Capital District Kiwanis History

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Organized April 5 1921 Chartered May 21 1921
Key #00452 15th District Club
Sponsor Roanoke Kiwanis
Divisions 03 02 05
KI Revoked Charter October 7 1993

Division 03
(Volume 1)
( Jed Wilson, Ira J Payne, John R Payne Jr)
President E A Snead, Secretary Ira J Payne

Officers: Vice President Thomas J Wilson, Secretary Treasurer Ira J Payne, Trustee George O Greene and 8 board members The total membership at organization was 72.

The first meeting of the club was held in the dining room of the Clifton Forge Baptist Church and was largely attended by its members We had with us on this occasion George Selig, Field Secretary of the Kiwanis International, and also a delegation from the Roanoke Kiwanis Club, who sponsored this club.

We received our charter on May 24, 1921 It was delivered by J D Hank, Jr, Governor of the Capital District, of Richmond, Virginia.

The club has been very active since its organization Its real service to the community was the selling of thirty thousand dollars of city school bonds, it being necessary to make sale of these bonds in order to keep the schools running.

Road signs have been put up at various places on the highways within a radius of 25 miles of Clifton Forge, advertising this city and our Kiwanis Club The cost of these signs was more than eight hundred dollars.

President F W King, Vice President C P Nair Jr
Secretary Tresurer John R Payne Jr, Trustee E A Snead
Sponsor Staunton club

During 1922, the club contributed to the following: gave the library of the high school an encyclopedia cost $150 Assisted Coast Artillery, local post of American Legion and band to equip their quarters; donated to the support of our local baseball club; gave teachers of our city school a big picnic; held farmers' day, which was largely attended, contributed $250 to the Boys Home at Covington, Virginia, for the support of one boy for a year.

This club has the distinction of dedicating one of the oldest churches in Alleghany County Sharon Church was -built in 1892 And the rebuilding was completed and ready for dedication on July 16, 1922 This is a union church and the building cost approximately three thousand dollars and was fully paid for when dedicated As the church had not beau furnished, a collection was taken on this date and the nice sum of $225 was raised for this purpose.

The dedication was held in the afternoon at 3:30 PM, and every person taking part was a Kiwanian, a member of the Clifton Forge Kiwanis Club, including the minister, who preached the sermon The Kiwanis quartet rendered several selections; Swinton Roadcap, a member of the quartet sang a solo The attendance at this service was so large that only one-third of those present were able to gain admission into the church.

Christmas, 1922, this club was very active In seeing that the needy were looked after in a very substantial way There were three hundred and fifty dollars donated for this cause.

President W T Wade Jr, Vice President H R Thompson
Secretary Treasurer Jed Wilson, Trustee W F Tinsley
Sponsor Covington Club

One of the big events of this club was the Kiwanis Musicale held April 19, 1923, in Clifton Forge and was also put on at Covington on April 20 The club realized the large sum of eight hundred dollars from this, to be put into a charity fund.

We have donated fifty dollars to the Children's Home Society of Virginia and will present a very handsome loving cup to the winner of the contest of the Federation of Men's Bible Classes of this City.

This club has always sent large delegations to the International Kiwanis Convention and District Convention, and has been represented at all meetings of Trustees; it has been active in placing signs at cross roads, directing tourists Our Ladies Night have been largely attended and a great success.

We sponsored the Staunton Kiwanis Club, chartered a Pullman car and had 35 of our members present on the date of the presentation of the charter to this club.

The club boasts of the best Kiwanis quartette in Kiwanis International.

The doctors of our club are arranging for an orthopedic clinic, to be held at the expense of this club.

We feel that we have accomplished a great deal, but there is much ahead of us which this club can accomplish and which will not Only be a credit to the club but will be of real service to the community.

Division 02
(Volume 2)
(George H Vermilya)
President H R Thompson, Secretary G H Vermilya
Trustee J C Carpenter Jr

The club was very active during the year Our main objective was the helping of the crippled and underprivileged child, and this work was carried on at all times Clinics were held every other month at the C 0 Hospital through the kindness of Dr Emmett and were very well attended Over sixty children were helped and one boy seven years of age, who had never walked, was sent to the University Hospital and operated on He was sent home after three months very much improved and will be able to get around by himself These clinics were presided over by Dr Allen Voschell of the University Hospital at Charlottesville, Virginia Five hundred dollars was appropriated from the charity fund for this work.

We were influential in getting the Atlantic and Pacific Highway located through Clifton Forge and were active in local highway work throughout the year.

