Capital District Kiwanis History

CLUBS Old-Divisions-New Regions Site Map Leadership People

Organized February 2 1923 Chartered March 26 1923
Key #00952 28th District Club
Sponsor Richmond Kiwanis
Divisions 04 24 11
Region Heart of Virginia

Division 04
(Volume 1 V Nelson Vaughan)
President Dr S C Hatcher, Secretary V Nelson Vaughan

Membership February 2 - 54

On February 2, 1923 the organization was completed and on March 26, 1923 the charter was delivered to the Club by Governor Edwin W Lintner. President Dr. S. C. Hatcher, Vice President H C Reed, Trustee C B Jones, Secretary V N Vaughan and Treasurer T P Scott. Charter membership was 54 and today (October 3, 1923) we have a membership of 62. We have held our meetings regularly each Monday at the Henry Clay Inn.

During the summer months the attendance was not what it should have been, but it is now increasing steadily. Raised $20,000 for a concrete road between here and Richmond. The greatest thing we have done was our Farmer's Night banquet with about 50 farmers from all sections of this county. An excellent program was arranged and carried out, much to teh enjoyment of all of our guests.

The club sent two delegates to the Atlanta Convention and sent Mr Gallegher and Mr Shean to the Baltimore Convention at its expense. On several occasions the club has donated money to families in urgent need of support, and has also given prizes in matters concerning civic interest.

(Volume 2)
(J F Howison)
President John Gwathrney, Secretary H Laurie Smith
Trustee Leslie Ellis

Erected a sign at one of the street intersections and posted 100 Welcome to Ashland signs Endorsed a continuance of the work of the county nurse Took part in Clean Up and Paint Up Week.

Took part in good roads movement Played baseball with Richmond and secured over four hundred dollars towards a fire engine. We had a display at the county fair Had a large part in the celebration of the opening of the concrete highway between Richmond and Ashland, for which the club had secured subscriptions of $20,000 the previous year, and served a buffet supper to over 300, including the State Governor and other prominent officials We inaugurated a county doctors' association.

President H Laurie Smith Secretary R H Dugger
Trustee Leslie Ellis

We erected road signs. Entertained the local chapter Sons of Confederate Veterans. Sponsored a benefit supper for the crippled children auxiliary of Hanover County.

Contributed $100 to the Ashland Auxiliary of the Crippled Children's Home Guest of the Fredericksburg. Appropriated $250 for two cups and medals for the county relay carnival 500 children from the schools. The slogan of this organization is A Chance for Every Boy and Girl in Hanover County. Met with Richmond had a meeting and ball game with them for the benefit of the Ashland Fire Department Entertained the National Educational Association. Raised the necessary funds for the treatment of four tubercular children. Held a Ladies' Night at the country home of a member. Worked out plans for the establishment of a shirt factory in Ashland and secured the necessary subscriptions to stock Held an outdoor meeting with the farmers as our guests.

President L P Hartsock, Secretary J F Howison
Trustee H Laurie Smith

Held a public supper for the benefit of the Hanover Auxiliary of the Richmond Crippled Children's Home, realizing $100, which were used for the endowing of a bed. Assisted in raising funds for the Shenandoah Park purchase Sent a special committee before the legislature in behalf of highway and school matters.

A delegation of 28 members of our club met with the Fredericksburg Club. Secured special legislation for the enlargement of the high school. Again donated valuable prizes for the County Relay of the Public Schools. A Zero Hour Inter-Club Meeting was held with Richmond, Petersburg and West Point as guests. Held outdoor meetings with the farmers at 9 different places in the county. Sponsored a campaign to send six undernourished boys to the local Nutrition Camp.

Entertained 21 members of the Fredericksburg Club Had as guests the State Superintendent of Education, the Secretary of State, and the principals and teachers from 9 adjoining counties. There were present at this meeting 36 Kiwanians and 36 guests. Gave a play and raised $200 for the Tubercular Association.

(Volume 3)
President George C Rawlings, Secretary George P Compton
Trustee Luther P Hartsock

Created better relations between farmers and city men and work for underprivileged children. We had farmers meetings at several places in our vicinity. Had meetings with farmers throughout the summer. At these meetings we outlined to our farmer friends plans for the betterment of our county which met with their hearty approval. Under the leadership of the Underprivileged Child Committee, we maintained 16 boys at a nutrition camp during August. Raised $500 for the nutrition camp. We held a Relay Carnival in which over 700 school children competed. The events included teams of both boys and girls from every grade in every school in the county. During the year $1,400 was raised for charitable and civic purposes.

President Edmund T DeJarnette, Secretary J Walton Hall
Trustee George C Rawlings

At the beginning of the year our Underprivileged Child Committee under H Laurie Smith, Chairman, presented a plan for the actual and personal participation of the members of the club in the conduct of the Tri-County Nutrition Camp In February, our annual oyster supper was held for the benefit of Ashland Auxiliary Crippled Children's Hospital and netted $130. The Hanover Grays were guests of the club. We had a talk on Patrick Henry by H Carter Read. We entered the efficiency contest. The fifth anniversary of our club was celebrated on March 26 Representatives of Hopewell, Newport News, Petersburg and Alexandria were present as were also LTG Thos Newman and Past Governors Caton and Perkinson. The Boy Scout troop was our guests on March 19. The Ashland troop was the first organized in Virginia and the third in the United States. Our Agricultural Committee co-operated in getting the Hanover Board of Supervisors to adopt a countywide tubercular test.

During the year we renewed our efforts to obtain a Greater Ashland High School. We passed resolutions directed to the Hanover County School Board calling on the State Board of Education to allow joint operation and ownership between the County of Hanover and the Town of Ashland in these proposed enlarged facilities. The State Board of Education appointed appraisers for inspection of the Ashland High School buildings, grounds and equipment.

