Capital District Kiwanis History

CLUBS Old-Divisions-New Regions Site Map Leadership People

Organized February 16 1922 Chartered August 29 1922
Key #00692 18th District Club
Sponsor Richmond Kiwanis
Divisions 04 18 10
Region Heart of Virginia
Population (1922) 28,564

Division 04
(Volume 1 Fred H Cole)
President J R Jolly, Vice President L D Pilcher
Secretary Treasurer Fred H Cole Trustee R J Francis

Meet 2 PM on the first 3 Tuesdays and at 6:30 on the fourth Tuesday.

Charter presentation held August 29, 1922, at the Hotel Petersburg with a delegation from Richmond the sponsoring club Presentation by Governor Julian Y Williams in a speech in which he outlined the aims and ideals of Kiwanis and spoke of the wonderful possibilities for constructive work in Petersburg by our club.

During the first year, the following club activities were undertaken We endorsed the request of the City School Board to the City Council for an appropriation of two million dollars for new schools We put into operation the Buddy plan in connection with the attendance at our meetings, each man being required to call his "Buddy" and remind him of the meeting We endorsed a bond issue for good roads in Virginia Resolved that the club would give its aid to the Rotary Club or any other organization taking charge of the Near East Relief work Pledged support for the betterment of Petersburg Assisted the city in the fight against tuberculosis Furnished and posted signs in and around the city Played baseball with Rotary for the benefit of the charity fund Put on a campaign to make Petersburg the largest bright tobacco market in the state; endorsed and helped raise funds to buy milk for undernourished school children; held Father and Son meeting; and provided automobiles to deliver Christmas baskets for the Empty Stocking Club A member of the club gave time and support to the Community Chest Fund, $1750 pledged.

Division 04
President R S Perkinson, Vice President R B Willcox
Secretary-Treasurer H H Wells Trustee W Marshall Craig
Directors: Louis Levitt, E R Carter, W I Scott, GC Morgan
R S Terrie, W H Worth, and E A Morrison

We entertained the athletic boys of the YMCA Held a Charity Bazaar for 3 days, netting approximately $500 Extended invitations to all Petersburg boys under 18 years of age to be the guests of the club at a baseball game 1500 accepted the invitation and Kiwanians acted as Big Brother to these boys, all marching together to the ball park.

We furnished automobiles to take on a sightseeing tour the Methodist Missionary Society Convention Sponsored a new Kiwanis Club at Emporia, had a Hopewell night Entertained 40 Hopewell citizens and city officials Entertained the Petersburg Virginia League baseball team and officials Pledged moral support and encouragement to the National Guard command in this city Took orphans to the circus Entertained agricultural school students Played Rotary baseball for the benefit of charity Held memorial services for President Harding; entertained the Rotary ball team, and contributed $100 to the Japanese Relief Fund.

We had the highest Capital District attendance percentage for the International Attendance Contest.

We now have a membership of 72 active and 2 honorary members.

Division 04
(Volume 2)
President Edwin F Clements, Secretary Fred H Cole
Trustee Russell S Perkinson
LG Russell S Perkinson
Sponsor Hopewell club

We were the guests of the Richmond Club on January 28, 1924 Had the county demonstration agents as our guests on January 22 Started an active work for crippled children with 1 examined in January and 38 examined in April Each member was assigned to look after a child.

We were host for the Inter-Club Meeting of April 24 Furnished autos for the boys' relay race to Richmond Held a Ladies' Night Employed a nurse for our crippled children Had fourteen children admitted to the hospital at Richmond Published a booklet setting forth the historical points in and around Petersburg.

Entertained three hundred children attending the Agricultural Short Course at Willcox Lake Entertained over a thousand boys at a baseball game Played ball with Rotary, the proceeds to be used for our charity fund Put on two performances of the "Kiwanis Follies" for the benefit of the crippled children fund.

Entertained the recently formed Lions Club Helped to organize a Kiwanis Club at Hopewell, Virginia Invited the citizens of Blackstone, Virginia, to attend a meeting of our club with the idea of organizing a club in that town This, however, was found to be impracticable We donated one hundred and fifty dollars for the relief of poor families.

