Capital District Kiwanis History

CLUBS Old-Divisions-New Regions Site Map Leadership People

(Robert T Barton)
Organized June 25 1922 Chartered August 5 1922
Key #00806 23rd District Club
Sponsor Lynchburg Kiwanis (KI Club Card)
Divisions 01 05 01 09 19 08
Regions Presidential | Mason Dixon
Population (1922) 10,855

President J Luther Maphis, Secretary Ralph R Rosenberger
Division 01
(Volume 1)

The Kiwanis Club of Winchester was formally organized on the June 25, 1922 with the following offliers: President J Luther Maphis, V President W G Hardy, Treasurer Harry M Sartelle, Secretary Ralph R Rosenberger, and Trustee Robert T Barton Directors: R T Bryarly, Dr A C Swimley, Philip Williams, J M Orndoff, W C Plundeke, Harry A Schmidt, and H D Robinson.

The initial banquet held on this occasion was attended by delegations from neighboring clubs and a delegation from the Rotary Club of Winchester Following its organization the club immediately plunged into the activities of the community and at its weekly luncheons listened to speakers on sundry, subjects.

On September 5 1922 at a banquet held in Rouss Hall the charter was presented to the club by District Governor Julian 1 Williams, with the assistance of Harry G Kimball, District Secretaq; C Walter Baker, LTG and delegations from Martinsville and Hagerstown.

1922, the club became interested in securing favorable action from the voters of Winchester on the passage of an ordinance authorizing the issue of bonds for additions to our sewerage and water systems The club also played a large part in financing a new hotel and assisting the Chamber of Commerce in its various activities, besides holding many pleasant social meetings.

President Robert T Barton, Vice President Jesse C Oakes
Trustee J Luther Maphis
Secretary Andrew Bell, Treasurer Harry M Sartelle
Directors: Jacob A Richard J Howard Cather, Walter H Bosserman
Howard M Solenberger John W Phillips, Oliver L Jamison
Dr Walter Cox, and J Mae Maphis

Spring found the club engaged in many civic activities and in addition its members found time to accept invitations to and attend a luncheon given 'in honor of the Winchester Club the Kiwams Club at Washington Shortly afterwards the Alexa ria, Club came to Winchester to present the Capital District Loving Cup, which it in turn took to Hagerstown

In June the club entertained at dinner graduates of the Handley School During the summer of 1923, many suppers were served on the lawn of one of the club members, these proving to be a very delightful chance from the mid day affairs

In August the club entertained Kiwanian Will Akxukdw, President of the Now York Club

With the coming of fall, the club adopted as its work for the winter: First the publication of a history of Winchester, service to the crippled children of the community, and to these two activities the club is bending an Its energy

This short history of the activities of the Winchester Club since its organization does not nearly tell the tale of the benefit and value the club has brought to its members and to the community in general Through it has been -bred fellowship among the Kiwanians which -has extended to the members of the Rotary Club and a spirit of unselfish civic service has made a deep impression upon the community

The original club membership was 60 Since the initial meeting 10 members have been added and 7 dropped either for non-attendance or by reason of transfer or removal from the community, leaving a present membership of 63

(Volume 2)
President Will C Hardy Secretary Andrew Bell
Trustee Robert T Barton

We entertained the graduates of Handley High School Sent a delegation to Denver Held a Ladies' Night Organized the Kiwanis Baseball Team Sent a delegation to the Norfolk District Convention

We spent over one hundred dollars on work for crippled children

President Jess C Oakes Secretary Andrew Bell
Trustee Will G Hardy

The following report of the activities for this year was published in one of the local papers:

From January 1 to the close of the school session, had one male member of Handley School graduation class present at the weekly meeting as the guest of the club

Appropriated two hundred dollars for the maintenance and welfare of a Winchester boy at the Industrial School and Farm for Homeless Boys, Inc, at Covington, Virginia

Gave moral and financial support for the establishment of Shenandoah National Park Contributed fifty dollars for the milk fund Contributed for the annual Apple Blossom Festival, and supplied a float for this festival

Compiled and edited a complete history of Winchester Acted as host for a joint meeting of Cumberland, Frederick and Hagerstown Kiwanis Clubs Entertained the 1925 graduating class of Handley School at luncheon Held regular Ladies' Night Entertained the teachers of the Handley School

Contributed approximately six hundred dollars for work in connection with the underprivileged children including a payment towards the purchase of a car for the District Nurse Association Bought Christmas seals Maintained a championship baseball team and defeated Rotary, Lions and Elks teams, making three successive years that the Kiwanis baseball team had gone undefeated

President J Marian Orndoff, Secretary Andrew Bell
Trustee Jesse C Oakes

We entertained the graduating class of the High School Defeated Rotary in baseball, two games out of three The proceeds were devoted to our crippled child work

