Capital District Kiwanis History

CLUBS Old-Divisions-New Regions Site Map Leadership People

Organized March 5 1919 Chartered June 9 1919
Key # 00103 4th District Club
Sponsor Field Representative Arthur Malkin
Zone Divisions 04 11
Region Heart of Virginia
Population (1919) 182,929

Division 04
(Volume 1 Ralph P Harrison)
President Charles T Norman

The Richmond Kiwanis Club was organized May 6, 1919, with a charter membership of 105 The first president was Mr Charles T Norman, President of the O H Berry Co, clothiers, and among the first by-laws adopted was one limiting the term of the President of the club to one year.

The following civic creed was adopted early in the club's history and has served a good purpose in fostering a Booster spirit.


    I BELIEVE in Richmond
    I BELIEVE in her present greatness, and her noble destiny
    I BELIEVE that her foundations are laid in honor, justice and humanity
    I BELIEVE that her ideals are ideals of fair dealing and clean living, of law abiding progress and growth
    I BELIEVE that Richmond has set high standards in civic and national patriotism
    I BELIEVE that a splendid war kindled spirit of public service points the way to greater achievements for city and nation
    I BELIEVE that the men and women of Richmond do not falter when once they have given their word
    I BELIEVE that no matter how big the task, no matter how great the toil, no matter how high the goal Richmond will see it through

Raised funds for the Children's Home Society Worked for the good roads amendment to the state constitution, as a result of which all subsequent good roads legislation was made possible.

Division 04
President Ralph P Harrison, Executive Secretary Maxime Ducharne
2nd LG J D Hank Jr
District Secretary Maxime Ducharne

During the year 1920 the club was presided over by Mr Ralph P Harrison, General Agent of the Union Central Life insurance Company, and the social activities of the club, particularly with respect to Ladies Nights, were given considerable attention This established congenial good fellowship among the members and their families The club provided the tree and all equipment for the Community Christmas tree.

Division 04
President D K Kellogg, Executive Secretary Frank G Louthan
Membership 131
Governor Josiah D Hank Jr

Richmond Club entertained the Capital District Convention The club continued to assist in the roads campaign donating $600 to the Crippled Children's Hospital and $100 to the Summer Camp $400 to the Associated Charities and jointly with the Rotary Club, as a result of a baseball game raised $2500 for the Associated Charities The first annual golf match between the Rotary Club and this club was played in September.

This club was honored by having one of its members elected as District Governor, in the person of Mr Josiah D Hank, Assistant Attorney General of the Commonwealth Governor Hank's administration was a marked success and the constructive work accomplished during his administration will no doubt be referred to in the record covering the District organization.

Division 04
President Thomas B Howell Executive Secretary Frank G Louthan
Membership 155 Attendance 73%
Sponsor Petersburg and West Point Clubs

This club attained third place in the International Attendance Contest and sponsored a tuberculosis educational campaign, appropriating $280 to have a state-wide publicity that would assist in stamping out tuberculosis.

During the year several trips were made to various points in rural districts in an endeavor to show the people of those communities surrounding Richmond that the Kiwanis Club was in sympathy with them in their demands for good roads, and endeavored to create a better community spirit During the Confederate Veterans' Reunion in June, this club operated a Service Tent for the old veterans it was estimated that through the club's generosity and high conception of real service, the stay in Richmond of over six thousand old veterans was made more pleasant and happy Rotary-Kiwanis baseball game played that netted $2000 One-half was applied to our charity program.

Proposed to build and equip an $18,000 addition to the home for the Instructive Visiting Nurses Association This project has been completed This is the largest and most worthy single piece of constructive work that the club has thus far accomplished.

Division 04
President Dr Clifton M Miller, Executive Secretary Frank G Louthan
Membership 183
Sponsor Ashland and Fredericksburg Clubs

The president is an eye, ear, nose and throat specialist The big objective before the club during the early part of 1923 was the completion of the Instructive Visiting Nurses' Association Home, which was completed and presented to the Association in July.

This club won third place again in the International attendance contest and sent a good size delegation to the International Convention at Atlanta, Georgia The annual Rotary-Kiwanis baseball game resulted in victory for the Rotary Club, but the annual Rotary Kiwanis golf match resulted in a very decided victory for the Kiwanis Club.

At the present he Kiwanis Club is taking the lead in a united campaign of all the civic organizations in the city to raise funds for the Associated Charities.

At the club's expense, direction, and assisted by the City Department of Public Works, automobile tourist routing signs constructed of metal and enamel are being placed at all of the important junction points of the city, to enable tourists to get in and out of town with the least difficulty.

(Ralph P Harrison)
(Volume 2)
President George E Hoppe, Vice President Jesse H Binford
Executive Secretary Frank G Louthan Treasurer George S Barnard
Trustee J D Hank Jr

February Business methods meeting A thorough discussion of ethical business practices by many of the members Held a special meeting in the intdrest of the Crippled Children's Hospital.

Entertained District Governor Claude Woodward and devoted one meeting to a demonstration of the telephone operations and methods Participated in an inter-city meeting at Petersburg Played baseball game and held joint meeting at Ashland Club Visited the West Point Club Sent two delegates to the International Convention Had an Inter-Club Meeting at Williamsburg Participated in the annual Rotary-Kiwanis baseball game Participated in a RotaryKiwanis golf match Entertained District Governor Joseph M Fentress Held a Ladies' Night Sent a large delegation to the District Convention at Norfolk Held a canned foods meeting and assisted in the community chest campaign Continued our activities in connection with the underprivileged children, having in hand a special fund for that purpose amounting at the end of the year to nearly one thousand dollars In addition to this, the club had an educational fund of $500 for use by a special committee in giving financial assistance to worthy ambitious students.

During the year the club lost 2 valuable members Past Governor Josiah D Hank and Henry W Winston.

