Capital District Kiwanis History

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Organizated February 9 1923 Chartered March 27 1929
Key #00960 29th District Club
Sponsor Richmond Kiwanis
Zone Divisions 04 01 10 02
Regions NoVa | National Capital

Zone Division 04
(Volume 1 J W Adams)
President J W Adams, Secretary John Eastwood
Trustee W B F Cole

The Kiwanis spirit was wafted to Fredericksburg early in February 1923, and when Field Representative J Van Borchett arrived in the city he found considerable activity With assistance and co-operation of the Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, a temporary organization was soon effected and the first meeting was held February 9 The following officers were elected and installed: J Adams, President; Simon Hirsh Vice-president; John Eastwood, Secretary, and W Mayo Smith, Treasurer Directors consisted of Claude Parcell, C Merideth, S Scott, F Feuerherd, D Bowman, W Thompson, and C Goolrick District Trustee, W Cole.

70 men were signed up as charter members and on March 27 Governor Lintner paid the club an official visit and presented the charter This occasion was a brilliant one, the Governor of Virginia, the Mayor of the city and splendid delegations of Kiwanians from Alexandria, Washington, Richmond, and Ashland being present and many ladies gracing the occasion.

The club started immediately to function and has been a decided influence for progress in the community The schools have received special attention and silver cups have been offered in the Hig and the State Normal School to the student accomplishing most for the school The faculties of the High School and of the Elementary School of the city have been entertained and the club has been the host at several functions in honor of visiting guests Meetings are held weekly at the Princess Anne Hotel at 6:30.

(Volume 2)
President Dr Sidney L Scott, Secretary S Taylor Scott
Trustee Jere M H Willis
Membership 75

The club adopted as its chief objective for 1924 the establishment of a municipal playground and athletic field We attended an Inter-Club Meeting at Alexandria.

The Kiwanis activity for the year 1924 in addition to work for cripples and underprivileged children was largely devoted to the attendance of its principal local object, the establishing of a playground for the children of the city.

Raised $3,000 at the indoor fair that was greatly aided by the co-operation of all the members, town business men as well as by a great many ladies of Fredericksburg As a result of this effort, this money was placed in the hands of a committee and later was used to complete the object.

The very hearty Support which the Kiwanis gave to the Harvest Festival contributed largely to the success of that festival and found that the people of Fredericksburg looked forward to that occasion as an annual function The Kiwanis Musical Revue was beautifully staged thanks to the activity of George M Davis, one of our most valued Kiwanians, and his musical friends, both ladies and gentlemen This revue added materially to the funds of the Kiwanis Club for the benefit of the above playground.

During the administration of Dr S L Scott on or about May 6th, 1924, the agitation of the Battlefield Park for Fredericksburg was continued Efforts were made upon various occasions to keep this T)roject alive and resulted in a bill ultimately being passed providing for proper inspections and surveys of the battlefields in and around Fredericksburg The year 1924 in addition to the incidents of its accomplishments, previously mentioned, was the year characterized by a great deal of interest in Kiwanis activities and furnished a splendid background for the support of efforts which came in the next administration.

(E C Bell)
President E C Bell, Secretary S Taylor Scott
Trustee J W Adams

Contribution to the Mary Washington Hospital building fund This was the first contribution the hospital received towards the construction of a new building Made contribution to the Mary Washington Hospital Garden Club Contributed to the Mary Washington benefit day or donation day.

Masque Ball to raise funds for Crippled Children's Work The ball was a success.

The club was responsible for three months treatment to a boy in a hospital in Richmond VA.

Attended an Inter-Club meeting in Washington Entertained the Ashland club.

The playground equipment was installed at elementary and High School grounds The School Board accepted same on behalf of the club with the understanding that the School Board would care for it

The club gave silver cups to a graduating student of the High School and the State Teachers Coilege who, according to the heads of each institution, had done most during the school life to uplift the school or college

The club paid all expenses that cared for a child, provided a home and saw that the child attended school

The club made a strong effort towards the Battlefield Park bill Being finally passed by the House and Senate

(Julian J Garner)
President Julian J Garner, Secretary S Taylor Scott
Trustee P N Stern

We held a joint meeting with the Ashland Club in Fredericksburg Were hosts to Washington, Manassas and Alexandria on Inter-Club Day

We sent one boy to a Richmond hospital, who had been thrown from a horse and hurt and who had suffered for more than a year After about sixteen weeks treatment there he seemed to get about all right, so he could walk practically as good as ever

One other boy we sent to the Crippled Children's Hospital He could not walk at all when we sent him there, but he got a great deal better, so he could get about quite well without the aid of crutches

We equipped two boys for school who could not go to school owing to the fact that they did not have clothes and books

We entertained the North Carolina farmers who were traveling though the country visiting different sections, and showed them some of the farms near our city We accommodated them over night in Fredericksburg and the next day fed something over one hundred

We also entertained the Washington Star Boys' Band, which gave a concert in the city park one night to the people of Fredericksburg

The Virginia Electric Power Company representatives were also entertained by our club, as they were coming into Fredericksburg to build their line and furnish our city with electricity