President Phillip Williams, Secretary Andrew Bell
Trustee J Marion Orndoff

We conducted a Good-Will and Friendship Tour into West Virginia on July 13, holding our regular luncheon meeting at Romney, after which we visited Morefield and Petersburg, West Virginia, spending an hour in each town The entire faculty of Hendley School were entertained by a dinner and reception
A joint meeting was held with Lions and Rotary in honor of International Vice-President William C Alexander, who was a native of Winchester We held two Ladies' Nights At the Christmas season, several hundred poor children were made happy by a moving picture show and gifts of fruit, candy, nuts and other good things Baskets were sent to the inmates of the county almshouse

Division 05
(Volume 3)
President Dr J A Richards, Secretary Andrew Bell
Trustee Philip Williams
LG Will C Hardy

In February, we held a joint meeting with Lions, Rotary and the American Legion in the interest of the Chamber of Commerce

We followed our usual custom in entertaining the graduating class of Handley high school We also gave a banquet in honor of the Martinsburg high school and Handley high school There were present about twenty players from the teams of each school together with their coaches The purpose of this meeting was to establish more friendly athletic relations between the schools

On September 5, we celebrated the sixth anniversary of the club with a picnic at Camp Big Eddy The picnic concluded with an old-fashioned Virginia chicken dinner served on the campgrounds

We held a joint meeting on November 27, with the Martinsville, West Virginia, Kiwanis Club These meetings are an annual event and are greatly enjoyed by both clubs A Christmas entertainment was staged at our regular meeting on December 19, and on Christmas Day we delivered baskets to the inmates of theCounty Poor Farm

President T Russell Cather, Secretary Andrew Bell
Trustee Dr J A Richard

A Ladies' Night was held on March 15, with Dr John C Palmer of Washington as the principal speaker Secretary Bell attended the conference of officers of the Fifth Division, conducted by Lieutenant-Governor Henry A Converse at Waynesboro Trustee Richard was appointed a Director of the Chamber of Commerce to represent the Kiwanis Club The club entered a float in the Sixth Annual Apple Blossom Festival and won the third prize of $7500

In accordance with our custom, we entertained 72 graduates of the Handley high school We also entertained the nurses of the graduating class of Winchester Memorial Hospital

A Ladies' Night and picnic was held at Jordan Springs on August 7 There were various games in the afternoon, swimming in the pool, bridge for the ladies with prizes in the various events Then there was dinner, chicken with all the fixings, then dancing, the whole making a day memorable to all present

Governor Kimball and William N Freeman of Washington visited us on August 28 On September 18, the faculty of Handley high school were our guests when we were entertained by Mr George H O'Connor of Washington accompanied by his regular accompanist, Mr Matt Horne Mr O'Connor kept the audience in an uproar of laughter from the beginning to the end of the entertainment

We were well represented at the Hagerstown Convention, there being 25 Kiwanians and their ladies present Ten baskets of delicious apples donated by Kiwanians who are apple growers, were distributed at the convention

Rev R Roland Wagner, a member of the Norfolk Club, was our speaker on November 13 He is not only a most entertaining speaker but a real Kiwanian in every sense of the word

In accordance with our annual custom, we held a joint meeting with the Martinsburg, W Va, Club at which time the two clubs entertained the football teams from the Martinsburg High School and the Handley High School of Winchester These annual meetings have been instrumental in bringing about a closer spirit of friendship, not only between the members of the football teams, but also between the citizens in general The members of both clubs feel that a great deal of good has been accomplished by this means

(Volume 4)
President D Ed Stultz, Secretary Andrew Bell
Trustee Dr J A Richards

We attended a joint meeting of the Chamber of Commerce, American Legion, Lions and Rotary It was a home-coming banquet for ex-Governor Byrd and was th,2 largest ever given in our city, over 400 guests being present We assisted the Chamber of Commerce in their broadcasting program by putting on a special Kiwanis hour in which the Washington Trio, East, Raymond and Thomas, assisted

LTG Hill accompanied by a delegation from Washington visited us Host to the Hagerstown and Frederick clubs with Claude W Owen of Washington as the speaker.

We had a beautiful float in the Apple Blossom Festival Presented Kiwanian Nelson F Richards, Director General of the 1930 Apple Blossom Festival, with a handsome watch, as a token of appreciation from his Kiwanis friends for valuable services rendered as Director General of the Apple Blossom Festival The graduating class of the Handley High School was entertained according to our annual custom A Ladies Night was held at Jordan Springs.

Governor Jesse H Binford paid us an official visit on August 27 An Inter-Club picnic was held with 25 members and their wives from the Frederick and Hagerstown clubs at Braddock Heights.