The District Loving Cup was delivered by us to the Staunton Club on February 25, the Rev H B Cross making the presentation During the spring months representatives of this club visited every club in this zone in order to promote goodfellowship between the several clubs Twenty-one members of the Covington Club and several from Richmond, Lynchburg and Alexandria were entertained by us on Inter-Club Day, April 24 We also had two Ladies' Nights, one in February at the Methodist Church and the other in July at Old Sweet Springs, West Virginia Both occasions were very enjoyable.

The delegates in attendance at the American Funeral Benefit Association Convention held here in June were treated to a ride to Hot Springs and given a luncheon at the Methodist Church A meeting of the club was also held at the ball park during August and all the children given plenty of ice cream.

Early in the summer a baseball team was organized and games were played with Covington and with the local fire department Over four hundred dollars were realized from this source and applied to our charity work.

Nineteen of our members, including our quartette, attended the District Convention at Norfolk The quartette was often called on and received much applause, especially on Stunt Night At this convention our Past President, Floyd W King, was elected a Lieutenant- Governor.

The Christmas Cheer Committee raised about three hundred and fifty dollars and scattered cheer in over twenty needy homes, donating clothing, food and toys.

Division 02
President John R Payne Jr, Vice President A H Grimsley
Secretary Treasurer George H Vermilya, Trustee A C Ford
LG Floyd W King

This year was not as full of spectacular accomplishments as some previous years, yet the club accomplished a great deal and forged steadily ahead Our main objective was again work for the underprivileged child The first of this year Virginia was divided into ten orthopedic districts This club was in the tenth district under Dr Kyle of Lynchburg The work wds greatly hindered by the lack of proper hospital facilities Our local committee under the chairmanship of Dr H R Thompson spent a great deal of time with Dr Kyle trying tp get the work organized not only in this district but throughout the State This club is entitled to receive credit for helping in the completion of these plans

Clinics were held at the C 0 Hospital every other month throughout the year and a good many children were helped and their mothers were taught how to care for them

We also appropriated $800 to employ a physio-therapist nurse for six months on condition that the Covington Club would do likewise They decided, however, not to participate in this work and the matter had to be abandoned We advanced money to a young lady in the underprivileged class to enable her to enter training as a nurse

Beginning this year we adopted the plan of passing the banks around the tables at each meeting to raise money for our underprivileged child work This plan of financing proved a success and kept that fund in good condition

The Finance Committee raised $510 by private subscription from the members to pay all the debts of the club At the suggestion of this committee it was decided to increase the dues to $20 a year, beginning with 1926

We took part in public affairs as follows: By sending a committee to Lexington, we suceeded in having the Brattens Run Road put in good shape Three new bridges have been put in and the road changed so as to cut out all other fords We also helped to get the Clifton Forge-Covington Road rebuilt

Two Ladies' Nights were held during the year, both well attended and big successes On All Kiwanis Night we entertained the local fire company and carried out the regular prescribed program

The attendance this year was above the average We lost six members and did not take in any new ones The loss of these members, however, did not materially affect the club as they were all suspended for nonattendance

About thirty of our members attended the District Convention at Staunton and helped in the entertainment part of the program Our quartette has sung at a good many conventions', banquets and other gatherings and helped keep the name of Clifton Forge before the public

The Christmas Cheer Committee raised and expended $360, bringing happiness and goodwill into twenty homes of the unfortunate of this community

John R Payne Jr
President Dr W H F Miller, Vice President B F Donovan
Secretary Treasurer George H Vermilya
Trustee W T Wade Jr

On account of the merger of the Virginia Western Power Company with the Virginia Public Service Company, we lost several of our most active members this year This merger also compelled three memberi of our quartette to remove from this city, which was a blow to the club We gained several new members but not enough to off set our loss However, these new members are all good working Kiwanians

Our attendance during 1926 was much below normal, due mostly to the fact that a good many members were compelled to be out of town most of the time Notwith-standing the loss in membership and the poor attendance mentioned above, we were not idle but accomplished some very worthy and commendable objects in both a civic and charitable way Some of the civic accomplishments were:

    A movement was started in this club sponsoring a white way for this city Prizes were offered to both high and grammar schools for the best essay on Why Clifton Forge Needs a White Way? A great deal of interest was manifested by the children, and although nothing has developed as yet, we are still keeping the matter before the public and hope to put it over later

Lights with the words Clifton Forge on the globes were placed on the Clifton Forge- Selma bridge over Jackson River and are being maintained at the expense of the club and a few individual members

Cars were furnished on several occasions to assist in the entertainment of delegates in attendance at conventions held here during the year In May we entertained all the boys of the High School graduating class and the male members of the faculty, giving a prize to every boy One of our city boys was sent to Lynchburg, Virginia, during August to take part in a tennis tournament

On All Kiwanis Night we had the members of the city fire department as our guests Two hundred and twenty-nine dollars were collected for Florida relief and paid over tb the Red Cross A Chamber of Commerce was organized here and membership was taken by the club Members of the club also help in its organization

This club in conjunction with the Covington-Clifton Forge Civic Committee was very active the past two years trying to get money appropriated to build the Lexington Clifton Forge Highway At last, largely through the efforts of Past President E A Snead, a member of the House of Delegates, the State Highway Commission appropriated four hundred and twenty thousand dollars for this project.