President William H Worth, Secretary Fred H Cole
Trustee Russell S Perkinson

We held a Father and Son Meeting Assisted in a drive for the community chest fund Held a number of clinics, one of them being for colored children At this clinic twenty were examined and eleven of them sent to the hospital for treatment

We entertained the 183rd Infantry (National Guard) Band Also entertained the Hopewell Kiwanis Club and the county demonstration agents for the Fourth Virginia District

The Rhonda Welsh Glee Club gave a concert for the benefit of our crippled children fund Organized a baseball team to play for our charity fund Assisted in the sale of Stone Mountain Memorial Certificates Entertained the Confederates of Petersburg on Memorial Day, June 9

We assisted in a drive for better co-operation between the tobacco farmers and the business men of Petersburg Entertained the students at the agricultural short course Put on a show for the benefit of our charity fund

In the International Attendance Contest, the Petersburg Club was declared the winner of first honor in the Silver Division, clubs with a membership ranging from 75 to 100 They tied with three other clubs for first place with a record of 100% The positions were finally decided by taking into consideration the attendance records of all the leaders for the whole twelve months and on this basis Petersburg was awarded first place

President Gordon C Morgan, Secretary Fred H Cole
Trustee Russell S Perkinson

We continued to hold clinics for crippled children Sixty-eight children were examined at the March clinic, ninety-three in June, one hundred and seventeen in August and one hundred in October

We entertained the students of Southern College Participated in an Inter-Club Meet at Ashland

For the second consecutive year we won the International Attendance Contest in the Silver Division The Petersburg Rotary Club presented us with a bronze gong and gavel in appreciation of this victory We also won the District Attendance Cup

We observed Zero Hour Played a baseball game with Rotary for the benefit of our crippled children fund Also had a joint meeting with Rotary Helped to entertain the Eightieth Division Co-operated with the Chamber of Commerce in a tobacco tour of the counties around our city Our triple quartette attended the District Convention in Roanoke and also sang for the patients at Mt Regis Sanatorium

Division 04
President R Milford Woody, Secretary Fred H Cole
Trustee Edwin F Clements
Governor Russell S Perkinson

Our clinic was regularly maintained during the year with an attendance of 1100 Our nurse was busy calling on Kiwanis cases We pledged assistance to a finance drive for the YMCA In April the Dramatic Club of Southern College presented the Pygamalion This performance was to benefit our crippled child fund We provided the boys and girls attending the short course in agriculture at the fair grounds needed comforts and conveniences 300 were given a picnic at Willcox Lake, where there was bathing and boating We were hosts to over 300 small boys at a basketball game

The club attended, in a body, the bazaar given by the Hopewell Club We took part in the Inter-Club Meeting at Williamsburg

$50 were donated for prizes in connection with our agricultural work We entertained the Southern College Dramatic Club, celebrated Flag Day, Constitution Week and Armistice Day, and participated in the exercises celebrating the opening of a new road connecting Virginia and North Carolina

We held a Bundle Meeting, each member bringing a bundle for the Family Service League We also assisted the Empty Stocking Club to distribute Christmas gifts

Automobiles were furnished for the Daughters of the Confederacy

The 3rd consecutive year we won the International Attendance trophy Our singers helped entertain the District Convention at Wilmington Our annual Ladies Night was a great success with entertainer Jules Brazil

(Volume 3)
President R Milford Woody, Secretary Fred H Cole
Trustee G C Morgan

For the fourth consecutive year the Petersburg Club won the International Attendance Contest in the Silver Division with a Percentage of 9887 We had several meetings during the year with 1017 attendance

Our clinic was regularly held during the year with splendid results In January, the Dramatic Club of Southern College of our city gave a play for the benefit of our crippled child work In March a bazaar was given to raise funds for this purpose which realized $6,500

We were active in inter-club work We took part in a meeting with Hopewell, and in turn entertained that club A good representation was present at the meeting at Emporia during Inter-Club Week A large delegation attended the Fourth Division meeting at Williamsburg and we were represented at the Tenth Anniversary of the Capital District in Washington The bazaar of the Hopewell Club was also well attended by our members

We co-operated with the other civic clubs of our city in entertaining a convention of music teachers We also helped entertain the Richmond Chamber of Commerce when they passed through Petersburg on a goodwill tour We assisted the Lions Convention and the Convention of Veterans of Foreign Wars by furnishing automobiles The faculty and students of Southern College were our guests at one meeting 275 children, attending the Agriculture Short Course, were given an outing and refreshments $200 were appropriated to buy materials for a building for the Boy Scouts We took part in the ceremonies of dedicating the Hopewell bridge Considerable attention was paid to the matter of better citizenship

The 13th Anniversary of Kiwanis was observed Our Ladies Night at the country club was successful Attended services at Trinity ME Church to hear Rev J Calloway Robertson a former member Furnished cards to distribute Christmas good for the Empty Stocking Fund Donated clothing, shoes, money for the Family Service League