On December 27 we dipensed with our regular meeting and gave instead a pulic dinner and dance for the Mary Washington Hospital The dinner was furnished free by Kiwanian C A Abbey, manager of the Princiess Anne Hotel The music was provided by the club

Division 01
(Philip N Stern)
President Philip N Stern, Secretary Charles Carmichael
Trustee J N Barney

In connection with the Crippled Children's Work, $75 was sent to Dr Thos Wheeldon, Secretary of the State Crippled Children's Fund, $75 to the Fredericksburg Orthopedic Society, and $75 for a special operative case

In Under privilege Child Work and Vocational Guidance, $7000 was given to the Children's Home Society of Virginia, which amount will more than care for one child for one year Christmas Week, through the generosity of Kiwanian B T Pitts, 350 children were entertained at a moving picture performance and the club bad Santa Claus distribute fruits and candy Through the generosity of the Georgia Carolina School of Commerce a Kiwanis Rotating Scholarship was established in the local business college This scholarship was given to a young girl, desirous of taking a business course, and the club furnished her with the necessary books

In Public Affairs, the club has taken a leading part in promoting the Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania Battlefield Park movement It has been ready at all time to co-operate with the county and city authorities as well as with other organizations and has frequently sent its members to conferences in Washington We recently aroused local interest and entertained the supervisors of Spotsylvania and other prominent citizens of the county This led them to sponsor a movement to have the State Highway Commission take over certain roads in the battlefield area, which petition was strengthened by a similar petition from the Fredericksburg City Council At a hearing held in Petersburg, these two bodies presented their petitions and were accompanied by members of this club The petitions were favorably received and the State Highway Commission is arranging to have a bill presented to the State Legislature giving them the proper authority This Club also entertained, at different times, the members of the City Council and other' city officials, and the teachers of both the high school and the elementary schools We lent our support to having the Sunken Road made historic by the Battle of Fredericksburg repaired and joined in a successful protest against closing the Rappahannock River at night due to the construction of the Downing Bridge at Tappahannock

We took part in the celebration of the opening of the Richmond-Washington Highway, the president of this club being a member of the official committee, and entertained at this time all visiting Kiwanians

The clubs represented were Manassas, Washington, Alexandria, Ashland, Richmond, Petersburg, Newport News, Hopewell, Winchester and Harrisonburg

To promote a better understanding between the city and country, this Club met at Spotsylvania Court House as the guests of the 4-H Club The dinner proceeds are to help send their members to the summer course of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute at Blacksburg The Kiwanis Club gave two prizes for essays on corn, written by the children of the 4-H Club

We gave a $5 prize on Halloween won by the 4-H Club of Stafford County

Gave $50 towards entertaining the Virginia Seed Growers at the convention held here and members of this club served on the entertainment committee Among the outstanding talks, Thomas Lomax Hunter on Tolerance, Judge A T Embrey on the American Constitution, Dr Thomas Wheeldon on Crippled Children, Mr Sweeney on developing the Rappahannock Valley Among other activities of the club, presenting a Kiwanis cup to the student of the Fredericksburg High School and one to the student of the State Teachers College, who had done the most for their respective schools in that year At the request of the National Republic, this club presented the National Republic medal to the high school student who wrote the best essay on the American Constitution by a high school student in Virginia

The officers of the local chautauqua were entertained by this club as were the Deaf and Dumb Boys Band of Jacksonville, Ill, at which time the club members also brought their own children We aided the flood victims of the Mississippi Valley by a donation of $25 to the local Red Cross We gave two prizes to the school children making the best bird boxes We aided the boys band of the Salvation Army financially and furnished a bus for them to give a concert in Washington We aided financially the American Legion in securing the equipment for placing American flags on certain streets We aided financially in the taking of one of the series of historic pictures undertaken by the State Chamber of Commerce, sponsoring the picture depicting the wedding of George Washington We entertained the Salvation Army officers of this division, and held a Father, Son and Daughter Night We had one representative at the National Convention in Memphis, three representatives at the District Convention in Wilmington, and two representatives at the Trustees' Conference in Washington This club sent a large delegation to the inter-club meeting held in Alexandria in May, at which time the District Loving Cup, which had previously been received by us from Ashland, was presented to the Manassas Club

(Volume 3)
President W B F Cole, Secretary Josiah P Rowe Jr
Trustee Dr T W Dew

In connection with the installation of our new officers we held a Ladies' Night Past Governor Russell Perkinson was the guest of honor and installed the new officers We entertained the Hoes family in appreciation of their work in establishing a shrine in Fredericksburg in memory of James Monroe A Kiwanis Kite Tournament was held in April for the boys and girls of our city More than 200 children participated in this event

The club entertained a good will party from Clifton Forge on August 24 5 members attended Capital District 10th Anniversary in Washington on August 29

At one of our September meetings, Rev R V Lancaster and J M H Willis of our club told of their impressions of a recent European tour The clu6 established an annual scholarship at the State Teachers' College for the aid of some Fredericksburg girl and Miss Louise Garnett was selected as the first recipient Both the authorities of the college and Miss Garnett expressed their appreciation