A movement to have a regional Scout executive appointed for this section and to erect a permanent Scout camp in connection with this movement was sponsored by the club.

Our committee was not idle during 1926 in underprivileged child work New braces were provided for a boy already under our care We also paid for this boy's schooling Another boy was sent to Dr Kyle in Lynchburg, Virginia, and received treatment for a bad curvature of the spine, preparatory to an operation Dr Kyle also treated a boy for a bony protuberance on his clavicle School books were provided for a number of children whose parents were unable to buy them In all, $275 was expended on these cases.

This year the Christmas Cheer Committee raised about $350 and expended it among eighteen families, enabling them to have a comfortable and happy Christmas.

Division 05
(George H Vermilya)
President J P Nair Jr, Secretary George H Vermiya
Trustee M B Lewis

1927 was a year of steady plodding and not one of spectacular achievements; and, while it may seem to a good many of our members that we accomplish very little as a club, yet, we really did a good bit of Building.

We closed the year with the same number members as we began, starting with 49 active, five honorary and closing with fifty active and five honorary We have lost several by non-attendance and one by death and have gained four new members, two by transfer and two as new Kiwanians We feel that at least ninety per cent of our present members are good active workers and thorough Kiwanians.

Our attendance this year has not been anywhere near what it should be This can be accounted for in several ways, but the main reasons are that a good many members have had to be away from town a good deal and there has been more sickness among us than usual.

This club sponsored the organizing of Stonewall Jackson Council Boy Scouts of America in the fall of 1926, and the work has been actively carried on throughout this year The special committee in charge of this movement, under the leadership of Kiwanian L F Pendleton, is to be commended very highly for the great work they have done, and are doing, in promoting this work among our boys.

The Covington-Clifton Forge Civic Committee, of which this club is an active part, was busy all the year giving its attention to the promotion of better highways It was successful (with the help of several other organizations and individuals) in getting the State Highway' Commission to ap-propriate enough funds to finish the Mid-land Trail from Crow Tavern to Lexington, VA.

District Highway Meeting at Lexington, Va Attended by 20 Kiwanians called by Gov Byrd and the State Highway Commission, on August 27 We were guests of the Lexington Kiwanis and Rotary Clubs.

Kiwanis cars have been furnished several times throughout the year to assist in entertaining conventions and show visiting delegates the beauties of the surrounding country.

A ball game was staged on July 8, with the local firemen The proceeds of this game, amounting to over $20000, were donated to the City Playground Commission The majority of the members of this club took active part in helping the Chamber of Commerce make a success of this movement.

We met with the Covington Club on March 6, and were guest clubs at Staunton for District Inter-Club Week, with eighteen members attending Observed U S Canada Week and All Kiwanis Night We held a County Supervisors Meeting in June in charge of the Public Affairs Committee The Public Affairs Committee arranged with the C0RR for more parking space at the depot.

Two Ladies' Nights were held during the year Good speakers, good music, prizes for the ladies and lots of good clean fun were the leading features of these occasions At two of our regular meetings we entertained the boys of the High School graduating class and the male members of the faculty and the boys of the Hi-Y club.

Our programs have been exceptionally good and well arranged A good many have been in charge of standing committees, and every special occasion and program suggested by International has been carried out We have also had some very interesting speakers Several excellent musical programs were put on in charge of the Music Committee.

Club delegates and the District Trustee have attended all International and District meetings.

Several clinics, under the direction of Dr Bernard Kyle of Lynchburg, Va (Orthopedist) and the Women's Club have provided many children help The Community Nurse receives our support We are caring for four crippled children who are receiving hospital treatment All of these children are showing marked signs of improvement About $60000 has been spent in this work.

On July 9, we suffered our first loss by death W F Tinsley, one of our charter members, and a true Kiwanian, died very suddenly while en route from Charlottesville, Va, to this city in his auto Every member of this club keenly felt his death.

As usual every club member carried on the Christmas cheer work $320 was raised and used to bring Christmas cheer to over 15 homes.