We requested the city council to appropriate funds for the maintenance and repairs of the Handley library and we donated an American flag to the library Sponsored the annual football game between the Martinsburg, WV and Handley High Schools and held a joint meeting with the Martinsburg club at which the members of both football teams were guests.

The first 100% meeting in the history of the club was held on November 5.

President Dr Robert M Glass, Secretary Andrew Bell
Trustee D E Stultz

The Kiwanis Anniversary was observed We joined with Lions, Rotary and the American Legion in a meeting during the annual meeting of the Chamber of Commerce.

$25 was contributed to a needy family; $25 towards the milk fund for under-privileged school children, and $250 towards the completion of the education of a Winchester boy at the RCA Institute at Philadelphia, where he complete a course in radio work and is now in a position to support himself in his chosen profession Approximately $500 (?) was spent in crippled children's work, and several clinics were held for them We have kept in touch with the District Nurse Association of the city, and have given attention to all cases referred to us by it.

We entered a Kiwanis float in the annual Apple Blossom Festival, entertained the graduate nurses of Winchester Memorial Hospital, gave our annual banquet to the faculty of Handley High School, and entertained the graduating class of that school.

Delegations from the Washington and Arlington clubs visited us and the Washington boys put on a Kiwanis educational program A delegation from our club attended an inter-club meeting at Manassas In accordance with our annual custom, we held a joint meeting with the Martinsburg, West Virginia, club in honor of the football teams of Handley and Martinsburg High Schools in connection with the annual football game.

Division 01
President Dr George Snarr, Secretary Andrew Bell
Membership Jan 1 - 67 Attendance 71%
LG Jess C Oakes

The Winchester club, although it lost in membership during the year was quite active in public affairs It held a joint meeting with the Chamber of Commerce and the other service clubs of the city; held four meetings entirely devoted to public affairs; entertained the police force of the city; aided in the Red Cross drive; put on a "Save a Life" campaign for careful driving; and entertained the faculty of the high school, The club had Frank Talley of the Petersburg club to give a special underprivileged child program.

The club held one Ladies Night at which the District Governor was a guest, and joined with the Chamber of Commerce and the other civic clubs in giving a testimonial dinner to the Hon H F Byrd.

Sent delegates to the International Convention and to the Mid-Winter Conference, and three to the District Convention.

President Garland R Quarles, Secretary Andrew Bell
Membership Jan 1 - 54 Attendance 67%

The activities of the Winchester club this year included: sending a crippled child to the University Hospital for an operation and furnishing special shoes and braces for him; the complete outfitting of three under-privileged children with clothing and shoes; and the distribution of 21 baskets to needy families at Christmas.

Andrew Bell, secretary of this club, was elected by unanimous vote of the members of Rotary, Lions, Kiwanis, American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars as the most outstanding citizen of Winchester for 1932.

The club held one George Washington program, two health programs, and one program on Character Building in the Navy.

There was also a program on Criminology and Youth, and on Agriculture and Vocational Guidance as taught in the local high school Under the head of Public Affairs comes a joint meeting with the Chamber of Commerce at their annual meeting and programs on Taxation, Airships and Balloons, The Present Inflation, Business Conditions, and Future Betterment The club entertained the Queen of the Apple Blossom Festival.

Attended an inter-club meeting at Charles Town, W Va, and carried away the prize for the largest attendance Had a joint meeting with the Martinsburg, WVA club Entertained the high school football teams of the two cities and 68 local high school graduates.

The LTG was entertained on two occasions and the District Governor once.

President H C Sheetz, Secretary Andrew Bell
Membership Jan 1 - 51 Attendance 69%

The club sponsored the Passion Play for the benefit of the welfare fund It promoted welfare work and contributed to the District Nurses Association It offered prizes for the best essays by tile high school pupils on "Does It Pay to Be Honest" There were 150 entries in this contest It promoted Boy Scout work and sent out 25 baskets to needy families at Christmas

The club entertained the graduating class of the high school at luncheon The club had a program on The New Era in Agriculture, and one on Vocational Guidance and Agriculture It had a joint Farmers Night with Rotary

Had a joint meeting with the Chamber of Commerce and the other civic organizations It entered a float in the Apple Blossom Festival parade, and it successfully sponsored the placing of a first aid station on Route 11 in conjunction with the Red Cross It had programs on The Shenandoah National Park, Electrical Inventions and Improvements, The History of Winchester, The Relations Between the United States and Japan, Law and Order and Religion and Recreation

Host to the Martinsburg, WVA club with the annual football game between the high schools This is an annual affair in which the two clubs alternate as hosts and has continued for ten years

The club had its usual Stag Picnic at Jordan Springs

Had two Kiwanis education meetings, and was represented at the International and the District Conventions

