Capital District Kiwanis History

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Organized November 20 1924 Chartered January 8 1925
Key #01303 40th District Club
Sponsor Petersburg Kiwanis
Divisions 04 18
Population (1924) 11,327
KI Revoked Charter May 3 2000

Division 04
(Volume 2)
President Benjamin S Dowdell, Secretary James L Brown

The Hopewell Club was sponsored by the Petersburg Club and received its charter on January 8, 1925 Its officers were B B Dowdell, President; Dr J N Elder, VicePresident; James L Brown, Secretary, L B Pratt, Treasurer, and R K Hoke, Trustee.

The new club was acting even before it received its charter as is evidenced by its entertaining twenty-eight underprivileged children at dinner on December 24, 1924, assisting in the Annual Roll Call Drive of the Red Cross, and in the sales of Christmas seals It also contributed fifty dollars towards the local Christmas Basket Fund.

It designated two members to serve on the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce Held a joint meeting of Kiwanis, Rotary, the Chamber of Commerce and the Retail Manufacturers Association.

Appointed a special committee to confer with the city administration in regard to the operationof the Department of Public Welfare and to offer the assistance of the club members in health and sanitary work of the community.

We visited the Petersburg Club, entertained the Boy Scout leaders, and entertained the entire teaching staff of the city schools.

(Volume 3)
President Charles Akers, Secretary R S Burrows
Trustee Benjamin S Dowdell

Our crippled Children's work for the year It was held monthly under the direction of Dr- Thomas F Wheeldon of Richmond Our budget set aside $1,20000 for this work and in addition we had a lecture by Douglas Malloch of Chicago, and held a three-day bazaar, which put an additional $2,000-00 in this fund. Besides the money value of this bazaar, it was of great educational value, giving the general public knowledge of the ideals and practical work of Kiwanis Our members obtained a better understanding and appreciation of each other because of the teamwork necessary for a club of only 33 members to put over such an event.

The report of our orthopedic work showed that eleven clinics were held with a total attendance of 412, of which 317 were old cases and 95 new ones Our Underprivileged Children's Committee worked with the Associated Charities and the Visiting Nurses' Association The entire club attended the Inter-Club meeting at Petersburg on May 10.

On July 7, we entertained Rotary with practically the whole membership of the two clubs present On December 16, we were their guests A majority of our members attended the Fourth Division meeting at Williamsburg Two Ladies' Nights were held during the year We distributed presents to needy children at Christmas We are very proud of our attendance record for the year For six months of the year our record was 10011o and for the other six months 99% We also maintained a tubercular boy at Blue Ridge Sanatorium.

President William A Spencer, Secretary J Leslie Litz
Trustee Benjamin S Dowdell

We protested to the State Budget Committee against their action in limiting the appropriation for crippled children to the industrial cripples only and called on the Budget Committee for that purpose As a result of this work, an appropriation of $15,000 was secured from the State for crippled children work

Our Public Affairs Committee worked to further the movement for a larger post office for our town We appointed a committee to investigate the matter of a community hall and recreation center

A joint meeting of Kiwanis, Rotary and the Chamber of Commerce was held at a Boost Hopewell Banquet Addressed by Mr Calvin Brown of the U S Chamber of Commerce A petition was sent to the city authorities asking them to request the State Department of Public Welfare to make a welfare survey of the city

Petersburg Club entertained us on February 27 Five members motored to Ashland on March 26 to attend their 5th anniversary On May 22, both Hopewell and Emporia were the guests of Petersburg 45 members were at the Fourth Division Meeting at Williamsburg

Our clinic open monthly with Dr Thomas Wheeldon in charge and visiting Nurses assisted 11 clinics had an attendance of 340 281 were old cases and 59 new ones

In January, we helped Rotary put on a show which netted us $73 for our crippled child fund During the summer, an excursion to Jamestown resulted in $248 being added to the fund, while in September, a bazaar gave us over $2,000 for that purpose.

On Dec 20, presents brought by members were distributed to poor children

In December, the County Farm Agent of Farmville, Virginia, addressed the club in the matter of obtaining a county agent for Prince George County and in an endeavor to bring the farmers and the residents of Hopewell into closer contact.