Members met with Richmond to discuss plans for the District Convention. Ashland and West Point were guest clubs at an inter-club meeting in Richmond. We held our fourth annual Kiwanis Relay Carnival with 780 public school children of Hanover County actual participants Bronze medals were presented to the winners in each class in the senior and junior high schools and the elementary schools. A silver loving cup was presented to the winning school in each type All-Kiwanis Night was observed with a special program.

The newspapers gave splendid publicity to this Nutrition Camp by means of pictures and special articles. Unprecedented support was received from the people of Hanover County in supplying vegetables and other needs for the camp. The response was so generous that we had to ask them to limit their offerings as more was supplied than could be used. The report of the camp showed that about $1,600 and expended besides the other gifts above mentioned.

Attended the Division 4 meeting at Williamsburg, and were represented at the 10th Anniversary of the Capital District at Washington. A meeting was held with our farmer friends at Elmont with 35 of our members. Sponsored a basketball tournament at Randolph-Macon College, the contestants coming from 21 counties in the State.

The club began to keep in personal touch with each of the 33 Hanover children who were the beneficiaries of the 1928 camp. The public health and school nurse of our county aided our club in this. A questionnaire was sent to each child asking about his present attitude toward the things which he had learned at the camp such as the care of his body, daily diet and other sanitary and hygienic advice given him At Christmas each child was presented with a box of good things to eat and toys.

A Greater Ashland High School committee was appointed to work for a $40,000 addition to the present building Another committee was appointed to have the word Ashland placed on the most conspicuous place in town for the guidance of aviators Held a Ladies Night and Christmas party Christmas seals to the amount of $125 were sold entirely within the club membership Three members maintained a 100% attendance for the year.

Division 4
(Herbert Bumpass)
President Herbert Bumpass, Secretary J Walton Hall
Trustee Edmund DeJarnette
LG H Laurie Smith

During 1929, the Ashland Club had as its major objective, the continuance of the work by the Tri-County Nutrition Camp This work was continued by maintaining the Camp at Verdon, in upper Hanover County, for two months, in co-operation with the Hanover County Tuberculosis Association, the Virginia Tuberculosis Association, and the Instructive Visiting Nurses Association of Richmond. The camp opened July 1, for girls and August the boys. Sixty-eight children attended and they averaged a gain of six and one-half pounds. The undernourished youngsters came from the counties of Hanover, Henrico, Caroline and Orange. The staff in charge of the camp consisted of a housemother, a nurse, and a recreation director for the boys and one for the girls, and a cook.

Clinics were held throughout the County to select deserving children for the camp and the plans for the camp and the part they could take in it were presented by Kiwanis speakers to the Sunday Schools of 27 churches of Hanover County. These latter organizations made donations, as in the previous year, of cash, green vegetables, canned goods, etc. Suppers and entertainment were given to raise the necessary funds, which amounted to $1600.

The second objective of the Club was the conducting of a relay carnival held on the athletic field of Randolph-Macon College, on May 10, when there were 800. Hanover County school children in actual participation. Coach Gus Welcb, of Randolph-Macon College, was in charge of the events Individual bronze medals to each winning child and silver loving cups to each winning school were presented in the name of the Club. The presented tokens cost of $150. Contributed $110 to the Ashland Auxiliary for maintenance of an endowed bed in the crippled children's hospital at Richmond Club support was given the movement for a greater Ashland High School.

Attended the Division 4 meeting held at Williamsburg, when Ashland Kiwanian H Laurie Smith, LG of the 4th Division. The anniversary of the Club was held on March 25, with Kiwanian Eugene R Woodson, of Washington, as speaker Governor Harry G Kimball gave a brief talk. Past President Dave Satterfield of the Richmond Club was the speaker on Constitution Night.

Eleven Kiwanians and ladies attended the Hagerstown Convention. The erection of a Kiwanis sign 24 ft x 12 ft, near the intersection of the Richmond Washington and the Richmond Charlottesville Highways was an outstanding achievement. President Herbert Bumpass received a certificate signed by Col Charles Lindbergh and Harry F Guggenheim, representing the Guggenheim Fund for the Promotion of Aeronautics, in recognition of his successful efforts to have the word Ashland painted on a large building here as a guide to the men in the air. The letters were 6 ft x 8 ft x 60 f t.

A successful Inter-Club Meeting with West Point and Fredericksburg was held on November 18. Representatives were also present from Richmond, Newport News, Hampton, Washington and Norfolk. There were present, each of whom spoke briefly, Governor Kimball, District Secretary Turner, LTG Smith, LTG-elect Sutton, President Embrey of Fredericksburg, and Dr Malcomb Harris of West Point.

(Volume 4)
President C S Trevett, Secretary J 0 Smith
Trustee Herbert Bumpass

Our annual oyster supper was held on February 3. The proceeds amounting to $111 were donated to the Crippled Children's Home for the endowment of a bed for Hanover County crippled children.

A committee, appointed for that purpose, conferred with the State Highway Department with reference to dangerous curves and unsafe conditions of shoulders on the Richmond road and reported favorable results. The committee also urged on the railroad the placing of safety signals.

Dr Graham of the Crippled Children's Home at Richmond addressed the club and a large number of visitors on the work being done for crippled children and for the extermination of tuberculosis.

During July and August, a number of meetings was held in the county to engender a better understanding between the county and town people and to spread the ideals of Kiwanis. A mid-summer Ladies Night was held at North Wales, the county home of Kiwanian Adolph Usinger.

On November 14, the club gave a show for the benefit of needy families of the county. The net proceeds of $325 were distributed on the recommendation of the local Red Cross. In addition to this money, the club voted not to hold its usual winter Ladies Night but to use the money for the same purpose of helping the needy.