President Ansell Solenberger, Secretary Andrew Bell
Membership Jan 1 - 50 Attendance 64%

The club spent $100 for supplies for under-privileged children It bought a tuberculosis health bond and it furnished 20 Christmas baskets for the needy

It had a program in celebration of the Boy Scout Anniversary It entertained the graduates of the high school

It had programs on The Duties of Citizenship, Agricultural Education, Vocational Training, and The Science of Agriculture and Horticulture

Held a joint meeting with the Chamber of Commerce and the other civic organizations It entertained the police force of the city with a program on Municipal Police Problems It had a special luncheon at which 21 merchants of the city who have been in business for 40 or more years were entertained

Sent delegations to Martinsburg, Shepherdstown and Hagerstown This year the annual dinner to the high school football teams was held as an inter-club meeting in Martinsburg, WVA The club was host to Morgan County, W Va, and had a picnic meeting at which Martinsburg, Charles Town, Morgan County and Hagerstown sent representatives The club held a joint meeting with Rotary

The club field three Kiwanis education meetings, celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary and Constitution Week, entertained the LTG and was represented at the International and District Conventions and the Officers Training School The club has been trying to form a new club but it has not materialized yet

President W B Good, Secretary Andrew Bell
Membership Jan 1 - 48 Attendance 68%

The club spent approximately $150 in welfare work, including glasses for children and food and supplies for the needy It bought a tuberculosis health bond, and it delivered 20 Christmas baskets to indigent families

The club put on a Boy Scout Anniversary program with a number of Scouts present and some taking part in the program It had a program on the work of the CCC Camps, and it followed its usual custom of entertaining at luncheon the graduating class of the high school

It had a program on Citizenship, a joint Farmers Night with Rotary and Lions and a program on The Chance of Youth in Agriculture

Entertained the police force with a program on G-Men, entered a float in the Apple Blossom Festival parade and had two joint meetings with the Chamber of Commerce and the other civic organizations

The club took the Golden Rule to Cumberland and was host to four big inter-club meetings First to Martinsburg, Cumberland and Frederick ' secondly to Martinsburg, Morgan County, Frederick, Charles Town, Prince Georges County and Washington; third, (a picnic) to Martinsburg, Morgan County, Frederick, Charles Town, Washington and Hagerstown, and fourthly to Washington, Arlington, Harrisonburg, Cumberland, Martinsburg, Charles Town and Morgan County

Sent delegates to International and District Conventions and the Officers Training School

President Eugene B Cooper Secretary Andrew Bell
Membership Jan 1 - 52 Attendance 65%

The club spent over $100 in welfare work It sent out 20 Christmas baskets

Met jointly with Rotary and Lions to entertain 161 high school graduates Celebrated Boy Scout Anniversary Week, sent one Scout to the jamboree, and had a report of the Jamboree at a regular meeting

Had a joint Farmers Day with Rotary and Lions with a program on Agricultural Development in Virginia

Held a joint meeting with the Chamber of Commerce and other civic organizations Entertained the city merchants who have been in business 40 or more years Had programs on Safety, The Skyline Drive, Religion, The Social Security Act, Problems in City Government, Early History of Winchester, Deposit Insurance, The Red Cross, and Present Trends in Business and Politics

This year the joint football meeting with Martinsburg was held there

The club had a joint picnic at Jordan Springs It had four Kiwanis education meetings, celebrated its own anniversary, represented at the International and District Conventions and the Officers Training School

Division 01
(Volume 5)
President C Arthur Robinson, Secretary Andrew Bell
Membership Jan 1 - 55 Attendance 75%
LG Andrew Bell

The club spent $10 for tickets for under¬ privileged children to attend a baseball game At Christmas 22 baskets of f 'd were distributed

A program on Scouting was given The High School Glee Club furnished the program at one meeting Sent 6 boys and 6 girls to summer camp at a cost of $84 An usual custom, held the annual football banquet in Winchester at which the 2 teams of Winchester and Martinsburg High Schools were entertained after the last game of the season Members of the District Governor's Training School for Lieutenant Governors which was held on the day of the garne in Winchester remained for this banquet

The club received the log from Harrisonburg and delivered it to Arlington The Lieutenant Governor, a member of this club, visited all the clubs of the First Division, frequently being accompanied'by one or more members of the club The club attended the annual meeting of the Chamber of Commerce along with the other civic clubs of the city, had a joint meeting with Rotary and Lions, and a picnic at a nearby Springs

Furnished the Lieutenant Governor for the Governor's Banner, host to the District Division, and received the Lieutenant Gov Governor's Training School for Lieutenant Governors, passed resolutions on the death of District Secretary Asa Howard, and sent representatives to his funeral, was represented at the Mid Winter Conference, the International and District Conventions, and the Training School for Club Officers