At the District Convention, we were awarded a cup as winner of the attendance prize in the White Division We had an address by R H Mann, lawyer, Bible student and President of the Petersburg Club on the subject, "The Trial of Jesus Christ from a Lawyer's Point of View" Our annual Ladies' Night was held on November 22 On November 25, we attended services at Trinity M E Church.

President R S Burrows, Secretary H E Minter
Trustee Albert D White

Our clinic for crippled children was the big work of the year It was held monthly in charge of Dr Thomas Wheeldon of Richmond Ten clinics were held with an attendance of 374, of which 305 were old cases and 68 new ones We also furnished a nurse to assist the doctor and also to hold weekly psycho therapy clinics under his instruction Forty-seven of these clinics were held, at which 410 cases were in attendance, 342 of which were old cases and 68 new ones A special night was devoted to crippled child work, several of whom were guests of the club A bazaar for the benefit of the crippled child fund was held September 18-21 During the influenza epidemic we financed the employment of two nurses We supported the local post of the American Legion in a benefit movie f or the Community Hospital and Associated Charities

Secretary Minter attended a hearing before the State Highway Commission in the matter of re-allocation of roads in our vicinity A joint meeting was held with the Rotary Club in honor of Governor Harry F Byrd and Mr John P Pollard, who were present in connection with a popular extension course on Virginia Government being conducted by William and Mary College We co-operated with the Chamber of Commerce, of which our Secretary was President, in establishing a curb market for the sale of farm products and to secure a county farm agent for Prince George’s County We worked with the Chamber and leading citizens of Charles City County in establishing a short ferry line between that county and this city

An inter-club meeting was held at Petersburg on June 4, with Emporia also a guest club We also attended the Fourth Division meeting held at Williamsburg on September 5 We co-operated with Rotary an(t the Chamber of Commerce in welcoming about 75 men prominent in a large new industry, and other newcomers at a dinner meeting with a special program 14 members donated the use of their cars to convey the Governor of Arkansas and a delegation over the city

Kiwanis Night was observed Other interesting meetings included talks on the advantage of a local daily newspaper, on business standards, on the prevention of litigation, on closer contact with the farmer, on better citizenship, and on the Milwaukee Convention A Christmas party for community poor children was held and each child received a present

(Volume 4)
President Dr D Lane Elder, Secretary Richard Watson Copeland
Trustee William A Spencer

The big work of the Hopewell club was its work for crippled children with an orthorpedic clinic held twice a month and a weekly physio-therapy clinic The average number of patients during the year was between 130 and 140 Dr Thomas Wheeldon of Richmond was in charge of this work The work of the visiting nurse was a great value

The Hopewell club takes pride in its attendance record For 4 years the club has led the Capital District with the following percentages: 1927, 995%; 1928, 9775%; 1929, 9839%, and 1930, 9675%, an average for four consecutive years of 9809% Attendance for the entire existence of the club has been 9205%

We joined with Rotary, the Chamber of Commerce, and the Business and Professional Women's Club in giving a supper to the officials of, tile Seaboard Air Line Railway on the occasion of the first train into Hopewell of that railroad Kiwanis Anniversary was the occasion for an examination on Kiwanis matters, questions being presented for the members to answer

A meeting was held at Clear Water Lake charge of the Music Committee We attended the inter-club meeting at Petersburg, 37 of our 39 members making the trip Mrs H J Hyslip of the Vocational Department of the State Board of Education addressed us on that important and interesting subject A delegation from our club attended the meeting of the Fourth Division at Williamsburg

State LTG James H Price attended our meeting We assisted other organizations in plans to raise a fund of $5,000 for relief at Christmas Our annual Ladies Night on October 30 was most enjoyable A meeting was held with the Women's Club

President Kirk L Wood, Secretary Richard Watson Copeland
Trustee Raymond Burrows and George H Eliades

We continued to hold our clinic for crippled children A program showing the work being done for crippled children was presented in Feb with several of the patients present We had a talk on this work from Dr Wheeldon.