President J Walton Hall Secretary Alfred W Turner
Trustee C S Trevvett

We had several activities during the year for the benefit of various charitable purposes. Our annual oyster supper netted approximately $120 for Hanover Crippled Children's Auxiliary. A benefit show and a baseball game with West Point also raised money. A meeting held at Kenwood raised money for the church activities of that community The big money maker, however, was our Bazaar with receipts of $1,800.

In the annual relay carnival we have sponsored for years, over 500 school children participated Silver loving cups were given to winning schools and a bronze medal to each child winner. Our eighth anniversary was observed in March in charge of the past presidents. We sponsored an oratorical contest in the schools. Four meetings were held in the county with farmer guests. An inter-club meeting was held with West Point, preceded by a baseball game.

We erected a large road sign, met with the Civic League of Ashland, observed Columbus Day, took part in the Williamsburg meeting of Division Four, entertained.

Richmond and West Point observed Constitution Week and All-Kiwanis Night held a Ladies Night and heard addresses by Past Governor Jesse H Binford, Professor G S Tarry of Randolph-Macon College, and Miss Jamic Parsons County Nurse.

At the request of those in charge, we took charge of the distribution for charitable purposes of money raised by a football game between Randolph-Macon College and the American University of Washington, D C.

President Nelson Vaughan, Secretary J Walton Hall
Membership Jan 1 - 35 Attendance 78%

The club raised $100 for the Kiwanis bed and substantial funds for winter relief work and its members personally delivered 25 Christmas baskets containing "goodies" as well as necessities to needy families It all worked with the Ashland Community League to raise money to furnish 18 undernourished high school pupils with a pint of milk daily.

The club sponsored the Public Speaking and Reading contests for Hanover County. It put on the Kiwanis Relay Carnival in which 600 boys and girls of Hanover County took part and gave medals to the winners in each race and loving cups to the winning high school and the winning grammar school.

The club held summer meetings in the high schools at Hanover Court House, Beaver Dam and Rockville at which over 100 farmers were guests The subject of county government was discussed.

The club celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary, its own charter night, and All Kiwanis Night; sent representatives to Mid-winter conference, and District Convention; entertained the District Governor and LG and the chairman of Kiwanis Education Committee, and sent a delegation to an inter-club meeting at Richmond.

The first of July the club abandoned its weekly meetings and met bi-weekly for the remainder of the year.

President Powhatan W Jones, Secretary J Walton Hall
Membership Jan 1 - 33 Attendance 80%

An oyster supper was given for the crippled children fund netting $70. The usual Christmas baskets were given an the club joined with the Randolph-Macon College YMCA in putting on a Christmas entertainment for poor children in the city and county, furnishing transportation for 75 county children to and from the entertainment The club fostered the Literarv and Athletic meet for the counties of Henrico, King William, Chesterfield, Dinwiddie, Prince George, King and Queen, Gouchland, and Hanover.

The club put on its annual Kiwanis Relay Carnival as usual was witnessed by 1,000 spectators and participants Held summer meetings at Esmont with 75 community guests at Montpelier High School, with program on Fish and Game Preservation and at Atlee High School with an attendance of 60 The club raised $35 for the 4-H Club.

Celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary, its own charter night, Kiwanis Night, and Constitution Week. Entertained the District Governor and the LTG. Sent representatives to Mid-Winter Conference and the District Convention.

President R P Loving, Secretary J Walton Hall
Membership Jan 1 - 32 Attendance 80%

The club gave an oyster supper clearing $96 for the endowed bed in the Crippled Children's Hospital in Richmond $400 to Under-privileged Children fund. Contributed to the Milk Fund Chartered a bus to carry 80 children to Randolph-Macon YMCA party. Attended to start a toxin-anti-toxin campaign immunize children against diphtheria. At Christmas time each member delivered basket of fruit, provisions and toys to needy family.

The club put on its tenth annual Rel Races participated in by 700 children w 4 medals as prizes in each race The parade of 5point children contained 841 The club sponsored the Literary and Athletic Meet.

The club had four meetings. The country during the summer taking the ladies to some of these meetings and having guests from the community.

The club urged the water-proofing of one of the county roads. Tried to secure a CCC Camp for Hanover County. Had programs on Physical Education and Child Health. Sent delegations to Fredericksburg and Petersburg. Entertained groups from Hopewell and Fredericksburg. Sent delegates to the District Convention and the Division Meeting. Entertained the District Governor on Kiwanis Anniversary and the LG on Charter Night.

President John W Davis, Jr, Secretary J Walton Hall
Membership Jan 1 - 26 Attendance 81%

The club held a combined oyster supper and President's Ball at which 323 persons were present and cleared $200, a part of which was sent to the Warm Spring Foundation and part was kept for the club's Under-privileged Child work. The club underwrote the cost of giving toxin anti-toxin treatment to all children, both white and colored, in Hanover County. 866 children were treated and the club paid about one-fourth of the cost of treatment. The club gave a benefit show netting $100 It contributed $162 to Crippled Children Hospital in Richmond. It promoted the formation of a County Health Unit, and at Christmas the members personally delivered baskets to 27 families.

The club had one program on Girl Scout Work. During the summer the club held three meetings at Esmont, Montpelier and Atlee. Each member having as his guest a resident of the community in which the meeting was held. The club had one meeting on Vocational Guidance.

The club had a program on Business in Ashland, fostered the Bi-centennial of Patrick Henry's Birth, cooperated with other civic organizations for road beautification, cooperated with the CCC Camps in a program on Soil Erosion and had a meeting in the interest of Fire Prevention.