President Judge Alvin T Embrey, Secretary Rev R V Lancaster
Trustee Roger E Clarke

FARN WORK, In accordance with a program of greater co-operation with the farmers, we sponsored a meeting with the Robert E Lee 4-H Club at Spotsylvania Court House Miss Marle Chilton, President of the 4-H Club spoke emphasizing the help given the young people of Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania County in securing an education Once a year about 1000 outstanding representatives of the 4-H Clubs of Virginia go to the State College for a week's instruction Other talks by the President of Teachers' College, the County Farm Agent and the County Home Demonstrator The club met at the Chancellor High School on July 9 and at the Spotsylvania High School on July 16 At both meetings the 4-H Clubs of the schools were guests of the club

CHILD WORK, We held a meeting at the high school and after an enjoyable supper, presented the school with a copy of the Declaration of Independence and an etching of an historic subject

We sent 5 children to the Tri-County Nutrition Camp Presented cups to the best students of the high school and the State Teachers' College Engaged one athletic director of the high school to devote his entire time during the summer to the Wharf rats and tough kids of the town Equipped a small work shop, raised considerable money to send boys and girls to the State camp and entertained 100 underprivileged children at Belvedete Beach where there was swimming and games and a big supper followed by songs, stunts and speeches around a real camp fire We were host to twenty-seven boys who received awards for their part in winning the championship in the Kiwanis League for underprivileged children Following up our summer work, we provided sandwiches and milk for fifteen school children, during the school term 1929-1930

PUBLIC AFFAIRS, We were successful in backing the project of a gymnasium and auditorium for the local high school We sponsored a band for the high school and furnished the instruments at a cost of approximately $3000

The club turned out 100% to welcome a delegation of school superintendents from New York on a tour under the auspices of the Virginia State Chamber of Commerce We entertained the officers of the 62nd Coast Artillery Regiment while they were passing through Fredericksburg on their way to maneuvers We sponsored and assisted in the publication of a directory of Fredericksburg, the first that had been published for over thirty years

In connection with the County Agent and the Home Demonstration Agent, we sponsored a "Better Garden and a Better Premises Contest" At the close, we entertained the winners at dinner and presented prizes We were host to the officials of our newest industry Sylvania Corporation High school faculty was our guests A benefit supper, served by the ladies of the Stafford County Health Association, was given to raise funds for the work We took a tableau at a Stafford celebration A committee was appointed to investigate the matter of better municipal lighting

INTER-CLUB, We were guests at a meeting with the Ashland Club on November 18, while on November 26, there was a joint meeting of Kiwanis and Rotary

(Volume 4)
President J M H Willis Secretary R V Lancaster
Trustee Charles R Buckley

The winter meeting of the District trustees, presidents, and secretaries was held in our city

Raised money for charitable work by giving a revue, a play, and an indoor bazaar Bruce Neill, who was engaged (luring the summer of 1929 as athletic instructor for Under-privileged Children, was again secured to carry on this work in 1930 There were more than 150 boys enrolled in various activities under his direction This work was brought to a close on August 12, when we had 80 boys as our guests at Tidewater Beach We furnish ed the supper and the boys program We continued our work with the 4-H Club, encouraging and helping them with their work We had dinner with them and raised funds to send several of them to the annual encampment at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute

Hosts the high school teachers at one meeting and the elementary teachers at another Sponsored a "Gardens and Premises" contest Prizes were presented to the student of the high school, and the student of the teacher's college for outstanding work in the interest of the school During tile school year we furnished sandwiches and milk to under nourished children

Sponsored a series of broadcasts, advertising the city Surgical attention and hospitalization were furnished for a boy with a serious hip trouble Helped in a campaign against tuberculosis

Participated in an inter-club meeting at Alexandria and on three occasions had LT Gov Hill and large delegations from Washington with us, on one of which they presented us with a Canadian flag

Programs were heard from Dr W P Jackson on "The Value of Play in the Community", Kiwanian D K Kellog of Richmond on "Fair Treatment of Railroads", Clarke Venable on the publishing business, Dr Roy S Cook, of tile State Teachers' College, "The Importance of Chemistry," and Rabbi Raffacli, of Petersburg

Arrangements were made to get additional instruments for tile high school band which tile club sponsors A Christmas dinner was served at the Princess Anne Hotel on Christmas Day to over 100 poor children After the dinner the children were the guests of Kiwanian Ben Pitts at his motion picture theatre

President Hugh D Scott, Secretary R B Neill
Trustee J M H Willis

Our work for and with boys was the outstanding activity of the year The Boys' Band of the High School has been our protege for sometime Through Kiwanian Ben T Pitts, who donated the proceeds ($300) of his theatre for one afternoon and evening on condition that we usher and sell tickets We hired an athletic instructor for boys during the summer months This year 125 boys participated in the supervised sports Furnished sandwiches and milk to under-nourished school children Raised money to send the 4-H Club members to their annual encampment and were the guests of the 4-H Club of Spotsylvania Gave 90 boys an outing with supper Endorsed the Battlefield Park Association Attended meetings with speakers Gov Pollard and Hon R Walton Moore