President E Hobson Gill, Secretary Fred H Cole
Trustee William H Worth

We helped entertain the Governor of Arkansas and members of the legislature who visited our city Entertained the faculty and student body of Southern College Attended a welcome meeting for the new city manager Provided automobiles to take members of the American Legion to the Memorial Day services at the National Cemetery, entertained the supervisors of three counties, furnished cars for a sight-seeing tour of delegates to the State Convention of the American Legion, and entertained the Business and Professional Women's Club

Two methods were used to raise funds for our underprivileged child work, one a play, "The Witching Hour," presented by the Dramatic Club of Southern College, and the other a bazaar From the former $1,46679 was realized and the bazaar netted $668785, making a total of $8,15464 The bazaar is held every two years, while the show is given every year

The report of this work for the year showed the following totals:

    12 General Clinics (1 month each)
    1688 Examinations and treatments at clinics
    145 Plaster casts applied
    131 Braces furnished
    116 High soles, instep pads, shoes, etc
    56 X-ray pictures
    459 Professional treatments given by den-tists, specialists for other crippled condition
    1186 Physiotheraphy treatments was fittingly observed
    2542 Visits by Kiwanis Nurse
    41 Cripples hospitalized was very successful
    Cost $4800

Other money was spent on Boy Scouts, 4-H Clubs bringing the total expenditures to $5200

We met the Hopewell Club on February 28 Attended the Richmond meeting in honor of International President Cummings Hosted Hopewell and Emporia during Inter-Club Week Members from these clubs at our meeting on June 4, and took part in the meeting of the Fourth Division at Williamsburg

We won the attendance contest in the Silver Division with 9825% in the Capital District

We attended the Washington Street M E Church on the evening of March 24 to hear our Sky Pilot, H C Pfeiffer, its pastor A "Get Together" meeting was held on July 9 where all former members of the club were invited

We entertained at a picnic and luncheon 247 boys and girls from adjacent counties who were attending the Agricultural Short Course Our annual Ladies' Night was held on October 29, with International Vice-President W C Green, as speaker

We held Kiwanis Bundle Day, each member of the club bringing clothing, shoes, groceries, etc, to be distributed to the poor of the city through the Family Service League Sandwiches and coffee were served on December 17 and 24 and the difference in the price of this and our regular dinner was donated to the "Seven Opportunities"

(Volume 4)
President J Alfred Rucker, Secretary Fred H Cole
Trustee William H Worth

0ur monthly clinic operated through the year The following is the report for the year: 148 New patients, 1,560 old patients, 4,503 visits by nurse, 236 furnished drugs Also provided were instep pads, special slices given and repaired, chest examinations, glasses, blood tests, hypodermics, and cases of baking Four patients died, 22 sent to camp, and milk supplied to 77

Had a Father and Son meeting Visited the Richmond club Governor Binford visited us The Dramatic Club of Southern College presented a play to benefit of our crippled child work, raising $1,000 This was the 4th time that this dramatic club had assisted Entertained the faculty and students of this college at our meeting on May 6th

During Inter Club Week we were host to Hopewell, Emporia and Crewe

Entertain the delegates to the Virginia Federation of Labor, and furnished cars for the Memorial Day parade

Played a baseball game with the Lions Club for the benefit of our child work, and held a joint meeting Furnished a crippled Children float for a parade There were cots with cripples, in them, a doctor, nurse, etc

Our club was represented at the Fourth Division at Williamsburg We took part in a joint meeting with all the civic clubs, and entertain the State Association of Librarians

We were represented at the District Convention

President Louis Levitt, Secretary Fred H Cole
Trustee Gordon C Morgan

We continued to hold our clinic during the year The work done is summarized as follows: 2,039 patients treated, provided 807 patients transportation, 819 furnished drugs, 4,796 nurse visits

Observed Kiwanis Anniversary and the 9th anniversary of our own club,

Members visited the Kiwanis club at Ahoskie, North Carolina Attended an inter-club meeting at Hopewell and a Division Meeting in Williamsburg

The officers at Fort Eustis were our guests Supplied autos for the convenience of the delegates to the International Convention of Business and Professional Women's Clubs

Raised $4,000 over a 6 day bazaar to benefit of our crippled children's work On Bundle Day, each member brought a bundle for the use of the Family Service League

President J D McKinney, Secretary Fred H Cole
Membership Jan 1 - 72 Attendance 93%