(Volume 3)
(By the History Committee, George H Vermilya, Chairman)
President M Botts Lewis, Vice President L W C Johnson
Secretary Treasurer George H Vermiya Trustee C P Wetmore
Directors B B McCutchan, T C Bales, J W Whiteside
E A McMullan, H Blankinship, L F Higgins and C C Walton

The year 1928 has passed by very quickly, and while we have practically accomplished everything we had planned for the year, yet nothing spectacular has been done The year's attendance was above average till July It fell off for the year for a total of 65%.

Our membership started with 47 active members and ended with 48 We were forced to drop several for non-attendance, but as a whole our members attended all the meetings when possible Three members were absent on account of sickness.

The Program Committee earned the commendation of the members by the fine programs during the year A well gotten-up program was provided for each meeting All special International and District programs were carried out and every standing and special committee of the club had charge of one or more meetings.

Our civic activities included the following:

The Community Nurse Association had the backing of every Kiwanian during the year We helped the association financially

Two prizes were given to the school children in connection with the public health work in the schools The prizes were given for the best five point posters made by the children

Four hundred dollars was raised to make repairs to the grand stand at the playground We sponsored ticket sales for a ball game to raise $130 for the playground repairs

A committee was appointed to act with other civic clubs in Covington, Lexington and this city to formulate plans for a celebration to be held in the spring of 1929 when the Midland Trail is completed from White Sulphur, West Virginia, to Lexington, Virginia

Only one inter-club meeting was held this year, that being at Covington, on May 25 Nineteen of our members attended

Under the head of entertainment, we can report that a Boys' Night was held on May 17 The boys, who were entertained, included those of the senior class of the High School The men of the faculty were also present A Ladies' Night was held in November and was one of the best we have ever had

On account of the distance, no delegate was sent to the International Convention at Seattle All District meetings were attended by members of this club including the Tenth Anniversary meeting of the Capital District held in Washington, D C, on August 29

Twelve committees representing every member of the club brought cheer and happiness into nineteen needy homes and to all of our crippled children at Christmas $25450 was expended in this way.

(George H Vermilya)
President J W C Johnson, Secretary George H Vermiya
Trustee Jed Wilson

1929 was a year of plodding smoothly along, and, while nothing very spectacular was accomplished, Kiwanis held its place in the community.

We started the year with 46 active members and closed with 42, several having resigned or moved away and one active member, B M Fontaine, having died We lost one honorary member by death, Mr E D Moody having died after an illness of nearly two years Both were charter members of the club.

The average attendance for the year was 71% better than last year but still not as good as it should be.

Our Program and Music Committees provided us with good programs and good musical entertainment at practically every meeting Every important committee had charge of one or more programs Appropriate programs and meetings were arranged for all special occasions suggested by International and District Organizations.

Chamber of Commerce The club continued to hold membership in this organization and to help in every way possible in the activities of that body Road Signs A Kiwanis road sign was placed at each of the three entrances to the city On May 14, the club members furnished cars to convey members of the State Federation of Labor, in convention in this city, to White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia One June 14, $100 was donated from the club treasury to the Stonewall Jackson Council of Boy Scouts.

The club sponsored entertainment on November 7, at the new High School Auditorium, to raise funds to equip the High School Library $375 was raised for that purpose.

The Senior Class and Faculty of the High School were entertained at a supper meeting on April 23 Dr William M Brown, of the Lexington Club, spoke on Vocational Guidance Dr Henry A Converse of the Harrisonburg Club and LTG of this Division, was also a speaker guest Scout executives and patrol leaders were our luncheon guests on June 11.

On November 21, we held our only Ladies' Night A fine occasion with a good program Rev Zeb V Robertson of the Roanoke Club, and A L Bennett of the Charlottesville Club were our speaker guests.

We entertained 66 members from Covington Club at the Cliftondale Country Club during Inter-Club Week.

Several clinics have been held in conjunction with the Women's Club and under the direction of Dr Bernard Kyle, of Lynchburg Good many children were helped On April 30, we entertained Dr Kyle at our meeting and had several children present who had been helped by the club

The club was officially represented at all such meetings The club was divided into 11 committees, every member being on a committee, and the sum of $24250 was used to bring Christmas cheer into 17 homes

(Volume 4)
President George H Vermiya Secretary Lawrence F Higgins
Trustee W H Smith Jr

This year has been one of general depression in a business way in this community; but notwithstanding that, Kiwanis has more than held its own in every way and really closed the year in a better condition than it started