Division 04
(Frank G Louthan)
President Jesse H Binford Vice President G Edmond Massie
Executive Secretary Frank G Louthan Treasurer George S Barnard
Attendance 77%
Trustee Ralph P Harrison
LG Thomas B Howell

Conducted a 4-week boys' camp under the direction of D V Blayney, at a cost of $1,000 The Agricultural Committee rendered five programs, two in rural sections and three at the regular place of meeting $500 was contributed to the educational fund of the club for the use of worthy students Three hundred and eighty-one dollars were used for miscellaneous underprivileged child work and over one hundred dollars was appropriated for the Confederate Historical Marker Inter-Club Meetings were held at Ashland and West Point and at the annual group meeting for all clubs in this District in May, Richmond was one of the host clubs 45 members attended the District Convention in Staunton Under the head of Public Affairs, the following subjects were discussed before the club and the activity of the club secured:

(Frank G Louthan)
President G Edmond Massie Jr, Vice President J Randolph Tucker
Executive Secretary Frank G Louthan Treasurer George S Barnard
Attendance 73%
Trustee Ralph P Harrison

75 members and their ladies attended the District Convention at Roanoke Rendered financial assistance to a number of college students Conducted a camp for 65 underprivileged boys for a period of two weeks and assisted in handling a number of juvenile cases $600 was spent on crippled children's work, treating cases.

Participated actively in the Community Fund Campaign Entertained the Council of the City of Richmond, expressing our appreciation for their services to the city Co-operated in plans for an airport and municipal harbor and a zoning ordinance.

We participated in the District Inter-Club Meeting at Ashland in May and sponsored a group meeting at Williamsburg in October Three out-of-town meetings were held, one at the Boys' Camp and the other two in rural sections in co-operation with the agricultural interests.

(Frank G Louthan)
(Volume 3)
President Luke D Drury, Executive Secretary Frank G Louthan
Membership 199
Trustee Jesse H Binford

Began a weekly clinic at the Medical College of Virginia Provided $4,200 for underprivileged child work Held our annual baseball game with Rotary, which netted Kiwanis $1200 for their work Held a special crippled children's meeting which was addressed by some of the outstanding physicians of Richmond and a practical demonstration of the work of the clinic was given by Dr Wheeldon, who presented a moving picture of the clinic The meeting was also attended by a number of the crippled children who gave demonstrations 7,823 visits were made by patients to the Kiwanis Clinic, and 3,864 visits were made outside of the clinic room The physiotherapist gave 3,939 treatments to patients in connection with the above visits The club automobile provided 2,172 of these visits.

Appropriated $250 for the purpose of placing a number of boys in the YMCA Camp for two weeks.

Hosted Ashland and West Point Clubs Cooperated with Ashland and Fredericksburg Kiwanis Clubs in a historical pageant, commemorating the opening of the Richmond-Washington highway.

A special meeting was held under the auspices of the Public Affairs Committee to discuss a city jail farm This committee also had charge of the meeting just before the state election One of the most important materials of public nature considered and approved by the club was that of the construction of a public stadium for the City of Richmond While no definite action was taken during year 1927 this project was actually carried out in the subsequent year.

We held a Father and Son Day and our annual Ladies' Night In addition, we held a Ladies' Afternoon and Evening There was golf, bridge, and checkers and an observation tour Supper was served on the lawn of the Hermitage Golf Club with dancing following Two hundred Kiwanians and ladies were present.

President Dave E Satterfield Jr, Executive Secretary Frank G Louthan
Trustee Jesse H Binford

January, we observed Anniversary Week and entertained the VA General Assembly Kiwanians March, a delegation of 30 attended the anniversary of the Aahland Club We participated in a city wide 10 day program for the prevention of tuberculosis A Kiwanis solicitation team was placed in the field for an athletic stadium for Richmond.

During Inter-Club Week we hosted Ashland and West Point with Governor Kime.

Raised $2,000, half for our crippled children work and half for Rotary's boys work At this game there were present between 3000 and 4000 people We won a cup for the game and the first leg on a handsome $500 silver trophy donated by Hon James T Disney.

District Convention Oct 18-20, was the big event of the year As a full account of this convention has been published in the District Bulletin, and is contained in the District part of this history Suffice it to say we were busy preparing for it and the Kiwanians and-their ladies left nothing undone to make it a success.

President John H Frischkorn Jr, Executive Secretary Courtney S Welton
Trustee Donald N Frazier

The Anniversary Meeting program was devoted to Kiwanis education April our club met with other Richmond civic clubs disseminating information about the YMCA For the third consecutive time our club won the silver cup in the Adventure Day program.

The outstanding event of the year was the Inter-Club Night when International President 0 Sam Cummings visited us 300 Kiwanians from the various clubs of the District were present on this occasion The club endorsed the effort of the local Chamber of Commerce to secure for Richmond the American port of the Graf Zeppelin.

Sponsored the Fourth Division clubs at Williamsburg on September 5 Over 300 Kiwanians were present.

There are 7 cases being trained by the Bureau of IndustrialRehabilitation 2 patients were committed to Colony for Feebleminded in Lynchburg 4 patients were sent to the City Home Three patients were helped to the extent that they were able to leave the City Home and earn a living 31 patients were aided in social and financial problems by affiliation with other social agencies.

Division 04
(Volume 4)
President James G Earnest, Executive Secretary Courtney S Welton
Trustee Donald N Frazier
Governor Jesse H Binford

A special program in celebration of the 15th anniversary of Kiwanis was presented on January 20, and was in charge of the Kiwanis Education Committee Addresses were made by Past Presidents Dave Satterfield and Edmond Massie.

Plans were completed whereby the clinic for crippled children was turned over to the Outpatient Department of the Medical College of Virginia to be conducted, aided by the Kiwanis club Dr Thomas F Wheeldon, who has so faithful aide in this work in the past, will be the chief in charge under this new plan, assisted by other distinguished surgeons, One advantage gained by this change will be that the clinic will now be held three times a week instead of once.