The chief work of this club has always been under-privileged child work Its clinic held monthly treated 1,084 cases of which 121 were new cases, and the nurse made a total of 4,929 visits, an average of 134 visits a day, Money for this project was partly raised by giving a Kiwanis Revue The club also aided the Empty Stocking Club in delivering Christmas packages

The club is musical Its triple quartet furnished music for the tobacco growers meeting at Midway, and for the Dedication of the National Military Park

The club had a program on "Virginia and Its Future," and another on "Save a Life Campaign"

Host to the Richmond club, sent delegates to the Richmond club's picnic, participated in the division golf tournament at Yorktown and the Division Meeting at Williamsburg, and held a successful Ladies Night

Celebrated its own 10th anniversary, entertained the LTG, sent delegates to the District Convention and the President-elect and Secretary to the LTG's club officer training Past Governor Russell Perkinson, a member of this club, is an International Trustee

President E R Carter, Secretary Fred H Cole
Membership Jan 1 - 64 Attendance 93%

The clinic this year was attended by 987 patients of whom 48 were new and the nurse made 2,993 visits The club had a bundle day at which each member brought a bundle of used clothing, shoes, etc, for distribution by the Family Service League It held a sandwich luncheon and donated the difference in cost to the Empty Stocking Club and also aided this club in delivering the Christmas baskets

The club celebrated Lee's birthday, had programs on the Home Owners Loan Corporation and the N R A The club pledged its support to the NRAand sponsored the effort to get PWA money for the improvement of school properties

Host to Hopewell and attended inter-club meetings at Hopewell and Victoria, and the Division Meeting at Williamsburg

Entertained the District Governor at a Ladies Night Sent delegates to District and International conventions and entertained the LTG

President Charles E Pollard, Secretary Fred H Cole
Membership Jan 1 - 61 Attendance 96%

The club continued its under-privileged child clinic Undertook vocational guidance work with 18 high school students, and vocational training was started among crippled children The club also chose a boy for a scholarship to business college

The club aided in the Tobacco Jubilo, and entertained the officers and directors of the Dark Fired Tobacco Marketing Association

Club singers sang for the entertainment and benefit of numerous organizations These singers have made quite a reputation for themselves in the state The club aided in the YMCA and the Red Cross drives

Arranged to play a football game with the Jacksonville, Florida club at Jacksonville, between the Petersburg and Jacksonville High School teams, on New Year's Day, giving the Petersburg team a trip to Florida and the Jacksonville club quite a neat sum for its under-privileged child work

Attended an inter-club meeting in Richmond in honor of the International President Host to Richmond, Ashland, West Point, Fredericksburg, Hopewell and Charlottesville at a meeting at which the District Governor was the chief speaker

Celebrated our 12th anniversary, held a Ladies Night, had a joint meeting with Rotary and Lions and played golf with Richmond

Entertained the LTG and sent delegates to the Mid-Winter Conference, the District and International Conventions and the Division Meeting at Williamsburg

This club had twelve consecutive 100% meetings

President George H Reese, Secretary Fred H Cole
Membership Jan 1 - 87 Attendance 97%

The work of the clinic held monthly by the club is financed chiefly from the proceeds of the Karnival Bazaar which this year yielded $3,500 The clinic treated 1,084 patients, furnishing them with the necessary costs, jackets, tractions, dressings, braces, shoes and drugs, and other necessities The nurse made 3,792 visits A number were given muscle training and 5 began vocational training Helped put on the President's Ball Aided the Empty Stocking Club by having sandwich luncheons and donating the difference in price and it helped deliver baskets at Christmas

Entertained the South Side First Farmers of America officers and it aided in arranging a football game played in the city between the high school team and a high school team from the state of New York

The club put on a special program for the entertainment of the officers of Ruritan National Assisted both the Chamber of Commerce and the YMCA in their membership drives Carried the Golden Rule to Ashland, visited Victoria-Kenbridge and was host to an inter-club meeting of 13 clubs

The Kiwanis Singers furnished musical programs for numerous organizations both at home and in other parts of the state, and was always well received Organized a bowling team and bowled regularly during the winter months Held a Ladies Night, celebrated Armistice Day and had a joint meeting with Rotary, Lions and Ruritans

Celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary, represented at the Mid-Winter Conference, International and District Conventions, and Division Meeting Took the Kiwanis Singers to the District Convention Host to the LTG's club officer Training

President J M Gibbs, Secretary Fred H Cole
Membership Jan 1 - 83 Attendance 93%

From the annual Karnival-Bazaar the club raised $3,800 with which to carry on the work of its monthly clinic