We were one of the few clubs in the Capital District to make a gain in membership We started with 42 members and closed with 48, a net gain of 6 Members showing interest in all club affairs; however, as in all other clubs, the Attendance Committee had to be everlastingly on the job, working on a few of the indifferent ones Our average for the year was 75%

We have always had excellent singing at all meetings, due to the leadership of Mrs W H F Miller, wife of Kiwanian W H F Miller, M D, pianist, and Kiwanians Swinton Roadcap and Jack Johnson, song leaders The Program Committee had a good program for every meeting; every important standing committee having had charge of one or more meetings, and the Kiwanis Education Committee taking charge of introducing and explaining Kiwanis to all new members Appropriate programs were carried out for all special International and District occasions National Music Week was also observed with a special program

We entertained a number of nationally known American Legion officials, National Commander Bodenhamer, State Commander Roszel, and Major General John A LeJeune, former Commander of the U S Marines, being among the speakers

District Governor Jesse Binford and Division LTG E R Rogers paid us official visit Among the guests were John S Helms, who spoke on Radio Development Miss Carrie Tucker local Red Cross Nurse spoke on the work of her office Miss Claudia Hamilton spoke on Public Utilities Mr James Schermerhorn spoke on Modern Russia Dr William P Gilmer spoke on the X-ray At several meet-ings we had members of the high school debating team address us

Boy Scouts: We assisted in raising around $500 for carrying on this work and had a special meeting with a number of Scouts and Scout leaders present as guests Conventions: Cars were furnished to take delegates to all visiting conventions on sight-seeing tours High school: Assisted in beautifying grounds at new high school The County Supervisors were entertained at a meeting in their honor The club continued its support to the City Welfare Board

Under the direction of the Vocational Guidance Committee the faculty and senior class of the high school was entertained LTG E R Rogers, of Covington, Va, and Professor Zehmer, of the University of Virginia, were our speaker guests and spoke along the lines of Vocational Guidance The club holds an annual meeting of this kind

The first Ladies Night was held on April 4, the 10th anniversary of the founding of the club All 10 presidents were assigned places on the program and each gave a talk on their accomplishments We had a real Kiwanis home coming with our original Kiwanis Quartette as special guests D r H R Thompson was the only past president absent, being detained on account of illness The second Ladies Night was held, LTG Francis Hume Scott, of Roanoke, Va, was our speaker

During District Inter-Club Week, it was our privilege entertain the Lexington and Covington clubs This was the best attended meeting held in this Division Each club took an active part on the program The Division Inter-Club Meeting held at Lexington, Va, at which every club in the Division was represented

We now have four children under our care and receiving hospital treatment About $250 was used in this work We divided tile membership into committees of four and brought Christmas cheer into 15 destitute homes The sum of $265 was spent in this work

Delegates from our club were present at all International and District meetings

President W G Surber, Secretary Lawrence F Higgins
Trustee John W Whiteside

We helped directly four children, spending $200 on these cases A meeting was devoted a report of our orthopedic work

We had the Senior Class of the high -school as our dinner guests with a speaker on Vocational Guidance and Placement Several members of the club addressed the high school assembly along the lines of their particular businesses

We attended an inter-club meeting at Covington with about 25 of our members present The Lexington club was also represented with a good many of their members Representatives of the Charlottesville, Lexington, and Harrisonburg clubs Our club has put on programs at Harrisonburg, Lexington and Charlottesville

Under the direction of the Public Affairs Committee and in conjunction with the Retail Merchants Association and Chamber of Commerce we made a good will trip to Goshen VA about 30 miles away and had a meeting on a church lawn. The club has observed all special occasions as laid out by International using tile suggestions as sent out by it By use of our cars, we helped entertain the State American Legion Convention held here in August. At Christmas time 20 families were furnished with food, clothing and fuel at a cost of about $300

Division 05
President J C Carpenter Jr, Secretary Lawrence F Higgins
Membership Jan 1 - 46 Attendance 71%
LG George H Vermilya

Raised $135 for Under-privileged Work and donated it to Children the Milk Fund It had a Boy Scout meeting and later supported the Scout Program bv rais-ing funds to help finance the Shenandoah Scout Area

In Public Affairs had the following topics: The Observance of Traffic Laws, Unemployment and Putting More Men to Work, The Work of the Retail Merchants Association, Present Day Problems of the Railroads, The Reconstruction Finance Corporation, and Childhood Education

The club sent a flying squadron to Covington and to Charlottesville and put on programs there and had programs put on at home by flying squadrons from Harrisonburg, Staunton, and Charlottesville, and attend (led an inter-club meeting at Lexington It also sent delegates to the Division meeting at Lexington the Mid-Winter Conference, the District Convention and the International Convention, and furnished a LTG or during this year