The Under-privileged Child Committee contained the following information about the clinic: "We would like to very earnestly impress upon the members of this club this thought, that is, the advantage of a clinic such as we have participated in for 1930, chiefly because of the facilities that it offers regarding general medical service, clinic clerical staff, and it offers the opportunity of teaching students this work Now, as to the general medical service, we elaborate on it to this extent to say that these children who come to the clinic sometimes through their weakened condition in general, often need other medical attention than for the straightening of their limbs or other deformities, and when this is necessary there are doctors available at the clinic who practice in all of the various lines of medicine known to science We think this is of the highest importance The teaching of students, we believe, is most important if there are to be men available for this work in the future This work was begun in 1927 and the club subscribed $4,250 and during that year 2,577 patients were treated In 1928 the club subscribed $4,291 and 2,951 patients were treated In 1929 the club subscribed $3,28669 and treated 2,495 patients In 1930 the club subscribed $1,800 and treated 2,963 patients Since we took up this work during all these combined years we have treated patients to the number of 10,986 We must in closing this report thank those physicians who served at the clinic, and the names are as follows: Dr Thomas F Wheeldon, chief; Dr Blair Fitts, Dr D M Faulkner, Dr J B Dalton, Dr Randolph Anderson; and we again want to express our appreciation to Dr William T Sanger and tile Executive Committee of the Medical College of Virginia for giving us tile opportunity of serving these children in a way that would have been impossible to have (lone without their help".

Arrangements were made with WMBG, Richmond Broadcasting Company, whereby oil the morning of each meeting day announcement will be made of the meeting of the Kiwanis club, giving the time and place.

Our budget for 1930 provided $1,800 for crippled child work, $450 for boys' work, and $100 for agricultural work.

A very interesting meeting was held on vocational guidance work As a result of which 50 of our members agreed to assist.

A joint meeting was field with representatives of the Petersburg and Hopewell clubs in attendance to hear Colonel Henry C Jewett, U S district engineer, speak on the development of the James River.

Another interesting address was one made by Miss Helen Drinker on behalf of 4-H Club work.

During Inter-Club Week we were host to Ashland and West Point In all, we participated in seven inter-club meetings.

Our educational loan fund now amounts to $3,900.

Kiwanis took the leading part in Adventures Day, furnishing the general chairman and several other officers, and supplying a number of floats in the parade, which depicted the leading historical characters of Virginia.

Kiwanian C Capers Boisseau has not missed a meeting for 11 years and holds the 4th place in the United States for attendance.

United States-Canada Week was observed by an address delivered by Mr Gerald Jones, of the Virginia Electric and Power Company, who is a Canadian by birth He spoke of the cordial relations that exists between the United States and Canada for more than a century.

Lieutenant-Governor Nelson Sutton paid us an official visit A Ladies Night was held at the Country Club All-Kiwanis Night was observed.

Action was taken urging on the authorities the construction of a new highway bridge.

We made it possible for three 4-H Club members to attend a special summer course at Virginia Polytechnic Institute Our Agriculture Committee conducted one meeting during the year and arranged to send three students to the State Agricultural College.

The Boys Committee sent 25 boys to the YMCA camp, found employment for 7 boys, placed 2 boys in private homes, arranged a Christmas party and arranged for the orphans to attend special matinees on Saturdays at several picture shows.

A meeting was devoted to Business Standards and a number of Kiwanians spoke on the subject Two meetings were in charge of the Kiwanis Education Committee.

Other addresses made by Richard A Metcalf on Book Publication and Manufacture in Richmond, Ross H Walker on the Stock Market, Walter M Pierce on the 1931 International Convention, the presidents of the student bodies of the six Richmond colleges outlined the work of their organizations; Alvah L Powell, of the General Electric Company, who spoke on "Lighting of the Future"; a talk on the new dial system telephone, and Mr J Malcolm Bridges, on behalf of a "Buy Now" campaign.

The annual meeting of the Fourth Division was held at Williamsburg, with a large representation from the Richmond club Constitution Week was observed with an address by former Governor A J Montague, who is an honorary member of our club.

The annual golf tournament with Rotary resulted in a victory for Kiwanis There was a bowling tournament which lasted for nine weeks with 68 members participating, and an average attendance of 35.

Two members were appointed to serve on a committee of local men who worked with traffic experts from the National Safety Council to compile data and assist in the formulation of better local traffic regulations.

On November 3, the club met with the workers on the community fund campaign and our members gave ten days of their time to assist in the canvass A "Business Fellowship" meeting was held at which each member brought as his guest a business competitor In lieu of the usual Ladies Night, we devoted our meeting of December 22 to entertaining 52 under-privileged boys, each of whom received an order for gloves and socks The club lost a valued member and friend, our treasurer, George S Barnard Whose loss we keenly felt and greatly deplore.

President G Waddy Wild, Executive Secretary Courtney S Welton
Trustee John H Frisclikorn

We continued the operation of our clinic at the Medical College of Virginia While cold figures can never tell the whole story of the good accomplished, they can give some indication of the results The figures for 1931 were as follows:
Individual cases:
Number treated 1154
Number new cases 267
Number discharged cured 27
Visits by patients for clinic treatments 3267
Number individual cases 378
Number treatments given 988

Worked with the Red Cross in the relief of unemployment and of the drought sufferers.

We were host to the Inter-Club Council in the interest of a tournament for the benefit of the Richmond Academy of Arts.

We attended inter-club meetings with West Point and Ashland were visited by the "Two-a-Day Club" from Washington, assisted in raising funds for the Children's Home Society of Virginia, entertained 400 orphans at the circus, and played golf with Rotary.

We also had a good representation at the Division Meeting at Williamsburg and attended a meeting at Fredericksburg.

Meetings were devoted to the interest o the Fair Association and the Community Fund, and a large number of our members worked in the campaign for the Community Chest We met with Rotary and Lions at a dinner at which Governor Ritchie of Maryland was the speaker.

