County Schools and Venereal Diseases (with motion pictures).

The club sent a large delegation to Roanoke, was host to Roanoke when it brought the Kiwanis Log, and carried the Log to Clifton Forge The club entertained the B and P W club, organized a softball team, held two successful Ladies Nights, and a Stag Picnic at Doutbat Park.

The President trained his Committee Chairmen The club was represented at the Mid winter Conference, and the International and District Conventions and four Kiwanis Education programs.

(Volume 5)
President J M Harrington, Secretary T Moore Butler
Membership Jan 1 - 53 Attendance 79%

The club raised $69 through a subscription campaign for a magazine It had a Program on underprivileged child work.

The club had a program on The Problems of Youth and one on Why I am a Boy Scout by one Scout it also entertained tile high school football squad,

There was a program on Vocational Guidance in the schools, another in which a student explained his duties as a student and as an employee in a part time job.

Sponsored a musical program furnished lemonade for the Bible School picnic, gave $25 towards the expense of a former Kiwanian in a hospital, petitioned the Council to enforce the traffic laws, had two programs on Highway Safety, others on Recent Legislation, Home Life, Business Standards, Our School Needs, Folk Music and one on journalism.

Inter-clubs with Clifton Forge, Lexington, and Lexington.

It held a Ladies Night and had a joint meeting with Rotary and Lions.

Entertained the LTG, delegations at International convention and District conventions.

President H L Fridley, Secretary W L Walters
Membership Jan 1 - 51 Attendance 91%

The club financed more than a dozen T and A operations, purchased baseball equipment for the Boy's School, and joined with Rotary in entertaining 700 who attended the summer Bible School.

The club aided the senior class of the high school in planning a trip to the World's Fair at New York The trip was made after the close of school by 100 boy and girls It worked on plans for a summer camp and started a campaign to raise funds for uniforms for the boy's band.

The club devoted one meeting to visit the industrial plants in the vicinity, and at one meeting it entertained the ministers of the town It had programs on the World We Live In, How News Is Gathered, Socialized Medicine, Individual Freedom.

It was host to Staunton when that club delivered the Fellowship Plaque.

Joint meetings with Rotary and Lions Gave an Anniversary part netted $75 for Welfare Fund.

Entertained the LG, and had three Kiwanis education meetings, and its own Charter Night and was represented at Mid-Winter Conference, International and District conventions.

President W L Walters, Secretary Charles E Hill
Membership Jan 1 - 53 Attendance 94%

Budget $ 100 for its work with the underprivileged children, set up a clinic at which 16 T and A operations were performed and looked after a boy with a club foot Opened Camp Covington, Inc with the aid of other organizations and had a meal there with the 34 children in attendance.

Had a program on Boys and Girls Work and later entertained at lunch for 42 students.

At a meeting in the county the subject of the program was Farm Site Development.

After a discussion of Vocational Guidance problems a number of high school Students were interviewed with the idea of helping them in the choice of a vocation.

Inter-clubs with Staunton, Clifton Forge and Lexington when it delivered the Plaque.

The club had a program on Kiwanis education, entertained LG and was represented at officers training school, Mid-Winter Conference, International and District conventions.

Division 02
President Ralph W Query Secretary Frank L Ralsten
Membership Jan 1 - 55 Attendance 94%
LG James E Steger

More than $400 was spent in clinical work, 23 T and A operations, seven pair of glasses fitted and nine dental cases taken care of it spent $470 in sending boys and girls to Camp Covington and furnished milk to thirty children for a month.

The club supported Scout work.

It interested itself in obtaining after school hours work for boys and girls in the line of the vocations they wish to follow.

It worked in the aluminum scrap collection and programs on the State Safety, National Defense, Soil Conservation, The World Crisis, Fire Prevention and Church Loyalty.

The club took part in a joint meeting of three Rotary clubs, three Lions clubs and three Kiwanis clubs held at Hot Springs at which the speaker was a prominent Englishman.

The club had four 100% meetings, its members visiting 17 clubs in five states in order to make up their attendance Thirty-two members had 100% attendance for the year The club was also host to a delegation from Harrisonburg.

There was a Ladies Night, a ladies picnic and a golf tournament.

The club celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary, sent in an Achievement report and was represented at the Mid-Winter Conference, the Division school for training of officers, the International and the District conventions.

President Jack Persinger, F Wallace McClung, Secretary Frank L Ralsten
Membership Jan 1 - 62 Attendance 97%

Performed 22 T and A operations and bore a part of the expenses of a child at the State Preventorium Gave a Christmas party at the General hospital.