Organized a boys band Held a Sons and Daughters Night and during the Christmas vacation entertained at luncheon with a special program 26 former high school football players, now at college, and their fathers

The club urged all its members to vote at all elections

Cooperated in the work of soil conservation Entertained the Ruritan National officers Aided a neighboring Ruritan club in the organization of a softball team, and played in a softball league of the other civic clubs and the neighboring Ruritan clubs

The club secured a scholarship for a boy in a business school, and interviewed patients of the clinic in regard to vocational training and arranged for some to receive such training

The club aided The Lions in putting on their annual Mardi-Gras, and the Professional Woman's Club in their play

The club put on three programs stressing Safety and one on Highway Lighting Other programs were on Supreme Court Actions, The Rusli-Bagot Treaty, Business Standard, The Development of the Modern Newspaper, The Sterilization Law, Civic Pride, and The Social Security Act

The club bowled at Richmond and played in a costume golf tournament there

The club visited Victoria-Kenbridge

Bowled regularly with the other civic clubs of Petersburg The Kiwanis Singers were as much in demand and put on a complete program at the anniversary meeting of the Ashland club Held a joint Ladies Night with Rotary, Lions and Ruritan

Celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary and Constitution Week, held several Kiwanis Education meetings, entertained the LTG, was represented at Mid-Winter Conference, The International and District Conventions, the Division Meeting and was host to the Training School for Club Officers

President J Prince Robinson, Secretary Fred H Cole
Membership Jan 1 - 89 Attendance 94%

This year the Karnival-Bazaar yielded $6,000 for the Crippled Child Clinic, which was carried monthly as formerly and continued to be most useful For several years through the aid of the state rehabilitation officials some of the patients have been interviewed and have begun vocational training, but this Year a much larger number have taken advantage of this opportunity

Attended the Ruritan picnic and kept in touch

The club fostered the idea of a public golf course Aided the YMCA and Red Cross drives and helped The Red Cross in collecting flood relief supplies Attended the Chamber of Commerce picnic It had programs of interest on the Supreme Court, the Social Security Act, Crime, Venereal Disease, The Taxation Problems of the City, Medicine, Athletics, Christian Principles, and the Origin of Christmas

Attended the District Convention Celebrated its own 15th anniversary, and organized active bowling and softball teams

Celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary, entertained the District Governor, LTG and was represented at the Mid-Winter Conference, District and International Conventions, the Division Meeting and the Training School for Club Officers

(Volume 5)
President Fred H Cole, Secretary Charles W Sutherland
Membership Jan 1 - 91 Attendance 94%

The club held its annual Karnival Bazaar to raise money for underprivileged child work Held the crippled children's clinic during the year with an average of 90 patients a month and more than 300 visits by the nurse Contributed $53 to the Empty Stocking Club and furnished cards to aid in distributing presents at Christmas

There were two programs on Boys' and Girls' work, at one of which the subject was "The Importance of Training Boys" The Jacksonville, Florida, High School football team was taken to visit Williamsburg, and to the 'National Military Park

Worked with the Department of Rehabilitation on vocational guidance work

Cooperated with the Chamber of Commerce in working for a Municipal Golf Course, Its Kiwanis Singers took part in public functions, notably singing at the poultry show, at the Masonic Temple benefit, and at the Orphanage at Christmas

Held a Ladies' Night and organized both Bowling and Softball teams

Two inter-club meetings with Richmond and more than 25 visits of members to other clubs Entertained the LTG was represented at the Mid-Winter Conference, International and District Conventions, the Training School for Club Officers

President Mark E Holt, Secretary Charles W Sutherland
Membership Jan 1 - 87 Attendance 98%

The regular monthly Crippled Children's Clinics were held an average of 100 patients The visiting nurse made an average of 375 visits a month and 415 pints of milk were furnished each month

The Agriculture Committee put on a program with 9 prominent farmers and the supervisors of 3 counties as guests

Contribution was made to the Empty Stocking Club, aided in the drive for funds for the Salvation Army and YMCA

The club entertained representatives from Hopewell, Hampton, Portsmouth, and Norfolk Visited Richmond Celebrated l7th club anniversary Charter Night The club was represented at the Mid Winter Conference, International, District Conventions, and the Divisional meeting and entertained the District Governor

President Victor At Halbert, Secretary Charles W Sutherland
Membership Jan 1 - 86 Attendance 94%

The club has a total of 232 crippled children in the clinic, 164 white and 68 colored Monthly clinics are held each Saturday Over 300 visits a month were made by the nurses Members furnished transportation and clerical work done by member wives Braces, medical and surgical treatments were furnished The cost of this work, $3,121 was paid out of the proceeds of the Karnival Bazaar, which netted $3,600