Division 04
President Charles W Moss, Executive Secretary Courtney S Welton
Membership Jan 1 - 132 Attendance 61%
LG Donald S Frazier

Continued the Crippled Children's Clinic with Dr Tom Wheeldon as orthopedic surgeon, held a program devoted to this work and showed a motion Picture of under-privileged child work It sent ten boys to camp for periods of from 2 to 5 weeks, each according to their need and did follow UP work in each case, provided a milk fund for lunches of underprivileged children, and aided in the community fund drive.

Had programs on safety, Traffic Conditions in the City, and The Work of the Salvation Army Provided a rest and refreshment tent at the Confederate Veterans convention kept open by Kiwanis ladies and Boy Scouts.

Attended inter-club meetings at Petersburg and at Hopewell, and was host to Hopewell and Petersburg A large delegation attended the Fourth Division Meeting at Williamsburg.

For its own enjoyment the club organized bowling and golf tournaments in season, open to both men and ladies, and presented prizes at meetings at which ladies were guests The club held a stag picnic.

The club celebrated its 13th Anniversary with an inter-club meeting with Ashland, Hopewell, Petersburg and West Point at which the District Governor was guest speaker It had representatives at the Mid-Winter Conference and at the District and, International Conventions.

President Frank G Loutham, Executive Secretary Courtney S Welton
Membership Jan 1 - 132 Attendance 64%

The club put on a benefit Picture for the under-privileged child fund, netting over $200, and continued successfully its Crippled Children's Clinic in charge of Dr Thomas Wheeldon Sent several boys to camp and continued the "follow up" work on their return A goodly sum was raised and turned over to the school to aid in furnishing lunches for needy children.

The Girl and Boy Scout movements were encouraged One program was devoted to Girl Scouts One member of the club was honored by the Scout organization by receiving the Silver Beaver Award for 17 years of faithful service as a Scouter.

The club fostered the third Richmond Forward Movement, assisted in the Community Fund drive, aided in launching the NRA and celebrated Fire Prevention Week.

Each week a number of members attended the meetings of other clubs The club attended two inter-club meetings at Hopewell furnishing the speaker and the program at one meeting, visited the West Point club and was host at a picnic to the Petersburg and Hopewell clubs.

The club held two successful Ladies Nights during the year at one of which the ladies put on the program, also a Son and Daughter Night at which the sons and daughters of Kiwanians put on the entire program The club carried on its usual activities of bowling in winter and golf in summer with much interested evinced.

The club was host to the Mid-Winter Trustees' Meeting and District Conference and sent representatives to the International and District Conventions Sent a delegation to the Fourth Division Meeting at Williamsburg.

Celebrated our own 14th Anniversary.

President Thomas A Scott, Executive Secretary Courtney S Welton
Membership Jan 1 - 141 Attendance 65%

A donkey baseball game netted tile club $300 for its crippled child work The Clinic was continued wit], its usual good results.

The "Dancing Children” performed (who were formerly cripples) The club distributed 40 Christmas baskets at an average cost of $250.

A boys' work program was put on by the Kiwanis Juniors and two programs featuring YMCA work The club celebrated Boy Scout Week and had a program put on by Scouts It also had a most enjoyable Father and Son Night.

Interesting programs were on the subjects of the Home Owners' Loan Corporation, The Federal Housing Association, Adult Education, Welfare Needs, The Acts of the Legislature, City Finances, The Salvation Army, Crises in Education, and Highway Safety The club also had a luncheon with the community fund workers.

The club was host to Kiwanians from Ashland, Charlottesville, Hampton, Petersburg and Staunton on the occasion of the visit of the International President The club sent delegates to Hopewell and to Fredericksburg.

The club has bowling teams in the winter and plays golf in the summer Besides its own golf tournament and its costume golf, open to ladies as well as men, it Plaved contests with teams from Petersburg and Roanoke and entertained players in the Division tournament at Yorktown The club had two Ladies Nights followed by dancing, an outing at Eastham on the James River and a picnic.

The club celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary, Charter Day and United States-Canada Week It had a program on Kiwanis Education It was host to the District Convention and had representatives at the Mid-Winter Conference, the Division Meeting at Williamsburg and at the International Convention.

President August H Nolde, Executive Secretary Courtney S Welton
Membership Jan 1 - 143 Attendance 62%

Opened a new clinic at the Sheltering Arms Hospital Spent $150 for shoes, braces in the neighborhood, and gave a Christmas party for 30 children at the hospital.

Held a successful Sons and Daughters Night It set aside a sum of money to be used by the Vocational Guidance Committee in placement work.

Held a Public School Night, and met with the community fund workers It had programs on The Emergency Relief Administration, Infantile Paralysis, Athletics, The Activities of the State Chamber of Commerce, The Army and the People, Traffic Problems, Community Recreation, The ABC Act, Federal Control of Public Utilities and James River Improvement.

Sent delegations to visit Ashland and Petersburg It entertained the West Point club when the latter put on the entire program and it was host to Ashland, Hopewell, Petersburg, West Point and Fredericksburg at a big inter-club meeting.

Organized bowling weekly (luring the winter months and played golf weekly during the summer, giving prizes in each at the end of the season It put on a costume golf tournament with prizes and had a joint meeting with Rotary Besides its regular Ladies Night it had the ladies at one of the regular mid-day luncheons.

Had a meeting on Kiwanis Education, celebrated Constitution Week, was represented at the Mid-Winter Conference, the District and International Conventions and had a 100% meeting (luring Progress Week.

President Stuart Ragland, Executive Secretary Courtney S Welton
Membership Jan 1 - 152 Attendance 64%

The club continued its Crippled Children's Clinic at the Sheltering Arms Hospital during the year It had a program showing by slides the results of the work there It also had a program on The Organization of a Crippled Children's Bureau in Virginia and one on Under-privileged and Under-nourished Children in the Schools It gave a Christmas party to 54 children at the hospital.