The club backed an airplane model contest at the high school and gave a prize for the best model and it aided in the Red Cross rescue course given at the Municipal Swimming Pool.

Through the instrumentality of the club a vocational guidance program was maintained in the schools, and many pupil severe given part-time work during the year to supplement what they learned at school.

The president went into military service and was succeeded by the vice-president.

The Board of Directors met in turn at the homes of the members and had an hour of fellowship after the formal meeting was over This added much to the efficiency of the Board The club had a fine Ladies Night, an old time picnic, a joint meeting with Rotary and Lions, and several golf matches with these clubs.

This club had 100% meetings consecutively for four months Thirty-three members had 100% attendance for the year, and no member missed more than four meetings, Club was awarded the attendance trophy for the year The club celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary, held Kiwanis education meetings and was represented at the training school for club officers, the Mid-Winter Conference, and the International and the District conventions.

President J Wallace McClung, Secretary Frank L Ralsten
Membership Jan 1 - 58 Attendance 96%

The club contributed to the PTA's milk fund for under-nourished school children Performed 16 T and A operations.

The Boy and Girl Scout organizations were fostered, and they put on a program for the club, illustrating their objects and activities The Boy Scouts were aided in their campaign for the collection of waste paper The club also organized boys' baseball leagues, and furnished umpires.

Students were given information about vocations in which they were interested and a number were aided in securing employment for the summer.

Furnished candy to approximately 1,500 patients at the Ashton General Hospital for service men. It was responsible for the sale of $50,00000 worth of War Bonds Among the interesting programs given were those on: Farm Security, Citizenship, juvenile Delinquency, and The Value of Advertising.

Inter-club with District Governor, LG, Harrisonburg, Clifton Forge, and Waynesboro.

There was a joint meeting with Rotary and Lions, and an enjoyable picnic.

The club had Kiwanis Education programs, was represented at the Training School for Club officers, the Mid-Winter Conference, and the District Convention The "Keep America American" project was presented to the club, and its purpose explained.

On December 31, there were eleven members of the club in the armed forces.

(Volume 6)
PresidentT Moore Butler, Secretary Frank L Ralston
Membership Jan 1 - 60 Attendance 96%

Club had 10 tonsil removal operations performed on needy children Worked with local Scout Troup Sponsored a Pet show giving appropriate preizes Supervised Junior League baseball teams Took active part in the organization of a Community Chest with an emphasis on Youth Activities.

President John C House, Secretary DW Lydiat
Membership Jan 1 - 61 Attendance 100%

Put six radio bradcasts on teh general subject of Parental Responsiblities with six speakers talking on different phases of the subject Worked for bettering the High School Athletic programs Entertained the high school football squad at lucheon Arranged for 11 members to give addresses at the high school assemblies on Chossing a Vocation and to consult students entering various professions.

President Elmo M Smith, Secretary DW Lydiat
Membership Jan 1 - 70 Attendance 95 %

Contributed $25 to the extablishement of the Local Youth Center assisted town, county and shool officeals to promote vocational guidance and took part securing additional funds from the Board of Supervisors Made efforts to sponsoring a trade school Took part in all the local community drives and campaign to purchase the local hospital as a war memorial.

Division 02
President Ben F Sears Jr, Secretary Carl O Skoggard
Membership Jan 1 - 68 Attendance 91%
District Chair Kiwanis Education James E Steger
LG Ralph W Query

Sponsored all the 4-H club projects in the county Gave prizes in various projects Purchased a registered brood sow donated it to the most outstanding 4-H boy in Alleghany County The boy will donate one pig from each litter to some outstanding 4-H member who will continue the chain Sponsored a horse show to be an annual affair.

President Walter E Dondley, Secretary Carl O Skoggard
Membership Jan 1 - 71 Attendance 88%

District Chair Business Standards J Lacy Jordan

Sponsored a Brownie Troop Put on the Pet Show at teh municipal playground and gave prizes in the many classes Financed 13 tonsilectomy operation SPonsored 4-H activities the winners in six different projects.

President S M Reynolds, Secretary E K Scholz
Membership Jan 1 - 69 Attendance 93%

Sponsored the Brownie Troop and funished prizes for the contect of beautifying Virginia through the sale of scrubs Took an active part in the program of raing $15,000 for a complete Boy Scout Camp for the STonewall Jackson Area Council of the Boy Scouts or America Donated $50 for 4-H awards for outstanding accomplishments Held two meeting with the vocational guidance department and helped place several boys in jobs Financed 15 tonsilectomies Investigated 20 cases of deserving familites Donated 6 boxes of food and clothing to two needy families.