The club aided in tile reorganization of file Bov Scouts and in raising money to finance this work It entertained the High School football teams, gave five boys memberships in the YMCA donated $35 for a junior baseball team, People's Conference of 400 youths from Southside Virginia

The quartet furnished music at a big farmers meeting and a speaker on Community Service was furnished the Ruritan Club

Host an inter-club meeting with 8 clubs were honored by the International President, the District Governor, LTG, and the District Secretary

President T Carson Gregory, Secretary Charles W Sutherland
Membership Jan 1 - 88 Attendance 91%

The Bazaar to benefit the Clinic netted $4351, of this amount $3107 was spent on the clinic which treated 230 crippled children (162 white and 68 colored) There were 3,430 visits made by the nurse and 1,867 pints of milk furnished The club also financed a girl in training for nursing At a meeting, near Christmas the club ate sandwiches and coffee and gave the difference in cost of a regular meal to the Empty Stocking Club

The club aided Scouting, particularly in helping raise money to finance Scouting in this area At one meeting 35 ministers of tile city were guests of the club to hear a talk on how adults can help make Scouting more effective

Entertained the District Governor and the LTG, and was represented at the Mid-Winter Conference, International and District Conventions, and the Training School for Club officers At the end of the year 1 member was in military service

President Charles T Minetree, Secretary Charles W Sutherland
Membership Jan 1 - 80 Attendance 91%

The club continued to carry on its Crippled Children's Clinic, doing about the same amount of work as has been outlined in previous years, raising $3,388 by its Bazaar, and spending $3,025 on this project

The club worked with and supported the Defense Council, the Red Cross, and the YMCA and held two Bond sale meetings, at which $31,800 in Bonds was subscribed, and the club bought $3,000 in Bonds It observed Flag Day, sponsored a dance at the USO and attended church in a body on three Sundays

A successful Ladies' Night was field

Made one inter-club visit to Richmond The club was represented at the Mid-Winter Conference, International and District Conventions, and the Training School for Club Officers One member in the armed forces

President Frank R Talley, Secretary Charles W Sutherland
Membership Jan 1 - 78 Attendance 90%

The Crippled Children's Clinic was carried on through the year as usual On December 28 a Walt Disney movie was given for the entertainment of the children attending these clinics

A program was given on the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and 4-H clubs The club sold $175,000 of war Bonds

Due to Wartime restrictions, interclub activities were confined to the interchange of club bulletins with all the clubs in the Division

The club was host to the International President It was represented at the Mid-Winter Conference and the District Convention On December 31st there were five members were in the armed forces

(Volume 6)
President T Merrille Winfree, Secretary Charles W Sutherland
Membership Jan 1 - 80 Attendance 92%

Division 04
President F O Strailman, Secretary Charles W Sutherland
Membership Jan 1 - 86 Attendance 93%
LG Dr Frank R Talley

PresidentLouis H Perterson, Secretary Charles W Sutherland
Membership Jan 1 - 79 Attendance 93%

President William A Wightman Secretary Charles W Sutherland
Membership Jan 1 - 94 Attendance 92%

President W Thomas Moody, Secretary Charles W Sutherland
Membership Jan 1 - 96 Attendance 92%

District Chair Busines Standards John Roy Jones

President John A Long, Secretary Charles W Sutherland
Membership Jan 1 - 96 Attendance 93%

President R H Godsey, Secretary Charles W Sutherland
Membership Jan 1 - 99 Attendance 96%
Co Sponsor Chesterfield Club

Division 04
(Volume 7)
PresidentJames D Fear, Secretary Charles W Sutherland
Membership Jan 1 - 102 Attendance 94%
LG William A Wightman

President Robert S Rennicks, Secretary Charles W Sutherland
Membership Jan 1 - 101 Attendance 93%

President Lewis L Johnson, Secretary Dr Philip J McEwen
Membership Jan 1 - 104 Attendance 93%

President William G Roberson Jr, Secretary Dr Philip J McEwen
Membership Jan 1 - 106 Attendance 96%

Division 04
President Kenneth W Tipton, Secretary Dr Philip J McEwen
Membership Jan 1 - 106 Attendance 97%
LG Lewis L Johnson