A committee was appointed to assist in the matter of unemployment We also agreed to contribute one dollar per member each month for this purpose.

We held a joint meeting with the Chamber of Commerce, Rotary and the Business and Professional Women's club to discuss various municipal needs Joined with these clubs later in entertaining 200 Richmond businessmen Other joint meetings were with the American Legion on Armistice Day and with the Chamber of Commerce.

A Vocational Guidance program was presented to the HS graduating class.

A talk on Present day chemistry as compared with that of 300 years ago was given by Mr J B Hopkins, a student at the Medical College of Virginia.

Operated a store before Christmas and sold toys and other articles for the benefit of our crippled child fund Christmas baskets were sent to needy families.

President Richard Watson Copeland, Secretary Fred Kelly
Membership Jan 1 - 31 Attendance 90%

The club gave a show to benefit the crippled children's clinic Held an outdoor meeting, the proceeds going to help boys in college.

Held a joint meeting with Rotary to boost the High School Basketball Team Helped to raise money for the HS athletic fund Celebrated the Boy Scout anniversary with Scouts present, had one program put on by the Boys Band and held a Father and Son meeting Sponsored a Farmers Day Picnic.

Joined the Chamber of Commerce in its annual meeting Joined Rotary, Chamber of Commerce, and Business and Professional Women's club for meetings Celebrated Music Week, Beautification Week, and Ministers Week, at which time all the ministers in the town were guests of the club It joined the American Legion in the celebration of Armistice Day and it had the State Superintendent of Public Instruction put on a program on Public Education.

Attended an inter-club meeting put on by the Richmond club and twice entertained a Flying Squadron from Richmond who put on the program.

It celebrated the Washington Bicentennial, held an outing on the river and attended in a body a farewell party given to Father Gacquin on the occasion of his leaving for Ireland The club celebrated Constitution Week, attended the Division Meeting at Williamsburg and sent delegates to the District Convention.

President G H Eliades, Secretary Fred Kelly
Membership Jan 1 - 45 Attendance 89%

A number of the club members visited the crippled children's clinic early in the year The club put on twice during the year a Kiwanis Exposition for the benefit of the clinic At another time it put on a play partly for the benefit of the clinic and partly for the benefit of tile High School Athletic Association Gave a crippled child work program Children who had been benefited by the clinic were brought to the meeting Contributed money and toys towards the Salvation Army Christmas Tree.

One meeting was held with the VPI Alumni to entertain the members of the graduating class of the High School A Father, Son and Daughter Night was held, and a Boy Scout program was given with Scouts present A meeting was held with the Sons and Adopted Sons of America in the interest of promoting naturalization The club entertained the Ruritan club of Surry County The club joined with the Chamber of Commerce and the other civic clubs in the annual picnic Joined with other civic organizations to help the Virginia Poultry Association.

A delegation visited Petersburg and Richmond clubs The club attended the inter-club picnic given by the Richmond club and went to the Victoria-Kenbridge club at the time of the District Governor's visit.

Attended the Division Meeting at Williamsburg and entertained the District Governor.

Division 04
President Fred Kelley, Secretary J Leslie Litz
Membership Jan 1 - 44 Attendance 95%
LG Richard Watson Copeland

The main work of the club was the Monthly Clinic at which 290 cases were treated and the Physiotherapy Clinic, held twice monthly at which 43 cases were examined of which 12 were orthopedic cases and quite a number of these either were given hospital treatment or put on the waiting list.

The club was officially represented on the committee which was instrumental in settling the strike in one of the mills Had a joint meeting with the Lions, and another large joint meeting with Rotary, Lions, Chamber of Commerce and B and PWC.

Sent delegations to visit Ashland, Petersburg, and Richmond and sent a large delegation to the Division Meeting at Williamsburg It furnished the LTG for its Division, and it had 100% attendance for the first 6 months of 1934.