The club was host to Newport News and sent delegations to Hopewell, Petersburg and to Richmond.

Celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary at an inter-club meeting at Hopewell, Petersburg and to Richmond were guests. The club entertained the District Governor and the LTG, had a program on Kiwanis Education. Celebrated Constitution Week and representatives to the Mid-Winter Conference, the Division Meeting at Old Point and the District Convention. The Secretary was made Lieutenant-Governor for 1936.

Division 4
President Paul F Watkins, Secretary J Walton Hall
Membership Jan 1 - 25 Attendance 87%
LG J Walton Hall

The oyster supper and President's Ball netted $103 part for Warm Springs Foundation and part for the club's work. The club assisted the Health Unit in furnishing milk for undernourished school children and furnished glasses for some 32 Christmas baskets were distributed through the agency of the College YMCA.

The club sponsored the Boys and Girls Public Speaking Contests at two meetings. It also contributed $35 to Boys and Girls Work in the County. It took active interest in getting out the vote at election time. Held its usual three meetings in the county, with county people as guests, during the summer It had a program devoted to Vocational Guidance.

Club aided in sponsoring the pageant in honor of the Bi-centennial at Hanover Court House, furnished free lemonade and cakes at the Pageant Ball held in Randolph Macon gymnasium. Cooperated with the Community League in a reception to the teachers, It tried to aid in bringing a silk factory to Ashland. It had a joint meeting with Ruritan, and it entertained the County officials Program on Safety, the Acts of the Legislature, and the Social Security Act.

It was host to Petersburg and its Kiwanis Singers on Charter Night which was also a Ladies Night and it attended a meeting in Richmond Celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary and had delegates at the Division. Meeting at Williamsburg and District Convention.

President Edwin D Vaughan, Secretary J Walton Hall
Membership Jan 1 - 32 Attendance 91%

The club sponsored the President's Ball, part of the proceeds to come to the club for Under-privileged Child Work. The club gave a Bazaar and Carnival, netting $2,110 Of this amount $650 was used for undernourished children in the County. The club cooperated with the Randolph-Macon College Y in its Christmas party for Under-privileged children, and on Christmas Eve each member of the club delivered a basket to a needy family. Contributed $300 to support of Scouting and $110 to Girl Scouts $35 was spent for 4-H Club prizes in the county schools. The club sponsored the speaking contest for county children and sponsored and gave prizes for the Relay Carnival participated in by 500 boys and girls in the County.

Contributed $1000 to aid the local Fire Company. It sent representatives to the Game Conservation Meeting in Richmond. It cooperated in the Clean Up Campaign and it erected a huge sign on Route No 11 directing tourists to Ashland.

The club celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary and its own Charter Night, entertained the District Governor and the LTG and was represented at the Mid-Winter Conference, tile International and District Conventions, the Division Meeting and tile Training School for Club Officers.

(Volume 5)
President Melvin Wallinger, Secretary J Walton Hall
Membership Jan 1 - 36 Attendance 92%

The club gave a dance and held a Kiwanis Carnival making a total of $1,490 of which $465 was spent on underprivileged child work, T and A operations, cancer control, removal of cataract, work with County Health Officer, and in purchase of prizes for track meet. It brought 700 children from the county to the track meet, and the members distributed 42 Christmas baskets, the club contributing a dollar per basket and each member one dollar.

The club spent $35 for prizes for the 4-H Club's contest, and fostered a speaking contest for high school students as a feature of one meeting,

The club placed street signs on the streets of the town at a cost of $400, donated $200 to the Randolph-Macon College Endowment Funds, carried on a "Get Out and Vote" campaign and had numerous programs on local public affairs and visited a nearby CC Camp.

It sent a large delegation to an inter-club meeting at Richmond and was host to West Point. Celebrated its own Charter Night with a Ladies Night Entertained the LG and was represented at the District Convention and at the training school for club officers.

President F W Tucker Jr, Secretary J Walton Hall
Membership Jan 1 - 42 Attendance 94%

Raised $1,628 for community work by a carnival, $155 given for undernourished children in seven schools in the town and county, and $5000 for like work among colored children, and $30 to a needy student.

Diphtheria toxin was given to 300 children, 4 T & A operations were performed and 45 Christmas baskets were distributed.

Divided $30 between the white and colored baseball teams A band instructor was employed for the high school bands, during the summer took 9 boys to visit the Worlds Fair in New York.

Talks were given in each of the high schools on vocational guidance and plans were made for individual conferences with pupils during the school session, four additional teachers were employed in the county to aid in this work.

Attended inter-club meetings in Richmond and Fredericksburg and was host to Portsmouth and Manassas, entertained Petersburg and received from them the Plaque which it in turn carried to West Point.

Entertained the District Governor and the LG, held two Kiwanis education meetings and was represented at the Division meeting at Williamsburg and the District convention.

President L E England, Secretary J Walton Hall
Membership Jan 1 - 45 Attendance 94%

The annual Karnival netted $2,373, 13 children were furnished glasses, 200 were given toxin for diphtheria, $680 furnish food for undernourished children in nine schools, $200 given to the Sheltering Arms Hospital, an emergency hospitalization fund of $200 was set up and a reserve fund of $750 for underprivileged child work was created.

The club held the literary contests for high school pupils, and the Relay Carnival with 700 children took part and contest- ed for medals furnished by the club. It gave the Boys Band $25 for summer instruction, $35 to 4-H Club work $50 to Boy Scout work, and $100 to Girl Scout work, entertained pupils from three high schools and held an elimination contest in public speaking and entertained the Scout troop.

The club continued its vocational guidance talks in the high schools. The club contributed $15 to the local baseball team and furnished $270 to buy capes and caps for the Community Band.