President ?, Secretary Dr Philip J McEwen

President R Oscar Wlaker, Secretary Dr Philip J McEwen

President Henry T Blakinship, Secretary Dr Philip J McEwen

President Paul E Wlech, Secretary Dr Philip J McEwen

President Howard L Meredith Secretary Dr Philip J McEwen

President Charles C Pegram, Secretary Dr Philip J McEwen

President Samuel G Jones, Secretary Dr Philip J McEwen

Division 04
President James H Stoneman, Secretary Dr Philip J McEwen
LG Howard L Meredith
Sponsor Colonial Heights Club

President Charles P Carden, Secretary Dr Philip J McEwen

District Chair Programs & Music Howard L Meredith

President Boston M Lackey Jr, Secretary Dr Philip J McEwen

President Philip J McEwien, Secretary Claude B Coghill

President William S Sloan, Secretary Dr Philip J McEwen

President Horace Mann Secretary Robert S Rennicks

President Paul E Webb, Secretary Robert S Rennicks

1969 - 1970
President Waldo W Montgomery, Secretary Robert S Rennicks

1970 - 1971
President Horace S Powell, Secretary Robert S Rennicks

1971 - 1972
Division 04
President William H Lewis, Secretary Robert S Rennicks
LG Horace Mann

1972 - 1973
Division 04
President John H Temple, Secretary Robert S Rennicks
Sponsor Petersburg Breakfast Club

1973 - 1974
President Lloyd E Hirschhorn, Secretary Robert S Rennicks

1974 - 1975
President William G Haile, Secretary Robert S Rennicks

1975 - 1976
President Howard D Brown Sr, Secretary Robert S Rennicks

1976 - 1977
Division 4 B
President Fredric C Bott, Secretary Robert S Rennicks

1977 - 1978
President R W Smith, Secretary Robert S Rennicks

1978 - 1979
Division 18
President Henry G Alley Jr, Secretary Robert S Rennicks

1979 - 1980
President Elias B Lau, Secretary Robert S Rennicks

1980 - 1981
President Arlie G Andrews, Secretary Robert S Rennicks

1981 - 1982
President Ellis C Kuykendall Jr, Secretary Elias B Lau

1982 - 1983
Division 18
President Rocbert C Vaughan Jr, Secretary Elias B Lau
LG Elias B Lau

1983 - 1984
Division 18
President Cecil F Belcher, Secretary Thomas O Rainey III
Governor Howard D Brown Sr

1984 - 1985
Division 18
President J W Parker, Secretary Elias B Lau
LG Howard D Brown Jr

1985 - 1986
President Claude B Coghill, Secretary Elias B Lau

1986 - 1987
President Mark E Holt III, Secretary Elias B Lau

1987 - 1988
President Jon W Duggan, Secretary Elias B Lau

1988 - 1989
Division 18
President John b Flagg, Secretary Elias B Lau
LG Earl A Smith Jr

1989 - 1990
President Lawrence R Nowery, Secretary Elias B Lau

1990 - 1991
President J Edwar Face, Secretary Elias B Lau

1991 - 1992
President William C Barga, Secretary Elias B Lau

1992 - 1993
Division 18
President Thomas O Rainey III, Secretary Elias B Lau
Membership Oct 1 - 71
LG Edward J Face

1993 - 1994
President Robert K Amster, Secretary Elias B Lau
Membership Oct 1 - 71

1994 - 1995
Division 18
President Melvin W Talley, Secretary Elias B Lau
Membership Oct 1 - 77
LG Robert K Amster

1995 - 1996
President Loreitta B Manning Secretary Elias B Lau
Membership Oct 1 - 64

1996 - 1997
President Ralph R Celli, Secretary Elias B Lau
Membership Oct 1 - 65

1997 - 1998
President Donald E Schroeder, Secretary Elias B Lau
Membership Oct 1 - 57

1998 - 1999
Division 18
President V Dale Coleman, Secretary Elizabeth L Holt
Membership Oct 1 - 64
LG Loreitta B Manning

1999 - 2000
Division 18
President Ronald L Revish Secretary Elizabeth L Holt
Membership Oct 1 - 53
LG Don Schroeder

2000 - 2001
Division 18
President C Gregory Comstock, Secretary Elizabeth L Holt
Membership Oct 1 - 54
LG Don Schroeder

2001 - 2002
President Patricia Harvey, Secretary Elizabeth L Holt
Membership Oct 1 - 51 Attendance 58%

Year End: 44 Projects Completed, 136 Service Hours, $3,547 Money Spent, 10 Interclubs

2002 - 2003
President Robert D Towler, Secretary Martha S Moon
Membership Oct 1 - 43 Attendance 62%

Year End: 52 Projects Completed, 248 Service Hours, $7,034 Money Spent, 18 Interclubs