President Sam C Brooks, Secretary Andrew Bell
Membership Jan 1 - 49 Attendance 93%

Spent $7 for medical treat¬ment for a colored boy, and $22 for hospitalization of a needy girl

Celebrated Boy Scout Week, spent $13 for 2 Scout tents, and $10 to send an FFA boy to the Convention Entertained the graduating class of the high school at one luncheon, and had a program put on by the Chorus from a private boys school

The annual joint meeting with Rotary and Lions was celebrated as a Farmers' Day with 100 farmers present and an appropriate program

Host to Arlington on visit of the Lieutenant Governor It received the plaque from Cumberland, and had an inter club meeting with Martinsburg on the occasion of the annual football banquet held this year in Martinsburg with the teams of the two cities as guests

A Ladies Night was held, a joint meeting with the Chamber of Commerce, and a Barbeque Picnic at a Cavern on the Capon River

Entertained the Lieutenant Governor, and was represented at the Mid Winter Conference, the International and District Conventions, and at the Training School for Club Officers

President Ancell B Groves, Secretary Andrew Bell
Membership Jan 1 - 49 Attendance 78%

Bought $100 worth of tickets for the Lions Benefit Show and gave the tickets to underprivileged children Sent 4 boys to the Salvation Army Camp at a cost of $26, and spent $42 for Christmas baskets to be distributed by the Good Fellowship Club

Made a donation of $100 towards the new Recreational Center It celebrated Boy Scout Week, and at a joint meeting with Rotarv and Lions entertained the graduating class of the High School,

Thd aims and objectives of the FFA were explained to the club 100 farmers were present as guests at a joint meeting of the Rotary, Lions, and Kiwanis clubs held in the county

The club erected road signs on each of the 6 highways leading into the city Entered a float in the apple blossom parade which won the Fourth Prize Donated $5 toward bringing a hand to the Apple Blossom Festival, and celebrated the Fourth of July with an appropriate program

The club received the plaque from Fredcrick and carried it to Hagerstown. It was host to Martinsburg at which time Martinsburg put on the program

The club had a joint meeting with tile Chamber of Commerce, an inter club picnic with the Berkeley Springs, West Virginia, club on the Capon River, and held a Christmas party There was also a Ladies' Night.

The club had programs on Kiwanis Education, celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary, had one 100% meeting, entertained the Lieutenant Governor, celebrated U S Canada Week, was represented at all the District and International meetings, and took several baskct A of fine apples to the District Convention At the close of the year there was one mernber of the club in the armed forces.

President Leonard I Miller, Secretary Andrew Bell
Membership Jan 1 - 51 Attendance 76%

The club contributed $55 44 toward Christmas baskets to be delivered by the Good Fellowship Club, held a Christmas party for 22 underprivileged children, and sent 2 girls to the Salvation Army Camp at a cost of $12

Held a joint meeting with Rotary and Lions entertaining the high school graduating virass, attended as a body the Martinsburg Football Banquet at Martinsburg, gave $10 in prizes for the High School Track Meet, and $10 to the Boy Scouts toward the cost of making a moving picture of Scouting activities which was shown at one meeting of the club There was the annual joint meeting with Rotary and Lions entertaining the farmers of Frederick County

Entertained at one of its lunch, 3 evacuated English children who were being taken care of in Winchester, gave $25 toward the Go Away Party of Company I upon its departure for Camp Meade, and $10 toward the purchase of uniforms for the Virginia Protective Force Entered a float in the Apple Blossom Parade which won the first prize of $1

Entertained the Lieutenant Governor, was represented at the Mid Winter Conference, the International and the District Conventions, and at the Training School for Club Officers, and at the end of the year had one member in military service

President W Alan Peery, E E Harbaugh, Secretary Andrew Bell
Membership Jan 1 - 54 Attendance 75%

Approximately $300 was spent for various contributions to charitable undertakings Some of the special amounts spent will be noted The usual Christmas party for underprivileged children was given and a number of Christmas baskets sent out Contributed $50 to the Day Nursery

A program was devoted to Scouting and $1110 was donated to the Boy Scouts, A full time director of playgrounds in charge of all recreational projects was provided

Tile football squad of twenty four players was taken to Martinsburg for the annual football banquet sponsored by the Kiwanis clubs of the two cities The annual Farmers' Niglit was held in connection with Rotary and Lions

The club aided the Salvation Army drive for funds and that of the Red Cross and contributed $50 to the latter Through the activities of the club in the various Bond and Stamp drives, $300,000 worth of Bonds was sold The club bought $25 Bonds which were given as pri7es to the most successful workers in these drives The club built five pick up stations for soldiers, one on each of the 5 highways leading out of Winchester Donated a number of books for the Soldiers' Day Rooms at a nearby camp to which $50 was also contributed

