Capital District Kiwanis History

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Organized May 23 1922 Chartered May 1 1923
Key #00783 21st District Club
Sponsor Hagerstown Kiwanis
Divisions 01 09 07
Region Mason Dixon

Division 01
(Volume 1 William T Delaplaine)

The Kiwanis Club of Frederick, Maryland, was organized on May 23, 1922 It was an enthusiastic meeting Addresses were delivered by the Presidents of the Rotary Club and the Lions Club of Frederick President C Walter Baker and about a dozen members of the Hagerstown Kiwanis Club were present at this Organization meeting Talented musicians of Frederick City and of Hood College pardicipated in the program Forty of the 50 charter members were present The constitution of Kiwanis International was adopted.

Charter Officers
President Grayson H Staley, Secretary William T Delaplaine
Vice-President Dr C E Wehler, Treasurer Dr A A Radcliff
Trustee Leslie N Coblentz

Among the early pleasures immediately after organization was club baseball, games being played with the Frederick Rotary Club and the Hagerstown Kiwanis Club Another event of social interest during the summer of 1922 was a joint meeting between Hagerstown and Frederick Kiwanis Clubs near Hagerstown It took the form of a corn roast and old fashioned Picnic in the Woods and was a great success.

One of the signal events of 1922 was a Thanksgiving banquet tendered to the Rotary and Lions Clubs There were about 125 men present, a representative gathering of the business and professional interests of the community he key note of the meeting was greater unity and co-operation in furthering the best interests of Frederick City and Frederick County The three clubs met again on January 9, 1923 to christen the Blue and Gray Room of the new hotel.

Contributed $100 towards the erection of a Soldiers' Memorial in Court Park The Frederick Club marked 811 places of historic interest in or near the city The club decided to commence with the erection of a marker on Kemp Hall, the building in which the Maryland Legislature met in 1861 when a bill equivalent to an Ordinance of Secession from the Union was discussed but failed of passage Club members contributed towards a charity fund by the sky-pilots in the spread of Christmas cheer.

Almost a year after the organization of the club its charter was presented on the evening of May 1, 1923 The presentation being made by District Governor Edwin W Lintner LTG C Walter Baker was also present and spoke.

On July 12 1923, the club entertained the clubs of Hagerstown and Winchester and the officers of the Washington and Baltimore clubs at a picnic and dance at Braddock Heights On this occasion the Loving Cup (started by the Washington Club) visits clubs of the Capital District was presented to our club by the Hagerstown Club.

President Grayson H Staley, Secretary William T Delaplaine
Vice-President Dr C E Wehler, Treasurer Dr A A Radcliff
Trustee Leslie N Coblentz

Directors F W Harnwell, L E Mullinix, Samuel Rosenstoek, Frank Sappington, Jr, Harry 0 Schroeder, Rev Charles DShaffer, and Walter F Zeigler

(Volume 2)
President Leslie N Coblentz, Secretary MD William T Delaplaine
Vice President Dr Charles H Conley, Treasurer Frank B Sappington
Trustee Raymond E Town

We started in January to raise a fund for our underprivileged child work.

3 officers attended the conference of Zone 1 in Baltimore We were represented at the Ladies' Night of the Hagerstown Club, and of the Baltimore Club Members assisted in caring for the delegates to the Older Boys YMCA Conference held in this city, and we gave aid to the playground movement and assisted in securing support for it from the city Members attended the Inter-Club Meeting held in Hagerstown.

Our President attended the International Convention in Denver In August our club motored to Charlestown, West Virginia, and heard a talk on John Brown We observed Constitution Week.

Our club brought the United States Marine Band to Frederick for two concerts On account of bad weather, the project was not a financial success One of our members agreed to act as daddy to a boy under the supervision of the Children's Aid Society Our club was well represented at the District Convention at Norfolk.

We presented a bicycle to one of our proteges The club contributed to the Christmas party arranged by the Children's Aid Society and raised a substantial sum for charity to be expended by the two ministers of the club.

On the whole, the year was marked by very successful progress in Kiwanis activity and the attendance rule was strictly enforced We may well say that the effort, time and cost of our work was well worth many times more than was expended In addition to this, the goodfellowship, personal pleasure and the cultivation of civic pride would alone be sufficient to justify our existence as one of the individual organizations of the community.

President Dr Charles E Conley Secretary William T Delaplaine
Trustee Edward S Delaplaine

The attendance for the year was excellent, showing a gain of about thirteen per cent over the previous year and putting the club's average only a few points below the ninety per cent mark Nine members maintained a perfect record for the year.

We held several meetings with the farmers and with the boys and girls of the County Agricultural Clubs All Kiwanis Night was observed Kiwanis joined with Rotary and Lions in the interest of the Boy Scout- movement A Gratitude Meeting was held on December 15, the guests being the public officers At this meeting a successful effort was made to show appreciation of the services of public servants who are so often criticized and who so seldom get merited praise.

The club presented to the Frederick Hotel Company a framed oil painting of Francis Scott Key, for whom the hostelry is named The speaker on this occasion was Francis Scott Key Smith, great-grandson of the author of The Star Spangled Banner.

The club was entertained by the Rotary Club at Hood College A delegation of about 20 members attended a joint meeting of clubs at Winchester We had a good delegation at the District Convention in Staunton.

The amount expended during the year for our underprivileged child work was $139 However, represented but a small part of the work done by members of the club, as the services of our medical members were donated and many of the members of the club themselves cared for needy cases which were brought to their attention in the course of the year.