The club put on an inter-club Ladies Night at Natural Bridge with representatives from Lexington, Roanoke and Salem

President R S Roadcap, Secretary Lawrence F Higgins
Membership Jan 1 - 41 Attendance 75%

The club raised $500 and spent the money on Under-privileged Child Work and Boys and Girls Work Raised $100 for Christmas baskets Presented a US flag to Camp Malone, a CCC Camp Attended two inter-club meetings at Lexington and put on a successful Ladies Night

Celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary, All Kiwanis Night and Constitution Week with appropriate programs It field a special inter-club meeting in honor of the visit of the District Governor at which the Roanoke, Salem, Covington, Danville and Harrisonburg clubs were represented, and had at another meeting the Lieutenant-Governor as guest speaker

Club sent delegates to the Division meeting, the Mid-Winter Conference and the District Convention and had co-representation with the Staunton club at the International Convention

President Wirt L Davis, Secretary Lawrence F Higgins
Membership Jan 1 - 30 Attendance 76%

The club had one program on Under- privileged Child Work Raised $150, visited 15 families and found out their needs, bought the things they needed and delivered them on Christmas Eve

The club had two fine meetings on Boys and Girls Work, and a Boy Scout program, The club celebrated Lee's Birthday and Washington's Birthday It had two prograins on Home Ownership and one each on Business Principles, Hotel Business and Old Age Pensions and held one meeting at Camp Douthat, a CC Camp in the neighborhood The Covington club put on one program An inter-club meeting was held with Covington on Charter Night The club had a Ladies Night, a picnic, and a program put on entirely by the ladies

Celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary with a Kiwanis Education program Attended the Mid-Winter Conference, District and International Conventions

President James B Hawkins, Secretary Lawrence F Higgins
Membership Jan 1 - 40 Attendance 77%

The club put on the President's Birthday Party consisting of a show, a dance and a bridge party, 70% Of the proceeds to go to the U P Child Fund Played baseball with the Lions for the benefit of this fund and raised $200 on its Free Will Offering for Christmas baskets Programs on the need of a Nutrition Camp, two on U P Child Work Programs on Scouting, the CC Camps and another devoted to the general topic of Boys and Girls Work, Vocational Guidance, and held one Farmers Meeting in the County Held a City Fathers' Day and had programs on Public Relations, Social Work, the Work of the Chamber of Commerce, the Railroads, two on Taxes and one on Know Your Own City

Held an inter-club meeting with Covington and a big meeting with Covington and Lexington at Natural Bridge Held a joint meeting with Rotary and Lions, had three Ladies Nights and a picnic with baseball and swimming and a surprise luncheon with the program put on by the ladies

It had two programs on Kiwanis Education, celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary, entertained the LTG, sent delegates to the District Convention Sent officers to the LTGs Training School for Club Officers

President Edward G Rice, Secretary Lawrence F Higgins
Membership Jan 1 - 36 Attendance 67%

The club had a program on U P Child Work It held a Bazaar and raised $650 for this work It spent $10 on tickets for U P Children to attend a Musical and raised $203 for Christmas baskets for poor families The club had a program on Boys and Girls Work, and one put on by Boy Scouts It contributed $100 to Scout Work and raised $315 more The club had one meeting in the county

Had programs on Vocational Guidance, Americanism, The Red Cross, Transportation, Business Standards and the FHA

The club hosted Covington, Roanoke, Lexington, Staunton and Harrisonburg In every instance but one the visiting club put on the program Had 3 meetings with Lions A picnic and a big night meeting with 40 businessmen as guests

Had two programs on Kiwanis Education Entertained the LTG Sent representatives to the Mid-Winter Conference and to the International and District Conventions

Division 05
President E Ashton McMullen, Secretary Lawrence F Higgins
Membership Jan 1 - 45 Attendance 77%
LG Swinton Roadcap

The club gave a Bazaar and an Operetta for its U P Child Fund It sent a crippled child to the Hospital It furnished turkeys for Thanksgiving dinner for 100 children and donated $160 to the needy The club had programs put on by the Hi-Y and by the High School Orchestra It sponsored a girls baseball team and entertained the high school graduates, It had a program devoted to Boys and Girls Work It had a program on Vocational Guidance and other programs, on Safety First, Forestry, the C&0 Railroad, Labor, Employer and Employee, Home and the Schools an World Travel

The club sent a large delegation to Roanoke, bad two inter-club meetings with Lexington and took the Log to Covington It had a Ladies Night and a Ladies Picnic at Douthat Park It had four programs on Kiwanis Education and sent delegates to the International and the District Conventions