Had programs on Scouting and on Why Go to College and Who Should Go Furnished money to send five 4-H boys to the Short Course at VPI.

Spent $25 to collect data on aptitude of a select group of boys Followed up and kept in touch with a group of boys assigned to the club (on request) by the Social Service Bureau and it had a program on Youth Needs a job.

Had a meeting with the Community Fund workers Its programs were varied, such as Highway Safety, Business Trends, Labor Problems, The Work of the Rehabilitation Bureau, Present Social Trends, The Acts of the Legislature, The Public Schools, State Parks (illustrated), International Philanthropy and World Peace, and the Significance of Easter.

The club sent representatives to Victoria and to West Point and was host to Ashland, West Point, Hopewell, Petersburg, Fredericksburg and Norfolk on the occasion of Norfolk's presenting the Golden Rule to this club.

The club had its regular bowling and golf tournaments weekly in the seasons and had a President's Ball, a Ladies Night and a picnic.

The club improved its regular attendance record by using the "buddy" system It was represented at the Mid-Winter Conference, the District and International Conventions and the Officers' Training School.

President W T Sanger, Executive Secretary Courtney S Welton
Membership Jan 1 - 162 Attendance 64%

The Crippled Children's Clinic at the Sheltering Arms Hospital was continued through the year The Under-privileged Child Committee for a while met twice each week inviting a different group of members to each meeting, thus demonstrating to the membership the work of the Clinic and arousing general interest in the work The sum of $200 was spent for.

The Christmas party for crippled Children, 40 were brought to the regular club luncheon in wheel chairs Santa Claus was there with gifts for every one The club worked with under-privileged girls and sent a number of them to camp for two weeks.

The club had a program on Youth Problems, and one on What Scouting Means to a Boy, by a Scout.

The club through the aid of the Ashland club got in touch with 4-H Club members and had them put on the program at the annual picnic.

The club held a President's Ball, another Ladies Night, the picnic referred to above and two joint meetings with Rotary.

The club held programs on Kiwanis Education, entertained the LTG, was host to the Mid-Winter Conference and was represented at the International and District Conventions, the Division Meetings and the Officer Training School.

Division 04
(Volume 5)
President Harold C Kersten, Executive Secretary Courtney S Welton
Membership Jan 1 - 171 Attendance 62%
LG John H Frischkorn Jr

Club set aside funds for an Occupation Therapy Curative Work-Show in connection with the clinic, had a program on the visiting Nurses Association, furnished mil and food for underprivileged school children, inaugurated a softwall activity to raise funds for underprivileged work, sent 19 girls to a camp managed bv the Girl Scout organization, continued its clinic and hospital work during the year, and gave a Christmas Party for indigent children for which members of the club donated $250 in cash, numerous toys, and transportation for the children to and from the party.

The club had a Scout program, one on Football and one on Home Interest for Boys.

At a picnic on the farm of a member of the club the program was put on by the 4 H clubs of Hanover Community.

Host to Highland, Hopewell, and West Point Had Golf matches with West Point and Portsmouth.

Had two meetings with Rotary and one with the Quota Club, and it had a Bowling Team.

Visited by the International President (an inter club meeting), the District Governor, and the LTG, was represented at the Training School for Club Officers, the Mid Winter Conference, and the International and the District Conventions.

President Thomas J Starke, Executive Secretary Courtney S Welton
Membership Jan 1 - 181 Attendance 64%

The club continued to operate the Crippled Children's Clinic weekly Subsidized the Orthopedic Department of the Sheltering Arms Hospital so that all indigent chilqren in the community might be served Contributions of food to the hot luncheon program for school children An exhibition of amateur boxing bouts netted $1,700 for welfare work The annual Christmas party was given to 118 children.

Celebrated its own 20th Anniversary with an inter club meeting at which 4 clubs were represented, and the District Governor and the LTG were guests of honor Represented at the Mid Winter Conference, the International and the District Conventions, and the Training School for Club Officers.

President W Milville Brown Executive Secretary A Vernon Spott
Administrative Secretary Clara Bell Ford
Membership Jan 1 - 181 Attendance 67%

Contributed $2,186 voluntarily by members to the fund for community welfare work The Milk bottle Collection netted $412, and contributions for the Christmas Party $420 Several programs were given on underprivileged child work, and the total amount spent for ths work, exclusive of the Christmas party, including Crippled Child Work, T and A operations, lunches for underprivileged children, and a contribution of $125 to send both white and colored Girl Scouts to camp, amounted to approximately $1,200 The club sent 3 boys to Boy State.

Host to Hopewell, Petersburg, West Point, Ashland, Newport News, Hampton, and Norfolk Golf matches were held with West Point, Newport News, and Hampton, and the club carried the plaque to Newport News.

The club had intra club golf matches, field several joint meetings with Rotary, and had three Ladies' Nights, and the President's Banquet and Ball.

Was represented at the Mid Winter Conference, the International Convention and District Convention, to which it was host, and the Training School for Club Officers The club showed an increase in membership of slightly over 16% during the year.

Division 04
President Cecil Gray, Executive Secretary Raymond C Hall
Administrative Secretary Clara Bell Ford
Membership Jan 1 - 210 Attendance 62%
LG W Milville Brown

The Community Welfare Fund for the year was made up of volunteer contributions, $2,963 for Westminster Choir Concert, $1,764 for Milk Bottle Collection, $433 for the Christmas Mother Treated 223 patients for a variety of needs Gave the usual Christmas Party for underprivileged children.

The principal of the loan fund was increased by $140 during the year From this fund the sum of $414 was loaned to worthy students for educational purposes.

Sent 2 boys to Boy State Gave $250 to the Girl Scouts Gave $3,900 to the Richmond Area Council of the Boys Scouts of America for the construction of a Kiwanis Hall to be used as a mess hall at Camp Shawondase.