Division 01
President R E Town, Secretary William T Delaplaine
Trustee Edward S Delaplaine
LG Dr Charles E Conley

This year was one of marked progress and increased interest for the Kiwanis Club of Frederick In many lines of activity and service, the club took an active part and proved a useful factor in the forward movement of our community That the membership as a whole was interested was evidenced by the attendance throughout the year, which was the best in the history of the club, being only a little short of ninety per cent There were fourteen hundred percenters as against nine in 1925 One member, T S Eader, had a perfect record for three years and has only missed three meetings since the organization of the club in May, 1922 The club started the year with sixty members, lost three and added eight, making the membership at the close of the year 65.

Among the club's activities, we co-operated with other organizations in securing a watch tower as a precaution against fire We took part in securing a free dental clinic, co-operated in a membership campaign for the YMCA, took part in a campaign for funds to secure the Shenandoah National Park, host to Cumberland, Hagerstown and Winchester with 117 present Backed an important program for the city, including the purchase of property for parking space We were represented by 9 members at Montreal Presented prizes to High School boy and girl.

Twenty Kiwanians attended the Business Show of the Hagerstown Club We entertained the Superintendents of Schools for the Deaf who were attending a convention in Frederick We took a special interest in securing a Boy Scout Council for Frederick County Took a prominent part in the campaign to raise $130,000 for Frederick City Hospital Entertained members of Boys' Agricultural Clubs and presented cups to the boys who exhibited stock to the best advantage at the County Fair.

Raised a Christmas fund $100 to be disbursed by the two sky pilots of the club Helped to erect and decorate a permanent community' Christmas tree.

The club was well represented at a meeting of the Washington Kiwanis Club at which International President John H Moss was the guest of honor.

President Dr A A Radcliff, Secretary William T Delaplaine
Trustee Leslie N Coblentz

On our first meeting in February, the attendance was 100% The attendance during the whole years was very good, averaging 90% 26 members maintained 100 % attendance for the first six months A delegation from Washington accompanied Lieutenant-Governor Kimball on a visit to us March 1 We joined in the plans for Boys' Week and took charge of the athletics for one day of that week.

Attended the Hagerstown - Cumberland - Frederick Inter - Club meeting Following each meeting clubs agreed to contribute $200 toward the equipment of the Kiwanis pavilion of the Miracle House conducted by the Maryland Tuberculosis Association This pavilion for underprivileged children was to be erected by the Baltimore Kiwanis Club The club took part in the ceremonies formally dedicating the new Municipal Park and Public Playgrounds, which public improvement had been actively supported by Kiwanis.

A delegation from our club visited the Washington Club Prizes were awarded to the students of the high school who exerted the best moral influence upon the student body during the year A delegation of 11 members of the York, Pa, Club were our guests as advisors to us on the Fashion Show which we were about to have During the same month we made a trip of inspection to the plant of the Frederick Iron and Steel Company, where the famous Frederick pumps and other equipment is manufactured We also held a joint picnic with Hagerstown at Braddock Height.

We underwrote one-fourth of the cost of maintaining the Boy Scout organization in Frederick for the coming year The money amounting to $1,000 was all secured.

Forty dollars was contributed toward the expenses of a local boy, winner of stock judging honors, to go to the National Cattle Show at Memphis Kiwanians participated in the Salvation Army drive for funds to purchase a home.

(Volume 3)
President L L Wilson, Secretary William T Delaplaine
Trustee Leslie N Coblentz

We observed Anniversary Week with a suitable program Drinking cups were provided for those children who were furnished with free milk In February, one of our crippled wards attended our meeting before going to Baltimore for surgical treatment We also observed Lincoln's birthday and Washington's birthday A Farmers' Night was held on March 20, each member bringing a farmer friend The Underprivileged Child Committee did splendid work, using the funds secured from the Business Show of last fall Several meetings showed a 10001o attendance Jules Brazil entertained us on April 10 On April 17, the meeting was devoted to a memorial for Kiwanian William E Filler Eight members attended the Army Day meeting at Washington.

Fourteen members attended the inter-club meeting at Hagerstown. Eight members and their wives attended the annual ladies' night of the Washington Club which was held at the Congressional Country Club.

The members of the club took the ladies B Sappington, Jr, Secretary, and Charles of the Home for the Aged on an automobile H Conley, Trustee The annual joint picnic of the Hagerstown and Frederick Club was held at Braddock Heights A dozen Washingtonians were also in attendance Clarence L Marsh of Singapore gave an interesting talk on the rubber industry

The second annual Fashion and Business Show was staged the last week of September and netted the club about $2,000 for our underprivileged child fund Constitution Week was observed on October 2 The speaker on October 9 was Charles W Wood, Boy Scout official at Washington

The attendance cup awarded us in the Blue Division of the District for 91% present to the club on October 23 when our delegates to the convention made their report Nationally known orthopedic surgeons were in attendance About a dozen cases have been sent to hospitals for surgical and medical treatment The club set $1,000 as the goal to be raised toward the work of the Boy Scouts in Frederick County for the coming year The annual Ladies' Night was held on November 20 Schubert Week was observed, those in charge being Prof H T Wade and Mlle Privat of Hood College The club appropriated $250 to Kernan College for Crippled Children in appreciation for the services rendered patients from this county Christmas stockings were provided for all children under supervision of the Kiwanis Club who were in hospitals at Christmas.