The Washington Club's Inter-Club Relations Committee put on a mock trial as one of our members was tried on the charge of being ignorant of Kiwanis matters They presented our club with a gong, the base being made from wood taken from the White House Host to Manassas, Winchester and Alexandria in May, and Washington, Alexandria, Richmond, Manassas, and Ashland while in December High School and elementary schools teachers presented programs

A Santa Claus circus raised money for our Under-privileged Child Work A turkey dinner was served to 175 Under-privileged Children at Christmas

President C R Buckley, Secretary R B Neill, W B F Cole
Membership Jan 1 - 26 Attendance 75%

The first meeting of the year the District Governor installed new officers

The Santa Claus Circus netted $250 for Under-privileged Child Work 20 school children were furnished with sandwiches and milk, shoes, shirts, underwear and pants School authorities reported improvement in health and in schoolwork 25 children were found with defective vision Of these, 18 were successfully, cured without glasses being necessary Later on 6 more pairs of glasses were furnished, an operation to save the sight of one eye was performed, the lunches for school children were continued One lunch was held at the elementary school with a program on PTA 2 movies were given and the Dramatic Club raised $100 for welfare work The club helped pay for repairing a house for 11 people of whom 8 were tubercular

Held two 4-H luncheons at Spottsylvania Court House and Chancellorsville The proceeds paid expenses of boys and girls who went to the short course at VPI 125 boys were taken on a boat ride down the river to Kiwanian judge Embrey's summer home where they were served supper by the Kiwanians and their wives The club entertained the High School Football Squad and took them to see a movie on Sportsmanship The High School Band (fostered by the club) furnished music Entertained the high school honor student Gave a Christmas Party to 430 children Many were taken to and from the party by Kiwanians in their cars In these activities the club spent during the year $1,400

Sponsored a Safety Driving Campaign, in which Publicity, Law Enforcement and the Removal of Hazards were stressed Programs were The Problems of the Railroads, and City Planning In recognition of its service to the children of the community, the club was entertained in the High School Gymnasium by the teachers in tile elementary and high schools Held a farmers meeting with farmers from the counties of Stafford, King George, Spottsylvania and Caroline Sent representatives to District and International Conventions and the School for Club Officers

President B T Pitts, Secretary W B F Cole
Membership Jan 1 - 24 Attendance 78%

Opened the year with an installation Dinner Dance with the District Governor This year the club put on a unique project Purchased movie tickets for Under-privileged Children each Friday night The tickets were given to the teachers in a few schools to be awarded to Under-privileged pupils for improvement in behavior and in their studies The teachers reported such improvement in the pupils that the plan was extended to include other schools in the city and in the county In one month as many as 332 tickets were given out The plan was carried on through the school year The club took care of a number of operations on tonsils, eyes and throat, had an improperly set broken arm reset, and had one major operation to insure a child's life The club took care of the expense of a vacation for 12 Fresh Air Children from New York and gave a movie party for all 60 of these children which were taken care of in the town It contributed to tile anti-tuberculosis work in the community, defrayed half the cost of the lunches served in the schools, and gave a Christmas Party to 147 children,

Paid the salary of a full-time playground Director for the summer months This director did a fine piece of work, especially in organizing baseball leagues The club gave a beach party for 156 boys It agreed to contribute a dollar to match every dollar raised by the Falmouth Boys Band, to buy uniforms and thus gave half the cost of the uniforms, At one meeting the members of the club and their wives were guests of this band The club gave a benefit for the High School Athletic Association and raised $62 Equipped the High School Library with books on Vocational Guidance

The club had programs on the Banking Situation, the Farming Situation, the work of the Salvation Army and on the Importance of Beautifying the City Rebuilt the Band Stand, entertained the teachers of the elementary and high schools, and passed a resolution supporting the President 75 percent of the club members attended a meeting of the Washington club on the occasion of the visit of the International President The Club held three Ladies Nights, and celebrated Lee-Jackson Day It celebrated Constitution Week and sent delegates to the Mid-Winter Conference, the Division meetings and the District Convention

President Roger Clarke, Secretary W B F Cole
Membership Jan 1 - 23 Attendance 74%

Furnished lunches to one-half the needy children in the schools, another organization furnishing the other half Children with defective eyes were treated and glasses were furnished At the expression of the need by the Manassas club, a member went to Manassas and examined the eyes of 25 children gratis The club gave a Christmas Party to 300 underprivileged Children-movie, gifts, candy, and fruit, The club furnished movie tickets to children showing the most improvement in schoolwork It organized a prize essay contest open to high school students It employed a director of Playground Activities for the summer, these activities including baseball teams for boys of various ages, boxing, tennis, and horseshoe pitching The baseball teams had games with teams from playgrounds in Washington, The boxers put on an exhibition of boxing as a program at one meeting of the club At the end of the summer season the club gave a Beach Party to 125 of these boys at which the High School Band (fostered by the club) gave a concert After the schools opened the club at a public meeting presented certificates and medals for excellence in tile summer work Later the club entertained the Football Team at luncheon