(Volume 5)
President Sam Y Clarke, Secretary Lawrence F Higgins
Membership Jan 1 - 50 Attendance 78%

Planned a Bazaar to clear $2,000 for its Community Fund It did some work at the Boys Camp, gave $500 for T B Seals and $10 to the colored school cafeteria The members contributed $100 for the club's Christmas work Sponsored a junior baseball team, gave $25 to the Boy Scouts and had a program on Play Grounds in Relation to Boys and Girls

The Vocational Guidance Committee had weekly talks given by members of the club on their various vocations to the freshman class at the high school

The club placed the Kiwanis Magazine in the libraries of the high school and of the YMCA, had one luncheon at the school cafeteria, and put up highway signs on the roads leading into the city It had programs on Syphilis, Business Standards, China, Japan, Rayon, Fishing and Hunting, Safety, Building and Loan Associations, The work of the NYA, Fire Prevention, Inter-City Baseball, The Government in Business, and Kiwanis and the Church

Inter-club meetings in Harrisonburg and Covington Played softball, had 2 joint meetings with Lions and had an outdoor meeting at the camp of one of its members

It celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary and Constitution Week, held five Kiwanis education meetings, entertained the Lieutenant-Governor and was represented at the International and District conventions

President Howard R Larrick, Secretary Lawrence F Higgins
Membership Jan 1 - 45 Attendance 82%

Instead of the annual Bazaar a free will offering by members of the club was made to raise funds for the crippled children's work The club gave $1000 to the camp for the underprivileged girls and raised $13800 for Christmas baskets for indigent families

It entertained the American Legion's boy’s baseball team, champions of the State, had a program put on by the school children, and one by the high school Glee club It devoted one meeting to discussion of the Boy's Camp and had a program on Citizenship

The club worked for a new settling basin Inter-clubs with Staunton, Harrisonburg and Covington.

President Milton B Whiting, Secretary Lawrence F Higgins
Membership Jan 1 - 42 Attendance 75%

Spent $700 on crippled children, furnished glasses where needed and joined other organizations in sponsoring a summer camp for boys and girls It had a Community Welfare program for Christmas in which indigent families were helped

The club sponsored distribution of thoroughbred hogs throughout the county to 4-H Clubs, with the promise that each year some boy is to get one thoroughbred hog, thus improving the breed in the county

Put on Vocational Guidance programs in the high schools and by radio addresses

Sponsored the public highways for safety Inter-clubs Staunton and was host to Harrisonburg bringing the Plaque, held an inter-club meeting with Covington at which the Rotary and Lions Clubs of both towns were guests

It celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary and All-Kiwanis Week, was represented at all District and Division meetings and entertained the LG

President Lawrence C McGuire, Secretary Lawrence F Higgins
Membership Jan 1 - 48 Attendance 75%

Raised $150 for Christmas baskets for indigent families Gave $10 to send a boy to Boy State, helped to establish a Band Camp, aided in the Junior Chamber of Commerce, and the Boy Scouts, entertained the high school football team

Inter-club meetings with Lexington and Covington

Celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary and All-Kiwanis Night, entertained the LG and was represented at all District and Division meetings and the International convention

President Carter B Gallagher, Secretary Lawrence F Higgins
Membership Jan 1 - 38 Attendanc 86%

Raised $176 to supply 16 families with Christmas baskets according to their needs, $66 on crippled child work

Had a program on Boys and Girls work and one put on by high school sophomores, entertained the football team and had lunch for members’ sons and daughters

Raised six $2500 Defense Bonds as members bought $5 books and stamps for under privilege children Club entertained the Volunteer Fire, aided the Red Cross canteen, about 150 people Interesting pros were given on Home

President Raymond E Sanders, Secretary Lawrence F Higgins
Membership Jan 1 - 35 Attendance 81%

Club continued work with under privileged children that was begun in 1942

On December 31, the club had three members in the Armed Forces

(Volume 6)
President Paul G Hook, Secretary Lawrence F Higgins
Membership Jan 1 - 30 Attendance 89%

Spent $84,65 on five crippled children Took active part in the drives for Infantile Paralysis, Community Chest, Red Cross, YMCA and Boy Scouts Aided in the collection of waste paper Aided the chamber of commerce

Division 05
President E Wiley Fortune, Secretary Lawrence F Higgins
Membership Jan 1 - 32 Attendance 90%
LG Paul G Hook

Raised money for underprivileged child work by individual contributions from members Took care of nine tonsil operation cases Care for seventeen needy families at Christmas furnishing food, clothing, fuel