President William T Delaplaine

At the January meeting, a resolution endorsing the program of the Mayor included the purchase of 5,000 acres of mountain land for the protection of the city watershed, the opening of new streets and other civic improvements A delegation personally appeared before a meeting of the Mayor and Aldermen to present the resolution The speaker at the meeting of January 15 was John R Curry, assistant State forester, who told of the plan eventually to acquire 200,000 acres of forest land for the development of timber supply in the State.

We heard an address by J C Grinnalds, an expert on city zoning and planning State Senator A LeRoy McCardel spoke on legislation affecting our county David C Winebrenner, 3rd, Secretary of State, made an address on Flag Day Public health facts and figures and the prevention of disease were given in a talk by the county health officer Harry 0 Hartzell, head of the commercial development department of the B 0 Railroad Company, spoke on the importance of co-operative and organized effort in a community endeavor to attract new industries.

The club presented a resolution to the Mayor and Aldermen endorsing a municipal airport for Frederick Largely through this endorsement, the city purchased 90 acres of land and the airport is a reality The residents of the Home for the Aged were given an outing consisting of an automobile tour through various parts of Frederick County.

On April 30, the club sponsored athletic events on the occasion of Boys' Week and awarded 17 prizes The new dairy improvement contest designed to impress upon the dairymen of Frederick County the importance of improving their dairy herds, was started and met with a very splendid response The contest is in the nature of a guessing competition among farmers to determine who are best able to guess the production of their cows Each entrant weighs monthly the milk from each cow in the herd and reports it At the end of the year all in the contest will be entertained at a meeting and the winners announced.

When some misunderstanding arose over the mountain camp in Frederick County at which President Hoover was expected as a regular guest, the club helped to straighten out the difficulties and create a better feeling.

Japanese cherry trees were planted in the municipal park as a contribution of the club and in memory of deceased members It is likely that the club will have an annual memorial meeting when these trees are in blossom Experts from the Department of Agriculture of Washington, D C, assisted with selection of varieties and the location of the trees.

The meeting of March 26 was an outstanding one because our work for the underprivileged children was shown to the club by living examples Four children who had been destined to be helpless cripples but who, through the miracles of modern surgery, are now able to run and play and will grow up to be useful citizens, were the guests of honor at this meeting The results of the surgical operations on these children were explained by Doctors Monroe and Simpson of Kernan's Hospital for Crippled Children at Baltimore, Maryland.

The Club defrayed the cost of materials and supplies of the Free Dental Clinic, which is doing splendid work Local dentists give their services without charge In order to raise funds for underprivileged child work the club sponsored the Third Annual Fashion and Business Show at the State Armory In connection with the show a 20 page newspaper was published by the club to advertise the show and also to raise money by the sale of advertising space Total profits from these efforts amounted to more than $2,000 Many novel features were introduced at the exhibition including a baby show, an aviation night, and electrical demonstration.

Another meeting was devoted to the subject of underprivileged child work on June 25, when Dr Robert Johnson, orthopedic specialist of the Kernan's Hospital for Crippled Children, Baltimore, told of the work which is being sponsored by the club It is very gratifying to know that we are rendering help to these unfortunate cripples and that our efforts and money are showing good results.

Members of the club assisted in transporting the New York Fresh Air Children who arrived for a two weeks' vacation On October 29, Maryland new activity on behalf of crippled persons was explained by R C Thompson, Superintendent of Rehabilitation, a new branch of State-wide service authorized by the State legislature.

A Farmers' Day was held on February 26, with 40 farmers as our guests On February 5, the club was host to the 4-H club boys, 155 of whom were in attendance The speaker was Dr F R Bomberger of the University of Maryland Two local 4H Club members were presented with silver cups for the best calf and pig shown at the Frederick County Fair.

Frank M Payne, a local agricultural was the speaker at the meeting on October 1, when he declared that Frederick's welfare is tied up with agriculture 70% of the country's population is directly engaged in this line of endeavor.

A student of the agricultural department of the Frederick High School won first place at the National Dairy Show in St Louis, Mo With the honor goes a $400 scholarship to the State University The Frederick Club pays the traveling expenses of the Frederick High School student who wins a place on the stock judging team Recognition was given at the International Convention to work of the Frederick Club in its agricultural objective.

On June 4, an inter-club meeting was held with the Hagerstown, Cumberland, and Winchester clubs as our guests, with 55 visiting Kiwanians at this meeting The club was represented by a delegation at the meeting in Washington on April 29, held in honor of International President 0 Sam Cummings Our president, secretary and trustee attended the dinner given in Baltimore in honor of the past presidents of Kiwanis International.

The 14th Anniversary of Kiwanis International was suitably celebrated Lincoln's birthday was observed by an address by Rev U S G Rupp The seventh birthday of the local club was observed on May 21, the club having been organized on May 23, 1922 There was a huge cake with the letter "K" in the center surrounded by seven lighted candles which was carried into the room by Grayson H Staley, the first president of the club, and by Dr E R Crumpton, the newest member.

Past presidents gave short talks and a message of greeting was read from the International President 30 Kiwanians and ladies attended the Capital District Convention at Hagerstown For the second consecutive year this club won the attendance trophy in the Blue Division of the District.

International President McDavid, in his address at the Convention, gave honorable mention to the Frederick club in the field of underprivileged child activities Among the many interesting addresses which were heard during the year were the following:

Mr M J Ankeny, Assistant Mining Engineer of the United States Bureau of Mines Address by two of our members who traced the automotive industry from its infancy to the huge business of today An address by Major F C Rogers, Inspector U S Army; an illustrated talk by Dr John S Derr, a member of this club, who was a medical missionary in Africa in 1906 A talk on the Philippine Islands, illustrated with moving pictures, was made by Miss Elizabeth Lewis During music week we heard a fine program by the students of Hood College Mr Noah ECramer of our city described a trip which he had made to the Orient Mr David B Edmondston gave a memory demonstration President Delaplaine made a very interesting report of the International Convention.