It entertained the Lions and Rotary at one luncheon The bowling team had matches with Baltimore and Arlington, and the usual picnic was held on the Capon River

Entertained the Lieutenant Governor Had 6 members in military service

President F Grove White, Secretary Andrew Bell
Membership Jan 1 - 32 Attendance 76%

Spent $145 during the Year for eleemosynar N, a part of which was spent as follows: $80 for Christmas baskets, $25 to the Nursery School, $35, to enlarging the facilities of the camp, in buying an artificial leg for a cripple, and the usual Christmas party

The club had the High School Glee Club to put on a program and joined with Rotary and Lions in entertaining the graduating class of the High School

It field its annual Farmers' Night in conjuction with Rotary and Lions

Sponsored a lecture which netted $200 for the Red Cross, aided in the sale of War Bonds, and promoted Victory Gardens The club joined tile other civic clubs in attending the annual banquet of the Chamber of Commerce and the usual picnic was held on the Capon River

The Lieutenant Governor was entertained, and the club was represented at the International and District Conventions, the Mid Winter Conference, and the Training School for Club Officers At the close of the year there was one member in military service

(Volume 6)
President Herman I Pifer, Secretary Andrew Belll
Membership Jan 1 - 43 Attendance 79%

Division 01
President Raymond H Kerlin, Secretary Andrew Bell
Membership Jan 1 - 60 Attendance 73%
Sponsor Front Royal Club

President John J Wanner, Secretary Andrew Bell
Membership Jan 1 - 60 Attendance 75%

President Virgil R Strader, Secretary Andrew Bell
Membership Jan 1 - 62 Attendance 73%

Division 09
President Ralph P Yount, Secretary George W Good
Membership Jan 1 - 69 Attendance 80%

President B F Arthur Jr, Secretary George W Good
Membership Jan 1 - 69 Attendance 80%

President F A Shryock, Secretary George W Good
Membership Jan 1 - 74 Attendance 79%

(Volume 7)
President George B Masters, Secretary George W Good
Membership Jan 1 - 82 Attendance 86%

President Marvin E Gore Jr, Secretary George W Good
Membership Jan 1 - 80 Attendance 79%

President Marvin E Gore, Secretary George W Good
Membership Jan 1 - 79 Attendance 78%

President Laurens P Jones, Secretary George W Good
Membership Jan 1 - 86 Attendance 88%

President J Douglas Butler, Secretary George W Good
Membership Jan 1 - 89 Attendance 87%

President ?, Secretary George W Good

Division 09
President Charles A Pine Sr, Secretary George W Good

Sponsor Leesburg Club

President H W Butler, Secretary George W Good

President Garland M Canter, Secretary E Holmes Newcome

President William H Louthan Jr, Secretary E Holmes Newcome

President Hubert T Stratton, Secretary E Holmes Newcome

President Gerald L Goodman Secretary E Holmes Newcome

President Robert L Chaplin, Secretary E Holmes Newcome

Division 09
President Robert J Pullen, Secretary E Holmes Newcome
LG Gerald L Goodman

President Billy S Chapmen, Secretary E Holmes Newcome

President Loring J Wright, Jr, Secretary E Holmes Newcome

President W Carlisle Fisher, Secretary E Holmes Newcome

President Charles A Pine Jr, Secretary E Holmes Newcome

President Joseph B Lintz, Secretary E Holmes Newcome

1969 - 1970
President Robert G Allan, Secretary E Holmes Newcome

1970 - 1971
Division 09
President Donald E Smallwood, Secretary E Holmes Newcome
LG Ed L Molden

1971 - 1972
Division 09
President M Lee Boppe, Secretary E Holmes Newcome
Sponsor Sterling Club
LG Robert G Allan

1972 - 1973
President Donald R Grubbs Secretary E Holmes Newcome

1973 - 1974
President David R Shetler Secretary E Holmes Newcome

1974 - 1975
President David R Shetler Secretary E Holmes Newcome

1975 - 1976
Division 09
President Robert W Pierce, Secretary Maurice T Parlett
LG David R Shetler

1976 - 1977
Division 9 West
President Dennis A Shackelford, Secretary Maurice T Parlett

District Chair Youth Services David R Shetler

1977 - 1978
President Kenneth D Kisner, Secretary Maurice T Parlett

1978 - 1979
President Fred A Drunagel, Secretary Maurice T Parlett

1979 - 1980
President Jerry P Kerr, Secretary Maurice T Parlett

District Chair International President's Visit David R Shetler

1980 - 1981
Division 19
President Harold D Anderson Sr, Secretary Maurice T Parlett
LG Kenneth D Kisner