President F H Smith, Secretary J Leslie Litz
Attendance Jan 1 - 30 Attendance 90%

The club continued its monthly clinic through this Year It raised $500 by the Amateur Boxing Bouts and contributed it to a fund for building a new hospital It attended the annual County Seed Banquet It held a joint meeting with the Chamber of Commerce, and the Clergy, and had programs on World Affairs and on the State Chamber of Commerce It was host to Ashland, bringing the Golden Rule and in turn carried it to West Point It held a Ladies Night

It entertained the LTG, celebrated Constitution Week and was represented at the Mid Winter Conference and the Division Meeting at Richmond

President G G Anderson, Secretary J Leslie Litz
Membership Jan 1 - 29 Attendance 91%

Continued the monthly clinic, raised $1700 in a Bazaar, and firnished Christmas toys for the Salvation Army.

Had a program on Juvenile Probles Held a sons and daughters meeting Had a program on Traffic Safety Attended an inter club in Richmond, and Division meeting.

President J Hamilton Henning, Secretary J Leslie Litz
Membership Jan 1 - 38 Attendance 93%

Held its monthly Orthopedic and Physiotherapy Clinic Started a Tonsilectomy Clinic and performed 31 operations.

Joined other civic clubs and the C of C at the latter's annual dinner, and it met with the American Legion at its Armistice Day Banquet Sponsored a Wrestling Match netting $84 for flood relief The club had twelve 100% meetings.

(Volume 5)
President Charles T Peters, Secretary J B Magee
Membership Jan 1 - 32 Attendance 91%

By means of a bazzar, the club raised $850 for its Orthopedic Clinic giving pproximately 450 treatments The club joined with the Lions in a boat trip given for the benefit of underprivileged children.

The club met with other civic organizations in celebration of Armistice Day, and it aided it, the Red Cross membership drive.

An inter-club meeting in Richmond was attended.

A Ladies Night was held and the club bad a joint meeting with the Chamber of Commerce, two joint meetings with the Chamber of Commerce, Rotary, Lions and the Business and Professional Women's club, and it entertained the latter at a special meeting.

The club entertained the LTG and was represented at the District Convention.

President W D Dunnington, Secretary J B Magee
Membership Jan 1 - 32 Attendance 93%

The club held its annual Bazaar, netting $1,000 Three clinics were held each month, averaging 50 patients per month A number of braces were donated A supply of cod liver oil was furnished to the Nursery School.

The club had a program on Scouting addressed by the Scout Executive for this area, aided in the Scout drive for funds, and had a joint meeting with Rotary and Lions at the Scout Camp.

The club aided the Salvation Army's drive for funds, took an active part in the plan of the Chamber of Commerce for beautifying the city, attended the annual community picnic, and had programs on Cooperation of Churches, Park Development, Crime, juvenile Delinquency, Patriotism and the Red Cross.

Two inter-club meetings at Richmond were attended and the club received the plaque from West Point
Joint meetings were held with the Chamber of Commerce and other civic clubs A dance and a Ladies Night were held and a picnic to which were invited a number of former members of the club and some prospective members.

The club had three Kiwanis Education meetings, entertained the Lieutenant-Governor, and was represented at the Division meeting at Williamsburg, and the International and the District Conventions.

President James E Cuddihy, Secretary J B Magee
Membership Jan 1 - 29 Attendance 87%

A bazaar was held for tile benefit of the crippled child fund Twelve orthopedic clinics were held with a total attendance of 283 and 24 physio-therapy clinics with an attendance of 224 The Nursery School was supplied with cod liver oil as needed Twenty-four tickets to Rip Van Winkle were bought and given to underprivileged children

The club assisted in the Red Cross Drive, sponsored the President's Ball and aided in other civic projects
Ashland brought the plaque, which was later delivered to South Side Norfolk A large delegation attended the inter-club meeting in Petersburg on the occasion of the visit of the International president, and other delegations visited Richmond and Norfolk.

The club held joint meetings with the Chamber of Commerce, Rotary, Lions, the American Legion and the Business and Professional Women's club It attended the Catholic Church picnic, had a picnic in the county at the farm of one of its members, attended tile junior Chamber of Commerce charter night banquet and (lance, and had an old-fashioned barbecue with the High School faculty as guests.