We were the guests of Mr H J Orth, a dairy farmer member, and were very much interested in an inspection of his modern dairy farms and up-to-date plant for preparing and bottling milk We were also the guests of Lewis H Knock, proprietor of Hershberger's Bakery Mrs E C Sams addressed us on a recent tour of the world which she made A meeting was held at the Peerless lee Cream Manufacturing Plant of which Kiwanian H L Ebert is the proprietor An electrical demonstration was given by the engineers of the Potomac Edison Company under the direction of George T Twyf ord The meeting of August 13 was held at the spacious country home of Past President and District Trustee Dr Charles H Conley It was in the nature of a picnic, supper being served on the lawn Governor Kimball visited us and spoke at our meeting on August 27 The annual club picnic was held September 10 with our ladies.

A meeting was devoted to business standards and methods The Women's Home Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church served lunch for one meeting, at which plans for the new $250,000 Calvary Methodist Church building were explained The club had three 10061o meetings On the day before Christmas, Santa Claus visited the club with small gifts for everyone present including the waiters The Kiwanis quartette sang carols and we raised a substantial amount of money which was turned over to our minister members for distribution to the needy.

A review by retiring president showed interests and activities designed to create a better feeling between farmers and city dwellers Work in behalf of underprivileged and crippled children, efforts to promote the adoption of higher, social, business and professional standards and to co-operate with other organizations and agencies for the advancement of the public welfare.

(Volume 4)
President William B Bennett, Secretary Francis B Sappington
Trustee Leslie N Coblentz

The club maintained its clinic for crippled children A report of the Health Officer showed that 22 children between the ages of 3 and 1 received treatment Eight with infantile paralysis cases, 2 were rickets, 1 a dislocated hip, 1 hernia, 2 inflamation of the bone marrow while the others had various troubles The clinic established a bed for colored children of Frederick County in Kernan's Hospital for Crippled Children at Baltimore Prominent orthopedic surgeons and others interested in the welfare of crippled children were guests of the club on May 20 Rev William S Hess, Past President of the Hagerstown club and chairman of the District Committee on the Under-privileged Child, spoke on this important work and laid special emphasis on the opportunity of Kiwanians to help these less fortunate to fit themselves properly into society's structure

Following an annual custom, the residents at the Home for the Aged were taken for a ride about the county and then to Braddock Heights where a delightful dinner was served, donated by Harry L Ebert, proprietor of the Ebert House

Dr G Nevin Rebert of Hood College talked on intelligent citizenship, Mr Joseph H Apple, President of the same institution, gave a review of the development of higher education of women The Public Affairs Committee met with a similar committee of the Lions club in the matter of getting the municipality to build a "White Way" and provide more space for public parking The club paid a visit to the Taney home, built in 1799, and recently restored Approximately 200 boys participated in the athletic events arranged by Kiwanis We provided prizes for the winners Memorial Day A speaker Rev Chesteen Smith of the Washington club On July 1, an appropriate patriotic address was made by Leo Weinberg, Esq, of our city Fire Prevention Week was observed with an address by Victor Kurbyweit, of the Continental Insurance Company

This club was represented at the meeting of the Hagerstown club on "Frederick Day" The speaker on this occasion was our president The Hagerstown club made a return visit two months later A delegation of 20 members of the Washington club accompanied LTG Hill on the occasion of his official visit to Frederick Kiwanis Governor W H S White of WV was our speaker on May 13 The club was represented at an inter-club meeting at Winchester during Inter-club Week Greetings were sent to the Hollywood, Florida, Kiwanis club on Maryland Day" We also sent them for their library a 1930 copy of the News-Post Year Book and a copy of the biography of Thomas Johnson, first Governor of Maryland, by Edward S Delaplaine An inter district picnic was held on Braddock Heights, when 350 Kiwanians and their ladies from Hagerstown, Baltimore, Cumberland, and Winchester of our District, and Charles Town and Martinsburg, WV The Governors of both Districts, Jesse H Binford, and W H S White were present, as was Past Governor Merle E Towner.

Winners in the Dairy Improvement Contest which had been held by the club during 1929 were announced at the annual farmers, and 3 prizes awarded for the best production of milk per cow The contest spurred the farmers to eliminate cows giving less than 4,000 pounds per year, as these are unprofitable.

The club won the District attendance prize in the Blue Division with 91% The fifteenth anniversary of Kiwanis was observed on which occasion Past President Leslie N Coblentz was the speaker The eighth anniversary of the club received suitable attention.

We were represented at International and District Conventions Tributes of respect and good will were paid to Rev USG Rupp, a charter member of the club, who had resigned his pastorate Captain John H Church of the Maryland National Guard spoke on Armistice Day A fund was raised to give relief to the needy at Christmas.