The club was host to delegations from Richmond, Hopewell, Fredericksburg, West Point and Newport News and sent delegations to visit Richmond and Hopewell.

It celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary and its own Charter Night, entertained the LG and the District Governor and was represented at the Mid Winter Conference, the International Convention and the District Convention.

President T Noble Vaughn, Secretary J Walton Hall
Membership Jan 1 - 44 Attendance 92%

The club held the 'literary competition for the county high school is usual, put oil Physical Education Day formerly called the Relay Carnival the proceeds of $149, was divided among 6 county high schools and two elementary schools to be used for the undernourished children's lunches.

The Kiwanis Karnival this year netted $2,384 for the community work of the club At Christmas each member chose a needy family and delivered a basket containing appropriate gifts for the members of the family.

The club contributed $100 to the fund for furnishing entertainment to the boys in the Army It underwrote the use of the Randolph-Macon College swimming pool by the children during the summer, and it gave $35 to 4-H Club work.

Club gave $15 to the local baseball club, contributed $300 to be matched bv the town for improving and lighting the Athletic Field, gave $50 to the Civilian Defense Council, and had a program oil Defense Savings to which representative Ruritans were invited as guests.

Visited Richmond and Hopewell held a Ladies Day and a Ladies Night.

Held a Charter Night Anniversary meeting with the District Governor and the Lieutenant-Governor as guests, celebrated Constitution Week, held a Kiwanis Education meeting and was represented at the District Convention.

President James W Smith, Secretary J Walton Hall
Membership Jan 1 - 45 Attendance 91%

The club's yearly Karnival netted over $1,900 It put on a Health Day Parade of 2,000 Five-Point children. Gave $650 to be divided among the schools of the county for hot lunches for needy children, contributed $200 for hospitalization and treatment of county children, purchased sufficient toxin-antitoxin for immunization to diphtheria of 100 children and had printed and sent to every new mother in the county, a folder showing the necessity for immunization. It also took care of necessary T & A operations in the city and of the hospitalization of one tubercular child.

Club sponsored the Boy Scout troop and aided the Girl Scouts financially, joined with other organizations to equip a playground for colored children and continued its yearly distribution of Christmas baskets.

Contributed $50 for the purchase of more instruments for the Community Band (composed of high school and Randolph Macon College students) and gave active support to the Superintendent of Schools in forming a Defense Metal Worker's class. Spent $350 on repairs to a building to be used for the County's Reserve Militia and for other war activities groups, and members served in many capacities in various war effort groups.

Entertained the LTG and was represented at the training school for club officers, the Mid-Winter Conference and the International and the District conventions.

Division 4
President J K Cox, Secretary J Walton Hall
Membership Jan 1 - 52 Attendance 71%
LG James W Smith

Work among the underprivileged was confined to doing what was necessary for individual cases brought to the attention of the club Boys and girls were given a chance and encouraged to work in Victory Gardens, helping themselves, relieving the labor shortage, and aiding the National food supply. The club had the Girl Scouts serve one luncheon A combination Boy Scout and Girl Scout night was held One member of the club received the Silver Beaver award for outstanding work with Scouts.

A delegation was sent to Richmond on visit of the International President.

The club furnished the LG for the Fourth Division, had programs on Kiwanis Education, had the District Governor as guest speaker on Charter Night, entertained the District Secretary, was represented at the Mid Winter Conference and District Convention. At the end of the year, four members were in the Armed Service.

(Volume 6)
President H D Seal, Secretary J Walton Hall
Membership Jan 1 - 55 Attendance 74%

Contributed $200 to the R E Lee Council of the Boy Scouts of America, sponsored the local Troop and gave financial aid to the Girl Scouts; gave prizes amounting to $35 to winners in 4-H Club contests sent Christmas gifts to the members of the club in the armed forces and also to their children; sponsored the 4th, 5th and 6th War Bond sales totaling $I,544 was active in all work on the home front.

President Forrest G Price, Secretary J Walton Hall
Membership Jan 1 - 60 Attendance 78%

The club sponsored local Scout Troop and Cub Pack and donated $300 to the Scout Council; organized an Air Scout Squadron; gave $40 in prizes to winners in 4-H Club contests; $100 to the High School Band: spent $200 for food and clothing for the needy; sponsored a Polio Party, turning over $321 to the March of Dimes.

President H B Gillespie, Secretary Willougby P Taylor
Membership Jan 1 - 67 Attendance 77%

President Howard L Attkinson, Secretary Willougby P Taylor
Membership Jan 1 - 66 Attendance 76%

Sponsored the community singing around the Christmas tree; furnished gifts of clothing, toys, food, nuts and candy to the underprivileged at Christmas; looked after tonsil and dental work during the year; in cooperation with the school board provided a part-time teacher for an indigent confined to hi, home with rheumatic fever.

President Virgil V Jinkins, Secretary Willougby P Taylor
Membership Jan 1 - 63 Attendance 82%

Continued to support of Boy Scout Troop 108 and cooperated with the R E Lee Council in Scout extension, and entertained as guests of the club the members of the Local Air Scout Squadron Sponsor of the local Key Club; continued with FFA, FHA and 4-H Clubs and sent 3 boys and 3 girls to the summer camp at Blacksburg Furnished 1,222 quarts of milk for children of 2 families at a cost of $257; furnished school lunches for undernourished at a cost of $103; set aside $500 to take care of the dental defects of indigent children mostly colored; and took care of the medical expenses of a number of other children; placed Kiwanis road signs at the entrances of the town and fostered a project for widening the street; continued to carry on its annual fair which for a number of years has been an outstanding event in the town.