President John R Payne, Secretary S Kepple Pratt
Membership Jan 1 - 68 Attendance 90%

Continued sponsoring a 100 bushel per acre corn contest holding at the end of the season a meeting of all persons who have raised 100 bushels or more per acre are presented with cerfificates and the greatest producer with a trophy Purchased four wheel chairs at a cost of $300 presenting two of them to the local hospital and the other to the first aid squad Gave a banquet to 50 boys of teh 100 pound football teams in the local league.

(Volume 7)
President Thomas M Winn, Secretary George M Williams
Membership Jan 1 - 81 Attendance 85%

Division 02
PresidentCharles E Boyd Jr, Secretary R Lynn Graham
Membership Jan 1 - 73 Attendance 89%
LG John C House

President W H Leary, Secretary R Lynn Graham
Membership Jan 1 - 72 Attendance ?%

President Hollis L Cahoon, Secretary Robert Van Lear
Membership Jan 1 -70 Attendance 86%

President Jewel K Samples, Secretary Robert Littrell
Membership Jan 1 - 41 Attendance 82%

President ?, Secretary

President Thomas I Hardy, Secretary Willard H Leary

President Robert M Van Lear, Secretary Willard H Leary

President Jack Persinger, Secretary Charles H Walton

President William A House, Secretary Charles H Walton

President Roy L Reed, Secretary Charles H Walton

Division 02
President J Dudley Gardner, Secretary Charles H Walton
LG F Wallace McClung

President Russell P Smith, Secretary Charles H McKee

President Charles H Walton Secretary Charles H McKee

President David W Poole, Secretary Charles H Walton

President Henry C Cale, Secretary Charles H Walton

President Charles E Nichols, Secretary Charles H Walton

President David E Diamond Secretary Ben F Sears

President Morgan C Clutter, Secretary Ben F Sears

1969 - 1970
President James H Weaver, Secretary Ben F Sears

1970 - 1971
Division 02
President Kenny Bryant, Secretary Ben F Sears
LG David E Diamond

1971 - 1972
President Marvin W Livesay, Secretary Ben F Sears

1972 - 1973
President Joseph West, Secretary Ben F Sears

1973 - 1974
President Ben J Lacy, Secretary Ben F Sears

1974 - 1975
President Robert M Warren, Secretary Ben F Sears

1975 - 1976
President Ray K Bennington, Secretary Ben F Sears

1976 - 1977
Division 02
President O Paul Siple, Secretary Robert W Warren
LG John Lacy Jordan

1977 - 1978
President Edward W Gibson, Secretary Russell P Smith

1978 - 1979
President Frank J Eveline, Secretary Russell P Smith

1979 - 1980
President Richard C Dudley, Secretary Russell P Smith

1980 - 1981
President James L Oliver, Secretary Russell P Smith

1981 - 1982
President Darrell, B Cougar, Secretary Russell P Smith

1982 - 1983
President John R Yarbrough, Secretary Russell P Smith

1983 - 1984
President William W Jones, Secretary Russell P Smith

1984 - 1985
President Robert C Secretary Russell P Smith

1985 - 1986
President Michael B Warwick, Secretary Warren E Burch

1986 - 1987
President John H Stone, Secretary Kevin L Brown

1987 - 1988
President William E Sanders, Secretary Kevin L Brown

1988 - 1989
President Warren R Burch, Secretary Dewey C Martin Jr

1989 - 1990
President Nicholas J Moga, Secretary Warren R Burch

1990 - 1991
President Herbert W Taylor, Secretary Stanley D Heizer

1991 - 1992
President William J Williams, Secretary Gary L Wallace

1992 - 1993
President Raymond R Walton Jr, Secretary Gary L Wallace
Membership Oct 1 - 42

1993 - 1994
President Gregory Mooney, Secretary Jonathan P Rice
Membership Oct 1 - 50

1994 - 1995
President Gregory Mooney, Secretary Frank E Persinger Sr
Membership Oct 1 - 52

1995 - 1996
President Jonathan P Rice, Secretary Frank E Persinger Sr
Membership Oct 1 - 50

1996 - 1997
President Darryl W Rhodes, Secretary Frank E Persinger Sr
Membership Oct 1 - 54

1997 - 1998
Division 05
President Thomas F Gross, Secretary Frank E Persinger Sr
Membership Oct 1 - 53
Changed name to Allegany Highlands