The club had a joint meeting with the Community Fund Drive committee, and took an active part in the Red Cross drive for funds.

HeId interclubs with West Point and Fredericksburg, and a golf match was held with Petersburg

There were intra cok golf and bowling matches, a joint meeting with Rotary, 2 Ladies' Nights, and the President's Banquet and Ball.

It held a number of Kiwanis Education meetings, celebrated its own anniversary, entertained the LTG, and was represented at the International and District Conventions and the Training School for Club Officers At the end of the year there were 4 members in military service.

President Donald S Frazier Executive Secretary Raymond C Hall
Administrative Secretary Clara Bell Ford
Membership Jan - 1 206 Attendance 64%

Among the projects aided through underprivileged child work this year were clinics at the Medical College of Virginia, Children's Memorial Clinic, Sheltering Arms Hospital, Occupational Therapy Curative Workshop Funds were also donated to the Children's Aid Society, the Christmas Mother for helping unfortunates, and hot lunches for indigent children Donated $1,200 to the Girl Scout Camp for the purpose of building a troop house.

Host to Hopewell, Petersburg, Newport News, Ashland, Hampton, and Baltimore

Golf and bowling teams were organized Three joint meetings were held with Rotary, a Valentine party Ladies' Night and another Ladies' Night were held, and a joint meeting with Rotary and Lions was held in the interest of the sale of War Stamps and Bonds.

Entertained both the District Governor and the LTG, was represented at the Mid Winter Conference, the International and the District Conventions, and the Training School for Club Officers At the end of the year 16 members of the club were in the armed forces.

President Henry C Chesley Jr, Executive Secretary Raymond C Hall
Administrative Secretary Clara Bell Ford
Membership Jan 1 - 211 Attendance 68%

Spent $3,000 for underprivileged child work For boys and girls work the main contribution were to enabile both boys and girls to attend summer camps Others were spent for Christmas entertainmedents for boys and girls and toward the Milk Fund The club maintains a fund for which loans are made to worthy students to further their education in the University of Richmond, the Medical College of Virginia, and Virginia Union University Donated $20 for the building of soldier pick up station.

Attended the International President visit, was represented at the Mid Winter Conference, the District Convention, and the Training School for Club Officers On December 31, 24 members of the club werc in the armed forces.

(Volume 6)
President Edgar H Mears, Executive Secretary Raymond C Hall
Administrative Secretary Clara Bell Ford
Governor W Melvin Brown

President Harold F Snead, Executive Secretary Raymond C Hall

Administrative Secretary Clara Bell Ford

President Edward D Grant
Executive Secretary Raymond C Hall
Administrative Secretary Clara Bell Ford

President Guy M Timberlake, Executive Secretary Emmet M Frazer

Administrative Secretary Clara Bell Ford
District Chair Spiritural Aims Edward D Grant

Division 04
President Jason Edward Small, Executive Secretary Emmet M Frazer
Administrative Secretary Clara Bell Ford
LG Harold F Snead resigned replaced by Frank G Louthan

President Stuart Sanders II, Executive Secretary Emmet M Frazer
Administrative Secretary Clara Bell Ford
District Chair District Convention Program Stuart Sanders

President John C Williams, Executive Secretary O E Peterson
Administrative Secretary Clara Bell Ford
Co Sponsor Chesterfield Club

(Volume 7)
President William H Hiett, Executive Secretary O E Peterson
Administrative Secretary Clara Bell Ford
District Chair Interclub Relations James B Bullard

Division 04
President Edward A Wayn, Executive Secretary O E Peterson

Administrative Secretary Clara Bell Ford
LG James Edward Small

President Morrill M Crowe, Executive Secretary Emmet M Frazer
Administrative Secretary Clara Bell Ford

Co Sponsor Glen Allen Club

President William B Jacobs, Executive Secretary O E Peterson
Administrative Secretary Clara Bell Ford

President Arthur R White, Executive Secretary Emmet M Frazer
Administrative Secretary Clara Bell Ford

President Henry T Huband
Executive Secretary Emmet M Frazer
Administrative Secretary Clara Bell Ford

Sponsor West End Richmond Club

Division 04
President D Andrew Welch, Executive Secretary Archer B Gay
Administrative Secretary Clara Bell Ford
LG Henry T Huband

President Joseph H Spivey, Executive Secretary Archer B Gay
Administrative Secretary Clara Bell Ford
Sponsor East Henrico Sandston Club
District Chair Support of Churches in Spiritual Aims Henry T Huband

President Reuben Viener Executive Secretary Robert E Anderson Jr
Administrative Secretary Clara Bell Ford

President Richard Florance, Executive Secretary Robert E Anderson Jr
Administrative Secretary Clara Bell Ford

Division 04
President Newman Hamblet, Executive Secretary Robert E Anderson Jr
Administrative Secretary Mary Agnes Smith
LG Reuben Viener

President Frank G Louthan Jr Executive Secretary Robert E Anderson Jr
Administrative Secretary Mary Agnes Smith

President H Atwood Hitch, Executive Secretary Robert E Anderson Jr
Administrative Secretary Mary Agnes Smith

President Harry A Simkins, Secretary Robert E Anderson Jr
Administrative Secretary Mary Agnes Smith

President Chester E Starkey, Secretary Robert E Anderson Jr
Administrative Secretary Joan Bell

Division 04
President James T Mathews, Executive Secretary Robert E Anderson Jr
Administrative Secretary Joan Bell
LG Frank G Louthan Jr

President Miles Cary, Executive Secretary Robert E Anderson Jr
Administrative Secretary Rose Fennell

President Robert W Storrs III, Executive Secretary Robert E Anderson Jr
Administrative Secretary Rose Fennell

President Charles P Wilson, Executive Secretary Robert E Anderson Jr
Administrative Secretary Pattie E Stuhldreher

1969 - 1970
Division 04
President Upton S Martin, Executive Secretary Robert E Anderson Jr
Administrative Secretary Pattie E Stuhldreher
Governor Frank G Louthan Jr