President James W Midyette Secretary Willougby P Taylor
Membership Jan 1 - 69 Attendance 81%

The club assisted the State Committee on Keel) Virginia Green, organizing boys groups and training them in fire control and prevention, and putting up fire warning signs in prominent places; assisted in the program for soil erosion control and soil conservation; continued sponsoring contests for FFA, FHA and 4-H Clubs, giving prizes to the winners; continued the sponsoring of Boy Scout Troop, 108, and Explorer Troop, 108 (formerly known as Air Squadron); continued support of the Key Club, giving it the right to run the soft drink stand at the Kiwanis Carnival and Fair from which it made a nice profit; spent $206 taking care of the cost of 800 quarts of milk for one family of six, buying wood for another family of six, two T & A operations, 3 furnished glasses, and 2 school books; held the March of Dimes dance netting $400 for the polio fund; and distributed 1000 copies monthly of the booklet "It's Fun to Live in America".

President J Enos Ray, Secretary Willougby P Taylor
Membership Jan 1 - 71 Attendance 84%

The club, following its usual custom held its summer meeting in neighboring rural areas, with residents in those communities as guests, thus strengthening the ties between rural and town dwellers; put on its annual Kiwanis Carnival, netting $3,500 of which $2,600 was given to the Hanover County War Memorial, (This memorial, when completed, will house the Boy Scouts, the American Legion, a gymnasium, a theatre, and be a meeting place for all service organizations); assisted with the help of State and County Fire Wardens, in the organization of school fire patrol groups; aided in the programs of soil conservation; gave on the basis of individual enterprise, five prizes to outstanding boys or girls from the 4-H clubs and the FFA's spending $200 for prizes and entertainment of the winners; continues to sponsor the Boy Scout Troop, and is organizing an Explorer Unit; sponsors the Key Club and contributed $75 to help defray the expenses of delegates to the International Key Club Convention; and took necessary care of a dozen needy children.

(Volume 7)
President Francis C Noland, Secretary Willougby P Taylor
Membership Jan 1 - 72 Attendance 83%

District Chair Agriculture and Conservation James W Midyette

Held annual Kiwanis Carnival raising $3,500 for community work. Sponsor the Boy Scout Troop, aiding in the registration fo the troop and holding Boards of Review and Courts of honor. Continued sponsorship of the Key Club donating $75 toward the expenses of delegates to the Key Club convention in Miami Raised $700 for the March of Dimes Donated $1,000 towards the completeting the Ware Memorial building.

President Willie R Blunt, Secretary Willougby P Taylor
Membership Jan 1 - 76 Attendance 80%

The club meets twice monthly. Made 2 visits to other clubs Inducted 10 new members. Six members went to the District Convention. Sponsored Boy Scout troop, prepared a room in the Ware Memorial building at a cost of $396. Contributed $50 to the Polio Fund. Furnisthed 763 hot luches to needy children at a cost of $171.

Division 04
President Jaems E Cobb, Jr, Secretary B Burton Chapman
Membership Jan 1 - 85 Attendance 84%
Co Sponsor Glen Allen Club
LG James W Midyette

President E D Alexander, Secretary B Burton Chapman
Membership Jan 1 - 83 Attendance 84%

1954 was noteworthy for two reasons First, the Club started an active effort to get fluoridation of the town water supply, which was eventually done, and second, for the first time, the meeting minutes mention that the meeting was opened with a verse of “Oh Beautiful, for Spacious Skies” instead of “America".

President Willougby P Taylor Secretary B Burton Chapman
Membership Jan 1 - 83 Attendance 87%

Ashland organized a Circle K club at Randolph-Macon. It is interesting to note that in those early years 12-15 Circle K members would be in attendance at the Kiwanis meetings and would give regular reports on their activities.

Organization of a Teen Town was actively supported by the Kiwanis in the fifties. This was an outgrowth of the Halloween Dances which Kiwanis initiated for the young people.

Agriculture was not forgotten with the Club sponsoring Soil Bank clinics in the County and strongly supporting the Vocational Agriculture effort.

President Charles Blair, Secretary ?

President Richard S Gillis Jr Secretary Robert J McBride

1957 was a banner year for our Miss Hanover pageant when our winner, Miss Betty Burnette became Miss Tobacco Land.

President Jack D Ludwig, Secretary Willougby P Taylor

1958 saw the initiation of the Kiwanis – Lions Softball games which were fundraisers for both clubs as well as entertainment for the town.

President B Burton Chapman Secretary Willougby P Taylor

President Hugh F Stephens Secretary Sam C Gillespie

President James W Smith, Secretary Sam C Gillespie

President James W Midyette Secretary Sam C Gillespie

President James M Pollard Jr, Secretary Sam C Gillespie

Division 04
President Robert B Lancaster, Secretary Sam C Gillespie
LG Richard S Gillis Jr

President Edward B Ballenger, Secretary Sam C Gillespie

President Arthur P Flippo, Secretary Hugh F Stephens

President Lynwood E Hancoock, Secretary Hugh F Stephens

President G Ray Harlow, Secretary Hugh F Stephens

President Linwood P Attkisson, Secretary Hugh F Stephens

1969 - 1970
Division 04
President John B Leonard, Secretaray Hugh F Stephens
LG James W Midette Jr