1981 - 1982
Division 19
President Alan D Drayer, Secretary Paul S Carper Jr
Sponsor Clarke County Club

1982 - 1983
Division 19
President Lewis M Ewing, Secretary Paul S Carper Jr
LG Jerry P Kerr

1983 - 1984
President David M Frazier, Secretary Edward J Jankiewicz

1984 - 1985
President Archie L McKay, Secretary Jerry P Kerr

1985 - 1986
Division 19
President Carmen A Rio, Secretary Jerry P Kerr
LG J Douglas Butler

1986 - 1987
President Ronald J Brown, Secretary A Harmon Thornton

1987 - 1988
Division 19
President George B Caley, Secretary A Harmon Thornton
LG Archie L McKay

1988 - 1989
President Glen P Burke, Secretary Philip T Foster

1989 - 1990
Division 19
President E H Lowdermilk, Secretary Philip T Foster

Sponsor Blue Ridge Club

1990 - 1991
President Robert L Lebo, Secretary Douglas L Sloan

1991 - 1992
Division 19
President William Brockschmidt, Secretary Douglas L Sloan
LG Donald R Grubbs

1992 - 1993
Division 19
President Thomas A Gromling, Secretary George J Sempeles
Membership Oct 1 - 144
LG Charles A Pine Jr

1993 - 1994
President Philip T Foster, Secretary George J Sempeles
Membership Oct 1 - 130

1994 - 1995
Division 19
President David C Reichert Secretary George J Sempeles
Membership Oct 1 - 132
LG William L Brockschmidt

1995 - 1996
President Helen H Zebarth Secretary George J Sempeles
Membership Oct 1 - 144

1996 - 1997
President Joel M Friedmen, Secretary George J Sempeles
Membership Oct 1 - 155

1997 - 1998
Division 19
President Wayne A Yowell, Secretary George J Sempeles
Membership Oct 1 - 157
LG David C Reichert

1998 - 1999
President Robert B Wright, Secretary George J Sempeles
Membership Oct 1 -159

1999 - 2000
President Donna F Gutlemez, Secretary George J Sempeles
Membership Oct 1 - 161

2000 - 2001
Division 19
President John R Thomas Secretary George J Sempeles
Membership Oct 1 - 162
LG Philip T Foster

2001 - 2002
Division 19
President Richard M Garber Secretary George J Sempeles
Membership Oct 1 - 176 Attendance 87%
LG Philip T Foster

Year End: 159 Projects Completed, 764 Service Hours, $18,780 Spent, 71 Interclubs

2002 - 2003
President Dennis C Grubbs Secretary George J Sempeles
Membership Oct 1 - 197 Attendance 58%

(Capital Builder) The Kiwanis Club of Winchester, VA made their annual trip to the 4-H Center in Front Royal, VA to serve pancakes, sausage and all the trimmings to approx 90 children of Camp fantastic Each year the camp is operated at the 4-H Center for children who have cancer and who go to enjoy a week of activities and fun Forty Kiwanians from Winchester served as hosts for the last day of the children's stay It was a heart-warming experience for everyone.

Year End: 175 Projects Completed, 686 Service Hours, $37,760 Spent, 71 Interclubs

2003 - 2004
Division 19
President Susan Masters, Secretary George J Sempeles
Membership Oct 1 - 204 Attendance 60%
Meet WE 12 Noon Travel Lodge Motel
LG John R Thomas

(From E-Builder, May 2004) Empty prescription vials from members are prepared for delivery to the Winchester Free Medical Clinic The vials are of economic importance to the distribution of medicine to the needy Each month members contribute magazined that are sorted and delivered to the Winchester Medical Center for use in the waiting rooms ofthe hospital Of special interest is the Kiwanis Magazine A sticker is placed over each member's address stricker that reads: This Magazine has been furnished by the Kiwanis Club of Winchester, VA for your reading pleasure.

(From E-Builder, Sep 2004) Built and painted a bus stop shelter across from the city hall

Year End: 96 Projects Completed, 891 Service Hours, $22,899 Spent, 80 Interclubs

2004 - 2005
President Bruce Santilli, Secretary George J Sempeles
Membership Oct 1 - 187 Attendance 54%
Meet WE 12 Noon Travel Lodge Motel

District Chair Foundation Caring Corner David C Reichert

(From E-Builder, Jan 2005) Members of the clean-up crew gather at the end of another successful Adopt-A-Highway project on I-81 and Va Route 7 Interchange The Kiwanis Club of Winchester (Va) recently received a Certificate of Appreciation from the Virginia Department of Transportation for completing 10 years as a Keep Virginia Clean organization.