President Harry 0 Schroeder, Secretary Francis B Sappington
Trustee William T Delaplaine

Heard addresses by Dr Joseph H Apple President of Hood College, Rev Ralph E Hartman, and LTG Linhardt, Rev H L G Keiffer, Rev Charles E McCallister, and exSenator A Leroy McCardell Met with 56 4-H boys A silver loving cup was presented to the County Dairy Cattle Judging Team,

Sponsored an all-day Farmers' Meeting on Tuesday, March 10, 1931, at the YMCA auditorium H R Shoemaker, County Agent and Kiwanis Agriculture chair, called the meeting to order Attened by 55 farmers representing every district in the county H O Schroeder club President extended club greetings, followed by a talk by Dr T B Symons, Director of the Extension Service, Dr DeVoe Meade, head of the Animal Husbandry Dept, and Dr J E Metzger, Agronomist, University of Maryland gave talks At noon the farmers were guests of the club at luncheon, with Dr T B Symons as the luncheon speaker The meeting reconvened at the YMCA auditorium at 1:30, when Mr Ray Carpenter, head of the Department of Agricultural Engineering University of Maryland talked on farm machinery and equipment After a general discussion and summary by Members of the group, the farmers extended a rising vote of thanks to the Kiwanis club for their cooperation,

During April, the club planted 50 additional Japanese cherry trees in Baker Park , as a memorial to deceased Kiwamans Other trees had been planted by the club in 1929 In May the club was host to the Cumberland, Hagerstown, and Washington clubs at an inter-club meeting Heard an address on Vocational Guidance A noted event in August was the inter-club picnic at Braddock Heights, with 400 in attendance from 10 clubs, including two West Virginia clubs September noted an address on Unemployment and the Proper Methods to Combat It, by Congressman David J Lewis Beginning with October, we have a self-denial meeting once a month for the benefit of the club's charity work Had an evening meeting at Hood College to visit the College Observatory to use the telescope We also had a meeting in the interest of World Peace,

President W M Storm, Secretary Francis B Sappington
Membership Jan 1 - 56 Attendance 90%

The club made generous appropriations for charitable purposes Hospitalized crippled children in Frederick County Furnished glasses and braces for needy children, and transported to and from hospitals children who could not otherwise have gone, Made its 4th annual visit to the Home for the Aged and took the inmates for automobile rides and furnished them refreshments Entertainment was given at a regular luncheon to 30 4-H club boys and 3 silver cups were presented to the members of the Stock Judging Team Held a Farmer's Day with the "Five Year Agriculture and Rual Home Program".

An Unemployment Relief fund raised by each member A member contributed for 3 months, equal to one day's income The club presented to the Mayor a petition that local taxes be reduced 10%, stressed the importance of Community Service in times of depression, and advocated the improvement of the school curriculum to meet changing conditions Advocated the placing of historical markers on the highways.

Gulf and boliwng teams were organized and matches arranged Twnety men attendted the organization of the Westminster club and 6 men and their wives were guest on Charter Night Sent representatives to Hagerstown and Westminster Entertained the District Governor nad LTG Celebrated All Kiwanis Night and sent officers to Governor's Training School for Club Officers.

President James H Harris, Secretary Francis B Sappington
Membership Jan 1 - 53 Attendence 89%

Took care of a number of cases in the hospital and held orthopedic clinics where 28 cases were treated.

Endored the work of the Frederick County Branch of Children's Aid Society, aided in unemployment relief, and contributed $125 to the Milk Fund for under-nourished children Members went to the homes of the aged Forty 4-H club boys were given an exhibition on calves and pigs.

Dr Eader, a club member, had 100% attendance for 10 years Club had five 100% meetings in a month Entertained the District Governor and LTG Celebrated All Kiwanis Night and its own 11th anniversary Sent delegates to Mid Winter Conference, District and International Conventions.

President C H Hendrickson, Secretary Francis B Sappington
Membership Jan 1 - 53 Attendance 88%

Program on Crippled Children's Clinic and Work of the Frederick County Welfare Board Gave $1250 to the President's birthday Ball for the Warm Springs Foundation.

Held 3 joint meetings with Lions and Rotary Celebrated Music Week and had programs on The Problems of the Frederick County Schools, The New Type of Education, Rural Electrification and the Control of Crime Host to Cumberland, Hagerstown, and Winchester Visited Hagerstown, Prince Georges County Visits to the newly organized club of Morgan County, West Virginia at Berkeley Springs.

President Parsons Newman, Secretary Francis B Sappington
Membership Jan 1 - 52 Attendance 83%

Gave a Fashion and Business Show which netted $1,600 for U P Children Work, and received a gift of $100 to be used for aiding children affected by infantile paralysis Donated to the Maternity Ward of the Hospital four cribs and mattresses, 105 undervests, 48 yards of cloth for diapers, and 100 yards of muslin The club continued to operate its Orthopedic Clinic.

Program oil Sports and Games among Youth Sponsored the Athletic Events during Boys' Week and gave prizes to the winners Put on 1 program for the Lions club Other programs were: The Hospitalization of Veterans, The Preservation of the Beauty of Colonial Architecture, Glass Making, History of the Telephone, State Police Force, Competition Faced by Railroads, Natural Beauties of Frederick County, Economy and Efficiency Committee of Frederick County.

The Bowling Team bowled against Hagerstown at home and at Hagerstown Attended the Pikesville Charter Night and sent delegations to Westminster, Alexandria and Hagerstown Celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary, reviewed its own history Sent representatives to the International and District Conventions, and to the LTG Training School for Club Officers.

President Robert L Smith, Secretary Francis B Sappington
Membership Jan 1 - 54 Attendance 81%

Met at the Maryland School for the Deaf Pupils were the program Other programs: School Boy Safety Patrol, Agricultural Cooperative Organizations, and Vocational Guidance Other programs were Ways and Means of Reducing Traffic Accidents, Aid to Federated Charities, Radio Techniques, Ethiopian Situation, Supreme Court, Social Security Act, Development of CC Camps The club urged the immediate reconstruction of the highway bridge over the Potomac river at Point of Rocks.