2003 - 2004
President Douglas Moyer, Secretary Sue Moyer
Membership Oct 1 - 39 Attendance 42%
Meet TU 12:30 PM Betsy's Courtyard

Year End: 35 Projects Completed, 102 Service Hours, $813 Spent, 12 Interclubs

2004 - 2005
President John Fedkenhever, Secretary Martha S Moon
Membership Oct 1 - 35 Attendance 37%
Meet TU 12:30 PM King Barbecue

Contributed $160 to Tsunami Relief Effort

Year End: 48 Projects Completed, 119 Service Hours, $3,361 Spent, 20 Interclubs

2005 - 2006
Heart of Virginia Region
President Jonathan W Pope, Secretary Martha S Moon
Membership Oct 1 - 29 Attendance 43%
Meet TU 12:30 PM King Barbecue

Year End: 39 Projects Completed, 151 Service Hours, $1,325 Spent, 30 Interclubs

2006 - 2007
President Donald Schroeder, Secretary Martha S Moon
Membership Oct 1 - 28 Attendance 51%
Meet TU 12:30 PM King Barbecue

Year End: 10 Projects Completed, 42 Service Hours, $6365 Spent, 12 Interclubs

2007 - 2008
Division 18
President Charles Williams, Secretary Martha S Moon
Membership Oct 1 - 32 Attendance 55%
Meet TU 12:30 PM Old Towne Catering Company
District Trustee Don Schroeder

Year End: 27 Projects Completed, 51 Service Hours, $1,361 Spent, 8Interclubs

2008 - 2009
Division 18
President Dena Patrick, Secretary Martha S Moon
Membership Oct 1 - 30 Attendance 57%
Meet TU 12:30 PM Old Towne Catering Company
District Trustee Don Schroeder

Year End: 22 Projects Completed, 129 Service Hours, $2062 Spent,10 Interclubs

2009 - 2010
Division 18
President Dena Patrick, Secretary Shalva Braxton
Membership Oct 1 - 28 Attendance 43%
Meet TU 12:30 PM Old Towne Catering Company
District Trustee Don Schroeder

Year End: 2 Projects Completed, 18 Service Hours, $1 Spent, 8 Interclubs, $100 CD Foundation

2010 - 2011
President Vanessa Crawford, Secretary Dena Patrick
Membership Oct 1 - 21
Meet TU 12:30 PM Old Towne Catering Company

Year End: 1 Projects Completed, 9 Service Hours, $78 Spent,6 Interclubs, $0 CD Foundation

2011 - 2012
President Cassandra Burns, Secretary Dena Patrick
Membership Oct 1 - 21
Meet TU 12:30 PM Old Towne Catering Company

Sponsor Fort Lee Club

2012 - 2013
Division 18
President Cassandra Conover Secretary Gwendolyn C Johnson
Membership Oct 1 - 43
Meet TU 12 Noon Old Towne Catering Company
LG Ronald L Revish
District Chair Children and Youth Services Cassandra Conover

2013 - 2014
Division 10

President Cassandra Conover Secretary Gwendolyn C Johnson
Membership Oct 1 - 40
Meet TU 12 Noon Old Towne Catering Company

District Chair Children and Youth Services Cassandra Conover

2014 - 2015
Division 10
President Leonard Davis, Secretary Gwendolyn C Johnson
Membership Oct 1 - 32
Meet TU 12 Noon Old Towne Catering Company

Sponsor Dinwiddie Club
Distinguished Club
LG Cassandra Conover

2015 - 2016
Division 10
President Leonard Davis, Secretary Gwendolyn C Johnson
Membership Oct 1 - 31
Meet TU 12 Noon Old Towne Catering Company

LG Cassandra Conover

2016 - 2017
President Regina Tyler, Secretary Gwendolyn C Johnson
Membership Oct 1 - 25
Meet TU 12 Noon Old Towne Catering Company

2017 - 2018
President Gwendolyn Hogan, Secretary Gwendolyn C Johnson
Membership Oct 1 - 25
Meet TU 12 Noon Old Towne Catering Company

2018 - 2019
President Gwendolyn Hogan, Secretary Gwendolyn C Johnson
Membership Oct 1 - 19
Meet TU 12 Noon at Old Towne Restaurant

2019 - 2020
President Randolph A Rush, Secretary Kathleen A Murphy
Membership Oct 1 - 33
Meet TU 12 Noon at Old Towne Restaurant

2020 - 2021
President Randolph A Rush, Secretary Kathleen A Murphy
Membership Oct 1 - 31