Had meetings on Kiwanis Education, entertained the District Governor and the LTG, and was represented at the Training School for Club Officers, the Mid-Winter Conference, and the International and the District Conventions.

President John W Alterholt, Secretary J B Magee
Membership Jan 1 - 37 Attendance 85%

The annual Crippled Child bazaar netIted $1,500 Ten orthopedic clinics were held with 280 in attendance and 21 phYsio-therapy clinics with 210 in attendance Members of tile club brought toys to the Christmas meeting to be distributed to Poor children by the Welfare Department. The club sent a boy to Boy State 57 members of the High School choir were given tickets to the concert of the VVestminster Choir School.

The club held an inter-club meeting with Ashland club as guest.

A successful Ladies Night was held, a picnic on the farm of a member, joint meetings with the Chamber of Commerce and the other civic clubs.

Entertained the LTG, held meetings on Kiwanis Education, and was represented at the International and the District Conventions.

President J Leslie Litz Secretary J B Magee
Membership Jan 1 - 34 Attendance 82%

The Crippled Child Bazaar this year netted slightly more than $1,000. There were 9 orthopedic clinics with all attendance of 268 and 16 Physio-therapy clinics with an attendance of 223 At the Christmas meeting as usual the members brought to be distributed by the Welfare Department.

A program was devoted to Vocational Guidance and the Committee is working on a plan by which an apprenticeship program call be worked out through tile school system, having local plants gradually absorb High School students after graduation.

The club aided in the drives of the Red Cross, the Salvation Army and the TB seal sale, promoted victory gardens, and put on the President's Ball, netting, $350, half of which remains in the community. All ministers of the town were invited to one meeting at which the subject was the Support of Churches.
The club attended an inter-club meeting at Richmond.

The club entertained the LG, and was represented at the International Convention.

President T E Barnett, Secretary J B Magee
Membership Jan 1 - 41 Attendance 78%

The work for underprivileged children has been centered on the Crippled Children’s Clinic held monthly However, activities have been greatly reduced, largely due to the fact that improved working conditions have enabled a number of families to provide the necessary care for their children

During 1943 nine orthopedic clinics were field, having a total attendance of 147 patients; of these 89 were given physiotherapy treatments; the physiotherapy clinics being held in connection with the regular clinic
During the year, a fund was set up, from which boys and girls graduating from High School could borrow nioney to further their education Golden Rule Week was cele-brated, prizes were offered in the schools.

The club was active in support of drives for the Red Cross, sale of War Bonds, and 30,000 cigarettes were sent to the armed forces.

The club held its usual Ladies' Night, and joined other civic clubs, attending the Chamber of Commerce dinner, the C of C picnic, and the banquet of the American Legion.

Kiwanis Education meetings were held, the Lieutenant Governor was entertained and the club was represented at the District Convention and the Training School for Club officers Six members were in the armed forces on December 31 .

(Volume 6)
President J B Magee, Secretary David T Early
Membership Jan 1 - 42 Attendance 82%

President Clarence E Carrel, Secretary Henry Blankenship
Membership Jan 1 - 51 Attendance 81%

President William E Pritchard, Secretary Leroy H Tench
Membership Jan 1 - 46 Attendance 77%

President E W Alley, Secretary Robert H Andrews
Membership Jan 1 - 41 Attendance 89%

President Earl Valentine, Secretary Robert H Andrews
Membership Jan 1 - 44 Attendance 89%

President Leroy Tench, Secretary Robert H Andrews
Membership Jan 1 - 43 Attendance 90%

President Milton A Glass, Secretary Robert H Andrews
Membership Jan 1 - 54 Attendance 86%

(Volume 7)
President Sam E Dorsey, Secretary Robert H Andrews
Membership Jan 1 - 54 Attendance 86%

President Dr Wiliam H Alexander, Secretary Robert H Andrews
Membership Jan 1 - 51 Attendance 88%

President Bruce A Clark, Secretary Robert H Andrews
Membership Jan 1 - 47 Attendance 98%

President Loren L Parker Jr, Secretary Robert H Andrews
Membership Jan 1 - 41 Attendance 97%

President Roy M Glass, Secretary Robert H Andrews
Membership Jan 1 - 42 Attendance 92%