Received the Golden Rule from the Hagerstown club Sent a delegation to Winchester and to the Division Meeting at Jordans Spring Celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary The LTG was entertained Sent delegates to the International and the District Conventions.

President Henry R Shoemaker, Secretary Francis B Sappington
Membership Jan 1 - 56 Attendance 79%

Worked with the Maryland League for Crippled Children in putting on an Orthopedic Clinic where 50 cripples were treated Contributed $350 to this work Visited the Crippled Children's Camp and furnished a bus to take the children from there to Gettysburg and back Contributed $25 to the Chamber of Commerce Halloween Party The club opposed diverting the gas tax to other purposes than that of building and maintaining roads Had programs on Highway Needs, Highway Safety, The Supreme Court, Athletics of the University of Maryland, Objectives of the Chamber of Commerce, The Red Cross, and tile Breeding of Horses and Cattle.

Had bowling matches with Hagerstown Received the Log from Hagerstown and delivered it to Pikesville Sent delegations to Baltimore and Winchester The club had an oyster roast and dance, a picnic and a joint picnic with the Chamber of Commerce and the other civic clubs Entertained the District Governor and LTG Represented at the Mid-Winter Conference, District and International Conventions.

(Volume 5)
President Francis Petrott, Secretary Francis B Sappington
Membership Jan 1 - 54 Attendance 76%

The club held two orthopedic clinics and donated $250 to the Maryland League for Crippled Children to provide a bed in the Kernan hospital for children from Frederick county A program was given on Scouting and one luncheon was held at the Scout camp with the Scouts.

Some attention was paid to the problems of Vocational Guidance The club attended the Frederick County Fair and had programs on Safe Driving, Tuberculosis, Problems of Youth, the Menace of Syphilis, and the Community Chest Campaign.

It held a Ladies Night and a joint meeting with Rotary and it had a Bowling team Entertained the District Governor and the LG Sent delegates to the Midwinter conference, District and the International conventions.

President Otho J Keller III, Secretary Francis B Sappington
Membership Jan 1 - 46 Attendance 79%

The club contributed $100 to send a crippled child to camp and later held a meeting at the camp It cleared $100 from the President's Birthday Ball to be used for infantile paralysis and donated $11 towards buying raincoats for the boy's Safety Patrol.

Twenty 4-H club members were guests of the club at a luncheon, the program of which was especially arranged for them The club gave a Kiwanis cup to the champion boy showman of dairy cattle and pigs and it had two programs on Soil Conservation.

The committee on Vocational Guidance made a good report on the success of their work with students doing part time work out of school hours The club field three Kiwanis education meetings, celebrated Kiwanis anniversary, and its own charter night, held a Christmas Party, entertained the District Governor and the LG, and was represented at the International and the District conventions.

President Albert M Coblentz, Secretary Francis B Sappington
Membership Jan 1 - 36 Attendance 97%

The club gradually accumulated $1,800 for under privileged child work $100 was added from the President’s Ball and $163 from an Easter Egg Hunt The club contributed $250 to the Maryland League for Crippled children Every child in the county has been cared for out of this fund.

The Easter egg hunt for children 5 to 12 years old was held in the Park on Easter Monday Nearly 1000 children hunted more than 1800 hidden eggs Two cups were awarded to 4-H club members who were exhibitors at the county Fair for judging dairy cattle and swine.

Inter-clubs to Baltimore, Westminster, Arlington, Cumberland and Winchester Entertained the District Governor LG, sent representatives to International and District conventions, and Training school for club officers.

President Ben Rosenour, Secretary Francis B Sappington
Membership Jan 1 - 37 Attendance 82%

The club continued to aid the Crippled Children's Camp, sent one child there and had one meeting there It made its usual contribution of $250 to the Maryland League for Crippled Children to take care of the Kiwanis bed in the Kernan hospital

Held the annual Easter Egg Hunt with over 700 children and adding $237 to the welfare fund, and the usual prizes were given to 4-H club members for livestock judging

Entertained the District Governor and LG, and was represented at the Training School for Club Officers, the Midwinter conference, and the International and the District Conventions

President Melvin M Engle, Secretary Francis B Sappington
Membership Jan 1 - 43 Attendance 84%
LG Leslie N Coblentz

The annual Easter Egg Hunt netted $260 and part of the receipts from the President's Ball, which the club fostered, were turned over to the club for its welfare work About $40000, including the upkeep of the bed at the Kernan hospital, was spent in such work and the club still has a substantial balance in that fund.

The club celebrated Easter, Thanksgiving and Flag Day Many former members of the club were re-enlisted in the work of Kiwanis and were brought back into the club All members joined in various kinds of war work and were stimulated to greater activity by the preponderance of war information in the programs Among the more interesting of these were programs on Draft Registration, Penal Institutions in the West, Good Neighbor Policy in South America, the School Boy Patrol, India's Importance in this Crisis, Radio in War Time, Rationing, Synthetic Rubber, the FBI, the Telephone in War, State Selective Service, Railroading in Wartime, the Price Situation in Agriculture, the Liquor Problem and Wartime Curricula in the Schools.

The club had joint meetings with the other civic clubs and held a Ladies Night which was somewhat spoiled by a storm.

The club furnished the LG for the year, and sent delegates to Midwinter Conference, International and the District Conventions, and at the School for Club Officers.