1970 - 1971
President Lee F Davis, Executive Secretary Henry T Huband
Administrative Secretary Pattie E Stuhldreher

District Chair Achievement, District Convention, Finance Frank G Louthan Jr

1971 - 1972
President C Cabell Hancock Jr, Executive Secretary Henry T Huband
Administrative Secretary Pattie E Stuhldreher

District Chair Past Governors Frank G Louthan Jr

1972 - 1973
President Jack H Baskerville, Executive Secretary Henry T Huband
Administrative Secretary Pattie E Stuhldreher

1973 - 1974
President Jack H Baskerville, Executive Secretary Henry T Huband
Administrative Secretary Pattie E Stuhldreher

1974 - 1975
President G Richard Wainwright, Executive Secretary Henry T Huband
Administrative Secretary Pattie E Stuhldreher

District Chair District Convention Charles P Wilson
District Chair Support for Spiritural Aims W WallaceTenent Jr

1975 - 1976
President Maurice B Rowe III, Executive Secretary William B Jacobs
Administrative Secretary Pattie E Stuhldreher

1976 - 1977
Division 4 A
President Willis O Jones Jr, Secretary Robert K Morris
Administrative Secretary Pattie E Stuhldreher
LG G Richard Wainwright

1977 - 1978
President Samuel A Derieux, Executive Secretary Robert K Morris
Administrative Secretary Pattie E Stuhldreher s

1978 - 1979
Division 04
President J Edwin Givens, Executive Secretary Robert K Morris
Administrative Secretary Pattie E Stuhldreher
LG Charles P Wilson

1979 - 1980
President William W Berry, Executive Secretary Willis O Jones Jr
Administrative Secretary Pattie E Stuhldreher

1980 - 1981
President Edgar M Andrews Jr, Executive Secretary Willis O Jones Jr
Administrative Secretary Pattie E Stuhldreher

District Chair District Convention A B Ruff Jr

1981 - 1982
President Robert B Bass, Executive Secretary Willis O Jones Jr
Administrative Secretary Pattie E Stuhldreher

1982 - 1983
President Bernard C Swann Executive Secretary Woodrow W Wilkerson
Administrative Secretary Pattie E Stuhldreher

1983 - 1984
President Alexander J Kay Jr, Executive Secretary Douglas C Fullman
Administrative Secretary Pattie E Stuhldreher

1984 - 1985
President Wiliam L Ball Jr, Executive Secretary William V Collins
Administrative Secretary Pattie E Stuhldreher

1985 - 1986
President J B Jackson Jr Executive Secretary William V Collins
Administrative Secretary Pattie E Stuhldreher

1986 - 1987
President Aylett W Goode Jr, Executive Secretary William V Collins
Administrative Secretary Pattie E Stuhldreher

1987 - 1988
Division 04
President Thomas A Payne, Executive Secretary William V Collins
LG Bernard C Swann

1988 - 1989
President R Coleman Rice Jr, Executive Secretary William V Collins
Administrative Secretary Pattie E Stuhldreher

1989 - 1990
President G Kenneth Cole, Executive Secreary Nicholas A Nielsen
Administrative Secretary Pattie E Stuhldreher

Sponsor Innsbrook Club
District Chair Children's Miracle Network Telethon Bernard C Swann

1990 - 1991
Division 04
President Lloyd B Andrew Jr, Executive Secretary N Andre Nielsen
Administrative Secretary Pattie E Stuhldreher
LG J B Jackson Jr

1991 - 1992
President Ralph R Crosby Jr, Executive Secretary N Andre Nielsen
Administrative Secretary Pattie E Stuhldreher

1992 - 1993
President Charles P Inman, Secretary Julian B Jackson Jr
Administrative Secretary Kelly E Winters

1993 - 1994
President Maxwell G Cisne, Executive Secretary Julian B Jackson Jr
Administrative Secretary Kelly E Winters

1994 - 1995
President John I Oatts, Executive Secretary Julian B Jackson Jr
Administrative Secretary Kelly E Winters

1995 - 1996
Division 04
President Mary L Murphy Executive Secretary Julian B Jackson Jr
Administrative Secretary Kelly E Winters
LG William Mark Kates

1996 - 1997
President William Y Roper III, Executive Secretary Julian B Jackson Jr
Administrative Secretary Kelly E Winters

1997 - 1998
Division 04
President George H Ginn Executive Secretary Julian B Jackson Jr
Administrative Secretary Kelly E Winters
LG Raymond L Doggett Jr

1998 - 1999
President David D Addison, Secretary Mary L Murphy
Administrative Secretary Kelly E Winters

1999 - 2000
President Fred L Bagwell, Secretary Mary L Murphy
Administrative Secretary Kelly E Winters

Sponsor Hanover County Club

2000 - 2001
Division 04
President Harry H Garmon Jr, Secretary Julian N Holland Jr
Administrative Secretary Kelly E Winters
Membership Oct 1 - 225
LG Mary L Murphy

From Club Annual Report, Pt 2, - Support William Byrd Community House, Kiwanis hours 400, $6,500 expended, 20% participation, 40 benefited.

Activities focused on teh pre-school class which the agency offers and included several field trips where Kiwanians joined with agency staff to accompany the children on teh bus and during the activite We assisted with a Christmas PAry for the pre-schoolers giving each child a copy of a book, and we assested with a Summer Carnival for parents and children.

Two new activites were 1) Circle K club members helping the pre-schoolers with computer skills appropriate for their age and 2) a Lunch Buddy program involving the members of our club The Circle K members went to the agency to work with the children over a specified period of time The Lunch Buddy program involved about 12 Kiwanians who went to the agency at lunch time on scheduled days, ate lunch with one or two assigned children and then read one or more books with the child(ren) The children really responded to this personal attention and enjoyed the books more than any aspect of the program.