A member of the club gave a radio address on "What Parents Can Do to Help Children Choose a Vocation" The club held its annual meeting at the school with all the teachers as guests

Host to Prince Georges, Washington, Arlington, Alexandria, Ashland, Manassas, and Richmond at one big meeting, later being host to Manassas and to Ashland It also visited Prince Georges, Petersburg and Charlottesville

Entertained the International President, District Governor, the LTG and represented at the International and District Conventions and the Training School for Club Officers

President C P Kennedy, Secretary W B F Cole
Membership Jan 1 - 24 Attendance 82%

The club took care of T and A operation, and furnished glasses for U P Children where needed, financed the purchase Of cod liver oil for all county children whose Parents were unable to buy it it provided hot lunches for one-half the undernourished children in the schools (the PTA taking the other half) and increased the number of children served as the need increased It also put on a children's party

The club continued the custom of giving weekly movie passes to children showing improvement in school, With good results Added a plan for supervised play during the summer by furnishing supervision for girls and boys This activity was somewhat curtailed this y prevalence of infantile paralysis devoted to BOYS Work and the Scouting were held Awarded the Kiwanis Cup to the graduation High School class member who did the most to build up the School Enabled a 4-H Club boy to attend the short course at VPI

Furnished the High School Library with books on Vocational Guidance, gave talks at the High School and arranged individual conferences for students with members of the club It helped boys find employment in suitable positions It held One meeting at a C C C camp, 'furnished speakers at C C C camps and obtained permission from the city to Use a vacant school building as a Social center for CCC boys in town

The club held programs on Safety for Children, The VERA, The Cause and Prevention of Automobile Accidents Entertained the Commanding Officer of the Dahlgren Proving Station and his Staff Entertained the Army Officers in charge of the 6 CCC camps, State and Federal Officers who attended the Kenmore Meeting Fostered a movement for a new school building for colored children

Organized a Bowling Team, held a joint meeting with Rotary and had ladies Nights Kiwanis Education meetings were held Entertained the LTG Host to the Mid-Winter Conference and sent delegates to the District Convention

President T G Harrison, Secretary W B F Cole, Ray Hall
Membership Jan 1 - 30 Attendance 76%

The club took care of lunches for its share of under-nourished children, furnish improvement in studies Two hundred and sixty children were entertained at a Christmas Theatre Party and sent home with "bags of goodies" The club had a program on the Boys Band and started a movement for buying additional instruments It entertained the Girls Basketball Team, the winning Baseball Team, and the High School Football Squad at luncheons Furnished supervision for the summer playground for boys and girls Organized softball, baseball, tennis, track and other teams Took 150 playground boys on a picnic to Fairview Beach, with swimming games and track events and awarded prizes to the winners Added Vocational Guidance books to the High School and had a program on CCC Camp

Host to Petersburg, Richmond, Washington, and Manassas clubs Sent delegates to Richmond and Manassas Held four Ladies Nights and one picnic

Entertained the LTG, had 2 programs on Kiwanis education, celebrated Constitution Week, planting trees in memory of George Washington on the High School grounds and was represented at the International convention

President J F Prettyman, Secretary R E Hall and Charles A Carmichael
Membership Jan 1 - 26 Attendance 78%

Furnished milk and lunch to 50 elementary school children Had a program on Education in Virginia and it aided in keeping a CCC camp in the County

The LTG installed officers with a delegation from Prince Georges County

Joined the Chamber of Commerce and the other civic clubs at the annual dance Held a joint Ladies Night and dance with Rotary Had a program on Kiwanis Education and was represented at the Mid-Winter Conference No activities after the February report

(Volume 5)
Pesident Bland Parcel, Secretary Charles A Carmichael
Membership Jan 1 - 22 Attendance 85%

The Club furnished medical treatment to indigent children and made possible hot lunches for such children in the elementary schools It gave a Christmas party to 350 children

Had a picnic for 125 boys and entertained 14 young ladies, daughters of Kiwanians, who were students at the college

The club had one luncheon at the High School cafeteria, entertained the High School Faculty, celebrated Armistice Day and planted a tree in honor of John Blair The club went on record as being ready to cooperate in the building of a swimming pool and did cooperate with the Charriber of Commerce in regard to the "Dog Mart

Sent a delegation to Richmond Oil tile occasion of the visit of the International President, had a joint meeting with Rotary and the Chamber of Commerce

The club had two meetings devoted to Kiwanis Education, entertained the District Governor, celebrated its own fifteenth anniversary and was represented at the District Convention

President Edward Aivy, Secretary Ray Hall
Membership Jan 1 - 28 Attendance 82%

The club continued to serve hot school lunches to Poor children, furnished glasses for one boy and held its annual Christmas theatre party for underprivileged children

Club inaugurated a summer playground Project, purchasing equipment and supplies, thus benefiting more than two hundred and fifty boys The usual boy's Picnic was held in tile summer and tile championship High School football team was entertained in tile winter

An appropriate program was arranged for a farmer's meeting at which forty-three farmers were guests This meeting was arranged to coincide with the visit of the District Governor and the meeting of the District Committee of Agriculture and the Governor and the members of this committee were lionored guests at the meeting