Tsunami Relief Contribution $930

Year End: 84 Projects Completed, 680 Service Hours, $19,983 Spent, 46Interclubs

2005 - 2006
Division 19
Presidential Region
President Michael A Didawick Secretary George J Sempeles
Membership Oct 1 - 161 Attendance 66%
Meet WE 12 Noon Travel Lodge Motel
LG Kyle R Homan
Distinquished Club Award
Attendance Award - Gold Group Honorable Mention
Newsletter Award - Gold Group Winner

Year End: 912 Projects Completed, 1211 Service Hours, $48,030 Spent, 97 Interclubs

2006 - 2007
Division 19
President Stephen C Pettit, Secretary George J Sempeles
Membership Oct 1 - 172 Attendance 64%
Meet WE 12 Noon Travel Lodge Motel
LG Dennis C Grubbs

Year End: 225 Projects Completed, 3953 Service Hours, $62,507 Spent, 113 Interclubs

2007 - 2008
Division 19
President Craig Organ, Secretary George J Sempeles
Membership Oct 1 - 156 Attendance 64%
Meet WE 12 Noon Travel Lodge Motel
Capital District Foundation Director Dennis C Grubbs
LG Michael A Didawick

Year End: 116 Projects Completed, 3156 Service Hours, $37695 Spent, 44 Interclubs

2008 - 2009
Division 19
President Sylvia Strause, Secretary George J Sempeles
Membership Oct 1 - 153 Attendance 59%
Meet WE 12 Noon Travel Lodge Motel
Capital District Foundation Director David C Reichert
LG Richard M Garber

Year End: 112 Projects Completed, 1065 Service Hours, $88,384 Spent, 44 Interclubs

2009 - 2010
President Sylvia Strause, Secretary George J Sempeles
Membership Oct 1 - 144 Attendance 42%
Meet WE 12 Noon Travel Lodge Motel

Capital District Foundation Director David C Reichert

Year End: 22 Projects, 665 Service Hours, $22,158 Spent, 28 Interclubs, $0 CD Foundation

2010 - 2011
Division 19
President Ralph Henry Combs Jr Secretary George J Sempeles
Membership Oct 1 - 135
Meet WE 12 Noon Travel Lodge Motel
Capital District Foundation Director David C Reichert
District Trustee Dennis C Grubbs
LG Helen H Zebarth

Year End: 39 Projects, 293 Service Hours, $24725 Spent, 22 Interclubs, $0 CD Foundation

2011 - 2012
President John Brauer, Secretary George J Sempeles
Membership Oct 1 - 129
Meet WE 12 Noon Travel Lodge Motel
Capital District Foundation Director David C Reichert
District Trustee Dennis C Grubbs

2012 - 2013
President Sean Dudley, Secretary James W Powe
Membership Oct 1 - 132
Meet WE 12 Noon Best Western Motel

Capital District Foundation Director David C Reichert

2013 - 2014
Division 08

President John P Westervelt Secretary James W Powe
Membership Oct 1 - 122
Meet WE 12 Noon Best Western Motel

Capital District Foundation Director Dennis C Grubbs
LG Ralph Henry Combs Jr
Distinguished Club

2014 - 2015
President David N Sunter, Secretary James W Powe
Membership Oct 1 - 123
Meet WE 12 Noon Best Western Motel

Capital District Foundation Director Dennis C Grubbs
Distinguished Club Award

2015 - 2016
Division 08
President Ali Dvoskin, Secretary James W Powe
Membership Oct 1 - 133
Meet WE 12 Noon Best Western Motel

Capital District Foundation Director Dennis C Grubbs
LG John P Westervelt

2016 - 2017
President Gregory Hulver, Secretary Kimberlee Wright
Membership Oct 1 - 143
Meet WE 12 Noon Best Western Motel

Capital District Foundation Director Dennis C Grubbs

2017 - 2018
Division 08
President Gregory Hulver, Secretary Kimberlee Wright
Membership Oct 1 - 121
Meet WE 12 Noon Best Western Motel

Capital District Foundation Director Dennis C Grubbs
LG John P Westervelt

2018 - 2019
President Allen Sibert Secretary Jeffrey H Smelser
Membership Oct 1 - 118
Meet WE 12:00 PM at Clarion Inn

Capital District Foundation Director Dennis C Grubbs

2019 - 2020
Division 08
President John P Hess, Secretary Jeffrey H Smelser
Membership Oct 1 - 107
Meet WE 12 Noon Best Western Motel

Capital District Foundation Director Dennis C Grubbs
LG Allen Sibert

2020 - 2021
President Thomas O'Connor, Secretary Brenda S Dodd
Membership Oct 1 - 95

Capital District Foundation Director Dennis C Grubbs