President E E Bradley, Secretary Lawrence F Higgins
Membership Jan 1 - 29 Attendance 95%

Worked steadly for the betterment of the city Continued aid to underprivileged children Raised money to aid needy families

President Elmer C Westerman, Secretary Lawrence F Higgins
Membership Jan 1 - 34 Attendance 95%

Club put on a show to reaise money for welfare work Contributed liberally to funds for Memorial Stadium Continued work with underprivileged children

President J C Goodwin, Secretary Lawrence F Higgins
Membership Jan 1 - 36 Attendance 90%

Club assisted in raining $2,200 for Boy Scout District Organized softball team and played other teams Played Donkey Baseball game the proceeds went to the Memorial Park fund Aided in raising $10,500 for Memorial Park lights

President ?, Secretary Lawrence F Higgins

President Walter J Mayhews, Secretary Lawrence F Higgins
Membership Jan 1 - 34 Attendance 89%

Organized baseball league for teenage boys playing a full schedule Award trohies and gold baseballs for outstanding ability and sportsmanship Joined with Lions and Elks to sponsor a Halloween Program

(Volume 7)
President Seldon Plumley, Secretary Lawrence F Higgins
Membership Jan 1 - 39 Attendance 82%

President William Goode Secretary Lawrence F Higgins
Membership Jan 1 - 35 Attendance 87%

President Henry C Wood, Secretary Lawrence F Higgins
Membership Jan 1 - 39 Attendance 86%

Division 05
President Henry C Wood, Secretary Lawrence F Higgins
Membership Jan 1 - 38 Attendance 85%
LG William Goode

President C L Crumett, Secretary Carter B Gallagher
Membership Jan 1 - 40, Attendance 87%

President ?, Secretary Carter B Gallagher

President Milan B Cater, Secretary Carter B Gallagher

President Bertis E Downs Jr, Secretary Carter B Gallagher

President E R Massie Jr, Secretary Eugene M Downs

President Dr Louis A Houff, Secretary Eugene M Downs

President Claude F Jones, Secretary Eugene M Downs

President Herbert L King, Secretary M Ted Wynne Jr

President Ben P Knight Jr, Secretary M Ted Wynne Jr

Division 05
President Charles W East, Secretary M Ted Wynne Jr
LG Herbie L King

President Allen C Simon, Secretary Hunter B Oliver Jr

President Ciff H Booker, Secretary Robert G Hughes

President Norman c Scott, Secretary Robert G Hughes

President William M Dowdy, Secretary Larry J Vass Sr

President Sherman Henson, Secretary Frank L Ralsten

1969 - 1970
President Ashton L Trice, Secretary Frank L Ralstan

1970 - 1971
President Roland Flach, Secretary William M Dowdy

1971 - 1972
President Vita Pierannunizi, Secretary William M Dowdy

1972 - 1973
President Marvin J Swalm, Secretary William M Dowdy

1973 - 1974
President Clarence V Lucas, Secretary William M Dowdy

1974 - 1975
President Gerald V Edwards, Secretary William M Dowdy

1975 - 1976
President James N Collie, Secretary Frank E Persinger Sr

1976 - 1977
President Donald L Tipton, Secretary Frank E Persinger Sr

1977 - 1978
President Joseph H Wood, Secretary Frank E Persinger Sr

1978 - 1979
President Henry L Hank Bagbey, Secretary Frank E Persinger Sr

1979 - 1980
President Joe T Evans, Secretary Frank E Persinger Sr

1980 - 1981
President Jim Eller, Secretary Frank E Persinger Sr

1981 - 1982
President Thomas P Dean, Secretary Frank E Persinger Sr

1982 - 1983
President Colin P Ferguson, Secretary Frank E Persinger Sr

1983 - 1984
President Cloin P Ferguson, Secretary Frank E Persinger Sr

1984 - 1985
No Officers Listed

1985 - 1986
President Joseph C Sargeant, Secretary Cletus B Anderson

1986 - 1987
President Cletus B Anderson, Secretary Frank E Persinger Sr

1987 - 1988
President Rev Donald Morris, Secretary Frank E Persinger Sr

1988 - 1989
President Donald F Miller, Secretary Frank E Persinger Sr

1989 - 1990
President Joseph H Wood, Secretary Frank E Persinger Sr

1990 - 1991
President Larry J Vass Jr, Secretary Frank E Persinger Sr

1991 - 1992
President J W Bob Vent, Secretary Frank E Persinger Sr

1992 - 1993
President Roger L Bush, Secretary Frank E Persinger Sr

1993 - 1994
No Officers Listed
KI Revoked Charter October 7 1993