A number of speakers on vocational subjects were furnished to make addresses at the High School assemblies

Three Kiwanis Education meetings were held, the District Governor was entertaind and the club was represented at the District Convention

President Jes E Walters, Secretary Ray Hall
Membership Jan 1 - 34 Attendance 80%

The club's work for underprivileged children included taking care of needed dental work, furnishing glasses and supplying treatment by physicians Besides this, hot lunches were furnished to the children in the elementary schools and a Christmas theatre party was given to three hundred and fifty children, with fruit, candy and cookies for each

Baseball equipment was furnished ior the summer playground, and at the end of tile summer three hundred boys were taken on a shore 1,icnic The daughters of Kiwanians who were students at Mary Washington College were entertained at a special dinner, and sonic time later these young ladies Put oil a program for the club

This club visited Ashland and was host to Manassas, held two Ladies Nights, a joint meeting with the Chamber of Commerce and one with Rotary and Lions, and had several progranis on Kiwanis Education

President L Philip Cox, Secretary Ray Hall
Membership Jan 1 - 35 Attendance 73%

The club continued to furnish hot lunches and milk to undernourished children, performed a number of T and A operations and gave a Christmas party to 98 children

The club operated, equipped, and furnished a director for tile Kiwanis summer playground, and at tile end of the summer closed the season with a picnic for the children and tile members of the club, at the beach Later it entertained the High School football team

Members of the club made addresses to tile students of the High School on topics relating to various vocations

A delegation of 21 members attended an inter-club meeting at Richmond

The club held three Ladies Nights and a joint meeting with Rotary and Lions

It celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary, AllKiwanis Night, and Constitution Week and was represented at the International and the District Conventions A number of Kiwanis Education meetings were held and the District Governor was entertained

President E Carleton Carpenter, Secretary R Bruce Neill
Membership Jan 1 - 35 Attendance 68%

The club furnished milk and sandwiches to 26 undernourished children Of this number, seven failed to respond and were given medical treatment $5990 was spent for hospital expenses and one eye operation A Christmas party with candy, tints and fruit was given to 400 children

The club entertained young ladies at the college who were daughters of Kiwanians, spent $50 for playground equipment and gave a picnic to 75 boys from the playground at the end of the season $300 was spent for additional instruments for the Community Band, a project originated by the club in former years

One program was devoted to Vocational Guidance

The club worked on various projects for flood control and for the relief of victims of the worst flood in many years Seventeen hundred $5 defense stamp books were obtained, a ten-cent stamp placed in each book at a cost of $172 The books were distributed to each child in the schools, and a speaker sent to each school to urge the purchase of stamps as all aid to war effort and an incentive to thrift The clubs also cooperated wholeheartedly in the drive for funds for the Community Chest A large number of the club's programs were musical and man), were on subjects dealing with some phase of the war effort, such as those on Air Raids, the U S 0, the Telephone in War, Navy Recruiting and the like

The club attended an inter-club meeting in Manassas

The club celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary, and All-Kiwanis Night, entertained the District Governor and the Lieutenant-Governor, and was represented at the Mid-Winter Conference and the International Convention

President Edward H Cann, Secretary R Bruce Neill
Membership Jan 1 - 40 Attendance 81%

The Underprivileged Children and Boys and Girls Committees carried on their work as one body, and had a very busy year

The club was again active in the summer playground program conducted at the James Monroe High School At the end of the season, all boys who had regularly taken part in the various events were taken to Fairview Beach for swimming and the usual bountiful Kiwanis picnic supper The boys were taken to the movies on the return from the beach Two sets of swings were purchased for one of the city playgrounds The football squad of the High School was guest of the club at dinner, and later taken to the movies by Ben Pitts The club entertained members of the Midget League tennis at dinner and the boys received tickets to the movies

The club as the original sponsor of the High School band replaced instruments at a value of $375, and $30 was donated for the repair of band equipment Music was purchased for the High School Glee Club

Kiwanis cups were presented to the student of Mary Washington College and the student of James Monroe High School, who, in the opinion of the faculties of the two schools, had done the most for the up building of their respective institutions

Much work was done with the underprivileged children of the city During the year 1,600 sandwiches and 3,275 pints of milk have been given needy pupils at two of the elementary schools Clothing and schoolbooks have been provided where needed Money was donated to a deserving tubercular patient One tonsillectomy was performed Glasses were given to one child Complete dental treatment for 53 children was financed

The club had the ground plowed for Victory Gardens, and gave prizes for the best gardens Interesting programs were given on: Selective Service, Local Flood Control, Rehabilitation, Music in the Schools, Boy's Town, Life Saving, Navy Training, The Pace of Sports in School, and Surgery in the Navy

A large delegation was sent to ail interclub meeting at Manassas

The club was represented at the District Convention On December 31 Eleven members of the club were in the armed forces

(Volume 6)
President Charles J Beck, Secretary R Bruce Neill
Membership Jan 1 - 55 Attendance 79%

Division 01
President James D Fear, Secretary R Bruce Neill
Membership Jan 1 - 66 Attendance 78%
LG Charles J Beck