1970 - 1971
President J Ellis Hughes, Secretary Hugh F Stephens

1971 - 1972
President Willie A Cleaton, Secretary Hugh F Stephens

1972 - 1973
President John V Glazebrook, Secretary Hugh F Stephens

1973 - 1974
President J Edgar Wickham Jr, Secretary Hugh F Stephens

1974 - 1975
President James M Dooley, Secretary Hugh F Stephens

1975 - 1976
President Helmut Werner, Secretary Hugh F Stephens

1976 - 1977
Division 04 A
President W S Engleby Jr, Secretary Hugh F Stephens

1977 - 1978
President Madison E Shamburger, Secretary Hugh F Stephens

1978 - 1979
Division 04
President Ray B Miller, Secretary Hugh F Stephens

1979 - 1980
President Garland H Roberts, Secretary Hugh F Stephens

1980 - 1981
President Charles H Kopeland, Secretary Hugh F Stephens

1981 - 1982
Division 04
President Roanald S Hall, Secretary Hugh F Stephens
LG B Burton Chapman

1982 - 1983
President William C Herbert, Secretary Hugh F Stephens

1983 - 1984
President John A Banks, Secretary Hugh F Stephens

As we added to our programs, so we ended others 1984 was the last year in which we held the Miss Ashland Contest. The demise of the Tobacco Festival and the changing interests of the community made this project moot. But, as always, we ended with a “bang” with Miss Ashland, Hanna Adams, being named Miss Congeniality at the Tobacco Festival.

1984 - 1985
President Charles T Thompson, Secretary Hugh F Stephens

1985 - 1986
President Albert L C Nelson, Secretary Hugh F Stephens

1986 - 1987
President James E Small III, Secretary Charles M Utley

Our Club helped underwrite a transportation program for mentally retarded children, which allowed them to receive year-round instructional training through the public school system 1986-1987 saw Ashland Kiwanis accepting one of its biggest challenges ever when the club agreed to handle the 1986 Christmas Mother program. The enthusiasm and hard work, by all members, made this program the most successful in the history of this countywide project and developed a format, which was successfully reused in 1987.

The Ashland Kiwanis participation in the “Children’s Miracle Network” program, which raises money for Children’s Hospitals A “Mile of Quarters” event was held in the local shopping center and members worked the Telethon program as phone solicitors.

Our membership grew in the eighties and in 1986 we exceeded 80 members 1986 was particularly noteworthy when our Club, which has a long history of Father-Son members, enjoyed the membership of three generations of the Hargrove family: Buck, Frank, and Stuart.

1986 will always be remembered for another reason Hugh F Stephens retired from the position of Secretary of Ashland Kiwanis, a position that he held for 26 years .We don’t know if this is a Kiwanis record We do know that there could never have been a more dedicated or capable secretary.

It is, perhaps, fitting that just prior to our 65th anniversary, Kiwanis International entered the mainstream 20th century by opening membership to ladies In 1987, Ashland Kiwanis inducted its first distaff member and, in so doing, created our first Father-Daughter membership team

1987 - 1988
President Sidney J Lane Jr, Secretary Charles M Utley

1988 - 1989
President John E Longmire, Secretary Ernest H Mason

1989 - 1990
President Joseph R Womble, Secretary Ernest H Mason

1990 - 1991
President Calvin L Stanley, Secretary James W Smith III

1991 - 1992
President Altamont Dickerson Jr, Secretary James W Smith III

1992 - 1993
President Steven R Isaac, Secretary Shawn P O'Brian
Membership Oct 1 - 95

1993 - 1994
President Andrew J Newchok, Secretary Thomas A Varner
Membership Oct 1 - 94

1994 - 1995
President Arthur W McKinney, Secretary Thomas A Varner
Membership Oct 1 - 85

1995 - 1996
President James W Smith III, Secretary Thomas A Varner
Membership Oct 1 - 84

The club donated $650 to the YMCA for its building fund. This was in addition to money given for operations and scholarships In 1995, the club sponsored a line dance to raise money for the civic fund Line dancing was the craze that seemed to draw all kinds of people.

1996 - 1997
President Todd R Atkinson, Secretary Thomas A Varner
Membership Oct 1 - 88

The spring fundraiser was a Spring Fling Members participated in an “Effective Communications for Employment” seminar at PHHS Additional service projects included Gospel Jail Ministry and providing firewood for the elderly.

Began a new era as the club authorized the formation of the Ashland Kiwanis Charitable Foundation Through many months of paperwork and bureaucracy, the club persevered.

1997 - 1998
Division 24
President Thomas A Varner Secretary James W Smith III
Membership Oct 1 - 90

In 1997, times were very good and disappointing. This disappointment was the placing of the Circle K club at Randolph-Macon on inactive status due to a lack of members. However, the good news is very good for this year First, the club began to lean up 27 miles of route 54 from route 786 to route 776.

1998 - 1999
President Dwayne T Murphy, Secretary Thomas A Varner
Membership Oct 1 - 85

The club has a foundation qualified under Title 501c3 to receive tax deductible donations.

1999 - 2000
Division 24
President William L Ham, Secretary Thomas A Varner
Membership Oct 1 - 90
LG Thomas A Varner

2000 - 2001
President Phillip Doty, Secretary Thomas A Varner
Membership Oct 1 - 91

Year End: 550 Service hours, $2700 spent, 85% club participated 8000 + benefited

In 1998, the Ashland Buisness Community decided not to sponsor the annual Christmas Parade. We are the single sponsor and have total responsibility for the parade. The highlight of the parade (other than Santa Claus) was that over 8,000 people showed up to view the parade. It was a huge success. Because the railroad also bisects teh main road, Santa did get left behind while a train made its way north through Ashland A second highlight was the enthusiasm of all who worked before and during the parade. To a person, everyone is eagerly awaiting the next year.

After the parade, the committee and the Board of Directors conducted a crittque of the parade from planning to completion. A repeat criticism from the audience and from the members is the lack of marching bands Invitations are extended, but in the past two years only the local high school has participated. We are working with the town and the Randolph-Macon College to find an alternate route that will provide viewer ship with increase safety.