President Clarence C Carty, Secretary J Milton Brunk
Membership Jan 1 - 51 Attendance 83%

The club has a fund of approximately $2,200 for underprivileged child work One hundred and 26 children at- tended the various clinics sponsored by the club, and 56 new cases were visited $25000 was given to the 'Maryland League for Crippled Children to furnish beds in the Kernan Hospital in Baltimore Two children were sent to a summer camp

The annual Easter Egg Hunt was held, and a balance of $39 over expenses was turned over to the U P Child fund A program was devoted to Scouting

There was a joint meeting of the civic clubs at which the Governor of the State made an address

(Volume 6)
President Francis B Sappington Secretary J Milton Brunk
Membership Jan 1 - 51 Attendance 84%

President Charles K Taylor, Secretary J Milton Brunk
Membership Jan 1 - 58 Attendance 82%

President James H Grove Jr, Secretary J Milton Brunk
Membership Jan 1 - 60, Attendance 81%

President Kenneth L Metcalf, Secretary J Milton Brunk
Membership Jan 1 - 56 Attendance 82%

Division 09
President J Vernon Coblentz, Secretary J Milton Brunk
Membership Jan 1 - 63 Attendance 84%

President Walter G Crowthers Jr, Secretary Robert Lambert
Membership Jan 1 - 66 Attendance 83%

Division 09
President J Milton Brunk, Secretary Alfred R Sharpe
Membership Jan 1 - 61 Attendance 83%
LG J Vernon Coblentz

(Volume 7)
President John R Cheatham, Secretary J Vernon Coblentz
Membership Jan 1 - 69 Attendance 91%

District Chair Support of Churches in Spiritual Aims J Vernon Coblentz

President James F Messersmith, Secretary J Vernon Coblentz
Membership Jan 1 - 76 Attendance 93%

President Carlton Molesworth Jr, Secretary J Vernon Coblentz
Membership Jan 1 - 85 Attendance 91%

President William E Zimmerman, Secretary J Vernon Coblentz
Membership Jan 1 - 92 Attendance 90%

President Guy E Kelly, Secretary J Vernon Coblentz
Membership Jan 1 - 90 Attendance 88%

President ?, Secretary J Vernon Coblentz

President Joseph M Kline, Secretary J Vernon Coblentz

President Dr Howard W Ash, Secretary J Vernon Coblentz

President Richard R Kline, Secretary J Vernon Coblentz

President H Reese Shoemaker, Secretary J Vernon Coblentz

President George B Delapanlne Jr, Secretary J Vernon Coblentz

President Clyde M Roney Jr, Secretary J Vernon Coblentz

President Dr Harold E Schaden, Secretary J Vernon Coblentz

President Herman A Hauver, Secretary J Vernon Coblentz

President Nelson E Langan, Secretary J Vernon Coblentz

President Louis E Eichelberger, Secretary J Vernon Coblentz

President William T Howard Jr, Secretary J Vernon Coblentz

President Donald C Linton, Secretary J Vernon Coblentz

President John E Patton, Secretary J Vernon Coblentz

1969 - 1970
President Donald Z Koons, Secretary J Vernon Coblentz

1970 - 1971
President Kenneth E Shifflet, Secretary J Vernon Coblentz

1971 - 1972
Division 09
President Marshall E Long Jr, Secretary J Vernon Coblentz
Sponsor Suburban Frederick Club

1972 - 1973
President W Delphey Handley, Secretary J Vernon Coblentz

1973 - 1974
President John D Brunk, Secretary J Vernon Coblentz

1974 - 1975
President Carl H Mitlehner, Secretary J Vernon Coblentz

1975 - 1976
President Sterling E Bollinger, Secretary M Dunbar Ashbury Jr

1976 - 1977
Division 09 East
President Claude A Stup Secretary M Dunbar Ashbury Jr
LG John E Patton

1977 - 1978
President Claude R Delauter Jr, Secretary M Dunbar Ashbury Jr

1978 - 1979
Division 09
President J Bernard Vallandingham Jr, Secretary Patick C Curran

1979 - 1980
President Eli Krotman, Secretary Raymond D Ediger

1980 - 1981
President Harold I Bauers, Secretary Raymond D Ediger

1981 - 1982
President M Dunbar Asbury Jr, Secretary Raymond D Ediger

1982 - 1983
President Patrick C Curran, Secretary Raymond D Ediger

1983 - 1984
President Dana G Cable Secretary Raymond D Ediger

1984 - 1985
President Robert S May, Secretary Marvin Farbstein

1985 - 1986
Division 09
President Richard Haney, Secretary Marvin Farbstein
Sponsor The Monocacy Club
LG Claude A Stup

1986 - 1987
Division 09
President Michael F Hosford, Secretary L Richard Haney
LG Dana G Cable

1987 - 1988
President Wayne F Fox, Secretary John E Patton

1988 - 1989
Division 09
President Arthur O Anderson, Secretary John E Patton
LG William T Howard Jr

1989 - 1990
President Richard M Horch, Secretary John E Patton

1990 - 1991
Division 09
President Dr T Gregory Hutton, Secretary John E Patton
District Chair Bicentennial of Bill of Rights William T Howard Jr
Governor Dana G Cable

1991 - 1992
President Ed Gaydos, Secretary John E Patton

District Chair Achievement and Budget and Finance Dana G Cable

1992 - 1993
President William D Watson, Secretary James A Carlidge
Membership Oct 1 - 60

1993 - 1994
President Michael J Denmark, Secretary Michael G Kelly
Membership Oct 1 - 56

1994 - 1995
President Raymond D Ediger, Secretary Michael G Kelly
Membership Oct 1 - 49

1995 - 1996
President Douglas E Maddox, Secretary Jerry L Quance
Membership Oct 1 - 51