President Hunter H Newman, Secretary R Bruce Neill
Membership Jan 1 - 72 Attendance 84%

President John E Wyatt, Secretary Ralph Millsap
Membership Jan 1 - 74 Attendance 82%

President R Bruce Neill, Secretary Claude J McLain
Membership Jan 1 - 74 Attendance 80%

President Charles K Martin Jr, Secretary R Bruce Neill
Membership Jan 1 - 69 Attendance 77%

President A Roy Beack, Secretary R Bruce Neill
Membership Jan 1 - 67 Attendance 80%

(Volume 7)
President Claude J McLain, Secretary R Bruce Neill
Membership Jan 1 - 65 Attendance 77%

Division 10
President Walter M Lowry, Secretary R Bruce Neill
Membership Jan 1 - 79 Attendance 80%

Inducted 7 new members Sent 2 students from James Monroe HS to the Schubert Festival of Music Sponsored a Key Club (HS not listed) Held Christmas parter for 400 children at Colonial Theatre Paid for luches and mild for 10 children at the elementary school Bought classes for underprivileged child

President A J Young, Secretary R Bruce Neill
Membership Jan 1 - 70 Attendance 83%

President John A Britton Jr, Secretary R Bruce Neill
Membership Jan 1 - 71 Attendance 84%

President Edgar A Woodward, Secretary R Bruce Neill
Membership Jan 1 - 78 Attendance 83%

President ?, Secretary R Bruce Neill

President Dr Raymond A Holcomb, Secretary R Bruce Neill

President Nevin c Johnson, Secretary R Bruce Neill

President Dr D William Scott Jr, Secretary R Bruce Neill

President William B Billingsley, Secretary R Bruce Neill

Division 10
President Leslie J Githens, Secretary R Bruce Neill
Co Sponsor Culpeper Club

President Jacob A Maynard, Secretary R Bruce Neill

President Leo J Hill, Secretary R Bruce Neill

President Sherman W Weeks, Secretary R Bruce Neill

President Howard O Sullins, Secretary R Bruce Neill

President Harry C Bach, Secretary R Bruce Neill

President Perry N Eakles, Secretary R Bruce Neill

President Ralph M Whitticar, Secretary R Bruce Neill

Division 10
President Raymond W Snead Secretary R Bruce Neill
LG Edward H Cann

1969 - 1970
President L Phillip Cox Jr Secretary R Bruce Neill

1970 - 1971
President J Brawner Bolling, Secretary R Bruce Neill

1971 - 1972
President Edward Z Angstadt, Secretary R Bruce Neill
Sponsor Stafford Club

1972 - 1973
Division 10
President Joseph C MacKnight, Secretary Charles F Duff
Sponsor Sponsylvania County club

1973 - 1974
President E Russell Smith, Secretary George C Ritchie

1974 - 1975
President Winfrey W Wright, Secretary George C Ritchie

1975 - 1976
President Dr William J Munsie, Secretary George C Ritchie

1976 - 1977
Division 10 South
President Charles M Hearn, Secretary George C Ritchie
Sponsor Maury Club
LG Raymond W Snead

1977 - 1978
President Robert L Keller, Secretary G Carloton Onderdonk

1978 - 1979
Division 10
President Franklin H B Blake, Secretary Albert R Merchent

1979 - 1980
President Richard B Burnside Secretary A Ray Merchent

1980 - 1981
President A Edward Payne, Secretary Sanford B Wanner

District Chair Mid Winter Conference Robert A Hamner

1981 - 1982
President Donald H Newlin Secretary Sanford B Wanner

1982 - 1983
President Albert R Merchent, Secretary George E Ball

1983 - 1984
Division 10
President Howard E Gregory, Secretary Robert James Burch
District Chair Spiritual Aims, International President's Visit Raymond W Snead
LG Robert A Hamner

1984 - 1985
President Charles F Duff, Secretary Edison L Sullivan

1985 - 1986
Division 10
President W J Kinnamon Jr, Secretary ?
LG Richard B Burnside

1986 - 1987
President L Michael Martin, Secretary William R Allen

1987 - 1988
President Thomas E Lee III, Secretary William R Allen

1988 - 1989
President John F Graves, Secretary William R Allen

1989 - 1990
Division 10
President E Lavelle Sullivan Secretary William R Allen
LG L Phillip Cox Jr

1990 - 1991
President Henry Conrad Warlick, Secretary William R Allen

1991 - 1992
President Dover G Moore, Secretary William R Allen

1992 - 1993
President William B Young, Secretary William R Allen
Membership Oct 1 - 50

1993 - 1994
Division 10
President James R Jordan Secretary William R Allen
Membership Oct 1 - 55
LG Donald H Newlin

1994 - 1995
President Richard J Gureber, Secretary James R Jordan
Membership Oct 1 - 54

1995 - 1996
Division 10
President James E Spitler, Secretary James R Jordan
Membership Oct 1 - 57
LG E Lavelle Sullivan

1996 - 1997
President ?, Secretary James R Jordan
Membership Oct 1 - 52

1997 - 1998
President William R Allen Secretary James R Jordan
Membership Oct 1 - 49