These additions were accomplished with no additional funds, only volunteer time Club members spent over 400 service hours on all projects and Circle K approximately 50 About 20% of the club membership of 225 took part in the various programs, some participating in several of the projects The pre-school class of about 20 children received the most benefit, but 20 children in teh after school program were also assisted.

2001 - 2002
President Mildred D Bruce Secretary Julian N Holland Jr
Administrative Secretary Kelly E Winters
Membership Oct 1 - 246 Attendance 57%

Year End: 144 Projects Completed, 1729 Service Hours, $11,000 Spent, 45 Interclubs

2002 - 2003
President Tyler R Harris, Secretary Julian N Holland Jr
Administrative Secretary Kelly E Winters
Membership Oct 1 - 244 Attendance 54%
District Chair New Club Building Mary L Murphy
Service and Education Patches

Year End: 173 Projects Completed, 2345 Service Hours, $18,260 Spent, 72 Interclubs

2003 - 2004
President Anthony Smith, Secretary Julian N Holland Jr
Administrative Secretary Kelly E Winters
Membership Oct 1 - 237 Attendance 50%
Meet MO 12 Noon Virginia Historical Society

Year End: 197 Projects Completed, 2120 Service Hours, $9952 Spent, 30 Interclubs

2004 - 2005
Division 04
President Reeves Louthan, Secretary Julian N Holland Jr
Administrative Secretary Kelly E Winters
Membership Oct 1 - 243 Attendance 48%
Meet MO 12 Noon Virginia Historical Society
Website Contest Award
LG George H Ginn

Tsunami Relief Contribution $1,000

Year End: 182 Projects Completed, 2243 Service Hours, $8,040 Spent, 22 Interclubs

2005 - 2006
Heart of Virginia Region
President John S Morris III Secretary Julian N Holland Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 264 Attendance 25%
Meet MO 12 Noon Virginia Historical Society
District Web Page Award
Newsletter Award - Gold Group Honorable Mention

Year End: 211 Projects Completed, 2830 Service Hours, $16,611 Spent, 27 Interclubs

2006 - 2007
President Robert A McCowen, Secretary Julian N Holland Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 254 Attendance 52%
Meet MO 12 Noon Virginia Historical Society

Year End: 86 Projects Completed, 1672 Service Hours, $57066 Spent, 69 Interclubs

2007 - 2008
President Red Warren, Secretary Julian N Holland Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 256 Attendance 45%
Meet MO 12 Noon Virginia Historical Society

Year End: 131 Projects Completed, 2161 Service Hours, $35,184 Spent, 25 Interclubs

2008 - 2009
President Betty Fahed, Secretary A Cabell (Skip) Ford
Membership Oct 1 - 244 Attendance 45%
Meet MO 12 Noon Virginia Historical Society

Year End: 108 Projects Completed, 1803 Service Hours, $2224 Spent, 28 Interclubs

2009 - 2010
President Tim Sexton, Secretary A Cabell (Skip) Ford
Membership Oct 1 - 234 Attendance 43%
Meet MO 12 Noon Virginia Historical Society

Year End: 57 Projects Completed, 1790 Service Hours, $384 Spent, 24 Interclubs, $2,068 CD Foundation

2010 - 2011
Division 04
President Marcus B McGahee, Secretary A Cabell (Skip) Ford
Membership Oct 1 - 222
Meet MO 12 Noon Virginia Historical Society
LG John S Morris III
District Chair International Understanding Anthony Pelling

Year End: 54 Projects Completed, 1673 Service Hours, $1450 Spent, 26 Interclubs, $444 CD Foundation

2011 - 2012
Division 04
President Robert B Priddy, Secretary Mildred D Bruce
Membership Oct 1 - 228
Meet MO 12 Noon Virginia Historical Society
LG John S Morris III

2012 - 2013
President Bradford Williamson, Secretary Mildred D Bruce
Membership Oct 1 - 211
Meet MO 12 Noon Virginia Historical Society

2013 - 2014
Division 11
President Mark Atchison, Secretary Mildred D Bruce
Membership Oct 1 - 208
Meet MO 12 Noon Virginia Historical Society
Sponsor Richmond Young Professionals Club
Distinguished Club
Heart of Virginia Region Trustee John S Morris III

2014 - 2015
Division 11
President John B McGinty, Secretary Mildred D Bruce
Membership Oct 1 - 197
Meet MO 12 Noon Virginia Historical Society
LG William F Watson
Heart of Virginia Region Trustee John S Morris III

2015 - 2016
Division 11
President Andrew W Price, Secretary Mildred D Bruce
Membership Oct 1 - 185
Meet MO 12 Noon Virginia Historical Society

LG William F Watson
Heart of Virginia Region Trustee John S Morris III

2016 - 2017
President James Irby, Secretary Mildred D Bruce
Membership Oct 1 - 175
Meet MO 12 Noon Virginia Historical Society

Distinguished Kiwanis Club

2017 - 2018
President Dr Cecil B Drain, Secretary Mildred D Bruce
Membership Oct 1 - 170
Meet MO 12 Noon Virginia Historical Society

Distinguished Member Randolph T Gibbs
Governor-Elect John S Morris III

2018 - 2019
Division 11
President John G Busch, Secretary Mildred D Bruce
Membership Oct 1 - 166
Meet MO 12:00 PM at Virginia Historical Society

Distinguished Club
Governor John S Morris III

2019 - 2020
Division 11
President Barbara L Dickinson, Secretary John S Morris III
Membership Oct 1 - 170
Meet MO 12:00 PM at Virginia Historical Society
District Chair Achievement
John S Morris III
LG Avanti Yamamoto

2020 - 2021
President William H Harris III, Secretary
John S Morris III
Membership Oct 1 - 149
Trustee Heart of Virginia Bill Watson
District Chair Past Governors John S Morris III

2021 - 2022
President ? Secretary ?
Membership Oct 1 -
Trustee Heart of Virginia William F Watson
District Chair Membership John S Morris III