1996 - 1997
President Jorris W Beckmann, Secretary Jerry L Quance
Membership Oct 1 - 50

1997 - 1998
President Marilyn L Young, Secretary Douglas E Maddox
Membership Oct 1 - 48

1998 - 1999
President Rosalind N Nasher, Secretary Jerry C Carey
Membership Oct 1 - 50

1999 - 2000
President Jerry L Quance, Secreary Carla M Palamone
Membership Oct 1 - 52

2000 - 2001
Division 09
President Sterling Bollinger, Secretary Carla M Palamone
Membership Oct 1 - 49

2001 - 2002
President Sandra N Baker, Secretary M Gary Smyle
Membership Oct 1 - 47 Attendance 75%

Year End: 51 Projects Completed, 101 Service Hours, $8,775 Spent, 14 Interclubs

2002 - 2003
President Carla M Palmone, Secretary M Gary Smyle
Membership Oct 1 - 44 Attendance 70%
Distinguished Club

Year End: 79 Projects Completed, 515 Service Hours, $24,538 Spent, 6 Interclubs

2003 - 2004
President Louis Vogel III, Secretary M Gary Smyle
Membership Oct 1 - 46 Attendance 73%
Meet TU 12:15 PM Homewood At Crumland Farms

KI Trustee Dana G Cable

Year End: 66 Projects Completed, 401 Service Hours, $15,446 Spent, 17 Interclubs

2004 - 2005
President Eric T Nichols, Secretary M Gary Smyle
Membership Oct 1 - 45 Attendance 66%
Meet TU 12:15 PM Homewood At Crumland Farms

KI Trustee Dana G Cable

Contributed $600 to Tsunami Relief Effort

Year End: 60 Projects Completed, 253 Service Hours, $8,740 Spent, 17 Interclubs

2005 - 2006
Mason Dixon Region
President David Koontz, Secretary M Gary Smyle
Membership Oct 1 - 41 Attendance 46%
Meet TU 12:15 PM Homewood At Crumland Farms

KI Trustee Dana G Cable

Year End: 38 Projects Completed, 18 Service Hours, $3,104 Spent, 7 Interclubs

2006 - 2007
President Rosalind N Nasher, Secretary Carla M Palamone
Membership Oct 1 - 39 Attendance 50%
Meet TU 12:15 PM Homewood At Crumland Farms

Year End: 2 Projects Completed, 8 Service Hours, $400 Spent, 5 Interclubs

2007 - 2008
President Harry Weetenkamp, Secretary Eric T Nichols
Membership Oct 1 - 39 Attendance 57%
Meet TU 12:15 PM Homewood At Crumland Farms

Year End: 2 Projects Completed, 20 Service Hours, $0 Spent, 2 Interclubs

2008 - 2009
President William Watson, Secretary Eric T Nichols
Membership Oct 1 - 37 Attendance 62%
Meet TU 12:15 PM Homewood At Crumland Farms

Year End: 1 Projects Completed, 20 Service Hours, $350 Spent, 0 Interclubs

2009 - 2010
President Charles Conley, Secretary Eric T Nichols
Membership Oct 1 - 32 Attendance 43%
Meet TU 12:15 PM Homewood At Crumland Farms

Year End: 0 Projects Completed,0 Service Hours, $0 Spent, 5 Interclubs, $0 CD Foundation

2010 - 2011
President Rosalind N Nasher, Secretary Eric T Nichols
Membership Oct 1 - 29
Meet TU 12:15 PM Homewood At Crumland Farms

Year End: 0 Projects Completed, 0 Service Hours, $0 Spent, 4 Interclubs, $0 CD Foundation

2011 - 2012
President Catherine Constance Meyers, Secretary Eric T Nichols
Membership Oct 1 - 32
Meet TU 12:15 PM Homewood At Crumland Farms

2012 - 2013
President Susan F Vona, Secretary Eric T Nichols
Membership Oct 1 - 31
Meet TU 12:15 PM Homewood At Crumland Farms

2013 - 2014
Division 07

President T Gregory Hutton, Secretary Eric T Nichols
Membership Oct 1 - 31
Meet TU 12:15 PM Homewood At Crumland Farms

2014 - 2015
Division 07

President Charles W Conley, Secretary Eric T Nichols
Membership Oct 1 - 31
Meet TU 12:15 PM Homewood At Crumland Farms

LG Susan F Vona

2015 - 2016
President Raymond D Ediger, Secretary Susan F Vona
Membership Oct 1 - 34
Meet TU 12:15 PM Homewood At Crumland Farms

2016 - 2017
President Jennifer Morgan, Secretary Susan F Vona
Membership Oct 1 - 34
Meet TU 12:15 PM Homewood At Crumland Farms

Capital District Foundation Director Susan F Vona

2017 - 2018
President Dr Robert L Kaufmann, Secretary Susan F Vona
Membership Oct 1 - 29
Meet TU 12:15 PM Homewood At Crumland Farms

Capital District Foundation Director Susan F Vona

2018 - 2019
President Dr Robert L Kaufmann Secretary Susan F Vona
Membership Oct 1 - 30
Meet TU 12:15 PM at The Lodge at Willow Ponds

Capital District Foundation Director Susan F Vona

2019 - 2020
President Allen Byrne Secretary Susan F Vona
Membership Oct 1 - 43
Meet TU 12:15 PM at The Lodge at Willow Ponds

Capital District Foundation Director Susan F Vona

2020 - 2021
President Susan F Vona Secretary Lauralynn Cutting
Membership Oct 1 - 37