President ?, Secretary Robert H Andrews

President Louis P Butterworth, Secretary Robert H Andrews

President Dr Joseph L Schulhof, Secretary Robert H Andrews

President J Weldon Lamb, Secretary Robert H Andrews

President Homer C Ellades, Secretary Robert H Andrews

President Francis A Glover, Secretary Robert H Andrews

Division 04
President Wallace E Alderson, Secretary Robert H Andrews
LG Dr William H Alexander

President Russell B Tatum, Secretary Robert H Andrews

President John E Seavy, Secretary Robert H Andrews

President Wesley G Andrews, Jr, Secretary Robert H Andrews

President Ted W Sweetland, Secretary Robert H Andrews

President Dr Walker P Youngblood, Secretary Robert H Andrews

President Arthur L Wadsworth III, Secretary Rob R MacGregor

President Lyman Gessell, Secretary Rob R MacGregor

1969 - 1970
President Mervin A Gage, Secretary Rob R MacGregor

1970 - 1971
President Robert H Andrews Secretary Rob R MacGregor

1971 - 1972
President W Edwin Blanks, Secretary Robert D McGuire

1972 - 1973
President Donald W Parr, Secretary Robert D McGuire

1973 - 1974
President Frank B Fulton Secretary James E Stagle

1974 - 1975
President David P Karnes, Secretary James E Stagle

1975 - 1976
President Robert O Graham, Secretary Lawrence R Akers

1976 - 1977
Division 04B
President John J Willis, Secretary James E Slagle

LG Frank B Fulton

1977 - 1978
President Lawrence R Akers, Secretary Leon Bigby

1978 - 1979
Division 18
President Michael L Mahaney, Secretary Leon Bigby

1979 - 1980
President Charles A Frederickson Jr, Secretary James E Stagle

District Chair Circle K Administrator Frank B Fulton

1980 - 1981
President Richard H Hoagland Jr, Secretary Milton C Martin

District Chair CKI Administrator Frank B Fulton

1981 - 1982
President Richard E Stronglin, Secretary Milton C Martin

District Chair Circle K Administrator Frank B Fulton

1982 - 1983
President James E Stagle, Secretary Milton C Martin

District Chair Circle K Administrator Frank B Fulton

1983 - 1984
President Virgilio Supetran, Secretary Milton C Martin

District Chair Circle K Administrator Frank B Fulton

1984 - 1985
President Benjamin B Russell, Secretary Edward C Thompson

District Chair Circle K Administrator Frank B Fulton

1985 - 1986
President Leon Rigby, Secretary Edward C Thompson

District Chair Circle K Administrator Frank B Fulton

1986 - 1987
President Milton C Martin, Secretary Edward C Thompson

1987 - 1988
President John J McGuire Jr, Secretary W Edwin Blanks

1988 - 1989
President Ted P Blanks Secretary Dianna W Robbins

1989 - 1990
President Glenwood T Davis, Secretary Thomas M Sisk

1990 - 1991
President Dianna W Robbins, Secretary Glenwood T Davis

LG Ted P Blanks

1991 - 1992
President Gary L Long, Secretary Linda S Gutridge

1992 - 1993
President Harry B Spear III, Secretary Suzanne M Hemingway
Membership Oct 1 - 32

1993 - 1994
President William C Henry, Secretary Virginia D Nease
Membership Oct 1 - 32

1994 - 1995
President William E Caldwell, Secretary Margie E Dowden
Membership Oct 1 - 29

1995 - 1996
President Peter D Eliades, Secretary Margie E Dowden
Membership Oct 1 - 29

1996 - 1997
President John T Howsman, Secretary Margie E Dowden
Membership Oct 1 - 27

1997 - 1998
President Todd Butterworth, Secretary Margie Margie E Dowden
Membership Oct 1 - 21

1998 - 1999
President David L Wade, Secretary Margie E Dowden
Membership Oct 1 - 21

1999 - 2000
President Peter D Ellsdes, Secretary Margie E Dowden
Membership Oct 1 - 23
Charter Revoked Feb 6 2000