2001 - 2002
President Benjamin L Steele, Secretary Thomas A Varner
Membership Oct 1 - 89 Attendance 84%

District Chair Laws and Regulations Thomas A Varner

Year End: 62 Projects Completed, 2228 Service Hours, $20,600 Spent, 20 Interclubs

2002 - 2003
President Jeffrey S Andrews, Secretary Thomas A Varner
Membership Oct 1 - 82 Attendance 71%

District Chair Laws and Regulations Thomas A Varner

Year End: 54 Projects Completed, 1344 Service Hours, $14,198 Spent, 34 Interclubs

2003 - 2004
Division 24
President William Hefele, Secretary Thomas A Varner
Membership Oct 1 - 83 Attendance 68%
Meet 1st 3rd MO 6:30 PM Randolph Macon College
District Chair Laws and Regulations Thomas A Varner
LG Phillip Doty (Divisions 18 & 24)

Year End: 24 Projects Completed, 2101 Service Hours, $8517 Spent, 25 Interclubs

2004 - 2005
President Jody Korman, Secretary Thomas A Varner
Membership Oct 1 - 74 Attendance 73%
Meet 1st 3rd MO 6:30 PM Randolph Macon College
District Chair Laws and Regulations Thomas A Varner
Distinguished Club

Year End: 26 Projects Completed, 1350 Service Hours, $10,370 Spent, 33 Interclubs

2005 - 2006
Heart of Virginia Region
President Louis V Flanagan, Secretary Thomas A Varner
Membership Oct 1 - 75 Attendance 76%
Meet 1st 3rd MO 6:30 PM Randolph Macon College
District Trustee Tom Varner
Distinguished Club Award

Year End: 11 Projects Completed, 1682 Service Hours, $7,550 Spent, 28 Interclubs

2006 - 2007
President Linda L Budi, Secretary Thomas A Varner
Membership Oct 1 - 76 Attendance 71%
Meet 1st 3rd MO 6:30 PM Randolph Macon College
District Trustee Thomas Varner
District Chair Education & Training Thomas A Varner

Year End: 12 Projects Completed, 471 Hours, $3837 Spent, 20 Interclubs

2007 - 2008
Division 24
President Upton S Martin III, Secretary Thomas A Varner
Membership Oct 1 - 78 Attendance 72%
Meet 1st 3rd MO 6:30 PM Randolph Macon College
District Chair Leadership Development Thomas A Varner
LG William L Ham

Year End: 71 Projects Completed, 2260 Service Hours, $7500 Spent, 19Interclubs

2008 - 2009
Division 04
President Frederick Hodnet, Secretary Edwin Cooper, Treasurer Thomas A Varner
Membership Oct 1 - 83 Attendance 71%
Meet 1st, 3rd MO 6:30 PM Randolph Macon College
District Chair Resolutions, Training & Development Thomas A Varner

Year End: 87 Projects Completed, 2626 Service Hours, $4,700 Spent, 13 Interclubs $675 District Foundation

2009 - 2010
President Berry White, Secretary Thomas A Varner
Membership Oct 1 - 78 Attendance 50%
Meet 1st 3rd MO 6:30 PM Randolph Macon College
Governor - Elect Thomas A Varner

Year End: 14 Projects Completed, 772 Service Hours, $1 Spent, 6 Interclubs $203 District Foundation

2010 - 2011
Division 04
President John Myers, Secretary Art Bykonen
Membership Oct 1 - 66
Meet 1st 3rd MO 6:30 PM Randolph Macon College
Governor Thomas A Varner

Year End: 22 Projects Completed, 552 Service Hours, $0 Spent, 5 Interclubs $468 District Foundation

2011 - 2012
President Edward R Hutchinson, Secretary Art Bykonen
Membership Oct 1 - 69
Meet 1st 3rd MO 6:30 PM Randolph Macon College
District Chair Achievement Thomas A Varner
District Secretary Thomas A Varner

2012 - 2013
President Kyle Hendricks, Secretary James Stiles
Membership Oct 1 - 68
Meet 1st 3rd MO 6:15 PM Randolph Macon College
District Secretary Thomas A Varner

2013 - 2014
Division 11

President Tim Boschen, Secretary Edwin R Hutchinson Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 61
Meet 1st 3rd MO 6:15 PM Randolph Macon College
District Chair Past Governors Thomas A Varner
District Secretary Thomas A Varner

2014 - 2015
President Greg Glassner, Secretary Edwin R Hutchinson Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 64
Meet 1st 3rd MO 6:15 PM Randolph Macon College
District Secretary Thomas A Varner

2015 - 2016
President Kevin Whitehorne, Secretary Edwin R Hutchinson Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 61
Meet 1st 3rd MO 6:15 PM Randolph Macon College
District Secretary Thomas A Varner

2016 - 2017
President Daniel Dicandilo, Secretary Edwin R Hutchinson Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 57
Meet 1st 3rd MO 6:15 PM Randolph Macon College
Distinguished Kiwanis Club
District Secretary Thomas A Varner

2017 - 2018
President Phillip Loyd Edmonds, Secretary Edwin R Hutchinson Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 61
Meet 1st 3rd MO 6:15 PM Randolph Macon College
District Secretary Thomas A Varner

2018 - 2019
President George E Smith Secretary Edwin R Hutchinson Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 56
Meet 1st 3rd MO 6:15 PM at Estes Dining Hall Randolph Macon College
Distinguished Club
District Secretary Thomas A Varner

2019 - 2020
President George E Smith Secretary Edwin R Hutchinson Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 58
Meet 1st 3rd MO 6:15 PM at Estes Dining Hall Randolph Macon College
District Secretary Thomas A Varner

2020 - 2021
Division 11
President Daniel McGraw, Secretary Suzanne DuBose
Membership Oct 1 - 52
LG George E Smith