1998 - 1999
President Lloyd B Harrison III, Secretary James R Jordan
Membership Oct 1 - 45

1999 - 2000
President L Phillip Cox Jr, Secretary James R Jordan
Membership Oct 1 - 49

2000 - 2001
President Debra Harber, Secretary James R Jordan
Membership Oct 1 - 46

2001 - 2002
President Kevin M Hopun, Secretary James R Jordan
Membership Oct 1 - 39 Attendance 79%

Year End: 111 Projects Completed, 360 Service Hours, $200 Spent, 7 Interclubs

2002 - 2003
President John A Byrum, Secretary James R Jordan
Membership Oct 1 - 38 Attendance 73%
Distinguished Club

Year End: 97 Projects Completed, 435 Service Hours, $7,300 Spent, 10 Interclubs

2003 - 2004
Division 10
President John Borland Secretary James R Jordan
Membership Oct 1 - 39 Attendance 78%
Meet TU 6:30 PM Fredericksburg Country Club
LG William R Allen

Year End: 158 Projects Completed, 600 Service Hours, $100 Spent, 14 Interclubs

2004 - 2005
President Debra Harber, Secretary James R Jordan
Membership Oct 1 - 46 Attendance 78%
Meet TU 6:30 PM Fredericksburg Country Club
Distinguished Club

Year End: 134 Projects Completed, 512 Service Hours, $9,450 Spent, 3 Interclubs

2005 - 2006
NoVa Region
President Debra Harber, Secretary James R Jordan
Membership Oct 1 - 47 Attendance 57%
Meet TU 6:30 PM Fredericksburg Country Club

Year End: 134 Projects Completed, 568 Service Hours, $1,878 Spent, 5 Interclubs

2006 - 2007
President John Franklin, Secretary James R Jordan
Membership Oct 1 - 47 Attendance 61%
Meet TU 6:30 PM Fredericksburg Country Club

Year End: 13 Projects Completed, 504 Service Hours, $0 Spent, 8 Interclubs

2007 - 2008
Division 10
President Jonathan Pittman, Secretary James R Jordan
Membership Oct 1 - 46 Attendance 68%
Meet TU 6:30 PM Fredericksburg Country Club
LG John Borland

Year End: 83 Projects Completed, 887 Service Hours, $10,500 Spent, 4 Interclubs

2008 - 2009
President Dan Demarchis, Secretary James R Jordan
Membership Oct 1 - 48 Attendance 84%
Meet TU 6:30 PM Fredericksburg Country Club

Year End: 74 Projects Completed, 843 Service Hours, $0 Spent,4 Interclubs

2009 - 2010
President Paul Gehring, Secretary James R Jordan
Membership Oct 1 - 36 Attendance 29%
Meet 1st, 3rd TU 6:30 PM Fredericksburg Country Club

Year End: 0 Projects Completed, 56 Service Hours, $0 Spent, 1 Interclubs, $0 CD Foundation

2010 - 2011
President Regis L Keddie, Secretary James R Jordan
Membership Oct 1 - 32
Meet 1st, 3rd TU 6:30 PM Fredericksburg Country Club

Year End: 5 Projects Completed, 74 Service Hours, $3 Spent, 3 Interclubs, $0 CD Foundation

2011 - 2012
President William J Kinnamon, Secretary James R Jordan
Membership Oct 1 - 29
Meet 1st, 3rd TU 6:30 PM Fredericksburg Country Club

2012 - 2013
President William J Kinnamon, Secretary James R Jordan
Membership Oct 1 - 28
Meet 1st TU 7:30 AM IHOP, 3rd TU 6:30 PM Fredericksburg Country Club

2013 - 2014
Division 02 National Capital Region
President William J Kinnamon, Secretary James R Jordan
Membership Oct 1 - 28
Meet 1st TU 7:30 AM Fredericksburg Country Club

2014 - 2015
President Matthew Mitchell, Secretary James R Jordan
Membership Oct 1 - 24
Meet 1st TU 7:30 AM Fredericksburg Country Club

2015 - 2016
President Phil Leonhardt, Secretary James R Jordan
Membership Oct 1 - 23
Meet 1st TU 7:30 AM Fredericksburg Country Club

2016 - 2017
President Jennifer Hawkins, Secretary Barbara Marinaro
Membership Oct 1 - 20
Meet 1st TU 7:30 AM Fredericksburg Country Club

2017 - 2018
President Robert L Dodd Jr, Secretary Barbara Marinaro
Membership Oct 1 - 21
Meet 1st TU 7:30 AM Fredericksburg Country Club

2018 - 2019
President Steven E Flanagan, Secretary Barbara Marinaro
Membership Oct 1 - 22
Meet 3rd TU 5:30 AM Castiglia's Italian Restaurant

2019 - 2020
President Jennifer Mackowski, Secretary Barbara Marinaro
Membership Oct 1 - 22
Meet 3rd TU 5:30 AM Castiglia's Italian Restaurant

2020 - 2021
President Robert L Dud Jr, Secretary Barbara Marinaro
Membership Oct 1 - 23